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Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(66): 134-143, jan-abr.2025.
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570747


O presente estudo tem por objetivo realizar um relato de experiência demonstrando a percepção de discentes do curso de odontologia na sua participação na prática da atenção primária à saúde (APS), vivenciadas em um cenário pandêmico e com base no combate a enfrentamentos e desafios impostos no processo de trabalho das equipes de saúde da família. Este estudo trata - se de relato de experiência, de caráter descritivo e retrospectivo, associado à uma pesquisa bibliográfica para que trousse o embasamento teórico necessário para a descrição do relato de experiência vivenciado. No decorrer da pandemia, a Equipe de saúde da família exerceu importante papel e atuou na linha de prevenção e controle desta, sendo uma das maiores ferramentas de apoio. Na odontologia, a atuação da equipe de saúde bucal devido a fatores de risco inerentes à esta modalidade de ocupação, ficou limitada em seu exercício. O conhecimento de muitos dos profissionais da rede pública foi colocado em questão, assim como sua vivência, limitações e o medo de contrair a doença. Os profissionais da equipe de saúde, mostraram que o trabalho interprofissional e um bom relacionamento aumentou o incentivo e a responsabilidade de equipe.

This study aims to carry out an experience report demonstrating the perception of students of the dentistry course in their participation in the practice of primary health care (PHC), experienced in a pandemic scenario and based on the fight against confrontations and challenges imposed on the work process of family health teams. This study is an experience report, descriptive and retrospective, associated with bibliographical research to bring the necessary theoretical basis for the description of the lived experience report. During the pandemic, the Family Health Team played an important role and acted in the line of prevention and control of this, being one of the greatest support tools. In dentistry, the performance of the oral health team, due to risk factors inherent to this type of occupation, was limited in its exercise. The knowledge of many public health professionals was questioned, as well as their experience, limitations and fear of contracting the disease. Health team professionals showed that interprofessional work and a good relationship increased team incentive and responsibility.

Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 3(65): 51-64, set-dez.2024. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BBO - Ondontologie | ID: biblio-1567834


Avaliar a aptidão e conduta de estudantes de Odontologia sobre atendimento de pacientes com de deficiência visual e auditiva. Trata-se de um estudo observacional, do tipo transversal. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir de um questionário estruturado e a amostra foi constituída por 88 estudantes do 5º, 7º e 9º período, matriculados em alguma disciplina clínica, do curso de Odontologia de uma instituição privada do estado de Pernambuco. Os dados coletados foram tabulados e analisados através de estatística descritiva e inferencial com um nível de significância de 5%. Menos da metade dos estudantes se sente aptos para atender pacientes com essas necessidades, independente do período avaliado. Uma pequena parcela tem algum tipo de contato social/familiar com deficientes visuais e auditivos, mas o fato de possuírem contato, não alterou significativamente a aptidão deste para realizar a consulta. Da mesma forma, possuir informação prévia sobre o tema não influenciou significativamente na aptidão dos estudantes durante o atendimento odontológico. A maioria dos estudantes não se sentem aptos e seguros ao atendimento de pacientes com deficiências visuais e auditivas e que o fato de possuir familiar e/ou parente com esse tipo de deficiência e ter recebido informação prévia sobre o tema não aumenta a segurança dos estudantes.

To evaluate the aptitude and conduct of dentistry students regarding the care of patients with visual and hearing impairments. This is an observational, cross-sectional study. Data collection was carried out using a structured questionnaire and the sample consisted of 88 students from the 5th, 7th and 9th period, enrolled in some clinical discipline, of the Dentistry course at a private institution in the state of Pernambuco. The collected data were tabulated and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics with a significance level of 5%. Less than half of the students feel able to care for patients with these needs, regardless of the period evaluated. A small portion has some kind of social/family contact with the visually and hearing impaired, but the fact that they have contact did not significantly change their ability to carry out the consultation. Likewise, having prior information on the subject did not significantly influence the students' aptitude during dental care. Most students do not feel able and safe to care for patients with visual and hearing impairments and that the fact of having a family member and/or relative with this type of disability and having received prior information on the subject does not increase the safety of the students. students.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Aptitude , Étudiant dentisterie , Comportement , Soins dentaires , Personnes malentendantes , Personnes malvoyantes
RFO UPF ; 29(1)20240000.
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566104


Objetivo: avaliar o conhecimento e atitudes dos estudantes de odontologia sobre as manifestações orais e o atendimento odontológico em pacientes com Síndrome de Down (SD). Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo observacional do tipo transversal, com uma amostra constituída de estudantes que estavam cursando disciplinas clínicas. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de um questionário composto por questões acerca do tema. Foi realizada estatística descritiva e analítica, onde verificou-se a relação no nível de conhecimento e atitude dos estudantes com as demais variáveis avaliadas. Considerou-se um nível de significância de 5% para todas as análises. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 85 estudantes (89,47% da população estudada). A nota média de conhecimento foi de 5,18 pontos e 75,3% afirmou não se sentir seguro em atender pacientes com SD. A presença de SD na família, o fato de se sentir seguro e já ter recebido informação prévia sobre o tema não influenciou significativamente na média de acerto dos estudantes. Apenas aqueles que relataram ter tido algum tipo de formação prévia, extra-sala, apresentaram médias significativamente maiores quando comparado ao que não tiveram. Os estudantes matriculados em períodos mais avançados apresentaram médias significativamente maiores do que aqueles em períodos mais iniciais. Conclusão: O conhecimento dos estudantes de odontologia sobre o tema, de modo geral, é baixo. Porém, tende a aumentar com o avanço dos períodos/curso. A maioria dos estudantes não possuem segurança em atender pacientes com SD.

Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 3(62): 64-74, set-dez. 2023. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BBO - Ondontologie | ID: biblio-1566151


Este estudo teve como objetivo realizar um levantamento bibliométrico das pesquisas realizadas em odontologia na área de harmonização orofacial, com ênfase na bichectomia, ácido hialurônico e toxina botulínica. Utilizou-se como base os anais dos trabalhos apresentados nas Reuniões Anuais da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica (SBPqO) entre os anos de 2017 a 2021e todos os resumos que possuíam algumas das palavras-chaves pesquisadas ("bichectomia", "ácido hialurônico" e "toxina botulínica") foram avaliados. Após a seleção informações foram coletadas dos resumos e os dados foram analisados através de estatística descritiva.Foram incluídos neste estudo 65 resumos, estando a maioria relacionado com pesquisas utilizando a toxina botulínica. O ano de 2021 foi o que apresentou uma maior produção de estudos sobre o tema e a região Sudeste do Brasil foi a que mais produziu acerca da harmonização orofacial nos últimos cinco anos. A maioria das pesquisas foram desenvolvidas por instituições privadas e não receberam financiamento. Dentre as áreas da odontologia a desordens temporomandibular, dor orofacial e a periodontia aparecem com maior envolvimento com as pesquisas utilizando, principalmente a toxina botulínica e o ácido hialurônico. Conclui-se que as pesquisas envolvendo temas relacionados a área de harmonização ainda representam um número baixo, entretanto esse número apresentou crescimento nos últimos 5 anos. Se faz necessário mais incentivo em pesquisas nessa área para as regiões norte e centro oeste,bem como um maior em financiamento.

This study aimed to carry out a bibliometric survey of research carried out in dentistry in the area of orofacial harmonization, with emphasis on bichectomy, hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin. The annals of the works presented at the Annual Meetings of the Brazilian Society for Dental Research (SBPqO) between the years 2017 to 2021 and all abstracts that had some of the searched keywords ("bichectomy", "hyaluronic acid" and "botulinum toxin") were evaluated. After the selection, information was collected from the abstracts and the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. A total of 65 abstracts were included in this study, most of which related to research using botulinum toxin. The year 2021 was the one that presented the greatest production of studies on the subject and the Southeast region of Brazil was the one that produced the most about orofacial harmonization in the last five years. Most research was developed by private institutions and did not receive funding. Among the areas of dentistry, temporomandibular disorders, orofacial pain and periodontics appear with greater involvement with research using, mainly, botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid. It is concluded that research involving topics related to the harmonization area still represents a low number, however this number has grown in the last 5 years. More incentives are needed for research in this area for the North and Midwest regions, as well as greater funding.

Bibliométrie , Acide hyaluronique
Child Care Health Dev ; 49(2): 268-280, 2023 03.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35959527


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to observe the prevalence and intensity of musculoskeletal pain and the quality of life in mothers of children with microcephaly and also to compare the scores of the quality of life domains between mothers who had or did not have musculoskeletal pain. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study that evaluated mothers of children with a clinical diagnosis of microcephaly, due to congenital Zika virus syndrome, in the state of Pernambuco, northeast region, Brazil. To assess musculoskeletal pain, the Nordic Questionnaire of Musculoskeletal Symptoms was used, pain intensity was assessed by the Visual Analogue Scale and quality of life by the SF-36 Questionnaire. RESULTS: Of the 63 mothers evaluated, 59 (93.7%) reported currently experiencing musculoskeletal pain. The lumbar spine was the body region with the highest prevalence of pain (77.8%), followed by the thoracic spine (57.1%) and cervical spine (50.8%). Pain intensity was higher in the lumbar spine (6.00 ± 0.47), thoracic spine (4.44 ± 0.52) and shoulders (3.81 ± 0.51). The domains that presented the lowest scores in the quality of life assessment were general health status (49.0 ± 3.19), emotional aspects (49.7 ± 5.88) and pain (49.7 ± 2.50). Mothers who had musculoskeletal pain had lower scores in all domains of quality of life assessment compared to mothers who did not have pain, demonstrating significant differences for functional capacity (P = 0.035), physical aspects (P = 0.047) and pain (P = 0.002). CONCLUSION: A high prevalence of musculoskeletal pain was observed in mothers of children with microcephaly, with a higher prevalence and intensity in the lumbar spine. The domains related to physical and emotional health presented the worst scores in the quality of life of the evaluated mothers and the presence of musculoskeletal pain reduced the quality of life of the mothers of children with microcephaly in this study.

Microcéphalie , Douleur musculosquelettique , Infection par le virus Zika , Virus Zika , Femelle , Enfant , Humains , Microcéphalie/épidémiologie , Microcéphalie/étiologie , Douleur musculosquelettique/épidémiologie , Douleur musculosquelettique/étiologie , Qualité de vie , Études transversales , Infection par le virus Zika/complications , Infection par le virus Zika/épidémiologie , Infection par le virus Zika/congénital , Brésil/épidémiologie
Arq. odontol ; 59: 243-252, 2023. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BBO - Ondontologie | ID: biblio-1551727


Objetivo: Avaliar a condição de saúde bucal em pacientes com alto risco de desenvolver endocardite infecciosa atendidos em um hospital de referência do Brasil. Métodos: Utilizou-se de dados secundários obtidos de prontuários de pacientes internados na enfermaria de cardiologia do Hospital Dom Pedro II. Os dados foram coletados utilizando uma ficha padronizada a partir da evolução odontológica dos pacientes, na qual estão registradas, as informações obtidas na consulta, contidas no prontuário médico, bem como as informações de saúde bucal. Após a coleta, os dados categorizados em alto e baixo risco de endocardite e analisados através do teste qui-quadrado de Pearson ou teste exato de Fisher, considerando um intervalo de confiança de 95%. Resultados: Um total de 583 prontuários de adultos admitidos na enfermaria de cardiologia no período de janeiro de 2017 a agosto de 2020 foram analisados. Destes foram incluídos na amostra do estudo 216 prontuários. A prevalência de endocardite infecciosa foi de 11,5% (n =18) e o risco de endocardite infecciosa foi considerado alto para a maioria (n = 196; 93,3%). Queixa oral foi reportada por 15,1% (n = 30) e a higiene oral foi considerada como deficiente para a maior parte dos pacientes (n = 95; 48,7%). A necessidade de tratamento odontológico foi verificada em 66,5% da amostra (n = 119). Conclusão: A condição de saúde bucal dos pacientes com condições cardíacas predisponentes a infecção por endocardite não é satisfatória. Uma boa parte apresenta necessidades de tratamento invasivo, o que aumenta o risco de bacteremias.

Aim: To assess the oral health status of patients at high risk of developing infective endocarditis treated at a referral hospital in Brazil. Methods: Secondary data obtained from medical records of patients admitted to the cardiology ward of Hospital Dom Pedro II were used. Data were collected using a standardized form based on the patients' dental evolution, in which the information obtained in the consultation was contained in the medical record, as well as the oral health information was recorded. After collection, the data were categorized into high and low risk of endocarditis and analyzed using Pearson's chi-square test or Fisher's exact test, considering a confidence interval of 95%. Results: A total of 583 medical records of adults admitted to the cardiology ward from January 2017 to August 2020 were analyzed. Of these, 216 medical records were included in the study sample. The prevalence of infective endocarditis was 11.5% (n =18), and the risk of infective endocarditis was considered high for the majority (n = 196; 93.3%). Oral complaints were reported by 15.1% (n = 30), and oral hygiene was considered deficient for most patients (n = 95; 48.7%). The need for dental treatment was verified in 66.5% of the sample (n = 119). Conclusion: The oral health status of patients with cardiac conditions predisposing to endocarditis infection is not satisfactory. A considerable portion needs invasive treatment, which increases the risk of bacteremia.

Hygiène buccodentaire , Santé buccodentaire , Soins dentaires , Endocardite bactérienne
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 22(4): 13-19, out.-dez. 2022. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BBO - Ondontologie | ID: biblio-1414507


Introdução: A avulsão dentária é caracterizada pelo deslocamento total do elemento dentário para fora do alvéolo em decorrência de um trauma externo e as medidas emergenciais prestadas ainda no local do acidente são imprescindíveis para um bom prognóstico. Objetivo: Investigou-se o nível de conhecimento e atitudes de leigos sobre possíveis condutas frente à avulsão de dentes permanentes. Métodos: A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir de um questionário contendo perguntas sobre características gerais da lesão e as atitudes que os pacientes tomariam em um caso de avulsão. Os dados foram analisados pelo teste de Mann Whitney, considerando um nível de significância de 5% (p <0,05). Resultados: Questionários foram respondidos por 120 pacientes enquanto aguardavam atendimento. A média geral de respostas corretas / atitudes esperadas foi de 3,74. Os participantes que possuíam informação prévia acerca do tema, obtiveram médias significativamente maiores, o mesmo não foi verificado com aqueles que possuíam experiência prévia com trauma. Conclusão: Conclui-se que o conhecimento sobre avulsão dentária dos pacientes é baixo e que a educação em saúde, através da informação da população pode ser um fator relevante para a melhora da conduta emergencial no local do trauma pela população leiga... (AU)

Introduction: Tooth avulsion is characterized by the total displacement of the tooth out of the socket as a result of an external trauma and emergency measures provided at the accident site are essential for a good prognosis. Objective: We investigated the level of knowledge and attitudes of lay people about possible behaviors in the face of avulsion of permanent teeth. Methods: Data collection was performed using a questionnaire containing questions about general characteristics of the lesion and the attitudes that patients would take in a case of avulsion. Data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test, considering a significance level of 5% (p <0,05). Results: Questionnaires were answered by 120 patients while waiting for care. The overall average of correct answers/expected attitudes was 3.74. Participants who had previous information on the subject had significantly higher averages, the same was not verified with those who had previous experience with trauma. Conclusion: It is concluded that the knowledge about dental avulsion of patients is low and that health education, through population information can be a relevant factor for the improvement of emergency management at the trauma site by the lay population... (AU)

Introducción: La avulsión dentaria se caracteriza por el desplazamiento total del diente fuera del alvéolo como consecuencia de un traumatismo externo y las medidas de urgencia en el lugar del accidente son fundamentales para un buen pronóstico. Objetivo: Indagamos el nivel de conocimientos y actitudes de los legos sobre posibles comportamientos ante la avulsión de dientes permanentes. Métodos: La recolección de datos se realizó mediante un cuestionario que contenía preguntas sobre las características generales de la lesión y las actitudes que tomarían los pacientes en caso de avulsión. Los datos fueron analizados mediante la prueba de Mann-Whitney, considerando un nivel de significación del 5% (p<0,05). Resultados: Los cuestionarios fueron respondidos por 120 pacientes en espera de atención. La media global de aciertos/ actitudes esperadas fue de 3,74. Los participantes que tenían información previa sobre el tema tuvieron promedios significativamente más altos, lo mismo no se verificó con aquellos que tenían experiencia previa con el trauma. Conclusión: Se concluye que el conocimiento sobre la avulsión dentaria de los pacientes es bajo y que la educación en salud, a través de la información poblacional, puede ser un factor relevante para la mejora del manejo de la emergencia en el sitio del trauma por parte de la población no especializada... (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Extrusion dentaire , Accidents , Éducation pour la santé , Collecte de données , Urgences , Face , Traumatismes mandibulaires , Traumatismes maxillofaciaux
Rev. ABENO ; 21(1): 1574, dez. 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Article de Portugais | BBO - Ondontologie | ID: biblio-1370778


Trezentos é um método de ensino e aprendizagem que procura despertar o olhar do estudante para o colega com dificuldades de aprendizagem, promovendo a colaboração entre os estudantes. O objetivo desse estudoé relatar a aplicação do método trezentos na disciplina de Fisiologia e comparar o desempenho dos estudantes, antes e depois do método. Participaram 13estudantes que foram divididos, mediantesorteio, em 3 grupos. Os grupos eram compostos de um estudanteque possuía notas acima da média, em uma avaliação prévia, e 3 ou 4 estudantes que apresentaram notas abaixo da média. Esses grupos se encontraram em horários extraclasse duas vezes por semana durante três semanas. Nesses encontros os estudantes com maiores médias auxiliavam os demais em atividades que eram direcionadas pelo professor da disciplina. Ao final dos encontros uma nova avaliação foi realizada. Os dados foram tabulados e analisados por meio do teste t pareado. Foi verificado que todos os estudantes conseguiram aumentar suas médias em comparação com as notas da primeira avaliação. Dessa forma, conclui-se que o método pode apresentar benefícios no desempenho dos estudantes, bem como estimular a aprendizagem colaborativa (AU).

Three Hundred is a teaching and learning method that seeks to awaken the eyes of the student towards the colleague with learning difficulties, promoting collaboration between students. The objective of this work is to report the application of the Three Hundred method in the discipline of physiology and to compare the performance of students before and after the method. Thirteen students participated in the study and were divided, by lot, into 3 groups. The groups were composed of one student who had above-average grades in a previous assessment and 3 or 4 students who had below-average grades. These groups met in extra classes twice a week for three weeks. In these meetings, students with higher averages helped others in activities that were directed by the discipline's teacher. At the end of the meetings, a new evaluation was carried out. The data were tabulated and analyzed using SPSS version 16. It was found that all students were able to increase their averages compared to the grades of the first assessment. Thus, it is concluded that the method can have benefits in the performance of students, as well as stimulate collaborative learning (AU).

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Étudiant dentisterie/psychologie , Enseignement dentaire/méthodes , Performance scolaire/psychologie , Stage interdisciplinaire/méthodes , Interprétation statistique de données , Incapacités d'apprentissage
J Periodontal Implant Sci ; 51(4): 264-275, 2021 Aug.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34387046


PURPOSE: Periodontitis is considered a local risk factor for medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ). However, little is known about the progression of periodontitis in the presence of zoledronic acid (ZOL). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the systemic use of ZOL on the progression of experimental periodontitis (EP) in rats, as ZOL could modulate the progression of periodontitis and concomitantly cause MRONJ in individuals with periodontitis. METHODS: Forty-eight male Wistar rats were randomly distributed in 6 groups (n=8 each). To induce EP, ligatures were placed around the right first mandibular molars. Three groups were treated with ZOL (0.15 mg/kg/week, intraperitoneal), and 3 with 0.9% saline solution (controls). In the ZOL/Lig30 and ZOL/Lig 15 groups, after 4 weeks of treatment with ZOL, EP was induced and euthanasia was performed after 30 and 15 days of EP induction, respectively. In both groups, the animals continued to receive ZOL after EP until the end of the experiment. In the Lig/ZOL group, EP was induced first, and 15 days later, ZOL was administered for 8 weeks, with euthanasia 1 week after the last dose. After euthanasia, the mandibles were evaluated using micro-computed microtomography (micro-CT) and histomorphometry. Bone loss was measured, and the presence of osteonecrosis was evaluated histologically. The data were evaluated using the Student t-test and the Mann-Whitney test, with a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: In the Lig/ZOL group, micro-CT revealed less alveolar bone resorption in the distal root (P<0.01) than in the control group (Lig/Con). Histomorphometric analysis confirmed less alveolar bone resorption in the Lig/ZOL group (P=0.001). Histologically, osteonecrosis was more common in the ZOL groups. CONCLUSION: ZOL decreased alveolar bone resorption in rats with EP. However, it presented a higher risk for MRONJ.

Aust Dent J ; 65(4): 241-251, 2020 12.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32929749


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of enamel matrix derivative (EMD) in the regeneration of class II furcation defects, used alone or in conjunction with biomaterials. METHODS: Electronic database searches and hand searches were carried out and double-blind randomized controlled trials evaluating the use of EMD in class II furcation therapy were included, and a meta-analysis comparing the effect of open flap debridement (OFD) + ßTCP/HA with and without EMD was carried out. RESULTS: The initial search resulted in a total of 298 articles, after removing the duplicates and exclusions after analysing the titles, abstracts and full text, five studies were included for the qualitative synthesis and two for the quantitative analysis. The meta-analysis showed no statistical difference when comparing OFD + ßTCP/ HA with or without EMD in the treatment of furcation defects in any of the evaluated parameters. According to GRADE, the certainty of the evidence for the variables evaluated was moderate. CONCLUSION: The therapeutic modalities studied improved the periodontal clinical parameters of class II furcations, but the use of EMD in the treatment of these defects did not contribute to a clinical improvement that justified its use associated with the therapies/biomaterials. It is important to emphasize the need for more studies with larger samples to increase the certainty of the evidence reported in this review.

Protéines de l'émail dentaire , Anomalies de furcation , Émail dentaire , Protéines de l'émail dentaire/usage thérapeutique , Anomalies de furcation/traitement médicamenteux , Anomalies de furcation/chirurgie , Régénération tissulaire guidée parodontale , Humains , Essais contrôlés randomisés comme sujet , Lambeaux chirurgicaux
Arch. health invest ; 8(2): 74-78, fev. 2019. tab
Article de Portugais | BBO - Ondontologie | ID: biblio-1006745


A formação dos profissionais de saúde tem sido pautada no uso de metodologias tradicionais, entretanto, o uso da metodologia de ensino ativa tem sido uma ferramenta estimulada pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais, neste processo, os profissionais formados se tornam habilitados para desempenhar funções críticas. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a produção científica nacional de trabalhos publicados nos anais do SBPqO em 2016 e 2017, que avaliaram o uso de metodologias ativas no ensino odontológico. Uma busca ativa foi realizada em todos os resumos publicados e avaliou-se aspectos como distribuição geográfica, financiamento, tipo de instituição e área da Odontologia. Foram lidos um total de 6.500 artigos mas apenas 32 foram incluídos. A região sul foi responsável pela maior quantidade dessa produção (51%). As pesquisas realizadas nas instituições privadas representaram 45% da produção nacional e apenas 28% dos trabalhos foram financiados. Com relação a área de conhecimento a Radiologia e Cirurgia/Anestesiologia foram os mais predominantes correspondendo a 15,3% do total cada. Verificou-se uma escassez da produção científica voltada para o uso de metodologias ativas no Brasil, bem como a necessidade de descentralização dessa produção nas demais regiões/estados brasileiros e uma maior diversificação de áreas de conhecimento(AU)

The training of health professionals has been based on the use of traditional methodologies, however, the use of active teaching methodology has been a tool stimulated by the National Curricular Guidelines, in this process, trained professionals become qualified to perform critical functions. This study aims to evaluate the national scientific production of papers published in the annals of SBPqO in 2016 and 2017, which evaluated the use of active methodologies in dental education. An active search was carried out in all published abstracts and aspects such as geographic distribution, design, type of institution and Dentistry area were evaluated. A total of 6,500 articles were read but only 32 were included. The southern region accounted for the largest quantity of this production (51%). Research carried out in private institutions represented 45% of the national production and only 28% of the works were financed. Regarding the area of knowledge, Radiology and Surgery / Anesthesiology were the most predominant, corresponding to 15.3% of the total each. There was a shortage of scientific production aimed at the use of active methodologies in Brazil, as well as the need for decentralization of this production in other Brazilian regions / regions and a greater diversification of areas of knowledge(AU)

La formación de los profesionales de la salud ha sido pautada en el uso de metodologías tradicionales, sin embargo, el uso de la metodología de enseñanza activa ha sido una herramienta estimulada por las Directrices Curriculares Nacionales, en este proceso, los profesionales formados se tornan habilitados para desempeñar funciones críticas. Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar la producción científica nacional de trabajos publicados en los anales del SBPqO en 2016 y 2017, que evaluaron el uso de metodologías activas en la enseñanza odontológica. Una búsqueda activa se realizó en todos los resúmenes publicados y se evaluaron aspectos como distribución geográfica, finalización, tipo de institución y área de la Odontología. Se leyeron un total de 6.500 artículos pero sólo 32 fueron incluidos. La región sur fue responsable de la mayor cantidad de esa producción (51%). Las encuestas realizadas en las instituciones privadas representaron el 45% de la producción nacional y sólo el 28% de los trabajos fueron financiados. Con respecto al área de conocimiento la Radiología y Cirugía / Anestesiología fueron los más predominantes correspondiendo al 15,3% del total cada uno. Se verificó una escasez de la producción científica orientada al uso de metodologías activas en Brasil, así como la necesidad de descentralización de esa producción en las demás regiones / estados brasileños y una mayor diversificación de áreas de conocimiento(AU)

Enseignement dentaire/méthodes , Enseignement dentaire
Lasers Med Sci ; 33(1): 95-102, 2018 Jan.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29027031


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of low-level laser irradiation (LLLI) on the proliferation and viability of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED). Cells were irradiated or not (control) with an InGaAlP laser diode (660 nm, 30 mW, continuous action mode) using two different energy densities (0.5 J/cm2-16 s; 1.0 J/cm2-33 s). Irradiation was performed at 0 and 48 h, with the laser probe fixed at a distance of 0.5 cm from the cells. Cell proliferation was analyzed at 0, 24, 48, and 72 h by the Trypan blue exclusion method and MTT assay. Cell cycle and Ki67 expression were analyzed by flow cytometry. Apoptosis-related events were evaluated by expression of annexin V/PI and nuclear morphological changes by staining with DAPI. Differences between groups at each time were analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests, adopting a level of significance of 5% (p < 0.05). The results showed that an energy density of 1.0 J/cm2 promoted an increase in cell proliferation at 48 and 72 h compared to the control and 0.5 J/cm2 groups. Cell cycle analysis revealed a predominance of cells in the S and G2/M phases in the irradiated groups. This finding was confirmed by the increased expression of Ki67. Low positive staining for annexin V and PI was observed in all groups, and no nuclear changes were detected, indicating that cell viability was not affected by the energy densities tested. It can be concluded that the LLLI parameters used (660 nm, 30 mW, 1.0 J/cm2) promote the proliferation of SHEDs and the maintenance of cell viability.

Photothérapie de faible intensité , Cellules souches/anatomopathologie , Cellules souches/effets des radiations , Chute dentaire/anatomopathologie , Chute dentaire/radiothérapie , Dent de lait/effets des radiations , Marqueurs biologiques/métabolisme , Cycle cellulaire/effets des radiations , Prolifération cellulaire/effets des radiations , Survie cellulaire/effets des radiations , Humains , Lasers à semiconducteur , Facteurs temps
Einstein (Sao Paulo) ; 15(3): 334-338, 2017.
Article de Anglais, Portugais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29091156


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of low-level laser irradiation on proliferation and viability of murine adipose-derived stem cells previously submitted to cryopreservation. METHODS: Adipose-derived stem cells were isolated from inguinal fat pads of three mice, submitted to cryopreservation in fetal bovine serum with 10% dimethylsulfoxide for 30 days and then thawed and maintained in normal culture conditions. Culture cells were either irradiated or not (control) with an InGaAIP diode laser at zero and 48 hours, using two different energy densities (0.5 and 1.0J/cm2). Cell proliferation was evaluated by trypan blue exclusion method and MTT assay at intervals of zero, 24, 48, and 72 hours after the first laser application. Cell viability and apoptosis of previously cryopreserved cells submitted to laser therapy were evaluated by flow cytometry. RESULTS: The Irradiated Groups (0.5 and 1.0J/cm2) showed an increased cell proliferation (p<0.05) when compared to the Control Group, however no significant difference between the two energy densities was observed. Flow cytometry revealed a percentage of viable cells higher than 99% in all groups. CONCLUSION: Low-level laser irradiation has stimulatory effects on the proliferation of adipose-derived stem cells previously submitted to cryopreservation.

Adipocytes/effets des radiations , Prolifération cellulaire/effets des radiations , Survie cellulaire/effets des radiations , Cryoconservation , Photothérapie de faible intensité , Cellules souches/effets des radiations , Adipocytes/cytologie , Animaux , Apoptose/effets des radiations , Cellules cultivées , Cytométrie en flux , Lasers à semiconducteur , Souris , Cellules souches/cytologie
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 15(3): 334-338, July-Sept. 2017. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-891405


ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the effect of low-level laser irradiation on proliferation and viability of murine adipose-derived stem cells previously submitted to cryopreservation. Methods Adipose-derived stem cells were isolated from inguinal fat pads of three mice, submitted to cryopreservation in fetal bovine serum with 10% dimethylsulfoxide for 30 days and then thawed and maintained in normal culture conditions. Culture cells were either irradiated or not (control) with an InGaAIP diode laser at zero and 48 hours, using two different energy densities (0.5 and 1.0J/cm2). Cell proliferation was evaluated by trypan blue exclusion method and MTT assay at intervals of zero, 24, 48, and 72 hours after the first laser application. Cell viability and apoptosis of previously cryopreserved cells submitted to laser therapy were evaluated by flow cytometry. Results The Irradiated Groups (0.5 and 1.0J/cm2) showed an increased cell proliferation (p<0.05) when compared to the Control Group, however no significant difference between the two energy densities was observed. Flow cytometry revealed a percentage of viable cells higher than 99% in all groups. Conclusion Low-level laser irradiation has stimulatory effects on the proliferation of adipose-derived stem cells previously submitted to cryopreservation.

RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar o efeito do laser de baixa intensidade na proliferação e na viabilidade de células-tronco derivadas de tecido adiposo murinas previamente submetidas à criopreservação. Métodos Células-tronco derivadas de tecido adiposo foram isoladas da região inguinal de três camundongos, submetidas à criopreservação em soro fetal bovino com 10% de dimetilsulfóxido por 30 dias e, depois, descongeladas e mantidas em condições normais de cultivo. As células cultivadas foram irradiadas ou não (controle) com um laser de diodo InGaAIP nos intervalos de zero e 48 horas, utilizando duas densidades de energia diferentes (0,5 e 1,0J/cm2). A proliferação celular foi avaliada pelo método de exclusão de azul de tripan e ensaio MTT, nos intervalos de zero, 24, 48 e 72 horas após a primeira aplicação do laser. A viabilidade celular e a apoptose das células previamente criopreservadas submetidas à laserterapia foram avaliadas por citometria de fluxo. Resultados Os Grupos Irradiados (0,5 e 1,0J/cm2) apresentaram aumento da proliferação celular (p<0,05) quando comparados ao Grupos Controle, porém não foi observada diferença significativa entre as duas densidades de energia. A citometria de fluxo revelou percentagem de células viáveis superior a 99% em todos os grupos. Conclusão O laser de baixa intensidade tem efeitos estimuladores sobre a proliferação de células-tronco derivadas de tecido adiposo previamente submetidas à criopreservação.

Animaux , Cellules souches/effets des radiations , Cryoconservation , Survie cellulaire/effets des radiations , Adipocytes/effets des radiations , Photothérapie de faible intensité , Prolifération cellulaire/effets des radiations , Cellules souches/cytologie , Cellules cultivées , Apoptose/effets des radiations , Adipocytes/cytologie , Lasers à semiconducteur , Cytométrie en flux , Souris
Acta Odontol Scand ; 74(8): 598-604, 2016 Nov.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27576361


OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of a cryopreservation protocol on the proliferation and viability of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHEDs). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cells from the pulp of three deciduous teeth were isolated and characterized to confirm their stem cell nature. In second passage, part of the cells were submitted to normal conditions of cell culture (Control group), while part of the cells were maintained in 10% DMSO diluted in foetal bovine serum and submitted to the following cryopreservation protocol: 2 h at 4 °C, 18 h at -20 °C and then at -80 °C for two intervals (30 days - Cryopreservation I; and 180 days Cryopreservation II). Cell proliferation and cell cycle were evaluated at intervals of 24, 48 and 72 h after plating, and apoptosis-related events were analyzed at 72 h. RESULTS: All groups exhibited an increase in the number of cells, and no significant differences between the cryopreserved and control groups were observed (p > .05). The distribution of cells in the cell cycle phases was consistent with cell proliferation, and the percentage of viable cells was higher than 99% in all groups, indicating that cell viability was not affected by the cryopreservation protocol throughout the experiment. CONCLUSION: The proposed cryopreservation protocol is adequate for the storage of SHED, permitting their use in future experimental studies.

Cryoconservation/méthodes , Pulpe dentaire/cytologie , Cellules souches/cytologie , Dent de lait/cytologie , Apoptose , Différenciation cellulaire , Humains , Extraction dentaire
Lasers Med Sci ; 30(8): 2189-94, 2015 Nov.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25764448


Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has been used in several in vitro experiments in order to stimulate cell proliferation. Cells such as fibroblasts, keratinocytes, lymphocytes, and osteoblasts have shown increased proliferation when submitted to laser irradiation, although little is known about the effects of LLLT on stem cells. This study aims to assess, through a systematic literature review, the effects of LLLT on the in vitro proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells. Using six different terms, we conducted an electronic search in PubMed/Medline database for articles published in the last twelve years. From 463 references obtained, only 19 papers met the search criteria and were included in this review. The analysis of the papers showed a concentration of experiments using LLLT on stem cells derived from bone marrow, dental pulp, periodontal ligament, and adipose tissue. Several protocols were used to irradiate the cells, with variations on wavelength, power density, radiation time, and state of light polarization. Most studies demonstrated an increase in the proliferation rate of the irradiated cells. It can be concluded that the laser therapy positively influences the in vitro proliferation of stem cells studied, being necessary to carry out further experiments on other cell types and to uniform the methodological designs.

Photothérapie de faible intensité , Cellules souches mésenchymateuses/cytologie , Cellules souches mésenchymateuses/effets des radiations , Animaux , Prolifération cellulaire/effets des radiations , Cellules cultivées , Humains , Souris
Lasers Med Sci ; 30(3): 1171-4, 2015 Apr.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24013624


Low-level laser irradiation (LLLI) stimulates the proliferation of a variety of cell types. However, very little is known about the effect of laser therapy on dental stem cells. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of LLLI (660 nm, 30 mW) on the proliferation rate of human periodontal ligament stem cells (hPDLSC), obtained from two healthy permanent third molars extracted due to surgical indication. Culture cells were either irradiated or not (control) with an InGaAIP diode laser at 0 and 48 h, using two different energy densities (0.5 J/cm², 16 s and 1.0 J/cm², 33 s). Cell proliferation was evaluated by the Trypan blue exclusion method and by measuring mitochondrial activity using the MTT-based cytotoxicity assay at intervals of 0, 24, 48, and 72 h after the first laser application. An energy density of 1.0 J/cm² improved the cell proliferation in comparison to the other groups (control and laser 0.5 J/cm²) at 48 and 72 h. The group irradiated with 1.0 J/cm² presented significantly higher MTT activity at 48 and 72 h when compared to the energy density of 0.5 J/cm². It can be concluded that LLLI using infrared light and an energy density of 1.0 J/cm² has a positive stimulatory effect on the proliferation of hPDLSC.

Cellules souches adultes/physiologie , Prolifération cellulaire/effets des radiations , Lasers à semiconducteur , Photothérapie de faible intensité , Desmodonte/cytologie , Cellules souches adultes/effets des radiations , Cellules cultivées , Humains
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 30(2): 219-227, 2015. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1009


Introdução: A cirurgia ortognática para correções de deformidades dentofaciais proporciona uma face mais harmoniosa, funcional e estética. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a percepção dos cirurgiões bucomaxilofaciais quanto à estética dos perfis faciais padrões I, II e III, relacionada ao sexo, etnia e às principais condutas terapêuticas. Métodos: Foram entrevistados 18 cirurgiões especialistas ou em formação em Cirurgia e Traumatologia Bucomaxilofacial, utilizando uma ficha clínica padronizada para avaliação estética e condutas terapêuticas de 12 imagens manipuladas simulando os perfis faciais, sexo e raças. Resultados: Quanto à estética, destacaram-se os perfis faciais tipo I, que apresentaram as melhores médias, enquanto os perfis faciais tipo III as menores; entretanto, não houve diferenças significativas entre as médias obtidas nos diferentes perfis faciais em relação ao sexo e à raça. As condutas terapêuticas foram homogêneas nos perfis II e III, com maiores percentuais para condutas clássicas no tratamento ortocirúrgico destas deformidades dentofaciais. Conclusão: O perfil facial I foi o considerado mais estético; então, houve influência do sexo e do tipo racial na estética para a amostra estudada. Os perfis faciais I foram os mais difíceis de avaliar quanto às condutas terapêuticas, o que resultou em grande variedade de opções em relação aos perfis II e III.

Introduction: Orthognathic surgery for correction of dentofacial deformities provides a more-symmetrical face, and functional and aesthetic benefits. The aim of this study was to evaluate the perception of buccomaxillofacial surgeons regarding the aesthetics of facial profiles patterns I, II, and III in related to sex, ethnicity, and the main therapeutic procedures. Methods: We interviewed 18 specialist surgeons or surgeons in training in buccomaxillofacial surgery by using a standardized clinical report form for aesthetic evaluation and therapeutic procedures of 12 manipulated images simulating facial profiles, sex, and race. Results: As for aesthetics, the highlights were that facial profile type I had the highest mean values, whereas facial profile type III had the lowest mean values. However, no significant differences were found between the mean values obtained in different facial profiles in relation to sex and race. The therapeutic procedures were homogeneous in profiles II and III, with higher percentages for classical procedures in the orthosurgical treatment of these dentofacial deformities. Conclusion: Facial profile I was considered more aesthetic. Furthermore, sex and racial type effects on aesthetics for the studied sample. Facial profiles I were the most difficult to assess as to therapeutic procedures, which resulted in a wide range of options in relation to profiles II and III.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Histoire du 21ème siècle , Perception , Imagerie diagnostique , Approches thérapeutiques homéopathiques , Études transversales , Études prospectives , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Malformations maxillofaciales , Procédures de chirurgie maxillofaciale et buccodentaire , , Dentistes , Études observationnelles comme sujet , Dentisterie esthétique , Face , Os de la face , Muscles de la face , Enquêtes et questionnaires/classification , Enquêtes et questionnaires/normes , Malformations maxillofaciales/chirurgie , Malformations maxillofaciales/thérapie , Procédures de chirurgie maxillofaciale et buccodentaire/méthodes , Procédures de chirurgie maxillofaciale et buccodentaire/éthique , Dentistes/psychologie , Dentistes/éthique , Face/chirurgie , Os de la face/chirurgie , Muscles de la face/chirurgie
Clin Oral Investig ; 18(8): 1881-92, 2014 Nov.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25293498


OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to systematically evaluate the long-term results of periodontal tissues in regenerated infrabony and furcation defects. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A search of the Medline database was performed (1960 to 2012), complimented by an additional hand search. For inclusion in the review, clinical trials had to include the long-term evaluation of infrabony and furcation defects submitted to periodontal regeneration for up to 3 years of follow-up. Changes in clinical attachment level (CAL) from pre-surgery, at the first post-surgical, and final evaluations were used to analyze the effects of regenerative treatments over time. RESULTS: A total of 866 articles were found using the descriptors employed. Of these, 216 papers were selected for abstract reading by two evaluators. One hundred and eighty-nine were excluded for not fulfilling the eligibility criteria. Twenty-seven papers were selected for the analysis of the full texts, and 13 were excluded. Two studies were included after a manual search. Finally, 16 papers were selected for the present review. CONCLUSIONS: Regenerative techniques for the treatment of infrabony and furcation defects resulted in improved CAL during long-term follow-up periods, even when attachment losses occurred during this period. This improvement should be carefully evaluated with regard to its clinical relevance for dental longevity. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The improvement in clinical attachment level achieved by regenerative techniques with biomaterials demonstrated satisfactory results over the long-term. However, regenerative techniques still present different success rates with regard to gain in clinical attachment level.

Parodonte/physiopathologie , Régénération , Humains