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Article de Anglais | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-59634


[ABSTRACT]. The G20, representing the world’s largest economies, plays a critical role in shaping global health policies, initiatives and innovative solutions. As these nations navigate the complexities of digital transformation in the health sector, engagement with the Global Initiative on Digital Health (2), aligned with the Pan American Health Organization ́s (PAHO) eight guiding principles for the digital transformation of the health sector (3), becomes imperative not only for advancing technology adoption but also for promoting health equity and universal access to health and universal health coverage. The inclusion of telehealth in the G20 agenda, championed by Brazil’s presidency, underscores the group’s commitment to leveraging digital innovations to improve health outcomes in G20 countries and globally, as telehealth is a key area of the digital transformation of the health sector. Because countries worldwide vary widely in the capacity of their digital health infrastructure and their development stages, there lies a unique opportunity to foster international collaboration, share knowledge and drive global standards that support the widespread adoption of telehealth solutions for leaving no one behind. This strategic focus is predicated on the understand- ing that telehealth serves as both a catalyst for health equity and a critical tool for reinforcing health systems grounded in primary health care (PHC). The scientific rationale behind this concerted effort is clear: by enhancing digital infrastructure and fostering the adoption of telehealth solutions, there is potential to bridge the global digital divide and democratize access to health services. The G20, representing the world’s largest economies, plays a critical role in shaping global health policies, initiatives and innovative solutions (1). As these nations navigate the complexities of digital transformation in the health sector, engagement with the Global Initiative on Digital Health (2), aligned with the Pan American Health Organization ́s (PAHO) eight guiding principles for the digital transformation of the health sector (3), becomes imperative not only for advancing technology adoption but also for promoting health equity and universal access to health and universal health coverage. The inclusion of telehealth in the G20 agenda, championed by Brazil’s presidency, underscores the group’s commitment to leveraging digital innovations to improve health outcomes in G20 countries and globally, as telehealth is a key area of the digital transformation of the health sector. Because countries worldwide vary widely in the capacity of their digital health infrastructure and their development stages, there lies a unique opportunity to foster international collaboration, share knowledge and drive global standards that support the widespread adoption of telehealth solutions for leaving no one behind. This strategic focus is predicated on the understand- ing that telehealth serves as both a catalyst for health equity and a critical tool for reinforcing health systems grounded in primary health care (PHC). The scientific rationale behind this concerted effort is clear: by enhancing digital infrastructure and fostering the adoption of telehealth solutions, there is potential to bridge the global digital divide and democratize access to health services. In envisioning the future of global health, the fourth pillar of the vision of PAHO’s Director emerges with critical importance: the construction of resilient national health systems is firmly rooted in the implementation of the PHC strategy. This vision is not just an aspiration but a necessary evolution, with PAHO standing ready to guide countries towards achieving this goal. PAHO’s commitment involves supporting countries in the organization of health services networks based on PHC, targeting public financing to foster universal access and coverage, and bolstering governance in health under the leadership of health ministries. Moreover, it calls for the rapid deployment of technological innovations such as telehealth and also broader digital transformation initiatives (4). Digital transformation, emerging as a key innovative strategy, offers significant improvements to the strengthening of PHC. Through the adoption of inclusive digital health solutions, it is possible to enhance the delivery of health services, ensuring they become more accessible, efficient and equitable for everyone, everywhere (5, 6). Among the priorities leading this transformation, telehealth emerged at the G20 as a key opportunity in the mission to leave no one behind and as a cornerstone of the digital transformation of the health sector. Telehealth improves access to care and health information, thereby empowering individuals and communities (7). It effectively extends health services to underserved populations, encourages collaborative practices among health professionals, and broadens access to health for the wider community. It can support reduced waiting times and costs through efficiencies in care management. Through telehealth, the transition to a new era of PHC can be accelerated through technological advancements that drive us towards a more inclusive and accessible health care system for all. Concrete efforts should be focused on modernizing normative and legislative frameworks, investment in digital infrastructure, prioritizing the development of robust digital health infrastructures while ensuring that reliable internet access and digital tools are available across urban and rural areas alike. Enhancing digital literacy and telehealth competencies among health professionals and the population will maximize the utilization and effectiveness of digital health services. However, the lack of standardized policies and frameworks for telehealth is a significant barrier to its global adoption and, therefore, G20 nations can lead by example, working towards (a) developing international telehealth guidelines that consider ethical, privacy and security standards for telehealth services to facilitate cross-border healthcare delivery and secure data exchange; and (b) promoting interoperable telehealth platforms that can seamlessly exchange information, thus enhancing the continuity and quality of care. The G20’s leadership and commitment to integrating telehealth into the global health agenda can set an unprecedented opportunity for international cooperation in digital health. G20 countries can significantly impact global health outcomes by integrating telehealth at all levels of care and health service delivery networks, impacting the lives of billions around the world. Equity must remain central to our efforts as telehealth services are integrated into the model of care. This means ensuring the adoption of differentiated approaches in digital health based on (a) the characteristics of a territory (geographical dis- persion, status of infrastructure), (b) the beneficiary population to be served (their health needs, and cultural, racial and ethnic considerations) and (c) the health system capacities and organization (the health services network, coverage capacity and availability of multiprofessional teams). Health outcomes can be significantly positively impacted by undertaking bottom-up planning processes that take into account the latter considerations and by adapting the model of care to leverage the capacity of digital health. Embracing the Regional Roadmap for the Digital Transformation of the Health Sector in the Region of the Americas is imperative for countries aiming to develop expansive, resilient and inclusive health systems based on PHC (8,9). This comprehensive framework, backed by lessons learned and suc- cessful experiences, underscores the significant potential that digital transformation holds for improving health outcomes. Brazil's commitment to the consolidation of the Unified Health System (the Sistema Único de Saúde, or SUS) and its well-established Family Health Strategy as the foundation for the health and well-being of its population is being expressed through the rapid deployment of telehealth, and serves as a model of innovation and effectiveness, showcasing the transformative impact of digital health solutions on accessibility, efficiency and quality of care (10). This editorial, jointly prepared by rep- resentatives of the government of Brazil and PAHO advocates for global standardization of telehealth practices that ensures the scalability and sustainability of health interventions while addressing the core determinants of health equity.

[RESUMEN]. Sin resumen disponible Texto completo en inglés

[RESUMO]. Não existe resumo disponível Texto completo em inglês

60713 , Disparités de l'état de santé , Amériques
Article de Anglais | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-59328


On 19-20 April 2021, PAHO convened all the CCs in the Region of the Americas for a webinar on Engaging Our Partners to Achieve the SDGs Together (3). As a result of this meeting, PAHO received recommendations to improve the working relationship with the CCs, increase the visibility of the CCs’ work, and promote innovative ways of providing technical cooperation, among others. One of the key recommendations was to highlight the work of the CCs in the Pan American Journal of Public Health, which is consistent with the recommendation of the Evaluation of WHO’s Work with Collaborating Centers to “Promote awareness of CCs and their contribution, both within WHO and with external audiences as appropriate.” Within this context, a Call for Abstracts was issued in 2021. Sixty-four abstracts were received; 17 articles went through a peer-review process, and 16 were approved for publication. The articles selected present results that contribute to the development of evidence-based health policies, share lessons learned, provide recommendations, and identify best practices in the Region. The articles published in this special issue illustrate how the CCs respond to public health needs in the Region and globally through PAHO/WHO’s mandates in priority thematic areas.

Centres Régionaux de l'Organisation Panaméricaine de la Santé , Santé publique
Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 47, 2023. 120 años de la OPS
Article de Anglais | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-57760


[EXTRACT]. In 2022, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) celebrated its 120th anniversary. As I look back over the years and the history of this Organization, I am reminded of the power and importance of solidarity to build a healthier, and more hopeful and fairer future. Over the past three years, the Region of the Americas was forced to confront one of the toughest crises faced in over a century. The Region was especially hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, which profoundly affected all areas of our lives and set back years of social and economic progress. However, even when the obstacles were insurmountable, our Region worked together to vaccinate more than 700 million people. Today, countries and territories across the Americas are addressing existing gaps in our health systems, strengthening disease surveillance, and expanding manufacturing capacities to ensure a better preparation for future challenges. I commend the contributors and editors of the Pan American Journal of Public Health, for advancing the health and well-being of the peoples of the Americas and for promoting our regional values of health, equity, solidarity, and social justice.

Organisation panaméricaine de la santé , Santé publique , Amériques
Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 47, 2023. Cáncer infantil en las Américas
Article de Espagnol | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-58325


[EXTRACTO]. La Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) ha impulsado esta iniciativa en la Región de las Américas desde un primer momento, para lo cual se hizo un análisis integral de la situación y se elaboró una serie de perfiles del cáncer infantil específicos para cada país. Hasta la fecha, 18 Estados Miembros de la OPS se han comprometido a implementarla, utilizando para ello el marco CureAll ("curar a todas las per- sonas"). Dicho marco se concentra en fortalecer los sistemas de salud mediante cuatro pilares: centros de excelencia (C), cobertura universal (U), esquemas de tratamiento (R) y sistemas de evaluación y seguimiento (E), así como la promoción de tres factores facilitadores fundamentales: abogar por la causa (A), y mejorar el financiamiento (L) y la gobernanza (L). La implementación de esta iniciativa en América Latina y el Caribe requiere una estrategia colaborativa y multifacética en la que participen los gobiernos, las organizaciones no gubernamentales, los profesionales de la salud y la sociedad civil. En este número especial de la Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública se destacan algunos de los avances más importantes en la Región, como la reducción de las tasas de abandono del tratamiento en Perú; las mejoras en los programas de derivación para la detec- ción temprana en los países andinos y en Panamá y República Dominicana; y los avances en la legislación sobre el cáncer infantil en Argentina, Brasil y Perú. Además, el establecimiento de la plataforma mundial de la OMS y el hospital St. Jude para el acceso a medicamentos contra el cáncer infantil en Ecuador, el país pionero de esta iniciativa en América Latina y el Caribe, ha sido el resultado de la colaboración para abordar las necesidades insatisfechas en materia de medicamentos esenciales y medios de diagnóstico, y mejorar las normas de atención oncológica para pacientes pediátricos y adolescentes.

Santé de l'enfant , Tumeurs , Survie , Survivants du cancer , Amérique latine , Caraïbe , Santé de l'enfant , Tumeurs , Analyse de survie , Amérique latine , Caraïbe , Santé de l'enfant , Caraïbe
Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 47, 2023. Cáncer infantil en las Américas
Article de Anglais | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-58242


[EXTRAIT]. Since its launch the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is implementing GICC in the Region of the Americas which began with a comprehensive situational analysis and a series of country-specific childhood cancer profiles. To date, 18 PAHO Member States have commit- ted to implementing the GICC, using the CureAll framework. This framework focuses on strengthening health systems through four pillars: Centers of Excellence (C), Universal Coverage (U), Treatment Regimens (R), and Evaluation and Monitoring systems (E); and through the promotion of three key facilitators: Advocacy (A), Financing (L), and Governance (L). GICC implementation in LAC involves a collaborative and multifaceted strategy, engaging governments, non-governmental organizations, healthcare professionals, and civil society. This special supplement of the Pan American Journal of Public Health highlights some of the significant advances in the Region such as reduced rates of treatment abandonment in Peru; improvements in early detection referral programs in Andean countries, the Dominican Republic, and Panama; and progress made in legislation for pediatric cancer in Argentina, Brazil, and Peru. In addition, the establishment of the WHO/ St Jude Global Platform for Access to Childhood Cancer Medicines in Ecuador, the pioneering country for this initiative in LAC, has resulted from collaborative work to address an unmet need in essential medicines and diagnostics and improve care standards for children and adolescents affected by cancer.

Santé de l'enfant , Tumeurs , Analyse de survie , Amérique latine , Caraïbe , Santé de l'enfant , Survie , Survivants du cancer , Tumeurs , Amérique latine , Caraïbe , Survivants du cancer , Santé de l'enfant , Caraïbe
Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 47, 2023. 120 años de la OPS
Article de Portugais | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-57763


[EXTRAIT]. Em 2022, a Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde (OPAS) completou 120 anos. Ao rememorar os anos e a história desta Organização, lembro-me do poder e da importância da soli- dariedade para construirmos um futuro com mais saúde, esperança e justiça. Nos últimos três anos, a Região das Américas foi obrigada a enfrentar uma das crises mais difíceis em mais de um século. A Região foi especialmente atingida pela pandemia de COVID- 19, que afetou profundamente todas as áreas das nossas vidas e causou anos de retrocesso nos avanços sociais e econômicos. No entanto, mesmo quando os obstáculos eram incontornáveis, trabalhamos juntos para vacinar mais de 700 milhões de pes- soas. Hoje, os países e territórios das Américas estão abordando as lacunas existentes em nossos sistemas de saúde, fortale- cendo a vigilância epidemiológica e expandindo a capacidade de produção de vacinas para garantir que estejamos mais bem preparados para futuros desafios. Parabenizo os colaboradores e editores da Revista Pan-Ameri- cana de Saúde Pública por promoverem a saúde e o bem-estar dos povos das Américas e transmitirem nossos valores regionais de saúde, equidade, solidariedade e justiça social.

Organisation panaméricaine de la santé , Santé publique , Amériques
Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 47, 2023. 120 años de la OPS
Article de Espagnol | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-57762


[EXTRACTO]. En el 2022 se celebró el 120.o aniversario de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS). Al volver la vista atrás y ver los años transcurridos y la trayectoria de esta Organización, me viene a la memoria el poder y la importancia de la solidaridad para construir un futuro más saludable, más esperanzador y más justo. En los últimos tres años, la Región de las Américas se vio obligada a hacer frente a una de las crisis más difíciles en más de un siglo. La Región se vio especialmente afectada por la pandemia de COVID-19, que alteró profundamente todas las áreas de nuestra vida e hizo que perdiéramos años de progreso social y económico. Sin embargo, incluso cuando los obstáculos eran insuperables, nuestra Región trabajó de manera conjunta para vacunar a más de 700 millones de personas. Hoy en día, los países y territorios de la Región de las Américas están abor- dando las brechas existentes en nuestros sistemas de salud, fortaleciendo la vigilancia de enfermedades y ampliando las capacidades de producción para garantizar una mejor prepara- ción para los desafíos futuros. Felicito a los autores y a los editores de la Revista Panameri- cana de Salud Pública por promover la salud y el bienestar de los pueblos de la Región de las Américas, y por fomentar nues- tros valores regionales de salud, equidad, solidaridad y justicia social.

Organisation panaméricaine de la santé , Santé publique , Amériques
Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 47, 2023. 120 años de la OPS
Article de Français | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-57761


[EXTRAIT]. En 2022, l'Organisation panaméricaine de la Santé (OPS) a célébré son 120e anniversaire. En repensant aux années écoulées et à l'histoire de cette Organisation, je suis renvoyé au pouvoir de la solidarité et à son caractère essentiel dans la construction d’un avenir plus sain, plus juste et plus prometteur. Au cours des trois dernières années, la Région des Améri- ques a dû faire face à l’une des crises les plus graves depuis plus d’un siècle. La Région a été particulièrement touchée par la pandémie de COVID-19, qui a profondément affecté tous les domaines de notre vie et a fait reculer les progrès sociaux et économiques de plusieurs années. Cependant, même lorsque les obstacles semblaient insurmontables, notre Région a tra- vaillé sous le signe de la collaboration pour vacciner plus de 700 millions de personnes. Aujourd’hui, les pays et territoires de la Région des Amériques comblent les lacunes existant dans nos systèmes de santé, renforcent la surveillance des maladies et élargissent les capacités de fabrication, afin de mieux se préparer aux défis à venir. Je félicite les contributeurs et les rédacteurs du Pan American Journal of Public Health de faire progresser la santé et le bien-être des peuples de la Région des Amériques et de promouvoir nos valeurs régionales de santé, d’équité, de solidarité et de justice sociale.

Organisation panaméricaine de la santé , Santé publique , Amériques
Article de Espagnol | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-54753


Tan solo en los últimos 50 años, la esperanza de vida ha aumentado en más de 20 años. Este aumento significativo de la longevidad se debe en parte a los avances de la medicina, las intervenciones de salud pública, la biotecnología y el desarrollo social y económico, que han permitido a las personas vivir más que en cualquier otro momento de la historia. En América Latina y el Caribe, la proporción de personas de 60 o más años de edad aumentará incluso en 18% durante el próximo decenio y para el 2050 se ubicará entre 25% y 30% de la población. Esta transición ocurrirá en 35 años, que es tan solo la mitad del tiempo que requirió en Estados Unidos y Canadá.

Vieillissement , Vieillissement en bonne santé , Sujet âgé , Santé des Anciens , Amérique latine , Caraïbe , Amériques , COVID-19
Article de Anglais | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-54647


[EXTRACT]. In just the past 50 years, life expectancy has increased by more than 20 years. This significant increase in longevity is due in part to advances in medicine, public health interventions, biotechnology, and social and economic development that have made it possible for people to live longer than at any other time in history.

Vieillissement , Vieillissement en bonne santé , Amérique latine , Caraïbe , Amériques , COVID-19
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 45: e63, 2021. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1252008


ABSTRACT Objectives. To present a methodology for the simultaneous setting of quantitative targets that reflect both an improvement in the national average of an indicator for Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG3), as well as a reduction in its geographic inequality. Methods. A five-step algorithm was developed: (a) calculate the national average annual percent change (AAPC) for an SDG3 indicator; (b) normatively define geographic strata from the subnational distribution of the indicator in a baseline year; (c) apply a proportional progressivity criterion to the AAPC to project the stratum-specific indicator value for the target year; (d) set the national target as the weighted average of the indicator in the subnational territorial units for the target year; and (e) set the inequality reduction targets by calculating the absolute and relative gaps between the bottom and top strata for the target year. Results. The algorithm was applied to SDG indicator 3.1.1 (maternal mortality ratio, MMR), disaggregated by Guatemala's 22 departments at the baseline year 2014 (MMR = 113 per 100,000 live births). By sustaining the AAPC rate attained from 2009 to 2014 (-4.3%) and focalizing its actions with territorial progressivity, by 2030 the country could reduce its MMR to 53 per 100,000 and its absolute and relative inequality gaps by 72% and 48%, respectively. Conclusions. The proposed methodology allows for simultaneously setting targets for overall progress and inequality reduction in health, making explicit the primacy of the equity principle contained in the SDG commitment to leave no one behind, whose urgency takes on renewed relevance in the current pandemic scenario.

RESUMEN Objetivos. Presentar una metodología para la formulación simultánea de metas cuantitativas que reflejen tanto la mejoría del promedio nacional de un indicador del tercer Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS3) como la reducción de su desigualdad geográfica. Métodos. Se definió un algoritmo en cinco pasos: a) cálculo del cambio porcentual anual promedio (CPAP) nacional para un indicador del ODS3; b) definición normativa de estratos geográficos a partir de la distribución subnacional del indicador en un año base; c) aplicación de un criterio de progresividad proporcional del CPAP para proyectar el indicador estrato-específico al año meta; d) establecimiento de la meta nacional como el promedio ponderado del indicador en las unidades territoriales subnacionales al año meta; y e) formulación de metas de reducción de desigualdad mediante el cálculo de las brechas absoluta y relativa entre los estratos extremos al año meta. Resultados. Se aplicó el algoritmo al indicador ODS 3.1.1 (razón de mortalidad materna, RMM), desagregado por los 22 departamentos de Guatemala para el año base 2014 (RMM = 113 por 100 000 nacidos vivos). Sosteniendo la intensidad promedio de CPAP observada entre 2009 y 2014 (-4,3%) y focalizando sus acciones con progresividad territorial, el país reduciría al 2030 su RMM a 53 por 100 000 nacidos vivos y sus brechas absoluta y relativa en 72% y 48%, respectivamente. Conclusiones. La metodología propuesta permite formular simultáneamente metas de reducción de las desigualdades geográficas en salud y hacer explícita la primacía del principio de equidad expresado en el compromiso de no dejar a nadie atrás que identifica a los ODS, cuya urgencia cobra renovada relevancia en el escenario pospandémico actual.

RESUMO Objetivos. Apresentar uma metodologia para a formulação simultânea de metas quantitativas que reflitam tanto a melhoria da média nacional de um indicador do terceiro Objetivo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS3) quanto a redução das desigualdades geográfica nesse indicador. Métodos. Estabelecemos um algoritmo em cinco etapas: (a) cálculo da variação percentual anual média (VPAM) em um país para um indicador do ODS3, (b) definição normativa de estratos geográficos a partir da distribuição subnacional do indicador em um ano base, (c) aplicação de um critério de progressividade proporcional da VPAM para projetar o indicador específico do estrato para o ano base, (d) estabelecimento da meta nacional como a média ponderada do indicador nas unidades territoriais subnacionais para o ano alvo e (e) estabelecimento de metas para a redução das desigualdades calculando a disparidade absoluta e relativa entre os estratos extremos para o ano alvo. Resultados. Aplicamos o algoritmo ao indicador ODS 3.1.1 (razão de mortalidade materna, RMM), desagregado pelos 22 departamentos da Guatemala para o ano base de 2014 (RMM = 113 por 100.000 nascidos vivos). Se mantiver a intensidade média da VPAM observada entre 2009 e 2014 (-4,3%) e concentrar as suas ações com progressividade territorial, o país reduzirá, até 2030, a sua RMM para 53 por 100.000 e sua disparidade absoluta e relativa em 72% e 48%, respectivamente. Conclusões. A metodologia proposta permite formular simultaneamente metas para a redução das desigualdades geográficas em saúde e explicitar a primazia do princípio da equidade expresso no compromisso de não deixar ninguém para trás consagrado nos ODS, cuja urgência assume uma relevância renovada no atual cenário pós-pandêmico.

Humains , Femelle , Disparités de l'état de santé , Développement durable , Algorithmes , Mortalité maternelle , Indicateurs qualité santé , Guatemala
Article de Espagnol | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-53115


[RESUMEN]. Objetivos. Presentar una metodología para la formulación simultánea de metas cuantitativas que reflejen tanto la mejoría del promedio nacional de un indicador del tercer Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS3) como la reducción de su desigualdad geográfica. Métodos. Se definió un algoritmo en cinco pasos: a) cálculo del cambio porcentual anual promedio (CPAP) nacional para un indicador del ODS3; b) definición normativa de estratos geográficos a partir de la distribución subnacional del indicador en un año base; c) aplicación de un criterio de progresividad proporcional del CPAP para proyectar el indicador estrato-específico al año meta; d) establecimiento de la meta nacional como el promedio ponderado del indicador en las unidades territoriales subnacionales al año meta; y e) formulación de metas de reducción de desigualdad mediante el cálculo de las brechas absoluta y relativa entre los estratos extremos al año meta. Resultados. Se aplicó el algoritmo al indicador ODS 3.1.1 (razón de mortalidad materna, RMM), desagregado por los 22 departamentos de Guatemala para el año base 2014 (RMM = 113 por 100 000 nacidos vivos). Sosteniendo la intensidad promedio de CPAP observada entre 2009 y 2014 (−4,3%) y focalizando sus acciones con progresividad territorial, el país reduciría al 2030 su RMM a 53 por 100 000 nacidos vivos y sus brechas absoluta y relativa en 72% y 48%, respectivamente. Conclusiones. La metodología propuesta permite formular simultáneamente metas de reducción de las desigualdades geográficas en salud y hacer explícita la primacía del principio de equidad expresado en el compromiso de no dejar a nadie atrás que identifica a los ODS, cuya urgencia cobra renovada relevancia en el escenario pospandémico actual.

[ABSTRACT]. Objectives. Present methodology for the concurrent development of quantitative targets that reflect improvement in the national average of an indicator for Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG3), as well as a reduction in geographic inequality. Methods. A five-step algorithm was developed: a) calculate the national average annual percentage change (AAPC) for an SDG3 indicator; b) standardize the definition of geographic strata based on subnational distribution of the indicator in a base year; c) apply a criterion for proportional progress in the AAPC in order to project the stratum-specific indicator to the target year; d) set the national target as the weighted average of the indicator in the subnational territorial units for the target year; and e) develop inequality reduction targets by calculating absolute and relative gaps between the top and bottom strata for the target year. Results. The algorithm was applied to SDG indicator 3.1.1 (maternal mortality ratio, MMR), disaggregated by Guatemala’s 22 departments for base year 2014 (MMR = 113/100,000 live births). By sustaining the average AAPC rate attained from 2009 to 2014 (-4.3%) and targeting its actions to territorial progress, the country would reduce its MMR to 53/100,000 by 2030 and its absolute and relative gaps by 72% and 48%, respectively. Conclusions. The proposed methodology makes it possible to concurrently develop targets for the reduction of geographic inequalities in health and improvements in the national average, with explicit reference to the primacy of the principle of equity expressed in the SDGs’ commitment to leaving no one behind, whose urgency is newly important in the current post-pandemic scenario.

[RESUMO]. Objetivos. Apresentar uma metodologia para a formulação simultânea de metas quantitativas que reflitam tanto a melhoria da média nacional de um indicador do terceiro Objetivo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS3) quanto a redução das desigualdades geográfica nesse indicador. Métodos. Estabelecemos um algoritmo em cinco etapas: (a) cálculo da variação percentual anual média (VPAM) em um país para um indicador do ODS3, (b) definição normativa de estratos geográficos a partir da distribuição subnacional do indicador em um ano base, (c) aplicação de um critério de progressividade proporcional da VPAM para projetar o indicador específico do estrato para o ano base, (d) estabelecimento da meta nacional como a média ponderada do indicador nas unidades territoriais subnacionais para o ano alvo e (e) estabelecimento de metas para a redução das desigualdades calculando a disparidade absoluta e relativa entre os estratos extremos para o ano alvo. Resultados. Aplicamos o algoritmo ao indicador ODS 3.1.1 (razão de mortalidade materna, RMM), desagregado pelos 22 departamentos da Guatemala para o ano base de 2014 (RMM = 113 por 100.000 nascidos vivos). Se mantiver a intensidade média da VPAM observada entre 2009 e 2014 (-4,3%) e concentrar as suas ações com progressividade territorial, o país reduzirá, até 2030, a sua RMM para 53 por 100.000 e sua disparidade absoluta e relativa em 72% e 48%, respectivamente. Conclusões. A metodologia proposta permite formular simultaneamente metas para a redução das desigualdades geográficas em saúde e explicitar a primazia do princípio da equidade expresso no compromisso de não deixar ninguém para trás consagrado nos ODS, cuja urgência assume uma relevância renovada no atual cenário pós-pandêmico.

Développement durable , Équité en santé , Indicateurs d'état de santé , Mortalité maternelle , Guatemala , COVID-19 , Développement durable , Équité en santé , Indicateurs d'état de santé , Mortalité maternelle , Développement durable , Équité en santé , Indicateurs d'état de santé , Mortalité maternelle
Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 44, sept. 2020
Article de Anglais | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-52731


The year 2020 will be remembered for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic, responsible for more than 10 million cases and more than 500 000 deaths in the first half of the year alone, and receiving unprecedented political and social attention. This global public health crisis should draw attention to other silent epidemics, such as antimicrobial resistance (AMR), responsible for 700 000 annual deaths worldwide, 230 000 of them from multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis.2 In the Region of the Americas, multidrug-resistant microorganisms are the leading cause of health care-associated infections. Surveillance data from the Latin American Network for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (RELAVRA) show an increasing trend in the resistance of hospital pathogens such as Klebsiella pneumoniae, whose non-susceptibility to carbapenem antibiotics has been increasing significantly in Latin America since 2014, reaching an average of 21%.3 There are significant consequences for health systems in terms of mortality, disability, and economic costs. For example, Staphylococcus aureus causes a wide range of infections and is one of the most commonly isolated microorganisms in health care-associated infections; in Latin America, more than 25% of S. aureus isolates are resistant to methicillin. The result is 45.2% excess mortality attributable to methicillin resistance, compared to susceptible strains, and increased antibiotic treatment costs (6.7 times greater) and hospitalization (almost 3 times greater).

Rev Bras Epidemiol ; 22Suppl 02(Suppl 02): e190002.supl.2, 2019.
Article de Portugais, Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31596373


INTRODUCTION: This article aims to estimate reference values for laboratory tests of cholesterol, glycosylated hemoglobin and creatinine for the Brazilian adult population. METHODS: A descriptive study carried out with laboratory data from the National Health Survey (Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde - PNS). Samples of blood and urine were collected in a PNS subsample of 8,952 individuals aged 18 years old or older. To determine the reference values, exclusion criteria were applied: presence of previous diseases and outliers, defined by values outside the range estimated by the mean ± 1.96 × standard deviation. Subsequently, reference values were calculated according to gender, age group and race/skin color. RESULTS: Differences in reference values according to gender were observed. Women had higher values of total cholesterol, LDL-c and HDL-c. Glycosylated hemoglobin showed similar values in relation to gender, and creatinine was higher among men. The mean reference values were higher in the elderly population, aged 60 years old or older. The mean, lower and upper limits of total cholesterol and fractions of non-white people were slightly lower. There was no difference according to race/skin color for glycosylated hemoglobin and creatinine. CONCLUSION: The establishment of national reference parameters for laboratory tests, adapted to the sociodemographic and geographic characteristics, provides relevant information for evaluation of diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases in Brazil.

INTRODUÇÃO: Este artigo teve o objetivo de estimar valores de referência de exames laboratoriais de colesterol, hemoglobina glicosilada e creatinina para a população adulta brasileira. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo realizado com os dados laboratoriais da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde (PNS). Foram coletadas amostras de sangue e urina em subamostra da PNS constituída de 8.952 indivíduos de 18 anos ou mais. Para determinar os valores de referência, aplicaram-se critérios de exclusão, como a presença de doenças prévias e dos outliers, definidos pelos valores fora do intervalo estimado pela média ± 1,96 × desvio padrão. Posteriormente, foram calculados os valores de referência segundo sexo, faixa etária e raça/cor. RESULTADOS: Observaram-se diferenças nos valores de referência de acordo com o sexo. O colesterol total, a lipoproteína de baixa densidade colesterol (LDL-c) e a lipoproteína de alta densidade colesterol (HDL-c) apresentaram valores mais elevados entre as mulheres. A hemoglobina glicosilada alcançou valores semelhantes segundo sexo, e a creatinina foi mais elevada entre os homens. Os valores médios de referência foram mais altos na população idosa, de 60 anos ou mais. A média e os limites inferiores e superiores do colesterol total e frações dos indivíduos não brancos foram ligeiramente mais baixos. Não houve diferença segundo raça/cor para hemoglobina glicosilada nem para creatinina. CONCLUSÃO: O estabelecimento de parâmetros nacionais de referência de exames laboratoriais, adaptados às características sociodemográficas e geográficas, fornece subsídios relevantes para a avaliação do diagnóstico e tratamento de doenças crônicas no Brasil.

Cholestérol/sang , Techniques de laboratoire clinique/normes , Créatinine/analyse , Hémoglobine glyquée/analyse , Adolescent , Adulte , 38410 , Brésil , Femelle , Enquêtes de santé/méthodes , Enquêtes de santé/statistiques et données numériques , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Valeurs de référence , Facteurs sexuels , 38413 , Jeune adulte
Rev Bras Epidemiol ; 22Suppl 02(Suppl 02): E190003.SUPL.2, 2019.
Article de Portugais, Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31596374


OBJECTIVE: To describe reference values for blood counts obtained from laboratory tests in the Brazilian adult population according to laboratory results from the National Health Survey (Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde - PNS), by gender, age group and skin color. METHODS: The initial sample consisted of 8,952 adults. To determine the reference values, individuals with prior diseases and outliers were excluded. Mean values, standard deviation and limits were stratified by gender, age group and skin color. RESULTS: For red blood cells, men presented a mean value of 5.0 million per mm3 (limits: 4.3-5.8) and women, 4.5 million per mm3 (limits: 3.9-5.1). Hemoglobin levels were higher among men with a mean of 14.9 g/dL (13.0-16.9), and in women, 13.2 g/dL (11.5-14.9). The mean number of white blood cells among men was 6.142/mm3 (2.843-9.440) and 6.426/mm3 (2.883-9.969) for women. Other parameters showed close values between the genders. Regarding age groups and skin color, mean values, standard deviation and limits of the exams presented small variations. CONCLUSION: Hematological reference values based on the national survey allow for the establishment of specific reference limits for gender, age and skin color. The results presented here may contribute to the establishment of better evidence and criteria for the care, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

OBJETIVO: Descrever valores de referência para exames laboratoriais de hemograma da população adulta brasileira segundo os resultados laboratoriais da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde (PNS) estratificados por sexo, faixa etária e cor da pele. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi constituída inicialmente de 8.952 adultos. Para determinar os valores de referência, excluíram-se indivíduos com doenças prévias e os outliers. Valores médios, desvio padrão e limites foram estratificados por sexo, faixa etária e cor da pele. RESULTADOS: Para glóbulos vermelhos, os homens apresentaram valor médio de 5,0 milhões por mm3 (limites: 4,3-5,8) e as mulheres 4,5 milhões por mm3 (limites: 3,9-5,1). Valores de hemoglobina entre homens exibiram média de 14,9 g/dL (13,0-16,9) e entre mulheres de 13,2 g/dL (11,5-14,9). A média dos glóbulos brancos entre os homens foi de 6.142/mm3 (2.843-9.440) e entre as mulheres de 6.426/mm3 (2.883-9.969). Outros parâmetros mostraram valores próximos entre os sexos. Com relação a faixas etárias e cor da pele, valores médios, desvio padrão e limites dos exames apontaram pequenas variações. CONCLUSÃO: Os valores de referência hematológicos com base em inquérito nacional permitem a definição de limites de referência específicos por sexo, idade e cor da pele. Os resultados aqui expostos podem contribuir para o estabelecimento de melhores evidências e critérios para o cuidado, diagnóstico e tratamento de doenças.

Hémogramme/normes , Techniques de laboratoire clinique/normes , Enquêtes de santé/normes , Adolescent , Adulte , Facteurs âges , Brésil/ethnologie , Études transversales , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Valeurs de référence , Facteurs sexuels , Jeune adulte
Article de Anglais | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-51754


[EXTRACT]. Tuberculosis (TB) is a major source of ill health, one of the top 10 causes of death worldwide and the leading cause of death from a single infectious agent, ranking above HIV/AIDS. TB is preventable, treatable, and curable. Timely diagnosis and treatment can cure most people who develop TB and curtail onward transmission (1). Treatment requires multiple drugs and requires from 6 months to 2 years depending on the type of TB (drug susceptible or resistant). These long, drug-treatment regimens are challenging for both patients and health care systems. The Sustainable Development Goals propose ending the TB epidemic by 2030 (2). The World Health Organization’s (WHO) End TB Strategy provides a framework for reaching this goal with a patient-centered approach and inter-programmatic and intersectoral interventions (3). These interventions involve affected communities and address the social determinants of TB, which have a greater impact on vulnerable populations. They are also aligned with the Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage Strategy (4). The Declaration of the United Nations High-Level Meeting on TB held in September 2018 renewed the commitment of WHO Member States to strengthen their national TB efforts, fighting against this disease by leveraging the existing global frameworks (5, 6).

Tuberculose , Recherche , Amériques
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; Rev. bras. epidemiol;22(supl.2): e190002.supl.2, 2019. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042232


RESUMO: Introdução: Este artigo teve o objetivo de estimar valores de referência de exames laboratoriais de colesterol, hemoglobina glicosilada e creatinina para a população adulta brasileira. Métodos: Estudo descritivo realizado com os dados laboratoriais da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde (PNS). Foram coletadas amostras de sangue e urina em subamostra da PNS constituída de 8.952 indivíduos de 18 anos ou mais. Para determinar os valores de referência, aplicaram-se critérios de exclusão, como a presença de doenças prévias e dos outliers, definidos pelos valores fora do intervalo estimado pela média ± 1,96 × desvio padrão. Posteriormente, foram calculados os valores de referência segundo sexo, faixa etária e raça/cor. Resultados: Observaram-se diferenças nos valores de referência de acordo com o sexo. O colesterol total, a lipoproteína de baixa densidade colesterol (LDL-c) e a lipoproteína de alta densidade colesterol (HDL-c) apresentaram valores mais elevados entre as mulheres. A hemoglobina glicosilada alcançou valores semelhantes segundo sexo, e a creatinina foi mais elevada entre os homens. Os valores médios de referência foram mais altos na população idosa, de 60 anos ou mais. A média e os limites inferiores e superiores do colesterol total e frações dos indivíduos não brancos foram ligeiramente mais baixos. Não houve diferença segundo raça/cor para hemoglobina glicosilada nem para creatinina. Conclusão: O estabelecimento de parâmetros nacionais de referência de exames laboratoriais, adaptados às características sociodemográficas e geográficas, fornece subsídios relevantes para a avaliação do diagnóstico e tratamento de doenças crônicas no Brasil.

ABSTRACT: Introduction: This article aims to estimate reference values for laboratory tests of cholesterol, glycosylated hemoglobin and creatinine for the Brazilian adult population. Methods: A descriptive study carried out with laboratory data from the National Health Survey (Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde - PNS). Samples of blood and urine were collected in a PNS subsample of 8,952 individuals aged 18 years old or older. To determine the reference values, exclusion criteria were applied: presence of previous diseases and outliers, defined by values outside the range estimated by the mean ± 1.96 × standard deviation. Subsequently, reference values were calculated according to gender, age group and race/skin color. Results: Differences in reference values according to gender were observed. Women had higher values of total cholesterol, LDL-c and HDL-c. Glycosylated hemoglobin showed similar values in relation to gender, and creatinine was higher among men. The mean reference values were higher in the elderly population, aged 60 years old or older. The mean, lower and upper limits of total cholesterol and fractions of non-white people were slightly lower. There was no difference according to race/skin color for glycosylated hemoglobin and creatinine. Conclusion: The establishment of national reference parameters for laboratory tests, adapted to the sociodemographic and geographic characteristics, provides relevant information for evaluation of diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases in Brazil.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Jeune adulte , Hémoglobine glyquée/analyse , Cholestérol/sang , Techniques de laboratoire clinique/normes , Créatinine/analyse , Valeurs de référence , Brésil , Facteurs sexuels , Enquêtes de santé/méthodes , Enquêtes de santé/statistiques et données numériques , 38410 , 38413 , Adulte d'âge moyen