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Phys Rev E ; 104(1): L012102, 2021 Jul.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34412290


We study the first-passage time distribution (FPTD) F(t_{f}|x_{0},L) for a freely diffusing particle starting at x_{0} in one dimension, to a target located at L, averaged over the initial position x_{0} drawn from a normalized distribution (1/σ)g(x_{0}/σ) of finite width σ. We show the averaged FPTD undergoes a sharp dynamical phase transition from a two-peak structure for b=L/σ>b_{c} to a single-peak structure for b

Phys Rev E ; 103(4): L040502, 2021 Apr.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34005906


We report experimental evidence that a polymer stretched at constant strain rate λ[over ̇] presents complex memory effects after λ[over ̇] is set to zero at a specific strain λ_{w} for a duration t_{w}, ranging from 100s to 2.2×10^{5}s. When the strain rate is resumed, both the stress and the dielectric constant relax to the unperturbed state nonmonotonically. The relaxations depend on the observable, on λ_{w} and on t_{w}. Relaxation master curves are obtained by scaling the time and the amplitudes by ln(t_{w}). The dielectric evolution also captures the distribution of the relaxation times, so the results impose strong constraints on the relaxation models of polymers under stress and they can be useful for a better understanding of memory effects in other disorder materials.

Phys Rev E ; 94(5-1): 052148, 2016 Nov.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27967201


We analytically study the role of nonconservative forces, namely viscous couplings, on the statistical properties of the energy flux between two Brownian particles kept at different temperatures. From the dynamical model describing the system, we identify an energy flow that satisfies a fluctuation theorem both in the stationary and in transient states. In particular, for the specific case of a linear nonconservative interaction, we derive an exact fluctuation theorem that holds for any measurement time in the transient regime, and which involves the energy flux alone. Moreover, in this regime the system presents an interesting asymmetry between the hot and cold particles. The theoretical predictions are in good agreement with the experimental results already presented in our previous article [Imparato et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 068301 (2016)PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.116.068301], where we investigated the thermodynamic properties of two Brownian particles, trapped with optical tweezers, interacting through a dissipative hydrodynamic coupling.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(6): 068301, 2016 Feb 12.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26919017


We experimentally study the statistical properties of the energy fluxes between two trapped Brownian particles, interacting through dissipative hydrodynamic coupling, and submitted to an effective temperature difference ΔT, obtained by random forcing the position of one trap. We identify effective heat fluxes between the two particles and show that they satisfy an exchange fluctuation theorem in the stationary state. We also show that after the sudden application of a temperature gradient ΔT, the total hot-cold flux satisfies a transient exchange fluctuation theorem for any integration time, whereas the total cold-hot flux only does it asymptotically for long times.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(15): 154301, 2013 Oct 11.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24160603


Prompted by intriguing events observed in certain particle-physics searches for rare events, we study light and acoustic emission simultaneously in some inorganic scintillators subject to mechanical stress. We observe mechanoluminescence in Bi4Ge3O12, CdWO4, and ZnWO4, in various mechanical configurations at room temperature and ambient pressure. We analyze the temporal and amplitude correlations between the light emission and the acoustic emission during fracture. A novel application of the precise energy calibration of Bi4Ge3O12 provided by radioactive sources allows us to deduce that the fraction of elastic energy converted to light is at least 3×10(-5).

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(18): 180601, 2013 May 03.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23683183


We report an experimental and theoretical analysis of the energy exchanged between two conductors kept at different temperature and coupled by the electric thermal noise. Experimentally we determine, as functions of the temperature difference, the heat flux, the out-of-equilibrium variance, and a conservation law for the fluctuating entropy, which we justify theoretically. The system is ruled by the same equations as two Brownian particles kept at different temperatures and coupled by an elastic force. Our results set strong constraints on the energy exchanged between coupled nanosystems held at different temperatures.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(16): 165506, 2013 Apr 19.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23679620


The growth dynamics of a single crack in a heterogeneous material under subcritical loading is an intermittent process, and many features of this dynamics have been shown to agree with simple models of thermally activated rupture. In order to better understand the role of material heterogeneities in this process, we study the subcritical propagation of a crack in a sheet of paper in the presence of a distribution of small defects such as holes. The experimental data obtained for two different distributions of holes are discussed in the light of models that predict the slowing down of crack growth when the disorder in the material is increased; however, in contradiction with these theoretical predictions, the experiments result in longer lasting cracks in a more ordered scenario. We argue that this effect is specific to subcritical crack dynamics and that the weakest zones between holes at close distance to each other are responsible for both the acceleration of the crack dynamics and the slightly different roughness of the crack path.

Phys Rev Lett ; 106(20): 200602, 2011 May 20.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21668212


We measure the energy fluctuations of a Brownian particle confined by an optical trap in an aging gelatin after a very fast quench (less than 1 ms). The strong nonequilibrium fluctuations due to the assemblage of the gel are interpreted, within the framework of fluctuation theorem, as a heat flux from the particle towards the bath. We derive an analytical expression of the heat probability distribution, which fits the experimental data and satisfies a fluctuation relation similar to that of a system in contact with two baths at different temperatures.

Phys Rev Lett ; 103(4): 040601, 2009 Jul 24.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19659337


A modified fluctuation-dissipation theorem for a nonequilibrium steady state is experimentally checked by studying the position fluctuations of a colloidal particle whose motion is confined in a toroidal optical trap. The nonequilibrium steady state is generated by means of a rotating laser beam which exerts on the particle a sinusoidal conservative force plus a constant nonconservative one. The modified fluctuation-dissipation theorem is perfectly verified by the experimental data. It can be interpreted as an equilibriumlike fluctuation-dissipation relation in the Lagrangian frame of the mean local velocity of the particle.

Phys Rev Lett ; 102(13): 130601, 2009 Apr 03.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19392339


The orientation fluctuations of the director of a liquid crystal are measured after a quench near the Fréedericksz transition, which is a second order transition driven by an electric field. We report experimental evidence that, because of the critical slowing down, the liquid crystal presents several properties of an aging system after the quench, such as power law scaling in times of correlation and response functions. During this slow relaxation, a well defined effective temperature, much larger than the heat bath temperature, can be measured using the fluctuation dissipation relation.

Eur Phys J E Soft Matter ; 27(2): 185-95, 2008 Oct.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18791756


We study experimentally the slow growth of a single crack in a glassy film of polycarbonate submitted to uniaxial and constant imposed load. Flame-shaped macroscopic zones of plastic deformation appear at the tips of the crack and the formation of these plastic zones involves a necking instability. In order to understand the crack growth dynamics, we study first the growth dynamics of the plastic zones alone, i.e. without crack, at constant imposed load. We find that the growth velocity of the neck can be very well described by the same Eyring's factor as the one describing the creep flow of polycarbonate. In addition, we discover that a surface oscillation with a very large wavelength-to-amplitude ratio occurs during the neck propagation, and that both wavelength and amplitude are proportional to the film thickness. Finally, we succeed in modelling analytically the dependence of the instantaneous crack velocity on experimental variables using Dugdale-Barenblatt static description of crack tip plastic zones associated to Eyring's law and an empirical dependence on the crack length that may come from a residual elastic field.

Phys Rev Lett ; 100(18): 180601, 2008 May 09.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18518358


The orientation fluctuations of the director of a liquid crystal are measured, by a sensitive polarization interferometer, close to the Fréedericksz transition, which is a second-order transition driven by an electric field. We show that, near the critical value of the field, the spatially averaged order parameter has a generalized Gumbel distribution instead of a Gaussian one. The latter is recovered away from the critical point. The relevance of slow modes is pointed out. The parameter of the generalized Gumbel distribution is related to the effective number of degrees of freedom.

Phys Rev Lett ; 98(15): 150601, 2007 Apr 13.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17501329


The time-reversal symmetry of nonequilibrium fluctuations is experimentally investigated in two out-of-equilibrium systems: namely, a Brownian particle in a trap moving at constant speed and an electric circuit with an imposed mean current. The dynamical randomness of their nonequilibrium fluctuations is characterized in terms of the standard and time-reversed entropies per unit time of dynamical systems theory. We present experimental results showing that their difference equals the thermodynamic entropy production in units of Boltzmann's constant.

Phys Rev Lett ; 97(14): 140603, 2006 Oct 06.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17155235


The work fluctuations of an oscillator in contact with a thermostat and driven out of equilibrium by an external force are studied experimentally and theoretically within the context of fluctuation theorems. The oscillator dynamics is modeled by a second order Langevin equation. Both the transient and stationary state fluctuation theorems hold and the finite time corrections are very different from those of a first order Langevin equation. The periodic forcing of the oscillator is also studied; it presents new and unexpected short time convergences. Analytical expressions are given in all cases.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 71(6 Pt 1): 060101, 2005 Jun.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16089709


In small systems where relevant energies are comparable to thermal agitation, fluctuations are of the order of average values. In systems in thermodynamical equilibrium, the variance of these fluctuations can be related to the dissipation constant in the system, exploiting the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. In nonequilibrium steady systems, fluctuations theorems (FT) additionally describe symmetry properties of the probability density functions (PDFs) of the fluctuations of injected and dissipated energies. We experimentally probe a model system: an electrical dipole driven out of equilibrium by a small constant current I, and show that FT are experimentally accessible and valid. Furthermore, we stress that FT can be used to measure the dissipated power P = R I2 in the system by just studying the PDFs' symmetries.

Phys Rev Lett ; 92(13): 130601, 2004 Apr 02.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15089590


Using recent fluctuation theorems from nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, we extend the theory for voltage fluctuations in electric circuits to power and heat fluctuations. They could be of particular relevance for the functioning of small circuits. This is done for a parallel resistor and capacitor with a constant current source for which we use the analogy with a Brownian particle dragged through a fluid by a moving harmonic potential, where circuit-specific analogs are needed on top of the Brownian-Nyquist analogy. The results may also hold for other circuits as another example shows.