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Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39243815


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical impact of optimizing stroke volume (SV) through fluid administration as part of goal-directed hemodynamic therapy (GDHT) in adult patients undergoing elective major abdominal surgery. METHODS: This systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement and was registered in the PROSPERO database in January 2024. The intervention was defined as intraoperative GDHT based on the optimization or maximization of SV through fluid challenges, or by using dynamic indices of fluid responsiveness, including stroke volume variation, pulse pressure variation, and plethysmography variation index compared to usual fluid management. The primary outcome was postoperative complications. Secondary outcome variables included postoperative acute kidney injury (AKI), length of stay (LOS), intraoperative fluid administration, and 30-day mortality. RESULTS: A total of 29 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) met the inclusion criteria. There were no significant differences in the incidence of postoperative complications (RR 0.89; 95% CI, 0.78 to 1.00), postoperative AKI (OR 0.97; (95% IC, 0.55 to 1.70), and mortality (OR 0.80; 95% CI, 0.50 to 1.29). GDHT was associated with a reduced LOS compared to usual care (SMD: -0.17 [-0.32; - 0.03]). The subgroup in which hydroxyethyl starch was used for hemodynamic optimization was associated with fewer complications (RR 0.79; 95% CI, 0.65 to 0.94), whereas the subgroup of patients in whom crystalloids were used was associated with an increased risk of postoperative complications (RR 1.08; 95% CI, 1.04 to 1.12). CONCLUSIONS: In adults undergoing major surgery, goal-directed hemodynamic therapy focused on fluid-based stroke volume optimization did not reduce postoperative morbidity and mortality.

Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39245143


BACKGROUND: This study aimed to assess the efficacy of estimated preoperative aortic pulse wave velocity (AoPWV) to discriminate between low and high 6 min walk test (6MWT) distance in patients awaiting major non-cardiac surgery. METHODS: Prospective observational study in 133 patients undergoing non cardiac surgery. AoPWV and the distance walked during a 6MWT were assessed. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was used to determine two different AoPWV cut-points for predicting a distance of 427 m in the 6MWT. We also calculated lower and upper AoPWV cut-points (probability ≥ 0.75) for predicting a distance of < 427 m, ≥427 m, and also 563 m in the 6MWT. RESULTS: The ROC curve analysis for the < 427 m distance revealed an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.68 (95% confidence interval 0.56-0.79) and an AUC of 0.72 (95% confidence interval 0.61-0.83) for >563 m. Patients with AoPWV > 10.97 m/s should be considered high risk, while those with <9.42 m/s can be considered low risk. CONCLUSIONS: AoPWV is a simple, non-invasive, useful clinical tool for identifying and stratifying patients awaiting major non-cardiac surgery. In situations of clinical uncertainty, additional measures should be taken to assess the risk.

Rev. esp. anestesiol. reanim ; 70(10): 575-579, Dic. 2023.
Article de Espagnol | IBECS | ID: ibc-228134


La hipotensión postoperatoria es un problema de salud frecuentemente subestimado, asociado a una elevada morbimortalidad y a un mayor uso de recursos sanitarios. También plantea importantes retos clínicos, tecnológicos y humanos para la asistencia sanitaria. Al tratarse de un factor de riesgo modificable y evitable, este documento pretende aumentar su visibilidad, definiendo su impacto clínico y los retos tecnológicos que conlleva la optimización de su manejo, teniendo en cuenta aspectos clínico-tecnológicos, humanísticos y económicos.(AU)

Postoperative hypotension is a frequently underestimated health problem associated with high morbidity and mortality and increased use of health care resources. It also poses significant clinical, technological, and human challenges for healthcare. As it is a modifiable and avoidable risk factor, this document aims to increase its visibility, defining its clinical impact and the technological challenges involved in optimizing its management, taking clinical-technological, humanistic, and economic aspects into account.(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Indicateurs de Morbidité et de Mortalité , Monitorage de l'hémodynamique , Complications postopératoires , Hypotension artérielle/prévention et contrôle
Rev. neurol. (Ed. impr.) ; 77(2): 61-64, Juli-Dic. 2023. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | IBECS | ID: ibc-223469


Introducción: La encefalitis límbica (EL) puede tener un amplio abanico de etiologías, más frecuentemente la infecciosa (sobre todo viral) o autoinmune. La enfermedad de Behçet (EB) puede presentarse con manifestaciones neurológicas heterogéneas. Sin embargo, la EL no se considera una presentación típica del neuro-Behçet (NB). Caso clínico: Un varón de 40 años consultó por cefalea de novo subaguda, problemas de memoria y apatía. La anamnesis por sistemas reveló una historia no conocida previamente de aftas orales recurrentes durante años, fiebre y afectación general reciente, así como un episodio de panuveítis bilateral cuatro meses antes de la presentación. Su exploración general y neurológica reveló febrícula, una afta oral aislada, amnesia anterógrada y signos de vasculitis retiniana bilateral. La resonancia magnética mostró un patrón de afectación de meningoencefalitis límbica y su líquido cefalorraquídeo presentaba inflamación mononuclear. El paciente cumplía los criterios diagnósticos de la EB. Considerando que la EL es una presentación muy rara del NB, se buscaron exhaustivamente y se excluyeron otras etiologías alternativas, incluyendo las encefalitis infecciosas, autoinmunes y paraneoplásicas. En consecuencia, el paciente se diagnosticó de NB y mostró una buena recuperación con tratamiento inmunosupresor. Discusión: Sólo dos casos de NB con presentación en forma de EL se han publicado previamente. Comunicamos el tercer caso de esta rara manifestación clínica de la EB y lo comparamos con los dos anteriores, con el objetivo de destacar dicha asociación y contribuir a expandir el rico espectro clínico del NB.(AU)

Introduction: Limbic encephalitis (LE) can have a wide range of etiologies, most frequently infectious (especially viral) or autoimmune. Behçet’s disease (BD) can present with heterogeneous neurological manifestations. However, LE is not considered a typical presentation of neuro-Behçet’s disease (NBD). Case report: A 40-years-old male presented with new-onset subacute headaches, memory problems and apathy. A review of systems revealed an unrecorded past history of recurrent oral sores for years, recent malaise and fever, as well as an episode of bilateral panuveitis four months before presentation. His general and neurologic examination revealed slight fever, an isolated oral aphtha, anterograde amnesia and signs of bilateral retinal vasculitis. Brain magnetic resonance imaging displayed a pattern of limbic meningoencephalitis, and his cerebrospinal fluid showed mononuclear inflammation. The patient met BD diagnostic criteria. Considering LE is a very rare presentation of NBD, alternative etiologies were thoroughly assessed and excluded, including infectious, autoimmune and paraneoplastic encephalitis. Therefore, he was diagnosed with NBD, and he recovered well after immunosuppression. Discussion: Only two cases of NBD presenting with LE have been previously reported. We report a third case of this rare presentation and compare it with the previous two. We aim to highlight this association and contribute to enlarge the rich clinical spectrum of NBD.(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Encéphalite limbique/imagerie diagnostique , Encéphalite limbique/étiologie , Maladie de Behçet , Céphalée , Stomatite aphteuse , Panuvéite , Neurologie , Maladies du système nerveux , Patients hospitalisés , Examen physique , Recueil de l'anamnèse
Rev. esp. anestesiol. reanim ; 70(8): 458-466, Octubre 2023.
Article de Espagnol | IBECS | ID: ibc-225928


En un esfuerzo por estandarizar el manejo perioperatorio y mejorar los resultados posoperatorios de los pacientes adultos sometidos a cirugía, el Ministerio de Sanidad, a través del Grupo Español de Rehabilitación Multimodal (GERM) y el Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud, en colaboración con diversas sociedades científicas españolas, y sobre la base de la evidencia disponible, publicó en 2021 la guía Recuperación intensificada en cirugía del adulto (RICA). Dicho documento incluye 12 medidas perioperatorias relacionadas con la fluidoterapia y la monitorización hemodinámica. La administración de fluidos y la monitorización hemodinámica no son sencillas, pero están directamente relacionadas con los resultados de los pacientes. El Subcomité de Fluidoterapia y monitorización hemodinámica de la Sección de Hemostasia, Medicina transfusional y Fluidoterapia (SHTF) de la Sociedad Española de Anestesiología y Reanimación (SEDAR) ha analizado dichas recomendaciones, concluyendo que deberían ser revisadas, ya que no siguen la metodología adecuada. (AU)

In an effort to standardize perioperative management and improve postoperative outcomes of adult patients undergoing surgery, the Ministry of Health, through the Spanish Multimodal Rehabilitation Group (GERM), and the Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences, in collaboration with multiple Spanish scientific societies and based on the available evidence, published in 2021 the Spanish Intensified Adult Recovery (RICA) guideline. This document includes 12 perioperative measures related to fluid therapy and hemodynamic monitoring. Fluid administration and hemodynamic monitoring are not straightforward but are directly related to postoperative patient outcomes. The Fluid Therapy and Hemodynamic Monitoring Subcommittee of the Hemostasis, Transfusion Medicine and Fluid Therapy Section (SHTF) of the Spanish Society of Anesthesiology and Critical Care (SEDAR) has reviewed these recommendations and concluded that they should be revised as they do not follow an adequate methodology. (AU)

Humains , Adulte , Traitement par apport liquidien , Hémodynamique , Période périopératoire/méthodes , Recommandations comme sujet , Sociétés/normes
Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim (Engl Ed) ; 70(8): 458-466, 2023 Oct.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37669701


In an effort to standardize perioperative management and improve postoperative outcomes of adult patients undergoing surgery, the Ministry of Health, through the Spanish Multimodal Rehabilitation Group (GERM), and the Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences, in collaboration with multiple Spanish scientific societies and based on the available evidence, published in 2021 the Spanish Intensified Adult Recovery (RICA) guideline. This document includes 12 perioperative measures related to fluid therapy and hemodynamic monitoring. Fluid administration and hemodynamic monitoring are not straightforward but are directly related to postoperative patient outcomes. The Fluid Therapy and Hemodynamic Monitoring Subcommittee of the Hemostasis, Transfusion Medicine and Fluid Therapy Section (SHTF) of the Spanish Society of Anesthesiology and Critical Care (SEDAR) has reviewed these recommendations and concluded that they should be revised as they do not follow an adequate methodology.

Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim (Engl Ed) ; 70(10): 575-579, 2023 Dec.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37652202


Postoperative hypotension is a frequently underestimated health problem associated with high morbidity and mortality and increased use of health care resources. It also poses significant clinical, technological, and human challenges for healthcare. As it is a modifiable and avoidable risk factor, this document aims to increase its visibility, defining its clinical impact and the technological challenges involved in optimizing its management, taking clinical-technological, humanistic, and economic aspects into account.

Hypotension artérielle , Humains , Hypotension artérielle/étiologie , Facteurs de risque , Morbidité , Période postopératoire
Rev. esp. anestesiol. reanim ; 70(6): 311-318, Jun-Jul. 2023. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | IBECS | ID: ibc-221246


Antecedentes: La administración intraoperatoria de fluidos es una intervención ubicua en los pacientes quirúrgicos. Pero la administración inadecuada de fluidos puede llevar a malos resultados postoperatorios. La prueba de volumen (PV), dentro o fuera de la denominada fluidoterapia guiada por objetivos, permite probar el sistema cardiovascular y la necesidad de administración adicional de fluidos. Nuestro objetivo primario fue evaluar el modo en que el anestesiólogo realiza la PV en el quirófano en términos de tipo, volumen, variables utilizadas para impulsar la PV, y comparar la proporción de pacientes que recibieron administración adicional de fluidos basada en la respuesta a la PV. Métodos: Se trata de un subestudio planificado de un estudio observacional realizado en 131 centros en España, en pacientes sometidos a cirugía. Resultados: En el estudio se incluyeron y analizaron 396 pacientes. La cantidad media [rango intercuartílico] de fluidos administrados durante la PV fue de 250ml (200-400). La principal indicación de la PV fue el descenso de la presión arterial sistólica en 246 casos (62,2%). La segunda indicación fue el descenso de la presión arterial media (54,4%). Se utilizó el gasto cardiaco en 30 pacientes (7,58%), y la variación del volumen sistólico en 29 de entre 385 casos (7,32%). La respuesta a la PV inicial no tuvo impacto a la hora de prescribir administración adicional de fluidos. Conclusiones: La indicación y la evaluación actuales de la PV en los pacientes quirúrgicos son altamente variables. La predicción de la receptividad a los fluidos no se utiliza rutinariamente, evaluándose a menudo las variables no adecuadas para valorar la respuesta hemodinámica a la PV, pudiendo causar efectos perjudiciales.(AU)

Background: Intraoperative fluid administration is a ubiquitous intervention in surgical patients. But inadequate fluid administration may lead to poor postoperative outcomes. Fluid challenges (FCs), in or outside the so-called goal-directed fluid therapy, allows testing the cardiovascular system and the need for further fluid administration. Our primary aim was to evaluate how anesthesiologists conduct FCs in the operating room in terms of type, volume, variables used to trigger a FC and to compare the proportion of patients receiving further fluid administration based on the response to the FC. Methods: This was a planned substudy of an observational study conducted in 131 centers in Spain in patients undergoing surgery. Results: A total of 396 patients were enrolled and analyzed in the study. The median [interquartile range] amount of fluid given during a FC was 250mL (200-400). The main indication for FC was a decrease in systolic arterial pressure in 246 cases (62.2%). The second was a decrease in mean arterial pressure (54.4%). Cardiac output was used in 30 patients (7.58%), while stroke volume variation in 29 of 385 cases (7.32%). The response to the initial FC did not have an impact when prescribing further fluid administration. Conclusions: The current indication and evaluation of FC in surgical patients is highly variable. Prediction of fluid responsiveness is not routinely used, and inappropriate variables are frequently evaluated for assessing the hemodynamic response to FC, which may result in deleterious effects.(AU)

Humains , Blocs opératoires/méthodes , Bruit , Complications peropératoires , Période peropératoire , Traitement par apport liquidien/méthodes , Études de cohortes , Anesthésiologie , Chirurgie générale
Rev Neurol ; 77(2): 61-64, 2023 07 16.
Article de Anglais, Espagnol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37403244


INTRODUCTION: Limbic encephalitis (LE) can have a wide range of etiologies, most frequently infectious (especially viral) or autoimmune. Behcet's disease (BD) can present with heterogeneous neurological manifestations. However, LE is not considered a typical presentation of neuro-Behcet's disease (NBD). CASE REPORT: A 40-years-old male presented with new-onset subacute headaches, memory problems and apathy. A review of systems revealed an unrecorded past history of recurrent oral sores for years, recent malaise and fever, as well as an episode of bilateral panuveitis four months before presentation. His general and neurologic examination revealed slight fever, an isolated oral aphtha, anterograde amnesia and signs of bilateral retinal vasculitis. Brain magnetic resonance imaging displayed a pattern of limbic meningoencephalitis, and his cerebrospinal fluid showed mononuclear inflammation. The patient met BD diagnostic criteria. Considering LE is a very rare presentation of NBD, alternative etiologies were thoroughly assessed and excluded, including infectious, autoimmune and paraneoplastic encephalitis. Therefore, he was diagnosed with NBD, and he recovered well after immunosuppression. DISCUSSION: Only two cases of NBD presenting with LE have been previously reported. We report a third case of this rare presentation and compare it with the previous two. We aim to highlight this association and contribute to enlarge the rich clinical spectrum of NBD.

TITLE: Encefalitis límbica secundaria a neuro-Behçet: una presentación insólita.Introducción. La encefalitis límbica (EL) puede tener un amplio abanico de etiologías, más frecuentemente la infecciosa (sobre todo viral) o autoinmune. La enfermedad de Behçet (EB) puede presentarse con manifestaciones neurológicas heterogéneas. Sin embargo, la EL no se considera una presentación típica del neuro-Behçet (NB). Caso clínico. Varón de 40 años que consultó por cefalea de novo subaguda, problemas de memoria y apatía. La anamnesis por sistemas reveló una historia no conocida previamente de aftas orales recurrentes durante años, fiebre y afectación general reciente, así como un episodio de panuveítis bilateral cuatro meses antes de la presentación. Su exploración general y neurológica reveló febrícula, una afta oral aislada, amnesia anterógrada y signos de vasculitis retiniana bilateral. La resonancia magnética mostró un patrón de afectación de meningoencefalitis límbica y su líquido cefalorraquídeo presentaba inflamación mononuclear. El paciente cumplía los criterios diagnósticos de la EB. Considerando que la EL es una presentación muy rara del NB, se buscaron exhaustivamente y se excluyeron otras etiologías alternativas, incluyendo las encefalitis infecciosas, autoinmunes y paraneoplásicas. En consecuencia, el paciente se diagnosticó de NB y mostró una buena recuperación con tratamiento inmunosupresor. Discusión. Sólo dos casos de NB con presentación en forma de EL se han publicado previamente. Comunicamos el tercer caso de esta rara manifestación clínica de la EB y lo comparamos con los dos anteriores, con el objetivo de destacar dicha asociación y contribuir a expandir el rico espectro clínico del NB.

Maladie de Behçet , Encéphalite limbique , Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Maladie de Behçet/complications , Maladie de Behçet/diagnostic , Encéphalite limbique/complications , Encéphale , Imagerie par résonance magnétique , Céphalée/étiologie
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37276966


BACKGROUND: Intraoperative fluid administration is a ubiquitous intervention in surgical patients. But inadequate fluid administration may lead to poor postoperative outcomes. Fluid challenges (FCs), in or outside the so-called goal-directed fluid therapy, allows testing the cardiovascular system and the need for further fluid administration. Our primary aim was to evaluate how anesthesiologists conduct FCs in the operating room in terms of type, volume, variables used to trigger a FC and to compare the proportion of patients receiving further fluid administration based on the response to the FC. METHODS: This was a planned substudy of an observational study conducted in 131 centres in Spain in patients undergoing surgery. RESULTS: A total of 396 patients were enrolled and analysed in the study. The median [interquartile range] amount of fluid given during a FC was 250ml (200-400). The main indication for FC was a decrease in systolic arterial pressure in 246 cases (62.2%). The second was a decrease in mean arterial pressure (54.4%). Cardiac output was used in 30 patients (7.58%), while stroke volume variation in 29 of 385 cases (7.32%). The response to the initial FC did not have an impact when prescribing further fluid administration. CONCLUSIONS: The current indication and evaluation of FC in surgical patients is highly variable. Prediction of fluid responsiveness is not routinely used, and inappropriate variables are frequently evaluated for assessing the hemodynamic response to FC, which may result in deleterious effects.

Traitement par apport liquidien , Blocs opératoires , Humains , Débit systolique/physiologie , Débit cardiaque , Hémodynamique
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37279834


BACKGROUND: Research in fluid therapy and perioperative hemodynamic monitoring is difficult and expensive. The objectives of this study were to summarize these topics and to prioritize these topics in order of research importance. METHODS: Electronic structured Delphi questionnaire over three rounds among 30 experts in fluid therapy and hemodynamic monitoring identified through the Fluid Therapy and Hemodynamic Monitoring Subcommittee of the Hemostasis, Transfusion Medicine and Fluid Therapy Section of the Spanish Society of Anesthesiology and Critical Care. RESULTS: 77 topics were identified and ranked in order of prioritization. Topics were categorized into themes of crystalloids, colloids, hemodynamic monitoring and others. 31 topics were ranked as essential research priority. To determine whether intraoperative hemodynamic optimization algorithms based on the invasive or noninvasive Hypotension Prediction Index versus other management strategies could decrease the incidence of postoperative complications. As well as whether the use of renal stress biomarkers together with a goal-directed fluid therapy protocol could reduce hospital stay and the incidence of acute kidney injury in adult patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery, reached the highest consensus. CONCLUSIONS: The Fluid Therapy and Hemodynamic Monitoring Subcommittee of the Hemostasis, Transfusion Medicine and Fluid Therapy Section of the Spanish Society of Anesthesiology and Critical Care will use these results to carry out the research.

Anesthésiologie , Monitorage de l'hémodynamique , Médecine transfusionnelle , Adulte , Humains , Consensus , Méthode Delphi , Traitement par apport liquidien , Soins de réanimation , Hémostase
Int J Environ Sci Technol (Tehran) ; 20(7): 7925-7938, 2023.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36117955


The aim of this work is to accomplish an in-depth analysis of the air pollution in the two main cities of the Bay of Algeciras (Spain). A large database of air pollutant concentrations and weather measurements were collected using a monitoring network installed throughout the region from the period of 2010-2015. The concentration parameters contain nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and particulate matter (PM10). The analysis was developed in two monitoring stations (Algeciras and La Línea). The higher average concentration values were obtained in Algeciras for NO2 (28.850 µg/m3) and SO2 (11.966 µg/m3), and in La Línea for PM10 (30.745 µg/m3). The analysis shows patterns that coincide with human activity. One of the goals of this work is to develop a useful virtual sensor capable of achieving a more robust monitoring network, which can be used, for instance, in the case of missing data. By means of trends analysis, groups of equivalent stations were determined, implying that the values of one station could be substituted for those in the equivalent station in case of failure (e.g., SO2 weekly trends in Algeciras and Los Barrios show equivalence). On the other hand, a calculation of relative risks was developed showing that relative humidity, wind speed and wind direction produce an increase in the risk of higher pollutant concentrations. Besides, obtained results showed that wind speed and wind direction are the most important variables in the distribution of particles. The results obtained may allow administrations or citizens to support decisions.

Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 69(3): 245-258, sep.-dic. 2022.
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424219


ABSTRACT Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae are the most common pathogens causing urinary tract infections in humans and animals. Close contact between humans and companion animals can facilitate the spread of multidrug resistant pathogens between both species. The objective of the research was to characterize extended-spectrum ß-lactamases (ESBL) -producing E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolated from dogs with urinary tract infections in the metropolitan area of Valle del Aburrá (Antioquia, Colombia). Three-hundred seventy-one urine samples collected from March 2018 to March 2019 in a veterinary clinical laboratory were analyzed. E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates were detected in chromogenic agar and identified by biochemical tests. Susceptibility testing was performed by disc diffusion and ESBL production was evaluated by the double disk test in all isolates. MIC determination of ESBL-positive isolates were performed on the automated VITEK®2 system. Multiple PCR was used for the detection of CTX-M beta-lactamases (group 1, 2, 9 and 8/25), SHV, TEM, and AmpC of plasmid origin in ESBL-positive isolates. In total 22 out 371 isolates were positive for ESBL production by double disc test, 11 E. coli (ESBL-Ec) and 11 K. pneumoniae (ESBL-Kp). The multiple PCR detected CTX-M group 1 in the 22 ESBL-positive isolates. Multi-drug resistance was observed in all ESBL-producing isolates. In conclusion, a high frequency of antibiotic multi-resistance was found in ESBL-Ec and ESBL-Kp. The main ESBL detected was CTX-M group 1, which also prevails in human isolates.

RESUMEN Escherichia coli y Klebsiella pneumoniae son los patógenos más comunes causantes de infecciones en tracto urinario en humanos y animales. El contacto estrecho con los animales de compañía puede favorecer la diseminación de patógenos multiresistentes entre ambas especies. El objetivo de la investigación fue caracterizar E. coli (Ec -BLEE) y K. pneumo-niae (Kp -BLEE) productores de betalactamasas de espectro extendido provenientes de aislados de caninos con infecciones del tracto urinario del Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá. 371 muestras de orina de caninos colectadas entre marzo de 2018 y marzo 2019 en un laboratorio clínico veterinario fueron analizadas. E. coli y K. pneumoniae se detectaron en agar cromogénico y se identificaron mediante pruebas bioquímicas. La prueba de susceptibilidad se realizó por difusión en disco y la producción de BLEE se evaluó por test de doble disco en todos los aislados. La determinación de la CIM en aislados positivos a BLEE se realizó en el sistema automatizado VITEK®2. Se utilizó PCR múltiple para la detección de betalactamasas tipo CTX-M (grupo 1, 2, 9 y 8/25), SHV, TEM y AmpC de origen plasmídico en aislados positivos a BLEE. Un total de 22 de 371 aislados fueron positivos a BLEE por test de doble disco, 11 E. coli (Ec -BLEE) y 11 K. pneumoniae (Kp-BLEE). La PCR detectó CTX-M grupo 1 en los 22 aislados positivos a BLEE. Se observó multirresistencia en todos los aislamientos productores de BLEE. En conclusión, se encontró una alta frecuencia de multirresistencia en Ec-BLEE y Kp-BLEE. La principal BLEE detectada fue CTX-M grupo 1, que también predomina en aislados humanos.

J Endocrinol Invest ; 45(7): 1359-1366, 2022 Jul.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35235195


PURPOSE: To evaluate the association between metabolic abnormalities and cardiovascular risk factors in patients with chronic hypoparathyroidism (HPP). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients 18 years and older, glomerular filtration > 30 mL/min/1.73 m2 and no documented coronary artery disease were selected. Serum calcium, phosphorus, glucose, lipids, PTH, 25(OH)D and FGF23 were measured. Cardiovascular risk was estimated by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) calculator. Transthoracic echocardiogram and carotid ultrasound were performed to detect carotid plaques (CP), carotid intima-media thickness (IMT), cardiac valve calcification (CVC), and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). RESULTS: Thirty-seven patients (94.6% female), aged 56.0 ± 13.5 years and HPP duration 7.0 (4.0; 11.3) years, were included. Fifteen were classified as low cardiovascular risk, 9 as intermediate risk, 9 as high risk and none as very high risk. The prevalence of CP, CVC and LVH was 24.3%, 24.3% and 13.5%, respectively. IMT values were within normal ranges in all cohort. FGF23 were not associated with CP, IMT, CVC or LVH. After logistic regression, phosphorus was the only significant metabolic variable impacting CVC in univariate analysis (OR 2.795; 95% CI 1.132-6.905; p = 0.026), as well as in the multivariate analysis (OR 3.572; 95% CI 1.094-11.665; p = 0.035). Analysis by ROC curve showed serum phosphorus > 5.05 mg/dL (AUC 0.748; CI 0.584-0.877; p = 0.05) as the best cutoff point associated with valve heart calcification (sensitivity 78%; negative predictive value 91.3%). CONCLUSION: Hyperphosphatemia was associated with CVC in HPP patients. Further studies are needed to investigate whether the control of hyperphosphatemia may reduce cardiovascular risk in this population.

Hyperphosphatémie , Hypoparathyroïdie , Épaisseur intima-média carotidienne , Femelle , Valves cardiaques , Humains , Hyperphosphatémie/complications , Hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche/diagnostic , Hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche/épidémiologie , Hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche/étiologie , Hypoparathyroïdie/complications , Hypoparathyroïdie/épidémiologie , Mâle , Phosphore , Facteurs de risque
Article de Espagnol | IBECS | ID: ibc-211473


Cuando pensamos en nodriza, las dos palabras que se vienen a la cabeza son leche materna y altruismo. Dos vocablos que han estado ligados a ellas y que hoy, en el siglo XXI, aún continúan. Las primeras nodrizas hicieron de esto una forma de trabajo, no estaba remunerado y para la clase alta era una forma de librarse del cuidado y crianza de sus hijos. Para las nodrizas supuso la incorporación al mundo laboral [Fragmento de texto] (AU)

Humains , Femelle , Histoire du 16ème siècle , Histoire du 17ème siècle , Histoire du 18ème siècle , Histoire du 19ème siècle , Histoire du 20ème siècle , Lactariums/histoire , Maternités (hôpital)/histoire , Espagne
Eur J Clin Nutr ; 76(1): 48-55, 2022 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33986490


BACKGROUND: Dementia is projected to affect 135 million by 2050. Diet is a pertinent target for primary prevention, but firm recommendations for dementia prevention are not available yet. Our aim was to address the association between exploratory (empirically derived) dietary patterns (DP) and changes in the Spanish Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status (STICS-m, maximum score = 41 points) over 6 years. METHOD: Information on diet was collected with a validated 136-item food-frequency questionnaire from 803 participants in the Mediterranean cohort "Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra." We used principal component analysis to derive exploratory DP. The derived DP were associated with change in STICS-m scores over 6 years, through adjusted multiple linear regression models. RESULTS: Two main DP were identified. The first DP resembled a Western dietary pattern (WDP)-high in sugar, fat, processed foods, and red meat-and the second DP resembled a Mediterranean dietary pattern (MDP)-high in vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, and olive oil. Adherence to the WDP (tertile 3 vs tertile 1) was significantly associated with negative STICS-m changes after 6 years (between-tertile difference in changes: -0.80 points; 95% confidence interval [CI] -1.51, -0.08, p value = 0.03). Meanwhile, the MDP showed a positive +0.71 point (95% CI 0.15, 1.26, p value = 0.01) between-tertile difference in changes in the STICS-m score. CONCLUSIONS: A healthy, prudent, MDP was associated with less decline in cognitive function and, thus, could help to lower dementia incidence. Western-type diets were associated with a greater decline in cognitive performance and could increase dementia incidence.

Régime méditerranéen , Animaux , Cognition , Études de suivi , Humains , Études prospectives , Espagne/épidémiologie , Enquêtes et questionnaires
Hernia ; 26(2): 679, 2022 04.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34591215

Herniorraphie , Humains