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Barbarói ; (62): 172-192, jul.-dez. 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1418736


O presente ensaio parte do pressuposto que dá conta da convivência, no Serviço Social, de traços tradicionais e renovados em uma relação dialética. O texto traz a ênfase na proposta de aproximação com os traços tradicionais em um período de monopólio do conservadorismo da profissão, tentando, nos limites de um artigo , apresentar algumas das matrizes teóricas que o influenciaram e podem, de alguma forma, se atualizar, com destaque para aquelas orientadas pelo "espírito positivista" como o higienismo e o funcionalismo, e aquelas de cariz doutrinário como o neotomismo. Esta análise subsidia habilidade importante para assistentes sociais, qual seja, a capacidade de leitura crítica da realidade e identificação das teorias que vêm permeando seu exercício profissional, tanto em requisições institucionais quanto em respostas profissionais. Conclui-se que a presença de tais perspectivas confere uma característica eclética ao serviço social tradicional, trazendo, contudo, como elemento fundamental, a manutenção da ordem burguesa e de um horizonte de "coesão social", provocador de resignação, apartado da noção de transformação social como possibilidade histórica. Ancoram-se , contudo, na moralização da questão social e, atualizadas, levam o exercício profissional para um caminho que o afasta do compromisso com as lutas da classe trabalhadora.(AU)

This essay starts from the assumption that accounts for the coexistence, in Social Work, of traditional and renewed traits in a dialectical relationship. The text emphasizes the proposal of approximation with the traditional traits in a period of monopoly of the conservatism of the profession, trying, within the limits of an article, to present some of the theoretical matrices that influenced it and can, in some way, be updated, with emphasis on those guided by the "positivist spirit" such as hygienism and functionalism, and those of a doctrinal nature such as neo-Thomism. This analysis supports an important skill for social workers, that is, the ability to critically read reality and identify the theories that have permeated their professional practice, both in institutional requests and in professional responses. It is concluded that the presence of such perspectives confers an eclectic characteristic to the traditional social service, bringing, however, as a fundamental element, the maintenance of the bourgeois order and a horizon of "social cohesion", provoking resignation, separated from the notion of transformation. social as a historical possibility. However, they are anchored in the moralization of the social issue and, updated, take professional practice to a path that distances it from the commitment to the struggles of the working class.(AU)

Este ensayo parte del supuesto de que da cuenta de la coexistencia, en el Trabajo Social, de rasgos tradicionales y renovados en una relación dialéctica. El texto enfatiza la aproximación propuesta con los rasgos tradicionales en un período de monopolio del conservadurismo de la profesión, intentando, dentro de los límites de un artículo, presentar algunas de las matrices teóricas que influyeron en ella y pueden, de alguna manera, ser actualizadas, con énfasis en los guiados por el "espíritu positivista" como el higienismo y el funcionalismo, y los de carácter doctrinal como el neotomismo. Este análisis sustenta una habilidad importante para los trabajadores sociales, a saber, la capacidad de leer críticamente la realidad e identificar las teorías que han ido permeando su práctica profesional, tanto en las demandas institucionales como en las respuestas profesionales. Se concluye que la presencia de tales perspectivas otorga un carácter ecléctico al trabajo social tradicional, trayendo, sin embargo, como elemento fundamental, el mantenimiento del orden burgués y un horizonte de "cohesión social", provocando resignación, además de la noción de transformación. como posibilidad histórica. Se anclan, sin embargo, en la moralización de la cuestión social y, al actualizarse, llevan la práctica profesional por un camino que la aleja del compromiso con las luchas de la clase obrera.(AU)

Humanos , Práctica Profesional , Servicio Social , Trabajadores Sociales , Servicio Social/historia
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 26: e20210470, 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1375412


RESUMO Objetivo Resgatar e refletir sobre a história profissional da enfermeira Yvonne da Silva Lara, conhecida nacionalmente por seu nome artístico Dona Ivone Lara. Método Reflexão teórica realizada a partir de fontes documentais públicas disponíveis online como livros, Teses, Dissertações, artigos científicos, reportagens e documentários acerca da personagem e da psiquiatra Nise da Silveira. Resultados Pela apresentação de sua história de vida detalhou-se a escolha e formação como Enfermeira, e depois como Assistente Social, narrando sua atuação profissional e apontando sua importância nas profissões. Retrata o significado e a luta de uma mulher negra e pobre investindo em educação e formação profissional, destacando-se sua primazia pela oportunidade de estudos, aproveitando ao máximo as oportunidades a ela apresentadas, para estudar e trabalhar até se aposentar. Conclusão e implicações para a prática: Atuando profissionalmente em áreas do cuidado de enfermagem e posteriormente, do serviço social, manteve a musicalidade em sua vida, colaborando, inclusive, com seu uso como atividade terapêutica em psiquiatria. Este texto inédito acerca da história de Yvonne Lara, amplia a visibilidade sobre sua construção profissional em duas carreiras, e mobiliza os leitores para compreender a sua importância para a enfermagem.

RESUMEN Objetivo Rescatar y reflexionar sobre la trayectoria profesional de la enfermera Yvonne da Silva Lara, conocida a nivel nacional por su nombre artístico Dona Ivone Lara. Metodología Se utilizaron fuentes documentales públicas disponibles online como libros, tesis, disertaciones, artículos científicos, reportajes y documentales con el personaje y la psiquiatra Nise da Silveira. Resultados: La presentación de su historia de vida detalla su elección y formación como Enfermera, y luego como Asistente Social y narra su desempeño profesional y el trabajo desarrollado. Retrata el significado y la lucha de una mujer negra pobre que invierte en educación y formación profesional y destaca su primacía por la oportunidad de estudiar, al aprovechar las oportunidades que se le presentan, para estudiar y trabajar hasta jubilarse. Conclusiones e implicaciones para la práctica: Con actuación profesional en áreas asistenciales, mantuvo la musicalidad en su vida, colaborando, incluso, con su uso como actividad terapéutica en psiquiatría. Este texto inédito sobre la historia de Yvonne Lara amplía la visibilidad de su construcción profesional en dos carreras y moviliza a los lectores a comprender su importancia para la enfermería.

ABSTRACT Objective To rescue and reflect on nurse Yvonne da Silva Lara's professional history, nationally known by her stage name: Dona Ivone Lara. Method Public documentary sources available online such as books, theses, dissertations, scientific articles, reports and documentaries with the character and with psychiatrist Nise da Silveira were used. Results The presentation of her life history detailed her choice and training as a Nurse, and later as a Social Worker, narrating her professional performance and work developed. It portrays the meaning and struggle of a poor black-skinned woman investing in education and professional training, highlighting her primacy for the opportunity to study, making the most of the opportunities presented to her, to study and work until retiring. Conclusion and implications for the practice Acting professionally in the areas of care, she maintained her musicality in her life, even collaborating with its use as a therapeutic activity in Psychiatry. This unprecedented text about Yvonne Lara's story expands the visibility of her professional construction in two careers and mobilizes the readers to understand her importance for Nursing.

Humanos , Femenino , Facultades de Enfermería/historia , Servicio Social/historia , Trabajadores Sociales/historia , Historia de la Enfermería , Enfermeras y Enfermeros , Construcción Social del Género
J Gerontol Soc Work ; 64(1): 62-73, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33406014


This commentary explores the role of mentoring in creating the next generation of gerontological social work scholars through examining the mentoring of Dr. Rosalie Kane. We review how Rosalie exemplified some of key characteristics of an exceptional academic mentor based on communications with many of her former mentees, provide an account of her last formal mentoring relationship with a graduate student, and discuss how Rosalie's mentorship related to her hopes for re-imagining long-term care and the future of gerontological social work.

Cuidados a Largo Plazo/historia , Tutoría/historia , Servicio Social/historia , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , Humanos , Mentores , Minnesota , Estudiantes
Child Abuse Negl ; 94: 104025, 2019 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31177068


BACKGROUND: Contemporary child protection systems in the UK need to be seen in light of the late nineteenth century child rescue movement, at a time of curbs in public spending, shifts in attitudes towards children's welfare and the development of social work. There are similarities in the social, institutional and legal contexts, between the nineteenth century and today, centralising 'deservedness', that determined and determines children's access to services. OBJECTIVE: The current article compares historical data and practices of children in care in the UK, encompassing 1881-1918, with contemporary data and practices, through the lens of the deserving/undeserving paradigm, inherited from the Poor Law of 1834. PARTICIPANTS AND SETTING: Drawing on two data sets, namely historic children's case files (N = 108), 1881-1918 from the Children's Society (a philanthropic institution) highlighting the perception of custodians, doctors, professionals, as well as children and parents, and current data from interviews with young care leavers and safeguarding practitioners (N = 42), our research focuses on the most disadvantaged children with complex needs and damaging (pre)care experiences. METHODS: Data is analysed using thematic content analysis, framed within critical realist ontology, taking account of stratified non-linear dynamics of processes at different levels. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: In both data sets the inability to support certain children is justified by referring to their complex needs and mental health and behavioural problems., Here, the child is held accountable and placed in the 'undeserving' category and consequently misses out on help and support, highlighting a need for awareness, and reflective and reflexive practice among practitioners/professionals.

Servicios de Protección Infantil/historia , Protección a la Infancia/historia , Adolescente , Actitud Frente a la Salud , Niño , Preescolar , Atención a la Salud/historia , Familia , Femenino , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , Humanos , Masculino , Salud Mental , Padres/psicología , Servicio Social/historia , Reino Unido
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 22(67): 1017-1028, Out.-Dez. 2018.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-975803


En el siguiente trabajo nos proponemos presentar una propuesta pedagógica, en el marco de la asignatura de Historia de la carrera de Trabajo Social, para la comprensión de la existencia de diferentes temporalidades en la intervención profesional de un/a trabajador/a social. Puesto que esta profesión estuvo fuertemente vinculada con la medicina, nos preguntamos, a fin de realizar un diagnóstico, de qué modo es percibida por los estudiantes esta relación, en particular entre la historia y el Trabajo Social, con el objetivo de avanzar en mejores estrategias didácticas en la construcción del conocimiento histórico.(AU)

This article presents a pedagogical proposal for the framework for a history teaching to be part of the career of Social Work. The aim of this course is to shed light on the existence of different temporalities within the professional interventions of social workers. Because of the profession's link with the field of medicine, we question how this relationship is perceived by students, especially that between history and Social Work, in order to discover the best didactic strategies to construct historical knowledge.(AU)

No presente trabalho nos propomos apresentar uma proposta pedagógica para o ensino de História na carreira de Trabalho Social, para a compreensão da existência de diferentes temporalidades na intervenção profissional do trabalhador/a social. Posto que a profissão vinculou-se à Medicina, nos perguntamos sobre o modo que esta relação é percebida pelos estudantes, em particular a relação entre a História e o Trabalho Social, com objetivo de procurar melhores estratégias didáticas para a construção do conhecimento histórico.(AU)

Humanos , Servicio Social/educación , Historia , Argentina , Servicio Social , Servicio Social/historia
Rev. polis psique ; 8(3): 28-51, set.-dez. 2018.
Artículo en Portugués | Index Psicología - Revistas, LILACS | ID: biblio-1058809


O artigo tem por objetivo discutir a articulação entre as políticas públicas de assistência social e a educação. Para isso, parte-se do pressuposto de que, em nosso tempo, existe uma associação entre o fenômeno denominado educacionalização do social, a partir do qual a educação passa a ser recorrentemente citada como causa ou solução de uma variedade de problemas sociais, e uma racionalidade governamental neoliberal que opera em uma lógica concorrencial. Tendo em vista tais questões, realiza-se uma análise da Cartilha SUAS: modos de usar (2017), entendendo-a como uma estratégia educativa que, ao afiançar mais autonomia aos usuários, acaba por governar e conduzir camadas mais vulneráveis da população brasileira a entrarem nas redes produtivas e de consumo, mediante um investimento em capital humano. (AU)

This paper aims to discuss the articulation between public policies for social assistance and education. In order to do that, we have considered the assumption that, in our time, there is an association between the phenomenon called educationalization of the social, which has caused education to be recurrently mentioned as either the cause of or solution for a series of social problems, and a neoliberal governmental rationality that operates in a competitive logic. Regarding such issues, we have performed an analysis of SUAS Handbook: How to use (2017), by understanding it as an educative strategy that, by giving more autonomy to the users, ends up governing and leading more vulnerable layers of the Brazilian population to enter in production and consumption networks by means of an investment in human capital. (AU)

El artículo tiene por objetivo discutir la articulación entre las políticas públicas de asistencia social y la educación. Para ello, se parte del supuesto de que, en nuestro tiempo, existe una asociación entre el fenómeno denominado educacionalización de lo social, a partir del cual la educación pasa a ser recurrentemente citada como causa o solución de una variedad de problemas sociales, y una racionalidad gubernamental neoliberal que opera en una lógica competitiva. Teniendo en cuenta tales cuestiones, se realiza un análisis de la Cartilla SUAS: modos de usar (2017), entendiéndola como una estrategia educativa que, al afianzar más autonomía a los usuarios, acaba por gobernar y conducir esferas más vulnerables de la población brasileña a entrar en las redes productivas y de consumo, mediante una inversión en capital humano. (AU)

Política Pública , Servicio Social/métodos , Trabajo/psicología , Poblaciones Vulnerables , Educación , Servicio Social/historia
Pap. psicol ; 39(2): 89-95, mayo-ago. 2018.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-180260


Los actuales Servicios Sociales municipales comenzaron a implantarse en los años 80 de la anterior centuria. Herederos en buena medida de la beneficencia pública que las administraciones locales venían haciendo, en la actualidad todavía arrastran influencias de aquella etapa. Existe una confusión en cuanto a su misión y su delimitación con otros ámbitos de las políticas sociales. Hay una sobrecarga de trabajo burocrático y administrativo que limita las actuaciones propias de los profesionales de la Intervención Social. Es necesario realizar una refundación de los Servicios Sociales que prestan los ayuntamientos, que debería de pasar por su reconceptualización e importantes cambios normativos, organizativos y metodológicos

The current municipal social services began to be implemented in the 1980’s. Largely descendants of the public assistance that the local administrations had been providing, they still display influences from that phase today. There is confusion regarding their mission and their delimitation with other areas of social policy. There is an overload of bureaucratic and administrative work that limits the actions of the professionals of social intervention. It is necessary to refound the social services provided by the city councils, a process that should include their reconceptualization as well as important normative, organizational and methodological changes

Humanos , Administración Municipal/métodos , Gobierno Local , Servicio Social/organización & administración , Ciudades/historia , Ciudades/legislación & jurisprudencia , Administración Municipal/historia , Administración Municipal/legislación & jurisprudencia , Servicio Social/historia , Servicio Social/legislación & jurisprudencia
Enferm. glob ; 17(49): 270-282, ene. 2018. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-169839


Objetivo: Analizar las actividades de carácter socio-sanitario que llevaron a cabo en la ciudad de Valencia las enfermeras sociales visitadoras y las divulgadoras de la Sección Femenina de Falange. Material y método: Se ha combinado el enfoque cualitativo y cuantitativo. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica de los trabajos relacionados con la historia de la enfermería y la actividad de la Sección Femenina (S.F.) durante el primer franquismo. Como principal fuente documental se han utilizado los legajos depositados en el Archivo del Reino de Valencia (A.R.V), Sección Femenina Inventario (S.F.I.) (1940-1977), referidos a la actividad que llevó cabo dicha organización en la ciudad de Valencia, así como los informes remitidos por las enfermeras a sus Regidoras Locales y por estas a la Regidora Nacional. Resultados: Las actividades desarrolladas tuvieron connotaciones de índole ideológica y política, y estuvieron relacionadas con cuatro parcelas de actuación: el ámbito sanitario, el social, la educación para la salud y cuestiones de índole religiosa. Destaca la importancia que se atribuyó a la lucha contra la mortalidad infantil, dentro del contexto de las políticas pro-natalistas del primer franquismo. La falta de recursos y de incentivos profesionales, junto con la pérdida de influencia política de Sección Femenina, motivó que dichas actividades fueran decreciendo a lo largo del período objeto de estudio. Conclusiones: Los resultados ponen de manifiesto la complejidad de las funciones que tenían asignadas las enfermeras sociales y las divulgadoras de Sección Femenina, al mismo tiempo que muestran la influencia que tenía el contexto sociopolítico e ideológico en el desarrollo de las mismas (AU)

Objective: To analyse the health and welfare activities carried out by social health visitors and rural health advisors of the Women’s Section (in Spanish: Sección Femenina, S.F.) in the city of Valencia. Materials and method: This study combined a qualitative and quantitative approach. A literature search was conducted to identify studies related to the history of nursing and the activities of the Women’s Section during the first stage of the Franco regime. The main source of information consulted was the collection of files deposited in the Archives of the Kingdom of Valencia (Spanish initials: A.R.V), the Inventory of the Women’s Section (Spanish initials: S.F.I.) (1940-1977), concerning the activities carried out by this organisation in the city of Valencia, as well as the reports submitted by nurses to their local directors and by these to the national director. Results: The activities carried out had ideological and political nuances and were related to four areas of action: health, society, health education and religion. Particular importance was given to the fight against infant mortality, within the context of the pro-birth policies of the first stage of the Franco regime. However, these activities declined over the period studied due to a lack of professional resources and incentives, together with the Women’s Section’s loss of political influence. Conclusions: The findings underscore the complexity of the functions assigned to social health visitors and health advisors within the Women’s Section, and also demonstrate the influence exerted by the socio-political and ideological context on the performance of these same functions (AU)

Humanos , Historia de la Enfermería , Control Social Formal , Maniobras Políticas , Servicio Social/historia , Atención de Enfermería/tendencias , Mortalidad Infantil/historia , Prevención de Enfermedades
Am J Public Health ; 107(S3): S236-S242, 2017 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29236533


Social work is a core health profession with origins deeply connected to the development of contemporary public health in the United States. Today, many of the nation's 600 000 social workers practice broadly in public health and in other health settings, drawing on a century of experience in combining clinical, intermediate, and population approaches for greater health impact. Yet, the historic significance of this long-standing interdisciplinary collaboration-and its current implications-remains underexplored in the present era. This article builds on primary and contemporary sources to trace the historic arc of social work in public health, providing examples of successful collaborations. The scope and practices of public health social work practice are explored, and we articulate a rationale for an expanded place for social work in the public health enterprise.

Servicios de Salud Comunitaria/historia , Servicio de Asistencia Social en Hospital/historia , Servicio Social/historia , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , Humanos , Salud Pública/historia , Estados Unidos
Soc Work ; 62(4): 313-321, 2017 10 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28957574


Social workers are critical to promoting racial and social justice. "Crossover youth," a term used to describe youths who have contact with both the child welfare and juvenile justice systems, are an especially vulnerable but often overlooked population with whom social workers engage. A disproportionate number of crossover youth are African American. Empirical research on crossover youth is growing, but such scholarship rarely engages with a human rights and social justice perspective. African American children and youths have a distinct place within the history and current context of the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. These systems have historically excluded them or treated them differently; now, African American youths are overrepresented in each of them, and evidence suggests they are more likely to cross over. The purpose of this article is to describe the historical and current context of crossover youth, with a particular focus on African American youths, to provide the foundation for a discussion of what social workers can do to promote racial and social justice for crossover youth, including specific implications for practice and policy, as well as broader implications for human and civil rights.

Protección a la Infancia/ética , Delincuencia Juvenil/ética , Justicia Social , Servicio Social/métodos , Poblaciones Vulnerables/psicología , Adolescente , Negro o Afroamericano/psicología , Niño , Protección a la Infancia/historia , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , Humanos , Delincuencia Juvenil/historia , Servicio Social/historia
Am J Psychoanal ; 77(2): 146-162, 2017 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28477037


Beginning in the 1920s, Freudian psychoanalytic theory had a deep impact on social work practice and education and helped to professionalize clinical social work. Not as well-known was the role that Freud's patient and colleague Sándor Ferenczi played in this evolution. Through a review of the relevant literature and primary sources-some presented here for the first time-I will explore the ways in which Ferenczi's work directly impacted the development of clinical social work.

Psicoanálisis/historia , Teoría Psicoanalítica , Terapia Psicoanalítica/métodos , Servicio Social/historia , Familia , Historia del Siglo XX , Humanos
Nephrol News Issues ; 31(1): 28-32, 2017 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30408358


The field of nephrology social work has undergone considerable change since the release of the 1976 federal regulations requiring a master's level social worker to be part of the renal team. Moderated by veteran nephrology social worker Stephanie Johnstone, LCSW, those who have served patients in the front lines of kidney care speak here about the past-"What has nephrology social work contributed in the last three decades, and what it has struggled to accomplish?" - and about the future: "How can nephrology social workers best serve patients in the years ahead? Where is their greatest potential to advance the industry?" Ms. Johnstone, an NN&I Editorial Advisory Board member, has worked for Fresenius Kidney Care for over 33 years. She is currently the Field Support Liaison, Clinical Innovations Team and Lead Social Worker, So Cal Region for FKC, and is based in San Diego.

Relaciones Interprofesionales , Fallo Renal Crónico/terapia , Nefrología/historia , Nefrología/tendencias , Servicio Social/historia , Servicio Social/tendencias , Predicción , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , Humanos , Nefrología/métodos , Servicio Social/métodos
Neurosurg Focus ; 41(1): E4, 2016 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27364257


The Civil War era was an age-defining period in the history of the United States of America, the effects of which are still seen in the nation today. In this era, the issue of head injury pervaded society. From the president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, to the officers and soldiers of the Union and Confederate armies, and to the population at large, head injury and its ramifications gripped the nation. This article focuses on 3 individuals: Major General John Sedgwick, First Lieutenant Alonzo Cushing, and Harriet Tubman, as examples of the impact that head injury had during this era. These 3 individuals were chosen for this article because of their lasting legacies, contributions to society, and interesting connections to one another.

Guerra Civil Norteamericana , Traumatismos Craneocerebrales/historia , Personal Militar/historia , Negro o Afroamericano/historia , Traumatismos Craneocerebrales/epidemiología , Traumatismos Craneocerebrales/psicología , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia del Siglo XX , Humanos , Indigencia Médica/historia , Servicio Social/historia , Estados Unidos/epidemiología