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Ene ; 17(1)2023.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-226708


Introducción: Elvira López Mourín fue una enfermera profesional y militar que formó parte de la primera promoción de enfermeras profesionales de la Cruz Roja española. Se trasladó al Hospital de Melilla para atender las demandas sani tarias de la Guerra del Rif. Su participa ción en el acto del primer vuelo sanitario español la convirtió en noticia en los me dios de la época y ha permitido recupe rar su figura. Su recorrido profesional se pierde después del año 1933 cuando se incorpora como enfermera del Cuerpo Auxiliar Subalterno del Ejército en el Hospital Militar de Urgencia de Madrid. Objetivo: determinar el curso y final profesional de la enfermera Elvira López Mourín. Método: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en los medios electrónicos y de biblioteca disponibles. Se solicitó a los principales archivos históricos docu mentación de sus años de servicio. Se realizaron entrevistas a tres informantes y vecinos del pueblo natal de Elvira que la habían conocido. Resultados: Elvira López Mourín presta sus servicios como enfermera profesional y militar en el Cuerpo Auxiliar Subalterno del Ejército hasta el año 1939, cuando es sometida a un Consejo de Guerra, bajo el gobierno de la dicta dura franquista, del que queda absuelta de todos los cargos. A partir del 12 de mayo de 1940 se reincorpora al Cuerpo Auxiliar Subalterno del Ejército prestando sus servicios en el Hospital Militar de Ur gencia de Madrid hasta el 4 de septiem bre de 1958 cuando se retiró. Conclusión: el acto que rememo ra a Elvira López Mourín es su exitosa participación en la primera misión de vuelo sanitario en España. Durante su carrera profesional ejerció como enfer mera en Melilla y como parte del Cuerpo Auxiliar Subalterno del Ejército en el Hospital Militar de Urgencia de Madrid (AU)

Background: Elvira López Mourín was a professional and military nurse who was part of the first promotion of professional nurses of the Spanish Red Cross. She moved to the Melilla Hospital to meet the health demands of the Rif War. Her participation in the act of the first Spanish sanitary flight made her news in the media of the time and has allowed her figure to be recovered. Her professional career was lost after 1933 when she joined the Army's Junior Auxi liary Corps as a nurse at the Madrid Emergency Military Hospital. Purpose: to determine the course and professional end of the nurse Elvira López Mourín. Methods: A bibliographic review was carried out in the available electronic and library media. Documentation of his years of service was requested from the main historical archives. Interviews were conducted with three informants and re sidents of Elvira's hometown who had known her. Results: Elvira López Mourín pro vided her services as a professional and military nurse in the Subordinate Auxiliary Corps of the Army until 1939, when she was subjected to a War Council, under the government of the Franco dictators hip, from which she was acquitted of all charges. As of May 12, 1940, she rejoi ned the Subordinate Auxiliary Corps of the Army, providing her services at the Emergency Military Hospital in Madrid until September 4, 1958, when she reti red. Conclusion: the act that comme morates Elvira López Mourín is her suc cessful participation in the first medic flight mission in Spain. During her pro fessional career, she worked as a nurse in Melilla and as part of the Subordinate Auxiliary Corps of the Army at the Madrid Emergency Military Hospital. She retired at the age of 65 in 1958 and worked as a nurse during the reign of Alfonso XIII and Victoria Eugenia and the Rif War, the dic tatorship of Primo de Rivera, the go vernment of the Second Republic, the Civil War, and the government of the Franco dictatorship (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia de la Enfermería , Enfermería Militar/historia , Cruz Roja/historia , España
Ene ; 17(3): 1-11, 2023.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-231467


Introducción: La asistencia a los heridos en el campo de combate crea la necesidad de integrar de una manera razonada la medicina, la táctica militar y la enfermería, consistiendo esta última en la administración de cuidados prehospitalarios, procedimientos quirúrgicos y estabilización de los heridos. Objetivo: determinar las principales funciones de la profesión enfermera en el Ejército y la Aeronáutica Españolas entre 1855 y 1931. Material y método: se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica de las principales bases de datos y motores de búsqueda científicos, así como de bibliotecas especializadas en historia de la enfermería. Los criterios de inclusión han sido: documentos que analizasen las funciones de los practicantes, enfermeros y enfermeras militares; así como su rango y escalafón. Resultados: a partir del año 1855 con la organización de la Escala Facultativa, la figura de practicante militar deja de ser una figura destinada a ser un futuro médico para incorporar funciones y responsabilidades propias. La Guerra de Marruecos implicó que la logística militar se especializase, creando aeronaves para tácticas militares con la apertura del aeródromo de Cuatro Vientos (Madrid) en 1911 y realizando la primera misión de aeroevacuación española en la misma Guerra del Rif en el año 1922. No sería hasta el año 1988 cuando la mujer se pudo incorporar al Ejército como militar profesional. Conclusión: Los aportes del ejército y aeronáutica españolas a la profesión de enfermería radican principalmente en tres grandes campos, el ámbito extrahospitalario, el ámbito de la cirugía general y vascular y el campo de la traumatología. (AU)

Background: Assistance to the wounded in the combat field creates the need to integrate medicine, military tactics and nursing in a reasoned manner, the latter consisting of the administration of prehospital care, surgical procedures and stabilization of the wounded. Objective: to determine the main functions of the nursing profession in the Spanish Army and Aeronautics between 1855 and 1931. Methods: A bibliographic review of the main scientific databases and search engines, as well as specialized libraries in the history of nursing, has been carried out. The inclusion criteria were: documents that analyzed the functions of military practitioners, nurses; as well as their rank and rank. Results: Starting in 1855 with the organization of the Facultative Scale, the figure of military practitioner ceased to be a figure destined to be a future doctor to incorporate their own functions and responsibilities. The Moroccan War implied that military logistics specialized, creating aircraft for military tactics with the opening of the Cuatro Vientos aerodrome (Madrid) in 1911 and carrying out the first Spanish air evacuation mission in the same Rif War in 1922. It would not be until 1988 when the woman was able to join the Army as a professional soldier. Conclusion: The contributions of the Spanish army and aeronautics to the nursing profession lie mainly in three large fields: the extra-hospital field, the field of general and vascular surgery, and the field of traumatology. (AU)

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XX , Enfermería Militar/historia , Historia de la Enfermería , Hospitales Militares/historia , Aviación/historia , España
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-211476


Las enfermeras han tenido un papel muy importante a lo largo de la historia, especialmente, en los conflictos bélicos, siendo claves en la atención y cuidados de los pacientes. Las guerras tienen como consecuencia, entre otras, el desarrollo del cuidado y terapéutica, cuya finalidad siempre ha sido ofrecer la mejor atención para la reincorporación de los soldados al campo de batalla [Fragmento de texto] (AU)

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XX , Segunda Guerra Mundial , Enfermería Militar/historia
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-211962


Objetivo principal: El propósito general de este estudio ha sido analizar la actuación de la enfermería durante el periodo de la guerra civil española. Para poder llevarlo a cabo se establecieron tres objetivos generales; conocer quiénes eran, describir su trabajo diario y reflexionar sobre las consecuencias que tuvo para ellas la participación en la contienda. Metodología: En un intento de dar voz a las protagonistas, se realiza una revisión de sus diarios, memorias autobiográficas y entrevistas, las cuales proporcionan una información muy valiosa, de primera mano, sobre la experiencia vivida. Se ha utilizado el método histórico ayudándonos de técnicas cualitativas como la observación documental. El resultado ha sido un estudio histórico, descriptivo y de carácter analítico-sintético. Resultados principales: Las mujeres tuvieron que trabajar en lugares inhóspitos como túneles clausurados, una cueva cerca del Ebro, una alquería en ruinas, etc. Los recursos de los que dispusieron escasearon sobre todo al final de la contienda lo que dificultó todavía mucho más su trabajo diario. Tuvieron que enfrentarse a las bombas, los piojos, el tifus, la disentería, al hambre, etc. Conclusión principal: Las condiciones extremas que vivieron dotaron al personal de enfermería de una mayor autonomía e independencia (AU)

Objective: The general purpose of this study has been to analyze the performance of nursing during the period of the Spanish civil war. In order to carry it out, three general objectives were established; know who they were, describe their daily work and reflect on the consequences that participation in the war had for them. Methods: In an attempt to give the protagonists a voice, a review of their diaries, autobiographical memoirs and interviews is carried out, which provide very valuable information, first-hand, about the lived experience. The historical method has been used with the help of qualitative techniques such as documentary observation. The result has been a historical, descriptive and analytical-synthetic study. Results: The women had to work in inhospitable places such as closed tunnels, a cave near the Ebro, a ruined farmhouse, etc. The resources available to them were scarce, especially at the end of the war, which made their daily work even more difficult. They had to face bombs, lice, typhus, dysentery, hunger, etc. Conclusions: The extreme conditions they experienced endowed the nursing staff with greater autonomy and independence (AU)

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XX , Guerra/historia , Enfermería Militar/historia , España
Online braz. j. nurs. (Online) ; 20: e20216486, 05 maio 2021.
Artículo en Inglés, Español, Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1224136


OBJETIVO: Analisar o processo de seleção da primeira turma de Oficiais Enfermeiros do Corpo de Bombeiros do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, realizado no período de 1992 a 1993. MÉTODO: Trata-se de uma pesquisa histórica, do tipo documental, cujas fontes históricas diretas foram documentos escritos relativos ao tema. RESULTADOS: Foram oito vagas para oficiais enfermeiros, que se submeteram a um processo seletivo rigoroso, sendo selecionados cinco homens e três mulheres, após aprovação nas quatro etapas do concurso. DISCUSSÃO: Integrar o Corpo de Bombeiros significava submeter-se às regras que o estruturavam, e para lograr êxito era necessária a atualização do habitus dos postulantes à patente de oficiais na Corporação. CONCLUSÃO: Enfermeiros foram selecionados dentro do rigor exigido pela Instituição, cujo domínio do conhecimento na área de enfermagem deveria caminhar pari passu com boas condições de saúde e condicionamento físico, atributos fundamentais no desempenho de um bombeiro militar.

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the selective process of the first class of Nursing Officers of the Fire Department of the State of Rio de Janeiro, carried out from 1992 to 1993. METHOD: This is a historical research, a documental one, which used as direct historical sources written documents concerning the theme. OUTCOMES: There were eight vacancies for nursing officers, who were submitted to a rigorous selective process that approved five men and three women after four stages along the contest. DISCUSSION: Making part of the Fire Department meant to accept being submitted to its structural rules, and succeeding required updating the habitus of the candidates according to the ranking of the Corporation's officers. CONCLUSION: Nurses were selected under the rigorous criteria as required by the Institution. Their knowledge abilities in the nursing area should come at equal pace as good health conditions and physical fitness, fundamental performance attributes of a military officer of the Fire Department.

OBJETIVO: Analizar el proceso de selección del primer grupo de Oficiales Enfermeros del Cuerpo de Bomberos del estado de Rio de Janeiro, realizado en el período de 1992 a 1993. MÉTODO: Se trata de una investigación histórica, del tipo documental, cuyas fuentes históricas directas han sido los documentos escritos relativos al tema. RESULTADOS: Fueron ocho vacantes para oficiales enfermeros, que se sometieron a un riguroso proceso de selección. Tras aprobar en las cuatro etapas del concurso, se seleccionaron a cinco hombres y a tres mujeres. DISCUSIÓN: Formar parte del Cuerpo de Bomberos significaba someterse a las reglas que lo estructuraban, y para lograr éxito se hacía necesaria una actualización del habitus de los postulantes al rango de oficiales en la Corporación. CONCLUSIÓN: Los enfermeros se seleccionaron dentro del rigor exigido por la Institución, y su dominio del conocimiento en el área de enfermería debería caminar pari passu con las buenas condiciones de salud y acondicionamiento físico, atributos fundamentales en el desempeño de un bombero militar.

Historia del Siglo XX , Selección de Personal , Gobierno Estatal , Brasil , Bomberos/historia , Enfermería Militar/historia
Mil Med ; 186(1-2): 27-32, 2021 01 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33313889


During World War I, the 1918 influenza pandemic struck the fatigued combat troops serving on the Western Front. Medical treatment options were limited; thus, skilled military nursing care was the primary therapy and the best indicator of patient outcomes. This article examines the military nursing's role in the care of the soldiers during the 1918 flu pandemic and compares this to the 2019 coronavirus pandemic.

Gripe Humana , Medicina Militar/historia , Enfermería Militar/historia , Rol de la Enfermera/historia , COVID-19 , Historia del Siglo XX , Humanos , Personal Militar/historia , Pandemias , Primera Guerra Mundial
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 25(4): e20210007, 2021.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1279020


Resumo Objetivo analisar a lotação e distribuição da primeira turma de oficiais enfermeiros, ao término do Curso de Formação de Oficiais, com a patente de 2º Tenente, no Hospital Central da Polícia Militar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, em 1995. Método estudo histórico em fontes documentais escritas e orais produzidas por meio de 19 entrevistas, sendo 18 oficiais enfermeiros e um civil. Os conceitos de poder simbólico e capital de Pierre Bourdieu consubstanciaram a análise dos achados. Resultados a classificação obtida no curso de formação de oficiais e a experiência profissional, embora com menor peso, foram preponderantes na distribuição nos setores do hospital. Considerações finais e implicações para prática os critérios de antiguidade da vida militar influenciaram na configuração da equipe de enfermagem no hospital militar. Destaca-se que a ocupação das chefias pelos oficiais enfermeiros foi determinada pelo capital incorporado no estágio probatório, o qual foi institucionalizado pela patente.

Resumen Objetivo analizar la capacidad y la distribución de la primera clase de oficiales enfermeros al término del Curso de Formación de Oficiales, con el grado de 2º Teniente, en el Hospital Central da Polícia Militar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, en 1995. Método estudio histórico en fuentes de documentos escritos y orales producidos a través de 19 entrevistas, 18 de las cuales fueron enfermeras y una civil. Los conceptos de poder simbólico y capital de Pierre Bourdieu fundamentaron el análisis de los hallazgos. Resultados la clasificación obtenida en el curso de formación para oficiales y la experiencia profesional predominaron en la distribución en los sectores hospitalarios, aunque con menor peso. Conclusión e implicaciones para práctica los criterios de antigüedad en la vida militar influyeron en la configuración del equipo de enfermería. Se destaca que la ocupación de los comandos por oficiales enfermeros fue determinada por el capital incorporado en la etapa probatoria, institucionalizada por el grado.

Abstract Objective to analyze the capacity and distribution of the first class of nurse officers, at the end of the Officer Training Course, with the rank of 2nd Lieutenant, at the Hospital Central da Polícia Militar of the State of Rio de Janeiro, in 1995. Method historical study in written and oral documentary sources produced through 19 interviews, of which 18 are nurse officers and one civilian. Pierre Bourdieu's concepts of symbolic power and capital substantiated the analysis of the findings. Results the classification obtained in the training course for officers and professional experience, although with less weight, were preponderant for the distribution in the hospital sectors. Final considerations and implications for practice the criteria of seniority in military life influenced the configuration of the nursing team at the military hospital. It is noteworthy that the occupation of the heads by the nurse officers was determined by the capital incorporated in the probationary period, which was institutionalized by the patent.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Supervisión de Enfermería/historia , Hospitales Militares/historia , Enfermería Militar/historia , Enfermeras y Enfermeros/provisión & distribución , Brasil/etnología , Poder Psicológico , Hospitales Militares/organización & administración , Enfermería Militar/organización & administración , Grupo de Enfermería/historia
Sanid. mil ; 76(1): 41-45, ene.-mar. 2020. ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-193141


Los profesionales auxiliares sanitarios de la Armada, formaron parte inseparable del grupo de los suboficiales desde su creación en 1940, hasta que la evolución de la técnica sanitaria y la formación académica, los hicieron desaparecer. Con la llegada de los Ayudantes Técnicos Sanitarios, y más tarde los Enfermeros, traspasaron los límites del horizonte de los suboficiales, gracias a su formación universitaria, y se integraron en los Cuerpos Comunes de las Fuerzas Armadas, como oficiales. Trabajaron en un medio hostil y dejaron profundas huellas que la historia no debe olvidar

The auxiliary health professionals of the Spanish Navy, were an inseparable part of the group of NCOs since the creation of the corps in 1940, until it disappears due to the evolution of the sanitary technique and the requirement of academic training. With the arrival of the so-called Sanitary Technical Assistants, the Nurses crossed the limits of the horizons of the NCOs, and thanks to their university degree, they joined the Common Corps of the Armed Forces, as officers. They worked in a hostile environment and left deep traces that history should not forget

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XX , Medicina Militar/historia , Enfermería Militar/historia , Técnicos Medios en Salud/historia , Medicina Militar/clasificación
Nurs Inq ; 27(2): e12334, 2020 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31960527


The aim of the research was to analyse the experience of medical volunteers during World War II in the context of nursing history. Oral history data used in the study consisted of 30 interviews with Finnish wartime medical volunteers, known locally as Lottas. Interview data were analysed both thematically and by using the oral history method. Based on the analysis, the Lottas' experiences during wartime nursing became the leitmotif of this study. The main themes consisted of the following: 'taking care of wounded and ill patients', 'taking care of dying and deceased patients', 'taking care of mentally ill and psychoactive substance-addicted patients' and 'confronting ethical and role dilemmas in nursing'. The interview results showed that the Lottas' duties were sometimes more demanding than basic nursing tasks and that their education was not adequate for the challenges that they faced. In this paper, the terms Lotta, medical Lotta or medical volunteer are used interchangeably and refer to people who were assigned to medical volunteer tasks, regardless of whether or not they were trained. It also includes junior members of the organisation who served as medical volunteers as minors, with special permission.

Historia de la Enfermería , Enfermería Militar/historia , Voluntarios , Segunda Guerra Mundial , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Trastornos de Combate , Femenino , Finlandia , Historia del Siglo XX , Humanos , Narración , Voluntarios/educación , Voluntarios/psicología
Dynamis (Granada) ; 40(1): 49-65, 2020. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-200301


Entre enero y febrero de 1939 pasaron por la frontera pirenaica cerca de medio millón de refugiados republicanos españoles -movimiento poblacional conocido como la «Retirada»-. A pesar de que el colectivo de enfermería fue el grupo profesional sanitario más numeroso en el exilio, apenas contamos con investigaciones que visibilicen su labor durante los primeros meses de la «Retirada» en Francia. Este trabajo pretende identificar la labor asistencial desarrollada por el colectivo de enfermería, español y francés, entre enero y septiembre de 1939, y analizar las variables de invisibilidad y desigualdad de género sobre la actuación de las enfermeras. Para ello se ha consultado documentación de once archivos franceses, prensa histórica, literatura sanitaria de la época y testimonios de algunas enfermeras y refugiados. Se ha podido visibilizar el cuidado ejercido por las enfermeras de la Cruz Roja francesa, que fue desvirtuado por la prensa conservadora francesa, y el de las enfermeras españolas, que quedaron en un segundo plano debido a su condición subalterna y femenina. Finalmente, se identifican cuáles son las principales dificultades y oportunidades para futuros trabajos sobre la enfermería española en el exilio republicano de 1939 en Francia

No disponible

Humanos , Femenino , Historia del Siglo XX , Enfermería Militar/historia , Campos de Concentración/historia , Conflictos Armados/historia , 57433 , Hospitales Militares/historia , Francia , España/etnología , Atención a la Salud
Nursing ; 49(11): 45-48, 2019 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31651775


Promoted by President Nixon in 1972, Admiral Alene Duerk (1920-2018) was the first female admiral to serve in any navy in the world. This article highlights her accomplishments as a nurse and a military leader.

Enfermería Militar/historia , Personal Militar/historia , Femenino , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , Humanos , Estados Unidos
Nurs Hist Rev ; 28(1): 63-92, 2019 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31537722


Accounts of Spanish nursing and nurses during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) that appear in the memoirs and correspondence of International Brigade volunteers, and are subsequently repeated in the secondary literature on the war, give little indication of existence of trained nurses in country. We set out to examine this apparent erasure of the long tradition of skilled nursing in Spain and the invisibility of thousands of Spanish nurses engaged in the war effort. We ask two questions: How can we understand the narrative thrust of the international volunteer accounts and subsequent historiography? And what was the state of nursing in Spain on the Republican side during the war as presented by Spanish participants and historians? We put the case that the narrative erasure of Spanish professional nursing prior to the Civil War was the result of the politicization of nursing under the Second Republic, its repression and reengineering under the Franco dictatorship, and the subsequent national policy of "oblivion" or forgetting that dominated the country during the transition to democracy. This policy silenced the stories of veteran nurses and prevented an examination of the impact of the Civil War on the Spanish nursing profession.

Enfermería Militar/historia , Guerra/historia , Historia del Siglo XX , Humanos , España
Nurs Hist Rev ; 28(1): 93-126, 2019 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31537723


During the Korean War (1950-1953) the Norwegian government sent a mobile army surgical hospital (MASH) to support the efforts of the United Nations (UN) Army. From the first, its status was ambiguous. The US-led military medical services believed that the "Norwegian Mobile Army Surgical Hospital" (NORMASH) was no different from any other MASH; but both its originators and its staff regarded it as a vehicle for humanitarian aid. Members of the hospital soon recognized that their status in the war zone was primarily that of a military field hospital. Yet they insisted on providing essential medical care to the local civilian population as well as trauma care to UN soldiers and prisoners of war. The ambiguities that arose from the dual mission of NORMASH are explored in this article, which pays particular attention to the experiences of nurses, as expressed in three types of source: their contemporary letters to their Matron-in-Chief; a report written by one nurse shortly after the war; and a series of oral history interviews conducted approximately 60 years later. The article concludes that the nurses of NORMASH experienced no real role-conflict. They viewed it as natural that they should offer their services to both military and civilian casualties according to need, and they experienced a sense of satisfaction from their work with both types of patient. Ultimately, the experience of Norwegian nurses in Korea illustrates the powerful sense of personal agency that could be experienced by nurses in forward field hospitals, where political decision-making did not impinge too forcefully on their clinical and ethical judgment as clinicians.

Hospitales Militares/historia , Guerra de Corea , Unidades Móviles de Salud/historia , Sistemas de Socorro/historia , Historia del Siglo XX , Humanos , Enfermería Militar/historia , Noruega , República de Corea
Sanid. mil ; 75(2): 118-122, abr.-jun. 2019.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-183716


En octubre 1859 España entró en guerra con Marruecos y se movilizó a todos los efectivos del Ejército, quedando muchas instalaciones militares sin personal. Por ello, el gobierno de O'Donnell creó el Cuerpo de Obreros, formado por tropa de reemplazo, que se encargó de oficios auxiliares y funciones sanitarias en los hospitales militares. Objetivos: Dar a conocer la labor realizada por los enfermeros de la compañía de obreros de la Administración Militar según la Instrucción que regula este oficio. Mostrar las categorías de enfermeros hospitalarios y delimitar sus tareas administrativas y de cuidado a los enfermos. Material y Métodos: Estudio histórico realizado a partir del análisis de la "Instrucción para los obreros de la administración militar como enfermeros en los hospitales militares", documento que regulaba el trabajo de los distintos oficios que había en un hospital militar, centrándonos en las funciones del enfermero mayor, enfermero sirviente y celador de sala. Resultados: La Instrucción se divide en quince capítulos, y en cada uno de ellos se fijan las normas de actuación de los distintos oficios existentes en un hospital militar. En los capítulos I, II y III, referentes a los oficios del enfermero, se establecen sus funciones de supervisión y gestión además de cuidado de los enfermos. Conclusiones: Se trata de una reglamentación del trabajo de los enfermeros, que ejercían las labores asignables a los actuales Jefes de Enfermería y Supervisores, con una formación considerable para el momento en tareas administrativas y con cualidades adecuadas para el cuidado de enfermos y heridos

In October 1859 Spain enters into war with Morocco and mobilizes all the troops of the Army, leaving many military installations without personnel. Therefore, the O'Donnell government creates the Workers' Corps, formed by a replacement troop, which will be responsible for auxiliary duties and sanitary functions in military hospitals. Objectives: To make known the work done by the nurses of the company of workers of the Military Administration according to the Instruction that regulate this trade. Show the categories of hospital nurses and define their administrative tasks and care for the sick. Material and Methods: Historical study conducted from the analysis of the "Instruction for military administration workers as nurses in military hospitals", document regulated the work of the different offices that were in a military hospital, focusing on the functions of the senior nurse, servant nurse and ward warden. Results: The Instruction was divided into fifteen chapters, and in each one of them the norms of performance of the different existing trades in a military hospital were established. In chapters I, II and III, referring to nursing trades, their functions of supervision and management as well as care of the sick are established. Conclusions: This is a regulation of the work of nurses, who exercised the tasks assignable to the current Chiefs of Nursing and Supervisors, with considerable training for the time in administrative tasks and with adequate qualities for the care of the sick and injured

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XIX , Enfermería Militar/historia , Hospitales Militares/historia , Medicina Militar/organización & administración , Enfermería Militar/tendencias , Historia de la Enfermería
Cult. cuid ; 23(53): 77-86, ene.-abr. 2019. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-190049


La solución de los problemas de salud, así como el auxilio a los heridos durante la Guerra Civil Española (1936-1939), fueron gestionados por entidades nacionales e internacionales en los frentes sublevado y republicano, con una demanda sanitaria muy elevada. OBJETIVO: Conocer las organizaciones socio-sanitarias que apoyaron a los bandos nacional y republicano; describir la formación sanitaria impartida durante 1936-1939; destacar el trabajo asistencial desempeñado en la contienda por la mujer. MÉTODO: Estudio histórico descriptivo con fuentes primarias y secundarias. Que tratan sobre, las organizaciones nacionales e internacionales que cooperaron durante la guerra, y el personal sanitario profesional y voluntario que realizó cuidados y recibió formación en salud durante 1936-1939. RESULTADOS: Mientras que el bando sublevado fue asistido por la Cruz Roja, enfermeras de la Falange y un sinfín de voluntarios con breve formación sanitaria, el frente popular fue auxiliado por la Cruz Roja, las Brigadas Internacionales, el Socorro Rojo Internacional y asociaciones feministas. CONCLUSIÓN: La Guerra Civil estuvo marcada por una ingente cantidad de heridos, a los que el personal sanitario y voluntario dispensó la atención sanitaria con valor y entrega, aun a pesar del peligro existente. Éstos fueron incluso capaces de atender con humanidad

The resolution of health problems in the population, as well as the assistance to injured people during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1938), were achieved in the Insurgent and republican fronts by national and international organizations. That health care was extremely demanded. organizations that supported in the national and republican fronts; to describe the health training taught during 1936-39, and also to emphasize the health care worked during the war by women. Method: It is a descriptive and historical review, based on primary and secondary sources, which investigate: 1) national and international organizations which cooperate with Spain during the war; 2) health professionals and volunteers who cared and were taught in health during 1936-39. RESULTS: Whereas the insurgent camp was assisted by the Red Cross, Falange's nurses and volunteers without health training, the republican camp was helped by the Red Cross, International Brigades, International Red Aid and also feminist associations. CONCLUSIONS: The Civil War was marked bya huge number of injured, nevertheless, all the health professionals and volunteers dispensed health care with courage and dedication, even in spite of the danger. They were able to assistance each people with humanity

A solução dos problemas de saúde, bem como a assistência aos feridos durante a guerra civil espanhola (1936-1939), foi realizada pela frente rebelde e republicana, por entidades nacionais e internacionais, com um investimento muito elevado naatenção à saúde. OBJETIVO: Conhecer as organizações socio-sanitárias que apoiaram o lado nacional e republicano; descrever o treino em saúde desenvolvido durante os anos 1936-1939; destacar o trabalho assistência realizado naguerra pelas mulheres. MÉTODO: Estudo histórico descritivo, comfontes primárias e secundárias, questionando sobre: as organizações nacionais e internacionais que cooperaram durante a guerra; o pessoal de saúde profissional e voluntário que realizou a assistência; e o treino de saúde recebido durante 1936-1939. RESULTADOS:O lado rebelde foi assistido pela Cruz Vermelha, enfermeiras da Falange. e uma série de voluntários sem treino emsaúde; enquanto a frente popular foi auxiliada pela Cruz Vermelha, pelas Brigadas Internacionais, pelo Socorro Vermelho Internacional e por associações feministas. CONCLUSÕES: A Guerra Civil foi marcada por um grande número de feridos, no entanto, todos os profissionais de saúde e voluntários dispensaram cuidados de saúde com valor e entrega, mesmo apesar doperigo existente, podendo ainda atender a todos as pessoas com humanidade

Humanos , Conflictos Armados/historia , Enfermería Militar/historia , Enfermería Militar/organización & administración , Atención de Enfermería/organización & administración , Conflictos Civiles , España
Isr J Health Policy Res ; 9(1): 1, 2019 12 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31892364


BACKGROUND: From the very onset, Israeli military nurses served in supporting positions on the front lines, shoulder to shoulder with men. When the IDF was established in 1948, nurses were sent to serve near areas of conflict and were not included in compulsory military service in field units. Once the military hospitals were closed in 1949, nursing in the Medical Corps lost a clear military purpose, and its main contribution was in the civilian arena. From 1949 until 2000, most recruited military nurses operated their mandatory service mainly in a civilian framework according to the integration agreement between the ministry of defense to the ministry of health. Between 2000 to 2018, military nurses served at home front military clinics and in headquarters jobs at the Medicine Corps. In2018, the Medical Corps decided to integrate military nurses into the Israeli military service in order to cope with the shortage of military physicians, among other things, and ensure appropriate availability of medical and health services for military units.. This study examines, for the first time, the considerations that led to the closure of military hospitals and the transfer of the military service of nurses in the IDF to the Ministry of Health in 1949 and the decision in 2018 to return the military nurses to the field's military battalions. METHODS: The study was based on an analysis of documents from the IDF archives, the Israeli parliament archive, the David Ben-Gurion archive, articles from periodical newspapers, and interviews with nurses and partners in the Israeli Medical Corps. RESULTS: During almost 70 years, Israeli military nursing's main contribution was to the civilian hospitals. The return of nursing care to the IDF field units in recent years intended to supplement the medicine corps demands in field units by placing qualified academic nurses. CONCLUSIONS: The removal of nursing care from the IDF field units was provided as a response to the needs of the health demands of the emerging state. Until 2018 there was no significant need for military nurses except in emergency time. This is in contrast to other military nursing units.

Medicina Militar/historia , Enfermería Militar/historia , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , Hospitales Militares , Humanos , Israel , Personal Militar
Prof Inferm ; 72(4): 260-266, 2019.
Artículo en Italiano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32243740


INTRODUCTION: Military corps have always been supported by healthcare providers who took care of the injured and sick soldiers. Traditionally the military nurse's figure has never been fully appreciated to the point that, even nowadays, it is still searching for its own identity. AIM: The aim of the study is to describe the military nurse's role from the Second War for Italian Independence (1859) to the conquest of Rome (1870). METHODS: Historical investigation. Secondary sources were consulted to carry out a geopolitical and historical contextualization of the reference period, while to trace the military nurse's evolution the team referred to primary sources. All the mentioned sources were analyzed according to Chabod's methodology (2012). RESULTS: The military nurse was born as a corpsman. The Risorgimento wars contributed to highlight the major contribution that nurses could give to military healthcare. In 1863 the Ministry of War elaborated a new and innovative profile for military nurses which foresaw particular physical and moral requirements, but also specific competences. Even though a new ideal of nurse was created, the Military Nurses Corp did not experience any changes: the nurses' activities remained transporting the injured and assisting doctors. CONCLUSIONS: Primary sources analysis highlighted an important attention towards the military nurse's role and education after national unity, although the gap shown by the military healthcare service during the Risorgimento battles was evident. Such condition facilitated the development of the first rescue committees which became, at a later time, the International Red Cross. The committees popularity allowed the volunteers to gain higher fame and social prestige than military nurses.

Historia de la Enfermería , Enfermería Militar/historia , Rol de la Enfermera , Historia del Siglo XIX , Humanos , Italia , Medicina Militar/historia , Medicina Militar/organización & administración , Enfermería Militar/educación , Enfermería Militar/organización & administración