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Animals (Basel) ; 14(16)2024 Aug 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39199912


This paper addresses the potential for technology to support husbandry and enrichment opportunities that enhance the welfare of zoo and sanctuary-housed nocturnal and crepuscular species. This topic was investigated through the medium of a multidisciplinary workshop (Moon Jam) that brought together species experts, zoo designers, Animal-Computer Interaction researchers and post-graduate students in collaborative discussions and design sessions. We explain the context through an examination of existing research and current practices, and report on specific challenges raised and addressed during the Moon Jam, highlighting and discussing key themes that emerged. Finally, we offer a set of guidelines to support the integration of technology into the design of animal husbandry and enrichment that support wellbeing, to advance the best practices in keeping and managing nocturnal and crepuscular animals.

Conserv Biol ; 37(6): e14146, 2023 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37424360


To evaluate conservation interventions, it is necessary to obtain reliable population trends for short (<10 years) time scales. Telemetry can be used to estimate short-term survival rates and is a common tool for assessing population trends, but it has limitations and can be biased toward specific behavioral traits of tagged individuals. Encounter rates calculated from transects can be useful for assessing changes across multiple species, but they can have large confidence intervals and be affected by variations in survey conditions. The decline of African vultures has been well-documented, but understanding of recent trends is lacking. To examine population trends, we used survival estimates from telemetry data collected over 6 years (primarily for white-backed vultures [Gyps africanus]) and transect counts conducted over 8 years (for 7 scavenging raptors) in 3 large protected areas in Tanzania. Population trends were estimated using survival analysis combined with the Leslie Lefkovitch matrix model from the telemetry data and using Bayesian mixed effects generalized linear regression models from the transect data. Both methods showed significant declines for white-backed vultures in Ruaha and Nyerere National Parks. Only telemetry estimates suggested significant declines in Katavi National Park. Encounter rates calculated from transects also showed declines in Nyerere National Park for lappet-faced vultures (38% annual declines) and Bateleurs (18%) and in Ruaha National Park for white-headed vultures (Trigonoceps occipitalis) (19%). Mortality rates recorded and inferred from telemetry suggested that poisoning is prevalent. However, only 6 mortalities of the 26 presumed mortalities were confirmed to be caused by poisoning, highlighting the challenges of determining the cause of death when working across large landscapes. Despite declines, our data provide evidence that southern Tanzania has higher current encounter rates of African vultures than elsewhere in East Africa. Preventing further declines will depend greatly on mitigating poisoning. Based on our results, we suggest that the use of multiple techniques improves understanding of population trends over the short term.

Importancia de combinar los conteos de transectos y los datos de telemetría para determinar las tendencias poblacionales a corto plazo de especies amenazadas a nivel mundial Resumen Para evaluar las intervenciones de conservación es necesario obtener tendencias poblacionales confiables para escalas temporales cortas (<10 años). La telemetría puede usarse para estimar las tasas de supervivencia a corto plazo, además de que es una herramienta común para analizar las tendencias poblacionales, pero tiene limitantes y puede sesgarse con el comportamiento específico de los individuos marcados. Las tasas de encuentro calculadas a partir de transectos pueden ser útiles para analizar cambios en varias especies, aunque pueden tener intervalos grandes de confianza y verse afectadas por las variantes en las condiciones del censo. La declinación de los buitres africanos está bien documentada, pero hace falta el conocimiento sobre las tendencias recientes. Usamos las estimaciones de supervivencia tomadas de datos telemétricos recolectados durante seis años (principalmente del buitre Gyps africanus) y los conteos de transecto de siete especies carroñeras realizados durante ocho años en tres áreas protegidas en Tanzania. Estimamos las tendencias poblacionales con la combinación de análisis de supervivencia y el modelo de matriz Leslie Lefkovitch hecho con los datos telemétricos y usando modelos bayesianos de regresión lineal generalizada de efectos mixtos hechos con los datos de los transectos. Ambos métodos indicaron declinaciones significativas de Gyps africanus en los Parques Nacionales Ruaha y Nyerere. Sólo las estimaciones telemétricas sugirieron una declinación significativa en el Parque Nacional Katavi. Las tasas de encuentro calculadas a partir de los transectos también indicaron declinaciones de Torgos tracheliotos (38% de declinaciones anuales) y de Terathopius ecaudutus (18%) en el Parque Nacional Nyerere y de Trigonoceps occipitalis (19%) en el Parque Nacional Ruaha. Las muertes registradas e inferidas a partir de la telemetría sugieren que el envenenamiento es prevalente. Sin embargo, sólo se confirmaron seis muertes por envenenamiento de las 26 supuestas, lo que resalta los obstáculos para determinar la causa de muerte cuando se trabaja en paisajes amplios. A pesar de las declinaciones, nuestros datos proporcionan evidencia de que el sur de Tanzania tiene tasas actuales de encuentro con buitres africanos más altas que en cualquier otra parte del occidente de África. La prevención de declinaciones en el futuro dependerá principalmente de evitar el envenenamiento. Con base en nuestros resultados, sugerimos que el uso de técnicas múltiples incrementa el conocimiento sobre las tendencias poblacionales a corto plazo.

Endangered Species , Falconiformes , Humans , Animals , Bayes Theorem , Conservation of Natural Resources , Tanzania
Zoo Biol ; 42(4): 476-489, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36807929


The zoo-housed southern white rhinoceros (SWR) population is of special concern due to their lack of consistent breeding success. An enhanced understanding of SWR social preferences could better inform management planning by promoting natural social relationships, which can positively affect their well-being. The large, multigeneration herd housed at the North Carolina Zoo provides an ideal opportunity to examine rhino sociality across different ages, kin types, and social groupings. Eight female rhinos' social and nonsocial behaviors were recorded from November 2020 through June 2021 across 242 h. Activity budget analyses revealed strong seasonal and temporal variations in grazing and resting behaviors, with no stereotypic behaviors recorded. Bond strength calculations suggested that each female maintained strong social bonds with one to two partners. Beyond mother-nursing calf bonds, we found that the strongest social ties were maintained between calf-less adults and subadults in these dyads. Considering these findings, we recommend that management plans attempt to house immature females with calf-less adult females, as they may be necessary to the social landscape of immature females and, ultimately, improve their welfare.

Animals, Zoo , Social Behavior , Animals , Female , Perissodactyla , Stereotyped Behavior
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci ; 374(1780): 20180067, 2019 09 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31303162


Preferential treatment of kin is widespread across social species and is considered a central prerequisite to the evolution of cooperation through kin selection. Though it is well known that, among most social mammals, females will remain within their natal group and often bias social behaviour towards female maternal kin, less is known about the fitness consequences of these relationships. We test the fitness benefits of living with maternal sisters, measured by age-specific female reproduction, using an unusually large database of a semi-captive Asian elephant ( Elephas maximus) population. This study system is particularly valuable to an exploration of reproductive trends in a long-lived mammal, because it includes life-history data that span multiple generations, enabling a study of the effects of kinship across a female's lifespan. We find that living near a sister significantly increased the likelihood of annual reproduction among young female elephants, and this effect was strongest when living near a sister 0-5 years younger. Our results show that fitness benefits gained from relationships with kin are age-specific, establish the basis necessary for the formation and maintenance of close social relationships with female kin, and highlight the adaptive importance of matriliny in a long-lived mammal. This article is part of the theme issue 'The evolution of female-biased kinship in humans and other mammals'.

Biological Evolution , Elephants/physiology , Animals , Elephants/genetics , Family , Female , Male , Reproduction , Social Behavior
PeerJ ; 5: e2904, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28133576


BACKGROUND: Demonstrating the impact that parents have on the fitness of their children is a crucial step towards understanding how parental investment has affected human evolution. Parents not only transfer genes to their children, they also influence their environments. By analyzing reproductive patterns within and between different categories of close relatives, this study provides insight into the genetic and environmental effects that parents have on the fitness of their offspring. METHODS: We use data spanning over two centuries from an exceptionally accurate Icelandic genealogy, Íslendingabók, to analyze the relationship between the fertility rates of close relatives. Also, using genetic data, we determine narrow sense heritability estimates (h2) to further explore the genetic impact on lifetime reproductive success. Finally, we construct four simulations to model the expected contribution of genes and resources on reproductive success. RESULTS: The relationship between the reproduction of all full sibling pairs was significant and positive across all birth decades (r = 0.19) while the reproductive relationship between parents and offspring was often negative across many decades and undetectable overall (r = 0.00) (Fig. 1 and Table 1). Meanwhile, genetic data among 8,456 pairs of full siblings revealed a narrow sense heritability estimate (h2) of 0.00 for lifetime reproductive success. A resources model (following the rule that resources are transmitted from parents to children, distributed equally among siblings, and are the only factor affecting reproductive success) revealed a similar trend: a negative relationship between parent and offspring reproduction (r =  - 0.35) but a positive relationship among full siblings (r = 0.28). The relationship between parent and offspring lifetime reproductive success (LRS) and full sibling LRS was strongly and positively correlated across time (r = 0.799, p < 0.001). Similarly, the LRS among full siblings was positively correlated with both the LRS among half siblings (r = 0.532, p = 0.011) and the relationship between the LRS of aunts and uncles with their nieces and nephews (r = 0.438, p = 0.042). DISCUSSION: We show that an individual's lifetime reproductive success is best predicted by the reproduction of their full and half siblings, but not their parents, grandparents or aunts and uncles. Because all siblings share at least one parent, we believe parental investment has had an important impact on fitness. Overall, these results indicate that direct parental investment, but not genes, is likely to have had an important and persistent impact on lifetime reproductive success across more than two centuries of Icelandic history.