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Gamme d'année
Rev. cient. cult ; 30(1)11 de septiembre 2021.
Article de Espagnol, Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1293340


: El conocimiento de la biodiversidad de una región es fundamental para dirigir su conservación y manejo. La biogeografía y la evolución nos guían conceptualmente para estudiar la vida en un continuo espacial y temporal. El continuo espacial y temporal del que forma parte la biodiversidad de Guatemala, al ser parte del Istmo Centroamericano, determina características únicas. Asimismo, la historia geológica y climática de Guatemala ha generado una topografía compleja con múltiples tipos de ambientes, los cuales han sido dinámicos a lo largo del tiempo. Todo esto resulta en la presencia de un ensamble de linajes con ancestros que provinieron del norte o del sur, además de clados que han diversificado in situ. Aunque la biodiversidad del país aún es extensamente desconocida, el auge de la aplicación de herramientas moleculares abre las puertas para descubrir la rica diversidad genética de la biota de Guatemala. Nos permite también conocer más de su historia biogeográfica y evolutiva y avanzar del estudio de patrones al estudio de los procesos que generan y mantienen la biodiversidad local y regional. La investigación científica en estos temas es indispensable para que nos demos cuenta que la biodiversidad de Guatemala y del norte de Centroamérica es más rica de lo que podemos imaginar.

Knowledge of the biodiversity of a region is essential to guide its conservation and management. Biogeography and evolution guide us conceptually to study life in a spatial and temporal continuum. The spatial and temporal continuum that the biodiversity of Guatemala is embedded in, as part of the Central American Isthmus, determines unique characteristics. Likewise, the geological and climatic history of Guatemala has generated a complex topography with multiple types of environments, which have been dynamic over time. The result is an assemblage of lineages with ancestors that came from the north or the south, as well as clades that diversified in in situ conditions. Although the biodiversity of the country is still largely unknown, the rise of the application of molecular tools opens the doors to discover the rich genetic diversity of the biota of Guatemala. It also allows us to learn more about its biogeographic and evolutionary history and move from the study of patterns to the study of processes that generate and maintain local and regional biodiversity. Scientific research on these topicsis essential for us to realize that the biodiversity of Guatemala and northern Central America is richer than we can imagine.

PeerJ ; 4: e1556, 2016.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26788433


The influence of geologic and Pleistocene glacial cycles might result in morphological and genetic complex scenarios in the biota of the Mesoamerican region. We tested whether berylline, blue-tailed and steely-blue hummingbirds, Amazilia beryllina, Amazilia cyanura and Amazilia saucerottei, show evidence of historical or current introgression as their plumage colour variation might suggest. We also analysed the role of past and present climatic events in promoting genetic introgression and species diversification. We collected mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence data and microsatellite loci scores for populations throughout the range of the three Amazilia species, as well as morphological and ecological data. Haplotype network, Bayesian phylogenetic and divergence time inference, historical demography, palaeodistribution modelling, and niche divergence tests were used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of this Amazilia species complex. An isolation-with-migration coalescent model and Bayesian assignment analysis were assessed to determine historical introgression and current genetic admixture. mtDNA haplotypes were geographically unstructured, with haplotypes from disparate areas interdispersed on a shallow tree and an unresolved haplotype network. Assignment analysis of the nuclear genome (nuDNA) supported three genetic groups with signs of genetic admixture, corresponding to: (1) A. beryllina populations located west of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec; (2) A. cyanura populations between the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and the Nicaraguan Depression (Nuclear Central America); and (3) A. saucerottei populations southeast of the Nicaraguan Depression. Gene flow and divergence time estimates, and demographic and palaeodistribution patterns suggest an evolutionary history of introgression mediated by Quaternary climatic fluctuations. High levels of gene flow were indicated by mtDNA and asymmetrical isolation-with-migration, whereas the microsatellite analyses found evidence for three genetic clusters with distributions corresponding to isolation by the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and the Nicaraguan Depression and signs of admixture. Historical levels of migration between genetically distinct groups estimated using microsatellites were higher than contemporary levels of migration. These results support the scenario of secondary contact and range contact during the glacial periods of the Pleistocene and strongly imply that the high levels of structure currently observed are a consequence of the limited dispersal of these hummingbirds across the isthmus and depression barriers.