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Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 26: e26032, 2020.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356508


Resumen: Este estudio profundiza sobre bullying en el fútbol infantil (8-14 años) dando voz a las familias y los entrenadores de clubs de distintos contextos, características y niveles deportivos. Por ello, se desarrollan grupos focales para que ambos reflexionen sobre los principales factores asociados a su detección, problemática y prevención, a partir de sus experiencias y vivencias personales. Los principales resultados muestran que familias y entrenadores consideran el bullying en el fútbol infantil como un problema importante y necesario de atender. Todos coinciden en afirmar que no disponen de suficiente formación para su detección, ni de estrategias de prevención y tratamiento. Sin embargo, también se constata cierta banalización del problema por parte de los participantes en el estudio. Los resultados permiten identificar los factores que más preocupan a las familias y a los entrenadores, para poder orientar su detección y prevención a partir de los problemas reales planteados.

Resumo: Este estudo investiga o bullying no futebol infantil (8-14 anos), dando voz a famílias e treinadores de clubes de diferentes contextos, características e níveis desportivos. Para este fim, são realizados grupos focais para que ambos reflictam sobre os principais factores associados à sua detecção, problemática e prevenção, com base nas suas experiências e vivências pessoais. Os principais resultados mostram que as famílias e treinadores consideram o bullying no futebol infantil como um problema importante e necessário a abordar. Todos concordam que não têm formação suficiente para detectar ou desenvolver estratégias de prevenção e tratamento. Contudo, observa-se também uma certa banalização do problema por parte de alguns dos participantes no estudo. Os resultados permitem identificar os factores que mais preocupam as famílias e os treinadores, com vista a orientar a sua detecção e prevenção com base nos problemas reais abordados.

Abstract: This study looks further into bullying in children's (aged 8-14) football, listening to families and coaches from different contexts, characteristics and sports levels. Focus groups are developed so that both families and coaches can think about the main factors associated with the detection of bullying, the problems it may cause, and how to prevent it, speaking from their own experiences and personal lives. The findings revealed that families and coaches consider that bullying in children's football is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. They all agree on the fact that they lack information about how to detect, prevent and address bullying. However, participants tend to trivialize the problem somehow. The findings enable us to identify which factors have families and coaches more concerned and can be used to help to detect and prevent bullying based on real problems exposed.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant , Adolescent , Football , Famille , Brimades
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 25(1): e25025, jan.- dez. 2019.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1047998


Este artigo apresenta uma classificação dos perfis pedagógicos dos professores de Educação Física de escolas multiculturais a partir de suas próprias percepções, de sua intervenção pedagógica e de sua trajetória profissional. Foi realizado um estudo de casos múltiplos com 12 professores que trabalham em escolas públicas de Barcelona, com mais de 50% de estudantes imigrantes. As técnicas de investigação utilizadas foram entrevistas semiestruturadas e observações não participantes, juntamente com a Análise de Conteúdo correspondente. Os dados recolhidos a partir da ótica intercultural permitiram estabelecer três perfis docentes: o "sensível inclusivo", o "assimilador romântico" e o "queimado-preconceituoso". Essa classificação permite reconhecer a diversidade de posturas existentes nesse coletivo profissional e analisar as necessidades formativas e de suporte mais oportunas em cada caso

Este trabajo presenta una tipificación de los perfiles pedagógicos del profesorado de Educación Física en escuelas multiculturales a partir de sus percepciones, su intervención pedagógica y su trayectoria profesional. Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio de casos múltiple, con doce docentes de escuelas públicas de Barcelona con más del 50% de alumnado inmigrante. Las técnicas de investigación han sido la entrevista semiestructurada y la observación no participante, junto con el correspondiente análisis de contenido. Los datos recogidos, analizados desde la óptica intercultural, han permitido establecer tres perfiles docentes: el "sensible-inclusor", el "romántico-asimilador" y el "quemado-prejuicioso". Esta tipificación permite reconocer la diversidad de posturas existentes entre el colectivo profesional y analizar las necesidades formativas y de apoyo más oportunas en cada caso

This paper presents a categorization of pedagogical profiles of Physical Education teachers in multicultural schools, based on their perceptions, pedagogical interventions and professional histories. A multiple case study was conducted with twelve teachers from public schools in Barcelona where over 50% of students were immigrants. The study used semi-structured interviews and non-participant observation, and then conducted the corresponding content analysis. The data collected were analysed from the cross-cultural point of view, and three teacher profiles were established: "sensitiveinclusive"; "romantic-assimilator"; and "stressed out-prejudiced". This classification allowed us to recognize the diversity of attitudes among these professionals and to analyze the most appropriate training and support needs for each case

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Éducation physique et entraînement physique , Enseignement Primaire et Secondaire , Compétence culturelle , Émigrants et immigrants , 19239 , Corps enseignant , Société d'Accueil des Migrants
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 24(3)jul.-set. 2018.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-967952


Este estudio profundiza sobre las experiencias negativas de la Educación Física escolar cursada por el futuro profesorado de Educación Primaria, utilizándose para el análisis el concepto de violencia simbólica de Bourdieu. Se ha realizado un análisis de 155 narrativas de estudiantes de grado de Educación Primaria en dos universidades españolas. Los resultados muestran que la violencia simbólica se ejerce por la inadecuación de las identidades físicas de este alumnado a los discursos del rendimiento, que son, a su vez, legitimados por el profesorado y otros estudiantes exitosos. Este tipo de violencia oculta se proyecta en las identidades físicas y profesionales del futuro profesorado

Este estudo aprofunda as experiências negativas da Educação Física Escolar cursada pelo futuro docente de Educação Primária, usando o conceito de violência simbólica de Bourdieu para a análise. Foi realizada uma análise de 155 narrativas de estudantes de graduação em Educação Primária de duas universidades espanholas. Os resultados indicam que a violência simbólica é exercida pela inadequação das identidades físicas dos graduandos aos discursos do rendimento, os quais, por sua vez, são legitimados pelos docentes e por estudantes exitosos. Este tipo de violência subliminar projeta-se também nas identidades físicas e profissionais do futuro docente

This is an in-depth study into future Primary Education teachers' negative experiences in Physical Education School, using Bourdieu's concept of symbolic violence. An analysis was conducted of 155 narratives of Primary Education teacher students in two Spanish universities. The results show that symbolic violence is exercised through the inadequacy of those students' physical identities to performance discourses, which, in turn, are legitimized by teachers and other successful students. This hidden violence is projected onto their physical and professional identities as future teachers

Humains , Éducation physique et entraînement physique , Violence , Enseignement Primaire et Secondaire , Corps enseignant , Masculinité
Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 15(1): 267-279, ene. 2017.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-836176


En este artículo comparamos percepciones de niños y niñas de Chile con sus madres, respecto a tensiones y estrategias de articulación trabajo y familia. Realizamos un análisis situado en la trama de relaciones entre sujetos, y abordamos hallazgos emergentes de la interpretación de entrevistas a niños y niñas y adultas, estableciendo una comparación entre perspectivas en torno a tensiones, cuidado, tiempo y bienestar. Los resultados muestran que existe una percepción generalizada, y que el trabajo tensiona más a las madres que a los padres, debido a una carga de trabajo global mayor. Las madres reconocen que el principal equilibrio a alcanzar es cumplir adecuadamente ambas funciones. Los niños y las niñas tienen posiciones menos conservadoras que las que reflejan los estereotipos adultos.

This article analyses a range of perceptions of Chilean childrencompared to those of their mothers regarding tensions and strategies to articulate family life and work. An analysis is conducted based on the structure of the relationship between subjects. This studyaddresses the emerging findings from interviews with children and adults, establishing a comparisonof the perspectives regarding tension, care, time and well‒being. The results show that there is awidespread perception among children and their mothers that having a job causes more stress formothers than fathers, because they have an increased overall workload. Mothers recognized that themain balance to achieve is to fulfil both roles adequately. For these perspectives, children have lessconservative positions in comparison to those reflected in adults’stereotypes.

Este artigo compara percepções de crianças chilenas com suas mães,com relação às tensões e estratégias de articulação do trabalho e da família. Uma análise é realizada sobre a estrutura de relações entre sujeitos e aborda descobertas emergentes da interpretação de entrevistas com crianças e adultas, estabelecendo uma comparação entre perspectivas sobre tensões,cuidado, tempo e bem‒estar. Os resultados mostram a existência duma percepção generalizada,que o trabalho produz maior tensão nas mães do que nos pais, porque elas possuem maior carga de trabalho global. As mães reconhecem que o principal equilíbrio que se pode atingir é cumprir adequadamente as duas funções. As crianças têm posições menos conservadoras que as que refletemos estereótipos adultos.

Humains , Famille , Changement social
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 22(3)jul.-set. 2016.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-876287


Resumen: En este trabajo se pretende analizar cómo se ha introducido la perspectiva de género en el currículum universitario, y más específicamente, en el grado de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte. Para ello se ha realizado un análisis de contenido y de discurso de 763 guías docentes procedentes de 16 universidades españolas. Los resultados ponen de relevancia como la construcción del conocimiento, y las diversas formas como se puede transmitir conlleva distintas implicaciones para la mayor o menor transformación de las relaciones de género. Las aportaciones de este estudio pueden ser útiles para el diseño de propuestas pedagógicas que pretenden incluir la perspectiva de género y fomentar la transformación social desde la formación universitaria. (AU)

Abstract: This paper aims to analyze how gender perspective has been introduced in the higher education curriculum, specifically in the Physical Activity and Sport Sciences degree. Content analysis and discourse analysis of 763 syllabuses from 16 Spanish public universities were carried out. Findings reveal that construction of knowledge and the several ways it can be conveyed have distinct implications on changing gender relations. The article contributes to the design of new pedagogical proposals that aim to include the gender perspective and promote social changes from higher education. (AU)

Resumo: Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a introdução da perspectiva de gênero no currículo universitário e, mais especificamente, no grau de Ciências da Atividade Física e do Desporto. Para isso, foi realizada uma análise de conteúdo e discurso de 763 guias de ensino de 16 universidades espanholas. Os resultados mostram como a construção do conhecimento, e as várias maneiras de transmissão trazem implicações diferentes para o grau de transformação das relações de gênero. As contribuições deste estudo podem ser úteis para a concepção de propostas educativas que visam incluir a perspectiva de gênero e promover a transformação social do ensino universitário. (AU)

Humains , Programme d'études , Universités , Sexisme , Changement social
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24334393


Principal component (PC) plots have become widely used to summarize genetic variation of individuals in a sample. The similarity between genetic distance in PC plots and geographical distance has shown to be quite impressive. However, in most situations, individual ancestral origins are not precisely known or they are heterogeneously distributed; hence, they are hardly linked to a geographical area. We have developed GeneOnEarth, a user-friendly web-based tool to help geneticists to understand whether a linear isolation-by-distance model may apply to a genetic data set; thus, genetic distances among a set of individuals resemble geographical distances among their origins. Its main goal is to allow users to first apply a by-view Procrustes method to visually learn whether this model holds. To do that, the user can choose the exact geographical area from an on line 2D or 3D world map by using, respectively, Google Maps or Google Earth, and rotate, flip, and resize the images. GeneOnEarth can also compute the optimal rotation angle using Procrustes analysis and assess statistical evidence of similarity when a different rotation angle has been chosen by the user. An online version of GeneOnEarth is available for testing and using purposes at

Génomique/méthodes , Phylogéographie/méthodes , Analyse en composantes principales , Moteur de recherche , Simulation numérique , Projet HapMap , Humains , Modèles biologiques
Pensar prát. (Impr.) ; 15(1): 253-271, jan.-mar. 2012.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-711465


Hay dos instituciones que juegan un papel clave para fomentar la inclusión de la población inmigrante por su proximidad con la ciudadanía: la escuela y la administración local. En este artículo, se exponen las principales actuaciones que se llevan a cabo desde ambos terrenos para aprovechar el potencial socializador del deportey la actividad física en Cataluña. Partiendo del planteamiento político que guían las actuaciones educativas y en ámbito municipal, se describen algunas experiencias en las dos esferas. Fruto de este análisis, se constata la importancia de diseñar las estrategias y propuestas de intervención teniendo en cuenta los principios básicosde participación, transversalidad y continuidad.

There are two institutions which are the most close to citizens with a key role topromote the inclusion of the immigrant population: the school and the local administration. This article sets out the main actions that are carried out from both fields to take advantage of the socializing potential of sport and physical activity in Catalonia. We describe the political approach which guide both institutions and someexperiences and data. From this analysis, we can remark the importance of designing strategies and proposals for intervention taking into account the basic principles of participation, mainstreaming and continuity.

Éducation physique et entraînement physique , Sports
Clin Transl Oncol ; 13(7): 485-98, 2011 Jul.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21775276


OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the magnitude of benefit obtained by taxanes as adjuvant treatment of breast cancer and to assess the best method for their administration. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We performed a systematic search of phase III randomised clinical trials that included patients with non-metastatic breast cancer in whom comparisons were chemotherapy (CT) containing a taxane (docetaxel or paclitaxel) vs. CT without taxanes (first-generation trials), or CT with taxane in both treatment arms (second-generation trials), administered after surgery. The parameters of efficacy evaluated were disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS). The data obtained in the first-generation trials (number of relapses and deaths) were submitted to a meta-analysis. The odds ratio (OR) combined with DerSimonian and Laird (OR DL) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) were calculated. Further, an analysis was performed of those trials that included only patients with nodal involvement (N+). In both cases, the results were also analysed as a function of the taxane used, and with indirect comparisons between the two. The second-generation trials were analysed to assess the optimum method of administration. RESULTS: A total of 17 trials were selected for the meta-analysis (30,672 patients). The OR DL was 0.82 (95%CI: 0.76-0.88) for DFS and 0.83 (95% CI: 0.75-0.91) for OS. In N+ patients the results were 0.80 (95% CI: 0.74-0.86) and 0.79 (95% CI: 0.69-0.89), respectively. Docetaxel and paclitaxel significantly increased the DFS and OS. In our indirect comparison, the benefit of docetaxel on OS was significantly superior to that obtained with paclitaxel in N+ patients (OR: 0.79; 95% CI: 0.63-0.98). CONCLUSIONS: The administration of adjuvant CT-based taxanes reduces the risk of relapse and death. This reduction is superior in clinical trials that included only N+ patients. With the available evidence, it would appear that the best method of administering paclitaxel is weekly and for docetaxel tri-weekly.

Protocoles de polychimiothérapie antinéoplasique/usage thérapeutique , Tumeurs du sein/traitement médicamenteux , Docetaxel , Femelle , Humains , Méta-analyse comme sujet , Paclitaxel/administration et posologie , Essais contrôlés randomisés comme sujet , Taux de survie , Taxoïdes/administration et posologie , Résultat thérapeutique
J Agric Food Chem ; 58(8): 5042-9, 2010 Apr 28.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20225823


The effects of modified atmosphere packaging on volatile compound content and physicochemical and antioxidant attributes of Gold cultivar fresh-cut pineapples were assessed throughout storage at 5 degrees C. Fresh-cut pineapple pieces were packed under LO (low oxygen, 12% O(2), 1% CO(2)), AIR (20.9% O(2)) and HO (high oxygen, 38% O(2)) headspace atmospheres. Methyl butanoate, methyl 2-methylbutanoate, and methyl hexanoate were the most abundant volatiles regardless of the packaging atmosphere and days of storage; whereas most odor active volatiles were methyl and ethyl 2-methylbutanoate, 2,5-dimethyl-4-methoxy-3(2H)-furanone and ethyl hexanoate. Physicochemical attributes of pineapple did not significantly vary, whereas vitamin C content and total antioxidant capacity were lower for fresh-cut pineapple in HO (488 +/- 38 mg/100 mg(fw) and 54.4 +/- 5.7%, respectively) than for LO and AIR packages. Storage life of fresh-cut pineapple was limited to 14 days by volatile compounds losses and fermentation processes.

Ananas , Antioxydants , Volatilisation , Atmosphère , Chromatographie en phase gazeuse
J Food Sci ; 75(9): S506-12, 2010.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21535624


Physicochemical attributes, aroma profile, and odor contribution of pineapple flesh were studied for the top, middle, and bottom cross-sections cut along the central axis of Gold cultivar pineapple. Relationships between volatile and nonvolatile compounds were also studied. Aroma profile constituents were determined by headspace solid-phase microextraction at 30 °C, followed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis. A total of 20 volatile compounds were identified and quantified. Among them, esters were the major components which accounted for 90% of total extracted aroma. Methyl butanoate, methyl 2-methyl butanoate, and methyl hexanoate were the 3 most abundant components representing 74% of total volatiles in pineapple samples. Most odor active contributors were methyl and ethyl 2-methyl butanoate and 2,5-dimethyl 4-methoxy 3(2H)-furanone (mesifuran). Aroma profile components did not vary along the fruit, but volatile compounds content significantly varied (P < 0.05) along the fruit, from 7560 to 10910 µg/kg, from the top to the bottom cross-sections of the fruit, respectively. In addition, most odor-active volatiles concentration increased from the top to the bottom 3rd of the fruit, concurrently with soluble solids content (SSC) and titratable acidity (TA) differences attributed to fruitlets distinct degree of ripening. Large changes in SSC/TA ratio and volatiles content throughout the fruit found through this study are likely to provoke important differences among individual fresh-cut pineapple trays, compromising consumer perception and acceptance of the product. Such finding highlighted the need to include volatiles content and SSC/TA ratio and their variability along the fruit as selection criteria for pineapples to be processed and quality assessment of the fresh-cut fruit.

Ananas/composition chimique , Fruit/composition chimique , Odorisants/analyse , Odorat , Composés organiques volatils/analyse , 4-Butyrolactone/analogues et dérivés , 4-Butyrolactone/analyse , Comportement du consommateur , Produits agricoles/croissance et développement , Esters/analyse , Manipulation des aliments/méthodes , Chromatographie gazeuse-spectrométrie de masse , Humains , Microextraction en phase solide
Ann Nutr Metab ; 54(3): 177-83, 2009.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19420910


BACKGROUND/AIMS: Assessing secular trends of diet quality at the population scale is an important tool for health policymakers. The aim of this study was to describe secular trends in energy intake and diet quality in a representative Mediterranean population, accounting for energy underreporting. METHODS: We analyzed the dietary data from 4,061 men and 4,409 women who were included in 2 population-based cross-sectional studies conducted in northeast Spain in 2000 and 2005. The surveys included randomly selected free-living men and women between 35 to 74 years of age. RESULTS: No significant differences in reported energy intake between 2000 and 2005 were observed. Protein (p = 0.014) and carbohydrate (p = 0.02) consumption (expressed as percent of total energy intake) decreased in men and women, respectively. Energy density and intake of total, saturated and monounsaturated fat were significantly higher (p < 0.001) in 2005 than in 2000 in both genders. In contrast, lower consumption of fibre, fruit and meat (p < 0.001) was observed for both genders in 2005 compared to 2000. A significantly lower proportion of men and women met the recommended intake for carbohydrates, total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and fruits in 2005 when compared to 2000. When energy underreporters were excluded from the analysis, a decline in energy intake (p < 0.001) and an increase in fish consumption (p < 0.001) between 2000 and 2005 was observed in men; no other significant differences were found in diet quality and food consumption trends among non-underreporters. CONCLUSIONS: Whereas energy intake remained stable from 2000 to 2005, overall diet quality showed an unfavourable trend during this timeframe. Secular dietary trends did not change their magnitude or direction, with the exception of energy and fish consumption in men, after excluding energy underreporters from the analysis.

Régime méditerranéen/statistiques et données numériques , Régime alimentaire/tendances , Ration calorique , Adulte , Sujet âgé , Biais (épidémiologie) , Indice de masse corporelle , Loi du khi-deux , Études transversales , Régime alimentaire/normes , Enquêtes sur le régime alimentaire , Consommation alimentaire , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Activité motrice , Politique nutritionnelle , Espagne , Statistique non paramétrique , Enquêtes et questionnaires
J Health Care Poor Underserved ; 18(1): 116-38, 2007 Feb.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17337802


Puerto Rico has implemented Health Care Reform legislation that shifted medically indigent and underserved persons from direct care by public sector institutions to managed care arrangements through the private sector. Our aim is to assess how previously underserved women with breast cancer have fared during the first three years of the Reform. Medical claims data were obtained on breast cancer cases in San Juan who were either enrolled in the capitated Reform plan or in a commercial policy offered by the same insurer. A set of indicators reflecting initial therapy, use of key services, and cumulative utilization rates of various medical procedures were constructed. Statistical tests were conducted to assess whether these indicators differed between Reform- and commercially-insured patients. Failure to reject null hypotheses of indicator differences were then used to judge Reform progress. We found some differences, but they were neither pervasive nor unidirectional. On balance, we conclude that previously underserved women are being treated for breast cancer roughly on par with other patients. This conclusion, however, is preliminary and subject to important qualifications.

Tumeurs du sein/thérapie , Réforme des soins de santé , Programmes de gestion intégrée des soins de santé , Indigence médicale , Zone médicalement sous-équipée , Secteur privé , Adulte , Sujet âgé , Tumeurs du sein/économie , Femelle , Services de santé/statistiques et données numériques , Accessibilité des services de santé , Humains , Adulte d'âge moyen , Porto Rico , Qualité des soins de santé