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Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;72(supl.1): e58787, Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559339


Resumen Introducción: En el Pacífico central mexicano son escasos los trabajos sobre ecología de asteroideos. Estas especies generalmente se distribuyen de forma aleatoria, aunque en algunas ocasiones pueden encontrarse en grupos o agregaciones. En Los Arcos, al sur de Puerto Vallarta, en Bahía de Banderas, México, se observó Luidia bellonae por primera vez en una agregación masiva en 2021. Objetivo: Reportar por primera vez el registro de esta especie en esta región del Pacífico mexicano, así como el evento de agregación masiva. Métodos: Se realizaron transectos y recorridos para cuantificar la densidad y medir los ejemplares de la estrella en Los Arcos, Bahía de Banderas, durante 2021, 2022 y 2023. Resultados: Se encontraron densidades promedio de 2.65 ind/m2 y hasta 7 ind/m2. En total en el área aproximada de 900 m2 se registraron 630 individuos. Los ejemplares midieron (R) entre 2 y 12 cm, y en su mayoría midieron entre 4 y 8 cm. Conclusiones: L. bellonae estaba reportada en distintos sitios en algunos estados del Pacífico mexicano, sin embargo no estaba registrada para Bahía de Banderas ni Los Arcos, ni tampoco en la cantidad que se reporta aquí, por lo que este es el primer registro para la especie con una presencia masiva para el Pacífico mexicano. La aparición de la gran cantidad de ejemplares de L. bellonae en Los Arcos en 2021 pudo haber sido resultado de una combinación de factores, entre ellos la baja temperatura del agua, con valores hasta de 15 ºC y la alta cantidad de nutrientes. Este hallazgo demuestra la necesidad de más estudios sobre los equinodermos y especies marinas para entender la influencia que tienen las condiciones ambientales en su ciclo de vida.

Abstract Introduction: In the central Mexican Pacific, there are few studies on asteroid ecology. These species are generally distributed randomly, although in some cases groups or aggregations can be found. In Los Arcos, south of Puerto Vallarta, in Bahía de Banderas, Mexico, Luidia bellonae was observed for the first time in a massive aggregation in 2021. Objective: To report the new record of this species in this region of the Mexican Pacific and its massive aggregation event. Methods: Transects and surveys were carried out to quantify the density and measure the sea star individuals in Los Arcos, Bahía de Banderas during 2021, 2022, and 2023. Results: Average densities of 2.65 ind/m2 and up to 7 ind/m2 were found. In total, in the approximate area of 900 m2, 630 individuals were registered. The specimens measured (R) between 2 and 12 cm, and most measured between 4 and 8 cm. Conclusions: L. bellonae has been reported in different places in some states of the Mexican Pacific; however, it was not registered for Bahía de Banderas nor Los Arcos, nor in the amount reported here, therefore this is the first record for the species with a massive presence for the Mexican Pacific. The appearance of the large number of L. bellonae specimens in Los Arcos in 2021 could have been the result of a combination of factors, including the low water temperature, with values up to 15 ºC, and the high amount of nutrients. This finding demonstrates the need for more studies on echinoderms and marine species to understand the influence of environmental conditions on their life cycle.

Animales , Estrellas de Mar/crecimiento & desarrollo , Estrellas de Mar/clasificación , México
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;72(supl.1): e58868, Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559330


Resumen Introducción: Los equinodermos son dominantes en términos de abundancia y diversidad; particularmente los asteroideos presentan un importante rol en las comunidades bentónicas antárticas. Objetivo: El objetivo del presente trabajo fue revisar la distribución batimétrica, composición específica, ocurrencia y riqueza de especies de asteroideos que habitan en los archipiélagos Orcadas del Sur, Shetland del Sur y Archipiélago de Palmer, ubicados en la Península Antártica. A su vez, detallar aspectos de los patrones de desarrollo de las especies halladas. Métodos: Utilizamos la información adquirida durante Campañas Antárticas de Verano 2012 y 2013, a bordo del Buque Oceanográfico "Puerto Deseado". Las estaciones de muestreo se ubicaron en tres archipiélagos localizados en la Península Antártica: Orcadas del Sur (OS), Shetland del Sur (SS) y Archipiélago de Palmer (AP). Se realizaron 28 lances de pesca y se fotografiaron y procesaron 436 individuos. Se determinó el radio mayor (mm) de cada individuo, las características macroscópicas de las gónadas y la presencia de embriones. Se realizó una revisión del estatus taxonómico y de la distribución batimétrica y del área de distribución geográfica de las especies muestreadas basándonos en registros bibliográficos y bases de datos. Se utilizó una agrupación jerárquica para analizar la composición de las especies entre las diferentes áreas. Resultados: En todas las estaciones de muestreo se obtuvieron asteroideos (ocurrencia: 100 %) entre 52.7 y 987 metros de profundidad. Se registraron 21 especies, de las cuales no se modificó la distribución batimétrica de ninguna de ellas, pero se amplió el área de distribución geográfica de seis. La riqueza de especies fue igual en SS y AP, y mayor que en OS, coincidiendo con la presencia de dos grupos regionales con una composición faunística similar. El 72 % de las especies registradas presentan desarrollo pelágico (larva planctotrófica = 17 % y larva lecitotrófica = 55 %) y el 28 % desarrollo no pelágico (larva retenida = 17 % y desarrollo directo = 11 %). Conclusiones: En los tres archipiélagos el patrón de desarrollo mayoritario fue el pelágico con nutrición lecitotrófica. La totalidad de las especies halladas en el presente trabajo son compartidas con la región subantártica, destacándose la importancia de la Corriente de Malvinas en la dispersión de las especies desde Antártida.

Abstract Introduction: Echinoderms are dominant in terms of abundance and diversity; particularly asteroids play an important role in Antarctic benthic communities. Objective: The aim of the present work was to review the bathymetric distribution, specific composition, occurrence and species richness of asteroid species inhabiting South Orkney, South Shetland and Palmer Archipelago, located in the Antarctic Peninsula. Aspects of the developmental patterns of the species found are also included. Methods: We used data acquired during the 2012 and 2013 Antarctic Summer Campaigns aboard the Oceanographic Vessel "Puerto Deseado". Sampling stations were located in three archipelagos located in the Antarctic Peninsula: South Orkney (SO), South Shetland (SS) and Palmer Archipelago (PA). A total of 28 fishing hauls were made and 436 individuals were photographed and processed. The maximum radius (mm) of each individual, the macroscopic characteristics of the gonads and the presence of embryos were registered. A review of the taxonomic status, bathymetric and geographical distribution area of the sampled species was carried out based on bibliographic records and databases. A hierarchical grouping was used to analyze species composition among the different areas. Results: Asteroids were obtained in all sampling stations (occurrence: 100 %) between 52.7 and 987 m depth. 21 species were recorded, the bathymetric distribution was not broadened in any of them, and the geographical distribution area of six species was expanded. Species richness was equal in SS and PA and higher than in SO, coinciding with the presence of two regional groups with a similar faunal composition. Seventy-two percent of the recorded species present pelagic development (planktotrophic larvae = 17 %, and lecithotrophic larvae = 55 %) and 28 % non-pelagic development (retained larvae = 17 %, and direct development = 11 %). Conclusions: In the three archipelagos, the majority development pattern was pelagic with lecithotrophic nutrition. All the species found in this study are shared with the sub-Antarctic region, highlighting the importance of the Malvinas Current in the dispersal of species from Antarctica.

Animales , Estrellas de Mar/clasificación , Ecosistema , Muestreo
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;69(supl. 2)mar. 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507774


Introduction: The order Euryalida is represented by fragile ophiuroids with long and slender arms that can be ramified. Species within the family Gorgonocephalidae are characterized by the presence of tiny hooklets on the dorsal aspect of their arms. There are very few published studies referring to species of the family Gorgonocephalidae inhabiting Mexican waters. Objective: To review the taxonomic status of the species belonging to this taxonomic family, identifying their diagnostic taxonomic characteristics to create an illustrated guide of species kept at the CNE, UNAM. Methods: Specialized bibliography of the Gorgonocephalidae family was gathered. Subsequently, all the specimens from the CNE were photographed using Scanning Electron and Multifocal Microscopy photography, to show the structures of taxonomic relevance. Results: A total of 193 specimens corresponding to eight genera and nine species were reviewed. The genus Astrocaneum presented the highest species richness. Conclusions: For the species identified in this study and for the sake of accurate identification, morphological characters such as the shape of hooklets and arm plates were highlighted.

Introducción: El orden Euryalida está formado por ofiuros frágiles con brazos delgados, largos y a veces ramificados. Las especies de la familia Gorgonocephalidae se caracterizan por la presencia de diminutos ganchos en el lado dorsal de sus brazos. Los estudios que refieren especies de la familia Gorgonocephalidae que habitan en aguas mexicanas son escasos. Objetivo: Realizar la revisión taxonómica de dicha familia, reconociendo los caracteres taxonómicos diagnósticos para generar una guía ilustrada de cada una de las especies que se encuentran en la CNE del ICML, UNAM. Métodos: Se recopiló toda la bibliografía especializada de la familia, posteriormente con ayuda de fotografías de MEB y multifocal se fotografiaron los especímenes de la CNE para destacar las estructuras de importancia taxonómica. Resultados: se revisaron un total de 193 ejemplares correspondientes a ocho géneros, nueve especies, siendo el género Astrocaneum el de mayor riqueza específica. Conclusiones: Para las especies identificadas en este estudio, para dar una identificación más precisa, se destacaron los caracteres morfológicos forma de los ganchos y forma de las placas de los brazos.

Animales , Estrellas de Mar/clasificación , Equinodermos/clasificación , México
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;63(supl.2): 361-381, Apr.-Jun. 2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-958183


Abstract The post-metamorphic stage is essential in the life history of marine invertebrates. During this period, animals are more vulnerable and suffer high mortality, which influences the distribution and abundance of adult populations. It is also during this period that major morphological changes happen in the individuals, complicating their taxonomic identification. The juvenile ophiuroids dominate the meiofauna in certain times of the year and at some places. However, they are ignored by most ecological studies due to identification difficulties. Here we describe the ontogeny of nine deep-sea species from the Southeast and South regions of Brazil, with the first record of morphological modifications for eight of them. Most organisms were collected 60 to 800 m deep, between December 1997, January, 1998 and March, 1998, during the REVIZEE-Score South / Benthos program. We also included additional material from the Zoology Museum of Unicamp (ZUEC). For descriptions and identifications of the different stages, the specimens were dried and photographed. The juveniles were identified by "backwards" process through the growth series of adults to smaller individuals, a backwards method that was successful in previous studies. Some individuals were mounted on aluminum stubs for scanning electron microscopy. The species were: Ophiacantha pentacrinus (Ophiacanthidae), Ophiomastus satelitae, Ophiomusium acuferum, Ophiomusium eburneum, Ophiomisidium tommasii, Ophiura ljungmani, Ophiura clemens (Ophiuridae), Amphiura complanata (Amphiuridae) and Ophiothrix rathbuni (Ophiotrichidae). Many species could be identified since their most juvenile stage. Some structures remain almost unaltered during the whole life. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (Suppl. 2): 361-381. Epub 2015 June 01.

Resumen La etapa post-metamórfica es esencial en la historia de vida de los invertebrados marinos. Durante este período, los animales son más vulnerables y sufren una elevada mortalidad, que influye en la distribución y abundancia de las poblaciones de los adultos. También es durante este período cuando grandes cambios morfológicos ocurren en los individuos, lo que complica su identificación taxonómica. Los ofiuroideos juveniles son el componente principal para la mayor parte de la composición de la meiofauna en ciertas épocas del año y en algunos lugares. Sin embargo, son ignorados por la mayoría de los estudios ecológicos debido a las dificultades de identificación. De esta manera, la descripción de las fases juveniles presenta mayor importancia, sobre todo en estudios relacionados con la dinámica poblacional y de composición de fauna. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo describir la ontogenia de nueve especies de aguas profundas de las regiones Sudeste y Sur de Brasil, siendo el primer registro en la literatura sobre cambios morfológicos -a partir del crecimiento- para ocho de ellos. La mayoría de los organismos se tomaron en el intervalo de 60 a 800 m de profundidad, entre diciembre de 1997, enero de 1998 y marzo de 1998, durante el programa REVIZEE Sur-Score / Bentos. También se incluyen en este estudio material adicional del Museo de Zoología de la Unicamp (ZUEC). Para las identificaciones y descripciones de las diferentes etapas, las muestras se secaron y fueron fotografiadas. Los juveniles fueron identificados por "al revés" el proceso de crecimiento a través de la serie desde adultos hasta los individuos de menores tallas, una metodología exitosa en estudios anteriores. Las especies seleccionadas para la descripción de la serie de crecimiento fueron escogidas de acuerdo a su abundancia relativa en diferentes etapas de desarrollo. Algunos individuos fueron montados en tacos de aluminio para la microscopía electrónica de barrido. Las especies se estudiadas fueron: Ophiacantha pentacrinus (Ophiacanthidae), Ophiomastus satelitae, Ophiomusium acuferum, Ophiomusium eburneum, Ophiomisidium tommasii, Ophiura ljungmani, Ophiura clemens (Ophiuridae), Amphiura complanata (Amphiuridae) y Ophiothrix rathbuni (Ophiotrichidae). El análisis del desarrollo post-metamórfico de los individuos reveló que muchas especies podrían ser identificadas desde sus etapas más juveniles, sobre todo a partir de caracteres morfológicos externos. Este estudio nos permite sostener que algunas estructuras permanecen casi inalteradas durante toda la vida del organismo, mientras que otras están sujetas a transformaciones. De este modo, se contribuye al conocimiento más amplio de algunas especies de ofiuroideos, con relación a la caracterización de sus diferentes etapas de desarrollo.

Animales , Estrellas de Mar/clasificación , Fauna Béntica/clasificación , Clasificación , Hidrobiología/clasificación , Invertebrados/clasificación , Océano Atlántico
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;63(supl.2): 329-337, Apr.-Jun. 2015. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-958180


Resumen Como organismos bentónicos, estrellas de mar y erizos de mar están constantemente expuestos a un gran número de bacterias, hongos y virus, algunos de ellos potencialmente dañinos. Para sobrevivir, estos equinodermos dependen de su sistema inmunológico, que ha desarrollado una serie de compuestos que actúan como estrategias de defensa antimicrobianos. En este trabajo se evaluaron las actividades antibacteriana y antifúngica de los extractos metanólicos de la estrella de mar Oreaster reticulatus y de los erizos de mar Mellita quinquiesperforata y Diadema antillarum recolectados en el Caribe Cordobés, frente a las bacterias Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus y Klebsiella pneumoniae, y frente a los hongos fitopatógenos Fusarium sp., Scleortium sp., y Rhizoctonia sp. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que O. reticulatus y D. antillarum, son organismos capaces de producir compuestos con capacidad antibiótica generando inhibición bacteriana a bajas concentraciones (< 100 µg / ml), mientras que M. quinquiesperforata no presentó inhibición a ninguna de la concentraciones evaluadas. Específicamente, la cepa de S. aureus fue la que presentó mayor susceptibilidad frente a los extractos evaluados, es decir, los metabolitos producidos por los equinodermos inhiben con mayor facilidad las bacterias Gram +. Por su parte, solo el extracto de diclorometano de D. antillarum presentó inhibición frente a Fusarium sp., con porcentajes de inhibición de 78.2 % y 56.5 % a concentraciones de 2 000 y 100 µg / ml. Se encontró que las cepas de los hongos Sclerotium sp. y Rhizoctonia sp., presentaron resistencia frente a todos los.extractos de los organismos estudiados, con excepción del extracto de diclorometano de D. antillarum.

Abstract As benthic organisms, sea stars and sea urchins are constantly exposed to a large number of bacteria, fungi and viruses, some of them potentially harmful. To survive, these echinoderms depend on their immune system, which has developed a number of compounds which act as antimicrobial defense strategies. In this work, the antibacterial and antifungal activities of the extracts of the starfish Oreaster reticulatus and sea urchins Diadema antillarum and Mellita quinquiesperforata collected in the Caribbean Cordobés were evaluated against the bacteria Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae and against the phytopathogenic fungi Fusarium sp., Scleortium sp., and Rhizoctonia sp. Our results show that O. reticulatus and D. antillarum produce compounds producing bacterial inhibition at low concentrations (< 100 μg / ml), while, M. quinquiesperforata extracts showed no inhibition at any of the concentrations tested. Specifically, the strain of S. aureus was the one with greater susceptibility to the extracts evaluated, i.e. the metabolites produced by echinoderms inhibit more easily gram + bacteria. Only the D. antillarum dichloromethane affected Fusarium sp. with inhibition of 78.2 % and 56.5 % at concentrations of 2 000 and 100 μg / ml. Strains of the fungi Sclerotium sp. and Rhizoctonia sp. had resistance to all extracts. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (Suppl. 2): 329-337. Epub 2015 June 01.

Animales , Erizos de Mar/clasificación , Estrellas de Mar/clasificación , Equinodermos/clasificación , Antibacterianos , Factores Biológicos
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;63(supl.2): 37-47, Apr.-Jun. 2015. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-958157


Abstract Despite the important effort of knowing the Ophiuroidea diversity in the Mexican Pacific, some mistakes in the taxonomic nomenclature have pervaded through time. In order to clarify the latter, a checklist based on literature review of brittle stars from the Mexican Pacific is provided. We reviewed a total of 105 references that in total summarized 125 species of brittle stars from the Mexican Pacific (112) and the Gulf of California (97), belonging to two orders, 16 families and 50 genera. These records are higher than those reported on previous studies carried out in the area. México is the country with the highest number of brittle stars reported in the Tropical Eastern Pacific; this may be due to its exceptional oceanographic conditions, location and coastline extension. However, a total of 27 species reported in the literature were considered doubtful due to their general distributions and were not included in the checklist. Of the reported species, 35 have their type locality in the Mexican Pacific, corroborating the importance of the country in the Tropical Eastern Pacific in terms of Echinodermata diversity. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (Suppl. 2): 37-47. Epub 2015 June 01.

Resumen A pesar del importante esfuerzo en el conocimiento de la diversidad de ofiuroideos del Pacífico mexicano, algunos errores en la nomenclatura taxonómica han perseverado a través del tiempo. Con el objetivo de clarificar lo anterior, se provee una lista de especies de ofiuroideos del Pacífico Mexicano, basada en la revisión de literatura. Se revisó un total de 105 referencias que en total suman 125 especies pertenecientes a dos órdenes, 16 familias y 50 géneros de ofiuros del Pacífico Mexicano (112) y el Golfo de California (97). Estos reportes son mayores que otros estudios llevados a cabo en el área. México es el país con el mayor número de ofiuros reportados en el Pacífico Oriental Tropical; esto puede deberse a su excepcional condición oceanográfica, ubicación y extensión de línea de costa. Un total de 27 de las especies reportadas en la literatura fueron consideradas dudosas de acuerdo distribución geográfica por lo que no fueron incluidas en la lista. 35 especies poseen su localidad tipo en el Pacífico Mexicano, corroborando la importancia de México en el Pacífico Oriental Tropical en términos de diversidad de equinodermos.

Animales , Estrellas de Mar/clasificación , Equinodermos/clasificación , México
Rev Biol Trop ; 62(1): 59-68, 2014 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24912343


The sea star Astropecten marginatus has a neotropical distribution and is a highly abundant and frequent species in shrimp trawling by-catchin many places along the Brazilian coast. This has caused its threat to extinction and in addition, its bio-ecological aspects are poorly known. Thus, the main objective of this study was to analyze the seasonal variations of population length structure and feeding habits of the sea stars A. marginatus inhabiting off state of Paraná, Southern Brazil. The analyzed specimens were collected in February (summer), April (fall), June (winter) and October (spring) of 2008 from shrimp by-catch trawling. In the laboratory, each individual had its length measured and then weighed on an analytical scale. Afterwards, the stomach contents of 10 individuals of each of two most frequent length classes were seasonally analyzed. The relative frequency and abundance for each prey category was determined and, then combined into an index of alimentary importance. A total of 994 individuals of A. marginatus were collected with length ranging from 7.0 to 56.2mm, but most individuals were in the 20.1-25mm length classes. Individuals larger than 40mm were only collected in the spring while a few recruits (<10mm) were found in fall and winter. The total weight of individuals ranged from 0.1 to 15.3g and the weight-length relationships showed a negative allometric growth (b<2.54). Regarding its food consumption, this sea star explored eleven food items, with cumaceans and mollusks as the most frequent items. High frequency of empty stomach was recorded at fall. Seasonal differences in the amount explored preys and ingested items as well as in the prey composition were also observed. Higher amount of explored prey categories and ingested items were recorded at winter-spring than summer-fall periods. Predominance in prey category changed from gastropods (summer and fall) to cumaceans (winter and spring). The importance of gastropods as main prey category at summer and fall should be carefully considered since it was coincidently observed with high frequency of empty stomach and low amount of ingested items. The observed seasonal differences in feeding behavior pattern were mainly associated to low prey availability and to changes in the sea star feeding rates, and probably reflected in some biological traits such as small body size of the population inhabiting waters off the Paraná coast, Southern Brazil.

Tamaño Corporal , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Estaciones del Año , Estrellas de Mar/anatomía & histología , Animales , Brasil , Contenido Digestivo , Estrellas de Mar/clasificación , Estrellas de Mar/fisiología
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;62(1): 73-83, ene.-mar. 2014. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-715415


The sea star Astropecten marginatus has a neotropical distribution and is a highly abundant and frequent species in shrimp trawling by-catchin many places along the Brazilian coast. This has caused its threat to extinction and in addition, its bio-ecological aspects are poorly known. Thus, the main objective of this study was to analyze the seasonal variations of population length structure and feeding habits of the sea stars A. marginatus inhabiting off state of Paraná, Southern Brazil. The analyzed specimens were collected in February (summer), April (fall), June (winter) and October (spring) of 2008 from shrimp by-catch trawling. In the laboratory, each individual had its length measured and then weighed on an analytical scale. Afterwards, the stomach contents of 10 individuals of each of two most frequent length classes were seasonally analyzed. The relative frequency and abundance for each prey category was determined and, then combined into an index of alimentary importance. A total of 994 individuals of A. marginatus were collected with length ranging from 7.0 to 56.2mm, but most individuals were in the 20.1-25mm length classes. Individuals larger than 40mm were only collected in the spring while a few recruits (<10mm) were found in fall and winter. The total weight of individuals ranged from 0.1 to 15.3g and the weight-length relationships showed a negative allometric growth (b<2.54). Regarding its food consumption, this sea star explored eleven food items, with cumaceans and mollusks as the most frequent items. High frequency of empty stomach was recorded at fall. Seasonal differences in the amount explored preys and ingested items as well as in the prey composition were also observed. Higher amount of explored prey categories and ingested items were recorded at winter-spring than summer-fall periods. Predominance in prey category changed from gastropods (summer and fall) to cumaceans (winter and spring). The importance of gastropods as main prey category at summer and fall should be carefully considered since it was coincidently observed with high frequency of empty stomach and low amount of ingested items. The observed seasonal differences in feeding behavior pattern were mainly associated to low prey availability and to changes in the sea star feeding rates, and probably reflected in some biological traits such as small body size of the population inhabiting waters off the Paraná coast, Southern Brazil.

La estrella de mar Astropecten marginatus presenta una distribución neotropical y debido a su abundancia es frecuente encontrarla como captura incidental durante actividades de pesca de arrastre; actividad por la cual se encuentra amenazada en muchos lugares a lo largo de la costa brasileña. En este estudio se analizaron las variaciones estacionales de la estructura de la población y se determinaron los principales componentes de la dieta de A. marginatus frente a la costa de Paraná, sur de Brasil. Las muestras analizadas provinieron de las capturas de la pesca de arrastre recogidas en febrero (verano), abril (otoño), junio (invierno) y octubre (primavera) 2008. De cada individuo se midió la longitud y se pesó, posteriormente se analizó el contenido estomacal de 10 organismos de cada una de las dos clases de talla más frecuentes por cada temporada. Se analizaron 994 ejemplares de A. marginatus, los cuales presentaron una longitud que varió entre 7.0-56.2mm, con mayor frecuencia de individuos entre 20.1-25mm. Los organismos mayores (>40mm) se encontraron solamente en la primavera, mientras aquellos con talla inferior a los 10mm se obtuvieron durante el otoño y el invierno. El peso de los individuos se mantuvo entre los 0.1-15.3g. La relación entre el peso y talla mostró un crecimiento alométrico negativo (b<2.54). En cuanto a la dieta, esta especie consumió un total de once presas, de las cuales los cumáceos y moluscos fueron los grupos más consumidos. Una mayor cantidad de presas exploradas se registró en el invierno-primavera de los períodos de verano-otoño. El predominio de la presa cambió de gasterópodos (verano y otoño) a cumáceos (invierno y primavera). Las diferencias estacionales en el patrón de alimentación podrían estar asociadas a una baja disponibilidad de presas y a los cambios en las tasas de alimentación, lo cual se ve reflejado en algunos rasgos biológicos, como el pequeño tamaño del cuerpo esta población.

Animales , Tamaño Corporal , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Estaciones del Año , Estrellas de Mar/anatomía & histología , Brasil , Contenido Digestivo , Estrellas de Mar/clasificación , Estrellas de Mar/fisiología
Rev Biol Trop ; 60(3): 1149-59, 2012 Sep.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23025086


There is limited biological information about the starfish Oreaster reticulatus and the nine-armed starfish Luidia senegalensis in Venezuelan waters. These species are currently considered threatened in many localities of the Caribbean, Brazil and Colombia. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe their population density, size distribution and population structure in Cubagua Island. During 2008, 52 stations located around the island were evaluated using band transects of 50m2. Each organism was counted and measured (maximum radius), and its size was compared to the maturity length reported in the literature. The results for O. reticulatus include: 167.3ind./ha; 33% juveniles and 67% adults; average size of 10.7 +/- 5cm (range: 2.2-21cm); a wide distribution around the island, with higher densities in the Eastern and Southwest areas. The 50% of the specimens were found in seagrass beds, 25% in sand, 16% in areas covered by decomposed seaweeds, 9% in oyster beds and 1% coralline patches. The densities of O. reticulatus were higher than those reported in the Caribbean, Panama and Puerto Rico, but lower than Venezuelan National Parks: Mochima and Morrocoy; as well as in the Virgin Islands and Belize. For L. senegalensis we found an average density of 40ind./ha; 95% exceeded the reported size at maturity, with mean length of 12cm +/- 3.5cm (range: 3.5-22.3cm); they were found only in 15% of the stations of which 92.5% were sandy bottoms and the other 7.5% oyster beds. The degree of aggregation of L. senegalensis was greater than O. reticulatus, with an estimated k of 0.06. However, it was not possible to compare the densities of L. senegalensis with any other study. For both species is recommended to carry out reproductive studies and to monitor their population densities to infer temporal variations.

Tamaño Corporal , Estrellas de Mar , Animales , Densidad de Población , Dinámica Poblacional , Estrellas de Mar/anatomía & histología , Estrellas de Mar/clasificación , Estrellas de Mar/crecimiento & desarrollo , Venezuela
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;60(3): 1149-1159, Sept. 2012. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-659576


There is limited biological information about the starfish Oreaster reticulatus and the nine-armed starfish Luidia senegalensis in Venezuelan waters. These species are currently considered threatened in many localities of the Caribbean, Brazil and Colombia. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe their population density, size distribution and population structure in Cubagua Island. During 2008, 52 stations located around the island were evaluated using band transects of 50m2. Each organism was counted and measured (maximum radius), and its size was compared to the maturity length reported in the literature. The results for O. reticulatus include: 167.3ind./ha; 33% juveniles and 67% adults; average size of 10.7±5cm (range: 2.2-21cm); a wide distribution around the island, with higher densities in the Eastern and Southwest areas. The 50% of the specimens were found in seagrass beds, 25% in sand, 16% in areas covered by decomposed seaweeds, 9% in oyster beds and 1% coralline patches. The densities of O. reticulatus were higher than those reported in the Caribbean, Panama and Puerto Rico, but lower than Venezuelan National Parks: Mochima and Morrocoy; as well as in the Virgin Islands and Belize. For L. senegalensis we found an average density of 40ind./ha; 95% exceeded the reported size at maturity, with mean length of 12cm±3.5cm (range: 3.5-22.3cm); they were found only in 15% of the stations of which 92.5% were sandy bottoms and the other 7.5% oyster beds. The degree of aggregation of L. senegalensis was greater than O. reticulatus, with an estimated k of 0.06. However, it was not possible to compare the densities of L. senegalensis with any other study. For both species is recommended to carry out reproductive studies and to monitor their population densities to infer temporal variations.

Las estrellas de mar: Oreaster reticulatus y Luidia senegalensis, han sido objeto de escasos estudios en aguas venezolanas. Actualmente son consideradas especies amenazadas en diversas zonas del Caribe, Brasil y Colombia. Por esto, se planteó como objetivo generar información sobre su densidad poblacional, distribución y estructura de talla en los alrededores de la isla de Cubagua. Para ello, durante el año 2008, se realizaron cuatro transectas bandas de 50m2 cada una, en 52 estaciones ubicadas alrededor de la isla. Entre los resultados obtenidos para O. reticulatus destacan: 167.3ind/ha, un 33% inmaduros y 67% adultos con un promedio de tallas de 10.7±5cm (rango: 2.2-21cm); una amplia distribución en los alrededores de la isla, con mayores densidades en la zona este y suroeste. Luidia senegalensis mostró una densidad promedio de 40ind/ha, 95% superaba la talla de madurez reportada, con talla promedio de 12cm±3.5cm (rango: 3.5-22.3cm). Se recomienda realizar estudios de reproducción, así como monitoreos de sus densidades poblacionales que permitan inferir sus variaciones temporales.

Animales , Tamaño Corporal , Estrellas de Mar , Densidad de Población , Dinámica Poblacional , Estrellas de Mar/anatomía & histología , Estrellas de Mar/clasificación , Estrellas de Mar/crecimiento & desarrollo , Venezuela
Rev Biol Trop ; 59(1): 53-69, 2011 Mar.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21516638


Astropecten marginatus is a sea star widely distributed in Northern and Eastern South America, found on sandy and muddy bottoms, in shallow and deep waters. To describe some of its ecological characteristics, we calculated it spatial-temporal distribution, population parameters (based on size and weight) and diet in the Orinoco Delta ecoregion (Venezuela). The ecoregion was divided in three sections: Golfo de Paria, Boca de Serpiente and Plataforma Deltana. Samples for the rainy and dry seasons came from megabenthos surveys of the "Línea Base Ambiental Plataforma Deltana (LBAPD)" and "Corocoro Fase I (CFI)" projects. The collected sea stars were measured, weighted and dissected by the oral side to extract their stomach and identify the preys consumed. A total of 570 sea stars were collected in LBAPD project and 306 in CFI one. The highest densities were found during the dry season in almost all sections. In LBAPD project the highest density was in "Plataforma Deltana" section (0.007 +/- 0.022 ind/m2 in dry season and 0.014 +/- 0.06 ind/m2 in rainy season) and in the CFI project the densities in "Golfo de Paria" section were 0.705 +/- 0.829 ind/m2 in rainy season and 1.027 +/- 1.107 ind/m2 in dry season. The most frequent size range was 3.1-4.6cm. The highest biomass was found in "Golfo de Paria" section (7.581 +/- 0.018 mg/m2 in dry season and 0.005 +/- 6.542 x 10(-06) mg/m2 in rainy season for 2004-2005 and 3.979 +/- 4.024 mg/m2 in dry season; and 3.117 +/- 3.137 mg/m2 in rainy season for 2006). A linear relationship was found between the sea star size and its weight but no relationship was observed between its size and the depth where it was collected. Mollusks are dominant in the sea star diet (47.4% in abundance). The diet in any of the sections, seasons or between projects or size class was heterogeneous, using multivariate ordinations (MDS) and SIMPER analysis and there was no difference in the prey number or food elements that a sea star can eat. Although A. marginatus has been described as a predator, in this study were also inferred scavenger and detritivorous habits.

Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Contenido Digestivo , Estrellas de Mar/clasificación , Animales , Océano Atlántico , Conducta Alimentaria/clasificación , Densidad de Población , Dinámica Poblacional , Estaciones del Año , Estrellas de Mar/fisiología , Venezuela
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;59(1): 53-69, mar. 2011. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-638045


Distribution, population parameters, and diet of Astropecten marginatus (Asteroidea: Astropectinidae) in the Venezuelan Atlantic coast. Astropecten marginatus is a sea star widely distributed in Northern and Eastern South America, found on sandy and muddy bottoms, in shallow and deep waters. To describe some of its ecological characteristics, we calculated it spatial-temporal distribution, population parameters (based on size and weight) and diet in the Orinoco Delta ecoregion (Venezuela). The ecoregion was divided in three sections: Golfo de Paria, Boca de Serpiente and Plataforma Deltana. Samples for the rainy and dry seasons came from megabenthos surveys of the "Línea Base Ambiental Plataforma Deltana (LBAPD)" and "Corocoro Fase I (CFI)" projects. The collected sea stars were measured, weighted and dissected by the oral side to extract their stomach and identify the preys consumed. A total of 570 sea stars were collected in LBAPD project and 306 in CFI one. The highest densities were found during the dry season in almost all sections. In LBAPD project the highest density was in "Plataforma Deltana" section (0.007±0.022ind/m² in dry season and 0.014±0.06ind/m² in rainy season) and in the CFI project the densities in "Golfo de Paria" section were 0.705±0.829ind/m² in rainy season and 1.027±1.107ind/m² in dry season. The most frequent size range was 3.1-4.6cm. The highest biomass was found in "Golfo de Paria" section (7.581±0.018mg/m² in dry season and 0.005±6.542x10-06mg/m² in rainy season for 2004-2005 and 3.979±4.024mg/m² in dry season; and 3.117±3.137mg/m² in rainy season for 2006). A linear relationship was found between the sea star size and its weight but no relationship was observed between its size and the depth where it was collected. Mollusks are dominant in the sea star diet (47.4% in abundance). The diet in any of the sections, seasons or between projects or size class was heterogeneous, using multivariate ordinations (MDS) and SIMPER analysis and there was no difference in the prey number or food elements that a sea star can eat. Although A. marginatus has been described as a predator, in this study were also inferred scavenger and detritivorous habits. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (1): 53-69. Epub 2011 March 01.

Astropecten marginatus Gray 1840 presenta una amplia distribución en el norte y este de sur América, encontrándose en fondos arenosos y fangosos de aguas someras y profundas. Se determinó su distribución, parámetros poblacionales tales como: talla, peso y dieta, de los ejemplares provenientes de los muestreos de megabentos de los proyectos LBAPD y CFI en las épocas de lluvia y sequía en la ecorregión Delta del Orinoco, Venezuela. Se dividió la ecorregión en tres sectores: Golfo de Paria, Boca de Serpiente y Plataforma Deltana. Las estrellas fueron medidas, pesadas y se extrajo su estómago para la determinación de las presas. Las mayores densidades se encontraron en época de sequía en Golfo de Paria (2006) y en época de lluvia en Plataforma Deltana (2005). El intervalo de tallas más frecuente fue 3.1-4.6cm. La mayor biomasa se encontró en Golfo de Paria en época de sequía. No se observaron relaciones entre el tamaño de la estrella y la profundidad de muestreo. Existe una dominancia de los moluscos en la dieta, a pesar de tener una alimentación heterogénea. Se observó que aparte de la depredación, también pueden presentar comportamientos carroñeros y detritívoros.

Animales , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Contenido Digestivo , Estrellas de Mar/clasificación , Océano Atlántico , Conducta Alimentaria/clasificación , Densidad de Población , Dinámica Poblacional , Estaciones del Año , Estrellas de Mar/fisiología , Venezuela
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;53(supl.3): 233-244, dic. 2005. graf, tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-454823


Sea stars are invertebrates that play relevant roles in rocky and coral reefs: they occupy different levels in food webs and may act as top predators. There are numerous studies on taxonomy and biogeography of the class in the eastern tropical Pacific, but information about the attributes and composition of its assemblages is scant. The objectives of this study were the examination and comparison of asteroid community structure from four regions of the Gulf of California, Mexico, characterized by the presence of rocky reefs, and the search for possible associations between pairs of species. In August 2004 we visited four locations in the western gulf: Bahia de Los Angeles (29 degrees N), Santa Rosalia (27 degrees N), Loreto (26 degrees N) and La Paz (24 degrees N), and censuses sea stars using 50 m2 belt transects (N=93). Abundance and species richness was estimated, as well as diversity (H'), evenness (J') and taxonomic distinctness (delta*); then, all variables were compared among regions with analysis of variance. In addition, an ordination analysis was run looking for groups of locations with similar faunistic composition. Our results showed that Loreto Bay had the highest richness and abundance of asteroids, probably because it presents a large number of habitats and multiple food sources; these conditions seem to favor the occurrence of rare species and of detritivores. However, there were no significant interregional differences among ecological indices, nor we detected groups of locations singled out because of its species composition. Thus, community structure of sea stars in rocky areas of the Gulf of California is quite homogeneous and do not change with latitude. This is a consequence of the fact that all regions under analysis had the species Phataria unifascialis and Pharia pyramidatus as dominant in number. There were significant positive associations between three pairs of species: apparently competition is not particularly relevant to control sea star community structure in the Gulf.

Animales , Ecosistema , Estrellas de Mar/fisiología , Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Geografía , México , Densidad de Población , Dinámica Poblacional , Estrellas de Mar/clasificación
Rev Biol Trop ; 53 Suppl 3: 233-44, 2005 Dec.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17469253


Sea stars are invertebrates that play relevant roles in rocky and coral reefs: they occupy different levels in food webs and may act as top predators. There are numerous studies on taxonomy and biogeography of the class in the eastern tropical Pacific, but information about the attributes and composition of its assemblages is scant. The objectives of this study were the examination and comparison of asteroid community structure from four regions of the Gulf of California, Mexico, characterized by the presence of rocky reefs, and the search for possible associations between pairs of species. In August 2004 we visited four locations in the western gulf: Bahia de Los Angeles (29 degrees N), Santa Rosalia (27 degrees N), Loreto (26 degrees N) and La Paz (24 degrees N), and censuses sea stars using 50 m2 belt transects (N=93). Abundance and species richness was estimated, as well as diversity (H'), evenness (J') and taxonomic distinctness (delta*); then, all variables were compared among regions with analysis of variance. In addition, an ordination analysis was run looking for groups of locations with similar faunistic composition. Our results showed that Loreto Bay had the highest richness and abundance of asteroids, probably because it presents a large number of habitats and multiple food sources; these conditions seem to favor the occurrence of rare species and of detritivores. However, there were no significant interregional differences among ecological indices, nor we detected groups of locations singled out because of its species composition. Thus, community structure of sea stars in rocky areas of the Gulf of California is quite homogeneous and do not change with latitude. This is a consequence of the fact that all regions under analysis had the species Phataria unifascialis and Pharia pyramidatus as dominant in number. There were significant positive associations between three pairs of species: apparently competition is not particularly relevant to control sea star community structure in the Gulf.

Ecosistema , Estrellas de Mar/fisiología , Animales , Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Geografía , México , Densidad de Población , Dinámica Poblacional , Estrellas de Mar/clasificación