UNASSIGNED: Random renal biopsy is considered the gold standard for the diagnosis of systemic renal disorders. Percutaneous biopsy remains a safe option for most patients; however, the percutaneous approach may be considered too risky in approximately 5-10% of patients. In these high-risk patients, transjugular renal biopsy (TJRB) may represent an underutilized alternative. TJRB is a technically difficult procedure with a learning curve of approximately 10 cases. When performed properly, TJRB is a safe alternative to percutaneous biopsy in patients with renal failure or who are at high risk of bleeding. This article aims to provide a comprehensive review of the indications, techniques, precautions, and complications of TJRB, a possibly underutilized technique. (Rev Invest Clin. 2024;76(5):207-12).
Venas Yugulares , Enfermedades Renales , Riñón , Humanos , Biopsia/métodos , Enfermedades Renales/patología , Enfermedades Renales/diagnóstico , Riñón/patología , Venas Yugulares/patología , Curva de Aprendizaje , Insuficiencia Renal/diagnósticoRESUMEN
Kidney disease is a common complication of multiple myeloma (MM) and a risk factor for increased morbimortality. In this retrospective cohort study based on medical records, we analyzed the kidney function of patients with renal disease related to MM during the first year of treatment. All patients included were consecutively admitted to the outpatient services of two hospitals between January 2009 and January 2019 and met the diagnostic criteria for MM regardless of the reason for seeking medical help. We excluded patients who had kidney disease or who were on dialysis before MM diagnosis. We investigated the factors associated with renal function recovery using multivariate analysis. We evaluated 167 patients (median age of 66 ± 11.49 years). Almost half of the patients had arterial hypertension (76; 45.5%). The majority had International Staging System (ISS) grades 3 (73; 43.7%) or 2 (60; 35.9%). Seventy-four (44%) patients had an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) < 60 ml/min/1.73 m² at the time of MM diagnosis. Fifty-two patients (31%) underwent hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). After 12 months, 4 (2.3%) patients needed dialysis, and 18 (10.7%) died. The factors associated with an eGFR < 60 ml/min/1.73 m² were anemia, hyperuricemia, 24-hour proteinuria > 1.0 g, and extramedullary plasmacytoma. However, only baseline renal function (eGFR > 60 ml/min/1.73 m2) and HSCT were associated with greater recovery of renal function at 12 months of follow-up.
Tasa de Filtración Glomerular , Mieloma Múltiple , Humanos , Mieloma Múltiple/complicaciones , Mieloma Múltiple/diagnóstico , Masculino , Femenino , Anciano , Estudios Retrospectivos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Recuperación de la Función , Insuficiencia Renal/etiología , Insuficiencia Renal/epidemiología , Insuficiencia Renal/fisiopatología , Diálisis Renal , Trasplante de Células Madre Hematopoyéticas , Riñón/fisiopatología , Factores de RiesgoRESUMEN
Data about the impacts of hemodialysis on antioxidant status and markers of oxidative stress are controversial, probably due to the use of different methodological approaches. The aim of this study was to assess the changes in the oxidative damage markers and antioxidant enzymes, and the serum antioxidant capacity by using in vitro model systems of free radical generation before and after one hemodialysis session. Blood samples were collected from 40 patients with kidney failure before and after hemodialysis. In pre- and post-hemodialysis serum samples, concentrations of biomarkers of oxidative damage and the activities of antioxidant enzymes were measured, as well as the in vitro antioxidant potential. The high concentrations of oxidative stress markers in serum of kidney failure patients were decreased after one hemodialysis session. In pre-hemodialysis, low activities of antioxidant enzymes were observed, including paraoxonase-1, however paraoxonase-1 activity was partially recovered after hemodialysis. Crocin bleaching and radical scavenging assays showed that serum antioxidant potential was decreased after hemodialysis. Although one hemodialysis session increased paraoxonase-1 activity and decreased oxidative stress markers, it caused a decrease in the serum antioxidant potential. Future research is needed to prospect strategies to mitigate the impacts of oxidative stress in the scenario of hemodialysis repetitions.
Antioxidantes , Biomarcadores , Estrés Oxidativo , Diálisis Renal , Humanos , Estrés Oxidativo/fisiología , Diálisis Renal/efectos adversos , Biomarcadores/sangre , Masculino , Antioxidantes/metabolismo , Antioxidantes/análisis , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Arildialquilfosfatasa/sangre , Adulto , Insuficiencia Renal/sangre , Insuficiencia Renal/terapia , Fallo Renal Crónico/terapia , Fallo Renal Crónico/sangre , AncianoRESUMEN
Angostura trifoliata (Willd) T.S. Elías (Rutaceae) es una planta, cuya corteza es empleada en Venezuela para el tratamiento de la diabetes mellitus, la malaria y la disminución de peso. Sin embargo, se ha demostrado que altas dosis de su extracto administrados en forma aguda producen hiperglicemia y alteraciones neurológicas. El objetivo de este estudio fue correlacionar los efectos histológicos a nivel hepático y renal en ratones sanos con la hiperglicemia aguda producida por el extracto de la corteza de esta planta. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio experimental in vivo utilizando el extracto diluido en agua y administrado vía ip a dosis de 452 y 700 mg/kg; se determinó la glicemia utilizando un glucómetro comercial; los efectos histológicos con hematoxilina eosina previa fijación de los órganos con formaldehído al 10%. En todos los casos, se comparó con el grupo control. Resultados: el extracto produjo hiperglicemia significativamente P<0,05. En el tejido hepático causó: pérdida parcial de su arquitectura, binucleación, vasos congestivos con elementos inflamatorios, núcleos hipercromáticos, espacios de Disse dilatados con hematíes y áreas de necrosis. En el riñón originó congestión vascular en los tubos contorneados proximales y distales, concomitante con ruptura y necrosis de la membrana basal. Conclusión: el extracto produce toxicidad hepática y renal que se correlacionan con hiperglicemia, por lo que podría ser considerado como un agente hepatotóxico y nefrotóxico. (AU)
Angostura trifoliata (Willd) T.S. Elías (Rutaceae) is a plant, whose bark is used in Venezuela for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, malaria and weight loss. However, it has been shown that high doses of its extract administered acutely produce hyperglycemia and neurological alterations. The objective of this study was to correlate the histological effects at the liver and kidney level in healthy mice with the acute hyperglycemia produced by the bark extract of this plant. Methods: An in vivo experimental study was carried out using the extract diluted in water and administered ip at doses of 452 and 700 mg/kg; blood glucose was determined using a commercial glucometer; the histological effects with hematoxylin eosin after fixation of the organs with 10% formaldehyde. In all cases, it was compared with the control group. Results: the extract produced hyperglycemia significantly P<0.05. In the liver tissue it caused: partial loss of its architecture, binucleation, congested vessels with inflammatory elements, hyperchromatic nuclei, dilated spaces of Disse with red blood cells and areas of necrosis. In the kidney, it caused vascular congestion in the proximal and distal convoluted tubes, concomitant with rupture and necrosis of the basement membrane. Conclusion: the extract produces liver and kidney toxicity that correlates with hyperglycemia, so it could be considered a hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic agent. (AU)
Animales , Ratones , Insuficiencia Renal/sangre , Lesión Renal Aguda/patología , Hiperglucemia/diagnóstico , Autopsia , Corteza de la Planta/toxicidadRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: Identifying risk factors in cardiovascular surgery assists in predictability, resulting in optimization of outcomes and cost reduction. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to identify preoperative and intraoperative risk predictors for prolonged hospitalization after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: A cross-sectional analysis using data from the REPLICCAR II database, a prospective, consecutive, multicenter registry that included CABG surgeries performed between August 2017 and July 2019. The primary outcome was a prolonged hospital stay (PHS), defined as a postoperative period exceeding 14 days. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to identify the predictors with significance set at p <0.05. RESULTS: The median age was 63 (57-70) years and 26.55% of patients were female. Among the 3703 patients analyzed, 228 (6.16%) had a PHS after CABG, with a median hospital stay of 17 (16-20) days. Predictors of PHS after CABG included age >60 years (OR 2.05; 95% CI 1.43-2.87; p<0.001); renal failure (OR 1.73; 95% CI 1.29-2.32; p <0.001) and intraoperative red blood cell transfusion (OR 1.32; 95% CI 1.07-2.06; p=0.01). CONCLUSION: Age >60 years, renal failure, and intraoperative red blood cell transfusion were independent predictors of PHS after CABG. The identification of these variables can help in multiprofessional strategic planning aimed to enhance results and resource utilization in the state of São Paulo.
FUNDAMENTO: A identificação de fatores de riscos na cirurgia cardiovascular auxilia na previsibilidade resultando na otimização de desfechos e redução de custos. OBJETIVO: Identificação dos preditores de risco pré e intraoperatórios para internação prolongada após cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio (CRM) no Estado de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Análise transversal no banco de dados REPLICCAR II, registro prospectivo, consecutivo, multicêntrico que incluiu cirurgias de revascularização miocárdica realizadas entre agosto de 2017 e julho de 2019. O desfecho principal foi o tempo de internação prolongado, definida como período de pós-operatório superior a 14 (quatorze) dias. Para a identificação dos preditores foram realizadas análises de regressão logística uni- e multivariada. Os valores de p menores de 0,05 foram considerados significativos. RESULTADOS: A mediana de idade foi de 63 (57-70) anos e 26,55% eram do sexo feminino. Dos 3703 pacientes analisados, 228 (6,16%) apresentaram longa permanência hospitalar (LPH) após a CRM e a mediana da internação foi de 17 (16-20) dias. Foram preditores da LPH após a CRM: idade >60 anos (OR 2,05; IC95% 1,43 - 2,87; p<0,001); insuficiência renal (OR 1,73; IC95% 1,29 - 2,32; p<0,001) e transfusão de hemácias no intraoperatório (OR 1,32; IC 1,07 - 2,06; p=0,01). CONCLUSÃO: Nesta análise, a idade > 60 anos, insuficiência renal e a transfusão de hemácias no intraoperatório foram preditores independentes de LPH após a CRM. A identificação destas variáveis pode ajudar no planejamento estratégico multiprofissional visando melhoria de resultados e otimização de recursos no estado de São Paulo.
Puente de Arteria Coronaria , Tiempo de Internación , Insuficiencia Renal , Humanos , Femenino , Puente de Arteria Coronaria/estadística & datos numéricos , Puente de Arteria Coronaria/efectos adversos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Tiempo de Internación/estadística & datos numéricos , Anciano , Factores de Riesgo , Estudios Transversales , Factores de Edad , Brasil/epidemiología , Transfusión Sanguínea/estadística & datos numéricos , Medición de Riesgo , Estudios ProspectivosAsunto(s)
Sulfadiazina , Toxoplasmosis Cerebral , Humanos , Sulfadiazina/efectos adversos , Sulfadiazina/uso terapéutico , Toxoplasmosis Cerebral/complicaciones , Masculino , Infecciones por VIH/complicaciones , Infecciones por VIH/tratamiento farmacológico , VIH-1 , Cristalización , Insuficiencia Renal/inducido químicamente , Adulto , CristaluriaRESUMEN
We present a case of a 69-year-old man who presented for routine check-up and was incidentally found to have kidney failure with an initially unrevealing history and bland urinary sediment. He was diagnosed with oxalate nephropathy in the setting of chronic turmeric supplementation and chronic antibiotic therapy with associated diarrhea. Our case provides several key insights into oxalate nephropathy. First, the diagnosis requires a high index of clinical suspicion. It is uncommonly suspected clinically unless there is an obvious clue in the history such as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass or ethylene glycol poisoning. Diagnosis can be confirmed by histopathologic findings and corroborated by serum levels of oxalate and 24-hour urinary excretion. Second, the diagnosis can often be missed by the pathologist because of the characteristics of the crystals unless the renal pathologist has made it a rule to examine routinely all H&E sections under polarized light. This must be done on H&E, as the other stains dissolve the crystals. Third, one oxalate crystal in a routine needle biopsy is considered pathologic and potentially contributing to the AKI or to the CKD in an important way. Fourth, secondary oxalosis can be largely mitigated or prevented in many cases, especially iatrogenic cases. This can come through the surgeon or the gastroenterologist providing proper instructions to patients on an oxalate-restricted diet or other specific dietary measures. Lastly, this case highlights the success that results from cooperation and communication between the pathologist and the treating physician.
Hiperoxaluria , Insuficiencia Renal , Masculino , Humanos , Anciano , Curcuma , Hiperoxaluria/inducido químicamente , Hiperoxaluria/complicaciones , Insuficiencia Renal/complicaciones , Oxalatos , Suplementos Dietéticos/efectos adversosRESUMEN
INTRODUCTION: Along with cardiopulmonary bypass time, aortic cross-clamping time is directly related to the risk of complications after heart surgery. The influence of the time difference between cardiopulmonary bypass and cross-clamping times (TDC-C) remains poorly understood. OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of cardiopulmonary bypass time in relation to cross-clamping time on immediate results after coronary artery bypass grafting in the Registro Paulista de Cirurgia Cardiovascular (REPLICCAR) II. METHODS: Analysis of 3,090 patients included in REPLICCAR II database was performed. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons outcomes were evaluated (mortality, kidney failure, deep wound infection, reoperation, cerebrovascular accident, and prolonged ventilation time). A cutoff point was adopted, from which the increase of this difference would affect each outcome. RESULTS: After a cutoff point determination, all patients were divided into Group 1 (cardiopulmonary bypass time < 140 min., TDC-C < 30 min.), Group 2 (cardiopulmonary bypass time < 140 min., TDC-C > 30 min.), Group 3 (cardiopulmonary bypass time > 140 min., TDC-C < 30 min.), and Group 4 (cardiopulmonary bypass time > 140 min., TDC-C > 30 min.). After univariate logistic regression, Group 2 showed significant association with reoperation (odds ratio: 1.64, 95% confidence interval: 1.01-2.66), stroke (odds ratio: 3.85, 95% confidence interval: 1.99-7.63), kidney failure (odds ratio: 1.90, 95% confidence interval: 1.32-2.74), and in-hospital mortality (odds ratio: 2.17, 95% confidence interval: 1.30-3.60). CONCLUSION: TDC-C serves as a predictive factor for complications following coronary artery bypass grafting. We strongly recommend that future studies incorporate this metric to improve the prediction of complications.
Puente Cardiopulmonar , Insuficiencia Renal , Humanos , Puente Cardiopulmonar/efectos adversos , Puente Cardiopulmonar/métodos , Constricción , Resultado del Tratamiento , Puente de Arteria Coronaria/métodos , Insuficiencia Renal/complicaciones , Factores de Riesgo , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/etiología , Estudios RetrospectivosRESUMEN
Objetivos: Millones de pacientes con COVID-19 fueron internados en terapia intensiva en el mundo, la mitad desarrollaron síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda (SDRA) y recibieron ventilación mecánica invasiva (VMI), con una mortalidad del 50%. Analiza-mos cómo edad, comorbilidades y complicaciones, en pacientes con COVID-19 y SDRA que recibieron VMI, se asociaron con el riesgo de morir durante su hospitalización.Métodos: Estudio de cohorte observacional, retrospectivo y multicéntrico realizado en 5 hospitales (tres privados y dos públicos universitarios) de Argentina y Chile, durante el segundo semestre de 2020.Se incluyeron pacientes >18 años con infección por SARS-CoV-2 confirmada RT-PCR, que desarrollaron SDRA y fueron asistidos con VMI durante >48 horas, durante el se-gundo semestre de 2020. Se analizaron los antecedentes, las comorbilidades más fre-cuentes (obesidad, diabetes e hipertensión), y las complicaciones shock, insuficiencia renal aguda (IRA) y neumonía asociada a la ventilación mecánica (NAV), por un lado, y las alteraciones de parámetros clínicos y de laboratorio registrados.Resultados: El 69% era varón. La incidencia de comorbilidades difirió para los diferentes grupos de edad. La mortalidad aumentó significativamente con la edad (p<0,00001). Las comorbilidades, hipertensión y diabetes, y las complicaciones de IRA y shock se asociaron significativamente con la mortalidad. En el análisis multivariado, sólo la edad mayor de 60 años, la IRA y el shock permanecieron asociados con la mortalidad. Conclusiones: El SDRA en COVID-19 es más común entre los mayores. Solo la edad >60 años, el shock y la IRA se asociaron a la mortalidad en el análisis multivariado.
Objectives: Millions of patients with COVID-19 were admitted to intensive care world-wide, half developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and received invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), with a mortality of 50%. We analyzed how age, comor-bidities and complications in patients with COVID-19 and ARDS who received IMV were associated with the risk of dying during their hospitalization.Methods: Observational, retrospective and multicenter cohort study carried out in 5 hospitals (three private and two public university hospitals) in Argentina and Chile, during the second half of 2020.Patients >18 years of age with SARS-CoV-2 infection confirmed by RT-PCR, who devel-oped ARDS and were assisted with IMV for >48 hours, during the second half of 2020, were included. History, the most frequent comorbidities (obesity, diabetes and hyper-tension) and the complications of shock, acute renal failure (AKI) and pneumonia as-sociated with mechanical ventilation (VAP), on the one hand, and the alterations of re-corded clinical and laboratory parameters, were analyzed.Results: 69% were men. The incidence of comorbidities differed for different age groups. Mortality increased significantly with age (p<0.00001). Comorbidities, hyper-tension and diabetes, and complications of ARF and shock were significantly associat-ed with mortality. In the multivariate analysis, only age over 60 years, ARF and shock remained associated with mortality.Conclusions: ARDS in COVID-19 is more common among the elderly. Only age >60 years, shock and ARF were associated with mortality in the multivariate analysis
Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Neumonía/complicaciones , Respiración Artificial/métodos , Síndrome de Dificultad Respiratoria del Recién Nacido/complicaciones , Choque/complicaciones , Comorbilidad , Insuficiencia Renal/complicaciones , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19/epidemiología , Argentina/epidemiología , Chile/epidemiología , Factores de Riesgo , Mortalidad , Estudio MulticéntricoRESUMEN
INTRODUCTION: Hemodiafiltration (HDF) and high-flux hemodialysis (hf-HD) are different methods of kidney replacement therapy (KRT) used for the treatment of kidney failure patients. A debate has raged over the last decade about the survival benefit of patients with the use of HDF compared with hf-HD, but with divergent results from randomized controlled trials. Therefore, this study aimed to perform a meta-analysis to compare HDF and hf-HD regarding all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. METHODS: PubMed and Cochrane databases were searched until July 19, 2023, for randomized clinical trials comparing HDF and hf-HD in patients on maintenance dialysis. A meta-analysis was performed using Stata 16.1, applying fixed or random effect models according to the heterogeneity between studies. FINDINGS: Of the 496 studies found, five met the inclusion criteria. Compared with the hf-HD group, the risk ratio (RR) for all-cause mortality with HDF use was 0.76 (95% CI: 0.67-0.88, I2 = 0%). HDF was associated with lower cardiovascular mortality, although the sensitivity analysis showed that the result differed between scenarios. Subgroup analysis showed lower all-cause mortality among patients without diabetes in the HDF group compared with hf-HD (RR 0.66, 95% CI: 0.51-0.81, I2 = 0%), but not in diabetic patients (RR = 0.89, 95% CI: 0.65-1.12, I2 = 0.0%). A subgroup analysis considering convection volumes was not performed, but the studies with the highest weight in the meta-analysis described convection volume as more than 20 L/session. DISCUSSION: More clinical studies considering critical risk factors, such as advanced age and preexisting cardiovascular disease, are needed to confirm the supremacy of HDF over hf-HD on the survival of patients treated by these two forms of kidney replacement therapy.
Enfermedades Cardiovasculares , Hemodiafiltración , Fallo Renal Crónico , Insuficiencia Renal , Humanos , Hemodiafiltración/métodos , Diálisis Renal/métodos , Ensayos Clínicos Controlados Aleatorios como Asunto , Enfermedades Cardiovasculares/etiología , Insuficiencia Renal/etiologíaRESUMEN
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to determine the hospital service utilization patterns and direct healthcare hospital costs before and during peritoneal dialysis (PD) at home. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study of patients with kidney failure (KF) was conducted at a Mexican Social Security Institute hospital for the year 2014. Cost categories included inpatient emergency room stays, inpatient services at internal medicine or surgery, and hospital PD. The study groups were (1) patients with KF before initiating home PD, (2) patients with less than 1 year of home PD (incident), and (3) patients with more than 1 year of home PD (prevalent). Costs were actualized to international dollars (Int$) 2023. RESULTS: We found that 53% of patients with KF used home PD services, 42% had not received any type of PD, and 5% had hospital dialysis while waiting for home PD. The estimated costs adjusting for age and sex were Int$5339 (95% CI 4680-9746) for patients without home PD, Int$17 556 (95% CI 15 314-19 789) for incident patients, and Int$7872 (95% CI 5994-9749) for prevalent patients; with significantly different averages for the 3 groups (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: Although the use of services and cost is highest at the time of initiating PD, over time, using home PD leads to a significant reduction in use of hospital services, which translates into institutional cost savings. Our findings, especially considering the high rates of KF in Mexico, suggest a pressing need for interventions that can reduce healthcare costs at the beginning of renal replacement therapy.
Hospitalización , Diálisis Peritoneal , Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Estudios Retrospectivos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Hospitalización/economía , Hospitalización/estadística & datos numéricos , México , Diálisis Peritoneal/economía , Diálisis Peritoneal/estadística & datos numéricos , Adulto , Anciano , Costos de la Atención en Salud/estadística & datos numéricos , Insuficiencia Renal/terapia , Insuficiencia Renal/economía , Insuficiencia Renal/epidemiología , Aceptación de la Atención de Salud/estadística & datos numéricos , Hemodiálisis en el Domicilio/economía , Hemodiálisis en el Domicilio/estadística & datos numéricos , Fallo Renal Crónico/terapia , Fallo Renal Crónico/economíaRESUMEN
INTRODUCTION: Anemia is frequent in patients undergoing replacement therapy for kidney failure. Anemia in the pre- and post-transplantation period might be related to kidney transplant outcomes. The current study therefore sought to assess the relationship between anemia, delayed allograft function (DGF), chronic kidney allograft dysfunction (CAD), and death from any cause following kidney transplantation from a deceased donor. METHODS: This was a retrospective study with 206 kidney transplant patients of deceased donors. We analyzed deceased donors' and kidney transplant patients' demographic data. Moreover, we compared biochemical parameters, anemia status, and medicines between DGF and non-DGF groups. Afterward, we performed a multivariate analysis. We also evaluated outcomes, such as CAD within one year and death in ten years. RESULTS: We observed a lower frequency of pre-transplant hemoglobin concentration (Hb) but higher frequency of donor-serum creatinine and red blood transfusion within one week after transplantation in the group with DGF. In addition, there was an independent association between Hb concentration before transplantation and DGF [OR 0.252, 95%CI: 0.159-0.401; p < 0.001]. There was also an association between Hb concentration after six months of kidney transplantation and both CAD [OR 0.798, 95% CI: 0.687-0.926; p = 0.003] and death from any cause. CONCLUSION: An association was found between pre-transplantation anemia and DGF and between anemia six months after transplantation and both CAD and death by any cause. Thus, anemia before or after transplantation affects the outcomes for patients who have undergone kidney transplantation from a deceased donor.
Anemia , Trasplante de Riñón , Insuficiencia Renal , Humanos , Trasplante de Riñón/efectos adversos , Estudios Retrospectivos , Funcionamiento Retardado del Injerto/epidemiología , Funcionamiento Retardado del Injerto/etiología , Supervivencia de Injerto , Donantes de Tejidos , Anemia/etiología , Insuficiencia Renal/complicaciones , Hemoglobinas , Factores de RiesgoRESUMEN
OBJECTIVES: To externally validate the four-variable kidney failure risk equation (KFRE) in the Peruvian population for predicting kidney failure at 2 and 5 years. DESIGN: A retrospective cohort study. SETTING: 17 primary care centres from the Health's Social Security of Peru. PARTICIPANTS: Patients older than 18 years, diagnosed with chronic kidney disease stage 3a-3b-4 and 3b-4, between January 2013 and December 2017. Patients were followed until they developed kidney failure, died, were lost, or ended the study (31 December 2019), whichever came first. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Performance of the KFRE model was assessed based on discrimination and calibration measures considering the competing risk of death. RESULTS: We included 7519 patients in stages 3a-4 and 2798 patients in stages 3b-4. The estimated cumulative incidence of kidney failure, accounting for competing event of death, at 2 years and 5 years, was 1.52% and 3.37% in stages 3a-4 and 3.15% and 6.86% in stages 3b-4. KFRE discrimination at 2 and 5 years was high, with time-dependent area under the curve and C-index >0.8 for all populations. Regarding calibration in-the-large, the observed to expected ratio and the calibration intercept indicated that KFRE underestimates the overall risk at 2 years and overestimates it at 5 years in all populations. CONCLUSIONS: The four-variable KFRE models have good discrimination but poor calibration in the Peruvian population. The model underestimates the risk of kidney failure in the short term and overestimates it in the long term. Further research should focus on updating or recalibrating the KFRE model to better predict kidney failure in the Peruvian context before recommending its use in clinical practice.
Insuficiencia Renal Crónica , Insuficiencia Renal , Humanos , Pronóstico , Perú/epidemiología , Estudios Retrospectivos , Insuficiencia Renal/epidemiología , Insuficiencia Renal Crónica/epidemiologíaRESUMEN
OBJECTIVE: In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of the concurrent exercise training (CET) associated with the enalapril maleate on blood pressure variability (BPV) and renal profile in an experimental model of arterial hypertension (AH) and postmenopause. METHODS: Female ovariectomized spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) were distributed into 4 groups (n = 8/group): sedentary (SO), sedentary + enalapril (SOE), trained (TO) and trained + enalapril (TOE). Both enalapril (3mg/kg) and CET (3 days/week) were conducted during 8 weeks. Blood pressure (BP) was directly recorded for BPV analyses. Renal function, morphology, inflammation and oxidative stress were assessed. RESULTS: The SOE, TO e TOE groups presented decreased systolic BP compared with SO. Both trained groups (TO and TOE) presented lower BPV and increased baroreflex sensitivity (TO: 0.76 ± 0.20 and TOE: 1.02 ± 0.40 vs. SO: 0.40 ± 0.07 ms/mmHg) compared with SO group, with additional improvements in TOE group. Creatinine and IL-6 levels were reduced in SOE, TO and TOE compared with SO group, while IL-10 was increased only in TOE group (vs. SO). Enalapril combined with CET promote reduction in lipoperoxidation (TOE: 1.37 ± 0.26 vs. SO: 2.08 ± 0.48 and SOE: 1.84 ± 0.35 µmol/mg protein) and hydrogen peroxide (TOE: 1.89 ± 0.40 vs. SO: 3.70 ± 0.19 and SOE: 2.73 ± 0.70 µM), as well as increase in catalase activity (vs. sedentary groups). The tubulointerstitial injury was lower in interventions groups (SOE, TO and TOE vs. SO), with potentialized benefits in the trained groups. CONCLUSIONS: Enalapril combined with CET attenuated BPV and baroreflex dysfunctions, probably impacting on end-organ damage, as demonstrated by attenuation in the AH-induced renal inflammations, oxidative stress and morphofunctional impairments in postmenopausal rats.
Hipertensión , Nefritis , Insuficiencia Renal , Femenino , Animales , Ratas , Presión Sanguínea , Posmenopausia , Enalapril/farmacología , Hipertensión/tratamiento farmacológico , Ratas Endogámicas SHR , Modelos TeóricosRESUMEN
Introducción. La enfermedad renal crónica es responsable de aproximadamente 2,4 millones de defunciones a nivel mundial. La supervivencia a los cinco años después de iniciar diálisis se encuentra entre un 39 a 60 % dependiendo del país. Objetivo. Describir la situación epidemiológica de los pacientes con diálisis y analizar los factores que influyen en la supervivencia de pacientes a cinco años de iniciar tratamiento sustitutivo renal en El Salvador. Metodología. Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo de los pacientes incluidos en el Registro Nacional de Diálisis y Trasplante Renal desde enero de 2016 hasta febrero de 2023. El seguimiento se comenzó al inicio de la diálisis, el evento de interés fue la muerte del paciente. Se utilizó el método de Kaplan-Meier para determinar la supervivencia al año y a los cinco años y la regresión de Cox con el modelo de Royston-Parmar para analizar los factores que influyen sobre la supervivencia a los cinco años. Resultados. El estudio incluyó 7088 pacientes, la supervivencia a uno y cinco años fue del 79,5 % (IC 95 %: 78,6-80,5) y 50,6 % (IC 95 %: 49,1-52,1) respectivamente. La regresión de Cox para la edad de inicio de tratamiento resultó en un hazard ratio de 1,02 (IC 95 %: 1,01-1,02), mientras que para el oficio de ser agricultor el hazard ratio fue 1,1 (IC 95 %: 1,01-1,18) y para la etiología hipertensiva el hazard ratio fue de 0,7 (IC 95 %: 0,64-0,78). Conclusión. La edad de inicio de tratamiento y el ser agricultor están asociados con una menor supervivencia a cinco años en pacientes con diálisis
Introduction. The chronic kidney disease is responsible for approximately 2.4 million deaths worldwide, in El Salvador during 2019 death rate was 72.9 for 100 000 habitants, five year survival in patients after starting dialysis was between 39 and 60 % depending on the country. Objective. Analyze the factors that influence the five years survival in patients after starting renal replacement therapy in El Salvador. Methodology. It is a retrospective cohort study from patients included in dialysis and renal replacement therapy national registry from January 2016 to February 2023, the start point for the following was the initiation of dialysis, the event of interest was patient Ìs death, the Kaplan-Meier method was used to determine one year and five year survival; and Cox regression with Royston-Parmar model was used to analyze the factors that influence survival. Results. The study included 7088 patients, one and five-years survival was 79.5 % (CI 95 %: 78.6-80.5) and 50.6 % (CI 95 %: 49.1-52.1) respectively. The Cox regression for age of treatment initiation resulted in a hazard ratio of 1.02 (CI 95 %: 1.01-1.02), while for farmers, the hazard ratio was 1.09 (CI 95 %: 1.00-1.18), for hypertensive etiology the hazard ratio was 0.7 (CI 95 %: 0.64-0.78). Conclusion. Data suggest that age of treatment initiation, and jobs related to agriculture were associated with less five year survival in dialysis patients.
Insuficiencia Renal , El SalvadorRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: Epidemiological data on patients with COVID-19 referred to specialized weaning centers (SWCs) are sparse, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Our aim was to describe clinical features, epidemiology, and outcomes of subjects admitted to SWCs in Argentina. METHODS: We conducted a prospective, multi-center, observational study between July 2020-December 2021 in 12 SWCs. We collected demographic characteristics, laboratory results, pulmonary function, and dependence on mechanical ventilation at admission, decannulation, weaning from mechanical ventilation, and status at discharge. A multiple logistic model was built to predict home discharge. RESULTS: We enrolled 568 tracheostomized adult subjects after the acute COVID-19 phase who were transferred to SWCs. Age was 62 [52-71], males 70%, Charlson comorbidity index was 2 [0-3], and length of stay in ICU was 42 [32-56] d. Of the 315 ventilator-dependent subjects, 72.4% were weaned, 427 (75.2%) were decannulated, and 366 subjects (64.5%) were discharged home. The mortality rate was 6.0%. In multivariate analysis, age (odds ratio 0.30 [95% CI 0.16-0.56], P < .001), Charlson comorbidity index (odds ratio 0.43 [95% CI 0.22-0.84], P < .01), mechanical ventilation duration in ICU (odds ratio 0.80 [95% CI 0.72-0.89], P < .001), renal failure (odds ratio 0.40 [95% CI 0.22-0.73], P = .003), and expiratory muscle weakness (odds ratio 0.35 [95% CI 0.19-0.62], P < .001) were independently associated with home discharge. CONCLUSIONS: Most subjects with COVID-19 transferred to SWCs were weaned, achieved decannulation, and were discharged to home. Age, high-comorbidity burden, prolonged mechanical ventilation in ICU, renal failure at admission, and expiratory muscle weakness were inversely associated with home discharge.
COVID-19 , Insuficiencia Renal , Humanos , Masculino , COVID-19/epidemiología , Debilidad Muscular , Estudios Prospectivos , Respiración Artificial , Desconexión del Ventilador , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , AncianoRESUMEN
INTRODUÇÃO: A doença falciforme (DF) se refere a um grupo de hemoglobinopatias nas quais a mutação na hemoglobina (Hb) associada à falcização das hemácias é co-herdada com mutações em outras beta globinas. A doença evolui com vaso-oclusão e outras complicações crônicas, graves e multissistêmicas. Uma das principais complicações da DF que ocorre especialmente em pessoas com os genótipos HbSS e HbSbeta0 é a nefropatia falciforme, que pode evoluir desde quadros assintomáticos até doença crônica renal (DRC). Além do tratamento padrão com hidroxiureia e transfusões sanguíneas, diretrizes internacionais recomendam o tratamento com agentes estimulantes da eritropoiese (AEE), como a alfaepoetina para pacientes com comprometimento renal. O uso desse medicamento está consolidado para tratamento da anemia em DRC em pacientes sem DF, estando incorporada ao SUS como pó para solução injetável e em solução injetável para o tratamento desta condição clínica. PERGUNTA: Alfaepoetina em associação ao cuidado-padrão comparada ao cuidado-padrão, é eficaz, efetiva, segura, custo-efetiva e viável economicamente para o tratamento de adultos com DF que apresentam comprometimento renal associado à piora do quadro de anemia? EVIDÊNCIAS CLÍNICAS: Foram incluídos oito estudos observacionais que apresentaram os resultados por meio de análises antes/depois de parâmetros clínicos e hematológicos. O uso de alfaepoetina esteve associado à melhora significativa estatisticamente na concentração de Hb (variação de 4 a 32,8% de aumento nos níveis de Hb comparados aos valores da linha de base, p<0,05), nos níveis percentuais de Hb-F (a diferença variou de 5,2 a 17,1% entre os estudos, p<0,05) e na redução da necessidade de transfusões sanguíneas (resultados quantitativos não reportados). Não houve aumento de crises vaso-oclusivas (CVO) ou tromboembolismo venoso (TEV), sugerindo que o tratamento com alfaepoetina pode ser seguro (resultados quantitativos não reportados). A certeza na evidência pelo GRADE foi muito baixa para todos os desfechos, com preocupações relacionadas ao risco de viés e imprecisão. Ao considerar apenas a evidência para um subgrupo de pacientes (n=4) com comprometimento renal para o desfecho de concentração de Hb (aumento de 29,0%) a certeza na evidência permanece muito baixa, apesar de não haver, neste caso, rebaixamento da qualidade da evidência por evidência indireta. AVALIAÇÃO ECONÔMICA (AE): Foi elaborada uma análise de custo-efetividade/utilidade a partir de modelo de árvore de decisão com horizonte temporal de um ano para avaliar as consequências da alfaepoetina na redução da necessidade de transfusões sanguíneas em termos de custos e ano de vida ajustado por qualidade (QALY). A análise demonstrou que a alfaepoetina + cuidado padrão para o tratamento de adultos com DF apresentando declínio da função renal e piora dos níveis de hemoglobina, quando comparado ao cuidado padrão, apresenta modesto benefício clínico (incremental de 0,033 QALY e redução de custo - R$ 11.564). A alfaepoetina permaneceu como alternativa dominante nas simulações realizadas nas análises de sensibilidade. ANÁLISE DE IMPACTO ORÇAMENTÁRIO (AIO): O tamanho da população elegível foi estimado por demanda aferida combinada à demanda epidemiológica, sendo identificado em média 5.274 pacientes por ano. A taxa de difusão de alfaepoetina variou de 10% a 50% entre primeiro e último anos. O custo direto com aquisição da alfaepoetina variou de R$ 806.129 no primeiro ano a R$ 4.853.242 no quinto ano de incorporação. A AIO construída, atrelada à análise de custoefetividade, sugeriu uma economia de R$ 96.545.791 acumulada em cinco anos. Esta economia é decorrente da efetividade do medicamento em reduzir a necessidade de transfusões frequentes, uma vez que este procedimento está associado a altos custos, como os custos da terapia de quelação de ferro. As análises de sensibilidade reforçaram estes resultados. MONITORAMENTO DO HORIZONTE TECNOLÓGICO: Foram identificadas 2 tecnologias para o potencial tratamento de pessoas com doença falciforme, apresentando declínio da função renal e piora dos níveis de hemoglobina. Crizanlizumabe, anti-P selectina, com registro na Anvisa, EMA e FDA. Voxelotor, registrada na EMA e FDA. PERSPECTIVA DO PACIENTE: Foi aberta Chamada Pública nº 35/2023 para inscrição de participantes para a perspectiva do paciente, durante o período de 21 a 27/09/2023, e 11 pessoas se inscreveram, mas nenhuma atendia aos critérios da chamada. A Secretaria-Executiva da Conitec realizou uma busca ativa junto a especialistas, associações de pacientes e Centros de Tratamento para identificar um usuário do SUS que pudesse fazer o relato na reunião da Conitec. Em sua fala, o participante informou que há 10 anos apresentou elevação nas taxas de potássio, necessitando fazer, na época, uso do medicamento denominado "sorcal" (poliestirenossulfonato de cálcio). Há cerca de cinco anos começou a fazer uso da alfaepoetina. O medicamento, segundo ele, mantém a insuficiência renal controlada sem provocar efeitos adversos. Há algum tempo, entretanto, vem apresentando queda nas taxas de hemoglobina, necessitando receber transfusões de sangue a cada dois meses, procedimento que até então não era rotineiro. Não sabe dizer se o declínio das taxas de hemoglobina se deve ao uso da alfaepoetina. RECOMENDAÇÃO PRELIMINAR DA CONITEC: Os membros do Comitê de Medicamentos presentes na 16ª Reunião Extraordinária da Conitec, realizada no dia 01 de novembro de 2023, deliberaram por unanimidade, que a matéria fosse disponibilizada em consulta pública com recomendação preliminar favorável à incorporação ao SUS da alfaepoetina (rHuePO, eritropoietina humana recombinante) para adultos com doença falciforme, com comprometimento renal associado à piora do quadro de anemia. Discutiu-se a necessidade de estabelecer, no contexto da atualização do PCDT, critérios objetivos de declínio da função renal, queda de hemoglobina e níveis de eritropoetina endógena para compor critérios de uso do medicamento. Sugeriu-se o uso de critérios relativos, como queda de 25% ou mais na TFGe em relação ao valor basal. Ademais, frente às incertezas quanto às evidências de benefício, especialmente no longo prazo, recomendou-se que sejam definidos no PCDT da DF, além dos critérios para uso, critérios de interrupção do tratamento na ausência de benefício clínico. CONSULTA PÚBLICA: A consulta pública nº 56 foi realizada entre os dias 26/12/2023 e 15/01/2024 e recebeu uma contribuição técnico-científica e oito contribuições de experiência e opinião. A contribuição técnico-científica foi emitida pela Associação Brasileira de Hematologia, Hemoterapia e Terapia Celular (ABHH), que se posicionou favoravelmente à incorporação, destacando que a tecnologia irá impactar positivamente a qualidade de vida dos pacientes, possibilitando a redução das transfusões de hemácias e da quelação de ferro, e, consequentemente, reduzindo custos associados às complicações. Especialistas participantes do processo de atualização do PCDT da DF contribuíram apresentado critérios de uso e interrupção do tratamento, tendo em vista as discussões realizadas durante a reunião de apresentação da demanda. Em relação às contribuições recebidas pelo formulário de experiência e opinião, observou-se que em uma delas havia um anexo, o qual, por se tratar de artigo científico, foi encaminhado para ser incorporado à análise das contribuições de natureza técnico-científica. Todas as contribuições concordaram com a recomendação preliminar da Conitec, que foi favorável à incorporação da tecnologia avaliada. A eficácia da tecnologia, a melhora da qualidade de vida e a importância do acesso por meio do SUS foram mencionados como pontos a favor da incorporação. Como resultados positivos e facilidades da tecnologia em avaliação, foram mencionadas a eficácia do medicamento e a importância de estar disponível no SUS. Quanto aos efeitos negativos, ao lado da consideração da inexistência de efeitos negativos, foi mencionada a dificuldade de acesso ao medicamento. RECOMENDAÇÃO FINAL DA CONITEC: Após apreciação das contribuições recebidas na Consulta Pública, os membros do Comitê de Medicamentos presentes na 126ª Reunião Ordinária da Conitec deliberaram, por unanimidade, recomendar a incorporação da alfaepoetina para o tratamento de pacientes com doença falciforme apresentando declínio da função renal e piora dos níveis de hemoglobina conforme Protocolo Clínico do Ministério da Saúde. Foi assinado o Registro de Deliberação nº 871/2024. DECISÃO: incorporar, no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS, a alfaepoetina para o tratamento de pacientes com doença falciforme apresentando declínio da função renal e piora dos níveis de hemoglobina, conforme Protocolo Clínico do Ministério da Saúde, publicada no Diário Oficial da União, nº 66, seção 1, página 109, em 05 de abril de 2024.
Humanos , Hemoglobinas/deficiencia , Eritropoyetina/uso terapéutico , Insuficiencia Renal/etiología , Anemia de Células Falciformes/tratamiento farmacológico , Evaluación en Salud/economía , Sistema Único de Salud , Brasil , Análisis Costo-Beneficio/economíaRESUMEN
Podocyte dysfunction plays a crucial role in renal injury and is identified as a key contributor to proteinuria in Fabry disease (FD), primarily impacting glomerular filtration function (GFF). The α3ß1 integrins are important for podocyte adhesion to the glomerular basement membrane, and disturbances in these integrins can lead to podocyte injury. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the effects of chloroquine (CQ) on podocytes, as this drug can be used to obtain an in vitro condition analogous to the FD. Murine podocytes were employed in our experiments. The results revealed a dose-dependent reduction in cell viability. CQ at a sub-lethal concentration (1.0 µg/mL) induced lysosomal accumulation significantly (p < 0.0001). Morphological changes were evident through scanning electron microscopy and immunofluorescence, highlighting alterations in F-actin and nucleus morphology. No significant changes were observed in the gene expression of α3ß1 integrins via RT-qPCR. Protein expression of α3 integrin was evaluated with Western Blotting and immunofluorescence, demonstrating its lower detection in podocytes exposed to CQ. Our findings propose a novel in vitro model for exploring secondary Fabry nephropathy, indicating a modulation of α3ß1 integrin and morphological alterations in podocytes under the influence of CQ.
Enfermedad de Fabry , Integrina alfa3beta1 , Enfermedades Renales , Podocitos , Animales , Ratones , Enfermedad de Fabry/metabolismo , Integrina alfa3beta1/genética , Integrina alfa3beta1/metabolismo , Enfermedades Renales/metabolismo , Podocitos/metabolismo , Insuficiencia RenalRESUMEN
El síndrome hemolítico urémico secundario a Streptococcus pneumoniae (SHU-Sp) es una complicación poco frecuente de las enfermedades invasoras por S. pneumoniae. Presenta una alta morbimortalidad, con requerimiento de transfusiones de glóbulos rojos y plaquetas, terapia de sustitución de la función renal de inicio precoz y más prolongada, así como mayores complicaciones a largo plazo, comparado con las formas secundarias a infección entérica por Escherichia coli productora de toxina Shiga. Presentamos el caso clínico de una preescolar de dos años, previamente sana, vacunada con tres dosis de PCV13, que desarrolló una insuficiencia renal aguda, anemia hemolítica y plaquetopenia, en el contexto de una neumonía con empiema y bacteriemia por S. pneumoniae.
Streptococcus pneumoniae associated hemolytic uremic syndrome (Sp-HUS) is an uncommon complication of invasive pneumococcal infections. Patients with Sp-HUS have a higher mortality and long term morbidity than those due to HUS from Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli infections (STEC-HUS). They often require more red blood cells and platelet transfusions, and early initiation of renal substitution therapy, presenting a higher rate of arterial hypertension and chronic renal disease in the long term, compared to STEC-HUS. We report a healthy 2 year-old infant, vaccinated with three doses PCV13, that developed acute renal failure, hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia in the course of a complicated pneumococcal pneumonia with empyema and bacteremia.