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Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(2): 9-9, May 6, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-1396746


The Strawberry (Fragaria× ananassaDuch.) is the world's most important berry. Around 9.2 million tonnes of strawberries were produced worldwide in 2021 over approximately 395,844 hectares distributed across almost all continents. However, industrial farming approaches, which include the application of high volumes of pesticides, have placed the fruit on the list of foods most contaminated by pesticide residues. Such management negatively affects food security and environmental sustainability. Agroecology is proposed as a holistic alternative tosolve this problem, and within this, some practices associated with homeopathy and biodynamic farming involve the application of high-dynamized dilutions as alternatives to chemical pesticides. Research indicates that the use of high-dynamized dilutions holds the potential to promote crop vitality through building natural equilibrium and resilience of agricultural systems. The objective of this research was to explore the extent to which high-dynamized dilutions can increase the sustainability of commercial strawberry production as well as understand the challenges and benefits of using high-dynamized dilutions in agriculture. To do this, natural and social science methods are combined in a multidisciplinary approach that was developed simultaneously in Brazil and the UK. Results of controlled trials demonstrated that the use of high-dynamized dilutions of Phosphorus12CH, Sulphur12 CH, and Kali Carbonicum12CH positively influenced crop production, pest disease levels, and plant vigor in strawberry plants.In addition, data collected from a web surveyand interviews with farmers, researchers,and advisors who work with homeopathy, evidenced the role of homeopathy and biodynamic farming as transformative tools regarding ecological awareness and ecological education, helping to advance the concept of the agriculture organism and subtle aspects of life into agricultural research and society.

Altas Potencias , Fragaria , Agricultura Sostenible
Homeopatia Méx ; 89(720): 26-36, ene.-mar. 2020.
Artículo en Español | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia, LILACS | ID: biblio-1147662


El cáncer es una de las principales causas de mortalidad. Algunos experimentos recientes con preparaciones altamente diluidas han mostrado efectos anticáncer en modelos in vitro e in vivo. Este principio fundamental de la Homeopatía sugiere que las sustancias capaces de ocasionar ciertas enfermedades podrían tener la capacidad de alterar el mismo mal si se utiliza dicha sustancia de forma ultra diluida y potenciada. Esta hipótesis llevó a examinar a ciertos carcinógenos por su potencial eficacia anticáncer. La prueba de sulfurodamina B resulta útil para determinar la citotoxicidad en estudios basados en células para evaluar agentes anticancerosos. En el protocolo estuvieron involucradas la preparación de diluciones homeopáticas, incubación de células con diluciones homeopáticas, unión de SRB y la medición de absorbancia. Las células fueron tratadas con potencias 30C de: nosode de VIH, nosode de hepatitis C, Carcinosinum, nosode de cáncer y etanol, así como un control positivo (adriamicina). Las preparaciones fueron evaluadas en cultivos de células: HeLa, HepG2, A549, MCF, 7 T 24, Jurkat, SCC 40 y también HL-60. La actividad anticáncer de las preparaciones homeopáticas se han medido mediante porcentaje de inhibición del crecimiento, y todas mostraron actividad anticáncer en celulas HeLa, HepG2, A 549, T 24 y HL-60. El Carcinosinum mostró actividad anticáncer en las células SCC 40, mientras que el nosode de Hepatitis C, el Carcinosinum y el nosode de cáncer fueron efectivos contra los cultivos de células de cáncer de mama MCF-7. Sin embargo, ninguna de las preparaciones mostró actividad alguna contra los cultivos de célula de leucemia. A manera de conclusión, preparaciones altamente diluidas y potencializadas han demostrado efectos anticáncer y citotóxicos en cultivos celulares, lo cual sustenta el razonamiento del principio homeopático fundamental de la Ley de los Semejantes, y trazando el camino para ampliar su aplicación en los servicios de salud.(AU)

Cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality. The recent experiments with highdiluted preparations have shown anticancer effects in in vitro and vivo models. The fundamental principle of homeopathy suggests that the substances capable of producing certain diseases may have a capacity to alter the same disease if used in the ultra-dilute-potentized form. This hypothesis led certain carcinogens for examining their potential anti-cancer efficacy. Sulforhodamine B assay is useful in determining the cytotoxicity in cell-based studies in evaluating anticancer agents. The protocol involved preparation of homeopathy dilutions, incubation of cells with homeopathy dilutions, SRB binding, and measurement of absorbance. Cells were treated with 30 potencies of HIV nosode, Hepatitis C nosode, Carcinosin, Cancer nosode, and Ethanol along with positive control (Adriamycin). The preparations were tested in HeLa, HepG2, A549, MCF 7, T 24, Jurkat, SCC 40, and HL-60 cell-lines. The homeopathic preparations have shown the anticancer activity measured as percentage growth inhibition. All the homeopathy preparations studied, exhibited anticancer activity on HeLa, HepG2, A 549, T 24, and HL-60 cells. Carcinosin showed the anticancer activity on the SCC 40 cells. Hepatitis C nosode, Carcinosin, and Cancer nosode have shown the anticancer activity on breast cancer cell line MCF-7. None of the preparations exhibited anticancer activity on Human Leukemia Cell Line. High-dilution, potentized preparations of certain carcinogens have demonstrated anti-cancer, cytotoxic effects in the cell-line model, supporting the rationale of the fundamental homeopathic principle the Law of Similars, opening windows to its wider applications in healthcare. (AU)

Altas Potencias , Principio de Similitud , Neoplasias , Fármacos Anti-VIH , Hepatitis C Crónica
Int. j. high dilution res ; 19(1/2): 26-35, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia, LILACS | ID: biblio-1146514


We have carried out systematic studies to investigate the effect on supercontinuumgeneration in water using 40 fs laser pulses when doped with Homeopathic medicines. We perform these studies using five series of medications with different levels of dilution (10-30 to 10-100000). We measure supercontinuum spectra that span from 400-1050nm. We monitor the area under the curve in the range 450-750 nm for each sample at a fixed incident laser energy. Our observations indicate that the yield of supercontinuum generation, in water containing Homeopathic medicine is significantly different from that obtained in water containing plain ethanol. The measurement for different dilutions shows up to 7 times standard deviation variation in the yield of supercontinuum generationEven though linear absorption in the UV-visible region does not show any significant difference for different Homeopathic medicines, the supercontinuum yield which depends on the effective nonlinear refractive index changes with different samples. (AU)

Agua/química , Altas Potencias , Carrera de Maratón , Homeopatía
Int. j. high dilution res ; 19(1/2): 39-55, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1146517


The ultra-high dilutions (UHDs) have been widely used in the field of human, animal and plant treatment. In the present research, the effects of the potentized ultra-high dilutions (UHDs) on physiological and biochemical variations in Oryza sativaL. (rice) were investigated. Methods: To study the effect of UHDs (Calendula officinalisCalen. and Arnica montanaArn.) on the physiological and biochemical variations of the Oryza sativaL. (rice), 28 experiments were designed and statistically analyzed using the Design Expert 7.0.1 software over the general factorial design methodology. Three qualitative factors were studied including the UHDs/placebo usage, sterile/non-sterile experimental condition and the type and timing of the UHDs usage. The validated analysis was subjected to more extended studies on the variations in physiological growth, carbohydrate, protein content, pigment production, and amino acid patterns. To evaluate the effects of UHDs on rice, a desirable response percentage was formed from a number of healthy seedling productions, and the height percentage of the aerial parts and main roots were studied. Results: The statistical analysis resulted in a prediction model which was more than 97% correlates with experimental results. The results showed that the UHDs increased the pH variations, carbohydrate, protein and pigment levels each by ~2.5, ~1.5, ~1.4, and ~1.4 folds, respectively. Also compared to placebo, the amount and proportionof amino acids has significantly varied, showing a statistical effect on the germination and seedling growth of the rice, as well as the stress conditions caused by the sterilization process, seedlings entrance into the light and their transition into hydroponic culture medium.Conclusion: The use of UHDs leads to an increase in the production of chlorophyll, as well as carbohydrate and protein content. Moreover, it causes significant variations in the amino acid profile and the production of amino acids along with the photosynthesis, germination, and metabolism processes.(AU)

Oryza/fisiología , Altas Potencias , Arnica , Calendula , Homeopatía/métodos , Oryza/crecimiento & desarrollo , Oryza/metabolismo , Esterilización , Análisis de Varianza , Germinación/efectos de los fármacos , Plantones/efectos de los fármacos , Aminoácidos/análisis
Int. j. high dilution res ; 19(3): 18-26, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-1146524


Background:High and ultra-low doses of HgCl2modulate α-amylase starch interaction through two different binding sites of the enzyme. Mercurius corrosivus at ultra-high dilution (UHD) is reported to have a long duration of action for 30-60 days.Objectives:(i) To see whether the mother tincture and UHDs of mercuric chloride could directly act on α-amylase without intervention of its substrate starch. (ii) To see whether the MT and UHDs produce longer binding interaction with α-amylase than the control.Methods:Mercuric chloride MT (0.15 M) or Merc corθ and its three UHDs, 30, 200, 1000 cH called potencies were in 90% ethanol. Blank 90% ethanol and deionised and distilled (DD) water were used as controls. All ethanol based ligands were diluted with DD water to reduce EtOH content to 0.09%. Using an ITC instrument each ligand was injected once at 10 µl into15µM α-amylase at 250C and the reaction was observed for 33.3 min. Results:While Merccorθ produced endothermic reaction, all other ligands did exothermic reaction. All ligands sustained heat change for the entire period of observation (33.3 min). Conclusions:Merc corθ and potencies produced exactly the opposite reaction at the protein binding sites. Merc cor200 cH and 1000 cH produced highest heat change (6 micro cal/sec) during interaction with α-amylase.(AU)

Calorimetría , Altas Potencias , Homeopatía , Cloruro de Mercurio
Int. j. high dilution res ; 19(3): 40-49, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-1146529


BackgroundAnxiety disorders are highly prevalent that affect millions of people worldwide. Homeopathic system is gaining popularity due to its efficacy in chronic diseases. Ultra-diluted Aconitum napellusis a homeopathic medicine used by clinicians for treatment ofacute anxiety.AimObjective of this study is to test the efficacy of Aconiteon experimental anxiety models of Wistar rats. Methodology18 Female Wistar rats were dividedinto Control, Anxiety, andAnxiety + Aconite(ANX+ACO) groups. Acute stress was induced by restraining the rats for sixhours daily for fivedays in Anxiety and ANX + ACO groups. After fivedays of stress,a single dose of Aconite200cH was given to ANX + ACO group through oral gavage, whereas control and anxiety group rats were maintainedwith a normaldiet. Following this, behavioral assessment was done. Histological sections of the hippocampal area weretaken and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin and also Cresyl violet stain. ResultsIt was observedthat the Aconitetreated group had morenumber of entries and also the percentage of time spent in the open arm was higher than the stressed anxiety group. Histological study of the brain tissue procured from all three groups was analyzed. ConclusionIt was inferred that ultra-diluted homeopathicAconitehas decreased anxiety in Wistar rats which were subjectedto acute restrainstress. However,the decrease was not statistically significant to deduce Aconiteas an anxiolytic.(AU)

Animales , Ratas , Ansiedad , Altas Potencias , Aconitum , Homeopatía
Homeopatia Méx ; 88(718): 20-26, jul.-sept. 2019.
Artículo en Español | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia, LILACS | ID: biblio-1147355


Como bien es conocido en el ambiente académico, científico y de salud pública nacional e internacional, una limitante mayor para la aceptación y expansión de la Homeopatía es el desconocimiento de los mecanismos de acción de los fármacos o medicamentos a diluciones o dinamizaciones muy elevadas, o Ultra Diluciones Homeopáticas (UDH). Es un flanco por el cual la Homeopatía es atacada constantemente, ignorando las múltiples investigaciones de tipo clínico, así como los aspectos biofísicos del comportamiento de los solventes a niveles de ultradiluciones. Este texto intenta llevar al médico homeópata de habla hispana una monografía acerca del desarrollo de la investigación teórica y práctica de los mecanismos íntimos de acción de las ultra diluciones homeopáticas (UDH) en células, animales de laboratorio y humanos. A través de este texto trataremos de dar una visión retrospectiva del trabajo teórico-experimental realizado por dos académicos comprometidos con la Homeopatía en México. Me refiero al doctor Hugo Montfort Rubín, médico homeópata originario de Monterrey, Nuevo León, y al Doctor en Ciencias Ángel Salas Cuevas, ingeniero, físico y maestro de la Escuela Nacional de Medicina y Homeopatía (ENMyH) del Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Ambos personajes, ya fallecidos, dejaron amplias y profundas huellas en alumnos, médicos homeópatas e instituciones en las que participaron. Desearía poder incluir en esta pequeña aportación el gran trabajo que realizó el doctor Roberto Mendiola Q. en la década de 1960 acerca de la cristalografía de las altas diluciones homeopáticas, pero la falta de material confiable me lo impide. (AU)

As it is well known in both national and international scientific, academic and public health environments, one of the mayor limitations to the acceptance and expansion of Homeopathy is the ignorance of the mechanisms of action of homeopathic drugs or medications that are highly diluted or dynamized, also known as Ultra High Homeopathic Dilutions. This constitutes an angle from which Homeopathy is constantly attacked, and the multiple clinical-type investigations, as well as the biophysical aspects of the behavior of of solvents at an ultra-diluted level are both ignored. This written work attempts to lead the spanish-speaking homeopathic physician towards a monograph regarding the development of theoretical and practical investigation of the intimate mechanisms of action of Homeopathic ultradilutions in cells, laboratory animals and humans. Through this text, we will attempt to provide a retrospective vision of the theoretical and experimental work conducted by two academics who are committed to Homeopathy in Mexico. I am referring to Dr. Hugo Montfort Rubín, a Homeopathic physician from Monterrey, Nuevo León, and the doctor in science, Ángel Salas Cuevas, a physical engineer y teacher in the Nacional School of Medicine and Homeopathy in Mexico (ENMyH) of the Politechnical National Institute (IPN). Both characters, both deceased, left broad and deep marks in their students, Homeopathic physicians and the institutions they participated in their lifetime. I wish to include this small contribution to the great work of doctor Roberto Mendiola Q. during the 1960's, regarding the crystallography of high homeopathic dilutions, however, the lack of reliable material prevents me from doing so. (AU)

Altas Potencias , Farmacotécnica Homeopática , Mecanismo de Acción del Medicamento Homeopático , Medicamento Homeopático , México
Natal; s.n; 28 jun. 2019. 74 p. ilus, graf, tab.
Tesis en Portugués | BBO - Odontología | ID: biblio-1551692


Introdução: O aumento da potência dos fotopolimerizadores à base de diodos emissores de luz (LED) contribuiu para a redução do tempo de fotopolimerização dos procedimentos restauradores e ortodônticos. Entretanto, é desconhecido o efeito do LED sobre a retina de quem faz o uso crônico desse equipamento sem usar filtros de proteção. Objetivo: Avaliar os possíveis efeitos do uso crônico de um aparelho fotopolimerizador LED de alta potência nas retinas de ratos Wistar. Material e métodos: Neste estudo experimental in vivo, seis ratos machos saudáveis foram utilizados. Os olhos esquerdos dos animais foram expostos à luz do fotopolimerizador à base de LED (Valo Ortho - Ultradent), a uma potência de 3.200mW/cm2 , por 144 segundos, à distância de 30cm, três vezes ao dia, durante 7 dias. Os olhos direitos foram cobertos com um tampão plástico removível preto, opaco, compondo a amostra controle. No oitavo dia, os animais foram anestesiados, submetidos à eutanásia, seus olhos foram dissecados e processados histologicamente. As lâminas foram digitalizadas utilizando-se uma câmera acoplada a um microscópico óptico e as suas imagens foram analisadas por histomorfometria bi e tridimensional. Resultados: Não foram encontradas diferenças intergrupos estatisticamente significativas para o volume total da retina (p=0,655) nem para o volume das camadas retinianas ganglionar (p=0,375), plexiforme interna (p=0,327), nuclear interna (p=0,693), plexiforme externa (p=0,177), nuclear externa (p=0,355) e o prolongamento de cones e bastonetes (p=0,871), quando avaliadas individualmente. As análises histomorfométricas bidimensionais apresentaram redução estatisticamente significativas (p<0,05) para as áreas celulares, com redução de 25,32% para a camada nuclear interna, 17,59% para a camada nuclear externa e 16,76% para a camada ganglionar. Apesar da densidade numérica das camadas nucleares interna e externa terem reduzido, e da camada ganglionar terem aumentado, as mesmas não apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significativas. Conclusão: A exposição crônica do LED de alta potência (3.200mW/cm2 ) induziu atrofia celular nas camadas nuclear interna, nuclear externa e ganglionar (AU).

Introduction: The increase in the power of light-emitting diode (LED) light cure has contributed to reduce the curing time of restorative and orthodontic procedures. However, the effect of the LED on the retina of those who make the chronic use of light units without using protection filters is unknown. Objective: To evaluate the possible effects of the chronic use of a high-power LED light curing device on the retinas of Wistar rats. Material and methods: In this experimental study in vivo, six healthy male rats were used and their ocular structures being the objects of study. The left eyes of the animals were exposed to high potency LED light, 3.200mW/cm2 (Valo Ortho - Ultradent), for 144 seconds at a distance of 30cm, three times a day, for 7 days. The right eyes were covered with removable plastic opaque tampon, composing the control sample. On the eighth day, the animals were anesthetized, euthanized, the eyes dissected and histologically processed. The slides were scanned using a camera coupled to an optical microscope and their images analyzed by two and three dimensional histomorphometry. Results: No statistically significant intergroup differences were found for total retinal volume (p = 0.655) or for the volume of the retinal layers ganglionic (p = 0.375), internal plexiform (p = 0.327), internal nuclear (p = 0.693), external plexiform (p = 0,177), external nuclear (p = 0.355) and the extension of cones and rods (p = 0.871), when evaluated individually. The histomorphometric analyzes presented statistically significant reduction for the cellular areas, with a reduction of 25,32% for the internal nuclear layer, 17,59% for external nuclear layer and 16,76% for ganglionic layer. Although the numerical density of the internal and external nuclear layers decreased, and the ganglion layer increased, they showed no statistically significant difference. Conclusion: Chronic exposure of the high-power LED (3.200mW/cm2 ) induced cellular atrophy in the internal nuclear layer, external nuclear layer and ganglionic layer (AU).

Animales , Ratas , Retina , Altas Potencias , Ratas Wistar , Luces de Curación Dental , Ensayo Clínico , Estadísticas no Paramétricas , Células Fotorreceptoras de Vertebrados , Polimerizacion , Luz Azul
Homeopatia Méx ; 88(716): 5-27, jan. - marc. 2019. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-995981


A tres décadas de la publicación del artículo científico que divulgó internacionalmente las investigaciones dirigidas por el doctor Jacques Benveniste en torno a la degranulación de basófilos disparada por anticuerpos altamente diluidos (fenómeno conocido de manera coloquial como "la memoria del agua"), el doctor Bernard Poitevin, quien fue colaborador en dichos estudios científicos, expone en este artículo su versión de la historia y sus puntos de vista sobre este episodio de especial trascendencia para la Homeopatía. En ese sentido, el presente documento nos contextualiza en el panorama que se vivía en torno a la medicina hahnemanniana en Francia desde finales de la década de 1970 y nos muestra ciertos detalles poco recordados sobre el trabajo de Benveniste: cómo se definió la metodología de la investigación, la forma en que se constituyó el equipo de trabajo y el papel que desempeñaron la industria farmacéutica homeopática, el sistema de salud francés y un lobby o grupo de presión contrario a la Homeopatía. Más aún, el artículo nos presenta al doctor Benveniste sin idealizaciones y nos sugiere que ciertos rasgos de su personalidad pudieron influir en el desarrollo de sus investigaciones y en la presentación de los resultados ante la comunidad científica, lo que a su vez pudo repercutir en las discusiones mediáticas que sucedieron en los siguientes años y cuyas consecuencias persisten hasta nuestros días. (AU)

Three decades after the publication of the scientific article on the research conducted by Dr. Jacques Benveniste on the degranulation of basophils triggered by highly diluted antibodies (a phenomenon known colloquially as "the memory of water"), Dr. Bernard Poitevin, who collaborated in the realization of such scientific studies, exposes in this article his version of history and his views on this episode of special significance for the Homeopathy. In this sense, the present document contextualizes us in the panorama that was lived around the Hahnemannian medicine in France since the end of the 1970s and shows us certain little-remembered details about the work directed by Benveniste: how the research methodology was defined, the way the research group was constituted and the role played by the homeopathic pharmaceutical industry, the health system of France and a lobby against Homeopathy. Moreover, the article presents a Dr. Benveniste without idealizations and suggests that certain features of his personality could influence the development of his research and the presentation of results to the scientific community, which in turn could affect the media discussions that happened in the following years and whose consequences persist to this day. (AU)

Altas Potencias/historia , Mecanismo de Acción del Medicamento Homeopático , Historia , Homeopatía , Medicina Basada en la Evidencia
Int. j. high dilution res ; 18(3/4): 2-12, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-1050035


Background Hypericum perforatum is used as a medicinal plant, mostly in antidepressant treatment. With endogenous and exogenous dormancy, more studies about the germination of the seeds are necessary. Aim: To evaluate the effect of temperature and of preparations of high dilutions on the germination of seeds of Hypericum perforatum. Methods Three bioassays were carried out in chambers of germination, using a completely randomized experimental design and in duplicate. In the first bioassay, of temperatures of 20, 25 and 30 ºC was evaluated, with 20 replicates and 50 seeds in each replicate. In the second, the effect of high dilutions (Kali carbonicum, Natrum muriaticum, Phosphorus and Silicea terra in 12cH) using 4 replicates with 50 seeds each. In the third, Kali carbonicum was tested at 6, 12, 20, 30 cH with 50 seeds and 4 replicates. The percentage of germination, germination rate index (GRI), average germination time (AGT) and seedlings with cotyledons. The data were analyzed through the R software at a 5% significance. Results At the temperature of 25 °C, 63% of the seeds germinated while at the temperatures of 20 and 30 °C the percentage was 26% and 18%, respectively. In seeds treated with Kali carbonicum 12cH the germination rate increased significantly in relation to the control group. Kali carbonicum 6cH increased the GRI of the seeds, while at 20cH, it increased the AGT, showing delay in germination. Conclusion The use of the Kali carbonicum assists in the breakage of dormancy and average time of germination in Hypericum perforatum seeds. (AU)

Altas Potencias , Germinación , Hypericum , Kali Carbonicum , Natrium Muriaticum , Silicea Terra
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 81(1/2): 29-54, 2018.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-12226


Objetivo: A última revisão sistemática das pesquisas físico-químicas sobre preparações homeopáticas foi publicada em 2003. O objetivo do presente estudo foi atualizar e ampliar o estado atual dos conhecimentos na área das propriedades físico-químicas das preparações homeopáticas. Na parte 1 do estudo objetivamos apresentar um panorama da literatura quanto à qualidade e métodos utilizados nas publicações. Na parte 2 objetivamos identificar as técnicas experimentais mais interessantes. Desta maneira, esperamos estar na posição de gerar hipóteses significativas quanto ao possível modo de ação das preparações homeopáticas. Métodos: Foi adotado um procedimento com 2 etapas: 1) pesquisa ampla da literatura, seguida de análise bibliométrica e da qualidade das publicações e, 2) análise qualitativa minuciosa das pesquisas físico-químicas individuais localizadas. Na presente publicação relatamos a etapa 1). Realizamos uma busca nas principais bases científicas de dados de publicações relatando pesquisas físico-químicas da homeopatia desde a sua origem até o final de 2015. As publicações foram avaliadas através de um sistema de pontuação, o Manuscript Information Score (MIS). Foram coletadas informações sobre o país de origem dos estudos e as técnicas experimentais utilizadas. Resultados: Localizamos 183 publicações (versus 44 na revisão anterior), 122 delas com MIS ≥ 5. A taxa de publicações na área foi ˜2 por ano entre as década de 1970 e 2000. Depois aumentou para mais de 5,5 publicações por ano. [...] Conclusões: As pesquisas físico-químicas sobre as preparações homeopáticas está aumentando tanto na quantidade e na qualidade das publicações. (AU)

Objectives: The last systematic review of physicochemical research performed on homeopathic preparations was published in 2003. The aim of the study is to update and expand the current state of knowledge in the area of physicochemical properties of homeopathic preparations. In part 1 of the study, we aim to present an overview of the literature with respect to publication quality and methods used. In part 2, we aim to identify the most interesting experimental techniques. With this, we aim to be in a position to generate meaningful hypotheses regarding a possible mode of action of homeopathic preparations. Methods: A two-step procedure was adopted: (1) an extensive literature search, followed by a bibliometric and quality analysis on the level of publications and (2) a thorough qualitative analysis of the individual physicochemical investigations found. In this publication, we report on step (1). We searched major scientific databases to find publications reporting physicochemical investigations of homeopathy from its origin to the end of 2015. Publications were assessed using a scoring scheme, the Manuscript Information Score (MIS). Information regarding country of origin of the research and experimental techniques used was extracted. Results: We identified 183 publications (compared to 44 in the last review), 122 of which had an MIS ‡5. The rate of publication in the field was *2 per year from the 1970s until 2000. Afterward, it increased to over 5.5 publications per year. [...]Conclusions: Physicochemical research into homeopathic preparations is increasing both in terms of quantity and quality of the publications. (AU)

Homeopatía , Altas Potencias , Farmacotécnica Homeopática , Dinamización
Natal; s.n; 20180000. 53 p. tab, ilus, graf.
Tesis en Portugués | BBO - Odontología | ID: biblio-1437581


Introdução: A evolução dos fotopolimerizadores quanto à sua potência e consequente redução do tempo clínico tem se mostrado de grande valia para a otimização da rotina de colagem de bráquetes ortodônticos. Contudo, existe uma carência na literatura do efeito desses aparelhos sobre a retina do profissional e/ou do paciente, uma vez que ambos podem receber indiretamente parte da luz refletida durante os procedimentos clínicos. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos do uso de um aparelho fotopolimerizador LED de alta potência nas retinas de ratos Wistar. Material e métodos: Seis ratos Wistar foram utilizados na pesquisa e suas estruturas oculares foram os objetos de estudo. Durante a fotoestimulação de cada animal, o olho direito do animal, considerado a amostra controle, foi coberto com um tampão removível em PVC, enquanto que o olho contralateral, a amostra experimental, foi exposto à luz do LED de alta potência, 3200mW/cm2 (Valo Ortho - Ultradent), por 144 segundos à distância de 30cm. Os animais foram expostos ao LED três vezes durante um dia, com o objetivo de induzir possíveis alterações inflamatórias agudas na retina. Decorrido o período de sete dias após a fotoestimulação, os animais foram anestesiados, procedido à eutanásia, removidos os olhos e processados histologicamente. Em seguida, as lâminas foram digitalizadas utilizando-se uma câmera acoplada a um microscópio óptico e suas imagens analisadas estereologicamente e histomorfometricamente para aferição de parâmetros estudados da retina. Resultados: Houve um aumento estatisticamente significativo no volume total da retina e no volume das camadas de células ganglionares (CCG), camada plexiforme interna (CPI), camada nuclear externa (CNE) e os prolongamentos de cones e bastonetes (PCB) no grupo experimental. Em relação à densidade, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa. Entretanto, observou-se um aumento estatisticamente significativo da área nuclear das células em todas as camadas estudadas no grupo exposto à luz LED de alta potência. Além disso, observou-se células hipercromadas que são sugestivas de picnose. Conclusões: Mesmo com um protocolo agudo e curto de exposição do olho à luz LED de alta potência, houve uma alteração nas estruturas retinianas, especialmente da atividade metabólica das células fotossensíveis e neuronais, o que ressalta a necessidade de proteção durante a utilização desses aparelhos fotoativadores (AU).

Introduction: The evolution of light curing units (LCU) in terms of potency and consequent reduction of clinical time have been shown to be of great value to orthodontists, regarding the routine of brackets bonding. However, there is a lack in the literature regarding the effect of these devices on the operator and/or patient retina, as both may receive indirect reflected light during procedures. Aims: Evaluate the effect of the use of a high potency light emitting diodebased device (LED) in the retina of Wistar rats. Material and Methods: Six Wistar rats were used and their ocular structures considered objects of the study. During the photostimulation of each animal, the right eye, established as the control sample, was covered with a removable PVC tampon, as the contralateral eye - experimental sample - was exposed to high potency LED light, 3200mW/cm2 (Valo Ortho - Ultradent) for 144 seconds, at the distance of 30cm. Animals were exposed to LED light three times per day, aiming to induce possible acute inflammatory alterations in retina. Seven days after the first photostimulation, all rats were anesthetized and then euthanized for posterior eye removal and histological processing. The histological slides were scanned using a camera connected to an optical microscope and their images analyzed for the measurement of histomorphological and stereological parameters of the retina. Results: A statistically significant raise was found in the total volume of retina and in the following layers: ganglion cells layer (GCL), outer nuclear layer (ONL), inner nuclear layer (INL) and extension of cone and rods (ECR) in the experimental group. Regarding density, no statistically significant difference was observed. However, the nuclear area of the cells raised significantly in all layers analyzed after high potency LED exposure. Besides that, hyperchromic cells suggestive of pyknosis were found. Conclusions: Despite the short and acute protocol of eye exposure to high potency LED, a significant alteration was found, especially in the metabolic activity of photosensitive and neuronal cells. These results emphasize the importance of using eye protection during the use of these devices (AU).

Animales , Ratas , Retina , Altas Potencias , Luces de Curación Dental , Ratas Wistar
Rev. homeopatia (Säo Paulo) ; 81(1/2): 29-54, 2018.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-908632


Objetivo: A última revisão sistemática das pesquisas físico-químicas sobre preparações homeopáticas foi publicada em 2003. O objetivo do presente estudo foi atualizar e ampliar o estado atual dos conhecimentos na área das propriedades físico-químicas das preparações homeopáticas. Na parte 1 do estudo objetivamos apresentar um panorama da literatura quanto à qualidade e métodos utilizados nas publicações. Na parte 2 objetivamos identificar as técnicas experimentais mais interessantes. Desta maneira, esperamos estar na posição de gerar hipóteses significativas quanto ao possível modo de ação das preparações homeopáticas. Métodos: Foi adotado um procedimento com 2 etapas: 1) pesquisa ampla da literatura, seguida de análise bibliométrica e da qualidade das publicações e, 2) análise qualitativa minuciosa das pesquisas físico-químicas individuais localizadas. Na presente publicação relatamos a etapa 1). Realizamos uma busca nas principais bases científicas de dados de publicações relatando pesquisas físico-químicas da homeopatia desde a sua origem até o final de 2015. As publicações foram avaliadas através de um sistema de pontuação, o Manuscript Information Score (MIS). Foram coletadas informações sobre o país de origem dos estudos e as técnicas experimentais utilizadas. Resultados: Localizamos 183 publicações (versus 44 na revisão anterior), 122 delas com MIS ≥ 5. A taxa de publicações na área foi ˜2 por ano entre as década de 1970 e 2000. Depois aumentou para mais de 5,5 publicações por ano. [...] Conclusões: As pesquisas físico-químicas sobre as preparações homeopáticas está aumentando tanto na quantidade e na qualidade das publicações. (AU)

Objectives: The last systematic review of physicochemical research performed on homeopathic preparations was published in 2003. The aim of the study is to update and expand the current state of knowledge in the area of physicochemical properties of homeopathic preparations. In part 1 of the study, we aim to present an overview of the literature with respect to publication quality and methods used. In part 2, we aim to identify the most interesting experimental techniques. With this, we aim to be in a position to generate meaningful hypotheses regarding a possible mode of action of homeopathic preparations. Methods: A two-step procedure was adopted: (1) an extensive literature search, followed by a bibliometric and quality analysis on the level of publications and (2) a thorough qualitative analysis of the individual physicochemical investigations found. In this publication, we report on step (1). We searched major scientific databases to find publications reporting physicochemical investigations of homeopathy from its origin to the end of 2015. Publications were assessed using a scoring scheme, the Manuscript Information Score (MIS). Information regarding country of origin of the research and experimental techniques used was extracted. Results: We identified 183 publications (compared to 44 in the last review), 122 of which had an MIS ‡5. The rate of publication in the field was *2 per year from the 1970s until 2000. Afterward, it increased to over 5.5 publications per year. [...]Conclusions: Physicochemical research into homeopathic preparations is increasing both in terms of quantity and quality of the publications. (AU)

Dinamización , Altas Potencias , Farmacotécnica Homeopática , Homeopatía
Int. j. high dilution res ; 17(3/4): 20-41, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-1050007


Introduction: The aim of the present study was to describe different biological aspects of Ehrlich tumor in mice, such as body weight evolution, tumor growth rate, histological organization and systemic immune response after treatment with high-diluted thymulin (10-9 M, named 5CH). Methods: Tumor assessment was focused on macro- and microscopic aspects; parameters included occurrence of necrosis, embolism and tumor development, in addition to quantitative analysis of apoptosis (caspase-3), cell proliferation (Ki-67) and angiogenesis (vascular endothelial growth factor - VEGF) by means of specific immunohistochemistry markers. Spleen cell populations were evaluated by flow cytometry analysis. Results: Mice treated with thymulin 5CH exhibited changes in the tumor microenvironment, such as reduced micro-embolism incidence and cytokeratin expression, with increased caspase-3 expression in the tumor cells. These findings indicate some apoptotic activity by the tumor cells induced by the treatment, even though no reduction of the macroscopic tumor mass occurred. No changes in the systemic immune response were detected, as the balance among spleen cell populations remained unchanged. Conclusions: The results indicate that treatment of mice bearing Ehrlich tumor with thymulin 5CH induces some specific changes in the tumor environment. However, it did not influence systemic immunity parameters. Adjuvant use of thymulin 5CH in oncological clinical practice is still a matter of discussion. (AU)

Animales , Ratones , Carcinoma de Ehrlich , Altas Potencias , Thymolum , Neoplasias
Int. j. high dilution res ; 17(3/4): 58-62, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-1050013


The use of less impacting techniques in agricultural systems is the global trend, so the use of homeopathic preparations on these systems has been studied as ecologically sound technology. This study had the object to study the interaction between the homeopathic preparations and the development of Eucalyptus urophylla S. T. Blake seedlings and was conducted from May 2007 to July 2007, in the greenhouse of the Department of Plant Science at the Federal University of Viçosa, MG, Brazil. Applications were made in one-day intervals and preparations utilized were Phosphorus, Calcarea carbonica, Kali muriaticum, Magnesia carbonica, all in potencies 3CH and 12CH and the controls were water and alcohol 3CH. Parameters of seedlings quality were measured in different times during the experiment, up to the end. Kali muriaticum 12CH promoted increased root length of approximately 55% compared to the water control. Phosphorus 3CH differed from other treatments considering the total green mass. The homeopathic preparations Phosphorus 3CH and Kali muriaticum 12CH increased the root growth, in relation to controls. The responses obtained with the application of Phosphorus 3CH indicate the viability of its agronomic use to increase of the root capacity of absorbing elements, as much as necessary for the plant growth. (AU)

Altas Potencias , Eucalyptus , Agricultura Orgánica , Homeopatía , Calcarea Carbonica , Kali Muriaticum , Magnesia Carbonica
Int. j. high dilution res ; 17(3/4): 9-19, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-1049913


Background Thermal stress during early imbibitional phase of germination causes disruption of redox-homeostasis by increasing accumulation of ROS Reactive Oxygen species (assessed in terms of hydrogen peroxide) and significant reduction of antioxidative defense (assessed in terms of catalase and peroxidase) in germinating tissues of cowpea (Vigna ungiculata). It also induces oxidative damage to newly assembled membrane system by aggravating membrane lipid peroxidation [measured in terms of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS)]. Cantharis is a homeopathic remedy used for treating burn injuries in humans. The objective is to see whether potentized Cantharis could ameliorate heat stress in germinating seeds of cowpea. Methodology Seeds, imbibed in water overnight, were divided into four groups (n=50/group): Control I (Water 200c), Control II (Ethanol 200c), treated with Cantharis 200c and untreated and unstressed. Water soaked seeds were dipped in control/drug solution for 5 min and then washed. Control II and Cantharis 200c were diluted with water 1:1000 to minimize the ethanol effect. Except the fourth group, all other groups were subjected to heat stress (450C for 8 hours). All the groups were allowed to germinate for 5 days in germination chamber at 25 ± 20C. Groups 1 and 2 (Control I and II) served as systematic negative controls throughout the experiment. Ten independent replications were performed for each group in parallel. All experiments were randomized and blinded. Results The systematic negative controls (I, II) did not produce any significant effect. The results in terms of germination, growth, soluble sugar, protein, accumulation of reactive oxygen species and loss of membrane permeability clearly exhibit that Cantharis 200c could mitigate heat stress significantly (p<0.05) as compared to the controls I, II. Final germination percentage after 120 hrs was found to be 60%, 48%, 86%, 88%, for groups 1, 2, 3, 4, respectively. Total chlorophyll (Chl-a + Chl-b), carotenoids and total chl/carotenoid ratio were found to be highest in groups 3 and 4. Assessment of membrane lipid peroxidation in terms of TBARS and accumulation of reactive oxygen species (H2O2) showed minimum concentration in group 3 and 4. Conclusion Cantharis 200c can counteract the deleterious effects of heat stress on juvenile tissues and membranes and can be used effectively to counter heat stress in tropical countries especially during summer. (AU)

Semillas , Altas Potencias , Cantharis vesicatoria , Especies Reactivas de Oxígeno , Germinación , Respuesta al Choque Térmico , Fabaceae
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 80(1/2): 98-112, 2017. tab
Artículo en Portugués | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-11972


Introdução: Existem questionamentos quanto aos efeitos das ultradiluições (UDs) homeopáticas por ultrapassarem o número de Avogadro. Objetivo: Realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre os efeitos das UDs em modelos in vitro. Métodos: Foi realizada uma busca sistemática na base de dados PubMed de estudos sobre UDs simples em modelos in vitro a partir de 2007. Resultados: 28 publicações cumpriram os critérios de inclusão/exclusão; 26 estudos demonstraram efeitos evidentes de UDs simples em modelos in vitro, a maioria originada em países onde a homeopatia tem alto grau de institucionalização. Conclusões: Estudos in vitro demonstram inquestionavelmente a atividade biológica de UDs acima do número de Avogadro, dando conta do efeito das mesmas na prática clínica. A maioria das pesquisas se origina em países onde a homeopatia é uma racionalidade médica oficialmente aceita, o que facilita o acesso a recursos de pesquisa. (AU)

Background: the effects of homeopathic high dilutions (HDs) are debated because they exceed Avogadro’s number, Aim: to perform a literature review on the effects of HDs on in vitro models. Methods: a systematic search was performed in database PubMed for studies assessing simple HDs on in vitro models published from 2007 onwards. Results: 28 publications met the inclusion/exclusion criteria; 26 studies demonstrated patent effects of simple HDs on in vitro models; most such studies were conducted in countries where homeopathy attained a high level of institutionalization. Conclusions: in vitro models patently evidence biological activity of HDs above Avogadro’s number and account for effects found in clinical practice. Most studies were conducted in countries where homeopathy is officially recognized, which facilitates the access to research. (AU)

Homeopatía , Altas Potencias , Técnicas In Vitro
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 80(1/2): 113-132, 2017. tab
Artículo en Portugués | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-11973


Introdução: Dentre as premissas não convencionais do modelo homeopático, o emprego de doses ultradiluídas de medicamentos desperta questionamentos e ceticismo na classe científica, acostumada ao paradigma dose-dependente da farmacologia clássica. Para evidenciar o efeito das ultradiluições homeopáticas em seres vivos, pesquisas são realizadas em diversos modelos experimentais (in vitro, em plantas e em animais). Objetivo: Descrever os estudos de melhor qualidade metodológica que confirmaram o efeito positivo das ultradiluições homeopáticas em plantas. Métodos: Utilizando como fontes de referência as revisões sobre o tema publicadas até 2015, atualizamos os dados adicionando estudos recentes citados na base de dados PubMed. Resultados: Dentre 167 estudos experimentais analisados nas principais revisões, 48 atingiram os critérios mínimos de qualidade metodológica e 29identificaram os efeitos específicos das ultradiluições homeopáticas em plantas, empregando controles adequados. Conclusões: Apesar da qualidade metodológica insatisfatória da maioria dos experimentos, estudos com controle negativo sistemático e reprodutibilidade reportaram efeitos significativos e incontestáveis das ultradiluições homeopáticas em plantas. (AU)

Introduction: Among the non-conventional grounds of homeopathy, the use of medicines in high dilutions is a cause for objections and skepticism among the scientific community, trained within the dose-dependency paradigm of classicpharmacology. Research aiming at evidencing the effects of homeopathic high dilutions has resource to several experimental models (in vitro, in plants and in animals). Aim: To describe the results of studies with high methodological quality that demonstrated positive effects of homeopathic high dilutions on plants. Methods: Taking reviews published until 2015 as reference source, we updated the information through the addition of data in recent studies included in database PubMed. Results: From 167 experimental studies analyzed in the main reviews, 48 met the minimum criteria of methodological quality, from which 29 detected specific effects of homeopathic high dilutions on plants through comparison with adequate controls. Conclusions: Despite the substandard methodological quality of most experiments, studies with systematic use of negative controls and reproducibility demonstrated significant undeniable effectsof homeopathic high dilutions on plants. (AU)

Agricultura , Homeopatía , Altas Potencias , Patología de Plantas , Metodología como un Tema
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 80(3/4): 90-103, 2017. tab
Artículo en Inglés | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-12035


Background: the effects of homeopathic high dilutions (HDs) are controversial because they exceed Avogadro’s number. Aim: to perform a literature review on the effects of HDs on in vitro models. Methods: a systematic search was performed in database PubMed for studies assessing simple HDs on in vitro models published from 2007 onward. Results: 28 publications met the inclusion/exclusion criteria; 26 studies demonstrated patent effects of simple HDs on in vitro models; most such studies were conducted in countries where homeopathy attained a high level of institutionalization.Conclusions: in vitro models patently evidence biological activity of HDs aboveAvogadro’s number and account for effects found in clinical practice. Most studies were conducted in countries where homeopathy is officially recognized, which facilitates access to resources for the development of research.(AU)

Homeopatía , Altas Potencias , Técnicas In Vitro
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 80(3/4): 104-120, 2017. tab
Artículo en Inglés | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-12036


Background: Among the non-conventional assumptions of homeopathy, the use of medicines in high dilutions (HD) is a cause for objections and skepticism among the scientific community, trained within the dose-dependency paradigm of classic pharmacology. Research aiming at evidencing the effects of homeopathic HD has resource to several experimental models (in vitro, plants and animals). Aim: To describe the results of studies with high methodological quality that demonstrated positiveeffects of homeopathic HD on plants. Methods: Taking reviews published until 2015 as reference source, we updated the information through addition of data from recent studies included in database PubMed. Results: From 167 experimental studies analyzed, 48 met the minimum criteria of methodological quality, from which 29 detected specific effects of homeopathic high dilutions on plants through comparison to adequate controls. Conclusions: Despite the substandard methodological quality ofmost experiments, studies with systematic use of negative controls and reproducibility demonstrated significant indisputable effects of homeopathic HD on plants.(AU)

Homeopatía , Plantas , Agricultura , Altas Potencias , Patología de Plantas , Metodología como un Tema