Objetivo: caracterizar el perfil sociofamiliar de niños y adolescentes negros con problemas de salud mental y describir desde un enfoque interseccional quién es responsable de su cuidado. Método: estudio exploratorio descriptivo de enfoque cualitativo, llevado a cabo en un Centro de Atención Psicosocial Infantil y Juvenil de la región norte del municipio de São Paulo. La recolección de datos se realizó con 47 familiares de niños y adolescentes negros, con el soporte de un guion con variables predefinidas, sometidas a análisis estadístico. Resultados: se realizaron 49 entrevistas, 95,5% con mujeres, con edad promedio de 39 años, 88,6% madres, 85,7% negras. La renta familiar procede del salario para el 100% de los cuidadores hombres y el 59% de las mujeres. Entre las cuidadoras negras, 25% tienen casa propia y, entre las pardas, 46,2%. Del total de cuidadores, el 10% vive en casas ocupadas, el 20% vive en viviendas cedidas, el 35% tiene casa propia y el 35% alquila. La red de contención social es mayor entre los blancos (16,7%), seguidos por los pardos (3,8%) y está ausente entre los negros (0%). Conclusión: las responsables por el cuidado de niños y e adolescentes negros atendidos en el CAPSij, son, casi en su totalidad mujeres, "madres o abuelas" negras (o mulatas), con acceso desigual a educación, trabajo y vivienda, derechos sociales constitucionales en Brasil.
Objective: to characterize the sociofamily profile of black-skinned children and adolescents with mental health problems and to intersectionally describe who assumes responsibility for their care. Method: a descriptive and exploratory study with a quantitative approach, developed in the Psychosocial Care Center for Children and Adolescents from the North region of the municipality of São Paulo. The data were collected from 47 family members of black-skinned children and adolescents, using a script with predefined variables submitted to statistical analysis. Results: a total of 49 interviews were conducted: 95.5% women with a mean age of 39 years old, 88.6% mothers and 85.7% black-skinned. Family income comes from wages for all the male caregivers and for 59% of the women. Among the black-skinned female caregivers, 25% live in their own house, whereas this percentage is 46.2% among the brown-skinned ones. Of all the caregivers, 10% have a job, 20% live in transferred properties, 35% in houses of their own and 35% in rented places. The social support network is larger among white-skinned people (16.7%), followed by brown-skinned (3.8%), and absent among black-skinned individuals (0%). Conclusion: those responsible for the care of black-skinned children and adolescents monitored by the CAPS-IJ are almost entirely women, black-skinned (black or brown) "mothers or grandmothers", with unequal access to education, work and housing, constitutional social rights in Brazil.
Objetivo: caracterizar o perfil sociofamiliar de crianças e adolescentes negros com problemas de saúde mental e descrever interseccionalmente quem se responsabiliza por seus cuidados. Método: estudo descritivo exploratório de abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvido em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infantojuvenil da região norte do município de São Paulo. Os dados foram coletados com 47 familiares de crianças e adolescentes negros, utilizando um roteiro com variáveis pré-definidas, submetidas à análise estatística. Resultados: foram realizadas 49 entrevistas, sendo 95,5% com mulheres, média de idade de 39 anos, 88,6% mães, 85,7% negras. A renda familiar é proveniente de salário, para 100% dos cuidadores homens e para 59% das mulheres. Dentre as cuidadoras pretas, 25% possuem casa própria, sendo que, dentre as pardas, 46,2%. Do total de cuidadores, 10% vivem em condições de ocupação, 20% habitam moradias cedidas, 35% casas próprias e 35% alugadas. A rede social de suporte é maior entre os brancos (16,7%), seguido pelos pardos (3,8%) e ausente entre os pretos (0%). Conclusão: as responsáveis pelo cuidado de crianças e adolescentes negros acompanhados pelo CAPSij, são na quase totalidade mulheres, "mães ou avós" negras (pretas ou pardas), com acesso desigual à educação, trabalho e moradia, direitos sociais constitucionais no Brasil.
Humanos , Femenino , Preescolar , Niño , Adulto , Brasil , Salud Mental , Escolaridad , Abuelos , Identidad de Género , MadresRESUMEN
OBJECTIVE: to characterize the sociofamily profile of black-skinned children and adolescents with mental health problems and to intersectionally describe who assumes responsibility for their care. METHOD: a descriptive and exploratory study with a quantitative approach, developed in the Psychosocial Care Center for Children and Adolescents from the North region of the municipality of São Paulo. The data were collected from 47 family members of black-skinned children and adolescents, using a script with predefined variables submitted to statistical analysis. RESULTS: a total of 49 interviews were conducted: 95.5% women with a mean age of 39 years old, 88.6% mothers and 85.7% black-skinned. Family income comes from wages for all the male caregivers and for 59% of the women. Among the black-skinned female caregivers, 25% live in their own house, whereas this percentage is 46.2% among the brown-skinned ones. Of all the caregivers, 10% have a job, 20% live in transferred properties, 35% in houses of their own and 35% in rented places. The social support network is larger among white-skinned people (16.7%), followed by brown-skinned (3.8%), and absent among black-skinned individuals (0%). CONCLUSION: those responsible for the care of black-skinned children and adolescents monitored by the CAPS-IJ are almost entirely women, black-skinned (black or brown) "mothers or grandmothers", with unequal access to education, work and housing, constitutional social rights in Brazil.
Abuelos , Salud Mental , Humanos , Adolescente , Niño , Femenino , Masculino , Adulto , Brasil , Escolaridad , MadresRESUMEN
Este estudo qualitativo teve como objetivo compreender, a partir da teoria de bioecológica de desenvolvimento, as implicações da prática profissional no processo de acolhimento de crianças em uma casa-abrigo, na perspectiva de cuidadoras. As participantes foram 10 profissionais de uma casa-abrigo localizada na região sul do Brasil. Utilizou-se a entrevista semiestruturada e a organização e análise dos dados sustentou-se na Grounded Theory, com auxílio do software Atlas.ti 8.4.14. Os resultados evidenciaram uma centralização das ações de acolhimento e atenção em torno dos cuidados físicos das crianças. As ações para promover suporte e cuidados emocionais dentro da casa-abrigo eram delegadas às profissionais da equipe técnica da instituição. Observou-se que as dificuldades encontradas pelas cuidadoras diziam respeito à falta de segurança e preparação para responder e acolher as demandas emocionais das crianças, as quais estão presentes em diversos momentos do processo de acolhimento. Percebeu-se que as práticas institucionais afetaram decisivamente tanto as ações de acolhimento das participantes e o suporte emocional oferecido às crianças na passagem pela casa-abrigo quanto as cuidadoras, no sentido de vivenciarem no trabalho sentimentos de insegurança. Os resultados tensionam ecologicamente a interação nos processos proximais presentes no desenvolvimento humano. Advoga-se pela reflexão sobre as implicações das práticas institucionais de uma casa-abrigo e o desenvolvimento infantil, visando o cuidado integral dos acolhidos.(AU)
Based on the developmental bioecological theory, this study analyzes the implications of professional practice in children's user embracement at a shelter from the caregivers' perspective. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 professionals from a shelter located in southern Brazil. Data organization and analysis was performed based on Grounded Theory using the Atlas.ti 8.4.14 software. Results showed that embracement and attention focus on the physical care of children. Support and emotional care activities were delegated to the institution's technical team. Caregivers faced difficulties regarding the lack of security and preparation to respond to and accept the children's emotional demands, which arise at different moments in the embracement process. The institutional practices decisively affected both user embracement actions and the emotional support offered to the children, as well as the caregivers, in the sense of experiencing feelings of insecurity. These findings ecologically tension the interaction in the proximal processes present in human development. Further reflections on the implications of institutional shelter-based practices for child development are needed to provide comprehensive care.(AU)
Este estudio cualitativo tuvo como objetivo comprender, desde la perspectiva de la teoría bioecológica del desarrollo, las implicaciones de la práctica profesional en el proceso de acogida de niños en una institución infantil desde la perspectiva de las cuidadoras. Las participantes fueron 10 profesionales de una institución de acogida infantil ubicada en la región Sur de Brasil. Se utilizó la entrevista semiestructurada, y para la organización y análisis de datos se aplicó Grounded Theory, con el uso del software Atlas.ti 8.4.14. Los resultados mostraron que las acciones de recepción y atención se centran en el cuidado físico de los niños. Las acciones de promoción de apoyo y cuidado emocional dentro del alojamiento se asignaron a los profesionales del equipo técnico de la institución. Se observó que las dificultades encontradas por las cuidadoras estaban relacionadas con la falta de seguridad y preparación para responder y aceptar las demandas emocionales de los niños, las cuales se encuentran presentes en diferentes momentos del proceso de acogida. Se notó que las prácticas institucionales afectaron decisivamente tanto las acciones de acogida de las participantes como el apoyo emocional que la institución brinda a los niños durante su paso, así como a las cuidadoras en el sentido de experimentar sentimientos de inseguridad en el trabajo. Estos resultados tensan ecológicamente la interacción en los procesos proximales presentes en el desarrollo humano. Se aboga por reflexionar sobre las implicaciones de las prácticas institucionales en los alojamientos institucionales y el desarrollo infantil, apuntando a la atención integral de los acogidos.(AU)
Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Práctica Profesional , Niño , Cuidadores , Ecología , Acogimiento , Desarrollo Humano , Dolor , Relaciones Padres-Hijo , Conducta Paterna , Privación Paterna , Juego e Implementos de Juego , Pobreza , Psicología , Psicología Social , Seguridad , Atención , Relaciones entre Hermanos , Sueño , Ajuste Social , Cambio Social , Condiciones Sociales , Medio Social , Justicia Social , Problemas Sociales , Apoyo Social , Sociología , Deportes , Violencia , Síndrome del Niño Maltratado , Mujeres , Trabajo Infantil , Adopción , Divorcio , Familia , Niño Abandonado , Maltrato a los Niños , Defensa del Niño , Desarrollo Infantil , Niño Institucionalizado , Crianza del Niño , Niño no Deseado , Protección a la Infancia , Características de la Residencia , Composición Familiar , Salud , Higiene , Hijo de Padres Discapacitados , Responsabilidad Legal , Hambre , Desórdenes Civiles , Responsabilidad Parental , Entrevista , Violencia Doméstica , Diversidad Cultural , Vida , Víctimas de Crimen , Trastornos Relacionados con Alcohol , Afecto , Cultura , Autonomía Personal , Instrucciones , Mecanismos de Defensa , Hijos Adultos , Trastornos de Estrés Traumático , Investigación Cualitativa , Amigos , Menores , Desarrollo del Adolescente , Violaciones de los Derechos Humanos , Dieta , Alcoholismo , Empatía , Salud del Niño Institucionalizado , Conflicto Familiar , Relaciones Familiares , Consumidores de Drogas , Trastornos Químicamente Inducidos , Personas Esclavizadas , Teoría Fundamentada , Abuelos , Trauma Psicológico , Niño Adoptado , Niño Acogido , Libertad , Experiencias Adversas de la Infancia , Separación Familiar , Distrés Psicológico , Derecho a la Salud , Abuso Emocional , Libertad de Religión , Interacción Social , Factores Sociodemográficos , Vulnerabilidad Social , Ciudadanía , Apoyo Familiar , Tareas del Hogar , Derechos Humanos , Individualidad , Institucionalización , Celos , Actividades Recreativas , Soledad , Amor , Mala Praxis , Privación Materna , Trastornos Mentales , Motivación , Apego a ObjetosRESUMEN
Os estudos sobre as relações mútuas entre as pessoas e o ambiente buscam subsidiar melhorias no contexto urbano a partir de métodos e técnicas pautados na compreensão do uso de espaços públicos e privados. A crescente demanda pela promoção de ambientes amigáveis para idosos e crianças nos cenários urbanos direcionou esta pesquisa e elencou dois componentes: o panorama relativo à população local e o arcabouço teórico da psicologia ambiental. Para tanto, buscou-se identificar as principais atividades realizadas por crianças e idosos em seus respectivos locais de moradia. Foram avaliados os principais usos e atividades desses dois grupos, em duas vizinhanças, diferenciando-os de acordo com suas especificidades em termos de demandas individuais e ambientais. As observações sistemáticas a partir da técnica de mapeamento comportamental centrado no lugar (MCCL) ocorreram na cidade de Brasília, Distrito Federal (DF) e permitiram compreender o processo de apropriação dos espaços na infância e na velhice e suas repercussões em termos da congruência pessoa-ambiente. Cada um destes setores organizados a partir de elementos específicos direciona as ações dos participantes para determinados tipos de comportamentos, observados de maneira a compor um roteiro em que a brincadeira (lazer ativo) surge como central na infância e a caminhada (circulação) como mais potente para a população idosa. Os resultados demonstram que o diálogo entre a psicologia ambiental e a ciência do desenvolvimento humano tem sido bastante profícuo e tem contribuído para a compreensão de aspectos da relação pessoa-ambiente em diferentes momentos do ciclo de vida.(AU)
Studies on the mutual relations between people and the environment seek to support improvements in the urban context from methods and techniques based on understanding the use of public and private spaces. The growing demand for the promotion of friendly urban environments for older people and children guided this research, with two notable components: the panorama related to the local population and the theoretical framework of Environmental Psychology. Therefore, we sought to identify the main activities carried out by children and older people in their respective dwellings. The main uses and activities of these two groups were evaluated in two neighborhoods, differentiating them according to their specificities in terms of individual and environmental demands. Systematic observations using the place-centered behavioral mapping technique took place in the city of Brasília, Federal District, and allowed us to understand the process of appropriation of spaces in childhood and old age and its repercussions in terms of person-environment congruence. Each of these sectors, organized from specific elements, directs the participants' actions towards certain types of behavior, observed in order to compose a script in which playing (active leisure) emerges as central in childhood and walking (circulation) as more potent for the older people. The results demonstrated that the dialogue between environmental psychology and the science of human development has been very fruitful and has contributed to the understanding of aspects of the person-environment relationship at different times in the life cycle.(AU)
Los estudios sobre las relaciones mutuas entre las personas y el medio ambiente buscan aportar mejoras en el contexto urbano mediante métodos y técnicas basados en la comprensión del uso de los espacios públicos y privados. La creciente demanda de la promoción de ambientes amigables para las personas mayores y los niños en entornos urbanos guio esta investigación y enumeró dos componentes: el panorama relacionado con la población local y el marco teórico de la Psicología Ambiental. En este contexto, buscamos identificar las principales actividades que realizan los niños y las personas mayores en sus respectivas viviendas. Se evaluaron los principales usos y actividades de estos dos grupos en dos barrios, diferenciándolos según sus especificidades en cuanto a las demandas individuales y ambientales. Las observaciones sistemáticas utilizando la técnica de mapeo conductual centrado en el lugar (MCCL) ocurrieron en la ciudad de Brasília, Distrito Federal (Brasil) y nos permitieron comprender el proceso de apropiación de espacios en la infancia y la vejez y sus repercusiones en la congruencia persona-ambiente. Cada uno de estos sectores, organizados a partir de elementos específicos, orienta las acciones de los participantes hacia determinados comportamientos, observados para componer un guion en el que el juego (ocio activo) emerge como central en la infancia y el caminar (circulación) como el más potente para las personas mayores. Los resultados demuestran que el diálogo entre la Psicología Ambiental y la ciencia del desarrollo humano ha sido muy fructífero y ha contribuido a la comprensión de aspectos de la relación persona-entorno en diferentes momentos del ciclo de vida.(AU)
Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Anciano , Niño , Protección a la Infancia , Área Urbana , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Ecodesarrollo , Ambiente , Psicología Ambiental , Parques Recreativos , Estacionamientos , Satisfacción Personal , Fisiología , Arte , Psicología , Calidad de Vida , Lectura , Recreación , Seguridad , Autocuidado , Autoimagen , Fútbol , Alienación Social , Conducta Social , Deseabilidad Social , Aislamiento Social , Ciencias Sociales , Apoyo Social , Bienestar Social , Socialización , Deportes , Piscinas , Población Urbana , Políticas, Planificación y Administración en Salud , Derechos de los Ancianos , Brasil , Actividades Cotidianas , Ejercicio Físico , Conducta Infantil , Crianza del Niño , Indicadores de Calidad de Vida , Salud Ambiental , Salud Mental , Salud Infantil , Salud del Anciano , Exposiciones Educacionales en Salud , Enfermedad Crónica , Transporte de Pacientes , Terapia por Relajación , Desarrollo de Personal , Ciudades , Planificación de Ciudades , Derechos Civiles , Desequilibrio Ecológico , Ecología Humana , Naturaleza , Vida , Acceso Universal a los Servicios de Salud , Atención Médica , Autonomía Personal , Espiritualidad , Valor de la Vida , Amigos , Poblaciones Vulnerables , Educación Continua , Planificación Ambiental , Funciones Esenciales de la Salud Pública , Prevención de Enfermedades , Desarrollo Industrial , Restauración y Remediación Ambiental , Relaciones Familiares , Resiliencia Psicológica , Placer , Conducta Sedentaria , Vida Independiente , Política Ambiental , Participación Social , Pandemias , Integración a la Comunidad , Habilidades Sociales , Abuelos , Envejecimiento Cognitivo , Anuncio de Utilidad Pública , Dieta Saludable , Sistemas de Apoyo Psicosocial , Estaciones de Transporte , Uso del Teléfono Celular , Derechos Culturales , Acceso a Medicamentos Esenciales y Tecnologías Sanitarias , Análisis de Datos , Respeto , Inclusión Digital , Derecho a la Salud , Empoderamiento , Estado Funcional , Libertad de Circulación , COVID-19 , Esperanza de Vida Saludable , Calidad del Sueño , Marco Interseccional , Ciudadanía , Geriatría , Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión , Apoyo Familiar , Gimnasia , Hábitos , Escritura Manual , Física Sanitaria , Planificación en Salud , Promoción de la Salud , Vivienda , Derechos Humanos , Relaciones Interpersonales , Soledad , Longevidad , Métodos , Motivación , RuidoRESUMEN
Neste artigo são discutidos alguns aspectos da relação pais-filhos, focados na importância do filho no desenvolvimento dos pais. A relação filho-adulto e pais é abordada tanto em seu sentido criativo como complicado, gerador de patologia. A relação filhos-pais é associada a outra mão da mesma rua onde a psicologia bastante tem discutido a relação pais-filhos. Daí o título: "Pais e filhos: uma rua de mão dupla". A compreensão simbólica do ditado popular "filho criado, trabalho dobrado" é buscada. Esse "maior trabalho" dado pelo "filho criado" é associado ao trabalhoso processo de recolhimento necessário que os pais precisam fazer da depositação-projeção dos papéis parentais arquetípicos de filho, Fm e Fp, sobre os filhos. Também são discutidos a função da idealização cruzada e o consequente jogo de poder cruzado entre filhos e pais. Algumas complicações desse processo de retirada das depositações-projeções pelos pais sobre os filhos são enfocadas pela sua importância clínica, a saber: os riscos dos avós, o risco da inversão de papéis entre pais e filhos e a adolescência tardia. É chamada a atenção para a importância do tema, uma vez que, com o aumento da vida média, a população com mais idade cresceu e sua problemática precisa ser mais bem compreendida.
The author discusses some aspects of parents-children relationship, the so called "double way street". She emphasizes the importance of this theme because psychology has discussed enough parents-children relationship but children-parents relationship has been put aside. Archetypal parental-roles and crossed projections between children and parents are discussed as being an important aspect of the complexity of this issue, due to their clinical importance. Some process disorders are focused like: grand-parents' risks, archetypal parental roles inversion between parents and children and tardy adolescence. The symbolic understanding of the popular saying "Raised children, hell breaks lose" is sought in this article. The troubles with the "raised child" is linked to the painful process parents have to go through with projection archetypal parental roles of the child, Cm Cf over the children.
En este artículo se discuten algunos aspectos de la relación padre-hijo, enfocándose en la importancia del niño en el desarrollo de los padres. Se aborda la relación hijo-adulto y padres tanto en su sentido creativo como en su sentido complicado, generador de patologías. La relación padre-hijo está asociada con otra mano en la misma calle donde la psicología ha discutido durante mucho tiempo la relación padre-hijo. De ahí el título: "Padres e hijos: una calle de dos sentidos". Se busca la comprensión simbólica del dicho popular "hijo criado, trabajo duplicado". Este "trabajo mayor" dado por el "hijo criado" está asociado al laborioso proceso de recolección necesaria que los padres deben hacer a partir del depositación-proyección de los roles parentales arquetípicos del hijo, Hm e Hp (hijo de la madre e hijo del padre), en sus hijos. También se discute el papel de la idealización cruzada y el juego de poder cruzado resultante entre hijos y padres. Se destacan, por su importancia clínica, algunas complicaciones de este proceso de eliminación de depositaciones-proyecciones de los padres sobre sus hijos, a saber: los riesgos de los abuelos, el riesgo de inversión de roles entre padres e hijos y la adolescencia tardía. Se llama la atención sobre la importancia del tema, ya que, con el aumento del promedio de vida, la población de mayor edad ha crecido y es necesario comprender mejor sus problemas.
Relaciones Padres-Hijo , Adolescente , AbuelosRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: Infant feeding practices are rapidly changing within rural areas in Mexico, including indigenous communities. The aim of this study was to compare infant feeding recommendations between grandmothers and healthcare providers, to better understand the factors that may influence these practices within these communities. This study builds on research that recognizes the legacy of colonization as an ongoing process that impacts the lives of people through many pathways, including the substandard healthcare systems available to them. METHODS: Qualitative study based on secondary data analysis from interviews and focus groups guided by a socioecological framework conducted in 2018 in two rural, Indigenous communities in Central Mexico. Participants were purposively selected mothers (n = 25), grandmothers (n = 11), and healthcare providers (n = 24) who offered care to children up to two years of age and/or their mothers. Data were coded and thematically analyzed to contrast the different perspectives of infant feeding recommendations and practices between mother, grandmothers, and healthcare providers. RESULTS: Grandmothers and healthcare providers differed in their beliefs regarding appropriate timing to introduce non-milk foods and duration of breastfeeding. Compared to grandmothers, healthcare providers tended to believe that their recommendations were superior to those from people in the communities and expressed stereotypes reflected in negative attitudes towards mothers who did not follow their recommendations. Grandmothers often passed down advice from previous generations and their own experiences with infant feeding but were also open to learning from healthcare providers through government programs and sharing their knowledge with their daughters and other women. Given the contradictory recommendations from grandmothers and healthcare providers, mothers often were unsure which advice to follow. CONCLUSIONS: There are important differences between grandmothers and healthcare providers regarding infant feeding recommendations. Healthcare providers may perceive their recommendations as superior given the neocolonial structures of the medical system. Public health policies are needed to address the different recommendations mothers receive from different sources, by harmonizing them and following an evidence-informed approach. Breastfeeding programs need to value and to seek the participation of grandmothers.
Abuelos , Lactante , Niño , Humanos , Femenino , Lactancia Materna , México , Madres , Personal de SaludRESUMEN
A 53-year-old man with an asymptomatic fistula from the Vieussens ring to the pulmonary artery presented with progressive respiratory distress. Coil embolization of this type of fistula has been described by femoral access. The advanced transradial "grandmother-mother-son" technique for high active support safely allows successful embolization of this type of coronary fistulae.
Un hombre de 53 años con una fístula asintomática del anillo de Vieussens a la arteria pulmonar comenzó con dificultad respiratoria progresiva. La embolización con coils de este tipo de fístulas ha sido descrita por acceso femoral. La técnica transradial avanzada "abuela-madre-hijo" para un alto soporte activo permite de manera segura la embolización exitosa de este tipo fístulas coronarias.
Anomalías de los Vasos Coronarios , Fístula , Abuelos , Masculino , Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Arteria Pulmonar , Angiografía Coronaria/métodos , Relaciones Madre-HijoRESUMEN
OBJECTIVE: Novel foods and dietary practices, a lack of available land, and displacement by armed conflict have affected the ancestral food traditions practiced by the Inga community in Aponte, in Nariño, Colombia. These factors have led to problems with food security and malnutrition, which have impacted the growth and development of children. Therefore, this study is aimed at identifying the changes in ancestral food practices reported by Inga grandmothers, and the possibility of recuperating them in order to improve children's health. METHOD: A qualitative study was conducted that included 24 mothers with children under five years old and 25 grandmothers in nine Inga communities. Participants were recruited using snowball sampling. Free listing was used to identify changes in food patterns, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 grandmothers to delve deeper into the subject. A translator of the Inga language facilitated communication, and the Inga researcher validated the translation using audio recordings. Each interview was transcribed and categorized for the purpose of analysis, using the NVivo 12 software. RESULTS: Free lists showed changes from a corn-based to a rice-based diet and a wide variety of non-ancestral food products. According to the grandmothers, "tiendas" have replaced traditional foods with those that are easy to prepare, which are attractive to mothers as well as to the children because of their flavor. Ancestral practices such as grinding, peeling, and log cooking are being abandoned. Government programs and daycare have incorporated new food that compete with traditional ones, with no clear evidence of an intercultural approach. Added to this is the dismissal by young mothers of the knowledge held by their grandmothers, which hinders the continuation of traditions. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that it is necessary to prevent the loss of the Inga food culture, and policies need to be created that promote and protect ancestral knowledge and that help to regain the value of the "chagra" farming system, with the support of elders, authorities who are recognized by the community, and government technicians, as recommended by the grandmothers who participated in this study.
Abuelos , Anciano , Niño , Salud Infantil , Preescolar , Colombia , Femenino , Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Humanos , Madres , PercepciónRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: Dental caries is the most common chronic childhood disease. Past studies revealed that grandparents provide their grandchildren with cariogenic foods and beverages (eg, those with free sugars and/or modified starches). Qualitative research can help identify what drives this phenomenon. OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to examine mothers' explanations for why grandparents in north central and central Appalachia give their grandchildren cariogenic foods and beverages. DESIGN: A qualitative study on children's oral health in Pennsylvania and West Virginia from 2018 through 2020 was performed. In-person, semi-structured interviews were conducted. Qualitative data from interviews were recorded, transcribed, and then coded using NVivo. Data analysis for this study was performed using thematic analysis with iterative theme development. PARTICIPANTS/SETTING: The participants were 126 mothers of children aged 3-5 years from West Virginia (n = 66) and Pittsburgh, PA (n = 60). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Mothers' perspectives about why grandparents give their grandchildren cariogenic foods and beverages were analyzed. RESULTS: In the study sample, 85% of mothers (n = 107/126) named at least 1 of their children's grandparents as a member of their social network responsible for their children's oral health. From these interviews, 85% of mothers (n = 91/107) discussed that grandparents gave their grandchildren cariogenic foods and beverages. The mothers described the following 4 themes to explain why grandparents gave their grandchildren cariogenic foods and beverages: privilege of the grandparent role; responsibilities of the grandparent role; symbol of care and affection; and limited consideration or understanding of the detrimental impact. CONCLUSIONS: Grandparents play a role in giving their grandchildren cariogenic foods and beverages, which could potentially contribute to childhood caries. Research is needed to develop effective social interventions to help some grandparents understand the implications of a cariogenic diet on their grandchildren's oral health and/or decrease their provision of cariogenic foods and beverages.
Caries Dental , Abuelos , Niño , Femenino , Humanos , Caries Dental/prevención & control , Investigación Cualitativa , Bebidas , MadresRESUMEN
Chile has the highest rates of grandparent caregiving of young children among Western countries. However, there is limited information on (a) how mothers and grandmothers share caregiving responsibilities, (b) if mother's care for children differs across different types of grandmother support, and (c) the perceived roles that grandmothers have as caregivers. Through a mixed-methods approach, we seek to explore the areas mentioned above. Using a nationally representative survey (N = 4,288), we compare the frequency with which mothers participate in activities with their children ages 1-5 years by the degree of grandmother participation. We find that mothers participate in activities with their children and in their functional care at similar levels across grandmother caregiving types. The main exception is mothers with coresiding grandmothers taking a secondary caregiver role: These mothers reported a higher frequency of activities with their children than mothers with other types of grandmother involvement, even those who had majority caregiving or irregular caregiving grandmothers. In-depth interviews with mothers and grandmothers reveal how they share the caregiving responsibilities, which depend on the mother's work status, with families with working mothers having more involved grandmothers. The grandmother's level of responsibilities, in turn, seems to shape their perceived role as caregivers. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved).
Abuelos , Niño , Femenino , Humanos , Preescolar , Lactante , Madres/psicología , Relaciones Intergeneracionales , Chile , CuidadoresRESUMEN
With increasing life expectancy, grandparents and grandchildren have more years available to share. Furthermore, with lower fertility rates and fewer grandchildren, relationships can be more frequent and profound. Intergenerational relationships are expected to be associated with older people's quality of life, especially in Latin American countries such as Chile, with high intergenerational co-residence and contact between generations. This research aims to analyze the associations between the characteristics of intergenerational relationships and grandparents' subjective well-being (Diener Scale and Satisfaction) and self-rated health. The novelty stems from including the structural characteristics of relationships with grandchildren (frequency of contact, closeness, and care), the activities they share (generativity), and the quality of relationships (ambivalence). This study is based on data from a specific face-to-face grandparenting survey conducted on a sample of 464 grandparents in January 2020. It is representative of older Chilean grandparents living in private dwellings. Multiple logistic and ordinary regression models were estimated using the Diener Scale, unique satisfaction question, and health self-perception. The results demonstrated that subjective well-being, but not self-rated health, was highly associated with the characteristics of intergenerational relationships, especially with the quality of relationships and with generative activities such as recreational activities and family identity. In conclusion, intergenerational relationships' quality and content are strongly associated with subjective well-being in old age, but not with health self-perception. Even in a Latin American country like Chile, with high co-residence and intergenerational contact, the variations in quality and generativity activities significantly explain the variations in subjective well-being. For this reason, policies for the promotion of well-being in older people must consider the family environment in which older people live, encompassing wider family networks, including grandchildren.
Abuelos , Anciano , Chile , Humanos , Relaciones Intergeneracionales , Calidad de Vida , Encuestas y CuestionariosRESUMEN
OBJECTIVES: Breast-feeding is sensitive to somatic, hormonal, behavioral and psychological components of maternal capital. However, through grandmothering, older women may also influence breast-feeding by transferring informational resources to their daughters. We hypothesized that mothers with prolonged instrumental support from their own mother are more likely to have received advice and to have favorable attitudes/practices regarding breastfeeding, compared to those lacking such support, with implications for the grandchild's somatic capital. METHODS: We recruited 90 mother-infant dyads (52 with grandmaternal support, 38 without) in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. All children were first-borns, aged ~2 years. Anthropometry and body composition were assessed. Data on grandmother's breastfeeding advice and maternal breastfeeding duration were obtained by questionnaire. Maternal attitudes to breast-feeding were assessed using the Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale. RESULTS: Women with instrumental support were more likely to have received grandmaternal advice during pregnancy/infancy on exclusive breast-feeding duration (60% vs. 37%, p = 0.033) and the type of first complementary food (81% vs. 47%, p = 0.001). However, women with support had a less favorable attitude to breastfeeding than those without and breastfed their children for less time (median 5 vs. 10.5 months, p = 0.01). No group differences were found in children's length, weight, skinfolds or lean mass z-score. DISCUSSION: Although grandmothers providing instrumental support provided advice regarding breastfeeding, their attitudes may reflect issues beyond nutritional health. Advice of maternal grandmothers did not promote extended breastfeeding, however the differences in breastfeeding attitudes were not associated with the children's nutritional status. Grandmothers should be included in public health interventions promoting breastfeeding.
Lactancia Materna , Abuelos , Embarazo , Niño , Lactante , Humanos , Femenino , Anciano , Lactancia Materna/psicología , México , Madres/psicología , Fenómenos Fisiológicos Nutricionales del LactanteRESUMEN
Diabetes affects many aspects of family life for the Mexican American (MA) population. Caregiving grandmothers, the traditional family nurturers, are often simultaneously managing their type 2 diabetes (T2DM). The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study was to describe the perceptions of MA grandmothers managing T2DM while caring for a grandchild. Eight participants were interviewed. Participants consistently reported feeling a personal responsibility for their T2DM self-management as well as for the health and wellbeing of their families, including their grandchildren. Regardless of associated caregiving stress, grandchildren were described as the main source of positive motivation for T2DM self-management.
Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Abuelos , Cuidadores , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/terapia , Femenino , Humanos , Relaciones Intergeneracionales , Americanos MexicanosRESUMEN
O complexo de Édipo é até hoje um dos conceitos mais centrais no campo da psicanálise e se refere a uma dada situação familiar prototípica que supostamente atravessa todo sujeito no decorrer de seu desenvolvimento emocional. Tendo o conceito passado por diversas revisões, complementações e críticas ao longo do tempo, e, embora tenha perdido seu caráter universal, não ocorrendo necessariamente entre pai, mãe e criança, como acreditava Freud, ainda assim tem sua importância. Entretanto, são poucos os trabalhos que abordam outras dinâmicas relacionais na família, para além do relacionamento pais e filhos. Este artigo se propõe a contribuir para o estudo específico do vínculo entre avós e netos, por meio de um relato de caso bastante particular acerca de um complexo edípico envolvendo esse tipo de dupla. O aporte teórico da psicanálise vincular foi eleito por ser um referencial que enfatiza o âmbito intersubjetivo e o todo familiar, podendo, assim, melhor abarcar uma reflexão aprofundada sobre essa temática.
The Oedipus complex is to this day one of the most central concepts in the field of psychoanalysis and refers to a given prototypical family situation that supposedly crosses every subject in the course of his emotional development. Since the concept has undergone several revisions, complements and criticisms over time, and although it has lost its universal character, not necessarily occurring between father, mother and child, as Freud believed, it still has its importance. However, few studies deal with other relational dynamics in the family, in addition to the relationship between parents and children. This article proposes to contribute to the specific study of the bond between grandparents and grandchildren, through a very particular case report about an oedipal complex involving this type of pair. The theoretical contribution of the links psychoanalysis was chosen because it is a reference that emphasizes the intersubjective scope and the family, and, therefore, better to include a deep reflection on this theme.
El complejo de Edipo es hasta hoy uno de los conceptos más centrales en el campo del psicoanálisis y se refiere a una determinada situación familiar prototípica que supuestamente atraviesa a todo sujeto en el transcurso de su desarrollo emocional. Con el concepto pasado por diversas revisiones, complementaciones y críticas a lo largo del tiempo, y, aunque ha perdido su carácter universal, no ocurriendo necesariamente entre padre, madre y niño, como creía Freud, todavía tiene su importancia. Sin embargo, son pocos los trabajos que abordan otras dinámicas relacionales en la familia, además de la relación padres e hijos. Este artículo se propone contribuir al estudio específico del vínculo entre abuelos y nietos, por medio de un relato de caso bastante particular acerca de un complejo edípico envolviendo ese tipo de doble. El aporte teórico del psicoanálisis vincular fue elegido por ser un referencial que enfatiza el ámbito intersubjetivo y el todo familiar, pudiendo así mejor abarcar una reflexión profundizada sobre esa temática.
Humanos , Psicoanálisis , Relaciones Familiares , Abuelos , Complejo de EdipoRESUMEN
OBJECTIVE: To understand the role of grandparents of hospitalized children with cancer. METHODS: In a qualitative study, we interviewed eleven grandparents of children with cancer hospitalized at a referral center for pediatric oncology in São Paulo. The data were analyzed using the Hybrid Framework of Thematic Analysis. RESULTS: Six themes were found to describe the role of grandparents in this context: Being the family's support, Sharing love to my child and my grandchild, Being there for my child and my grandchild, Offering spiritual support to my child and my grandchild, Making an effort to be able to manage my own feelings and Balancing the demands of hospitalization with available resources. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The findings show the significance of the grandparents' role in this experience and emphasize the value of being considered, by health professionals, as part of the family and care.
Abuelos , Neoplasias , Brasil , Niño , Familia , Hospitales , Humanos , Neoplasias/terapiaRESUMEN
A growing body of evidence highlights that maternal and child nutrition programmes need to extend beyond the mother-child dyad by adopting a family systems approach, particularly in the Global South. Guided by a sociocultural and community psychology understanding of health, the paper explores factors identifying grandmothers as central resources for nutrition programmes. The study was conducted in a Colombian urban periphery applying a qualitative longitudinal design (prenatal and postpartum). It is based on interviews with adolescent mothers and mothers in their 20s (n = 35 at T1; n = 21 at T2), grandmothers (n = 15 at T1; n = 12 at T2) and community/public stakeholders (n = 17). Many of the participants live in low-income households headed by grandmothers, who adjust feeding practices to the extent of their economic capacity. Findings reveal grandmothers play a central role in decision-making and in enabling a holistic support system for the dyad. This is defined as grandmothers' scaffolding; it covers nutrition advice, breastfeeding and infant feeding, cultural practices, caregiving and maternal mental health. The study helps build the evidence-base for the transferability of a family systems approach to Global South regions by using sociocultural and community psychology concepts to fortify the rationale for including grandmothers in maternal and child nutrition programmes. It argues for the need to continue raising the visibility of key actors like grandmothers and for nutrition programmes to align themselves more flexibly with the needs of families experiencing poverty.
Abuelos , Adolescente , Lactancia Materna , Niño , Colombia , Femenino , Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Humanos , Lactante , Madres , EmbarazoRESUMEN
This study analyzes the influence of grandmothers' household residency on the presence of low height-for-age and excessive fat (FMI = fat mass [kg]/height [m2]), waist circumference, and sum of triceps and subscapular skinfolds in a sample of 247 6- to 8-year-old urban Maya children from Yucatan, Mexico. Between September 2011 and January 2014, we obtained anthropometric and body composition data from children and mothers, as well as socioeconomic characteristics of participants and households. Grandmothers' place of residence was categorized as either in the same household as their grandchildren (n = 71) or in separate households (n = 176). Multiple logistic regression models were used to analyze the association between grandmothers' residency and outcome variables. Models were adjusted for maternal anthropometric characteristics and the following socioeconomic variables: family size, location, maternal education, monthly family income, and household crowding. Models showed that the presence of grandmothers in their grandchildren's households was not associated with any of the outcome variables. In contrast, larger family size, overcrowding in the household, and lower family income predicted low height-for-age in children. Larger family size decreased the risk for being overweight based on the three parameters of body composition. Overcrowding in the household increased the risk for greater skinfolds thickness, while low family income increased the risk for higher fat mass index. The residency of grandmothers in their adult daughters' households is not significantly associated with the outcome variables in this sample of urban Maya families. Instead, maternal anthropometric characteristics and socioeconomic conditions of the family have a greater influence on the overall growth of children.
Abuelos , Internado y Residencia , Adulto , Composición Corporal , Niño , Aglomeración , Composición Familiar , Femenino , Humanos , México , MadresRESUMEN
In humans, high levels of investment are required to raise offspring, because of the prolonged developmental period and short interbirth intervals. The costs borne by individual mothers may be mitigated by obtaining social support from others. This strategy could be particularly valuable for first-time mothers, who lack first-hand experience and whose offspring have higher mortality risk than later-born siblings. As raising children is potentially stressful, mothers may gain from others sharing their experience, providing knowledge/information and emotional support. Being genetically related to both mother and grandchild, maternal grandmothers may be especially well placed to provide such support, while also gaining fitness benefits. We tested the over-arching hypothesis that first-time mothers and their young children supported by the maternal grandmother would have lower levels of stress and better health outcomes, compared to mother-infant dyads lacking such grandmaternal support. A cohort of 90 mother-infant dyads (52 with grandmaternal support, 38 without) was recruited in Merida, Mexico. We assessed anthropometry and body composition in both mother and child, along with maternally perceived stress and child temperament, and documented maternal social relationships. No differences were found in perceived stress/temperament or anthropometry of either mothers or children, according to the presence/absence of grandmaternal support. However, a composite score of whether grandmothers provided advice on infant feeding was positively associated with child nutritional status. Mothers without grandmaternal support reported seeking more informational and emotional support from other female relatives for childcare, potentially compensating for limited/absent grandmaternal support. Our findings may help develop interventions to improve maternal and child health by targeting the dynamics of maternal social networks. This article is part of the theme issue 'Multidisciplinary perspectives on social support and maternal-child health'.
Salud Infantil/estadística & datos numéricos , Abuelos/psicología , Salud Materna/estadística & datos numéricos , Evaluación Nutricional , Apoyo Social , Preescolar , Femenino , Humanos , México , MadresRESUMEN
RESUMO Este artigo busca compreender o exercício da parentalidade e da subjetivação nas famílias contemporâneas sob a perspectiva da experiência do Complexo de Édipo, a partir da teoria da psicanálise vincular. Foi realizado um estudo de caso com realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas com dois casais, um de avós que exerce as funções principais de cuidados com suas netas e o outro composto pela mãe biológica e o padrasto das meninas, que também participa do cotidiano familiar das crianças. Como resultado, verificou-se que o exercício da parentalidade é dividido e exercido pelos quatro participantes da entrevista, configurando uma vivência familiar atual em que os papéis parentais não estão delimitados de forma clara. No entanto, para todos os membros da família a avó representa a figura principal que exerce as funções parentais diante das netas, com estabelecimento de alianças inconscientes e aspectos intergeracionais específicos presentes na dinâmica familiar. Nesse contexto, para que ocorra uma elaboração edípica é necessária que seja exercida uma função diferenciadora, não limitada ao gênero ou filiação biológica, que permita o registro das diferenças nas relações intersubjetivas.
ABSTRACT The aim was to understand the exercise of parenting and subjectivation in contemporary families regarding to the Oedipus Complex experience, from Linkage Psychoanalysis Theory. A case study has been carried out by semi - structured interviews with two couples, represented by the grandparents who fulfil the main nurture functions with their granddaughters, and the couple formed by the biological mother and the girls' stepfather, who also takes part in the family everyday life of the children. It was found that the exercise of parenting is shared and held by the four interviewees, constituting a new family experience in which the parental roles are not limited in a clear way. Even so, however for all family members, the grandmother represents the main figure who performs parental functions in front of granddaughters, setting up unconscious alliances and intergenerational aspects which have configured the family dynamics. It was observed that for an oedipal construction it's necessary to be performed a distinctive role not limited to gender or biological paternity, which allows the record of the differences and the inter-subjective relations' division.
RESUMEN Se buscó comprender el ejercicio de la parentalidad y subjetivación en las familias contemporáneas en lo tocante a la experiencia del Complejo de Edipo, a partir de la teoría del psicoanálisis vincular. Se realizó un estudio de caso, con realización de entrevistas semiestructuradas con dos parejas, siendo la pareja de abuelos la que ejerce las funciones principales de cuidados de sus nietas y el matrimonio compuesto por la madre biológica y el padrastro de las niñas, que también participa del cotidiano familiar de los niños. Se verificó que el ejercicio de la parentalidad es dividido y ejercido por los cuatro participantes de la entrevista, configurando una vivencia familiar actual en que los papeles parentales no están delimitados de forma clara. Aun así, para todos los miembros de la familia, la abuela representa la principal figura que ejerce las funciones parentales frente a las nietas, con establecimiento de alianzas inconscientes y aspectos intergeneracionales específicos que configuraron la dinámica familiar. Se verificó que para que ocurra una elaboración edípica es necesario que se ejerza una función diferenciadora, no limitada al género o filiación biológica, que permita el registro de las diferencias y separación en las relaciones intersubjetivas.