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J Vis ; 24(8): 8, 2024 Aug 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39150739


Examination of imported commodities by trained inspectors searching for pest organisms is a common practice that phytosanitary regulatory agencies use to mitigate biosecurity risks along trade pathways. To investigate the effects of target size and color on the efficacy of these visual assessments, we affixed square decals to polystyrene models of mandarins. Sample units of 100 model fruit containing up to 10 marked models were examined by inspectors. Six sizes in six shades of brown were tested across two prevalence levels. The experiment consisted of five inspection rounds where 11 inspectors examined 77 sample units within an allocated time. The probability that decals were detected increased with mark size and color contrast. Smaller, low-contrast marks were mainly missed. The prevalence rate did not affect the detectability. Through the experiment, the false-positive rate dropped from 6% to 3%, whereas false-negative rates were constant throughout. Large, dark targets were readily found with a mean recall of >90%, whereas small, pale marks had a mean recall of 9%. Increased experience made inspectors more competent at recognizing decals, reducing the false positive rate. However, constant false-negative rates indicate that experience did not prevent inspectors from overlooking targets they could not perceive.

Security Measures , Humans , Security Measures/standards
Prensa méd. argent ; 108(3): 136-145, 20220000. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1373083


Introducción: la Pandemia por SARS CoV ­ 2 (COVID ­ 19) tuvo un impacto significativo en el desarrollo de los servicios quirúrgicos en general y obligo a establecer protocolos de actuación para las distintas patologías a fin de cuidar al máximo los recursos humanos y la capacidad instalada de los hospitales para hacer frente a esta contingencia mundial. Objetivos: presentar una casuística de 7 pacientes con reconstrucción microquirúrgica de patología de cabeza y cuello en estadios avanzados y patología de miembros inferiores durante la pandemia por COVID - 19. Materiales y Métodos: trabajo retrospectivo, se revisaron las historias clínicas físicas y digitales. Se incluyeron 5 pacientes con patología avanzada de cabeza y cuello y 2 pacientes con patología de miembros inferiores. Resultados: cinco pacientes fueron operados por patología avanzada de cabeza y cuello: 3 pacientes con carcinomas escamosos de cavidad oral estadio IVa, 1 paciente con carcinoma escamoso de piel avanzado estadio IV y 1 paciente con fractura compleja de maxilar inferior por herida de arma de fuego con fistula oro-cutánea crónica, con exposición del material de osteosíntesis, mala oclusión y pérdida de peso importante por dificultad para alimentación. Dos pacientes fueron operados por patología de miembros inferiores en tercio inferior de pierna, uno por fractura expuesta grave con defecto de tejidos blandos y el otro por una ulcera arterial. Conclusión: la cirugía reconstructiva microquirúrgica puede realizarse con buenos niveles de seguridad para el personal de salud y para los pacientes afectados por patologías avanzadas de cabeza y cuello y otras patologías que requieran colgajos libres. Es fundamental respetar estrictamente los protocolos para evitar los contagios en el medio intrahospitalario, entendiendo que debe considerarse todo paciente que ingrese al hospital como COVID (+) hasta que se demuestre lo contrario

Introduction: the SARS CoV ­ 2 (COVID ­ 19) Pandemic had a significant impact on the development of surgical services in general and forced the establishment of action protocols for the different pathologies in order to take maximum care of human resources and capacity. installed in hospitals to deal with this global contingency. Objectives: to present a casuistry of 7 patients with microsurgical reconstruction of head and neck pathology in advanced stages and lower limb pathology during the COVID - 19 pandemic. Materials and Methods: retrospective work, physical and digital medical records were reviewed. Five patients with advanced head and neck disease and 2 patients with lower limb disease were included. Results: five patients underwent surgery for advanced head and neck disease: 3 patients with stage IVa squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, 1 patient with stage IV advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, and 1 patient with a complex fracture of the lower jaw due to a gunshot wound. with chronic oro-cutaneous fistula, with exposure of the osteosynthesis material, poor occlusion and significant weight loss due to difficulty feeding. Two patients underwent surgery for pathology of the lower limbs in the lower third of the leg, one for a severe open fracture with a soft tissue defect and the other for an arterial ulcer. Conclusion: microsurgical reconstructive surgery can be performed with good levels of safety for health personnel and for patients affected by advanced pathologies of the head and neck and other pathologies that require free flaps. It is essential to strictly respect the protocols to avoid contagion in the hospital environment, understanding that every patient who enters the hospital must be considered as COVID (+) until proven otherwise.

Humans , Security Measures/standards , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Clinical Protocols , /prevention & control , Lower Extremity/surgery , Personal Protective Equipment , COVID-19 , Head/surgery , Neck/surgery
REME rev. min. enferm ; 26: e1430, abr.2022.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1387072


RESUMO Objetivo: analisar o cotidiano de trabalho dos profissionais de saúde de uma Unidade de Pronto Atendimento (UPA), com ênfase nos estressores ocupacionais relacionados à pandemia de COVID-19. Método: estudo de caso qualitativo, fundamentado no referencial teórico-metodológico de Michel de Certeau acerca do cotidiano, realizado em uma UPA porte II do interior de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Foi realizada triangulação de dados, com observações, entrevistas com 31 profissionais e análise documental. Os dados foram organizados no MAXQDA2020® e submetidos à análise de conteúdo de Bardin. Resultados: o cotidiano da UPA foi alterado pela pandemia e a instituição passou por adaptações para atender os casos suspeitos ou confirmados de COVID-19, com novas estratégias de funcionamento e redefinição do mapa da assistência. Os estressores ocupacionais identificados foram falta de clareza nas informações iniciais sobre a doença, medo de se contaminarem ou a familiares, uso de equipamentos de proteção individual (EPIs), testagem, afastamento e sobrecarga de profissionais, risco de falta de medicamentos e estigmatização dos profissionais de saúde. Por outro lado, disponibilidade de EPIs, queda do número de atendimentos, orientações e treinamentos foram fatores protetores contra o estresse. Ademais, alguns profissionais adotaram táticas para amenizar os estressores decorrentes da pandemia. Conclusão: o cotidiano da UPA foi alterado e o estresse ocupacional relacionado à pandemia acomete profissionais de saúde. Medidas de proteção da saúde mental são necessárias para que possam enfrentar a grave crise sanitária, com vistas à prevenção do sofrimento, melhor qualidade de vida no trabalho e melhores condições laborais e de atendimento aos usuários.

RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar el trabajo diario de los profesionales de la salud en una Unidad de Cuidados de Emergencia (UPA), con énfasis en los estresores ocupacionales relacionados con la pandemia de COVID-19. Método: estudio de caso cualitativo, basado en el marco teórico-metodológico de Michel de Certeau sobre la vida cotidiana, realizado en una UPA tamaño II en el interior de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Se realizó triangulación de datos, con observaciones, entrevistas a 31 profesionales y análisis de documentos. Los datos se organizaron en MAXQDA2020® y sometidos al análisis de contenido de Bardin. Resultados: la vida cotidiana de la UPA fue modificada por la pandemia y la institución fue adaptada para atender casos sospechosos o confirmados de COVID-19, con nuevas estrategias operativas y redefinición del mapa de atención. Los estresores ocupacionales identificados fueron falta de claridad en la información inicial sobre la enfermedad, miedo a contaminarse o de familiares, uso de equipo de protección personal (EPI), pruebas, baja y sobrecarga de profesionales, riesgo de falta de medicación y estigmatización de los profesionales de la salud. Por otro lado, la disponibilidad de EPP, la disminución del número de consultas, la orientación y la formación fueron factores protectores frente al estrés. Además, algunos profesionales adoptaron tácticas para aliviar los factores estresantes resultantes de la pandemia. Conclusión: la vida diaria de la UPA cambió y el estrés laboral relacionado con la pandemia afecta a los profesionales de la salud. Las medidas de protección de la salud mental son necesarias para que puedan afrontar la grave crisis sanitaria, con el fin de prevenir el sufrimiento, mejorar la calidad de vida en el trabajo y mejores condiciones de trabajo y servicio para los usuarios.

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the daily work of health professionals in an Emergency Care Unit (ECU), with an emphasis on occupational stressors related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: qualitative case study, based on Michel de Certeau's theoretical-methodological framework about everyday life, carried out in a ECU size II in the countryside of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Data triangulation was performed, with observations, interviews with 31 professionals and document analysis. Data were organized in MAXQDA2020® and submitted to Bardin's content analysis. Results: the daily life in the ECU was changed by the pandemic and the institution underwent adaptations to attend to suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19, with new operating strategies and redefinition of the assistance map. The occupational stressors identified were lack of clarity in the initial information about the disease, fear of contaminating themselves or family members, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), testing, removal and overload of professionals, risk of lack of medication and stigmatization of professionals of health. On the other hand, availability of PPE, drop in the number of visits, guidance and training were protective factors against stress. In addition, some professionals have adopted tactics to alleviate the stressors arising from the pandemic. Conclusion: the routine of the ECU has changed and the occupational stress related to the pandemic affects health professionals. Mental health protection measures are necessary so that they can face the serious health crisis, with a view to preventing suffering, better quality of life at work and better working conditions and service to users.

Humans , Occupational Stress , COVID-19 , Security Measures/standards , Health Centers , Occupational Health , Health Personnel/psychology , Pandemics , Protective Factors , Personal Protective Equipment/supply & distribution
Prensa méd. argent ; 108(2): 101-107, 20220000. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1368478


Introducción: El virus SARS-CoV-2, se presentó en la ciudad de Wuhan, una provincia de Hubei en China, a finales del mes de diciembre de 2019, como un brote de neumonía viral consecuencia de un nuevo tipo de coronavirus B, el cual fue denominado COVID-19; posteriormente, de manera oficial, se declarará al virus como SARS-Cov-2. Los cirujanos de cabeza y cuello realizan traqueostomías en pacientes con COVID-19, lo que supone mayor exposición de aerosolización para estos especialistas. El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad describir la técnica quirúrgica de la traqueostomía abierta con la adecuada protección del equipo de cirugía de cabeza y cuello en los pacientes con SAR-CoV-2-. Métodos: Este estudio se realizó en el Centro Médico Docente la Trinidad, a cargo del servicio de cabeza y cuello. El equipo multidisciplinario estuvo conformado por cirujanos de cabeza y cuello, intensivistas y enfermeros especialistas del área. La traqueostomía fue abierta y fue realizada en los pacientes ingresados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos con resultado positivo de la infección por SARS-CoV-2, en el periodo entre agosto de 2020 a agosto de 2021, previa discusión con el equipo multidisciplinario y con el consentimiento de los familiares del paciente, idealmente, entre el día 15 y 21. Resultados: Se realizaron 14 traqueotomías abiertas, la primera traqueostomía se llevó a cabo el 01/08/2020 y la ultima el 28/08/2021. Todas fueron realizadas en la unidad de terapia intensiva. El personal médico fue el mínimo posible y consto de: Cirujano de cabeza y cuello, primer y segundo ayudante, instrumentista, intensivista, residente de terapia intensiva y enfermera de terapia intensiva. En todos los casos se llevó a cabo la adecuada higiene de manos y colocación del equipo de protección personal. Conclusiones: Mantener a los pacientes relajados durante el procedimiento, desinflar el manguito del tubo endotraqueal y cerrar el circuito previo a la incisión y rápidamente luego de la incisión en tráquea, insertar el traqueostomo y conectar el sistema de circuito cerrado, parece ser una técnica que preserva la seguridad del equipo quirúrgico

Introduction: The SARS-CoV-2 virus appeared in the city of Wuhan, a province of Hubei in China, at the end of December 2019, as an outbreak of viral pneumonia because of a new type of coronavirus B, the was called COVID-19; later, officially, the virus will be declared as SARS-Cov-2. Head and neck surgeons perform tracheostomies in patients with CIVD-19, which results in increased aerolization exposure. The present work aims to describe the surgical technique of open tracheostomy with adequate protection of the head and neck surgery team in patients with SAR-CoV-2. Methods: This study was carried out at the La Trinidad Teaching Medical Center, in charge of the head and neck service. The multidisciplinary team was made up of head and neck surgeons, intensivists, and specialist nurses in the area. The technique was open tracheostomy in patients admitted to the intensive care unit with a positive result for SARS-CoV-2 infection, in the period between August 2020 to August 2021, after discussion with the multidisciplinary team and with the consent of the patient's relatives, ideally between the 15th and 21st. Results: 14 open tracheostomies were performed, the first tracheostomy was performed on 01 / 08/2020 and the last one on 08/28/2021. All tracheostomies were performed in the intensive care unit. The medical staff was the minimum possible and consisted of: Head and neck surgeon, first and second assistant, scrub nurse, intensivist, intensive care resident and intensive care nurse. In all cases, proper hand hygiene and placement of personal protective equipment was carried out. Conclusions: Keeping patients relaxed during the procedure, deflating the endotracheal tube cuff, and closing the circuit prior to the incision and quickly after the incision in the trachea and inserting the tracheostoma, connecting the closed-circuit system, seems to be a technique that preserves the safety of the surgical team

Humans , Security Measures/standards , Surgical Procedures, Operative/methods , Tracheostomy/methods , Personal Protection/methods , Hand Hygiene , COVID-19
Rev. medica electron ; 43(2): 3179-3191, mar.-abr. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1251935


RESUMEN El escenario estomatológico, si no se aplican adecuadamente los protocolos de protección, constituye una importante fuente de infección cruzada entre pacientes y profesionales de la Estomatología. Muchos son los microorganismos involucrados, y a esto se ha incorporado recientemente el SARS-CoV-2. Al tener en cuenta la letalidad mundial de esta enfermedad, es imprescindible reconsiderar si las medidas de bioseguridad establecidas son estrictas y eficaces para evitar su propagación. Fue realizada esta investigación con el objetivo de actualizar información relacionada con la presente pandemia y los modos de actuación que propicien una consulta estomatológica segura en tiempos de COVID-19 (AU).

ABSTRACT The dentistry setting is an important crossed infection source among patients and Dentistry professionals if the protection protocols are not adequately applied. There are many microorganisms involved, and recently SARS-CoV-2 has added to them. When taking into account the worldwide lethality of this disease, it is bare essential reconsidering if the stablished biosafety measures are strict and efficacious to avoid spread. A thematic update was carried out with the aim of updating the information related to current pandemic and the ways of acting propitiating a safe Dentistry consultation in times of COVID-19 (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Oral Medicine/standards , Patients , Practice Management, Dental/standards , Security Measures/standards , Coronavirus Infections/diagnosis , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Dentists
J Nerv Ment Dis ; 209(4): 270-274, 2021 04 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33764955


ABSTRACT: Modern psychiatric practice requires the use of the Internet, and the current pandemic has accelerated the adoption of technology in clinics. Psychiatrists receive significant education on protecting patient privacy and medical information when using these tools. However, they receive little training regarding protecting their own personal privacy in the Internet era. Private information, often without one's knowledge, is frequently available online and accessible by patients. The work of physicians and psychiatrists creates additional unique vulnerabilities to privacy. Given the essential nature of the Internet in modern clinical practice, physicians should understand how to monitor and protect personal privacy and safety online. We provide advice to minimize vulnerability to a privacy breach, with a focus on areas unique to psychiatrists and psychiatric practice. We review the literature on physician safety online and offer guidance to get started.

Awareness , Computer Security/standards , Internet , Physicians , Privacy , Psychiatry , Security Measures/standards , Humans , Physician-Patient Relations , Social Media/standards , Telemedicine
Pan Afr Med J ; 37: 64, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33244327


INTRODUCTION: the Global-Partnership-Initiated-Biosecurity-Academia for Controlling Health Threats (GIBACHT) consortium conducts a biosafety and biosecurity training for fellows from Africa, the Middle East and Asia. To achieve a multiplier effect, fellows conduct trainings in their own organizations. It was during such trainings that training needs assessments were done assessing reasons for and barriers to biosafety and biosecurity training. METHODS: this was a cross sectional assessment. Trainings were conducted from April to July 2018 and April to June 2019. In 2018, training needs were explored using a structured tool. Responses were coded using manifest content analysis and key issues identified. In 2019, respondents quantified the identified key issues using a Likert scale. Proportions of those who strongly agreed, agreed, neither agreed nor disagreed, disagreed or strongly disagreed were calculated and results presented in tables and charts. RESULTS: in 2018 and 2019, there were 183 and 191 respondents respectively. About 96% of respondents in 2018 supported training in biosafety and biosecurity citing individual, community and global benefits. Barriers highlighted included governance, financial, human resource, information and infrastructure challenges. In 2019, majority of respondents indicated inadequate guidelines dissemination, lack of financial resources, inadequate personnel, lack of equipped laboratories and lack of instructional materials among major barriers. CONCLUSION: support for biosafety and biosecurity training was high though systemic barriers exist. Improving human resource capacity and provision of instructional materials can be achieved through training programs. However, systemic assessments need to be done before each training as different organizations have different barriers.

Containment of Biohazards/standards , Needs Assessment , Security Measures/standards , Adult , Africa , Asia , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Middle East , Workforce/organization & administration , Young Adult
Multimedia | Multimedia Resources | ID: multimedia-6997


Confira a nossa série de palestras sobre o Covid-19: Palestrante: Elisa Lucas Barcelos Infectologista. Coordenação Estadual de Controle de Infecção em Serviços de Saúde - CECISS-ES. "Covid-19 - Estratégias para prevenção" WebPalestra gravada em: 03/03/2019 Acesse os slides das nossas palestras na Biblioteca Virtual do Telessaúde ES! Confira a data da exibição e encontre o material desejado. Faça download e tenha o material preparado pelos nossos palestrantes.

Betacoronavirus , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Pneumonia, Viral/epidemiology , Pandemics/prevention & control , Coronavirus Infections/diagnosis , Pneumonia, Viral/diagnosis , Coronavirus Infections/transmission , Pneumonia, Viral/transmission , Personal Protective Equipment/standards , Masks/standards , Health Personnel/standards , Social Isolation , Quarantine/organization & administration , Hand Disinfection , Security Measures/standards
Nurs Leadersh (Tor Ont) ; 33(3): 45-54, 2020 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33097104


Workplace violence is one of the most complex and dangerous occupational hazards facing hospital healthcare workers today. The United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends that all hospitals have a violence prevention program. The purpose of this article is to describe the development and implementation of a preparedness program to address violent situations in healthcare as an essential component of workplace safety. The foundational program elements are leadership involvement, policy development, organization assessment, response personnel deployment, education, data repository and culture shift. A triad leadership from patient safety, security and nursing led the program. Key implementation lessons involved coordination of change within and across multiple sites.

Civil Defense/methods , Security Measures/standards , Workplace Violence/prevention & control , Humans , Program Development/methods , Security Measures/trends , United States , United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration , Workplace/psychology , Workplace/standards , Workplace Violence/trends
Nefrología (Madrid) ; 40(4): 395-402, jul.-ago. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-191368


La epidemia de COVID-19 representa un riesgo especial para los pacientes renales por sus comorbilidades y edad avanzada, y por la realización del tratamiento de hemodiálisis en salas colectivas, pero también supone un riesgo para los profesionales responsables de su atención. El presente manuscrito recoge una propuesta de actuación para prevenir la infección entre los profesionales en los Servicios de Nefrología

The COVID-19 epidemic represents a special risk for kidney patients due to their comorbidities and advanced age, and the need for hemodialysis treatment in group rooms. It also represents a risk for professionals responsible for their attention. This manuscript contains a proposal for action to prevent infection of professionals in the Nephrology Services, one of the most valuable assets at the present time

Humans , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Pneumonia, Viral/prevention & control , Betacoronavirus , Pandemics , Infectious Disease Transmission, Patient-to-Professional/prevention & control , Protective Devices/standards , Security Measures/standards , Nephrology/standards , Risk Factors
Multimedia | Multimedia Resources | ID: multimedia-5498


Este vídeo tem por objetivo atualiza-lo sobre o Protocolo de Manejo Clínico do coronavírus (COVID-19) no ambiente de urgência hospitalar ou não, sob a perspectiva do Ministério da Saúde. A produção de informações nessa área tem sido extremamente dinâmica e os protocolos podem sofrer alterações. Mantenha-se informado: e

Betacoronavirus , Patient Care Management/standards , Pneumonia, Viral/nursing , Coronavirus Infections/nursing , Hand Disinfection , Personal Protective Equipment/standards , Masks/standards , Quarantine/organization & administration , Social Isolation , Health Personnel/education , Security Measures/standards , Health Services/standards , Symptom Flare Up , Risk Groups
Multimedia | Multimedia Resources | ID: multimedia-5499


Atualizações decorrentes da versão 6 - Protocolo de manejo clínico do coronavírus (COVID-19) na APS. Acesse também (copie e cole no seu navegador) Protocolo da Atenção Primária à Saúde para ACS e ACE sobre COVID-19 - Protocolo de Manejo Clínico do Coronavírus na APS - Protocolo de Manejo Clínico do Coronavírus no ambiente pré-hospitalar - Manejo Clínico do Coronavírus na Terapia Intensiva -

Betacoronavirus , Patient Care Management/standards , Pneumonia, Viral/nursing , Coronavirus Infections/nursing , Hand Disinfection , Personal Protective Equipment/standards , Masks/standards , Quarantine/organization & administration , Social Isolation , Health Personnel/education , Security Measures/standards , Public Health/education , Symptom Flare Up , Risk Groups , Primary Health Care/organization & administration
Sanid. mil ; 76(2): 111-117, abr.-jun. 2020. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-197393


Revisión sistemática de las actividades relacionadas con la odontología militar española y su intervención directa o indirecta durante la pandemia por SARS-Cov-2. Se describen las actividades realizadas durante la fase de formación específica en la fase de formación técnica de los alféreces odontólogos a distancia. En este artículo se analizan los problemas afrontados en las consultas dentales, las necesidades de adiestramiento y los requerimientos logísticos que requieren los protocolos odontológicos de actuación en una emergencia sanitaria de estas características tanto durante la fase de pandemia como en la postpandemia

Systematic review of activities related to Spanish military dentistry, and its direct or indirect actuation during the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic. The activities carried out during the specific training phase in the technical remote training phase of cadet ensigns curriculum are described. This article analyzes the problems faced in dental consultations, training needs and the logistical requirements demanded by the dental protocols for action in a health emergency of these characteristics, both during the pandemic phase and in the post-pandemic phase

Humans , Military Dentistry/methods , Military Dentistry/organization & administration , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Pneumonia, Viral/epidemiology , Pneumonia, Viral/prevention & control , Military Dentistry/standards , Pandemics/prevention & control , Betacoronavirus , Security Measures/standards