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Conserv Physiol ; 12(1): coae034, 2024.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38827188


Estimating the survival probability of animals released from fisheries can improve the overall understanding of animal biology with implications for fisheries management, conservation and animal welfare. Vitality indicators are simple visual measures of animal condition that change in response to stressors (like fisheries capture) and can be assessed to predict post-release survival. These indicators typically include immediate reflex responses which are typically combined into a score. Vitality indicators are straight-forward and non-invasive metrics that allow users to quantify how close (or far) an animal is from a normal, 'healthy' or baseline state, which in turn can be correlated with outcomes such as survival probability, given appropriate calibration. The literature on using vitality indicators to predict post-release survival of animals has grown rapidly over the past decade. We identified 136 papers that used vitality indicators in a fisheries context. These studies were primarily focused on marine and freshwater fishes, with a few examples using herptiles and crustaceans. The types of vitality indicators are diverse and sometimes taxa-specific (e.g. pinching leg of turtles, spraying water at nictitating membrane of sharks) with the most commonly used indicators being those that assess escape response or righting response given the vulnerability of animals when those reflexes are impaired. By presenting Pacific salmon fisheries as a case study, we propose a framework for using vitality indicators to predict survival across taxa and fisheries.

Conserv Physiol ; 9(1): coab016, 2021.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34840800


Adult female Pacific salmon can have higher migration mortality rates than males, particularly at warm temperatures. However, the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon remain a mystery. Given the importance of swimming energetics on fitness, we measured critical swim speed, swimming metabolism, cost of transport, aerobic scope (absolute and factorial) and exercise recovery in adult female and male coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) held for 2 days at 3 environmentally relevant temperatures (9°C, 14°C, 18°C) in fresh water. Critical swimming performance (U crit) was equivalent between sexes and maximal at 14°C. Absolute aerobic scope was sex- and temperature-independent, whereas factorial aerobic scope decreased with increasing temperature in both sexes. The full cost of recovery from exhaustive exercise (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) was higher in males compared to females. Immediately following exhaustive exercise (i.e. 1 h), recovery was impaired at 18°C for both sexes. At an intermediate time scale (i.e. 5 h), recovery in males was compromised at 14°C and 18°C compared to females. Overall, swimming, aerobic metabolism, and recovery energetics do not appear to explain the phenomenon of increased mortality rates in female coho salmon. However, our results suggest that warming temperatures compromise recovery following exhaustive exercise in both male and female salmon, which may delay migration progression and could contribute to en route mortality.

J Exp Biol ; 223(Pt 14)2020 07 28.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32561626


Female-biased mortality has been repeatedly reported in Pacific salmon during their upriver migration in both field studies and laboratory holding experiments, especially in the presence of multiple environmental stressors, including thermal stress. Here, we used coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) to test whether females exposed to elevated water temperatures (18°C) (i) suppress circulating sex hormones (testosterone, 11-ketotestosterone and estradiol), owing to elevated cortisol levels, (ii) have higher activities of enzymes supporting anaerobic metabolism (e.g. lactate dehydrogenase, LDH), (iii) have lower activities of enzymes driving oxidative metabolism (e.g. citrate synthase, CS) in skeletal and cardiac muscle, and (iv) have more oxidative stress damage and reduced capacity for antioxidant defense [lower catalase (CAT) activity]. We found no evidence that a higher susceptibility to oxidative stress contributes to female-biased mortality at warm temperatures. We did, however, find that females had significantly lower cardiac LDH and that 18°C significantly reduced plasma levels of testosterone and estradiol, especially in females. We also found that relative gonad size was significantly lower in the 18°C treatment regardless of sex, whereas relative liver size was significantly lower in females held at 18°C. Further, relative spleen size was significantly elevated in the 18°C treatments across both sexes, with larger warm-induced increases in females. Our results suggest that males may better tolerate bouts of cardiac hypoxia at high temperature, and that thermal stress may also disrupt testosterone- and estradiol-mediated protein catabolism, and the immune response (larger spleens), in migratory female salmon.

Lactate dehydrogenases , Oncorhynchus kisutch , Saumon , Animaux , Oestradiol , Femelle , Hormones sexuelles stéroïdiennes , Mâle , Saumon/physiologie
Conserv Physiol ; 8(1): coaa033, 2020.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32440351


For Pacific salmon captured and released by fisheries, post-release behaviour and survival may be influenced by their health and condition at time of capture. We sought to characterize the interactions between infectious agent burden, fish immune and stress physiology and fisheries stressors to investigate the potential for capture-mediated pathogen-induced mortality in adult coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch. We used radio-telemetry paired with high-throughput qPCR of non-lethal gill biopsies for infectious agents and host biomarkers from 200 tagged fish experimentally displaced and exposed to various experimental fisheries treatments (gill net entanglement, recreational angling and recreational angling with air exposure vs. non-sampled control). We characterized relationships among post-release behaviour and survival, infectious agent presence and loads, physiological parameters and transcription profiles of stress and immune genes. All infectious agents detected were endemic and in loads consistent with previous adult Pacific salmon monitoring. Individuals exposed to fisheries treatments were less likely to reach spawning habitat compared to controls, and handling duration independent of fisheries gear had a negative effect on survival. High infectious agent burden was associated with accelerated migration initiation post-release, revealing behavioural plasticity in response to deteriorating condition in this semelparous species. Prevalence and load of infectious agents increased post-migration as well as transcription signatures reflected changes in immune and stress profiles consistent with senescence. Results from this study further our understanding of factors associated with fisheries that increase risk of post-release mortality and characterize some physiological mechanisms that underpin migratory behaviour.

Integr Org Biol ; 2(1): obz031, 2020.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33791582


Researchers have surmised that the ability to obtain dominance during reproduction is related to an individual's ability to better sequester the energy required for reproductive behaviors and develop secondary sexual characteristics, presumably through enhanced physiological performance. However, studies testing this idea are limited. Using sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), we explored the relationship between heart rate and dominance behavior during spawning. We predicted that an individual's reproductive status and energy requirements associated with dominance can be assessed by relating routine heart rate to changes in spawning status over time (i.e., shifts among aggregation, subordinance, and dominance). Thus, we used routine heart rate as a proxy of relative energy expenditure. Heart rate increased with temperature, as expected, and was higher during the day than at night, a known diel pattern that became less pronounced as the spawning period progressed. Routine heart rate did not differ between sexes and average heart rate of the population did not differ among reproductive behaviors. At the individual level, heart rate did not change as behavior shifted from one state to another (e.g., dominance versus aggregation). No other trends existed between routine heart rate and sex, secondary sexual characteristics, survival duration or spawning success (for females only). Therefore, while our study revealed the complexity of the relationships between cardiac performance and reproductive behaviors in wild fish and demonstrated the importance of considering environmental factors when exploring individual heart rate, we found no support for heart rate being related to specific spawning behavioral status or secondary sexual characteristics.

Rendimiento Cardíaco del Salmón Rojo Salvaje que Natación Libre durante el Período ReproductivoLos investigadores han conjeturado que la capacidad de obtener dominio durante la reproducción está relacionada con la capacidad de un individuo de obtener mejor la energía requerida para los comportamientos reproductivos y desarrollar características sexuales secundarias, presumiblemente a través de un mejor rendimiento fisiológico. Sin embargo, los estudios que prueban esta idea son limitados. Usando Salmón rojo (Oncorhynchus nerka), exploramos la relación entre la frecuencia cardíaca y el comportamiento de dominación durante el desove. Predijimos que el estado reproductivo de un individuo y los requisitos de energía asociados con el dominio pueden evaluarse relacionando la frecuencia cardíaca de rutina con los cambios en el estado de desove a lo largo del tiempo (es decir, cambios entre la agregación, la subordinación y el dominio). Por lo tanto, utilizamos la frecuencia cardíaca de rutina como un proxy del gasto energético relativo. La frecuencia cardíaca aumentó con la temperatura, como se esperaba, y fue más alta durante el día que por la noche, un patrón conocido que se hizo menos pronunciado a medida que avanzaba el período de desove. La frecuencia cardíaca de rutina no difirió entre sexos y la frecuencia cardíaca promedio de la población no difirió entre los comportamientos reproductivos. A nivel individual, la frecuencia cardíaca no cambió a medida que el comportamiento cambió de un estado a otro (i.e., dominación vs. agregación). No se observaron otras tendencias entre la frecuencia cardíaca y el sexo de rutina, las características sexuales secundarias, la duración de la supervivencia o el éxito del desove (solo para hembras). Por lo tanto, si bien nuestro estudio reveló la complejidad de las relaciones entre el rendimiento cardíaco y los comportamientos reproductivos en el Salmón rojo y demostró la importancia de considerar los factores ambientales al explorar la frecuencia cardíaca individual, no encontramos respaldo para la frecuencia cardíaca relacionada con el estado conductual de desove específico o características sexuales secundarias.Translated to Spanish by J. Heras (

Desempenho Cardíaco de Natação Livre em Salmão Sockeye Selvagem durante o Período ReprodutivoOs pesquisadores supuseram que a capacidade de obter dominância durante a reprodução está relacionada à capacidade de um indivíduo em melhor obter e aplicar a energia necessária para comportamentos reprodutivos e desenvolver características sexuais secundárias, presumivelmente por meio de um desempenho fisiológico aprimorado. No entanto, os estudos que testam essa ideia são limitados. Usando salmão sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka), exploramos a relação entre a frequência cardíaca e o comportamento de dominância durante a desova.Previmos que o estado reprodutivo de um indivíduo e os requisitos de energia associados à dominância podem ser avaliados relacionando a freqüência cardíaca de rotina às mudanças no status de desova ao longo do tempo (ou seja, mudanças entre agregação, subordinação e dominância). Assim, usamos a frequência cardíaca de rotina como um indicador do relativo gasto energético. A frequência cardíaca aumentou com a temperatura, conforme o esperado, e foi maior durante o dia do que à noite, um conhecido padrão de diel que se tornou menos pronunciado à medida que o período de desova progredia. A frequência cardíaca de rotina não diferiu entre os sexos e a frequência cardíaca média da população não diferiu entre os comportamentos reprodutivos. No nível individual, a frequência cardíaca não mudou à medida que o comportamento mudou de um estado para outro (por exemplo, dominância versus agregação). Não foram observadas outras tendências entre freqüência cardíaca de rotina e sexo, características sexuais secundárias, duração da sobrevivência ou sucesso da desova (somente para mulheres). Portanto, embora nosso estudo tenha revelado a complexidade das relações entre desempenho cardíaco e comportamentos reprodutivos em peixes selvagens e demonstrado a importância de considerar fatores ambientais ao explorar a frequência cardíaca individual, não encontramos suporte que frequência cardíaca esteja relacionada ao status comportamental de desova específico ou à características sexuais secundárias.Translated to Portuguese by Diego Vaz (

Conserv Physiol ; 7(1): coz107, 2019.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31879564


Despite the importance of iteroparity (i.e. repeated spawning) for the viability of Atlantic salmon populations, little is known about the factors influencing the migratory behaviour and survival prospect of post-spawned individuals (kelts). To test the hypothesis that post-spawning nutritional condition underlies differences in spatiotemporal aspects of the habitat use and survival of migrating Atlantic salmon kelts, we physiologically sampled and acoustically tagged 25 individuals from the Middle River, Nova Scotia in autumn 2015. Kelts were subsequently tracked within their natal river during the winter months, and as far as 650 km away along known migration pathways towards the Labrador Sea and Greenland. Some kelts were detected nearly 2 years later, upon their return to the natal river for repeat spawning. Overall, kelts in poor or depleted post-spawning nutritional state (i.e. low body condition index or plasma triglyceride level): (i) initiated down-river migration earlier than higher condition kelts; (ii) experienced higher overwinter mortality in the natal river; (iii) tended to spend greater time in the estuary before moving to sea and (iv) did not progress as far in the marine environment, with a reduced probability of future, repeat spawning. Our findings suggest that initial differences in post-spawning condition are carried through subsequent migratory stages, which can ultimately affect repeat-spawning potential. These results point to the importance of lipid storage and mobilisation in Atlantic salmon kelts for mediating post-spawning migratory behaviour and survival.

Chemosphere ; 186: 177-184, 2017 Nov.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28778015


The aim of this work is to study the applicability of a UV/H2O2 process intensified with persulfate (PS) as a source of SO4- radicals to efficiently mineralize a synthetic effluent containing aniline in a glass reactor arranged in a cascade configuration. pH conditions were studied and the concentration of PS was optimized. The synergism for aniline mineralization between the UV/H2O2 process and the combined UV/H2O2/PS process was quantified in 10.1%. Aniline degradation reached 100% under the UV/H2O2/PS process after 20 min. Its mineralization is favored under acidic conditions and with the presence of persulfate (optimal conditions: 49% in 90 min; pH = 4; [PS] = 250 ppm). On the contrary, the worst conditions were found at pH = 11, since hydrogen peroxide decomposes and carbonates were formed increasing the scavenging effect. The different mechanisms involved (formulated from intermediates identified by mass spectrometry) confirm these results. Aniline was found to follow a degradation pathway where phenol is the main intermediate. The presence of sulfate radicals increases phenol degradation rate leading to a higher mineralization extent. Benzoquinone was identified as the main aromatic oxidation product of phenol, whereas succinic, 4-oxo-pentanoic, fumaric and oxalic acids were detected as aliphatic oxidation products for both UV/H2O2 and UV/H2O2/PS oxidation processes.

Sulfates/composition chimique , Élimination des déchets liquides/méthodes , Polluants chimiques de l'eau/composition chimique , Dérivés de l'aniline , Carbonates/composition chimique , Composés du fer II , Peroxyde d'hydrogène/composition chimique , Radical hydroxyle/composition chimique , Oxydoréduction , Phénol/composition chimique , Phénols , Rayons ultraviolets
J Fish Dis ; 40(4): 453-477, 2017 Apr.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28188649


Microparasites play an important role in the demography, ecology and evolution of Pacific salmonids. As salmon stocks continue to decline and the impacts of global climate change on fish populations become apparent, a greater understanding of microparasites in wild salmon populations is warranted. We used high-throughput, quantitative PCR (HT-qRT-PCR) to rapidly screen 82 adult Chinook salmon from five geographically or genetically distinct groups (mostly returning to tributaries of the Fraser River) for 45 microparasite taxa. We detected 20 microparasite species, four of which have not previously been documented in Chinook salmon, and four of which have not been previously detected in any salmonids in the Fraser River. Comparisons of microparasite load to blood plasma variables revealed some positive associations between Flavobacterium psychrophilum, Cryptobia salmositica and Ceratonova shasta and physiological indices suggestive of morbidity. We include a comparison of our findings for each microparasite taxa with previous knowledge of its distribution in British Columbia.

Maladies des poissons/épidémiologie , Parasitoses animales/épidémiologie , Parasitoses animales/parasitologie , Saumon , Migration animale , Animaux , Colombie-Britannique/épidémiologie , Femelle , Maladies des poissons/microbiologie , Maladies des poissons/parasitologie , Maladies des poissons/virologie , Mâle , Charge parasitaire/médecine vétérinaire , Parasitoses animales/microbiologie , Parasitoses animales/virologie , Prévalence , Réaction de polymérisation en chaine en temps réel/médecine vétérinaire , Facteurs sexuels
Gen Comp Endocrinol ; 242: 30-37, 2017 02 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26718080


In fishes, maternal exposure to a stressor can influence offspring size and behavior. However, less is known about how maternal stress influences physiological processes in offspring, such as function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal (HPI) axis. We examined the impact of chronic maternal exposure to an acute chase stressor on the stress response/HPI activity of progeny in wild sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Resting plasma cortisol and brain preoptic area (POA) corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) mRNA levels did not vary between offspring reared from undisturbed, control females and offspring reared from females exposed to the stressor. However, resting levels of POA glucocorticoid receptors (GR1 and GR2), and head kidney melanocortin 2 receptor (MC2R), steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR), and cytochrome P450 side chain cleavage enzyme (P450scc) were elevated in offspring reared from stressor-exposed females. Offspring reared from stressor-exposed females had lower plasma cortisol levels 1-h after an acute chase stressor compared to cortisol levels in offspring reared from control females. In offspring reared from chased females, mRNA levels of genes associated with cortisol biosynthesis were reduced in the head kidney post-chase. In offspring reared from control females, mRNA levels in the head kidney did not vary pre- to post-chase. Together, the results of the present study suggest maternal programming of progeny with respect to baseline and stressor-induced mediators of HPI axis activity.

Rein céphalique/physiologie , Axe hypothalamohypophysaire/physiologie , Exposition maternelle , Saumon/physiologie , Stress physiologique , Animaux , Corticolibérine/métabolisme , Cytochrome P-450 enzyme system/classification , Cytochrome P-450 enzyme system/génétique , Cytochrome P-450 enzyme system/métabolisme , Femelle , Régulation de l'expression des gènes/physiologie , Hydrocortisone/sang , Phosphoprotéines , Récepteur de la mélanocortine de type 2 , Récepteurs aux glucocorticoïdes/sang , Récepteurs aux glucocorticoïdes/métabolisme
J Environ Manage ; 187: 504-512, 2017 Feb 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27856036


The photo-degradation of the emerging contaminant antipyrine (AP) was studied and optimized in a novel photocatalytic spinning disc reactor (SDR). A heterogeneous process (UV/H2O2/TiO2) was used. TiO2 was immobilized on the surface of a glass disc using a sol-gel method. A factorial design of experiments followed by a Neural Networks fitting allowed the optimal conditions to be determined for treating 50 mg/L of AP. Under these conditions (pH = 4; [H2O2]0 = 1500 mg/L; disc speed = 500 rpm; flowrate = 25 mL/s), AP was completely degraded in 120 min and regeneration of the disc allowed 10 cycles with no loss in efficiency. The value of the apparent volumetric rate constant was found to be 6.9·10-4 s-1 with no apparent mass transfer limitation. Based on the main intermediates identified, a mechanism is proposed for antipyrine photodegradation: Firstly, cleavage of the NN bond of penta-heterocycle leads to the formation of two aromatic acids and N-phenylpropanamide. An attack to the CN bond in the latter compound produces benzenamine. Finally, the phenyl ring of the aromatic intermediates are opened and molecular organic acids are formed.

Phénazone/composition chimique , Titane/composition chimique , Polluants chimiques de l'eau/composition chimique , Purification de l'eau , Catalyse , Humains , Photolyse , Rayons ultraviolets , Purification de l'eau/méthodes
Ultrason Sonochem ; 34: 496-503, 2017 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27773274


The photo-Fenton degradation of carbamazepine (CBZ) assisted with ultrasound radiation (US/UV/H2O2/Fe) was tested in a lab thin film reactor allowing high TOC removals (89% in 35min). The synergism between the UV process and the sonolytic one was quantified as 55.2%. To test the applicability of this reactor for industrial purposes, the sono-photo-degradation of CBZ was also tested in a thin film pilot plant reactor and compared with a 28L UV-C conventional pilot plant and with a solar Collector Parabolic Compound (CPC). At a pilot plant scale, a US/UV/H2O2/Fe process reaching 60% of mineralization would cost 2.1 and 3.8€/m3 for the conventional and thin film plant respectively. The use of ultrasound (US) produces an extra generation of hydroxyl radicals, thus increasing the mineralization rate. In the solar process, electric consumption accounts for a maximum of 33% of total costs. Thus, for a TOC removal of 80%, the cost of this treatment is about 1.36€/m3. However, the efficiency of the solar installation decreases in cloudy days and cannot be used during night, so that a limited flow rate can be treated.

Carbamazépine/composition chimique , Carbamazépine/isolement et purification , Coûts et analyse des coûts , Photolyse , Ondes ultrasonores , Peroxyde d'hydrogène/composition chimique , Fer/composition chimique , Projets pilotes , Rayons ultraviolets
Ecology ; 98(3): 608-615, 2017 Mar.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27984657


Despite many similarities and intuitive links between individual dietary specialization and behavioral inter-individual variation, these phenomena have been studied in isolation, and empirical data confirming relationships between these intraspecific variance sources are lacking. Here we use stable isotope analysis and acoustic telemetry to test the hypothesis that individual specialization in trophic (δ15 N) and littoral/pelagic prey reliance (δ13 C) covary with inter-individual variation in movement in a group of 34 free-swimming burbot (Lota lota). By performing stable isotope analysis on tissues with differing isotopic turnover rates (anal fin and dorsal muscle), in 24 lethally sampled burbot, we demonstrate that individual specialization in trophic niche (δ15 N) and littoral/pelagic prey reliance (δ13 C) occurred within the population. By performing stable isotope analysis on anal fins of a group of telemetry tagged burbot, we were able to show that interactions between trophic niche and littoral/pelagic prey reliance, explained a significant proportion of the subsequent between-individual variance in mean movement rates. These findings demonstrate an empirical connection between behavioral inter-individual variation and dietary specialization, thus providing a substantial expansion of our understanding of the wider ecological consequences of these interesting phenomena.

Régime alimentaire/statistiques et données numériques , Poissons/physiologie , Animaux , Écologie , Comportement alimentaire , Eau douce , Isotopes de l'azote , Comportement prédateur
J Fish Biol ; 88(6): 2111-29, 2016 Jun.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27125426


In this study, animal-borne telemetry with temperature sensors was coupled with extensive habitat temperature monitoring in a dimictic reservoir, to test the following hypotheses: behavioural thermoregulation occurs throughout the year and temperature selection varies on a diel and seasonal basis, in a winter-specialist diel-migrating fish. Burbot Lota lota demonstrated nightly behavioural thermoregulation throughout the year, with a large seasonal shift between selection for very cold temperatures (<2° C) optimal for reproduction during the spawning period and selection for warmer temperatures (12-14° C) optimal for hunting and feeding during non-reproductive periods. During daylight hours, while L. lota avoided habitats warmer than optimal for reproduction and feeding during the spawning and non-reproductive periods, respectively, active selection was limited to selection for 4-6° C habitat during the prespawning period. Although behavioural thermoregulation explained the night-time migration, behavioural thermoregulation only partially explained daytime behaviour, indicating that diel migration is best explained by a combination of factors. Thus, thermal-habitat selection was a good predictor of night-time habitat occupancy in a diel-migrating species. Together, these results show that thermal-habitat selection by fishes may be important throughout the year and a more seasonally plastic behaviour than previously recognized.

Migration animale , Écosystème , Gadiformes/physiologie , Animaux , Comportement animal , Basse température , Reproduction , Saisons , Comportement sexuel chez les animaux , Température
J Fish Biol ; 86(1): 276-87, 2015 Jan.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25494933


Marine exit timing of sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka populations on the Haida Gwaii Archipelago, British Columbia, Canada, is described, with specific focus on Copper Creek. Marine exit in Copper Creek occurs > 130 days prior to spawning, one of the longest adult freshwater residence periods recorded for any O. nerka population. Copper Creek presents an easy upstream migration, with mild water temperatures (7 to 14° C), short distance (13·1 km) and low elevation gain (41 m) to the lake where fish hold prior to spawning. An energetic model estimates that <1% of the initial energy reserve is required for upstream migration, compared with 62% for lake holding and 38% for reproductive development. Historical records suggest that it is unlikely that water temperature in any of the O.nerka streams in Haida Gwaii has ever exceeded the presumed temperature threshold (19° C) for early marine exit. Although it is not impossible that the thermal tolerance of Copper Creek O.nerka is very low, the data presented here appear inconsistent with thermal avoidance as an explanation for the early marine exit timing in Copper Creek and in three other populations on the archipelago with early marine exit.

Migration animale/physiologie , Saumon/physiologie , Comportement sexuel chez les animaux/physiologie , Température , Animaux , Colombie-Britannique , Eau douce , Modèles statistiques , Périodicité , Comportement prédateur
Oecologia ; 175(2): 493-500, 2014 Jun.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24619199


The environment mothers are exposed to has resonating effects on offspring performance. In iteroparous species, maternal exposure to stressors generally results in offspring ill-equipped for survival. Still, opportunities for future fecundity can offset low quality offspring. Little is known, however, as to how intergenerational effects of stress manifest in semelparous species with only a single breeding episode. Such mothers would suffer a total loss of fitness if offspring cannot survive past multiple life stages. We evaluated whether chronic exposure of female sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) to a chase stressor impaired offspring performance traits. Egg size and early offspring survival were not influenced by maternal exposure to the repeated acute stressor. Later in development, fry reared from stressed mothers swam for shorter periods of time but possessed a superior capacity to re-initiate bouts of burst swimming. In contrast to iteroparous species, the mechanisms driving the observed effects do not appear to be related to cortisol, as egg hormone concentrations did not vary between stressed and undisturbed mothers. Sockeye salmon appear to possess buffering strategies that protect offspring from deleterious effects of maternal stress that would otherwise compromise progeny during highly vulnerable stages of development. Whether stressed sockeye salmon mothers endow offspring with traits that are matched or mismatched for survival in the unpredictable environment they encountered is discussed. This study highlights the importance of examining intergenerational effects among species-specific reproductive strategies, and across offspring life history to fully determine the scope of impact of maternal stress.

Exposition maternelle , Saumon/physiologie , Spécificité d'espèce , Stress physiologique , Animaux , Sélection , Environnement , Femelle , Étapes du cycle de vie , Mères , Ovule , Reproduction/génétique , Natation
J Fish Biol ; 83(5): 1416-24, 2013 Nov.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24117961


Using a fixed-speed test, burst swimming performance was found to vary among nine populations of emergent sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka fry reared in a common-garden environment. No consistent relationship was, however, detected between difficulty of fry migration (upstream v. downstream) to rearing areas and total burst swimming duration or bursting rate.

Migration animale , Saumon/physiologie , Natation , Animaux , Colombie-Britannique , Environnement , Saumon/génétique
J Fish Biol ; 82(4): 1159-76, 2013 Apr.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23557297


Differences in thermal tolerance during embryonic development in Fraser River sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka were examined among nine populations in a controlled common-garden incubation experiment. Forcing embryonic development at an extreme temperature (relative to current values) of 16° C, representing a future climate change scenario, significantly reduced survival compared to the more ecologically moderate temperature of 10° C (55% v. 93%). Survival at 14° C was intermediate between the other two temperatures (85%). More importantly, this survival response varied by provenance within and between temperature treatments. Thermal reaction norms showed an interacting response of genotype and environment (temperature), suggesting that populations of O. nerka may have adapted differentially to elevated temperatures during incubation and early development. Moreover, populations that historically experience warmer incubation temperatures at early development displayed a higher tolerance for warm temperatures. In contrast, thermal tolerance does not appear to transcend life stages as adult migration temperatures were not related to embryo thermal tolerance. The intra-population variation implies potential for thermal tolerance at the species level. The differential inter-population variation in thermal tolerance that was observed suggests, however, limited adaptive potential to thermal shifts for some populations. This infers that the intergenerational effects of increasing water temperatures may affect populations differentially, and that such thermally mediated adaptive selection may drive population, and therefore species, persistence.

Acclimatation , Saumon/embryologie , Température , Migration animale , Animaux , Changement climatique , Femelle , Génotype , Mâle , Ovule/physiologie , Saumon/génétique
Physiol Biochem Zool ; 85(6): 729-39, 2012.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23099469


The objective of this study was to determine whether fisheries-related stressors differently influence two populations of adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) with shared migration timing and location but where one population (i.e., Harrison) spawns 1 mo after the other (i.e., Weaver). Four stressor treatments were used following beach seine capture: (1) immediate release, (2) release after 10-15 min in the beach seine, (3) an additional 3-min gill net entanglement and 1-min air exposure, and (4) an additional 3-min tangle net simulation and 1-min air exposure. A comprehensive acoustic telemetry array and manual tracking revealed that survival was low overall, with more Weaver fish (34.2% of 38 tagged) reaching spawning areas compared to Harrison fish (17.8% of 78 tagged). For the Harrison population but not the Weaver, the gill net treatment influenced immediate (i.e., survived treatment) and short-term (i.e., 5-d postrelease) survival as well as survival to reach spawning areas. Harrison fish were more likely to be injured by the treatment, and reflex impairment predicted their short-term and long-term survival. Physiological condition did not differ between populations at the time of release, although both populations showed signs of severe physiological disturbances from the gill and tangle net simulations. These results suggest that even short durations of gill or tangle net entanglement can result in profound population-specific physiological disturbances and mortality. The notion that there can be population-specific variation in response to fisheries encounters adds complexity to management and provides further evidence for intraspecific differences in migration success.

Saumon/physiologie , Stress physiologique/physiologie , Migration animale/physiologie , Animaux , Glycémie/métabolisme , Colombie-Britannique , Chlorures/sang , Pêcheries/méthodes , Hydrocortisone/sang , Hydrocortisone/physiologie , Acide lactique/sang , Modèles logistiques , Concentration osmolaire , Potassium/sang , Répartition aléatoire , Saumon/sang , Saumon/génétique , Sodium/sang , Stress physiologique/génétique
J Fish Biol ; 81(2): 576-99, 2012 Jul.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22803725


Adult sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka destined for the Fraser River, British Columbia are some of the most economically important populations but changes in the timing of their homeward migration have led to management challenges and conservation concerns. After a directed migration from the open ocean to the coast, this group historically would mill just off shore for 3-6 weeks prior to migrating up the Fraser River. This milling behaviour changed abruptly in 1995 and thereafter, decreasing to only a few days in some years (termed early migration), with dramatic consequences that have necessitated risk-averse management strategies. Early migrating fish consistently suffer extremely high mortality (exceeding 90% in some years) during freshwater migration and on spawning grounds prior to spawning. This synthesis examines multidisciplinary, collaborative research aimed at understanding what triggers early migration, why it results in high mortality, and how fisheries managers can utilize these scientific results. Tissue analyses from thousands of O. nerka captured along their migration trajectory from ocean to spawning grounds, including hundreds that were tracked with biotelemetry, have revealed that early migrants are more reproductively advanced and ill-prepared for osmoregulatory transition upon their entry into fresh water. Gene array profiles indicate that many early migrants are also immunocompromised and stressed, carrying a genomic profile consistent with a viral infection. The causes of these physiological changes are still under investigation. Early migration brings O. nerka into the river when it is 3-6° C warmer than historical norms, which for some late-run populations approaches or exceeds their critical maxima leading to the collapse of metabolic and cardiac scope, and mortality. As peak spawning dates have not changed, the surviving early migrants tend to mill in warm lakes near to spawning areas. These results in the accumulation of many more thermal units and longer exposures to freshwater diseases and parasites compared to fish that delay freshwater entry by milling in the cool ocean environment. Experiments have confirmed that thermally driven processes are a primary cause of mortality for early-entry migrants. The Fraser River late-run O. nerka early migration phenomenon illustrates the complex links that exist between salmonid physiology, behaviour and environment and the pivotal role that water temperature can have on population-specific migration survival.

Migration animale , Saumon/physiologie , Animaux , Colombie-Britannique , Reproduction/physiologie , Rivières