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Phys Rev Lett ; 132(11): 113401, 2024 Mar 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38563934


We explore the dynamics of a tuneable box-trapped Bose gas under strong periodic forcing in the presence of weak disorder. In absence of interparticle interactions, the interplay of the drive and disorder results in an isotropic nonthermal momentum distribution that shows subdiffusive dynamic scaling, with sublinear energy growth and the universal scaling function captured well by a compressed exponential. We explain that this subdiffusion in momentum space can naturally be understood as a random walk in energy space. We also experimentally show that for increasing interaction strength, the gas behavior smoothly crosses over to wave turbulence characterized by a power-law momentum distribution, which opens new possibilities for systematic studies of the interplay of disorder and interactions in driven quantum systems.

Nature ; 620(7974): 521-524, 2023 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37495696


Boyle's 1662 observation that the volume of a gas is, at constant temperature, inversely proportional to pressure, offered a prototypical example of how an equation of state (EoS) can succinctly capture key properties of a many-particle system. Such relationships are now cornerstones of equilibrium thermodynamics1. Extending thermodynamic concepts to far-from-equilibrium systems is of great interest in various contexts, including glasses2,3, active matter4-7 and turbulence8-11, but is in general an open problem. Here, using a homogeneous ultracold atomic Bose gas12, we experimentally construct an EoS for a turbulent cascade of matter waves13,14. Under continuous forcing at a large length scale and dissipation at a small one, the gas exhibits a non-thermal, but stationary, state, which is characterized by a power-law momentum distribution15 sustained by a scale-invariant momentum-space energy flux16. We establish the amplitude of the momentum distribution and the underlying energy flux as equilibrium-like state variables, related by an EoS that does not depend on the details of the energy injection or dissipation, or on the history of the system. Moreover, we show that the equations of state for a wide range of interaction strengths and gas densities can be empirically scaled onto each other. This results in a universal dimensionless EoS that sets benchmarks for the theory and should also be relevant for other turbulent systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(22): 223601, 2022 Jun 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35714252


The two-fluid model is fundamental for the description of superfluidity. In the nearly incompressible liquid regime, it successfully describes first and second sound, corresponding, respectively, to density and entropy waves, in both liquid helium and unitary Fermi gases. Here, we study the two sounds in the opposite regime of a highly compressible fluid, using an ultracold ^{39}K Bose gas in a three-dimensional box trap. We excite the longest-wavelength mode of our homogeneous gas, and observe two distinct resonant oscillations below the critical temperature, of which only one persists above it. In a microscopic mode-structure analysis, we find agreement with the hydrodynamic theory, where first and second sound involve density oscillations dominated by, respectively, thermal and condensed atoms. Varying the interaction strength, we explore the crossover from hydrodynamic to collisionless behavior in a normal gas.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(6): 060402, 2021 Feb 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33635703


We study the decay mechanism of the gapped lowest-lying axial excitation of a quasipure atomic Bose-Einstein condensate confined in a cylindrical box trap. Owing to the absence of accessible lower-energy modes, or direct coupling to an external bath, this excitation is protected against one-body (linear) decay, and the damping mechanism is exclusively nonlinear. We develop a universal theoretical model that explains this fundamentally nonlinear damping as a process whereby two quanta of the gapped lowest excitation mode couple to a higher-energy mode, which subsequently decays into a continuum. We find quantitative agreement between our experiments and the predictions of this model. Finally, by strongly driving the system below its (lowest) resonant frequency, we observe third-harmonic generation, a hallmark of nonlinear behavior.

Science ; 366(6463): 382-385, 2019 10 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31582522


Scale-invariant fluxes are the defining property of turbulent cascades, but their direct measurement is a challenging experimental problem. Here we perform such a measurement for a direct energy cascade in a turbulent quantum gas. Using a time-periodic force, we inject energy at a large length scale and generate a cascade in a uniformly trapped three-dimensional Bose gas. The adjustable trap depth provides a high-momentum cutoff k D, which realizes a synthetic dissipation scale. This gives us direct access to the particle flux across a momentum shell of radius k D, and the tunability of k D allows for a clear demonstration of the zeroth law of turbulence. Moreover, our time-resolved measurements give unique access to the pre-steady-state dynamics, when the cascade front propagates in momentum space.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(2): 020405, 2019 Jul 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31386523


Three-body recombination in quantum gases is traditionally associated with heating, but it was recently found that it can also cool the gas. We show that in a partially condensed three-dimensional homogeneous Bose gas three-body loss could even purify the sample, that is, reduce the entropy per particle and increase the condensed fraction η. We predict that the evolution of η under continuous three-body loss can, depending on small changes in the initial conditions, exhibit two qualitatively different behaviors-if it is initially above a certain critical value, η increases further, whereas clouds with lower initial η evolve towards a thermal gas. These dynamical effects should be observable under realistic experimental conditions.

Nature ; 563(7730): 221-224, 2018 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30405228


Understanding strongly correlated phases of matter, such as the quark-gluon plasma and neutron stars, and in particular the dynamics of such systems, for example, following a Hamiltonian quench (a sudden change in some Hamiltonian parameter, such as the strength of interparticle interactions) is a fundamental challenge in modern physics. Ultracold atomic gases are excellent quantum simulators for these problems, owing to their tunable interparticle interactions and experimentally resolvable intrinsic timescales. In particular, they provide access to the unitary regime, in which the interactions are as strong as allowed by quantum mechanics. This regime has been extensively studied in Fermi gases1,2. The less-explored unitary Bose gases3-11 offer possibilities12 such as universal physics controlled solely by the gas density13,14 and new forms of superfluidity15-17. Here, through momentum- and time-resolved studies, we explore degenerate and thermal homogeneous Bose gases quenched to unitarity. In degenerate samples, we observe universal post-quench dynamics in agreement with the emergence of a prethermal state18-24 with a universal non-zero condensed fraction22,24. In thermal gases, the dynamic and thermodynamic properties generally depend on the gas density and the temperature, but we find that they can still be expressed in terms of universal dimensionless functions. Surprisingly, we find that the total quench-induced correlation energy is independent of the gas temperature. These measurements provide quantitative benchmarks and challenges for the theory of unitary Bose gases.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(19): 190404, 2017 Nov 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29219529


We measure the quantum depletion of an interacting homogeneous Bose-Einstein condensate and confirm the 70-year-old theory of Bogoliubov. The observed condensate depletion is reversibly tunable by changing the strength of the interparticle interactions. Our atomic homogeneous condensate is produced in an optical-box trap, the interactions are tuned via a magnetic Feshbach resonance, and the condensed fraction is determined by momentum-selective two-photon Bragg scattering.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(21): 210401, 2017 May 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28598671


Using two-photon Bragg spectroscopy, we study the energy of particlelike excitations in a strongly interacting homogeneous Bose-Einstein condensate, and observe dramatic deviations from Bogoliubov theory. In particular, at large scattering length a the shift of the excitation resonance from the free-particle energy changes sign from positive to negative. For an excitation with wave number q, this sign change occurs at a≈4/(πq), in agreement with the Feynman energy relation and the static structure factor expressed in terms of the two-body contact. For a≳3/q we also see a breakdown of this theory, and better agreement with calculations based on the Wilson operator product expansion. Neither theory explains our observations across all interaction regimes, inviting further theoretical efforts.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(25): 250404, 2017 Dec 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29303324


We study the dynamics of an initially degenerate homogeneous Bose gas after an interaction quench to the unitary regime at a magnetic Feshbach resonance. As the cloud decays and heats, it exhibits a crossover from degenerate- to thermal-gas behavior, both of which are characterized by universal scaling laws linking the particle-loss rate to the total atom number N. In the degenerate and thermal regimes, the per-particle loss rate is ∝N^{2/3} and N^{26/9}, respectively. The crossover occurs at a universal kinetic energy per particle and at a universal time after the quench, in units of energy and time set by the gas density. By slowly sweeping the magnetic field away from the resonance and creating a mixture of atoms and molecules, we also map out the dynamics of correlations in the unitary gas, which display a universal temporal scaling with the gas density, and reach a steady state while the gas is still degenerate.