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Gamme d'année
Vet Res Forum ; 14(6): 341-345, 2023.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37383648


Syrinx is a voice device and shows structural and functional differences between bird species. This study aimed to investigate morphological and histological structures of the syrinx in chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar) and Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). In the present study, 12 male chukar partridges and 12 male Japanese quail were used. The syrinx tissues were photographed by digital camera and fixed in formaldehyde solution. Five syrinxes were stained with methylene blue to make the syrinx rings distinct. After anatomical examination, tissues were passed through alcohol series, cleaned in xylene, and embedded in paraffin blocks. The blocks were cut and obtained sections were stained with Crossman modified triple staining and examined under camera attached light microscope. The syrinx of chukar partridges and Japanese quail consisted of cartilaginous tracheasyngeales and bronchosyngeales in the region of bifurcatio trachea and at the level of basis cordis. The tracheal rings constituting syrinx were counted three in chukar partridge and four in Japanese quail. The bronchial rings comprising syrinx counted nine in chukar partridge and eight in Japanese quail. In the histological examination, the pesullus structure was hyaline cartilage and calcificated with increasing ages being covered by pseudostratified columnar epithelium. The results of the study suggested that chukar partridge and Japanese quail syrinxes have some morphological differences compared to the other bird species; but, anatomically and histologically similarities to many bird species.

Vet Res Forum ; 14(2): 65-69, 2023.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36909681


The aim of this study was to examine and compare the macro-anatomical structures and configurations of plexus sacralis in Hasmer and Hasak sheep breeds. For this purpose, 18 sheep (eight female Hasmer sheep, three male Hasak sheep and seven female Hasak sheep) were assessed. After induction of anesthesia, the body cavities were opened. The sheep were fixed with formaldehyde after draining of the blood. The nerves of the plexus sacralis were dissected separately and photographed. Both in Hasmer and Hasak sheep breeds, the plexus sacralis was a large anastomotic complex of nerves which gave rise to nerves distributed to pelvic cavity and pelvic limb. It was derived from the ventral branches of the six spinal segments. It was observed that this plexus was formed by the ventral rami of four (first to fourth) sacral spinal nerves as well as ventral ramus of the sixth and fifth lumbar nerves. The results of this study are believed to be improved further with the future morphometric studies and to make a contribution to future anatomical and surgical studies in this area.

Int. j. morphol ; 40(6): 1536-1545, dic. 2022. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421804


SUMMARY: The aim of the study was to investigate the head structures of two domestic sheep breeds (Hasak and Hasmer) in Turkey. Gender neutral eight adult Hasmer sheep of 45-66 kg and eight Hasak sheep breeds of 43-66 kg obtained from Bahri Dag˘das¸ International Agricultural Research Institute were used in this study. Measurements were made using digital caliper from 40 points on the skulls of both species. The skull of Hasmer sheep (265.56 ± 14.08) was longer than the skull of Hasak sheep (262.86 ± 9.65). However, the length of the arcus alveolaris maxillaris (77.01 ± 5.08), the length of the molar teeth (50.81 ± 1.22) and the length of the premolar teeth (26.16 ± 4.62) of Hasak sheep were compared to the Hasmer sheep (71.59, ± 5.25; 47.99 ± 3.64; 24.03 ± 3.76, respectively) was observed to be greater. According to these findings, although the skull length of Hasak sheep was shorter than that of Hasmer sheep and arcus alveolaris maxillaris in which molar and premolar teeth were placed was longer. In Hasmer sheep the values of greatest breadth of the foramen magnum, height of the foramen magnum (basion - opisthion), greatest neurocranium breadth-greatest breadth of the braincase (euryon - euryon) were higher than those of Hasak sheep. The difference between these values was also statistically significant (p <0.05). The lateral length of the premaxilla (nasointermaxillare- prosthion) parameter measured between these two species was statistically very important (p <0.01). In conclusion, in this study craniometric values depending on skull morphology of Hasmer and Hasak sheep which accepted as native breeds of Turkey were tried, to reveal similarities and differences with other sheep breeds in both amongst themselves.

El objetivo del estudio fue investigar las estructuras de la cabeza de dos razas de ovejas domésticas (Hasak y Hasmer) de Turquía. En este estudio se utilizaron ocho ovejas Hasmer adultas de género neutral de 45-66 kg y ocho ovejas de raza Hasak de 43-66 kg, obtenidas del Instituto Internacional de Investigación Agrícola Bahri Dagdas. Las mediciones en los cráneos de ambas especies se realiza-ron con caliper digital de 40 puntos. El cráneo de la oveja Hasmer (265,56 ± 14,08 mm) era más largo que el cráneo que el de la oveja Hasak (262,86 ± 9,65 mm). En las ovejas Hasak la longitud del arcus alveolaris maxillaris fue 77,01 ± 5,08 mm, la longitud de los dientes molares fue 50,81 ± 1,22 mm y la longitud de los dientes premolares fue de 26,16 ± 4,62 mm, en cambio en las ovejas Hasmer fue de 71,59 ± 5,25 mm; 47,99 ± 3,64 mm; 24,03 ± 3,76 mm, respectivamente. Según estos hallazgos, la longitud del cráneo de la oveja Hasak era más corta que la de la oveja Hasmer y el arcus alveolaris maxillaris en el que se colocaron los dientes molares y premolares era más largo. En ovinos Hasmer los valores de mayor amplitud del foramen magnum, altura del foramen magnum (basion - opisthion), mayor amplitud del neurocráneo-mayor amplitud de la caja craneana (euryon - euryon) fueron superiores a los de las ovejas Hasak. La diferencia entre estos valores también fue estadísticamente significativa (p <0,05). El parámetro de longitud lateral del premaxilar (nasointermaxillare-prosthion) medido entre estas dos especies fu estadísticamente significativo (p <0.01). En conclusión, los valores craneométricos en relación a la morfología del cráneo de las ovejas Hasmer y Hasak que se definieron como razas autóctonas de Turquía revelaron similitudes y diferencias con otras razas de ovejas.

Animaux , Crâne/anatomie et histologie , Ovis aries/anatomie et histologie , Turquie , Ovis/anatomie et histologie