Adolescent dating violence (ADV) research has neglected the environmental factors at play in contexts of perpetration. This study, conducted in Chile, investigated the socio-cognitive processes inherent to the relationship between child abuse and ADV perpetration by examining the association between child abuse, impulsivity, reactive aggression, proactive aggression, attitudes that rationalize or justify ADV, and actual ADV perpetration. Data were collected from 655 adolescents using self-reported measures of child abuse, impulsivity, reactive and proactive aggression, attitudes justifying ADV, and ADV perpetration using structural equation modeling. Having experienced child abuse predicted higher levels of impulsivity, which in turn predicted higher levels of aggressive traits, both for reactive and proactive aggression. Proactive aggression predicted higher levels of ADV perpetration, whereas reactive aggression did not. While we did not find that child abuse predicted a greater propensity for ADV, nor that such a disposition indicated a higher level of proactive aggression by influencing ADV perpetration, we did find that a positive attitude toward ADV predicted a higher frequency of ADV perpetration. Our results suggest that the socio-cognitive process underlying ADV involves automatic and complex processes stemming from child abuse, thus linking environmental and individual factors.
Conducta del Adolescente , Agresión , Actitud , Maltrato a los Niños , Conducta Impulsiva , Violencia de Pareja , Humanos , Adolescente , Femenino , Agresión/psicología , Masculino , Violencia de Pareja/psicología , Maltrato a los Niños/psicología , Conducta del Adolescente/psicología , Chile , NiñoRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: To determine the sociodemographic factors associated with knowledge and adequate attitudes about HIV in women of reproductive age from Peru in 2021. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Analytical cross-sectional study. We analyzed a demographic and family health survey (ENDES) 2021 carried out in women of reproductive age (12 to 49 years of age). The dependent variables were the adequate level of knowledge and adequate attitudes about HIV, the independents were sociodemographic variables. The statistical analysis was carried out with a Poisson regression model with robust variance obtaining the adjusted prevalence ratio (PRa) and confidence intervals. RESULTS: Thirty-four percent (CI 95%: 32,9-35,1) had an adequate level of knowledge about HIV and 32,9% (CI 95%: 31,7-34,0) had adequate attitudes. In the multivariate analysis, the main variables associated with the adequate level of knowledge about HIV were the higher level of education (PRa = 1,19; CI 95%: 1,15-1,23) and very rich wealth quintile (PRa = 1,15; CI 95%: 1,01-1,20); while the main variables associated with adequate attitudes on HIV were higher level of education (PRa = 1,44; CI 95%: 1,40-1,48), high-school education level (PRa = 1,21; CI 95%; 1,18-1,24), very rich wealth quintile (PRa = 1,18; CI 95%: 1,14-1,22), and age range between 35 and 49 years (PRa = 1,18; CI 95%: 1,15-1,21). CONCLUSIONS: The sociodemographic factors associated with knowledge and adequate attitudes about HIV in Peruvian women of reproductive age were mainly higher level of wealth, higher level of education, and a higher age range. Other sociodemographic variables presented a weak association with knowledge and adequate attitudes about HIV.
Objective: To map the reasons why individuals oppose or refuse organ and tissue donation, from an international perspective. Methods: A scoping review was conducted from May 2022 to February 2024 using a three-stage search strategy across five databases and Google Scholar. Data analysis involved categorizing information based on similarities and populations studied. Results: The analysis included 92 articles and national reports. The data collected were classified into two categories. Category 1 included the reasons why individuals oppose deceased donation: lack of knowledge about the donation process, 22 (16.5%); religious beliefs, 21 (15.8%); fear of mutilation or damage to body integrity, 17 (12.8%); conflicts with health care professionals during hospitalization or distrust of professionals or the organ donation process, 11 (8.3%); and unknown reasons, 11 (8.3%). Category 2 included the reasons why individuals refuse to donate a deceased relative's organs and tissues after the family interview for deceased donation: previous written or verbal expression by the potential donor, 42 (10.1%); fear of mutilation or damage to body integrity, 41 (9.9%); conflicts with health care professionals during hospitalization or distrust of professionals or the organ donation process, 38 (9.2%); religious beliefs, 37 (8.9%); and individual motivations, 36 (8.7%). Conclusions: This scoping review found that there were two main categories of reasons behind being opposed to or declining organ and tissue donation, with 23 subcategories. By mapping these reasons across international contexts, these findings provide insights for future research and can be used to inform the development of educational initiatives on organ and tissue donation.
Resumen El modelo de cinco factores de la Escala de Actitud hacia la Estadística (EAE-25) propuesta por Auzmendi (1992), para medir la predisposición de los alumnos hacia los contenidos estadísticos, ha sido cuestionada en distintas investigaciones. El propósito de este estudio fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la EAE-25 en una muestra de 291 estudiantes mexicanos de la licenciatura en Psicología. La validez y confiabilidad de la escala fueron examinadas mediante Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (AFC) y el alfa de Cronbach. Los resultados del AFC muestran indicios parciales de estabilidad, cinco ítems fueron eliminados, pero permanecen los cinco factores originales. La escala así configurada muestra una consistencia interna aceptable, los ítems se relacionan positivamente entre sí en cada factor y cada ítem distingue a los universitarios de acuerdo con su actitud favorable y desfavorable hacia la estadística, así como a los de rendimiento alto de los de rendimiento bajo. Por tal motivo, la escala EAE-20 se presenta como un instrumento válido y confiable, de fácil acceso, implementación e interpretación para evaluar las actitudes hacia la estadística en estudiantes universitarios por parte de profesores e investigadores interesados en el tema.
Abstract The five-factor model of the Attitude Scale towards Statistics (EAE-25) proposed by Auzmendi (1992) to measure the predisposition of students towards statistical content has been questioned in different researches. The purpose of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the EAE-25 in a sample of 291 Mexican undergraduate students in Psychology. The validity and reliability of the scale were examine using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Cronbach's alpha. The results of the AFC show partial signs of stability, five items were eliminated, but the five original factors remain. The scale configured in this way shows an acceptable internal consistency, the items are positively related to each other in each factor and each item distinguishes between university students according to their favorable and unfavorable attitude towards statistics, as well as those with high performance from those with low performance. For this reason, the EAE-20 is presented as a valid and reliable instrument, easily accessible, implementation and interpretation to assess the attitudes towards statistics in university students by professors and researchers interested in this topic.
Resumen Introducción: una de las barreras al acceso a la vacunación contra las enfermedades infecciosas es la reticencia a la vacunación, la cual suele medirse o asociarse a una poca disposición para vacunarse, actitudes antivacunas o la probabilidad reportada de obtener una vacuna. Sin embargo, no existe un consenso en la forma en la cual este constructo es medido. Objetivo: el propósito de este artículo es identificar las propiedades psicométricas y la estructura factorial de la nueva Escala Dispvac en una muestra colombiana. Método: se realizó un diseño psicométrico para identificar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala con una muestra de 1131 participantes (masculino: 37.30%, femenino 61.90%, otro: 0.79%; media edad: 25.84, SD edad: 10.19), a través de un muestreo por conveniencia. Se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio, un análisis factorial confirmatorio, un análisis de fiabilidad y la validez convergente. Resultados: se sugieren dos factores: actitudes cognitivas hacia la vacunación y legitimidad percibida de las autoridades al requerir la vacunación que comprende la prueba. La prueba Dispvac se correlaciona de manera negativa con la Escala VAX. Conclusiones: los dos factores que comprenden la Escala Dispvac sugieren que la intención a vacunarse implica también creencias sobre la autoridad/instituciones en vacunación.
Abstract Introduction: One of the main barriers to access to vaccination against infectious diseases is vaccine hesitancy, which is usually measured or associated to a low disposition to receive vaccination, anti-vaccine attitudes or the reported probability to receive a vaccine. However, there is no consensus in the way this construct is measured. Objective: The objective of this study it to identify the psychometric properties and the factorial structure of the Scale Dispvac in a Colombian sample. Method: To this goal, a psychometric design was made to identify the psychometric properties of the new scale making use of 1131 participants (male: 37.30%, female: 61.90%, other: 0.79%; age mean: 25.84, age SD: 10.19), through a convenience sampling. We conducted an exploratory factorial analysis, a confirmatory factorial analysis, a reliability analysis, and the convergent validity. Results: Two factors are suggested: Cognitive attitudes towards vaccination and perceived legitimacy of authorities to require vaccination. The Dispvac Scale is negatively correlated with the VAX Scale. Conclusions: The mentioned factors suggest that intention to vaccinate also implies beliefs on the authority in vaccination.
Resumen Introducción: Actualmente, algunos hombres están a cargo de sus hijos bajo la figura de familias monoparentales. Por lo tanto, es importante conocer desde su rol, los factores que podrían influir en el cuidado de la salud bucal (SB) de los niños. Objetivo: Estimar la asociación entre conocimientos de SB con presencia de caries dental (CD) y su relación con el binomio padre-hijo. Materiales y métodos: Estudio analítico transversal realizado en población afrodescendiente (153 binomios en el año 2017). Se evaluó en el padre (cuestionario autoadministrado): variables sociodemográficas, conocimientos y autopercepción de SB, y hábitos del niño; en binomios: presencia y experiencia de CD; además, la estimación de asociaciones y la regresión logística nominal fueron realizadas. Resultados: La prevalencia de CD fue del 60,1 % en niños y del 98 % en padres. En el modelo multivariado hubo asociación entre conocimientos inadecuados de SB, presencia y experiencia de CD, hábitos inadecuados de higiene bucal del niño, cepillado bucal sin supervisión, padres que trabajan, bajos ingresos y religión católica. Conclusión: La prevalencia de caries dental en niños, se asocia a conocimientos inadecuados en salud bucal y bajos ingresos económicos en padres que trabajan; factores que deben ser considerados en programas educativos de salud bucal.
Abstract Introduction: Currently, some men take care of their children in single-parent families. Therefore, it is important for them to know the factors that could affect the oral health (OH) of their children. Objective: To estimate the association between knowledge of OH and presence of dental caries (DC) and its relationship with the father-child dyad. Materials and methods: Analytical cross-sectional study conducted on a black population (153 dyads) in 2017. A self-administered questionnaire was applied to father to assess: sociodemographic variables, OH's knowledge and self-perception, and child habits. Fathers and children were surveyed about presence and experience regarding DC. Finally, association estimation and nominal logistic regression were carried out. Results: The prevalence of DC was 60.1% and 98% in children and fathers, respectively. The multivariate model showed an association between OH insufficient knowledge, presence and experience of DC, inadequate oral hygiene habits of the child, unsupervised oral tooth brushing, working fathers, low income, and Catholic religion. Conclusion: The prevalence of dental caries in children is associated with inadequate knowledge in oral health and low income of working fathers. These factors should be taken into account in oral health educational programs.
Resumo Introdução: Atualmente, alguns homens cuidam dos filhos sob a figura de famílias monoparentais. Portanto, é importante conhecer, a partir da sua atuação, os fatores que podem influenciar os cuidados com a saúde bucal (CS) das crianças. Objetivo: Estimar a associação entre o conhecimento do CS com a presença de cárie dentária (CD) e sua relação com o binômio pais-filhos. Materiais e métodos: Estudo analítico transversal realizado na população afrodescendente (153 pares em 2017). O pai foi avaliado (questionário autoaplicável): Variáveis sociodemográficas, conhecimento e autopercepção do CS e hábitos da criança; nos binômios: presença e experiência de DC; Além disso, foram realizadas estimativas de associações e regressão logística nominal. Resultados: A prevalência de DC foi de 60,1 % nas crianças e 98 % nos pais. No modelo multivariado, houve associação entre conhecimento inadequado sobre CS, presença e experiência de DC, hábitos inadequados de higiene bucal da criança, escovação oral não supervisionada, pais que trabalham, baixa renda e religião católica. Conclusão: A prevalência de cárie dentária em crianças está associada ao conhecimento inadequado em saúde bucal e à baixa renda econômica em pais que trabalham; fatores que devem ser considerados em programas educacionais em saúde bucal.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to compare stigmatizing attitudes, reported and intended behavior, and knowledge of mental illness between university students and the general population. METHODS: An online cross-sectional observational study was conducted. The survey included sociodemographic data and validated stigma questionnaires (the Attribution Questionnaire [AQ-27], the Reported and Intended Behaviour Scale [RIBS], and the Mental Health Knowledge Schedule [MAKS]). Descriptive statistics, bivariate analyses, and multiple regression modeling were employed to analyze the data. RESULTS: A total of 506 participants completed the survey, including 226 (44.7%) university students (61.1% women), and 280 (55.3%) individuals from the general population (69.3% women). For both groups, women and individuals who had lived with someone with mental health problems exhibited more positive attitudes (p < 0.05). University students reported greater knowledge of mental illness (p < 0.05) than the general population. After controlling for covariates, university students only scored higher than the general population in the blame factor of the AQ-27 (p < 0.05). Additionally, older participants from both groups exhibited higher levels of stigmatizing attitudes compared to those of a younger age. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that university students exhibit similar levels of stigmatizing attitudes to the general population. Among both groups, female sex, older age, previous contact with individuals with mental illness, and greater knowledge of mental health are all associated with less stigma toward people with mental illness. Tailored interventions grounded in contact with mental illness have the potential to help reduce stigmatizing attitudes within both groups.
Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Trastornos Mentales , Estigma Social , Estudiantes , Humanos , Femenino , Masculino , Estudiantes/psicología , Estudiantes/estadística & datos numéricos , Trastornos Mentales/psicología , Estudios Transversales , Universidades , Adulto Joven , Adulto , Adolescente , Estereotipo , Encuestas y CuestionariosRESUMEN
Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) against women is a global health issue and a breach of human rights. However, the literature lacks understanding of how socioeconomic and geographic disparities influence women's attitudes toward IPV in Guyana over time. This study aimed to assess trends in women's attitudes about IPV in Guyana. Methods: Data from three nationally representative surveys from 2009, 2014 to 2019 were analysed. The prevalence of women's attitudes about IPV was assessed, specifically in response to going out without telling their partners, neglecting their children, arguing with their partner, refusing sex with their partner, or burning food prepared for family meals. A series of stratified subgroup analyses were also completed. We assessed trends in IPV using the slope index of inequality (SII) and the concentration index of inequality (CIX). We used multilevel mixed-effects logistic regression to assess factors associated with women's attitudes justifying IPV. Findings: The prevalence of women's attitudes justifying IPV for any of the five reasons declined from 16.4% (95% CI: 15.1-17.8) in 2009 to 10.8% (95% CI: 9.7-12.0) in 2019. Marked geographic and socioeconomic inequalities were observed among subgroups. The SII for any of the five reasons decreased from -20.02 to -14.28, while the CIX remained constant over time. Key factors associated with women's attitudes about IPV were area of residence, sex of the household head, marital status, respondent's level of education, wealth index quintile, and the frequency of reading newspapers/magazines. Interpretation: From 2009 to 2019, Guyana was able to reduce women's attitudes justifying IPV against women by 34.1% and shortened subgroup inequalities. However, the prevalence remained high in 2019, with persisted inequalities among subgroups. Effective strategies, including the use of media to raise awareness, promotion of community-based approaches, and educational campaigns focusing on geographic and socioeconomic disparities, are essential for continuing to reduce the prevalence of IPV and associated inequalities. Funding: The study was funded in part by the National Institutes of Health, Fogarty International Center grant number D43TW012189.
Background: Although the benefits of breastfeeding are well known, it has been observed that some mothers abandon it, sometimes due to a lack of training in this area. It is unknown whether the level of breastfeeding knowledge, attitudes and practices increase after an educational intervention. Objective: To determine the knowledge, attitudes and breastfeeding practices of mothers of children under 1 year of age before and after an educational intervention. Material and methods: Quasi-experimental, analytical and longitudinal study. It included 216 mothers with children under 12 months of age; it excluded those with medical contraindications to breastfeeding; those that did not complete the surveys were eliminated. Sociodemographic data were collected. Medians of knowledge, attitudes and practices in breastfeeding before and after the educational intervention were compared with the Wilcoxon test. Results: High school education (54.6%), married marital status (48.7%), housewife occupation (66.2%) and worker socioeconomic level (61.6%) predominated. After the educational intervention, 213 mothers (98.6%) obtained a good level of knowledge, 216 (100%) acquired a good attitude, and 203 of them (94%) achieved good practices about breastfeeding. There were statistically significant differences between the medians of knowledge (p < 0.0001), attitudes (p < 0.0001) and practices (p = 0.014) before and after the educational intervention on breastfeeding, all of which increased their levels. Conclusions: There was a change in the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices in breastfeeding before and after the educational intervention.
Introducción: a pesar de que se conocen los beneficios de la lactancia materna, se ha observado que algunas madres la abandonan, a veces por falta de capacitación al respecto. Se desconoce si el nivel de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en lactancia materna aumentan después de una intervención educativa. Objetivo: determinar los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en lactancia materna de las madres de menores de un año antes y después de una intervención educativa. Material y métodos: estudio cuasiexperimental, analítico y longitudinal. Incluyó 216 madres con hijos menores de 12 meses de edad; se excluyeron aquellas con contraindicación médica para la lactancia; se eliminaron aquellas que no concluyeron las encuestas. Se recabaron datos sociodemográficos. Se compararon con la prueba de Wilcoxon las medianas de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en lactancia materna antes y después de la intervención educativa. Resultados: predominó la escolaridad preparatoria (54.6%), estado civil casada (48.7%), ocupación ama de casa (66.2%) y nivel socioeconómico obrero (61.6%). Después de la intervención educativa, 213 madres (98.6%) obtuvieron un nivel de conocimientos bueno, 216 (100%) adquirieron actitudes buenas y 203 (94%) consiguieron buenas prácticas en torno a la lactancia. Hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las medianas de conocimientos (p < 0.0001), actitudes (p < 0.0001) y prácticas (p = 0.014) antes y después de la intervención educativa: todas aumentaron sus niveles. Conclusiones: sí hubo un cambio en el nivel de los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en lactancia materna antes y después de la intervención educativa.
Lactancia Materna , Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Lactancia Materna/psicología , Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Estudios Longitudinales , Adulto Joven , Lactante , Educación en Salud/métodos , Madres/psicología , Madres/educaciónRESUMEN
Background: Suicide remains a major global public health concern, ranking among the leading causes of death worldwide. Healthcare professionals play a crucial role in preventing suicide, yet their attitudes and beliefs about suicidal behavior can significantly impact the quality of care provided to individuals at risk. Objective: This study aimed to analyze the attitudinal beliefs of Colombian healthcare professionals regarding suicidal behavior and their attitudes toward suicide attempts. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 354 healthcare professionals, including interns, from fields such as medicine, nursing, and nursing assistance. Participants completed the Attitudinal Beliefs Questionnaire about Suicidal Behavior (CCCS-18) and the Attitudes Towards Suicide Attempt Scale (ASETSA). Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were performed to examine the relationship between professional experience and attitudes toward suicidal behavior. Results: The findings revealed that many participants exhibit attitudes that legitimize suicide in cases of extreme suffering, such as in terminal illness. However, there were significant gaps in comprehensive approaches to suicide prevention, with varying levels of commitment to individual and institutional support. Clinical experience was identified as a key factor in shaping these attitudes, with more experienced professionals showing a nuanced understanding of suicide triggers and prevention. Conclusions: The results underscore the importance of ongoing training programs that not only improve technical knowledge but also address misconceptions and stigmas related to suicide. These findings have direct implications for developing targeted interventions and educational programs within the Colombian healthcare context to ensure more compassionate and effective care for individuals at risk of suicide.
INTRODUCTION: Rabies virus infection can cause fatal brain disease in mammals. Any species is susceptible to infection. Any effort aimed at recognizing infected animals and performing first actions in the event of transmission is mandatory. OBJECTIVE: To determine knowledge, attitudes, and practice profiles regarding rabies, or hydrophobia, in a municipality of Colombia, using a multiple correspondence analysis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A descriptive observational study involving 71 pet owners was carried out in the municipality of Ibagué (Tolima). A questionnaire-based survey collected data on rabies knowledge, attitudes, practices, and demographic information. The survey was conducted between October and November 2021, and the data analysis involved descriptive statistics and multiple correspondence analysis. RESULTS: The study revealed a commendable level of rabies awareness among the urban residents in the study municipality. However, there are causes of concern as they allow stray animals to enter their homes and are not aware of the importance of notifying dead animals. The respondents demonstrated a humane approach to bite management and emphasized the importance of wound cleaning. Additionally, they expressed a strong desire for more information to enhance their knowledge and awareness of the disease. CONCLUSION: The findings of this study provide valuable insights for improving rabies prevention efforts and promoting public health. Health education, evidence-based strategies, and community participation are essential for successful disease control and educational gaps addressing related to sociocultural factors.
Introducción: El virus de la rabia causa una infección cerebral fatal en los mamíferos y cualquier especie es susceptible de sufrirla. Todo esfuerzo encaminado a reconocer animales infectados y ejecutar las primeras acciones en caso de transmisión es obligatorio. Objetivo: Determinar los perfiles de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas relacionadas con rabia, o hidrofobia, en un municipio de Colombia mediante análisis de correspondencia múltiple. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo observacional con 71 dueños de mascotas en el municipio de Ibagué, Tolima, Colombia. Mediante una encuesta, se recolectaron datos sobre conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas relacionadas con la rabia, además de datos demográficos. La encuesta se llevó a cabo entre octubre y noviembre del 2021, y el análisis de datos incluyó estadísticas descriptivas y el de correspondencia múltiple. Resultados: El estudio reveló un nivel notable de conciencia sobre la infección por virus de la rabia entre los residentes urbanos del municipio de estudio. Sin embargo, se identificaron causas de preocupación, como que permitían el ingreso de animales callejeros a los hogares y la falta de conciencia sobre la importancia de notificar sobre animales fallecidos. Los encuestados demostraron un enfoque humano en el manejo de las mordeduras y enfatizaron la importancia de limpiar las heridas; también, expresaron un fuerte deseo de obtener más información para mejorar sus conocimientos sobre la enfermedad. Conclusión: Los hallazgos de este estudio brindan conocimientos valiosos para mejorar los esfuerzos de prevención de la rabia o hidrofobia, y promover la salud pública. La educación en salud, las estrategias basadas en evidencia y la participación comunitaria, son fundamentales para el control exitoso de la enfermedad, así como para abordar las brechas educativas que incluyen factores socioculturales.
Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Rabia , Rabia/prevención & control , Rabia/epidemiología , Colombia/epidemiología , Humanos , Estudios Transversales , Animales , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Adolescente , Mascotas , Anciano , PerrosRESUMEN
Malaria prevention and control programs are mainly oriented to vector control, timely diagnosis and adequate treatment. Malaria transmission is influenced by several factors, including biological and social aspects. Thus, it is relevant to consider community beliefs and practices to ensure sustainable prevention and control strategies. This study aimed to determine knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) towards malaria in an endemic locality in northwestern Colombia. Preliminary data were collected through a focus group discussion. Subsequently, a KAP survey was administered to the community. KAP scores were associated with both sociodemographic characteristics and with previous malaria infection. Focus group data revealed knowledge gaps and the absence of or having worn-out nets. Survey results showed that participants recognized a mosquito bite as the transmission mode (72.09%), followed by dirty water (44.19%), high fever (86.05%) and headache (79.07%) as the main symptoms. Regarding attitudes, 44.19% of the people would go to the hospital in the case of having symptoms. The most recognized practices for disease prevention were the use of mosquito nets (65.12%) and fans (23.26%). The results showed that some people had misconceptions about the disease transmission mode. The analysis showed significant associations of either female gender and homemaker occupation with a good knowledge [OR = 3.74, (p = 0.04), OR = 3.55, (p = 0.04), respectively] or female with a positive attitude towards malaria control and prevention [OR = 4.80, (p = 0.04)]. These results showed that the identified gaps in KAP require increasing education among the community in addition to applying public health prevention efforts. The data may be useful in designing malaria control strategies that involve community participation.
This study aimed to develop and validate the Scale of Attitudes towards Rodents (SARod) to measure public attitudes towards rodents in a Chilean community context. Utilizing an instrumental design, we gathered data from 497 participants using convenience sampling. The SARod, comprising 22 Likert-scale items, evaluates attitudes across four dimensions: Scientistic, Positivistic, Emotional Negativistic, and Cognitive and Behavioral Negativistic. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were conducted to examine the scale's structure and reliability, revealing strong internal consistency (Ω > 0.8) across all factors. Results indicated that higher educational levels and increased interaction with rodents were associated with more positive attitudes, while a greater disposition towards rodent extermination correlated with more negative attitudes. No significant gender differences were observed. The SARod shows robust psychometric properties, offering a reliable tool for cross-cultural comparisons of rodent-related attitudes. This scale can inform targeted interventions and public education campaigns, promoting coexistence and effective rodent management strategies. Further research should explore the application of the SARod in diverse cultural contexts.
Evidence-based practice (EBP) refers to the integration of scientific evidence into the clinical setting. This study aimed to determine whether Latin American physiotherapists use EBP, analyze the associated factors, barriers, and facilitators, and examine the relationships between these elements in clinical practice. To conduct this cross-sectional study, the web-based questionnaire survey method was chosen. Survey was self-administered questionnaires to assess understanding of various EBP-related terms and determine their knowledge and ability to apply these concepts in clinical practice. The association between attitudes, awareness, and knowledge scores and the demographic data such as age group, years of experience, professional membership registry, and self-reported education was assessed. The questionnaire was distributed to a total of 5000 physical therapists, of which 4099 (82%) responded from seven Latin American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, México, Perú, and Venezuela), between June 1, 2020, and May 31, 2024. Overall, the physical therapists had positive attitudes, beliefs, and interests in EBP. Their educational background, knowledge, and skills related to assessing and interpreting information were associated to the use of EBP. In addition, 53% of respondents indicated that lack of time was the main obstacle to the use of EBP. The top 3 barriers included insufficient time (53%), lack of information resources (20.8%), and lack of research tools (13.6%). Among Latin American physical therapists, individual characteristics workplace, clinical experience, educational background, and demographic characteristics, may behave as facilitators or barriers when performing an EBP. Thus, identifying methods and strategies to support physical therapists in adopting EBP in the Latin American is necessary. The academization of physiotherapy training might change this in the future.
Práctica Clínica Basada en la Evidencia , Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Fisioterapeutas , Humanos , Fisioterapeutas/educación , Fisioterapeutas/psicología , América Latina , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Masculino , Adulto , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Persona de Mediana Edad , Actitud del Personal de SaludRESUMEN
Objectives: The emergence of deadly infections such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) highlights the need for effective infection control (IC) procedures in healthcare facilities. The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of healthcare workers (HCWs) on IC procedures. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among HCWs in western Jamaica from May to August 2015. A questionnaire based on the Jamaican Health Facilities Infection and Control Policies and Procedures Manual was used to collect data on staff training in IC, and their KAP of IC. Summary statistics, ANOVA, and multiple linear regression were applied for data analyses. Results: Among 227 participants, the mean knowledge scores were statistically higher among the younger HCWs, Physicians/Nurses, and those in clinical units. Older HCWs, non-physicians/nurses, non-clinical unit workers, HCWs at Western Regional Hospital A, and those who received ongoing IC training scored higher on attitude. The practice scores were significantly correlated with the attitude scores but not the knowledge scores. The attitude score was a significant predictor for IC practices. Conclusions: Six knowledge and three attitude variables were significant predictors of IC practices that the Western Regional Health Authority Officials can use to implement measures to improve IC practices among HCWs.
Adequacy and safety are the twin prerogatives of the blood transfusion service which in turn is an indispensable component of public health delivery; however, many Caribbean countries have inadequate blood supply for the current and projected demands of their health care systems. Understanding blood donor motivators and barriers is crucial to improving the rate of voluntary non-remunerated blood donation (VNRD) to meet World Health Organisation (WHO) targets. The objective of this study was to review current research on the landscape of blood donation practices and attitudes in the Caribbean. We undertook a systematic search of electronic databases through September 2023 to identify studies of blood donation practices, knowledge and attitudes, including motivators and barriers to donation in the English-speaking Caribbean. We identified eight (8) relevant studies of observational study design. VNRD remain relatively uncommon; family replacement or remunerated donations were most common. Barriers to blood donation included lack of a known recipient such as a family member who needed blood, never having been asked to donate, presumed ineligibility to donate, and fear of needles or adverse reactions. Study participants indicated willingness to donate blood if provided more information about the importance of blood donation. There is a paucity of published research regarding blood donor knowledge, motivators and barriers in the Caribbean context. Such research could indicate the necessary interventions for achieving the goals of an adequate and safe blood supply.
Background: Decisions regarding mode of delivery in the context of a prior cesarean birth is complicated because both trial of labor after cesarean and elective repeat cesarean birth have risks and benefits. Purpose: The objective of this study was to understand the perspective of women and obstetricians in Coatepeque, Guatemala, to guide the development of a decision aid about mode of birth for women with a history of prior cesarean. Methods: We conducted in-depth semi-structured interviews with obstetricians at Coatepeque Hospital and women at the Center for Human Development in the southwest Trifinio region of Guatemala in February 2020. Using qualitative content analysis, we recorded, transcribed, translated, and analyzed qualitative data for the meaning of themes and concepts exploring the acceptability of counseling with a decision aid regarding mode of delivery. Results: A total of 30 qualitative interviews were conducted with women and physicians. Three themes emerged from the qualitative interviews: Having a decision aid for women with a prior cesarean birth will be useful and helpful. Content of the decision aid should include benefits and risks for women and babies as well as figures. Women described the need of tailoring the content surrounding family's role in their decisions. They felt that a trusted provider from the healthcare system should facilitate the use of the decision aid for counseling. Conclusions: These findings emphasize the support and need for innovative approaches to patient education around mode of delivery after a prior cesarean in the southwest region in Guatemala. There is a need to improve the educational information given to women regarding their mode of delivery after a cesarean birth. Finally, an effective decision aid needs to be tailored to not only the women's needs but also the engagement of the family unit for its successful implementation.
BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization recommends a daily sodium intake of less than 2000 mg for adults; however, the Mexican population, like many others globally, consumes more sodium than this recommended amount. Excessive sodium intake is often accompanied by inadequate potassium intake. The association between knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors (KAB) and actual sodium intake has yielded mixed results across various populations. In Mexico, however, salt/sodium-related KAB and its relationship with sodium and potassium intake have not been evaluated. OBJECTIVE: This study primarily aims to describe salt/sodium-related KAB in a Mexican population and, secondarily, to explore the association between KAB and 24-hour urinary sodium and potassium excretion. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study in an adult population from Mexico City and the surrounding metropolitan area. Self-reported KAB related to salt/sodium intake was assessed using a survey developed by the Pan American Health Organization. Anthropometric measurements were taken, and 24-hour urinary sodium and potassium excretion levels were determined. Descriptive statistics were stratified by sex and presented as means (SD) or median (25th-75th percentiles) for continuous variables, and as absolute and relative frequencies for categorical variables. The associations between KAB and sodium and potassium excretion were assessed using analysis of covariance, adjusting for age, sex, BMI, and daily energy intake as covariates, with the Sidák correction applied for multiple comparisons. RESULTS: Overall, 232 participants were recruited (women, n=184, 79.3%). The mean urinary sodium and potassium excretion were estimated to be 2582.5 and 1493.5 mg/day, respectively. A higher proportion of men did not know the amount of sodium they consumed compared with women (12/48, 25%, vs 15/184, 8.2%, P=.01). More women reported knowing that there is a recommended amount for daily sodium intake than men (46/184, 25%, vs 10/48, 20.8%, P=.02). Additionally, more than half of men (30/48, 62.5%) reported never or rarely reading food labels, compared with women (96/184, 52.1%, P=.04). Better salt/sodium-related KAB was associated with higher adjusted mean sodium and potassium excretion. For example, mean sodium excretion was 3011.5 (95% CI 2640.1-3382.9) mg/day among participants who reported knowing the difference between salt and sodium, compared with 2592.8 (95% CI 2417.2-2768.3) mg/day in those who reported not knowing this difference (P=.049). Similarly, potassium excretion was 1864.9 (95% CI 1669.6-2060.3) mg/day for those who knew the difference, compared with 1512.5 (95% CI 1420.1-1604.8) mg/day for those who did not (P=.002). Additionally, higher urinary sodium excretion was observed among participants who reported consuming too much sodium (3216.0 mg/day, 95% CI 2867.1-3565.0 mg/day) compared with those who claimed to eat just the right amount (2584.3 mg/day, 95% CI 2384.9-2783.7 mg/day, P=.01). CONCLUSIONS: Salt/sodium-related KAB was poor in this study sample. Moreover, KAB had a greater impact on potassium excretion than on sodium excretion, highlighting the need for more strategies to improve KAB related to salt/sodium intake. Additionally, it is important to consider other strategies aimed at modifying the sodium content of foods.
Introduction: A theoretical model of self-oriented cognitive schemata of sexual behaviour (SO-CSSB) was proposed after a previous disambiguation review on the definition and research of sexual attitudes. A quantitative exploration of the proposal may add real-world information regarding the internal structure and the adequacy of the defined factors. Consequently, the present study aims to 1) develop a questionnaire based on the theoretical review and 2) explore the structure of the SO-CSSB model. Method: Following the SO-CSSB principles, a questionnaire was developed and evaluated. An observational cross-sectional online survey was conducted. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and a reliability analysis were performed. Results: A study sample, comprised of 188 subjects, was analysed (Age 18-56; M = 25.27; SD = 6.6; 62 male, 33.2%). The EFA yielded 16 factors with eigenvalues above 1, accounting for 67.21% of the variance (KMO = .672, Barlett's = 3958.7, sig.<.01; item communalities between .44 and .80). Items under .49 were cut off, which included values from .49 to .86. There was no correlation between components over .20, in a range from -.19 to .20. Reliability indexes varied from .46 to .86. Conclusion: A final model of 16 components following the SO-CSSB principles was presented. The analysis revealed certain modifications to the theoretical proposal, and the objective of adding a quantitative frame to empirically specify its factors was achieved. This outcome constitutes a step forward to developing a comprehensive model on sexual beliefs.
Introducción: Se propuso un modelo teórico de Esquemas Cognitivos Auto- orientados sobre Conducta Sexual (ECA-CS) tras una revisión previa de desam- biguación sobre la literatura actual de las actitudes sexuales. Una exploración cuantitativa de la propuesta puede añadir información real sobre la estructura interna y la adecuación de los factores definidos. En consecuencia, el presente estudio pretendió 1) desarrollar un cuestionario basado en la revisión teórica y 2) explorar la estructura del modelo ECA-CS. Método: Se elaboró y evaluó un cuestionario siguiendo los principios teóricos del ECA-CS. Se realizó una encuesta observacional transversal en línea. Se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) y un análisis de fiabilidad. Resultados: Se analizó una muestra de 188 sujetos (Edad 18-56; M = 25.27; SD = 6.6) (62 varones, 33.2%). El AFE arrojó 16 factores con valores propios superiores a 1, que explicaban el 67.21% de la varianza (KMO = .672, Bar- lett's=3958.7, sig.<.01) (comunalidades de los ítems entre .44 y .80). Se estableció un punto de corte por debajo de .49, incluyendo valores entre .49 y .86. No hubo correlación entre componentes por encima de .20, en un rango de -.19 a .20. Los índices de fiabilidad variaron de .46 a .86. Conclusiones: Se presentó un modelo final de 16 componentes que sigue los principios del ECA-CS. El análisis reveló ciertas modificaciones a la propuesta teórica, y se logró el objetivo de agregar un marco cuantitativo para especificar empíricamente sus factores. Este resultado consti tuye un paso adelante en el desarrollo de un modelo integral sobre creencias sexuales.
Aim: to identify whether demographic variables, the type and length of romantic relationships, and alcohol consumption were risk factors related to attitudes toward intimate partner violence (IPV). Method: 723 adults filled the IPVAS and a demographic survey. Results: women were less likely to accept control; participants with technical education were more likely to tolerate control and abuse; those with secondary education were at higher risk to accept physical violence, while participants aged 26-35 were at lower risk; people who were dating someone were at higher risk to tolerate control, but were at a lower risk to accept physical violence; and those who consume alcohol were more likely to accept abuse. Conclusion: As attitudes toward IPV may predict its future occurrence, research on variables modulating the association between attitudes and IPV execution can strengthen evidence to implement preventive actions, in which shaping attitudes towards IPV are the primary target.
Objetivo: Identificar si las variables sociodemográficas, el tipo, la duración de las relaciones y el consumo de alcohol son factores de riesgo asociados con las actitudes hacia la violencia de pareja (VP). Método: 723 adultos completaron las IPVAS y una encuesta sociodemográfica. Resultados: las mujeres tuvieron menor probabilidad de aceptar el control; los participantes con educación técnica toleraron más control y abuso; las personas con educación secundaria presentaron mayor riesgo de aceptar violencia física, mientras que las personas entre 26 y 35 años mostraron un riesgo menor; quienes tenían una relación tuvieron riesgo mayor para tolerar control, pero menor riesgo para aceptar violencia física; aquellos que reportaron consumir alcohol tuvieron mayor probabilidad de aceptar abuso. Conclusión: Las actitudes hacia la IPV pueden predecir la ejecución de esta conducta en el futuro. Por lo tanto, estudios que indaguen sobre variables que modulen esta asociación incrementarán la evidencia para implementar acciones preventivas, en las que la formación de actitudes hacia la VP sean el objetivo principal de cambio.