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Curr Res Insect Sci ; 6: 100093, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39220234


Due to the increasing pressures on bees, many beekeepers currently wish to move their managed livestock of Apis mellifera into little disturbed ecosystems such as protected natural areas. This may, however, exert detrimental competitive effects upon local wild pollinators. While it appears critical for land managers to get an adequate knowledge of this issue for effective wildlife conservation schemes, the frequency of this competition is not clear to date. Based on a systematic literature review of 96 studies, we assessed the frequency of exploitative competition between honey bees and wild pollinators. We found that 78% of the studies highlighted exploitative competition from honey bees to wild pollinators. Importantly, these studies have mostly explored competition with wild bees, while only 18% of them considered other pollinator taxa such as ants, beetles, bugs, butterflies, flies, moths, and wasps. The integration of non-bee pollinators into scientific studies and conservation plans is urgently required as they are critical for the pollination of many wild plants and crops. Interestingly, we found that a majority (88%) of these studies considering also non-bee pollinators report evidence of competition. Thus, neglecting non-bee pollinators could imply an underestimation of competition risks from honey bees. More inclusive work is needed to estimate the risks of competition in its entirety, but also to apprehend the context-dependency of competition so as to properly inform wildlife conservation schemes.

Glob Chang Biol ; 30(9): e17499, 2024 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39239832


This article is an Invited Commentary on Stephenson et al. (2024). This commentary attempts to provide broader context of the research within the body of literature on species loss and ecosystem functioning and highlights its relevance to conservation and global change.

Climate Change , Ecosystem , Forests , Animals , Conservation of Natural Resources , Feces/chemistry
Ecotoxicol Environ Saf ; 283: 116848, 2024 Aug 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39116691


This comprehensive review articulates critical insights into the nexus of environmental stressors and their health impacts across diverse species, underscoring significant findings that reveal profound effects on both wildlife and human health systems. Central to our examination is the role of pollutants, climate variables, and pathogens in contributing to complex disease dynamics and physiological disruptions, with particular emphasis on immune and endocrine functions. This research brings to light emerging evidence on the severe implications of environmental pressures on a variety of taxa, including predatory mammals, raptorial birds, seabirds, fish, and humans, which are pivotal as indicators of broader ecosystem health and stability. We delve into the nuanced interplay between environmental degradation and zoonotic diseases, highlighting novel intersections that pose significant risks to biodiversity and human populations. The review critically evaluates current methodologies and advances in understanding the morphological, histopathological, and biochemical responses of these organisms to environmental stressors. We discuss the implications of our findings for conservation strategies, advocating for a more integrated approach that incorporates the dynamics of zoonoses and pollution control. This synthesis not only contributes to the academic discourse but also aims to influence policy by aligning with the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. It underscores the urgent need for sustainable interactions between humans and their environments, which are critical for preserving biodiversity and ensuring global health security. By presenting a detailed analysis of the interdependencies between environmental stressors and biological health, this review highlights significant gaps in current research and provides a foundation for future studies aimed at mitigating these pressing issues. Our study is significant as it proposes integrative and actionable strategies to address the challenges at the intersection of environmental change and public health, marking a crucial step forward in planetary health science.

Conserv Biol ; : e14348, 2024 Aug 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39166836


Protected areas are typically considered a cornerstone of conservation programs and play a fundamental role in protecting natural areas and biodiversity. Human-driven land-use and land-cover (LULC) changes lead to habitat loss and biodiversity loss inside protected areas, impairing their effectiveness. However, the global dynamics of habitat quality and habitat degradation in protected areas remain unclear. We used the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs (InVEST) model based on global annual remotely sensed data to examine the spatial and temporal trends in habitat quality and degradation in global terrestrial protected areas. Habitat quality represented the ability of habitats to provide suitable conditions for the persistence of individuals and populations, and habitat degradation represented the impacts on habitats from human-driven LULC changes in the surrounding landscape. Based on a linear mixed-effects modeling method, we also explored the relationship between habitat degradation trends and protected area characteristics, biophysical factors, and socioeconomic factors. Habitat quality declined by 0.005 (0.6%) and habitat degradation increased by 0.002 (11%) from 1992 to 2020 globally, and similar trends occurred even in remote or restrictively managed protected areas. Habitat degradation was attributed primarily to nonirrigated cropland (62%) and urbanization (27%) in 2020. Increases in elevation, gross domestic production per capita, and human population density and decreases in agricultural suitability were associated with accelerated habitat degradation. Our results suggest that human-induced LULC changes have expanded from already-exploited areas into relatively undisturbed areas, and that in wealthy countries in particular, degradation is related to rapid urbanization and increasing demand for agricultural products.

Tendencias en la calidad y degradación del hábitat en áreas protegidas terrestres Resumen Las áreas protegidas suelen considerarse la piedra angular de los programas de conservación y desempeñan un papel fundamental en la protección de los espacios naturales y la biodiversidad. Los cambios en el uso y la cobertura del suelo (CUCS) provocados por el hombre conducen a la pérdida de hábitats y de biodiversidad dentro de las áreas protegidas, lo que merma su eficacia. Sin embargo, la dinámica global de la calidad y la degradación del hábitat en las áreas protegidas sigue sin estar clara. Utilizamos el modelo de valoración integrada de servicios ambientales y compensaciones (InVEST), basado en datos anuales mundiales obtenidos por teledetección, para examinar las tendencias espaciales y temporales de la calidad y degradación del hábitat en las áreas terrestres protegidas de todo el mundo. La calidad del hábitat representó su capacidad para proporcionar condiciones adecuadas para la persistencia de individuos y poblaciones, y la degradación del hábitat representó los impactos sobre los hábitats de los cambios CUCS provocados por el hombre en el paisaje circundante. Con base en un método de modelo lineal de efectos mixtos, también exploramos la relación entre las tendencias de degradación del hábitat y las características de las áreas protegidas, los factores biofísicos y los factores socioeconómicos. La calidad del hábitat disminuyó en un 0.005 (0,6%) y la degradación del hábitat aumentó en un 0.002 (11%) entre 1992 y 2020 a nivel mundial, y se produjeron tendencias similares incluso en áreas protegidas remotas o gestionadas de forma restrictiva. La degradación del hábitat se atribuyó principalmente a las tierras de cultivo sin irrigación (62%) y a la urbanización (27%) en 2020. El aumento de la altitud, del producto interno bruto per cápita y de la densidad de población humana, así como la disminución de la idoneidad agrícola, se asociaron a una aceleración de la degradación del hábitat. Nuestros resultados sugieren que los cambios en el CUCS inducidos por el hombre se han extendido desde zonas ya explotadas a zonas relativamente inalteradas, y que, en particular en los países ricos, la degradación está relacionada con la rápida urbanización y la creciente demanda de productos agrícolas.

Plants (Basel) ; 13(16)2024 Aug 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39204718


Indonesia, located in Southeast Asia, is the world's largest tropical island country. It is globally recognized as a unique center of biodiversity in the Asian-Australian transitional zone. To date, however, no national plant checklist of Indonesia has been published. Here, we collected botanical information on the flora of Indonesia and presented for the first time a checklist of known native species of vascular plants in the country. Our checklist included 30,466 species belonging to 2968 genera and 317 families, representing 8.7% of the 351,180 vascular plant species worldwide. Among the seven regions, Sumatra had the highest number of species at 10,902, followed by Indonesian New Guinea (9935), Java (9289), Kalimantan (9191), Sulawesi (7048), Maluku (5294), and Lesser Sunda Islands (4514). In contrast, Indonesian New Guinea had a much higher proportion of locally endemic species than other regions (59%). The seven regions were divided into three phytogeographical areas: the Sunda Shelf, the Sahul Shelf, and the Wallacea, based on similarities in floristic composition. Our checklist for Indonesia provides basic information for biodiversity conservation and associated research.

Animals (Basel) ; 14(16)2024 Aug 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39199947


The surge in wildlife-vehicle collision research has not yet translated into a substantial decrease in animal fatalities. In line with the prevailing view, we suspect that drivers' behaviour may be the most crucial element. We address a research gap in drivers' attitudes towards and behaviour in response to wildlife-vehicle collisions from a tourist perspective. We designed a questionnaire to examine tourists' attitudes and behaviour in relation to wildlife-vehicle collisions while driving in Tasmania. We found that the respondents' sociodemographic attributes had minimal effect on their practical responses to roadkill. Tourists consider wildlife-vehicle collisions a serious problem for both biodiversity loss and animal welfare reasons, and their willingness to change their behaviour was high. However, many respondents did not stop to check for surviving pouch young. This inaction resulted either from overlooking the importance of pouch checking or a lack of knowledge on what action needed to be taken. There may also be a lack of understanding that roadkill left on the road leads to secondary roadkill incidents. Even though tourist behaviour does not automatically represent residents' behaviour, these findings will help to improve and tailor educational approaches to rectify the driver awareness/behaviour gap for both tourists and residents.

Sci Total Environ ; 950: 175278, 2024 Nov 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39122026


Urban waterfront areas are dynamic interfaces where human and natural systems converge, forming complex ecosystems that encompass social, economic, and environmental elements. These areas offer ecological benefits and aesthetic experiences. However, a disparity between social aesthetic preferences and vegetation diversity along riverbanks impedes the integration of ecological and aesthetic values. To address this, a plant community optimization strategy based on a coupling coordination degree model (CCDM) is proposed. Using the Xietang River in Suzhou, China as a case study, surveys were conducted on 33 woody plant plots and 60 herbaceous plant plots, assessing plant diversity with Shannon-Wiener, richness, and Pielou indices. Landscape beauty was evaluated by 87 respondents using the Scenic Beauty Estimation method. Using six representative plant communities as mediators, CCDM was applied to quantitatively analyze the coordination between plant diversity and aesthetics. Based on this analysis and considering factors influencing plant diversity and scenic beauty, plant community optimization strategies were devised to enhance the coordinated development of ecological diversity and aesthetics, fostering a synergistic improvement in ecological and aesthetic quality. Results revealed a range of coupling coordination across plant communities (0.203 to 0.947), encompassing various types. Linear regression analysis demonstrated a non-linear relationship between plant diversity and landscape beauty, influenced by independent yet partially overlapping factors. Hence, both aspects should be simultaneously considered in the planning and enhancement of riverbank areas. The coupling coordination degree offers a comprehensive understanding of harmonizing plant diversity and aesthetic value, providing a quantitative and objective approach to integrated research. This perspective extends beyond urban waterfront landscapes, holding significance for achieving dual goals of ecology and social services in urban design and landscape management.

Biodiversity , Esthetics , Rivers , China , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Plants , Ecosystem , Beauty , Cities
J Appl Genet ; 2024 Jul 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38958877


Several rivers that are tributaries of the Oder estuary are inhabited by Salmo trutta L, the most important of which are Ina, Gowienica, and Wolczenica. Both forms of the species, sea trout and resident brown trout, are present. All rivers are traditionally stocked with either sea trout from the neighboring Pomeranian river Rega basin or resident brown trout from various locations. To examine populations in these rivers in terms of genetic structure, genetic diversity, and origin, they were analyzed using 13 microsatellite loci. Relatedness was also assessed for fish stocked in the same year. The obtained genotypes were compared with breeding stocks used for stocking in Poland. The analyses revealed a significant genetic distance between adult individuals from Ina and Rega Rivers and fish caught during electrofishing. Strong kinship relationships were identified in the sampled areas, with high proportions of fish originating from stocking and their dominance in numbers over wild juveniles, primarily in smaller tributaries. Additionally, clear separation in the origin of stocked individuals was observed. Adult trout from Ina and Rega are genetically closer to northern brown trout lineages, providing crucial information for the management and biodiversity conservation of Polish Salmo trutta populations.

Sci China Life Sci ; 2024 Jul 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39028374


Climate and land-use changes are predicted to impact biodiversity, threatening ecosystem services and functions. However, their combined effects on the functional diversity of mammals at the regional scale remain unclear, especially at the beta level. Here, we use projected climate and land-use changes in China to investigate their potential effects on the alpha and beta functional diversities of terrestrial mammals under low- and high-emission scenarios. In the current projection, we showed strong positive spatial correlations between functional richness and species richness. Functional evenness (FEve), functional specialization (FSpe), and functional originality (FOri) decreased with species richness, and functional divergence (FDiv) increased first and then plateaued. Functional beta diversity was dominated by its nestedness component, in contrast to the taxonomic facet. Potential changes in species richness are more strongly influenced by land-use change under the low-emission scenario, while under the high-emission scenario, they are more strongly influenced by climate change. Changes in functional richness (FRic) were inconsistent with those in species richness, with a magnitude of decreases greater than predicted from species richness. Moreover, mammal assemblages showed potential functional differentiation (FD) across the country, and the trends exceeded those towards taxonomic differentiation (TD). Our findings help us understand the processes underlying biodiversity responses to global changes on multiple facets and provide new insight for conservation plans.

bioRxiv ; 2024 Jul 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39005434


Amphibians represent a diverse group of tetrapods, marked by deep divergence times between their three systematic orders and families. Studying amphibian biology through the genomics lens increases our understanding of the features of this animal class and that of other terrestrial vertebrates. The need for amphibian genomics resources is more urgent than ever due to the increasing threats to this group. Amphibians are one of the most imperiled taxonomic groups, with approximately 41% of species threatened with extinction due to habitat loss, changes in land use patterns, disease, climate change, and their synergistic effects. Amphibian genomics resources have provided a better understanding of ontogenetic diversity, tissue regeneration, diverse life history and reproductive modes, antipredator strategies, and resilience and adaptive responses. They also serve as critical models for understanding widespread genomic characteristics, including evolutionary genome expansions and contractions given they have the largest range in genome sizes of any animal taxon and multiple mechanisms of genetic sex determination. Despite these features, genome sequencing of amphibians has significantly lagged behind that of other vertebrates, primarily due to the challenges of assembling their large, repeat-rich genomes and the relative lack of societal support. The advent of long-read sequencing technologies, along with computational techniques that enhance scaffolding capabilities and streamline computational workload is now enabling the ability to overcome some of these challenges. To promote and accelerate the production and use of amphibian genomics research through international coordination and collaboration, we launched the Amphibian Genomics Consortium (AGC) in early 2023. This burgeoning community already has more than 282 members from 41 countries (6 in Africa, 131 in the Americas, 27 in Asia, 29 in Australasia, and 89 in Europe). The AGC aims to leverage the diverse capabilities of its members to advance genomic resources for amphibians and bridge the implementation gap between biologists, bioinformaticians, and conservation practitioners. Here we evaluate the state of the field of amphibian genomics, highlight previous studies, present challenges to overcome, and outline how the AGC can enable amphibian genomics research to "leap" to the next level.

J Environ Manage ; 366: 121622, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38972185


Land-use land-cover (LULC) change contributes to major ecological impacts, particularly in areas undergoing land abandonment, inducing modifications on habitat structure and species distributions. Alternative land-use policies are potential solutions to alleviate the negative impacts of contemporary tendencies of LULC change on biodiversity. This work analyzes these tendencies in the Montesinho Natural Park (Portugal), an area representative of European abandoned mountain rural areas. We built ecological niche models for 226 species of vertebrates (amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals) and vascular plants, using a consensus modelling approach available in the R package 'biomod2'. We projected the models to contemporary (2018) and future (2050) LULC scenarios, under four scenarios aiming to secure relevant ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation for 2050: an afforestation and a rewilding scenario, focused on climate-smart management strategies, and a farmland and an agroforestry recovery scenario, based on re-establishing human traditional activities. We quantified the influences of these scenarios on biodiversity through species habitat suitability changes for 2018-2050. We analyzed how these management strategies could influence indices of functional diversity (functional richness, functional evenness and functional dispersion) within the park. Habitat suitability changes revealed complementary patterns among scenarios. Afforestation and rewilding scenarios benefited more species adapted to habitats with low human influence, such as forests and open woodlands. The highest functional richness and dispersion was predicted for rewilding scenarios, which could improve landscape restoration and provide opportunities for the expansion and recolonization of forest areas by native species. The recovery of traditional farming and agroforestry activities results in the lowest values of functional richness, but these strategies contribute to complex landscape matrices with diversified habitats and resources. Moreover, this strategy could offer opportunities for fire suppression and increase landscape fire resistance. An integrative approach reconciling rewilding initiatives with the recovery of extensive agricultural and agroforestry activities is potentially an harmonious strategy for supporting the provision of ecosystem services while securing biodiversity conservation and functional diversity within the natural park.

Biodiversity , Conservation of Natural Resources , Ecosystem , Farms , Animals , Forests , Climate
Environ Monit Assess ; 196(7): 617, 2024 Jun 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38874640


Tropical ecosystems host a significant share of global fish diversity contributing substantially to the global fisheries sector. Yet their sustainable management is challenging due to their complexity, diverse life history traits of tropical fishes, and varied fishing techniques involved. Traditional monitoring techniques are often costly, labour-intensive, and/or difficult to apply in inaccessible sites. These limitations call for the adoption of innovative, sensitive, and cost-effective monitoring solutions, especially in a scenario of climate change. Environmental DNA (eDNA) emerges as a potential game changer for biodiversity monitoring and conservation, especially in aquatic ecosystems. However, its utility in tropical settings remains underexplored, primarily due to a series of challenges, including the need for a comprehensive barcode reference library, an understanding of eDNA behaviour in tropical aquatic environments, standardized procedures, and supportive biomonitoring policies. Despite these challenges, the potential of eDNA for sensitive species detection across varied habitats is evident, and its global use is accelerating in biodiversity conservation efforts. This review takes an in-depth look at the current state and prospects of eDNA-based monitoring in tropical fisheries management research. Additionally, a SWOT analysis is used to underscore the opportunities and threats, with the aim of bridging the knowledge gaps and guiding the more extensive and effective use of eDNA-based monitoring in tropical fisheries management. Although the discussion applies worldwide, some specific experiences and insights from Indian tropical fisheries are shared to illustrate the practical application and challenges of employing eDNA in a tropical context.

Biodiversity , Conservation of Natural Resources , DNA, Environmental , Environmental Monitoring , Fisheries , Tropical Climate , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Animals , Environmental Monitoring/methods , DNA, Environmental/analysis , Ecosystem , Fishes/genetics
J Environ Manage ; 363: 121301, 2024 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38850912


Hydrological variations affect habitat characteristics and fish distribution in floodplain lakes. Assessing the contributions of the local community (i.e., LCBD, community uniqueness) and species to overall ß diversity (i.e., SCBD, species uniqueness) of fish assemblages is valuable for habitat and species conservation planning, particularly from functional and phylogenetic perspectives. We examined the changes in multifaceted LCBD and SCBD of fish across different hydrological periods in the Poyang Lake, China, and analyzed their responsive mechanisms using regression models, based on which the conservation priorities of habitats and species were evaluated. The findings revealed that taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic LCBD and SCBD were lowest during the wet season compared to the normal and dry seasons, emphasizing the regulatory effects of hydrological regimes on fish assemblages. Taxonomic and functional LCBD were significantly impacted by the mean abundance of migratory fish, highlighting the importance of specific species combinations on community uniqueness. Taxonomic and functional SCBD exhibited positive correlations primarily with mean abundance, suggesting the potential uniqueness of certain common species. Additionally, we identified the river-lake junction (Hukou station) and natural reserve (Xingzi and Nanjishan stations) with high overall community uniqueness as critical habitats. We also emphasized the necessity for increased conservation efforts for species having high overall species uniqueness during different hydrological periods, including Coilia brachygnathus, Ctenopharyngodon idella, Coilia nasus, Saurogobio dabryi, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, Megalobrama amblycephala, and Parabramis pekinensis. This research underscores the significance of integrating multiple ecological perspectives to manage biodiversity changes and maintain ecological conservation values effectively.

Biodiversity , Conservation of Natural Resources , Ecosystem , Fishes , Lakes , Animals , China , Rivers , Phylogeny
UCL Open Environ ; 6: e3147, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38841425


Planting in front gardens is associated with a range of human and environmental health benefits. Effective interventions aimed at cultivating this practice are, however, hampered by the paucity of theory- and evidence-based behavioural research in this context. This study aims to systematically determine a set of behaviour change interventions likely to be effective at promoting planting in front gardens amongst UK householders. The Behaviour Change Wheel framework was applied. Behavioural systems mapping was used to identify community actors relevant to front gardening. Potential behavioural influences on householders' front gardening were identified using the Capability, Opportunity, Motivation, Behaviour model. Using peer-reviewed scientific findings as evidence, behavioural influences were systematically linked to potential intervention strategies, behaviour change techniques and real-world implementation options. Finally, intervention recommendations were refined through expert evaluations and local councillor and public stakeholder feedback, evaluating them against the Acceptability, Practicability, Effectiveness, Affordability, Side effects and Equity criteria in a UK implementation context. This study formulated 12 intervention recommendations, implementable at a community level, to promote front gardening. Stakeholder feedback revealed a preference for educational and supportive (social and practical) strategies (e.g., community gardening workshops, front gardening 'starter kits') over persuasive and motivational approaches (e.g., social marketing, motivational letters from the council to householders). Householders' front gardening behaviour is complex and influenced by the behaviour of many other community actors. It also needs to be understood as a step in a continuum of other behaviours (e.g., clearing land, gardening, waste disposal). This study demonstrates the application of behavioural science to an understudied implementation context, that is, front gardening promotion, drawing on a rigorous development process promoting a transparent approach to intervention design. Stakeholder consultation allowed relevance, feasibility and practical issues to be considered. These improve the likely effectiveness of interventions in practice. The next steps include evaluating the proposed interventions in practice.

Sci Total Environ ; 941: 172870, 2024 Sep 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38782279


There is a growing consensus on expanding protected and conserved areas for biodiversity conservation. Nevertheless, it remains uncertain where to expand conserved areas as well as what appropriate management modalities to choose. Moreover, conserved areas expansion should be balanced with crop-related food security challenges. We developed a framework to identify cost-effective areas for expanding protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs), and applied it to China. By combining templates for biodiversity conservation priorities at global scale and the priority conservation areas based on 2413 vertebrates' extinction risk in China, we identified areas with high biodiversity conservation value. We then categorized the priority areas according to human impact, indicating the potential cost of management. As a result of combining the two aspects above, we identified the most cost-effective areas for expanding protected areas and OECMs while excluding both the current and predicted croplands that can be used for food security. The results show that China could expand its protected areas to 22.81 % of the country's land area and establish OECMs in areas accounting for 9.82 % and 17.37 % of the country's land area in a cost-effective approach in two scenarios. In the ambitious scenario, protected and conserved areas would account for a maximum of 40.18 % of terrestrial area, with an average 62.67 % coverage of the 2413 species' suitable habitat. To achieve the goals of protected and conserved areas in Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, countries could apply this framework to identify their protected areas and OECM expansion priorities.

Biodiversity , Conservation of Natural Resources , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Food Security , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , China , Food Security/methods
Environ Manage ; 74(2): 317-331, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38814459


Indigenous communities worldwide have cultivated and preserved invaluable ecological knowledge on biodiversity conservation long before the formalisation of scientific inquiry. Rooted in familial intimacy with nature and an acute ability to discern subtle micro-changes, these communities profoundly understand the patterns and processes shaping their natural world. In Nigeria, a nation boasting diverse indigenous peoples and rich biodiversity, this unique knowledge system finds limited recognition within the current legal framework on biodiversity conservation. In response to the persistent decline of biodiversity within and beyond protected areas in the country, the paper argues for a shift grounded in integrating indigenous ecological knowledge(I.E.K) into the existing laws and policies on biodiversity conservation. The findings of this paper demonstrate the need for a transformative change- one demanding a fundamental reorganisation in the design, implementation, and enforcement of biodiversity policies in the country to prioritise the rights and agency of indigenous peoples and local communities in biodiversity policies. It submits that by acknowledging and incorporating indigenous knowledge into legal frameworks, the country can effectively combat biodiversity loss and foster a more inclusive, sustainable approach that aligns with the vision of the country and the global conservation goals.

Biodiversity , Conservation of Natural Resources , Indigenous Peoples , Nigeria , Conservation of Natural Resources/legislation & jurisprudence , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Humans , Knowledge , Ecology
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 31(26): 38128-38141, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38795298


Parthenium hysterophorus L. has become a weed of global concern owing to its fast expansion and invasive character. In order to study the status of this noxious weed and its impact on floristic diversity in Dhauladhar foothills, the study was conducted during the year 2021-2022 in culturable wastelands of Dhauladhar ranges in Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh, India. The impact of Parthenium hysterophorus L. on associated species at different altitudes and aspects was observed. Our observations depicted that Parthenium hysterophorus L. has been growing more vigorously in the northern aspect than the southern aspect with the density of 37.78 m-2 and 21.62 m-2, respectively. The highest density of this noxious weed was recorded in the altitudinal range of 600-1200 m (34.32 m-2) while it was not observed beyond 1805 m above sea level. The invasion of Parthenium hysterophorus L. significantly affected the plant density of other species. The descending order of the species as per dominance was observed as Cynodon dactylon, Trifolium repens, Oxalis latifolia, Parthenium hysterophorus L., and Ageratum houstonianum. The average number of species and species density were observed more in non-invaded sites (9.35 and 27.67 m-2) than in invaded sites (7.10 and 20.60 m-2). Species abundance and plant cover were observed more in non-invaded sites (28.73 and 657.90 m2 ha-1) than in invaded sites (22.70 and 322.30 m2 ha-1). Species diversity, richness, and evenness were reported to decline in invaded sites (1.56, 0.95, and 0.81, respectively) with respect to the non-invaded sites (1.94, 1.16, and 0.88, respectively). The study highlights the significant concerns associated with the invasive weed within the plant communities. Understanding its invasive status holds considerable implications for local afforestation initiatives, forest management strategies, and conservation policies. Furthermore, this investigation lays a foundational groundwork for implementing effective measures to get rid of this alien weed.

Asteraceae , India , Biodiversity , Parthenium hysterophorus
J Math Biol ; 89(1): 5, 2024 May 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38761189


Phylogenetic diversity indices provide a formal way to apportion evolutionary history amongst living species. Understanding the properties of these measures is key to determining their applicability in conservation biology settings. In this work, we investigate some questions posed in a recent paper by Fischer et al. (Syst Biol 72(3):606-615, 2023). In that paper, it is shown that under certain extinction scenarios, the ranking of the surviving species by their Fair Proportion index scores may be the complete reverse of their ranking beforehand. Our main results here show that this behaviour extends to a large class of phylogenetic diversity indices, including the Equal-Splits index. We also provide a necessary condition for reversals of Fair Proportion rankings to occur on phylogenetic trees whose edge lengths obey the ultrametric constraint. Specific examples of rooted phylogenetic trees displaying these behaviours are given and the impact of our results on the use of phylogenetic diversity indices more generally is discussed.

Biodiversity , Extinction, Biological , Phylogeny , Animals , Mathematical Concepts , Conservation of Natural Resources/statistics & numerical data , Biological Evolution , Models, Biological
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci ; 379(1904): 20230102, 2024 Jun 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38705182


Insect monitoring is pivotal for assessing biodiversity and informing conservation strategies. This study delves into the complex realm of insect monitoring in the Global South-world developing and least-developed countries as identified by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development-highlighting challenges and proposing strategic solutions. An analysis of publications from 1990 to 2024 reveals an imbalance in research contributions between the Global North and South, highlighting disparities in entomological research and the scarcity of taxonomic expertise in the Global South. We discuss the socio-economic factors that exacerbate the issues, including funding disparities, challenges in collaboration, infrastructure deficits, information technology obstacles and the impact of local currency devaluation. In addition, we emphasize the crucial role of environmental factors in shaping insect diversity, particularly in tropical regions facing multiple challenges including climate change, urbanization, pollution and various anthropogenic activities. We also stress the need for entomologists to advocate for ecosystem services provided by insects in addressing environmental issues. To enhance monitoring capacity, we propose strategies such as community engagement, outreach programmes and cultural activities to instill biodiversity appreciation. Further, language inclusivity and social media use are emphasized for effective communication. More collaborations with Global North counterparts, particularly in areas of molecular biology and remote sensing, are suggested for technological advancements. In conclusion, advocating for these strategies-global collaborations, a diverse entomological community and the integration of transverse disciplines-aims to address challenges and foster inclusive, sustainable insect monitoring in the Global South, contributing significantly to biodiversity conservation and overall ecosystem health. This article is part of the theme issue 'Towards a toolkit for global insect biodiversity monitoring'.

Biodiversity , Insecta , Insecta/physiology , Animals , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Developing Countries , Entomology/methods , Ecosystem , Climate Change
Conserv Biol ; : e14290, 2024 May 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38708868


The conservation-invasion paradox (CIP) refers to a long-term phenomenon wherein species threatened in their native range can sustain viable populations when introduced to other regions. Understanding the drivers of CIP is helpful for conserving threatened species and managing invasive species, which is unfortunately still lacking. We compiled a global data set of 1071 introduction events, including 960 CIP events (successful establishment of threatened species outside its native range) and 111 non-CIP events (unsuccessful establishment of threatened species outside its native range after introduction), involving 174 terrestrial vertebrates. We then tested the relative importance of various predictors at the location, event, and species levels with generalized linear mixed models and model averaging. Successful CIP events occurred across taxonomic groups and biogeographic realms, especially for the mammal group in the Palearctic and Australia. Locations of successful CIP events had fewer native threat factors, especially less climate warming in invaded regions. The probability of a successful CIP event was highest when species introduction efforts were great and there were more local congeners and fewer natural enemies. These results can inform threatened species ex situ conservation and non-native invasive species mitigation.

Causantes mundiales de la paradoja conservación­invasión Resumen La paradoja de conservación­invasión (PCI) se refiere al evento a largo plazo en el que las especies amenazadas en su distribución nativa puedan mantener poblaciones viables cuando se les introduce a otras regiones. Es de mucha ayuda para la conservación de especies amenazadas y el manejo de especies invasoras entender las causantes de la PCI, entendimiento que todavía es escaso. Compilamos un conjunto mundial de datos de 174 vertebrados terrestres en 1071 eventos de introducción, incluyendo 960 eventos de PCI (el establecimiento exitoso de especies amenazadas fuera de su distribución nativa) y 111 eventos no PCI (el fracaso en el establecimiento de especies amenazadas fuera de su distribución nativa después de la introducción). Después analizamos con modelos lineales mixtos generalizados y promedio de modelos la importancia relativa de varios pronosticadores en la localidad, en el evento y a nivel de especie. Los eventos exitosos de PCI ocurrieron en todos los grupos taxonómicos y en todos los reinos biogeográficos, especialmente para los mamíferos del Paleártico y Australia. Las localidades de los eventos exitosos de PCI tuvieron menos factores nativos de amenaza, especialmente un menor calentamiento climático en las regiones invadidas. La probabilidad de que un evento de PCI sea exitoso fue mayor cuando los esfuerzos de introducción fueron mayores y hubo más congéneres locales y menos enemigos naturales. Estos resultados pueden orientar la conservación ex situ de especies y la mitigación de especies invasoras no nativas.