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Gamme d'année
Ambio ; 52(5): 963-975, 2023 May.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36701115


Returning to Earth's safe operating space requires driving social-ecological transformations toward a new human-nature configuration, while navigating changes and creatively dealing with crises. Family farms in the Colombian Andes have been navigating changes by using modalities of integrated management that recognize family interdependence with nature, which illustrates social-ecological resilience on a small scale. We potentiated family farming by creating FiNCO (Farms for knowledge exchange) as a strategy that renews the connection between disciplines, academia and farmers, and the rural and urban sectors, in order to promote knowledge co-production and landscape stewardship. In this sense, FiNCO is considered as a seed for a good Anthropocene. This paper is an invitation to plant FiNCO seeds in different social-ecological contexts and to share those experiences as an ideal way to create abilities to transform the upcoming humanity challenges into opportunities for humanity's needed transformation.

Agriculture , Écosystème , Humains , Fermes , Colombie , Graines
J Community Psychol ; 49(7): 2905-2921, 2021 09.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34096622


Economic migrant women often experience oppressive living and working conditions in the receiving societies. Activism is a liberatory behavior these women may employ to transform such situations. This study explores the activism experience of female migrant domestic workers from Latin America settled in southern Spain, in terms of its psychosocial benefits and costs. A purposeful sample of eleven activist migrant women engaged in a grassroots organization of domestic workers and eight members of social organizations supporting their activities were interviewed in-depth individually. After a qualitative content analysis approach to the data, the study presents activism as a community engagement behavior with benefits such as the strengthening of social ties, sense of community, opportunities for sharing stories of oppression, and psychological empowerment. Activism also emerged as a demanding activity requiring high investments in time by activists and producing interpersonal conflicts, hopelessness, and burnout in some cases. Such costs may pose limits to its potential to produce well-being and liberation, implying challenges for research, intervention, and activism sustainability.

Troubles mentaux , Population de passage et migrants , Analyse coût-bénéfice , Femelle , Humains , Concept du soi , Espagne
Cien Saude Colet ; 21(8): 2413-22, 2016 Aug.
Article de Espagnol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27557015


Caring for the elderly is turning to forms of community care and home care. Telecare is one of those emergent modalities of caring. This article will explore the meanings that older people give to the experience of staying at home in later life by using telecare. Discourse analysis is used to examine a set of focus groups and interviews with telecare users from different cities of Catalonia (Spain). The outcomes include three interpretative repertoires that we called: "Aging at home", "normal aging" and "unsafe aging". For each repertoire we examine how the permanence of older people in their homes is accounted, and which role telecare plays in such experience.

Services de soins à domicile , Vie autonome , Télémédecine , Sujet âgé , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Espagne
Ciênc. saúde coletiva ; 21(8): 2413-2422, ago. 2016.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-792983


Resumen El cuidado de las personas mayores está dando un giro hacia modalidades de atención comunitaria y domiciliaria. La teleasistencia es una de dichas modalidades. Este artículo se propone explorar los significados que las personas mayores asocian a la experiencia de permanecer en el hogar a edades avanzadas con ayuda de la teleasistencia. Se utiliza el análisis del discurso para examinar un conjunto de grupos de discusión con y de entrevistas a usuarios de teleasistencia de diferentes ciudades de Cataluña (España). Como resultado se presentan tres repertorios interpretativos denominados: “envejecimiento en casa”, “envejecimiento normal” y “envejecimiento inseguro”. Para cada uno se examina la forma como describen la permanencia de las personas mayores en sus hogares, así como el papel que la teleasistencia juega en dicha experiencia.

Abstract Caring for the elderly is turning to forms of community care and home care. Telecare is one of those emergent modalities of caring. This article will explore the meanings that older people give to the experience of staying at home in later life by using telecare. Discourse analysis is used to examine a set of focus groups and interviews with telecare users from different cities of Catalonia (Spain). The outcomes include three interpretative repertoires that we called: “Aging at home”, “normal aging” and “unsafe aging”. For each repertoire we examine how the permanence of older people in their homes is accounted, and which role telecare plays in such experience.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Sujet âgé , Télémédecine , Vie autonome , Services de soins à domicile , Espagne
Univ. psychol ; 14(2): 771-784, abr.-jun. 2015.
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-775019


Rom Harré is one of the most important figures in academia of recent decades. Born in New Zealand he developed most of his career in Oxford. Influenced by authors such as John Austin, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Lev Vygotsky, Ha-rré has produced his own and innovative approach to humanities and social sciences topics. His writings on philosophy of science have been focused on destabilizing the central doctrines of logical empiricism and positivism. However, his work has been not only influential in philosophy but also in other fields. This paper introduces his main contributions to psychology in general and social psychology in particular. It presents an interview with Rom Harré which outlines an approach to the author and his contributions to the social psychology crisis. Some key concepts in social sciences and in Rom's own work are also addressed, and research lines he advises to follow in the next decade are examined. The interview depicts Rom Harré as a scholar who crosses the boundaries between different disciplines and places.

Rom Harré es una de las figuras más importantes en el mundo académico de las últimas décadas. Nacido en Nueva Zelanda desarrolló la mayor parte de su carrera en Oxford. Influenciado por autores como John Austin, Ludwig Wittgenstein y Lev Vygotsky, Harré ha producido su propia e innovadora aproximación a las humanidades y temas de las ciencias sociales. Sus escritos sobre filosofía de la ciencia se han centrado en la desestabilización de las doctrinas centrales del empirismo lógico y el positivismo. Sin embargo, su trabajo no sólo ha sido influyente en la filosofía, sino también en otros campos. Este documento presenta sus principales contribuciones a la psicología de la psicología general y social en particular. Presenta una entrevista con Rom Harré que esboza una aproximación al autor y sus contribuciones a la crisis de la psicología social. Algunos conceptos clave en las ciencias sociales y en la propia obra de Rom también se abordan, y las líneas de investigación que asesora a seguir en la próxima década se examinan. La entrevista representa Rom Harré como un erudito que cruza las fronteras entre las distintas disciplinas y lugares.

Psychologie , Psychologie sociale
Univ. psychol ; 12(2): 375-389, may.-agos. 2013. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-689601


Para acercarnos a cómo los ciudadanos catalanes dan cuenta de las controversias hídricas en España, se analizaron seis grupos de discusión realizados en Cataluña durante 2006. Se utilizó el concepto "identidad social espacial" para las interpretaciones, adaptándolo para resaltar su carácter interaccional. Al rastrear las categorías espaciales empleadas en las discusiones, se identificó la variedad de denominaciones usadas para debatir sobre los problemas hídricos en España. El análisis se centra en las denominaciones más usadas para determinar su utilidad e identificar las acciones discursivas que los participantes realizan con ellas. Los resultados indican que los hablantes dan cuenta de los "problemas del agua" movilizando una geografía política del sentido común que resalta el carácter socioespacial y conflictivo de los asuntos hídricos.

In order to know how Catalonian citizens account water controversies in Spain, we analyzed six focus groups carried out in Catalonia in 2006. A concept of 'urban social identity' is used for our interpretations, having been adapted to highlight its interactional character. Tracking the spatial categories used in the discussions, we identified the variety of denominations employed to debate water problems in Spain. The analysis is focused on the most frequent categories to establish their utility and identify discursive actions that participants produce. Results indicate that speakers account the "water problems" mobilizing a common sense political geography that highlights the socio-spatial and conflicting character of water issues.

/statistiques et données numériques , Discours
Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 45(1): 80-84, Jan.-Apr. 2013.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-678112


Este artículo presenta un análisis discursivo de la identidad de lugar en usuarios de teleasistencia domiciliaria. Dicho análisis es parte de los resultados de dos proyectos de investigación interesados por el cuidado de las personas mayores y dependientes en España. Los datos analizados se extraen de un conjunto de diez grupos de discusión llevados a cabo en Cataluña durante 2009 (n=62). A partir del rastreo del uso que los participantes hacen de una frase hecha ("no hay lugar como el hogar"), se propone un examen secuencial y detallado de los datos inspirado en el análisis conversacional y la psicología discursiva. Este examen resalta el carácter co-producido de la identidad de lugar y llama la atención sobre diferentes herramientas discursivas que los participantes emplean para enfrentar las amenazas que la conversación le plantea a dicha identidad. El resultado es la descripción del contexto en el que se produce una identidad de hogar que da sentido a la preferencia que los participantes muestran por envejecer en casa. Dicha identidad de hogar se presenta como un recurso de orden explicativo y retórico.

This article presents a discourse analysis of place-identity in home telecare users. This analysis is part of the results of two research projects concerned with the care of old and dependent people in Spain. The data analyzed come from a set of ten focus groups conducted in Catalonia in 2009 (n=62). Drawing from tracking the participants' use of a fixed phrase ("there is no place like home"), a sequential and detailed examination of the data inspired by conversation analysis and discursive psychology is proposed. This examination highlights the co-produced nature of place-identity and draws attention to different discursive tools which the participants use to deal with threats that conversation supposes to that identity. The result is the description of the context in which a home-identity that gives meaning to the participants' preference for aging at home is produced. This home-identity is presented as an explanatory and rhetoric resource.

Univ. psychol ; 11(3): 1001-1011, set.-dic. 2012. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-675417


Kenneth Gergen is one of the most widely known contributors to social constructionist thought in the world today. Since the publication of his paper "Social Psychology as History" he has become a central player in what is known as the Social Psychology Crisis. In his academic career, and from what he has called 'Relational Theory', Gergen has revisited a significant number of psychological constructs and has proposed various dialogical and collaborative practices in therapy, organizational development, education, community development, social work and peace-building, among other things. This paper is a conversation with Gergen in which together we explore the particular way in which he understands the social constructionist movement. It is also a conversation about relational theory and related practices.

Kenneth Gergen es, actualmente, uno de los promotores más ampliamente conocidos del pensamiento socioconstruccionista. Desde la publicación de su artículo "Social Psychology as History" ha ocupado un lugar central en lo que se conoce como la crisis de la Psicología Social. En su carrera académica y desde lo que él ha llamado Teoría Relacional, Gergen ha revisado un número importante de constructos psicológicos y ha propuesto varias prácticas dialógicas y colaborativas en psicoterapia, desarrollo organizacional, educación, desarrollo comunitario, trabajo social y procesos de paz, entre otros campos. Este artículo es una conversación con Gergen en la cual se exploró conjuntamente su manera particular de entender el movimiento del construccionismo social. También es una conversación acerca de la teoría relacional y de las prácticas relacionales.

Psychologie , Psychologie sociale