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Proc Biol Sci ; 290(2003): 20230803, 2023 07 26.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37491960


Primary production underpins most ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration and fisheries. Artificial reefs (ARs) are widely used for fisheries management. Research has shown that a mechanism by which ARs in seagrass beds can support fisheries and carbon sequestration is through increasing primary production via fertilization from aggregating fish excretion. Seagrass beds are heavily affected by anthropogenic nutrient input and fishing that reduces nutrient input by consumers. The effect of these stressors is difficult to predict because impacts of simultaneous stressors are typically non-additive. We used a long-term experiment to identify the mechanisms by which simultaneous impacts of sewage enrichment and fishing alter seagrass production around ARs across non-orthogonal gradients in human-dominated and relatively unimpacted regions in Haiti and The Bahamas. Merging trait-based measures of seagrass and seagrass ecosystem processes, we found that ARs consistently enhanced per capita seagrass production and maintained ecosystem-scale production despite drastic shifts in controls on production from human stressors. Importantly, we also show that coupled human stressors on seagrass production around ARs were additive, contrasting expectations. These findings are encouraging for conservation because they indicate that seagrass ecosystems are highly resistant to coupled human stressors and that ARs promote ecosystem services even in human-dominated ecosystems.

Écosystème , Pêcheries , Animaux , Humains , Nutriments , Séquestration du carbone , Bahamas
Oecologia ; 167(1): 157-68, 2011 Sep.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21409448


Habitat variability at multiple spatial scales may affect community structure within a given habitat patch, even within seemingly homogenous landscapes. In this context, we tested the importance of habitat variables at two spatial scales (patch and landscape) in driving fish community assembly using experimental artificial reefs constructed across a gradient of seagrass cover in a coastal bay of The Bahamas. We found that species richness and benthic fish abundance increased over time, but eventually reached an asymptote. The correlation between habitat variables and community structure strengthened over time, suggesting deterministic processes were detectable in community assembly. Abundance of benthic fishes, as well as overall community structure, were predicted by both patch- and landscape-scale variables, with the cover of seagrass at the landscape-scale emerging as the most important explanatory variable. Results of this study indicate that landscape features can drive differences in community assembly even within a general habitat type (i.e., within seagrass beds). A primary implication of this finding is that human activities driving changes in seagrass cover may cause significant shifts in faunal community structure well before complete losses of seagrass habitat.

Écosystème , Poissons , Hydrocharitaceae , Animaux , Bahamas , Mensurations corporelles
Ecol Lett ; 10(10): 937-44, 2007 Oct.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17845294


Much research has focused on identifying species that are susceptible to extinction following ecosystem fragmentation, yet even those species that persist in fragmented habitats may have fundamentally different ecological roles than conspecifics in unimpacted areas. Shifts in trophic role induced by fragmentation, especially of abundant top predators, could have transcendent impacts on food web architecture and stability, as well as ecosystem function. Here we use a novel measure of trophic niche width, based on stable isotope ratios, to assess effects of aquatic ecosystem fragmentation on trophic ecology of a resilient, dominant, top predator. We demonstrate collapse in trophic niche width of the predator in fragmented systems, a phenomenon related to significant reductions in diversity of potential prey taxa. Collapsed niche width reflects a homogenization of energy flow pathways to top predators, likely serving to destabilize remnant food webs and render apparently resilient top predators more susceptible to extinction through time.

Écosystème , Chaine alimentaire , Perciformes , Animaux , Bahamas , Biodiversité , Isotopes du carbone , Poissons , Contenus gastro-intestinaux , Invertébrés , Isotopes de l'azote , Rivières