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Nature ; 632(8024): 273-279, 2024 Aug.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39020169


Helical spin structures are expressions of magnetically induced chirality, entangling the dipolar and magnetic orders in materials1-4. The recent discovery of helical van der Waals multiferroics down to the ultrathin limit raises prospects of large chiral magnetoelectric correlations in two dimensions5,6. However, the exact nature and magnitude of these couplings have remained unknown so far. Here we perform a precision measurement of the dynamical magnetoelectric coupling for an enantiopure domain in an exfoliated van der Waals multiferroic. We evaluate this interaction in resonance with a collective electromagnon mode, capturing the impact of its oscillations on the dipolar and magnetic orders of the material with a suite of ultrafast optical probes. Our data show a giant natural optical activity at terahertz frequencies, characterized by quadrature modulations between the electric polarization and magnetization components. First-principles calculations further show that these chiral couplings originate from the synergy between the non-collinear spin texture and relativistic spin-orbit interactions, resulting in substantial enhancements over lattice-mediated effects. Our findings highlight the potential for intertwined orders to enable unique functionalities in the two-dimensional limit and pave the way for the development of van der Waals magnetoelectric devices operating at terahertz speeds.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 20(9): 3864-3878, 2024 May 14.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38634760


Recent experimental findings reveal nonconventional fluorescence emission in biological systems devoid of conjugated bonds or aromatic compounds, termed non-aromatic fluorescence (NAF). This phenomenon is exclusive to aggregated or solid states and remains absent in monomeric solutions. Previous studies focused on small model systems in vacuum show that the carbonyl stretching mode along with strong interaction of short hydrogen bonds (SHBs) remains the primary vibrational mode explaining NAF in these systems. In order to simulate larger model systems taking into account the effects of the surrounding environment, in this work we propose using the density functional tight-binding (DFTB) method in combination with non-adiabatic molecular dynamics (NAMD) and the mixed quantum/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) approach. We investigate the mechanism behind NAF in the crystal structure of l-pyroglutamine-ammonium, comparing it with the related nonfluorescent amino acid l-glutamine. Our results extend our previous findings to more realistic systems, demonstrating the efficiency and robustness of the proposed DFTB method in the context of NAMD in biological systems. Furthermore, due to its inherent low computational cost, this method allows for a better sampling of the nonradiative events at the conical intersection which is crucial for a complete understanding of this phenomenon. Beyond contributing to the ongoing exploration of NAF, this work paves the way for future application of this method in more complex biological systems such as amyloid aggregates, biomaterials, and non-aromatic proteins.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 2300, 2024 Mar 14.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38485935


Optical driving of materials has emerged as a versatile tool to control their properties, with photo-induced superconductivity being among the most fascinating examples. In this work, we show that light or lattice vibrations coupled to an electronic interband transition naturally give rise to electron-electron attraction that may be enhanced when the underlying boson is driven into a non-thermal state. We find this phenomenon to be resonantly amplified when tuning the boson's frequency close to the energy difference between the two electronic bands. This result offers a simple microscopic mechanism for photo-induced superconductivity and provides a recipe for designing new platforms in which light-induced superconductivity can be realized. We discuss two-dimensional heterostructures as a potential test ground for light-induced superconductivity concretely proposing a setup consisting of a graphene-hBN-SrTiO3 heterostructure, for which we estimate a superconducting Tc that may be achieved upon driving the system.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(3): 036502, 2023 Jul 21.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37540880


We study whether neural quantum states based on multilayer feed-forward networks can find ground states which exhibit volume-law entanglement entropy. As a testbed, we employ the paradigmatic Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model. We find that both shallow and deep feed-forward networks require an exponential number of parameters in order to represent the ground state of this model. This demonstrates that sufficiently complicated quantum states, although being physical solutions to relevant models and not pathological cases, can still be difficult to learn to the point of intractability at larger system sizes. Hence, the variational neural network approach offers no benefits over exact diagonalization methods in this case. This highlights the importance of further investigations into the physical properties of quantum states amenable to an efficient neural representation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(2): 023601, 2023 Jul 14.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37505942


The hybridization between light and matter forms the basis to achieve cavity control over quantum materials. In this Letter we investigate a cavity coupled to a quantum chain of interacting spinless fermions by numerically exact solutions and perturbative analytical expansions. We draw two important conclusions about such systems: (i) Specific quantum fluctuations of the matter system play a pivotal role in achieving entanglement between light and matter; and (ii) in turn, light-matter entanglement is a key ingredient to modify electronic properties by the cavity. We hypothesize that quantum fluctuations of those matter operators to which the cavity modes couple are a general prerequisite for light-matter entanglement in the ground state. Implications of our findings for light-matter-entangled phases, cavity-modified phase transitions in correlated systems, and measurement of light-matter entanglement through Kubo response functions are discussed.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(10): 106902, 2023 Mar 10.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36962013


Many-body entanglement in condensed matter systems can be diagnosed from equilibrium response functions through the use of entanglement witnesses and operator-specific quantum bounds. Here, we investigate the applicability of this approach for detecting entangled states in quantum systems driven out of equilibrium. We use a multipartite entanglement witness, the quantum Fisher information, to study the dynamics of a paradigmatic fermion chain undergoing a time-dependent change of the Coulomb interaction. Our results show that the quantum Fisher information is able to witness distinct signatures of multipartite entanglement both near and far from equilibrium that are robust against decoherence. We discuss implications of these findings for probing entanglement in light-driven quantum materials with time-resolved optical and x-ray scattering methods.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(2): 026701, 2023 Jan 13.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36706407


Controlling edge states of topological magnon insulators is a promising route to stable spintronics devices. However, to experimentally ascertain the topology of magnon bands is a challenging task. Here we derive a fundamental relation between the light-matter coupling and the quantum geometry of magnon states. This allows us to establish the two-magnon Raman circular dichroism as an optical probe of magnon topology in honeycomb magnets, in particular of the Chern number and the topological gap. Our results pave the way for interfacing light and topological magnons in functional quantum devices.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(12): 127001, 2021 Sep 17.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34597086


Recent measurements of the resistivity in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene near the superconducting transition temperature show twofold anisotropy, or nematicity, when changing the direction of an in-plane magnetic field [Cao et al., Science 372, 264 (2021)SCIEAS0036-807510.1126/science.abc2836]. This was interpreted as strong evidence for exotic nematic superconductivity instead of the widely proposed chiral superconductivity. Counterintuitively, we demonstrate that in two-dimensional chiral superconductors the in-plane magnetic field can hybridize the two chiral superconducting order parameters to induce a phase that shows nematicity in the transport response. Its paraconductivity is modulated as cos(2θ_{B}), with θ_{B} being the direction of the in-plane magnetic field, consistent with experiment in twisted bilayer graphene. We therefore suggest that the nematic response reported by Cao et al. does not rule out a chiral superconducting ground state.

Sci Adv ; 7(17)2021 Apr.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33883128


Fermi surface is at the heart of our understanding of metals and strongly correlated many-body systems. An abrupt change in the Fermi surface topology, also called Lifshitz transition, can lead to the emergence of fascinating phenomena like colossal magnetoresistance and superconductivity. While Lifshitz transitions have been demonstrated for a broad range of materials by equilibrium tuning of macroscopic parameters such as strain, doping, pressure, and temperature, a nonequilibrium dynamical route toward ultrafast modification of the Fermi surface topology has not been experimentally demonstrated. Combining time-resolved multidimensional photoemission spectroscopy with state-of-the-art TDDFT+U simulations, we introduce a scheme for driving an ultrafast Lifshitz transition in the correlated type-II Weyl semimetal T d-MoTe2 We demonstrate that this nonequilibrium topological electronic transition finds its microscopic origin in the dynamical modification of the effective electronic correlations. These results shed light on a previously unexplored ultrafast scheme for controlling the Fermi surface topology in correlated quantum materials.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(13): 137202, 2021 Apr 02.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33861125


The Doppler shift of the quasiparticle dispersion by charge currents is responsible for the critical supercurrents in superconductors and instabilities of the magnetic ground state of metallic ferromagnets. Here we predict an analogous effect in thin films of magnetic insulators in which microwaves emitted by a proximity stripline generate coherent chiral spin currents that cause a Doppler shift in the magnon dispersion. The spin-wave instability is suppressed by magnon-magnon interactions that limit spin currents to values close to but below the threshold for the instability. The spin current limitations by the backaction of magnon currents on the magnetic order should be considered as design parameters in magnonic devices.

Nature ; 583(7814): 35-36, 2020 07.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32612219
Sci Adv ; 6(9): eaay2730, 2020 Feb.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32158939


Topologically nontrivial two-dimensional materials hold great promise for next-generation optoelectronic applications. However, measuring the Hall or spin-Hall response is often a challenge and practically limited to the ground state. An experimental technique for tracing the topological character in a differential fashion would provide useful insights. In this work, we show that circular dichroism angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy provides a powerful tool that can resolve the topological and quantum-geometrical character in momentum space. In particular, we investigate how to map out the signatures of the momentum-resolved Berry curvature in two-dimensional materials by exploiting its intimate connection to the orbital polarization. A spin-resolved detection of the photoelectrons allows one to extend the approach to spin-Chern insulators. The present proposal can be extended to address topological properties in materials out of equilibrium in a time-resolved fashion.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(12): 6409-6416, 2020 Mar 24.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32161128


The role of the crystal lattice for the electronic properties of cuprates and other high-temperature superconductors remains controversial despite decades of theoretical and experimental efforts. While the paradigm of strong electronic correlations suggests a purely electronic mechanism behind the insulator-to-metal transition, recently the mutual enhancement of the electron-electron and the electron-phonon interaction and its relevance to the formation of the ordered phases have also been emphasized. Here, we combine polarization-resolved ultrafast optical spectroscopy and state-of-the-art dynamical mean-field theory to show the importance of the crystal lattice in the breakdown of the correlated insulating state in an archetypal undoped cuprate. We identify signatures of electron-phonon coupling to specific fully symmetric optical modes during the buildup of a three-dimensional (3D) metallic state that follows charge photodoping. Calculations for coherently displaced crystal structures along the relevant phonon coordinates indicate that the insulating state is remarkably unstable toward metallization despite the seemingly large charge-transfer energy scale. This hitherto unobserved insulator-to-metal transition mediated by fully symmetric lattice modes can find extensive application in a plethora of correlated solids.

J Chem Phys ; 151(17): 174110, 2019 Nov 07.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31703520


In the nonequilibrium Green's function approach, the approximation of the correlation self-energy at the second-Born level is of particular interest, since it allows for a maximal speed-up in computational scaling when used together with the generalized Kadanoff-Baym ansatz for the Green's function. The present day numerical time-propagation algorithms for the Green's function are able to tackle first principles simulations of atoms and molecules, but they are limited to relatively small systems due to unfavorable scaling of self-energy diagrams with respect to the basis size. We propose an efficient computation of the self-energy diagrams by using tensor-contraction operations to transform the internal summations into functions of external low-level linear algebra libraries. We discuss the achieved computational speed-up in transient electron dynamics in selected molecular systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(4): 047202, 2019 Jul 26.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31491261


We propose a solution to the problem of Bloch electrons in a homogeneous magnetic field by including the quantum fluctuations of the photon field. A generalized quantum electrodynamical (QED)-Bloch theory from first principles is presented. In the limit of vanishing quantum fluctuations, we recover the standard results of solid-state physics: the fractal spectrum of the Hofstadter butterfly. As a further application, we show how the well-known Landau physics is modified by the photon field and that Landau polaritons emerge. This shows that our QED-Bloch theory does not only allow us to capture the physics of solid-state systems in homogeneous magnetic fields but also novel features that appear at the interface of condensed matter physics and quantum optics.

Nanoscale ; 11(25): 12296-12304, 2019 Jul 07.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31211315


We investigate time-resolved charge transport through graphene nanoribbons supplemented with adsorbed impurity atoms. Depending on the location of the impurities with respect to the hexagonal carbon lattice, the transport properties of the system may become invisible to the impurity due to the symmetry properties of the binding mechanism. This motivates a chemical sensing device since dopants affecting the underlying sublattice symmetry of the pristine graphene nanoribbon introduce scattering. Using the time-dependent Landauer-Büttiker formalism, we extend the stationary current-voltage picture to the transient regime, where we observe how the impurity invisibility takes place at sub-picosecond time scales further motivating ultrafast sensor technology. We further characterize time-dependent local charge and current profiles within the nanoribbons, and we identify rearrangements of the current pathways through the nanoribbons due to the impurities. We finally study the behavior of the transients with ac driving which provides another way of identifying the lattice-symmetry breaking caused by the impurities.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 15(4): 2221-2232, 2019 Apr 09.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30807149


We present a density-matrix embedding theory (DMET) study of the one-dimensional Hubbard-Holstein model, which is paradigmatic for the interplay of electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions. Analyzing the single-particle excitation gap, we find a direct Peierls insulator to Mott insulator phase transition in the adiabatic regime of slow phonons in contrast to a rather large intervening metallic phase in the anti-adiabatic regime of fast phonons. We benchmark the DMET results for both on-site energies and excitation gaps against density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) results and find good agreement of the resulting phase boundaries. We also compare the full quantum treatment of phonons against the standard Born-Oppenheimer (BO) approximation. The BO approximation gives qualitatively similar results to DMET in the adiabatic regime but fails entirely in the anti-adiabatic regime, where BO predicts a sharp direct transition from Mott to Peierls insulator, whereas DMET correctly shows a large intervening metallic phase. This highlights the importance of quantum fluctuations in the phononic degrees of freedom for metallicity in the one-dimensional Hubbard-Holstein model.

Entropy (Basel) ; 21(8)2019 Jul 27.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33267451


Using the partition-free time-dependent Landauer-Büttiker formalism for transient current correlations, we study the traversal times taken for electrons to cross graphene nanoribbon (GNR) molecular junctions. We demonstrate electron traversal signatures that vary with disorder and orientation of the GNR. These findings can be related to operational frequencies of GNR-based devices and their consequent rational design.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 4452, 2018 10 26.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30367073


Nonequilibrium many-body dynamics is becoming a central topic in condensed matter physics. Floquet topological states were suggested to emerge in photodressed bands under periodic laser driving. Here we propose a viable nonequilibrium route without requiring coherent Floquet states to reach the elusive magnetic Weyl semimetallic phase in pyrochlore iridates by ultrafast modification of the effective electron-electron interaction with short laser pulses. Combining ab initio calculations for a time-dependent self-consistent light-reduced Hubbard U and nonequilibrium magnetism simulations for quantum quenches, we find dynamically modified magnetic order giving rise to transiently emerging Weyl cones that can be probed by time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Our work offers a unique and realistic pathway for nonequilibrium materials engineering beyond Floquet physics to create and sustain Weyl semimetals. This may lead to ultrafast, tens-of-femtoseconds switching protocols for light-engineered Berry curvature in combination with ultrafast magnetism.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(9): 097402, 2018 Aug 31.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30230880


Engineering effective electronic parameters is a major focus in condensed matter physics. Their dynamical modulation opens the possibility of creating and controlling physical properties in systems driven out of equilibrium. In this Letter, we demonstrate that the Hubbard U, the widely used on-site Coulomb repulsion in strongly correlated materials, can be modified on femtosecond timescales by a strong nonresonant laser pulse excitation in the prototypical charge-transfer insulator NiO. Using our recently developed time-dependent density-functional theory plus self-consistent U method, we demonstrate the importance of a dynamically modulated U in the description of the high-harmonic generation of NiO. Our study opens the door to novel ways of modifying effective interactions in strongly correlated materials via laser driving, which may lead to new control paradigms for field-induced phase transitions and perhaps laser-induced Mott insulation in charge-transfer materials.