The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to eradicate poverty and promote sustainable development; however, socioeconomic disparities persist globally, particularly in Colombia. With a Gini index of 0.556 in 2022, Colombia ranks among the most unequal countries in Latin America, with its southwest region of Nariño facing severe socioeconomic challenges. Concurrently, Nariño registers the highest levels of coca cultivation in Colombia, accounting for 65% of national cocaine production, reflecting the region's precarious conditions. This study investigates the extent to which the spatial distribution of socioeconomic factors explains coca cultivation patterns in Nariño. Grounded in conflict economics, social capital, and social marginalization theories, the research constructs composite indices representing education, health, public services, economic conditions, and vulnerability. Using spatial analysis, it identifies areas with heightened poverty and vulnerability and examines their relationship with illicit crops. The findings highlight spatial non-stationarity in the factors influencing coca cultivation, offering region-specific insights and policy recommendations to combat illicit crops and foster sustainable development. These results provide a foundation for targeted interventions and contribute to broader strategies addressing inequality and illegal economies in Colombia.
Factores Socioeconómicos , Análisis Espacial , Colombia , Humanos , Productos Agrícolas/crecimiento & desarrollo , Productos Agrícolas/economía , Coca/crecimiento & desarrollo , Pobreza , Desarrollo Sostenible , Agricultura/economíaRESUMEN
INTRODUCTION: Transition clinics are conceived as programs dedicated to the active, multidimensional development of a process that addresses the medical, psychosocial, educational, and vocational needs of pediatric patients suffering from a chronic disease that will persist into adulthood. Their understanding is justified in physiological, psychological, and sociocultural terms on the basis of the differential morbidity and mortality associated with a chronic disease that begins in childhood and prevails into adulthood. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Here, we reflect on the history, structure, and impact of transition clinics in pediatrics, with an emphasis on pediatric rheumatologic diseases. Additionally, we propose comprehensive reflection as an alternative for the patient, their family, and the medical team, outlining guidelines for development, implementation, and evaluation. RESULTS: The transition of care should commence in early adolescence, considering each patient's cognitive ability as a condition for the initiation of an educational process involving introspection into the disease. Interdisciplinarity is defined as a team that addresses the clinical, physical, emotional, and social dimensions of each patient and their interaction with the environment within the framework of individualized care and family support. Despite this, the lack of evidence supporting standardized guidelines for the implementation and overall effectiveness evaluation of these interventions was highlighted. CONCLUSIONS: The transition process is considered successful when the patient is adherent and has a positive and informed perception of their healthâdisease journey. We urge the generation of evidence documenting the comprehensiveness of processes inherent to transition clinics as the foundation of necessity.
Enfermedades Reumáticas , Reumatología , Transición a la Atención de Adultos , Humanos , Colombia , Adolescente , Niño , Enfermedades Reumáticas/terapia , Pediatría , Grupo de Atención al Paciente , Enfermedad CrónicaRESUMEN
The objective of this study was to identify the potential use of native species present in four municipalities in southern Caquetá, Colombia. This information was collected from a literature review (scientific articles, books, technical sheets, theses). The 50 most abundant species in 42 plots established and defined based on their economic potential. 25 species reported potential uses in the 13 defined use categories and 14 species were found to have more than one use (multipurpose). The categories with the highest number of species were medicine, construction and food. Most of the multipurpose species grow mainly in highly disturbed areas and secondary forest, they are easy to access and recognize. The results show that there are several species with economic potential in this region that are not used and that can be linked with production chains that promote their sustainable use and economic growth in the area.
El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar el uso potencial de especies de plantas nativas presentes en cuatro municipios del sur del Caquetá, Colombia. Esta información fue colectada de revisión de literatura (artículos científicos, libros, fichas técnicas, tesis). Se identificaron las 50 especies más abundantes en 42 parcelas establecidas y se definió 13 categorías de uso basados en sus potencialidades económicas. 25 especies reportaron usos potenciales en 13 categorías de uso definidas y 14 especies fueron encontrados más de un uso (multiusos). Las categorías con mayor número de especies reportadas fueron: medicinal, construcción, y alimentación. La mayoría de las especies multiusos crecen principalmente en áreas altamente disturbadas y bosque secundario, son de fácil acceso y reconocimiento. Los resultados muestran que hay varias especies con potencial económico en esta región, que no son utilizadas y que pueden ser vinculadas a cadenas productivas que fomenten su aprovechamiento sostenible y crecimiento económico en la zona.
Plantas Medicinales , Medicina Tradicional , ColombiaRESUMEN
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the etiologies of recurrent miscarriage in our hospital and whether its diagnostic approach followed the recommendations of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) guidelines published in 2012 and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines published in 2011. METHODS: This was a retrospective study. The medical records of 158 patients diagnosed with recurrent miscarriage between 2013 and 2018 at Santander University Hospital were reviewed. The Institutional Review Board of HUS approved the study in May 2020. RESULTS: The most common etiologies identified were protein S deficiency, thrombophilia, and cervical insufficiency, with incidence rates of 25.9%, 10.7%, and 3.8%, respectively. Moreover, the most frequently requested diagnostic tests were for protein S, protein C, and anti-phospholipid IgG. Abnormal results for protein S were obtained in 49% of the patients, whereas lupus anticoagulant was abnormal in 12.8%, and Factor V Leiden gene mutations in 8.5% of the patients. Three substantial deviations from the recommended diagnostic approach for recurrent miscarriage by international guidelines were identified in our population: the lack of request for cytogenetic analysis of pregnancy tissue, request for cytogenetic analysis for the parents in only 0.6% of the study sample, and the request for imaging tests to assess uterine anatomy in only 6.3% of the studied population. Both the ASRM and NICE guidelines were only partially followed with a combined adherence rate of 66.5%. CONCLUSION: The diagnostic approach for recurrent miscarriage poses important clinical challenges when compared to the recommendations of international guidelines. Therefore, the development of a local recurrent miscarriage assessment protocol is proposed in our institution.
Aborto Habitual , Trombofilia , Humanos , Femenino , Aborto Habitual/etiología , Aborto Habitual/diagnóstico , Colombia , Estudios Retrospectivos , Adulto , Embarazo , Trombofilia/diagnóstico , Deficiencia de Proteína S/diagnóstico , Deficiencia de Proteína S/complicaciones , Incompetencia del Cuello del Útero/diagnóstico , Guías de Práctica Clínica como Asunto , Adhesión a Directriz/estadística & datos numéricos , Adulto JovenRESUMEN
INTRODUCTION: Entrepreneurship comprises the development of novel projects, products, and strategies, both from a business perspective and in the context of nursing care. Despite ongoing debate as to whether entrepreneurship should be considered a distinct academic discipline, this subject remains largely unexplored within the health sciences. There is a paucity of published work examining whether entrepreneurship constitutes a specific competence and what nurses and nursing students understand by entrepreneurship. This study aims to identify, on the basis of the beliefs of nursing students from different countries, what entrepreneurship in nursing is. Based on these responses, a definition of entrepreneurship in nursing that responds to society's current needs is proposed. METHODOLOGY: Qualitative descriptive methods were employed to gather insights from first- and second-year students across four nursing faculties: two located in Colombia, one in Peru, and one in Spain. The students were tasked with defining entrepreneurship within the nursing context. This inquiry was posed at the outset of the educational sessions on entrepreneurship, ensuring that the students had no preexisting information. The responses were collected using the digital platform Mentimeter, which allowed the students to submit their answers via mobile devices. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis. RESULTS: A total of 160 written responses were received, analyzed, and categorised by the research team. Finally, 24 codes were obtained, which were grouped into 5 main themes: Healthcare and patient support, Innovation in nursing, Continuous professional improvement, nurses' contributions to society, and own project development. CONCLUSION: Drawing from the experiences and beliefs of nursing students, entrepreneurship is characterized as the ability to innovate, conduct research, and advance scientific knowledge, thereby achieving continuous improvement in care while engaging with environmental and societal contexts.
Emprendimiento , Investigación Cualitativa , Estudiantes de Enfermería , Emprendimiento/tendencias , Humanos , Estudiantes de Enfermería/psicología , Estudiantes de Enfermería/estadística & datos numéricos , Bachillerato en Enfermería/tendencias , España , Colombia , Femenino , MasculinoRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: Arterial trauma of the axillary subclavian segment carries considerable morbidity and mortality risks. Surgical approaches are challenging given the hidden trajectory of these vessels, which has made the endovascular approach a valid and potentially better alternative for managing these injuries. We describe the incidence of relevant outcomes for patients with traumatic axillary and/or subclavian artery injury who underwent endovascular therapy at a tertiary care university hospital over a 15-year period in Cali, Colombia. METHODS: We conducted an incidence study based on clinical records that included patients aged 15 years or older with traumatic axillary subclavian arterial injury treated with endovascular therapy between 2008 and 2022. Vascular injuries caused by intra-arterial dialysis catheter insertion (iatrogenic) were excluded. We described clinical and imaging characteristics upon admission, perioperative findings, and the incidence of complications and in-hospital mortality, with accompanying 95% confidence intervals (CIs). RESULTS: We included 32 patients, 93.8% of whom were male, with a median (interquartile range) age of 30 (21-42) years. The type of trauma was penetrating in 75% of patients (62.5% corresponding to gunshot wounds) and blunt in 25%. Upon admission, 12 patients (37.5%) exhibited hard signs of vascular injury, and 20 patients (62.5%) exhibited soft signs. Fourteen patients (47%) had an Injury Severity Score greater than 15, and 12 (37.5%) had hemodynamic instability. All but 3 patients (90.6%) suffered subclavian artery injury (right 48.3%, left 51.7%), while 12.9% had axillary artery injury (one patient with both vessels affected). Intraoperative complications happened in one patient (3.1%, 95% CI: 0.2-18%). Pseudoaneurysms were identified in 11 patients (34.4%), thrombosis in 6 (18.8%), and dissection in 6 (18.8%). Three (9.4%) patients required hybrid management (endovascular therapy following conventional surgery). No cases of ischemia or amputation occurred. The length of hospital stay was 6 (3, 11.5) days. No cases of in-hospital mortality were reported (0%, 95% CI: 0.0-13.4%). CONCLUSIONS: Endovascular treatment in trauma is a minimally invasive technique with favorable clinical outcomes in patients with arterial trauma in the axillary-subclavian segment. This should be a viable therapeutic option for selected cases.
Arteria Axilar , Procedimientos Endovasculares , Mortalidad Hospitalaria , Arteria Subclavia , Lesiones del Sistema Vascular , Humanos , Masculino , Arteria Axilar/cirugía , Arteria Axilar/lesiones , Arteria Axilar/diagnóstico por imagen , Arteria Subclavia/cirugía , Arteria Subclavia/diagnóstico por imagen , Arteria Subclavia/lesiones , Femenino , Lesiones del Sistema Vascular/diagnóstico por imagen , Lesiones del Sistema Vascular/cirugía , Lesiones del Sistema Vascular/mortalidad , Procedimientos Endovasculares/efectos adversos , Procedimientos Endovasculares/mortalidad , Adulto , Resultado del Tratamiento , Adulto Joven , Estudios Retrospectivos , Factores de Riesgo , Factores de Tiempo , Colombia , Heridas no Penetrantes/cirugía , Heridas no Penetrantes/diagnóstico por imagen , Heridas no Penetrantes/mortalidad , Incidencia , Implantación de Prótesis Vascular/efectos adversos , Implantación de Prótesis Vascular/mortalidad , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/etiología , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/mortalidad , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/terapia , Persona de Mediana Edad , Heridas Penetrantes/cirugía , Heridas Penetrantes/mortalidad , Heridas Penetrantes/diagnóstico por imagenRESUMEN
PURPOSE: The long-term development of talent in endurance sports is a topic of interest. Among various factors, the importance of total hemoglobin mass (tHbmass) and the potential benefits of being an altitude-native athlete remain unclear, particularly in young categories. This study aimed to investigate the impact of altitude and training content on hematological characteristics by comparing young male cyclists age 15-16 and 17-18 years who were born and trained at a moderate altitude (ie, greater than or equal to 2500 m; MA) and cyclists who were born and trained at low altitude (below 1000 m; LA). METHODS: tHbmass (in grams and grams per kilogram), measured by using the optimized carbon monoxide rebreathing method during an incremental test on a cycle ergometer; hematocrit percentage, hemoglobin concentration; and erythrocyte, blood, and plasma volume were measured in youth male cyclists age 15-16 years and junior cyclists age 17-18 years who were born and trained at MA versus LA. All variables were analyzed with a 2-way (age [youth cyclist vs junior cyclist] × altitude level [MA vs LA]) analysis of variance with subsequent Tuckey post hoc test. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Some altitude-induced benefits were reported in cyclists at age 15-16 years in the MA group with higher values in hematocrit percentage, hemoglobin concentration, and tHbmass (grams per kilogram) (P < .05) than their LA counterparts. This was also observed at age 17-18 years (P < .001), except for tHbmass, wherein no significant difference was found between MA and LA groups. In contrast, plasma volume was lower in MA than LA junior cyclists. NEW FINDINGS: (1) The altitude of birth and residence could generate an advantage in tHbmass in young male cyclists age 15-16 and 17-18 years who train at MA compared with cyclists who are born and train at LA. (2) Altitude-induced benefits in physiological variables (hematocrit percentage, hemoglobin concentration, tHbmass in g·kg-1) were reported in cyclists at age 15-16 years and partially at age 17-18 years. In contrast, plasma volume was lower in MA than in LA junior cyclists. This may impact the strategies for identifying and developing talent in cycling.
Altitud , Ciclismo , Hemoglobinas , Humanos , Adolescente , Masculino , Ciclismo/fisiología , Hemoglobinas/análisis , Hemoglobinas/metabolismo , Hematócrito , Colombia , Volumen Plasmático , Acondicionamiento Físico Humano/métodos , Factores de Edad , Prueba de EsfuerzoRESUMEN
Few studies have examined how the personal characteristics of students, together with factors from their local social environments and communities, affect students living in generally high levels of social disruption. We examined the influence that personal characteristics as well as factors from the local social environments and communities may have on Colombian students' levels of depressive symptoms shortly after the end of the of armed conflict. Data were collected from 710 students attending the fifth grade in a random sample of elementary schools in the province of Sucre in Colombia. Information was gathered on the students' ages and gender as well as characteristics of their parents, school factors, and community factors. A five-level hierarchical regression model was used to determine the extent to which all these variables predicted depression scores, as measured by the Adolescent Depression Rating Scale. While personal, parental, school and community factors were all found to predict depression scores, the category, parental factors had the most impact. That was followed by school factors, community factors and finally personal characteristics. Multiple social and environmental factors were associated with the level of depression experienced by Colombian students.
Few studies have examined how the characteristics of students, together with their local social environments and communities, affect students living in generally high levels of social disruption. We examined the influence that personal characteristics as well as factors from the local social environments and communities may have on Colombian students' levels of depressive symptoms shortly after the end of the of armed conflict. Data were collected from 710 students attending the fifth grade in a sample of Colombian, elementary schools. Information was gathered on the students' ages and gender as well as characteristics of their parents, schools, and communites. We used regression analyses to determine the extent to which all these variables predicted students' levels of depression. While the personal, parental, school and community characteristics of students were all found to predict depression scores, how students were parented had the most impact. That was followed by characteristics of their schools, communities and their personal characteristics. We concluded that multiple social and environmental factors were associated with the level of depression experienced by Colombian students.
Depresión , Padres , Instituciones Académicas , Medio Social , Estudiantes , Humanos , Colombia/epidemiología , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Padres/psicología , Estudiantes/psicología , Estudiantes/estadística & datos numéricos , Depresión/epidemiología , Depresión/psicología , Características de la ResidenciaRESUMEN
Monkeypox (mpox), caused by the MPOXV (monkeypox virus), has been endemic in Africa since its first identification in 1958. However, in May 2022, the world witnessed the first global outbreak associated with the West African clade. Even though thousands of cases have been recorded, our understanding of vertical transmission during pregnancy remains restricted due to an absence of reported cases in pregnant women and a lack of adequate clinical descriptions. The cases of two pregnant women, ages 33 and 24, who tested positive for MPOXV at 31 and 13.4 weeks of gestation, respectively, are presented. In all cases, extensive clinical, histological, and molecular examinations of the mothers and neonates revealed no indication of vertical transmission.
Monkeypox virus , Mpox , Complicaciones Infecciosas del Embarazo , Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Adulto , Complicaciones Infecciosas del Embarazo/virología , Complicaciones Infecciosas del Embarazo/diagnóstico , Colombia/epidemiología , Mpox/diagnóstico , Mpox/epidemiología , Mpox/virología , Mpox/transmisión , Monkeypox virus/genética , Monkeypox virus/aislamiento & purificación , Adulto Joven , Recién Nacido , Transmisión Vertical de Enfermedad InfecciosaRESUMEN
Tropical floodplain lakes are increasingly impacted by human activities, yet their pathways of spatial and temporal degradation, particularly under varying hydrological connectivity regimes and climate change, remain poorly understood. This study examines surface-sediment samples and 210Pb-dated sediment cores from six floodplain lakes, representing a gradient in hydrological connectivity in the lower Magdalena River Basin, Colombia. We analysed temporal and spatial variations in several sediment biogeochemical indicators: the concentration and flux of nutrients, heavy metals, and organic matter (OM), and redox conditions, flooding and erosion. Multiple factor analysis (MFA) of surface-sediments identified redox conditions, OM, flooding, heavy metals and lake connectivity as the main contributors to spatial variability within- and between-lakes sediments, accounting for 48 % of the total variation. Additionally, no clear distinction was found between littoral and open-water sediment characteristics. Isolated lakes sediments exhibited reductive conditions rich in OM and nutrients, whereas connected lakes sediments showed greater heavy metal enrichment and higher concentrations of coarse river-fed material. Generalised additive models identified significant changes in the biogeochemical indicators since the late 1800s, that accelerated post-1980s. Shifts in OM, erosion, flooding, redox conditions, land-cover change, heavy metals and climate were identified by MFA as the main drivers of change, explaining 60 %-71 % of the variation in the connected lakes and 53 %-72 % in the isolated lakes. Post-1980s, connected lakes transitioned from conditions of higher accumulation of OM and little erosion to higher accumulation of heavy metals and river-fed material. Conversely, isolated lakes, shifted from detrital-heavy metal-rich sediments to OM-, and nutrient-rich, reductive sediments. Sedimentation rates also surged post-1980s, particularly in highly connected lakes, from 0.14 ± 0.07 g cm² yr⻹ to 0.5 ± 0.5 g cm² yr⻹, with elevated fluxes of metals, OM and nutrients. These changes in sediment biogeochemistry align with deforestation, river regulation and prolonged dry periods, highlighting the complexities behind establishing reliable reference conditions for pollution assessments in large, human-impacted tropical river systems.
Sedimentos Geológicos , Lagos , Ríos , Colombia , Ríos/química , Sedimentos Geológicos/química , Metales Pesados/análisis , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Humanos , Cambio Climático , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua/análisis , InundacionesRESUMEN
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: There is some evidence that anthropometric measurements can be associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Nevertheless, there is no comprehensive consensus on which anthropometric index is the best for evaluating the risk and predicting T2DM, especially in older adults. For this reason, we compared the performance of six indices for detecting T2DM in a population of Colombian older adults. METHODS AND RESULTS: We conducted a cross-sectional study of 3453 older adults (≥60 years old; 2023 women), analysing demographic characteristics, biochemical markers, and anthropometric indices including body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist-to-height ratio (WHtR), adiposity index (VAI), conicity index (C-Index), and body roundness index (BRI). T2DM was defined as fasting plasma glucose ≥126 mg/dl (≥7.0 mmol/l). All the anthropometric indices correlated significantly with the presence of T2DM. An analysis of the receiver operating characteristic curve showed that for men the VAI (AUC = 0.71; moderate ES (0.78); OR = 4.13), BMI (AUC = 0.68; moderate ES (0.68); OR = 3.38), and WC (AUC = 0.68; moderate ES (0.68); OR = 3.38) are the best predictors for identifying T2DM. For women, however, the WC (AUC = 0.63; ES = 0.46; OR = 2.34) and C-Index (AUC = 0.63; ES = 0.46; OR = 2.34) were better indicators for predicting T2DM. Cut-off points for all the anthropometric indices were provided. CONCLUSIONS: In summary, the VAI, BMI, and WC in men, and WC and the C-Index in women have a moderate discriminating power for detecting T2DM in Colombian older adults, evidencing that these anthropometric indices are suitable screening tools for use in the elderly.
Índice de Masa Corporal , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Obesidad , Circunferencia de la Cintura , Humanos , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/diagnóstico , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/epidemiología , Masculino , Femenino , Estudios Transversales , Anciano , Colombia/epidemiología , Obesidad/epidemiología , Obesidad/diagnóstico , Obesidad/complicaciones , Persona de Mediana Edad , Circunferencia de la Cintura/fisiología , Factores de Riesgo , Relación Cintura-Estatura , Antropometría/métodos , Medición de Riesgo/métodos , Adiposidad/fisiología , Valor Predictivo de las Pruebas , Curva ROC , Glucemia/análisis , Glucemia/metabolismoRESUMEN
Clubfoot is a common musculoskeletal congenital abnormality, with a prevalence of 5-20 cases per 10â 000 live births in low to middle-income countries. If left untreated, clubfoot causes severe consequences for the child: gait disturbances, reduced quality of life, and limited work opportunities. Our objective was to characterize clubfoot and determine its prevalence and associated risk factors in Bogotá and Cali, Colombia, from 2002 to 2020. A retrospective case-control study design was employed, analyzing data from birth defect reports provided by the Program for the Prevention and Follow-up of Congenital Defects and Orphan Diseases surveillance system. Cases included live births or stillbirths with clubfoot, while controls consisted of infants without congenital abnormalities, matched in terms of birth date and hospital. Prevalence was calculated considering a 95% confidence interval using Poisson distribution, and risk factors were assessed through adjusted odds ratios obtained by logistic regression model. Of 558â 255 births, 861 cases of clubfoot were identified, 48.20% were postural clubfoot, and 15 cases were syndromic clubfoot. In Bogota, prevalence rate was 15.1 per 10â 000 live births, whereas in Cali it was 17.29 per 10â 000 live births. Family history of clubfoot within first-degree relatives was identified as a risk factor for clubfoot. Investigating risk factors for clubfoot holds significant importance in terms of preventing and reducing morbidity within this population. Helping to drive government and healthcare initiatives aimed at providing timely and effective treatment.
Pie Equinovaro , Humanos , Pie Equinovaro/epidemiología , Colombia/epidemiología , Femenino , Masculino , Estudios Retrospectivos , Estudios de Casos y Controles , Prevalencia , Factores de Riesgo , Recién Nacido , Lactante , Vigilancia de la Población/métodosRESUMEN
This paper critically analyses events that surrounded the reconstruction of the Colombian archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia, and Santa Catalina islands after Hurricane Iota struck in 2020. Discussing the historical-structural and conjunctural dimensions within which the archipelago's history, various hurricanes, and reconstructions must be set, this paper draws on two theoretical conversations from Latin American and Caribbean critical thought and the critical humanitarian field that understand humanitarian governance as an 'arena of dispute'. Through mainly archival research of different sources, this paper assesses reconstruction and what it laid bare: structural vulnerability largely produced by the long lasting coloniality of power. In addition, it describes the active mediations and negotiations and the plethora of actions and repertoires in response to these centralised plans. Ultimately, we offer a vision whereby what is negotiated concerns not only the priorities and directions of the reconstruction, but also the design of a different future for the islands.
Tormentas Ciclónicas , Humanos , Región del Caribe , Colombia , Sistemas de Socorro/organización & administración , Poblaciones VulnerablesRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: Functional diarrhea (FDr) is a common disorder in toddlers and adults. In children, the Rome criteria define FDr as a disorder of children younger than 5 years old exclusively. However, in clinical practice, school-aged children and adolescents sometimes consult for symptoms that mimic the diagnosis of FDr. We conducted a study aimed at assessing the prevalence of FDr in school-aged children and adolescents. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in children aged 8-18 years from two schools in Colombia. Children completed self-report validated questionnaires to diagnose disorders of gut-brain interaction (DGBI) per Rome IV (QPGS-IV) for their age group and the questions related to FDr from the Rome IV questionnaire for infants and toddlers. KEY RESULTS: After excluding children with organic diseases and IBS-D, 981 participants were included (female 53.8%, White 24.7%, Indigenous 10.9%, mixed race 52.6%). Of the 981 participants, 325 (33.1%) had a DGBI. Of these, 17 children (5.2%) were diagnosed with FDr (3 participants 8-12 years; 14 participants 13-18 years). FDr was more prevalent among White children compared to non-White children (mixed race, Black, and Indigenous) (p = 0.01). CONCLUSION & INFERENCES: Despite the absence of FDr in the Rome IV criteria for children and adolescents, 1.7% of children aged 8-18 years likely have FDr. This study suggests that FDr does occur in children and adolescents. If confirmed in future studies, the diagnosis of FDr should be considered for inclusion in future editions of the Rome criteria for children of all ages.
Diarrea , Humanos , Niño , Adolescente , Femenino , Masculino , Prevalencia , Estudios Transversales , Diarrea/epidemiología , Colombia/epidemiología , Encuestas y CuestionariosRESUMEN
Latin America is experiencing an unprecedented dengue outbreak, causing an increased health burden. We document the cocirculation of dengue viruses 1-4 in Putumayo, a remote, underserved region at the border between Ecuador and Colombia. Dengue circulation in this largely unexplored territory represents a threat to public health in Putumayo and neighboring areas.
Virus del Dengue , Dengue , Serogrupo , Virus del Dengue/clasificación , Virus del Dengue/genética , Dengue/epidemiología , Dengue/virología , Humanos , Ecuador/epidemiología , Colombia/epidemiología , Brotes de Enfermedades , FilogeniaRESUMEN
During 2014-2022, only Plasmodium falciparum malaria cases were reported in the Comoro Islands. We report a fatal case of mixed Plasmodium malaria infection in a traveler returning from the Comoros to Colombia in 2024, highlighting the need to strengthen laboratory detection and identification of Plasmodium spp. in sub-Saharan Africa.
Malaria Falciparum , Plasmodium falciparum , Viaje , Humanos , Antimaláricos/uso terapéutico , Coinfección/parasitología , Colombia , Comoras , Resultado Fatal , Malaria/diagnóstico , Malaria/parasitología , Malaria/tratamiento farmacológico , Malaria Falciparum/diagnóstico , Malaria Falciparum/parasitología , Malaria Falciparum/tratamiento farmacológico , Plasmodium falciparum/aislamiento & purificación , Plasmodium falciparum/genéticaRESUMEN
Introducción: Diversas investigaciones han establecido la relación entre temperatura y duración del embarazo, la exposición a temperaturas altas durante el embarazo plantea interrogantes en especial el papel que esta juega frente a los partos prematuros y partos de bajo peso, es indispensable determinar si las temperaturas altas o bajas tienen un comportamiento protector o de riesgo sobre el feto durante la gestación en regiones tropicales. Objetivo: describir la relación entre la exposición a temperaturas altas y bajas durante el embarazo y su efecto en la edad gestacional y peso al momento del parto en los recién nacidos del departamento del Guaviare-Colombia. Metodología: Estudio tipo observacional, analítico, retrospectivo de corte transversal que busco determinar la relación entre exposición a temperaturas altas y bajas durante el embarazo y su efecto en la edad gestacional y peso al momento del parto en los recién nacidos, el universo estuvo conformado por 10.137 nacidos vivos, de los cuales 9.932 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Se determinó Odds Ratio para estimar la asociación entre las variables. Resultados: Dentro de la semana de retraso 3 el estar expuesto a temperaturas máximas percentil 90 es un factor protector para la ganancia ponderal de peso OR < 1, la exposición a temperaturas mínimas percentil 10 se asoció como factor protector para el parto prematuro en la semana de retraso 1 y 2 OR < 1.Conclusión: A pesar del beneficio de las altas y bajas temperaturas durante el embarazo en la ganancia ponderal de peso y disminución del parto prematuro, es recomendable prevenir la exposición a temperaturas extremas durante el periodo de gestación[AU]
Introduction: Various investigations have established the relationship between temperature and duration of pregnancy. Exposure to high temperatures during pregnancy raises questions, especially the role it plays in premature births and low-weight births. It is essential to determine whether high temperatures or low have a protective or risky behavior on the fetus during pregnancy in tropical regions.Objective: to describe the relationship between exposure to high and low temperatures during pregnancy and its effect on gestational age and weight at the time of delivery in newborns in the department of Guaviare-Colombia.Methodology:Observational, analytical, retrospective cross-sectional study that sought to determine the relationship between exposure to high and low temperatures during pregnancy and its effect on gestational age and weight at the time of delivery in newborns. The universe was made up of 10,137 births. alive, of which 9,932 met the inclusion criteria. Odds Ratio was determined to estimate the association between the variables.Results:Within the 3rd week of delay, being exposed to maximum temperatures at the 90th percentile is a protective factor for weight gain OR < 1, exposure to minimum temperatures at the 10th percentile was associated as a protective factor for premature birth in the week. of delay 1 and 2 OR < 1. Conclusion: Despite the benefit of high and low temperatures during pregnancy in weight gain and reduction in premature birth, it is advisable to prevent exposure to extreme temperatures during the gestation period[AU]
Introdução: Várias investigações estabeleceram a relação entre temperatura e duração da gravidez. A exposição a altas temperaturas durante a gravidez levanta questões, especialmente o papel que desempenha nos partos prematuros e nos nascimentos de baixo peso. É essencial determinar se as temperaturas altas ou baixas têm um comportamento protetor ou de risco para o feto durante a gravidez em regiões tropicais. Objetivo:descrever a relação entre a exposição a altas e baixas temperaturas durante a gravidez e seu efeito na idade gestacional e no peso no momento do parto em recém-nascidos no departamento de Guaviare-Colômbia. Metodologia: Estudo observacional, analítico, retrospectivo e transversal que buscou determinar a relação entre a exposição a altas e baixas temperaturas durante a gravidez e seu efeito na idade gestacional e no peso no momento do parto em recém-nascidos. O universo foi composto por 10.137 nascimentos. vivos, dos quais 9.932 preencheram os critérios de inclusão. O Odds Ratio foi determinado para estimar a associação entre as variáveis. Resultados:Na 3ª semana de atraso, a exposição a temperaturas máximas no percentil 90 é fator de proteção para ganho de peso OR < 1, a exposição a temperaturas mínimas no percentil 10 foi associada como fator de proteção para parto prematuro na semana. de atraso 1 e 2 OR < 1.Conclusão:Apesar do benefício das altas e baixas temperaturas durante a gravidez no ganho de peso e redução do parto prematuro, é aconselhável evitar a exposição a temperaturas extremas durante o período de gestação[AU]
Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Recién Nacido de muy Bajo Peso , Parto , ColombiaRESUMEN
Resumen Introducción: El uso de artrópodos en estudios ecológicos en el bosque seco tropical (Bs-T) de Colombia se centra mayormente en arañas, mariposas, hormigas y escarabajos coprófagos; por lo tanto, es necesario comprender como es la dinámica estacional de otros grupos como Geadephaga en este ecosistema. Objetivo: Evaluar la variación espacio-temporal y el efecto de las condiciones ambientales sobre la diversidad de las comunidades de Geadephaga en dos fragmentos de Bs-T en el Caribe colombiano. Métodos: El estudio se llevó a cabo en cuatro eventos de muestreo entre febrero y junio de 2018; cada uno con una duración de cuatro días y cuatro noches. En cada localidad (Reserva Campesina La Montaña = RCM y Reserva La Flecha = RLF), se marcaron cuatro estaciones distanciadas 350 m, con parcelas de 50×50 m. En el centro de cada parcela se instaló una trampa de luz, mientras que en los cuatro vértices se instalaron trampas de caída, y se realizó captura manual, cernido de hojarasca y perturbación de follaje. Resultados: Se capturó un total de 348 ejemplares de Carabidae y 114 de Cicindelidae. La riqueza y la abundancia presentaron los valores más bajos durante el período seco, mientras que los mayores valores se observaron durante el período de lluvias, en ambos fragmentos. Tetracha affinis (Dejean, 1825) fue la especie más abundante en la RCM durante el período lluvioso. Conclusiones: La variación de la riqueza y abundancia de Geadephaga responde a un patrón estacional en ambos fragmentos. Se encontró una amplia disimilitud entre las comunidades de Geadephaga de ambos fragmentos, pese a tener condiciones ambientales parecidas.
Abstract Introduction: The use of arthropods in ecological studies in the tropical dry forest (TDF) of Colombia focused mainly on spiders, butterflies, ants, and dung beetles; therefore, it is necessary to understand the seasonal dynamics of the other groups such as Geadephaga in this ecosystem. Objective: To evaluate the spatio-temporal variations and the effect of environmental conditions on the diversity of the Geadephaga communities in two TDF fragments in the Colombian Caribbean. Methods: This study was conducted during four sampling events between February and June 2018, each lasting four days, and four nights. Four sampling stations were selected in each locality (Reserva Campesina La Montaña = RCM and Reserva La Flecha = RLF), separated 350 m one from another, with square plots of 50 × 50 m. A light trap was installed in the center of each square, while pitfall traps were installed in the four vertices, and manual capture, beating sheets and leaf litter sieve were carried out. Results: A total of 348 Carabidae and 114 of Cicindelidae were captured. In both fragments, the richness and abundance presented the lowest values in dry season, while the highest values were observed during the rainy season. Tetracha affinis (Dejean, 1825) was the most abundant species in RCM during rainy season. Conclusions: The richness variation and abundance of Geadephaga corresponds to a seasonal pattern at both locations. A high dissimilarity between the communities of Geadephaga from the two fragments was found, despite having similar environmental conditions.
Animales , Escarabajos/clasificación , Muestreo , Colombia , BiodiversidadRESUMEN
Resumen Introducción: Varias presiones antrópicas sufren los ecosistemas acuáticos del piedemonte llanero en Colombia. La respuesta a estresores ambientales aún se desconoce en organismos bioindicadores como Leptohyphidae. Objetivo: Determinar la diversidad de ninfas de Leptohyphidae del río Quenane-Quenanito, en dos periodos hidrológicos contrastantes y su relación con algunas variables fisicoquímicas. Métodos: En diciembre (2014) y febrero (2015) se recolectaron organismos con red Surber en seis estaciones a lo largo del río. Se analizó la diversidad alfa y beta y se aplicó análisis de redundancia y modelos lineales generalizados con el fin de establecer la relación entre los taxones y las variables ambientales. Resultados: Se identificaron 369 organismos pertenecientes a cuatro géneros (Amanahyphes, Traverhyphes, Tricorythopsis y Tricorythodes), dos especies y ocho morfoespecies. Se reporta por primera vez para el departamento del Meta Amanahyphes saguassu. Se registró la mayor diversidad de ninfas en la transición a la sequía y la mayor abundancia en sequía. La diversidad beta señaló que la configuración del ensamblaje cambia a nivel espacial y temporal. Conclusiones: Los organismos de Leptohyphidae prefieren hábitats de corrientes, particularmente en el periodo de sequía, donde hallan alimento (hojarasca, detritos) y refugio para establecerse exitosamente; actividades antrópicas como la urbanización afectan notablemente la diversidad. La alta diversidad registrada en este pequeño río de piedemonte llanero refleja la necesidad de incrementar este tipo de trabajos y esfuerzos de recolección de material de estudio en la región.
Abstract Introduction: Various anthropic pressures affect the aquatic ecosystems of the foothills of Colombia. The response to environmental stressors is still unknown in bioindicator organisms such as Leptohyphidae. Objective: To determine the diversity of Leptohyphidae nymphs of the Quenane-Quenanito river, in two contrasting hydrological periods and its relationship with some physicochemical variables. Methods: In December (2014) and February (2015), organisms were collected with a Surber net at six stations along the current. Alpha and beta diversity was analyzed and redundancy analysis and generalized linear model were applied to establish the relationship between taxa and environmental variables. Results: Were identified 369 organisms belonging to four genera (Amanahyphes, Traverhyphes, Tricorythopsis, and Tricorythodes), two species, and eight morphospecies. Amanahyphes saguassu is reported for the first time for the Meta department. High diversity of Leptohyphidae nymphs was recorded in the transition to drought season and greater abundance in drought. Beta diversity indicated that the configuration of the assemblage changes spatially and temporally. Conclusions: Leptohyphidae organisms prefer fast habitats, particularly in the dry period where they find food (leaf litter, detritus) and shelter to establish themselves successfully; anthropic activities such as urbanization notably affect diversity. The high diversity recorded in this small river in the foothills of the plains reflects the need to increase this type of works and collection efforts of study material in the region.
Animales , Ephemeroptera/clasificación , Calidad del Agua , Colombia , Insectos/clasificaciónRESUMEN
This study examined the ectoparasites in free-living wild bee colonies in Totoró, Cauca Department, and Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Researchers collected 2116 bee specimens: 620 from Cauca (200 Apis mellifera, 320 Partamona peckolti, and 100 Paratrigona eutaeniata) and 1496 from Valle del Cauca (Dagua, Tocota, Buga, Cali, Pradera), including 1498 A. mellifera and 48 Tetragonisca angustula. Using microscopic and stereoscopic techniques and a special taxonomic key, the study identified the first recorded presence of Leptus (Leptus) alberti n. sp. (Acari: Erythraeidae) in colonies of free-living Africanized A. mellifera and stingless bees, including P. peckolti, P. eutaeniata, and T. angustula in Cauca and Valle del Cauca. This finding updates the reported species for South America. The presence of L. (L.) alberti n. sp. was identified in four sample points in the Totoró-Cauca area, with a 75% parasitic prevalence in free-living bee colonies at three of the four localities, specifically in hives located in the wild forest of Totoró. Two Meliponini species were also identified: one in P. peckolti and another in P. eutaeniata. In Cauca, the prevalence was 5% for A. mellifera and 0.3% for Meliponini. In Valle del Cauca, L. alberti n. sp. was observed in five out of 22 localities, resulting in a 23% prevalence in wild A. mellifera. Additionally, a 4.16% prevalence (2/48) of L. alberti n. sp. was found in T. angustula. Six A. mellifera specimens tested positive for L. (L.) alberti n. sp., as did one P. peckolti and one P. eutaeniata specimen. No other external mites were detected in the collected samples.