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Phys Rev E ; 99(2-1): 022122, 2019 Feb.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30934285


Superdiffusion, characterized by a spreading rate t^{1/α} of the probability density function p(x,t)=t^{-1/α}p(t^{-1/α}x,1), where t is time, may be modeled by space-fractional diffusion equations with order 1<α<2. Some applications in biophysics (calcium spark diffusion), image processing, and computational fluid dynamics utilize integer-order and fractional-order exponents beyond this range (α>2), known as high-order diffusion or hyperdiffusion. Recently, space-time duality, motivated by Zolotarev's duality law for stable densities, established a link between time-fractional and space-fractional diffusion for 1<α≤2. This paper extends space-time duality to fractional exponents 1<α≤3, and several applications are presented. In particular, it will be shown that space-fractional diffusion equations with order 2<α≤3 model subdiffusion and have a stochastic interpretation. A space-time duality for tempered fractional equations, which models transient anomalous diffusion, is also developed.

J Vib Control ; 22(9): 2211-2221, 2016 May.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27499605


Traditional diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) maps brain structure by fitting a diffusion model to the magnitude of the electrical signal acquired in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Fractional DTI employs anomalous diffusion models to obtain a better fit to real MRI data, which can exhibit anomalous diffusion in both time and space. In this paper, we describe the challenge of developing and employing anisotropic fractional diffusion models for DTI. Since anisotropy is clearly present in the three-dimensional MRI signal response, such models hold great promise for improving brain imaging. We then propose some candidate models, based on stochastic theory.

Nonlinear Dyn ; 80(4): 1685-1695, 2015 Jun 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26146456


A fractional wave equation replaces the second time derivative by a Caputo derivative of order between one and two. In this paper, we show that the fractional wave equation governs a stochastic model for wave propagation, with deterministic time replaced by the inverse of a stable subordinator whose index is one half the order of the fractional time derivative.

J Comput Phys ; 293: 14-28, 2015 Jul 15.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26085690


Fractional derivatives and integrals are convolutions with a power law. Multiplying by an exponential factor leads to tempered fractional derivatives and integrals. Tempered fractional diffusion equations, where the usual second derivative in space is replaced by a tempered fractional derivative, govern the limits of random walk models with an exponentially tempered power law jump distribution. The limiting tempered stable probability densities exhibit semi-heavy tails, which are commonly observed in finance. Tempered power law waiting times lead to tempered fractional time derivatives, which have proven useful in geophysics. The tempered fractional derivative or integral of a Brownian motion, called a tempered fractional Brownian motion, can exhibit semi-long range dependence. The increments of this process, called tempered fractional Gaussian noise, provide a useful new stochastic model for wind speed data. A tempered difference forms the basis for numerical methods to solve tempered fractional diffusion equations, and it also provides a useful new correlation model in time series.

J Vib Acoust ; 136(5): 0510041-510045, 2014 Oct.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25278739


This paper develops new fractional calculus models for wave propagation. These models permit a different attenuation index in each coordinate to fully capture the anisotropic nature of wave propagation in complex media. Analytical expressions that describe power law attenuation and anomalous dispersion in each direction are derived for these fractional calculus models.

Stoch Process Their Appl ; 124(7): 2363-2387, 2014 Jul 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24872598


Tempered fractional Brownian motion is obtained when the power law kernel in the moving average representation of a fractional Brownian motion is multiplied by an exponential tempering factor. This paper develops the theory of stochastic integrals for tempered fractional Brownian motion. Along the way, we develop some basic results on tempered fractional calculus.

Comput Math Appl ; 66(5): 737-745, 2013 Sep 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24089586


The stochastic solution to a diffusion equations with polynomial coefficients is called a Pearson diffusion. If the first time derivative is replaced by a Caputo fractional derivative of order less than one, the stochastic solution is called a fractional Pearson diffusion. This paper develops an explicit formula for the covariance function of a fractional Pearson diffusion in steady state, in terms of Mittag-Leffler functions. That formula shows that fractional Pearson diffusions are long range dependent, with a correlation that falls off like a power law, whose exponent equals the order of the fractional derivative.

J Time Ser Anal ; 34(2): 187-193, 2013 Mar 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23956476


Periodic autoregressive moving average (PARMA) models are indicated for time series whose mean, variance, and covariance function vary with the season. In this paper, we develop and implement forecasting procedures for PARMA models. Forecasts are developed using the innovations algorithm, along with an idea of Ansley. A formula for the asymptotic error variance is provided, so that Gaussian prediction intervals can be computed. Finally, an application to monthly river flow forecasting is given, to illustrate the method.

Adv Water Resour ; 52: 292-295, 2013 Feb 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23794783


The traditional Richards' equation implies that the wetting front in unsaturated soil follows Boltzmann scaling, with travel distance growing as the square root of time. This study proposes a fractal Richards' equation (FRE), replacing the integer-order time derivative of water content by a fractal derivative, using a power law ruler in time. FRE solutions exhibit anomalous non-Boltzmann scaling, attributed to the fractal nature of heterogeneous media. Several applications are presented, fitting the FRE to water content curves from previous literature.

J Math Anal Appl ; 403(2): 532-546, 2013 Jul 15.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23626377


Pearson diffusions are governed by diffusion equations with polynomial coefficients. Fractional Pearson diffusions are governed by the corresponding time-fractional diffusion equation. They are useful for modeling sub-diffusive phenomena, caused by particle sticking and trapping. This paper provides explicit strong solutions for fractional Pearson diffusions, using spectral methods. It also presents stochastic solutions, using a non-Markovian inverse stable time change.

Stat Probab Lett ; 83(4): 1083-1093, 2013 Apr 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23482421


Continuous time random walks impose random waiting times between particle jumps. This paper computes the fractal dimensions of their process limits, which represent particle traces in anomalous diffusion.

Adv Water Resour ; 51: 479-497, 2013 Jan 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23524449


Fractional derivatives can be viewed either as handy extensions of classical calculus or, more deeply, as mathematical operators defined by natural phenomena. This follows the view that the diffusion equation is defined as the governing equation of a Brownian motion. In this paper, we emphasize that fractional derivatives come from the governing equations of stable Lévy motion, and that fractional integration is the corresponding inverse operator. Fractional integration, and its multi-dimensional extensions derived in this way, are intimately tied to fractional Brownian (and Lévy) motions and noises. By following these general principles, we discuss the Eulerian and Lagrangian numerical solutions to fractional partial differential equations, and Eulerian methods for stochastic integrals. These numerical approximations illuminate the essential nature of the fractional calculus.

Water Resour Res ; 49(8)2013 Aug 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24415806


Hydraulic conductivity (K) fields are used to parameterize groundwater flow and transport models. Numerical simulations require a detailed representation of the K field, synthesized to interpolate between available data. Several recent studies introduced high resolution K data (HRK) at the Macro Dispersion Experiment (MADE) site, and used ground-penetrating radar (GPR) to delineate the main structural features of the aquifer. This paper describes a statistical analysis of these data, and the implications for K field modeling in alluvial aquifers. Two striking observations have emerged from this analysis. The first is that a simple fractional difference filter can have a profound effect on data histograms, organizing non-Gaussian ln K data into a coherent distribution. The second is that using GPR facies allows us to reproduce the significantly non-Gaussian shape seen in real HRK data profiles, using a simulated Gaussian ln K field in each facies. This illuminates a current controversy in the literature, between those who favor Gaussian ln K models, and those who observe non-Gaussian ln K fields. Both camps are correct, but at different scales.

Extremes (Boston) ; 16(4): 407-428, 2013 Dec 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24443640


A new approach to extreme value theory is presented for vector data with heavy tails. The tail index is allowed to vary with direction, where the directions are not necessarily along the coordinate axes. Basic asymptotic theory is developed, using operator regular variation and extremal integrals. A test is proposed to judge whether the tail index varies with direction in any given data set.

Math Model Nat Phenom ; 8(2): 1-16, 2013 Jan 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25045216


The inverse stable subordinator provides a probability model for time-fractional differential equations, and leads to explicit solution formulae. This paper reviews properties of the inverse stable subordinator, and applications to a variety of problems in mathematics and physics. Several different governing equations for the inverse stable subordinator have been proposed in the literature. This paper also shows how these equations can be reconciled.

Fract Calc Appl Anal ; 16(1): 262-272, 2013 Mar 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25045309


Fractional wave equations with attenuation have been proposed by Caputo [5], Szabo [27], Chen and Holm [7], and Kelly et al. [11]. These equations capture the power-law attenuation with frequency observed in many experimental settings when sound waves travel through inhomogeneous media. In particular, these models are useful for medical ultrasound. This paper develops stochastic solutions and weak solutions to the power law wave equation of Kelly et al. [11].

Nonlinear Dyn ; 70(2): 1273-1281, 2012 Oct.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23258950


The power law wave equation uses two different fractional derivative terms to model wave propagation with power law attenuation. This equation averages complex nonlinear dynamics into a convenient, tractable form with an explicit analytical solution. This paper develops a random walk model to explain the appearance and meaning of the fractional derivative terms in that equation, and discusses an application to medical ultrasound. In the process, a new strictly causal solution to this fractional wave equation is developed.

Proc Math Phys Eng Sci ; 468(2142): 1615-1628, 2012 Jun 08.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22792038


We present a class of continuous-time random walks (CTRWs), in which random jumps are separated by random waiting times. The novel feature of these CTRWs is that the jumps are clustered. This introduces a coupled effect, with longer waiting times separating larger jump clusters. We show that the CTRW scaling limits are time-changed processes. Their densities solve two different fractional diffusion equations, depending on whether the waiting time is coupled to the preceding jump, or the following one. These fractional diffusion equations can be used to model all types of experimentally observed two power-law relaxation patterns. The parameters of the scaling limit process determine the power-law exponents and loss peak frequencies.

J Stat Phys ; 149(5): 578-886, 2012 Nov.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23378670


A continuous time random walk (CTRW) imposes a random waiting time between random particle jumps. CTRW limit densities solve a fractional Fokker-Planck equation, but since the CTRW limit is not Markovian, this is not sufficient to characterize the process. This paper applies continuum renewal theory to restore the Markov property on an expanded state space, and compute the joint CTRW limit density at multiple times.

Trans Am Math Soc ; 2013(365): 1081-1107, 2012 Aug 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24825922


This paper is concerned with sample path properties of anisotropic Gaussian random fields. We establish Fernique-type inequalities and utilize them to study the global and local moduli of continuity for anisotropic Gaussian random fields. Applications to fractional Brownian sheets and to the solutions of stochastic partial differential equations are investigated.