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Astron Astrophys ; 6492021 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34334795


We report the first detection in space of the two doubly deuterated isotopologues of methyl acetylene. The species CHD2CCH and CH2DCCD were identified in the dense core L483 through nine and eight, respectively, rotational lines in the 72-116 GHz range using the IRAM 30m telescope. The astronomical frequencies observed here were combined with laboratory frequencies from the literature measured in the 29-47 GHz range to derive more accurate spectroscopic parameters for the two isotopologues. We derive beam-averaged column densities of (2.7 ± 0.5) × 1012 cm-2 for CHD2CCH and (2.2 ± 0.4) × 1012 cm-2 for CH2DCCD, which translate to abundance ratios CH3CCH/CHD2CCH = 34 ± 10 and CH3CCH/CH2DCCD = 42 ± 13. The doubly deuterated isotopologues of methyl acetylene are only a few times less abundant than the singly deuterated ones, concretely around 2.4 times less abundant than CH3CCD. The abundances of the different deuterated isotopologues with respect to CH3CCH are reasonably accounted for by a gas-phase chemical model in which deuteration occurs from the precursor ions C3H6D+ and C3H5D+, when the ortho-to-para ratio of molecular hydrogen is sufficiently low. This points to gas-phase chemical reactions, rather than grain-surface processes, as responsible for the formation and deuterium fractionation of CH3CCH in L483. The abundance ratios CH2DCCH/CH3CCD = 3.0 ± 0.9 and CHD2CCH/CH2DCCD = 1.25 ± 0.37 observed in L483 are consistent with the statistically expected values of three and one, respectively, with the slight overabundance of CHD2CCH compared to CH2DCCD being well explained by the chemical model.

Astron Astrophys ; 6502021 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34321677


We report the first detection in space of the single deuterated isotopologue of methylcyanoacetylene, CH2DC3N. A total of fifteen rotational transitions, with J = 8-12 and Ka = 0 and 1, were identified for this species in TMC-1 in the 31.0-50.4 GHz range using the Yebes 40m radio telescope. The observed frequencies were used to derive for the first time the spectroscopic parameters of this deuterated isotopologue. We derive a column density of (8.0 ± 0.4) × 1010 cm-2. The abundance ratio between CH3C3N and CH2DC3N is ∼22. We also theoretically computed the principal spectroscopic constants of 13C isotopologues of CH3C3N and CH3C4H and those of the deuterated isotopologues of CH3C4H for which we could expect a similar degree of deuteration enhancement. However, we have not detected either CH2DC4H nor CH3C4D nor any 13C isotopologue. The different observed deuterium ratios in TMC-1 are reasonably accounted for by a gas phase chemical model where the low temperature conditions favor deuteron transfer through reactions with H2D+.

Astron Astrophys ; 6372020 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32565548


CONTEXT: Sulphur is one of the most abundant elements in the Universe. Surprisingly, sulphuretted molecules are not as abundant as expected in the interstellar medium and the identity of the main sulphur reservoir is still an open question. AIMS: Our goal is to investigate the H2S chemistry in dark clouds, as this stable molecule is a potential sulphur reservoir. METHODS: Using millimeter observations of CS, SO, H2S, and their isotopologues, we determine the physical conditions and H2S abundances along the cores TMC 1-C, TMC 1-CP, and Barnard 1b. The gas-grain model Nautilus is used to model the sulphur chemistry and explore the impact of photo-desorption and chemical desorption on the H2S abundance. RESULTS: Our modeling shows that chemical desorption is the main source of gas-phase H2S in dark cores. The measured H2S abundance can only be fitted if we assume that the chemical desorption rate decreases by more than a factor of 10 when n H > 2 × 104. This change in the desorption rate is consistent with the formation of thick H2O and CO ice mantles on grain surfaces. The observed SO and H2S abundances are in good agreement with our predictions adopting an undepleted value of the sulphur abundance. However, the CS abundance is overestimated by a factor of 5 - 10. Along the three cores, atomic S is predicted to be the main sulphur reservoir. CONCLUSIONS: The gaseous H2S abundance is well reproduced, assuming undepleted sulphur abundance and chemical desorption as the main source of H2S. The behavior of the observed H2S abundance suggests a changing desorption efficiency, which would probe the snowline in these cold cores. Our model, however, highly overestimates the observed gas-phase CS abundance. Given the uncertainty in the sulphur chemistry, we can only conclude that our data are consistent with a cosmic elemental S abundance with an uncertainty of a factor of 10.

Astron Astrophys ; 6282019 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31511745


CONTEXT: Sulphur is one of the most abundant elements in the Universe (S/H∼1.3×10 -5 ) and plays a crucial role in biological systems on Earth. The understanding of its chemistry is therefore of major importance. AIMS: Our goal is to complete the inventory of S-bearing molecules and their abundances in the prototypical photodissociation region (PDR) the Horsehead nebula to gain insight into sulphur chemistry in UV irradiated regions. Based on the WHISPER (Wide-band High-resolution Iram-30m Surveys at two positions with Emir Receivers) millimeter (mm) line survey, our goal is to provide an improved and more accurate description of sulphur species and their abundances towards the core and PDR positions in the Horsehead. METHODS: The Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) methodology and the molecular excitation and radiative transfer code RADEX were used to explore the parameter space and determine physical conditions and beam-averaged molecular abundances. RESULTS: A total of 13 S-bearing species (CS, SO, SO2, OCS, H2CS - both ortho and para - HDCS, C2S, HCS+, SO+, H2S, S2H, NS and NS+) have been detected in the two targeted positions. This is the first detection of SO+ in the Horsehead and the first detection of NS+ in any PDR. We find a differentiated chemical behaviour between C-S and O-S bearing species within the nebula. The C-S bearing species C2S and o-H2CS present fractional abundances a factor of > two higher in the core than in the PDR. In contrast, the O-S bearing molecules SO, SO2, and OCS present similar abundances towards both positions. A few molecules, SO+, NS, and NS+, are more abundant towards the PDR than towards the core, and could be considered as PDR tracers. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first complete study of S-bearing species towards a PDR. Our study shows that CS, SO, and H2S are the most abundant S-bearing molecules in the PDR with abundances of ∼ a few 10-9. We recall that SH, SH+, S, and S+ are not observable at the wavelengths covered by the WHISPER survey. At the spatial scale of our observations, the total abundance of S atoms locked in the detected species is < 10-8, only ∼0.1% of the cosmic sulphur abundance.

Astron Astrophys ; 6252019 Jul 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31327870


An exhaustive chemical characterization of dense cores is mandatory to our understanding of chemical composition changes from a starless to a protostellar stage. However, only a few sources have had their molecular composition characterized in detail. Here we present a λ 3 mm line survey of L483, a dense core around a Class 0 protostar, which was observed with the IRAM 30m telescope in the 80-116 GHz frequency range. We detected 71 molecules (140 including different isotopologs), most of which are present in the cold and quiescent ambient cloud according to their narrow lines (FWHM ~0.5 km s-1) and low rotational temperatures (≲10 K). Of particular interest among the detected molecules are the cis isomer of HCOOH, the complex organic molecules HCOOCH3, CH3OCH3, and C2H5OH, a wide variety of carbon chains, nitrogen oxides like N2O, and saturated molecules like CH3SH, in addition to eight new interstellar molecules (HCCO, HCS, HSC, NCCNH+, CNCN, NCO, H2NCO+, and NS+) whose detection has already been reported. In general, fractional molecular abundances in L483 are systematically lower than in TMC-1 (especially for carbon chains), tend to be higher than in L1544 and B1-b, and are similar to those in L1527. Apart from the overabundance of carbon chains in TMC-1, we find that L483 does not have a marked chemical differentiation with respect to starless/prestellar cores like TMC-1 and L1544, although it does chemically differentiate from Class 0 hot corino sources like IRAS 16293-2422. This fact suggests that the chemical composition of the ambient cloud of some Class 0 sources could be largely inherited from the dark cloud starless/prestellar phase. We explore the use of potential chemical evolutionary indicators, such as the HNCO/C3S, SO2/C2S, and CH3SH/C2S ratios, to trace the prestellar/protostellar transition. We also derived isotopic ratios for a variety of molecules, many of which show isotopic ratios close to the values for the local interstellar medium (remarkably all those involving 34S and 33S), while there are also several isotopic anomalies like an extreme depletion in 13C for one of the two isotopologs of c-C3H2, a drastic enrichment in 18O for SO and HNCO (SO being also largely enriched in 17O), and different abundances for the two 13C substituted species of C2H and the two 15N substituted species of N2H+. We report the first detection in space of some minor isotopologs like c-C3D. The exhaustive chemical characterization of L483 presented here, together with similar studies of other prestellar and protostellar sources, should allow us to identify the main factors that regulate the chemical composition of cores along the process of formation of low-mass protostars.

Astron Astrophys ; 6242019 May 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31156252


GEMS is an IRAM 30m Large Program whose aim is determining the elemental depletions and the ionization fraction in a set of prototypical star-forming regions. This paper presents the first results from the prototypical dark cloud TMC 1. Extensive millimeter observations have been carried out with the IRAM 30m telescope (3 mm and 2 mm) and the 40m Yebes telescope (1.3 cm and 7 mm) to determine the fractional abundances of CO, HCO+, HCN, CS, SO, HCS+, and N2H+ in three cuts which intersect the dense filament at the well-known positions TMC 1-CP, TMC 1-NH3, and TMC 1-C, covering a visual extinction range from A V ~ 3 to ~20 mag. Two phases with differentiated chemistry can be distinguished: i) the translucent envelope with molecular hydrogen densities of 1-5×103 cm-3; and ii) the dense phase, located at A V > 10 mag, with molecular hydrogen densities >104 cm-3. Observations and modeling show that the gas phase abundances of C and O progressively decrease along the C+/C/CO transition zone (A V ~ 3 mag) where C/H ~ 8×10-5 and C/O~0.8-1, until the beginning of the dense phase at A V ~ 10 mag. This is consistent with the grain temperatures being below the CO evaporation temperature in this region. In the case of sulfur, a strong depletion should occur before the translucent phase where we estimate a S/H ~ (0.4 - 2.2) ×10-6, an abundance ~7-40 times lower than the solar value. A second strong depletion must be present during the formation of the thick icy mantles to achieve the values of S/H measured in the dense cold cores (S/H ~8×10-8). Based on our chemical modeling, we constrain the value of ζ H2 to ~ (0.5 - 1.8) ×10-16 s-1 in the translucent cloud.

Mon Not R Astron Soc ; 477(4): 4792-4809, 2018 Apr 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30197453


Evidence is mounting that the small bodies of our Solar System, such as comets and asteroids, have at least partially inherited their chemical composition from the first phases of the Solar System formation. It then appears that the molecular complexity of these small bodies is most likely related to the earliest stages of star formation. It is therefore important to characterize and to understand how the chemical evolution changes with solar-type protostellar evolution. We present here the Large Program "Astrochemical Surveys At IRAM" (ASAI). Its goal is to carry out unbiased millimeter line surveys between 80 and 272 GHz of a sample of ten template sources, which fully cover the first stages of the formation process of solar-type stars, from prestellar cores to the late protostellar phase. In this article, we present an overview of the surveys and results obtained from the analysis of the 3 mm band observations. The number of detected main isotopic species barely varies with the evolutionary stage and is found to be very similar to that of massive star-forming regions. The molecular content in O- and C- bearing species allows us to define two chemical classes of envelopes, whose composition is dominated by either a) a rich content in O-rich complex organic molecules, associated with hot corino sources, or b) a rich content in hydrocarbons, typical of Warm Carbon Chain Chemistry sources. Overall, a high chemical richness is found to be present already in the initial phases of solar-type star formation.

Astrophys J Lett ; 8532018 Jan 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29983906


We report the detection in space of a new molecular species which has been characterized spectroscopically and fully identified from astrophysical data. The observations were carried out with the 30m IRAM telescopea. The molecule is ubiquitous as its J=2→1 transition has been found in cold molecular clouds, prestellar cores, and shocks. However, it is not found in the hot cores of Orion-KL and in the carbon-rich evolved star IRC+10216. Three rotational transitions in perfect harmonic relation J' = 2/3/5 have been identified in the prestellar core B1b. The molecule has a 1Σ electronic ground state and its J=2→1 transition presents the hyperfine structure characteristic of a molecule containing a nucleus with spin 1. A careful analysis of possible carriers shows that the best candidate is NS+. The derived rotational constant agrees within 0.3-0.7% with ab initio calculations. NS+ was also produced in the laboratory to unambiguously validate the astrophysical assignment. The observed rotational frequencies and determined molecular constants confirm the discovery of the nitrogen sulfide cation in space. The chemistry of NS+ and related nitrogen-bearing species has been analyzed by means of a time-dependent gas phase model. The model reproduces well the observed NS/NS+ abundance ratio, in the range 30-50, and indicates that NS+ is formed by reactions of the neutral atoms N and S with the cations SH+ and NH+, respectively.

Astron Astrophys ; 6122018 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29973739


The isocyanate radical (NCO) is the simplest molecule containing the backbone of the peptide bond, C(=O)-N. This bond has a prebiotic interest since is the one linking two amino acids to form large chains of proteins. It is also present in some organic molecules observed in space such as HNCO, NH2CHO and CH3NCO. In this letter we report the first detection in space of NCO towards the dense core L483. We also report the identification of the ion H2NCO+, definitively confirming its presence in space, and observations of HNCO, HOCN, and HCNO in the same source. For NCO, we derive a column density of 2.2×1012 cm-2, which means that it is only ~5 times less abundant than HNCO. We find that H2NCO+, HOCN and HCNO have abundances relative to HNCO of 1/400, 1/80, and 1/160, respectively. Both NCO and H2NCO+ are involved in the production of HNCO and several of its isomers. We have updated our previous chemical models involving NCO and the production of the CHNO isomers. Taking into account the uncertainties in the model, the observed abundances are reproduced relatively well. Indeed, the detection of NCO and H2NCO+ in L483 supports the chemical pathways to the formation of the detected CHNO isomers. Sensitive observations of NCO in sources where other molecules containing the C(=O)-N subunit have been detected could help in elucidating its role in prebiotic chemistry in space.

Astron Astrophys ; 6202018 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31844333


The Barnard 1b core shows signatures of being at the earliest stages of low-mass star formation, with two extremely young and deeply embedded protostellar objects. Hence, this core is an ideal target to study the structure and chemistry of the first objects formed in the collapse of prestellar cores. We present ALMA Band 6 spectral line observations at ~0.6″ of angular resolution towards Barnard 1b. We have extracted the spectra towards both protostars, and used a Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE) model to reproduce the observed line profiles. B1b-S shows rich and complex spectra, with emission from high energy transitions of complex molecules, such as CH3OCOH and CH3CHO, including vibrational level transitions. We have tentatively detected for the first time in this source emission from NH2CN, NH2CHO, CH3CH2OH, CH2OHCHO, CH3CH2OCOH and both aGg' and gGg' conformers of (CH2OH)2. This is the first detection of ethyl formate (CH3CH2OCOH) towards a low-mass star forming region. On the other hand, the spectra of the FHSC candidate B1b-N are free of COMs emission. In order to fit the observed line profiles in B1b-S, we used a source model with two components: an inner hot and compact component (200 K, 0.35″) and an outer and colder one (60 K, 0.6″). The resulting COM abundances in B1b-S range from 10-13 for NH2CN and NH2CHO, up to 10-9 for CH3OCOH. Our ALMA Band 6 observations reveal the presence of a compact and hot component in B1b-S, with moderate abundances of complex organics. These results indicate that a hot corino is being formed in this very young Class 0 source.

Astron Astrophys ; 6062017 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29093600


The extremely young Class 0 object B1b-S and the first hydrostatic core (FSHC) candidate, B1b-N, provide a unique opportunity to study the chemical changes produced in the elusive transition from the prestellar core to the protostellar phase. We present 40"×70" images of Barnard 1b in the 13CO 1→0, C18O 1→0, NH2D 11,1a→10,1s, and SO 32→21 lines obtained with the NOEMA interferometer. The observed chemical segregation allows us to unveil the physical structure of this young protostellar system down to scales of ∼500 au. The two protostellar objects are embedded in an elongated condensation, with a velocity gradient of ∼0.2-0.4 m s-1 au-1 in the east-west direction, reminiscent of an axial collapse. The NH2D data reveal cold and dense pseudo-disks (R∼500-1000 au) around each protostar. Moreover, we observe evidence of pseudo-disk rotation around B1b-S. We do not see any signature of the bipolar outflows associated with B1b-N and B1b-S, which were previously detected in H2CO and CH3OH, in any of the imaged species. The non-detection of SO constrains the SO/CH3OH abundance ratio in the high-velocity gas.

Astron Astrophys ; 6062017 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29142329


AIMS: The formation epoch of protostellar disks is debated because of the competing roles of rotation, turbulence, and magnetic fields in the early stages of low-mass star formation. Magnetohydrodynamics simulations of collapsing cores predict that rotationally supported disks may form in strongly magnetized cores through ambipolar diffusion or misalignment between the rotation axis and the magnetic field orientation. Detailed studies of individual sources are needed to cross check the theoretical predictions. METHODS: We present 0.06 - 0.1 ″ resolution images at 350 GHz toward B1b-N and B1b-S, which are young class 0 protostars, possibly first hydrostatic cores. The images have been obtained with ALMA, and we compare these data with magnetohydrodynamics simulations of a collapsing turbulent and magnetized core. RESULTS: The submillimeter continuum emission is spatially resolved by ALMA. Compact structures with optically thick 350 GHz emission are detected toward both B1b-N and B1b-S, with 0.2 and 0.35″ radii (46 and 80 au at the Perseus distance of 230 pc), within a more extended envelope. The flux ratio between the compact structure and the envelope is lower in B1b-N than in B1b-S, in agreement with its earlier evolutionary status. The size and orientation of the compact structure are consistent with 0.2″ resolution 32 GHz observations obtained with the Very Large Array as a part of the VANDAM survey, suggesting that grains have grown through coagulation. The morphology, temperature, and densities of the compact structures are consistent with those of disks formed in numerical simulations of collapsing cores. Moreover, the properties of B1b-N are consistent with those of a very young protostar, possibly a first hydrostatic core. These observations provide support for the early formation of disks around low-mass protostars.

Astron Astrophys ; 6062017 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28989177


CONTEXT: L1630 in the Orion B molecular cloud, which includes the iconic Horsehead Nebula, illuminated by the star system σ Ori, is an example of a photodissociation region (PDR). In PDRs, stellar radiation impinges on the surface of dense material, often a molecular cloud, thereby inducing a complex network of chemical reactions and physical processes. AIMS: Observations toward L1630 allow us to study the interplay between stellar radiation and a molecular cloud under relatively benign conditions, that is, intermediate densities and an intermediate UV radiation field. Contrary to the well-studied Orion Molecular Cloud 1 (OMC1), which hosts much harsher conditions, L1630 has little star formation. Our goal is to relate the [Cii] fine-structure line emission to the physical conditions predominant in L1630 and compare it to studies of OMC1. METHODS: The [Cii] 158 µm line emission of L1630 around the Horsehead Nebula, an area of 12' × 17', was observed using the upgraded German Receiver for Astronomy at Terahertz Frequencies (upGREAT) onboard the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA). RESULTS: Of the [Cii] emission from the mapped area 95%, 13 L⊙, originates from the molecular cloud; the adjacent Hii region contributes only 5%, that is, 1 L⊙. From comparison with other data (CO(1-0)-line emission, far-infrared (FIR) continuum studies, emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)), we infer a gas density of the molecular cloud of nH ∼ 3 · 103 cm-3, with surface layers, including the Horsehead Nebula, having a density of up to nH ∼ 4 · 104 cm-3. The temperature of the surface gas is T ∼ 100 K. The average [Cii] cooling efficiency within the molecular cloud is 1.3 · 10-2. The fraction of the mass of the molecular cloud within the studied area that is traced by [Cii] is only 8%. Our PDR models are able to reproduce the FIR-[Cii] correlations and also the CO(1-0)-[Cii] correlations. Finally, we compare our results on the heating efficiency of the gas with theoretical studies of photoelectric heating by PAHs, clusters of PAHs, and very small grains, and find the heating efficiency to be lower than theoretically predicted, a continuation of the trend set by other observations. CONCLUSIONS: In L1630 only a small fraction of the gas mass is traced by [Cii]. Most of the [Cii] emission in the mapped area stems from PDR surfaces. The layered edge-on structure of the molecular cloud and limitations in spatial resolution put constraints on our ability to relate different tracers to each other and to the physical conditions. From our study, we conclude that the relation between [Cii] emission and physical conditions is likely to be more complicated than often assumed. The theoretical heating efficiency is higher than the one we calculate from the observed [Cii] emission in the L1630 molecular cloud.

Astron Astrophys ; 5932016 09 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27721515


The CO+ reactive ion is thought to be a tracer of the boundary between a HII region and the hot molecular gas. In this study, we present the spatial distribution of the CO+ rotational emission toward the Mon R2 star-forming region. The CO+ emission presents a clumpy ring-like morphology, arising from a narrow dense layer around the HII region. We compare the CO+ distribution with other species present in photon-dominated regions (PDR), such as [CII] 158 µm, H2 S(3) rotational line at 9.3 µm, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and HCO+. We find that the CO+ emission is spatially coincident with the PAHs and [CII] emission. This confirms that the CO+ emission arises from a narrow dense layer of the HI/H2 interface. We have determined the CO+ fractional abundance, relative to C+ toward three positions. The abundances range from 0.1 to 1.9 ×10-10 and are in good agreement with previous chemical model, which predicts that the production of CO+ in PDRs only occurs in dense regions with high UV fields. The CO+ linewidth is larger than those found in molecular gas tracers, and their central velocity are blue-shifted with respect to the molecular gas velocity. We interpret this as a hint that the CO+ is probing photo-evaporating clump surfaces.

Astron Astrophys ; 5932016 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27708436


CONTEXT: Barnard B1b has revealed as one of the most interesting globules from the chemical and dynamical point of view. It presents a rich molecular chemistry characterized by large abundances of deuterated and complex molecules. Furthermore, it hosts an extremely young Class 0 object and one candidate to First Hydrostatic Core (FHSC) proving the youth of this star forming region. AIMS: Our aim is to determine the cosmic ray ionization rate, [Formula: see text], and the depletion factors in this extremely young star forming region. These parameteres determine the dynamical evolution of the core. METHODS: We carried out a spectral survey towards Barnard 1b as part of the IRAM Large program ASAI using the IRAM 30-m telescope at Pico Veleta (Spain). This provided a very complete inventory of neutral and ionic C-, N- and S- bearing species with, up to our knowledge, the first secure detections of the deuterated ions DCS+ and DOCO+. We use a state-of-the-art pseudo-time-dependent gas-phase chemical model that includes the ortho and para forms of [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] to determine the local value of the cosmic ray ionization rate and the depletion factors. RESULTS: Our model assumes n(H2)=105 cm-3 and T k =12 K, as derived from our previous works. The observational data are well fitted with ζH2 between 3×10-17 s-1 and 10-16 s-1, and the following elemental abundances: O/H=3 10-5, N/H=6.4-8 10-5, C/H=1.7 10-5 and S/H between 6.0 10-7 and 1.0 10-6. The large number of neutral/protonated species detected, allows us to derive the elemental abundances and cosmic ray ionization rate simultaneously. Elemental depletions are estimated to be ~10 for C and O, ~1 for N and ~25 for S. CONCLUSIONS: Barnard B1b presents similar depletions of C and O than those measured in pre-stellar cores. The depletion of sulfur is higher than that of C and O but not as extreme as in cold cores. In fact, it is similar to the values found in some bipolar outflows, hot cores and photon-dominated regions. Several scenarios are discussed to account for these peculiar abundances. We propose that it is the consequence of the initial conditions (important outflows and enhanced UV fields in the surroundings) and a rapid collapse (~0.1 Myr) that permits to maintain most S- and N-bearing species in gas phase to great optical depths. The interaction of the compact outflow associated with B1b-S with the surrounding material could enhance the abundances of S-bearing molecules, as well.

Astron Astrophys ; 5792015 Jul 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26543239


Cyanogen (NCCN) is the simplest member of the series of dicyanopolyynes. It has been hypothesized that this family of molecules can be important constituents of interstellar and circumstellar media, although the lack of a permanent electric dipole moment prevents its detection through radioastronomical techniques. Here we present the first solid evidence of the presence of cyanogen in interstellar clouds through the detection of its protonated form toward the cold dark clouds TMC-1 and L483. Protonated cyanogen (NCCNH+) has been identified through the J = 5 - 4 and J = 10 - 9 rotational transitions using the 40m radiotelescope of Yebes and the IRAM 30m telescope. We derive beam averaged column densities for NCCNH+ of (8.6 ± 4.4) × 1010 cm-2 in TMC-1 and (3.9 ± 1.8) × 1010 cm-2 in L483, which translate to fairly low fractional abundances relative to H2, in the range (1-10) × 10-12. The chemistry of protonated molecules in dark clouds is discussed, and it is found that, in general terms, the abundance ratio between the protonated and non protonated forms of a molecule increases with increasing proton affinity. Our chemical model predicts an abundance ratio NCCNH+/NCCN of ~ 10-4, which implies that the abundance of cyanogen in dark clouds could be as high as (1-10) × 10-8 relative to H2, i.e., comparable to that of other abundant nitriles such as HCN, HNC, and HC3N.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 370(1978): 5200-12, 2012 Nov 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23028166


Measuring the age of molecular clouds and prestellar cores is a difficult task that has not yet been successfully accomplished although the information is of paramount importance to help in understanding and discriminating between different formation scenarios. Most chemical clocks suffer from unknown initial conditions and are therefore difficult to use. We propose a new approach based on a subset of deuterium chemistry that takes place in the gas phase and for which initial conditions are relatively well known. It relies primarily on the conversion of H(3)(+) into H(2)D(+) to initiate deuterium enrichment of the molecular gas. This conversion is controlled by the ortho/para ratio of H(2) that is thought to be produced with the statistical ratio of 3 and subsequently slowly decays to an almost pure para-H(2) phase. This slow decay takes approximately 1 Myr and allows us to set an upper limit on the age of molecular clouds. The deuterium enrichment of the core takes longer to reach equilibrium and allows us to estimate the time necessary to form a dense prestellar core, i.e. the last step before the collapse of the core into a protostar. We find that the observed abundance and distribution of DCO(+) and N(2)D(+) argue against quasi-static core formation and favour dynamical formation on time scales of less than 1 Myr. Another consequence is that ortho-H(2) remains comparable to para-H(2) in abundance outside the dense cores.
