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Opt Express ; 30(10): 16104-16114, 2022 May 09.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36221462


We demonstrate how spatial beam self-cleaning and supercontinuum generation in graded-index multimode optical fibers can be directly applied in multiplex coherent anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (M-CARS) spectroscopy. Although supercontinuum generation causes pump depletion mainly in the center of the beam, the partial recovery of the pump brightness due to self-cleaning may enable self-referenced M-CARS, with no additional delay lines to synchronize pump and Stokes waves. As a proof-of-principle, we report examples of imaging of single chemical compounds and polystyrene beads. The new scheme paves the way towards simpler M-CARS systems based on multimode fiber sources.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(24): 243901, 2022 Jun 17.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35776459


We report on the thermalization of light carrying orbital angular momentum in multimode optical fibers, induced by nonlinear intermodal interactions. A generalized Rayleigh-Jeans distribution of asymptotic mode composition is obtained, based on the conservation of the angular momentum. We confirm our predictions by numerical simulations and experiments based on holographic mode decomposition of multimode beams. Our work establishes new constraints for the achievement of spatial beam self-cleaning, giving previously unforeseen insights into the underlying physical mechanisms.

Opt Express ; 30(7): 10850-10865, 2022 Mar 28.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35473042


Since its first demonstration in graded-index multimode fibers, spatial beam self-cleaning has attracted a growing research interest. It allows for the propagation of beams with a bell-shaped spatial profile, thus enabling the use of multimode fibers for several applications, from biomedical imaging to high-power beam delivery. So far, beam self-cleaning has been experimentally studied under several different experimental conditions. Whereas it has been theoretically described as the irreversible energy transfer from high-order modes towards the fundamental mode, in analogy with a beam condensation mechanism. Here, we provide a comprehensive theoretical description of beam self-cleaning, by means of a semi-classical statistical mechanics model of wave thermalization. This approach is confirmed by an extensive experimental characterization, based on a holographic mode decomposition technique, employing laser pulses with temporal durations ranging from femtoseconds up to nanoseconds. An excellent agreement between theory and experiments is found, which demonstrates that beam self-cleaning can be fully described in terms of the basic conservation laws of statistical mechanics.

Opt Lett ; 47(7): 1919, 2022 Apr 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35363769


This publisher's note contains a correction to Opt. Lett.47, 1 (2022)10.1364/OL.445321.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 1292, 2022 Mar 11.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35277485


Nonlinear Kerr micro-resonators have enabled fundamental breakthroughs in the understanding of dissipative solitons, as well as in their application to optical frequency comb generation. However, the conversion efficiency of the pump power into a soliton frequency comb typically remains below a few percent. We fabricate and characterize a hybrid Mach-Zehnder ring resonator geometry, consisting of a micro-ring resonator embedded in an additional cavity with twice the optical path length of the ring. The resulting interferometric back coupling enables to achieve an unprecedented control of the pump depletion: pump-to-frequency comb conversion efficiencies of up to 55% of the input pump power is experimentally demonstrated with a soliton crystal comb. We assess the robustness of the proposed on-chip geometry by generating a large variety of dissipative Kerr soliton combs, which require a lower amount of pump power to be accessed, when compared with an isolated micro-ring resonator with identical parameters. Micro-resonators with feedback enable accessing new regimes of coherent soliton comb generation, and are well suited for comb applications in astronomy, spectroscopy and telecommunications.

Opt Lett ; 47(1): 1-4, 2022 Jan 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34951867


We experimentally and numerically study the ignition of helical-shaped plasma filaments in standard optical fibers. Femtosecond pulses with megawatt peak power with proper off-axis and tilted coupling in the fiber core produce plasma skew rays. These last for distances as long as 1000 wavelengths thanks to a combination of linear waveguiding and the self-channeling effect. Peculiar is the case of graded-index multimode fibers; here the spatial self-imaging places constraints on the helix pitch. These results may find applications for fabricating fibers with helical-shaped core micro-structuration as well as for designing laser components and three-dimensional optical memories.

Opt Lett ; 46(15): 3717-3720, 2021 Aug 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34329264


We present a new, to the best of our knowledge, spatial-spectral mapping technique permitting measurement of the beam intensity at the output of a graded-index multimode fiber (GIMF) with sub-nanometric spectral resolution. We apply this method to visualize the fine structure of the beam shape of a sideband generated at 1870 nm by geometric parametric instability (GPI) in a GIMF. After spatial-spectral characterization, we amplify the GPI sideband with a thulium-doped fiber amplifier to obtain a microjoule-scale picosecond pump whose spectrum is finally broadened in a segment of InF3 optical fiber to achieve a supercontinuum ranging from 1.7 up to 3.4 µm.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 13030, 2021 Jun 22.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34158554


We demonstrate a new practical approach for generating multicolour spiral-shaped beams. It makes use of a standard silica optical fibre, combined with a tilted input laser beam. The resulting breaking of the fibre axial symmetry leads to the propagation of a helical beam. The associated output far-field has a spiral shape, independently of the input laser power value. Whereas, with a high-power near-infrared femtosecond laser, a visible supercontinuum spiral emission is generated. With appropriate control of the input laser coupling conditions, the colours of the spiral spatially self-organize in a rainbow distribution. Our method is independent of the laser source wavelength and polarization. Therefore, standard optical fibres may be used for generating spiral beams in many applications, ranging from communications to optical tweezers and quantum optics.

Opt Express ; 29(8): 12625-12633, 2021 Apr 12.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33985016


Spatial self-imaging, consisting of the periodic replication of the optical transverse beam profile along the propagation direction, can be achieved in guided wave systems when all excited modes interfere in phase. We exploited material defects photoluminescence for directly visualizing self-imaging in a few-mode, nominal singlemode SMF-28 optical fiber. Visible luminescence was excited by intense femtosecond infrared pulses via multiphoton absorption processes. Our method permits us to determine the mode propagation constants and the cutoff wavelength of transverse fiber modes.

Opt Lett ; 46(1): 66-69, 2021 Jan 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33362017


Characterization of the complex spatiotemporal dynamics of optical beam propagation in nonlinear multimode fibers requires the development of advanced measurement methods, capable of capturing the real-time evolution of beam images. We present a new space-time mapping technique, permitting the direct detection, with picosecond temporal resolution, of the intensity from repetitive laser pulses over a grid of spatial samples from a magnified image of the output beam. By using this time-resolved mapping, we provide, to the best of our knowledge, the first unambiguous experimental observation of instantaneous intrapulse nonlinear coupling processes among the modes of a graded index fiber.

Opt Lett ; 45(20): 5856-5859, 2020 Oct 15.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33057302


We analyze the formation of localized structures in cavity-enhanced second-harmonic generation. We focus on the phase-matched limit, and consider that fundamental and generated waves have opposite signs of group velocity dispersion. We show that these states form due to the locking of domain walls connecting two stable homogeneous states of the system, and undergo collapsed snaking. We study the impact of temporal walk-off on the stability and dynamics of these localized states.

Opt Express ; 28(10): 14333-14344, 2020 May 11.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32403474


We experimentally demonstrate that spatial beam self-cleaning can be highly efficient when obtained with a few-mode excitation in graded-index multimode optical fibers. By using 160 ps long, highly chirped (6 nm bandwidth at -3dB) optical pulses at 1562 nm, we demonstrate a one-decade reduction of the power threshold for spatial beam self-cleaning, with respect to previous experiments using pulses with laser wavelengths at 1030-1064 nm. Self-cleaned beams remain spatio-temporally stable for more than a decade of their peak power variation. The impact of input pulse temporal duration is also studied.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 7204, 2020 Apr 29.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32350305


We experimentally demonstrate the spatial self-cleaning of a highly multimode optical beam, in the process of second-harmonic generation in a quadratic nonlinear potassium titanyl phosphate crystal. As the beam energy grows larger, the output beam from the crystal evolves from a highly speckled intensity pattern into a single, bell-shaped spot, sitting on a low energy background. We demonstrate that quadratic beam cleanup is accompanied by significant self-focusing of the fundamental beam, for both positive and negative signs of the linear phase mismatch close to the phase-matching condition.

Opt Express ; 28(6): 7817-7828, 2020 Mar 16.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32225418


A two-level iterative algorithm for finding stationary solutions of coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations describing the propagation dynamics of an electromagnetic pulse in multimode and multicore optical fibers of various structures was developed and tested. Using as an example the proposed analytical soliton solution which is localized in space and time, test calculations were performed, and the convergence of the algorithm was demonstrated.

Opt Express ; 27(17): 24018-24028, 2019 Aug 19.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31510297


We experimentally demonstrate spatial beam self-cleaning and supercontinuum generation in a tapered Ytterbium-doped multimode optical fiber with parabolic core refractive index profile when 1064 nm pulsed beams propagate from wider (122 µm) into smaller (37 µm) diameter. In the passive mode, increasing the input beam peak power above 20 kW leads to a bell-shaped output beam profile. In the active configuration, gain from the pump laser diode permits to combine beam self-cleaning with supercontinuum generation between 520-2600 nm. By taper cut-back, we observed that the dissipative landscape, i.e., a non-monotonic variation of the average beam power along the MMF, leads to modal transitions of self-cleaned beams along the taper length.

Opt Express ; 27(12): 17311-17321, 2019 Jun 10.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31252943


We report experimental results, showing that the Kerr beam self-cleaning of many low-order modes in a graded-index multimode fiber can be controlled thanks to optimized wavefront shaping of the coherent excitation beam. Adaptive profiling of the transverse input phase was utilized for channeling the launched power towards a specific low-order fiber mode, by exploiting nonlinear coupling among all guided modes. Experiments were carried out with 7 ps pulses at 1064 nm injected in a five meters long multimode fiber operating in the normal dispersion regime. Optimized Kerr beam self-cleaning of five different LP modes is reported, with a power threshold that increases with the mode order.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(10): 103902, 2019 Mar 15.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30932653


We show that Kerr beam self-cleaning results from parametric mode mixing instabilities that generate a number of nonlinearly interacting modes with randomized phases-optical wave turbulence, followed by a direct and inverse cascade towards high mode numbers and condensation into the fundamental mode, respectively. This optical self-organization effect is an analogue to wave condensation that is well known in hydrodynamic 2D turbulence.

Opt Lett ; 44(2): 295-298, 2019 Jan 15.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30644884


Narrowband Raman lasing in a polarization-maintaining two-core fiber (TCF) is demonstrated. Femtosecond point-by-point inscription of fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) in individual cores produces a half-open cavity with random distributed feedback. The laser linewidth in the cavity with a single FBG inscribed in one core of the TCF reduced by ∼2 times with respect to the cavity with a fiber loop mirror. It is shown that the inscription of two FBGs in different cores leads to the formation of a Michelson-type interferometer, leading to the modulation of generation spectra near threshold. This technique offers new possibilities for spectral filtering or multi-wavelength generation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(9): 093903, 2018 Aug 31.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30230881


Continuously pumped passive nonlinear cavities can be harnessed for the creation of novel optical frequency combs. While most research has focused on third-order "Kerr" nonlinear interactions, recent studies have shown that frequency comb formation can also occur via second-order nonlinear effects. Here, we report on the formation of quadratic combs in optical parametric oscillator (OPO) configurations. Specifically, we demonstrate that optical frequency combs can be generated in the parametric region around half of the pump frequency in a continuously driven OPO. We also model the OPO dynamics through a single time-domain mean-field equation, identifying previously unknown dynamical regimes, induced by modulation instabilities, which lead to comb formation. Numerical simulation results are in good agreement with experimentally observed spectra. Moreover, the analysis of the coherence properties of the simulated spectra shows the existence of correlated and phase-locked combs. Our results reveal previously unnoticed dynamics of an apparently well assessed optical system, and can lead to a new class of frequency comb sources that may stimulate novel applications by enabling straightforward access to elusive spectral regions, such as the midinfrared.

Phys Rev E ; 98(1-1): 012209, 2018 Jul.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30110823


We present a statistical analysis based on the height and return-time probabilities of high-amplitude wave events in both focusing and defocusing Manakov systems. We find that analytical rational or semirational solutions, associated with extreme, rogue wave (RW) structures, are the leading high-amplitude events in this system. We define the thresholds for classifying an extreme wave event as a RW. Our results indicate that there is a strong relationship between the type of RW and the mechanism which is responsible for its creation. Initially, high-amplitude events originate from modulation instability. Upon subsequent evolution, the interaction among these events prevails as the mechanism for RW creation. We suggest a strategy for confirming the basic properties of different extreme events. This involves the definition of proper statistical measures at each stage of the RW dynamics. Our results point to the need for redefining criteria for identifying RW events.