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J Equine Vet Sci ; 123: 104223, 2023 04.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36632948


In most animals, pain can compromise physiological functions and delay healing so, rapid detection of pain through behavior and inflammatory reaction with biomarkers are necessary. This study aimed to evaluate pain, physiological variations and Acute Phase Proteins (APP) in donkeys undergoing orchiectomy technique by inguinal access. For this research, 15 male northeastern donkeys kept in extensive management were selected, with a mean age of 4.5±3.1 years. All animals had the same anesthetic protocol, using dissociative anesthesia and local block with lidocaine, followed by orchiectomy by inguinal access. Due to their predisposition to complications, the inguinal technique is the most indicated to minimize complications and excessive inflammation in donkeys' orchiectomy, the donkeys were evaluated regarding behavioral assessment of pain, hematological parameters, APP and the surgical wound, during 0 hour, 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours. As for the physiological parameters and APP, no significant differences were observed between times, due to the use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. In the macroscopic evaluation of the surgical wound, it was observed that there were no significant differences between the times, with animals presenting mean scores of 1.8±0.414, in 48 hours 1.6 ± 0.507, and in 72 hours 1.6 ± 0.507. Most animals had mild to moderate edema in the scrotum and foreskin regions. As for pain assessment, the average scores were between 2 and 3, representing mild and moderate pain, not requiring intervention. However, further research is needed to elucidate the behavior of PFAs in the face of variables and the creation of new pain scales for animals raised in an extensive system.

Orchidectomie , Plaie opératoire , Mâle , Animaux , Orchidectomie/effets indésirables , Orchidectomie/médecine vétérinaire , Orchidectomie/méthodes , Réaction inflammatoire aigüe/médecine vétérinaire , Mesure de la douleur , Equidae/physiologie , Plaie opératoire/médecine vétérinaire , Douleur/médecine vétérinaire
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(1): 3-8, jan./mar. 2022. il.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1393181


A ocorrência de processos fisiopatológicos que cursam com desidratação da ingesta no trato gastrointestinal dos equinos é comum na rotina clínica. Fatores como diminuição da motilidade intestinal e sobrecarga intraluminal de conteúdo desidratado podem levar a compactação em segmentos como estômago, ceco e cólons. Este estudo objetivou realizar a comparação entre soluções eletrolíticas enterais hipotônica (SeHIPO) e isotônica (SeISO) e a solução Ringer com lactato de sódio (RL IV) sobre o teor de umidade das fezes de equinos submetidos a um período de desidratação experimental (PD). Foram utilizados seis equinos adultos, todas fêmeas com idades entre 10 e 15 anos, média de 440 kg de peso corpóreo. O PD constou de 36 horas de jejum hídrico e alimentar associadas a duas administrações intravenosas de furosemida, sendo a primeira imediatamente no início (T-36) e a segunda 12 horas após o início do PD. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: SeHIPO e SeISO, ambas administradas por via nasogástrica em fluxo contínuo (HETfc), e RL IV administrada pela via intravenosa. Todos os tratamentos foram administrados a uma taxa de infusão contínua de 15mL kg-1 h-1 durante 8 horas consecutivas. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o crossover6x3, onde cada animal foi submetido, em sistema de rodízio, aos três tratamentos em momentos distintos. As soluções eletrolíticas enterais demonstraram maior eficácia na recomposição do teor de umidade das fezes quando comparadas à terapia RL IV. A hidratação enteral com soluções isotônicas e hipotônicas administrada em fluxo contínuo são eficazes em restaurar o teor de umidade das fezes, podendo ofertar uma opção econômica, segura e eficiente na reidratação de pacientes e nas afecções que cursam como obstruções intraluminais simples.

The occurrence of pathophysiological processes that curse with digesta dryness in the gastrointestinal tract of horses is common in clinical routine, factors such as decreased intestinal motility and intraluminal overload of dry content can lead to compaction in segments such as cecum and colon. This study aimed to compare a hypotonic enteral solution (SeHIPO), an isotonic enteral solution (SeISO) and a Ringer with sodium lactate solution (RL IV) over the moisture content of equine feces submitted to an experimental dehydration protocol. Six adult horses were used, all females aged between 10 and 15 years, average body weight of 440 kg. The PD consisted of a 36 hours period of water and food fasting associated with two intravenous administrations of furosemide, the first immediately at the beginning (T-36) and the second 12 hours after the beginning of the PD. The treatments used were: SeHIPO (hypotonic enteral solution administered via nasogastric), SeISO (enteral isotonic solution administered via nasogastric) and RL IV (Ringer's solution with sodium lactate administered intravenously), all treatments were administered by continuous infusion at a rate of 15mL kg-1 h-1 for 8 consecutive hours. The experimental design used was the 6x3 crossover, where each animal is submitted, in a rotation system, to the three treatments at different times. Enteral fluid therapy with isotonic and hypotonic solutions administered in continuous flow are effective in restoring the moisture content of feces, and may offer an economical, safe, and efficient option for rehydrating patients and in conditions that progress as simple intraluminal obstructions.

Animaux , Équilibre hydroélectrolytique , Déshydratation/médecine vétérinaire , Traitement par apport liquidien/médecine vétérinaire , Solution de Ringer au lactate/usage thérapeutique , Equus caballus/métabolisme , Solution hypotonique/usage thérapeutique , Solution isotonique/usage thérapeutique , Tube digestif , Fèces , Administration par voie intraveineuse/médecine vétérinaire
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 58(n.esp): e171512, 2021. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1348261


The present study identified the main endoparasites present in donkeys (Equus asinus) used in skin exploitation located in Cando municipality, Bahia State, Northeast of Brazil. The samples were collected from September 2019. Feces were collected from the rectal ampulla of 34 animals, macroscopically visualized for parasitic forms, and microscopically evaluated to identify endoparasites forms using the McMaster method. Parasitological results were associated with sex, age, and bodyweight Stata Corp LLC 14. Endoparasites were found in 82.3% of the animals, with the egg count ranging from 50 to 1050 eggs per gram (EPG). The sole presence of superfamily Trichostronglylidae was observed in 67.6% of the donkeys, in 8.8% co-infected by Trichostronglylidae and Eimeria spp., while Trichostronglylidae and Strongyloides westeriwas detected in 2.9%, and simultaneous infection by Trichostronglylidae, Strongyloides westeri, and Oxyuris equi was observed in 2.9%. The occurrence of parasitic infections varies according to nutritional status, age, sex, and environmental exposure (p>0.05). A high occurrence of infection was observed in young animals and those with lower body weight.(AU)

O presente trabalho identificou os principais endoparasitas em jumentos utilizados em uma exploração de pele localizada no município de Canudos, Estado da Bahia, Nordeste do Brasil. As amostras foram colhidas no período de setembro de 2019. Fezes de 34 jumentos, colhidas diretamente da ampola retal, foram visualizadas macroscopicamente para formas parasitárias e avaliadas microscopicamente para identificar endoparasitos pela técnica de McMaster. Os resultados parasitológicos foram associados com sexo, idade e peso corporal pelo Stata Corp LLC 14. Endoparasitas foram encontrados em 82,3% dos animais, com contagem de ovos variando de 50 a 1050 ovos por grama (OPG). Presença de unicamente parasitos da superfamília Trichostronglylidae foi observada em 67,6% dos jumentos, 8,8% estavam coinfectados por Trichostronglylidae e Eimeria spp., 2,9% por Trichostronglylidae e Strongyloides westeri e 2,9% apresentaram presença simultânea de Trichostronglylidae, Strongyloides westeri e Oxyuris equi. A ocorrência de infecções parasitárias varia de acordo com a idade, sexo e exposição ambiental (p>0.05). Observou-se alta ocorrência de animais infectados nos animais jovens e naqueles com menor peso corporal.(AU)

Maladies parasitaires , Peau , Strongyloides , Commerce , Equidae , Eimeria , Poids
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 58(n.esp): e174674, 2021. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1348282


About 800 donkeys that were confined in a restrictive area used in a manner comparable to a warehouse for receiving donkeys for slaughter were abandoned. After receiving reports of mistreatment, civilians acted to save the animals. A task force was organized that planned veterinary and zootechnical actions and activities for daily health management, feeding, and clinical care to attend to the abandoned donkeys. Positive cases were diagnosed for glanders, equine infectious anemia, equine herpesvirus, and equine babesiosis. The objective of this communication is to bring to the attention of the scientific community the interventions in the area of animal health and welfare, to address the episode of northeast donkeys that were victims of international trade. It is fundamental to change the approach related to the management of donkeys in Brazil, and appeal to the necessity to identify ethical and sustainable ways to incorporate donkeys in Brazil in the 21st century.(AU)

Cerca de 800 jumentos confinados em uma área utilizada como entreposto de recebimento e encaminhamento de jumentos para abate foram abandonados. Após denúncias de maus tratos, a sociedade civil atuou para salvar os animais. Foi constituída uma força tarefa que planejou ações e atividades veterinárias e zootécnicas atuando diariamente no manejo sanitário, na alimentação e nos cuidados clínicos na assistência aos jumentos abandonados. Foram diagnosticados casos positivos de mormo, anemia infecciosa equina, herpesvírus equino e babesiose equina. O objetivo desta comunicação foi relatar para a comunidade científica as intervenções nas áreas de saúde e bem-estar animal no episódio dos jumentos nordestinos vítimas do comércio internacional. É fundamental mudar a abordagem em relação ao manejo de jumentos no Brasil e apelar para a necessidade de identificar maneiras éticas e sustentáveis de incorporar os jumentos no Brasil do século 21.(AU)

Peau , Babésiose , Bien-être animal , Épidémies de maladies , Equidae , Profils Sanitaires