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Vive (El Alto) ; 6(17)ago. 2023.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515633


Diversos mecanismos inflamatorios y protrombóticos pueden contribuir al aumento del riesgo de eventos cardiovasculares y accidentes cerebrovasculares en pacientes con COVID-19, afectando el enfoque del tratamiento y manejo de la enfermedad. La evidencia relacionada con los mecanismos fisiopatológicos del COVID-19 y su asociación con los accidentes cerebrovasculares son relevantes para guiar el tratamiento y el manejo de los pacientes, considerados como desafíos terapéuticos que surgen durante períodos de contagio masivo. Objetivo. Describir el mecanismo de acción y tratamiento del evento cerebro vascular isquémico por COVID-19. Metodología. Se realizó una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura mediante una revisión sistemática, en conformidad con las directrices establecidas por la declaración PRISMA. Se recopiló información de múltiples bases de datos científicas, utilizando términos y palabras clave ("Mecanismos de acción" OR "Mecanismos fisiopatológicos") AND ("Accidente cerebrovascular isquémico" OR "ACV isquémico") relacionados con los mecanismos de acción y tratamiento del accidente cerebrovascular isquémico asociado al COVID-19. Resultados. En total se obtuvo 41 entre PubMed y Science direct, previo a criterios 12 fueron seleccionados. Conclusión. Se determinaron los mecanismos de acción desencadenados por el COVID-19 para la formación de trombos y su relación con los accidentes cerebrovasculares. Además, se comprendió cómo el tratamiento de los accidentes cerebrovasculares afectaba a los pacientes que también padecían COVID-19. Se encontró que la tormenta de citocinas era un mecanismo influyente en la fisiopatología del COVID-19. En cuanto al tratamiento, la identificación de la enfermedad infecciosa causada por el virus SARS-CoV-2 resultó crucial en la gestión de los pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular.

Various inflammatory and prothrombotic mechanisms may contribute to the increased risk of cardiovascular events and stroke in patients with COVID-19, affecting the approach to treatment and management of the disease. Evidence regarding the pathophysiological mechanisms of COVID-19 and its association with stroke are relevant to guide the treatment and management of patients, considered as therapeutic challenges arising during periods of massive contagion. Objective. To describe the mechanism of action and treatment of ischemic cerebrovascular event by COVID-19. Methodology. A comprehensive review of the literature was performed by means of a systematic review, in accordance with the guidelines established by the PRISMA statement. Information was collected from multiple scientific databases, using terms and keywords ("Mechanisms of action" OR "Pathophysiological mechanisms") AND ("Ischemic stroke" OR "Ischemic stroke") related to the mechanisms of action and treatment of COVID-19-associated ischemic stroke. Results. A total of 41 were obtained between PubMed and Science direct, prior to criteria 12 were selected. Conclusion. The mechanisms of action triggered by COVID-19 for thrombus formation and its relation to stroke were determined. In addition, we gained insight into how stroke treatment affected patients who also had COVID-19. Cytokine storm was found to be an influential mechanism in the pathophysiology of COVID-19. In terms of treatment, identification of infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus proved crucial in the management of stroke patients.

Vários mecanismos inflamatórios e pró-trombóticos podem contribuir para o aumento do risco de eventos cardiovasculares e acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) em pacientes com COVID-19, afetando a abordagem do tratamento e o manejo da doença. As evidências sobre os mecanismos fisiopatológicos da COVID-19 e sua associação com o AVC são relevantes para orientar o tratamento e o manejo dos pacientes, considerados como desafios terapêuticos que surgem durante períodos de contágio em massa. Objetivo. Descrever o mecanismo de ação e o tratamento do evento cerebrovascular isquêmico devido à COVID-19. Metodologia. Uma revisão abrangente da literatura foi realizada por meio de uma revisão sistemática, de acordo com as diretrizes estabelecidas pela declaração PRISMA. As informações foram coletadas de vários bancos de dados científicos, usando termos e palavras-chave ("Mechanisms of action" OR "Pathophysiological mechanisms") AND ("Ischaemic stroke" OR "Ischaemic stroke") relacionados aos mecanismos de ação e tratamento do acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico associado à COVID-19. Resultados. Foram obtidos 41 artigos no PubMed e no Science direct, e 12 foram selecionados de acordo com os critérios. Conclusão. Foram determinados os mecanismos de ação desencadeados pela COVID-19 para a formação de trombos e sua relação com o AVC. Além disso, entendemos como o tratamento do AVC afetou os pacientes que também tinham COVID-19. Descobriu-se que a tempestade de citocinas é um mecanismo influente na fisiopatologia da COVID-19. Em termos de tratamento, a identificação da doença infecciosa causada pelo vírus SARS-CoV-2 foi crucial no tratamento de pacientes com AVC.

J Food Prot ; 83(10): 1726-1737, 2020 Oct 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32971541


ABSTRACT: In this study, chemical and microbiological contaminants were detected in fresh fruits and vegetables in peasant markets in the Department of Cundinamarca to assess food safety. At least one pesticide was detected in 63% of the samples evaluated (n = 100, including fruits and vegetables), and in 41% of these, pesticides exceeded the maximum residue limit. Within the pesticides found, 60% do not use a registry from the Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario to be applied on the crops where they were detected and are included in the toxicological categories "highly toxic" (category IB) and "moderately toxic" (category II). Heavy metals were found in 45% of the samples, with cadmium (38%) and lead (14%) being the most frequent. The pathogenic microorganisms Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella, and Campylobacter sp. were detected in 4, 2, 1, and 0% of the samples, respectively. Factors concerning integrated crop management, contaminated inputs with chemicals and microorganisms, and the lack of hygiene in the postharvest stage favor the presence of pesticide residues, heavy metals, and the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms. The results suggest the need to strengthen the implementation of integrated management strategies that guarantee the safety of fresh fruits and vegetables in the country.

Résidus de pesticides , Légumes , Colombie , Contamination des aliments/analyse , Microbiologie alimentaire , Fruit/composition chimique , Résidus de pesticides/analyse
Acta neurol. colomb ; 36(2): 49-55, abr.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124073


RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: El delirium es una falla cerebral de origen multifactorial, común, y en ocasiones relacionada con un desenlace fatal. Afecta principalmente a la población hospitalizada mayor de 65 años. La realización de imágenes cerebrales en delirium se encuentra en discusión, porque en la mayoría de los casos no se pone en evidencia una correlación entre los hallazgos de la imagen y la enfermedad. La literatura médica actual muestra que las imágenes de rutina (tomografía o resonancia cerebral) resultan negativas para lesiones agudas hasta en el 94 % de los pacientes que cumplen criterios diagnósticos. En Colombia no hay estudios descriptivos en pacientes que presenten delirium. Por lo anterior, nuestra idea es describir los principales hallazgos radiológicos en imagen cerebral en pacientes con diagnóstico de delirium en urgencias u hospitalización en un hospital de alta complejidad de Bogotá, valorados por el departamento de neurología. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal que incluyó a los pacientes con diagnóstico de delirium atendidos por neurología en hospitalización o urgencias entre octubre del 2015 y octubre del 2016. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 97 pacientes y se realizaron imágenes cerebrales a 79 (81 %). De estos, tan solo en ocho (10 %) se encontró lesión aguda en imágenes cerebrales. En los pacientes que tienen signos de focalización este porcentaje aumentó a tres pacientes (27 %), y en los que no tenían signos de focalización fue de cinco pacientes (7,3 %). CONCLUSIONES: La presencia de lesiones cerebrales agudas en pacientes con delirium es baja. El hecho de tener signos de focalización en el examen aumenta la posibilidad de tener lesiones agudas.

SUMMARY INTRODUCTION: Delirium is a brain failure of multifactorial origin, common and sometimes related to a fatal outcome. It mainly affects hospitalized population over 65 years. Work-up with cerebral images is in discussion, because in most of of the occasions it is not related to the pathology. Current medical literature shows that routine imaging (tomography or brain resonance) are negative for acute injuries in up to 94 % of patients that meets delirium diagnostic criteria. In Colombia there are no descriptive studies in patients with delirium. Therefore, our objective was to describe the main radiological findings in brain imaging in patients diagnosed with delirium in the emergency room or admitted subjects in a high complexity hospital in Bogotá-Colombia, assessed by the department of neurology between October 2015 and October 2016. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out, including all patients diagnosed with delirium treated by neurology in hospitalization or emergencies. RESULTS: This research showed a total of 97 patients diagnosed with delirium; 79 (81 %) had brain images; of these, only 8 (10 %) showed acute injury in brain images, in patients who have signs of focalization this percentage was higher to 3 (27 %) than in those who did not have them 5 (7.3 %). CONCLUSIONS: The presence of acute brain injuries in patients with delirium is low. The fact of having signs of focal injury on examination increases the possibility of having acute injuries.

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