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Res Sq ; 2024 May 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38798441


Many countries implement a double-shift schooling system, offering morning or afternoon shifts, driven by diverse factors. Young people with ADHD may face educational problems attending morning shifts compared to afternoon shifts. To investigate this, we used data from a Brazilian school-based cohort (n = 2.240, 6-14 years old, 45.6% female; 50.2% in the morning shift; 11.2% with ADHD). ADHD was determined by child psychiatrists using semi-structured interview. Educational outcomes were measured cross-sectionally and three years later (80% retention) and included reading and writing ability, performance in school subjects, and any negative school events (repetition, suspension, or dropout). Generalized regression models tested the interaction between ADHD and school shift and were adjusted for age, sex, race/ethnicity, intelligence, parental education, socioeconomic status, and site. Attrition was adjusted with inverse probability weights. We used two dimensional measures of attentional problems as sensitivity analysis. ADHD and morning shift were independently associated with lower reading and writing ability and with higher odds for negative school events cross sectionally. ADHD independently predicted lower performance in school subjects and higher negative school events at follow-up. Interaction was found only at the cross-sectional level in a way that those studying in the afternoon present better educational outcomes compared with those studying in the morning only if they have lower ADHD symptom. Thus, ADHD was not associated with poorer educational outcomes among those studying in the morning. However, participants studying in the afternoon with lower levels of attentional problems presented better educational, despite these associations fade away over time.

Rev. enferm. Cent.-Oeste Min ; 12: 4624, nov. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1425862


Objetivo: caracterizar os incidentes notificados envolvendo o uso de medicamentos em unidades de internação adulto de um hospital universitário. Método: estudo observacional do tipo transversal,em um hospital universitário de grande porte no sul do país. Utilizaram-se 1896 notificações do sistema eletrônico da instituição referente aos erros de medicação, entre 2015 e 2017, em 13 unidades de internação adulto clínica e cirúrgica. Para análise das variáveis utilizou-se um instrumento próprio e estatística descritiva. Resultados: os incidentes de medicação estiveram relacionados à prescrição (85,9%) e administração (10,1%) e envolviam o atraso da prescrição (77%) e a dose errada (7,9%), respectivamente. Os erros concentraram-se no ano de 2015 (70,2%), emunidades de internação cirúrgica (90%) e verificou-se informações preenchidas parcialmente e/ou incompletas nas notificações (70%).Conclusão: acaracterização dos incidentes subsidiou a implementação de estratégias pelos gestores da instituição, voltadas para a problemática, reduzindo as ocorrências e melhorando o cuidado ao paciente

Objective:to characterize the reported incidents involving the use of medication in adult inpatient units of a university hospital. Method:this is an observational, cross-sectional, in a large university hospital in the south of the country. We used 1896 notifications from the institution's electronic system regarding medication errors, between 2015 and 2017, in 13 adult clinical and surgical hospitalization units. To analyze the variables, a specific instrument and descriptive statistics were used.Results:medication incidents were related to prescription (85.9%) and administration (10.1%) and involved prescription delay (77%) and wrong dose (7.9%), respectively. Errors were concentrated in 2015 (70.2%), in surgical inpatient units (90%) and information was partially filled and/or incomplete in the notifications (70%).Conclusion:the characterization of the incidents supported the implementation of strategies by the institution's managers, focused on the problem, reducing notifications and improving patient care

Objetivo: caracterizar los incidentes reportados relacionados con el uso de medicación en unidades de internación de adultos de un hospital universitario. Método: se trata de un estudio observacional, transversal, en un gran hospital universitario del sur del país. Se utilizaron 1896 notificaciones del sistema electrónico de la institución sobre errores de medicación, entre 2015 y 2017, en 13 unidades de hospitalización clínica y quirúrgica de adultos. Para el análisis de las variables se utilizó un instrumento específico y estadística descriptiva. Resultados:los incidentes de medicación se relacionaron con la prescripción (85,9%) y la administración (10,1%) e involucraron retraso en la prescripción (77%) y dosis incorrecta (7,9%), respectivamente. Los errores se concentraron en 2015 (70,2%),en las unidades de internación quirúrgica (90%) y la información estaba parcialmente llena y/o incompleta en las notificaciones (70%). Conclusión: la caracterización de los incidentes apoyó la implementación de estrategias por parte de los gerentes de la institución, enfocadas al problema, reduciendo las notificaciones y mejorando la atención al paciente

Humans , Male , Female , Risk Management , Inpatient Care Units , Patient Safety , Medication Errors , Medication Systems