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Licere (Online) ; 27(01): 45-66, março.2024. ilus, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554290


A motivação é um fenômeno complexo que impulsiona as ações humanas. O diagnóstico de tais interesses oferece elementos de reflexão para a promoção de atividades e a implementação de políticas públicas. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar as motivações dos praticantes de ciclismo recreacional de Blumenau/SC, município com uma população de 363 mil habitantes e uma malha cicloviária de 137 quilômetros. A coleta dos dados empíricos da pesquisa ocorreu por meio da aplicação de um questionário. Ao final, obteve-se uma amostra de 304 respondentes. Os resultados do estudo indicam a motivação para as atividades físicas ocupa papel central na relação com outros fatores de interesse, contribuindo para a superação de aspectos eventualmente desencorajadores. Em contrapartida, praticantes que têm outras motivações, como a interação social e o desenvolvimento pessoal, dependem mais de estímulos encorajadores, o que sugere que em tais casos existe a necessidade de maior incentivo para a prática do ciclismo recreacional. As conclusões deste estudo são relevantes para planejadores urbanos e gestores de comunicação. Ao mensurar a pertinência de causas motivadoras e desmotivadoras do ciclismo, os resultados da pesquisa indicam a importância de investir em infraestrutura adequada como a expansão da rede cicloviária e a criação de campanhas de divulgação, a fim de promover a bicicleta como meio de transporte e/ou recreação.

Motivation is a complex phenomenon that drives human actions. Diagnosing these interests provides elements for reflection in promoting activities and implementing public policies. In this context, the present study aims to analyze the motivations of recreational cyclists in Blumenau, SC (Brazil), a city with a population of 363,000 inhabitants and a cycling network of 137 kilometers. Empirical data for the research were collected through a questionnaire. Ultimately, a sample of 304 respondents was obtained. The study's results indicate that motivation for physical activities plays a central role in the relationship with other factors of interest, contributing to overcoming potentially discouraging aspects. Conversely, individuals motivated by other factors, such as social interaction and personal development, rely more on encouraging stimuli, suggesting that in such cases there's a need for greater incentives for recreational cycling. The conclusions of this study are relevant for urban planners and communication managers. By assessing the relevance of motivating and demotivating factors in cycling, the research results underscore the importance of investing in appropriate infrastructure, such as expanding the cycling network and launching promotional campaigns, to promote cycling as a means of transportation and/or recreation.

Licere (Online) ; 27(01): 119-141, março.2024. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554314


A presença das bicicletas em Fortaleza, uma capital brasileira que tem ampliado a oferta de rotas cicláveis, ciclovias e ciclofaixas, é notada em diversas regiões da cidade e pode ser percebida como elemento fundamental na paisagem e tem forte influência nas alterações do tecido urbano de Fortaleza, desde a intensa manifestação cidadã em sua defesa como meio de transporte ou através da arte urbana. O estudo baseia-se em pesquisa exploratória, bibliográfica e documental, com observação participante e realização de grupo focal; traz reflexões sobre a bicicleta como bem simbólico, como elemento comunicativo, indutor do direito à cidade e instrumento de desenvolvimento urbano sustentável. Dialogando com Armando Silva (2014), Jane Jacobs (2011), Michel Maffesoli (2014), Fernanda Sánchez (2010), Jean-Mar Besse (2014), arguimos a importância do artefato bicicleta como elemento dinâmico na composição da paisagem cultural de Fortaleza.

The presence of bicycles in Fortaleza, a Brazilian capital that has expanded the offer of cycling routes, cycle paths and cycle lanes, is noted in several regions of the city and can be perceived as a fundamental element in the landscape and has a strong influence on changes to the urban fabric of Fortaleza, from the intense citizen demonstration in defense of it as a means of transport or through urban art. The study is based on exploratory, bibliographic and documentary research, with participant observation and focus groups; brings reflections on the bicycle as a symbolic asset, as a communicative element, an inducer of the right to the city and an instrument of sustainable urban development. Dialoguing with Armando Silva (2014), Jane Jacobs (2011), Michel Maffesoli (2014), Fernanda Sánchez (2010), Jean-Mar Besse (2014), we argue the importance of the bicycle artifact as a dynamic element in the composition of the cultural landscape of Fortaleza.

MHSalud ; 20(2): 88-102, Jul.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1558377


Resumen: Objetivo: El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar los efectos de un programa escolar sobre la satisfacción de la competencia y la predisposición a participar en una Unidad Didáctica (UD) de bicicleta todo terreno (BTT) en Educación Física, así como el estado de la conducta de desplazarse en bicicleta. Método: Se realizó un diseño cuasiexperimental, sin grupo control, en el que participaron 98 estudiantes españoles (M=13.95±0.67; 50% chicas) de un centro educativo. El programa de intervención, basado en estrategias de apoyo a la competencia, consistió en una UD de BTT (12 sesiones), el plan de acción tutorial (4 sesiones) y una actividad extraescolar. Resultados: Se encontró un incremento en la satisfacción de competencia (únicamente en los chicos) y la predisposición hacia la UD de BTT en los dos géneros. Asimismo, se incrementó en un 39 % en los chicos y 43 % en las chicas, los estados de "Acción" y "Mantenimiento" en la conducta de desplazarse en bicicleta. Conclusión: Este programa multicomponente, basado en estrategias de apoyo a la competencia, parece ser efectivo para promover el desplazamiento activo en bicicleta entre los adolescentes.

Abstract: Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a school-based intervention program on competence satisfaction, the predisposition to participate in a cycling Didactic Unit (DU) in Physical Education, and the behavior of commuting by bicycle. Method: The study had a quasi-experimental design without a control group, in which 98 Spanish students (M=13.95±0.67; 50% girls) from a high school participated. The intervention program based on supporting competence consisted of a cycling DU (12 sessions), a tutorial action plan (4 sessions), and an extracurricular activity. Results: An increase in competence satisfaction was found only in boys, and the predisposition towards cycling DU was found in both genders. Likewise, the states of "Action" and "Maintenance" in the behavior of commuting by bicycle increased by 39% in boys and 43% in girls. Conclusion: This multi-component program based on strategies to support competence effectively promotes active bicycle commuting among adolescents.

Resumo: Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo era avaliar os efeitos de um programa escolar sobre a satisfação com a competição e a predisposição para participar de uma Unidade Didática (UD) relativa ao ciclismo de montanha (MTB) em Educação Física, bem como o estado do comportamento do ciclista. Métodos: noventa e oito estudantes espanhóis (M=13,95±0,67; 50% meninas) de uma escola participaram de um projeto quase experimental, sem grupo de controle. O programa de intervenção, baseado em estratégias de apoio à competência, consistiu em um MTB UD (12 sessões), o plano de ação tutorial (4 sessões) e uma atividade extracurricular. Resultados: Encontramos um aumento na satisfação com a competência (somente em meninos) e predisposição para a MTB em ambos os sexos. Além disso, os estados de "Ação" e "Manutenção" no comportamento ciclístico aumentaram em 39% nos meninos e 43% nas meninas. Conclusão: Este programa multicomponente, baseado em estratégias de apoio à competência, parece ser eficaz na promoção do ciclismo ativo entre os adolescentes.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Éducation physique et entraînement physique , Véhicules à moteur hors route , Enseignement Primaire et Secondaire , Espagne , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Activité motrice
MHSalud ; 20(2): 75-87, Jul.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1558376


Resumen: Introducción: El interés por el ciclismo urbano está aumentando y el número de programas de bicicletas compartidas ha crecido rápidamente durante los últimos años. Por ello, el objetivo que se pretende alcanzar en este estudio es saber si los factores como las estaciones, los trayectos y las altitudes afectan el uso del sistema compartido de bicicletas en un municipio español. Método: Se ha diseñado un estudio cuantitativo y longitudinal con recogida y análisis de datos del BSS de Vilagarcía de Arousa, que registra un total de 84 183 observaciones (hombres n = 59 159; mujeres n = 25 024). Los datos extraídos del sistema fueron recolectados y analizados estadísticamente, a través del programa IBM SPSS versión 21.0. Se ha establecido un valor de significación p < 0,05. Resultados: La estación más utilizada fue la que se sitúa en el centro de la ciudad y representa un total del 39 % de las observaciones. La elevación neutra, es decir, salir de una estación y depositar la bicicleta en otra con la misma altitud, representó el 65,5 % de los registros totales. Conclusiones: El municipio de Vilagarcía de Arousa reúne unas características topográficas favorables para ser un servicio rentable que fomente unos hábitos saludables, como un medio de transporte activo de desplazamiento en el entorno urbano, una mejora de la movilidad urbana y un entorno menos contaminado.

Abstract: Introduction: Interest in urban cycling is increasing and the number of shared bike programs has grown rapidly in recent years. Therefore, the objective that is intended to be achieved in this study is to know if factors such as seasons, routes and altitudes affect the use of the shared bicycle system in a Spanish municipality. Methods: A quantitative and longitudinal study has been designed with the collection and analysis of data from the BSS of Vilagarcía de Arousa, registering a total of 84,183 observations (men n = 59,159; women n = 25,024). The data extracted from the system was collected and statistically analyzed through the IBM SPSS version 21.0 program. A significance value of p < 0.05 has been established. Results: The most used station was the one located in the center of the city, representing a total of 39% of the observations. The neutral elevation, that is, leaving a station and depositing the bicycle in another with the same altitude, represented 65.5% of the total records. Conclusions: The municipality of Vilagarcía de Arousa has some favorable topographical characteristics to be a profitable service that promotes healthy habits as a means of active transportation in the urban environment, as well as an improvement in urban mobility and a less polluted environment.

Resumo: Introdução: O interesse pelo ciclismo urbano está aumentando e o número de programas de bicicletas compartilhadas cresceu rapidamente nos últimos anos. Assim, o objetivo que se pretende atingir neste estudo é saber se fatores como estações do ano, percursos e altitudes afetam a utilização do sistema de bicicletas partilhadas num município espanhol. Método: Foi desenhado um estudo quantitativo e longitudinal com recolha e análise de dados do BSS de Vilagarcía de Arousa, registando-se um total de 84.183 observações (homens n = 59.159; mulheres n = 25.024). Os dados extraídos do sistema foram coletados e analisados estatisticamente por meio do programa IBM SPSS versão 21.0. Foi estabelecido um valor de significância de p < 0,05. Resultados: A estação mais utilizada foi a localizada no centro da cidade, representando um total de 39% das observações. A cota neutra, ou seja, sair de uma estação e depositar a bicicleta em outra de mesma altitude, representou 65,5% do total de registros. Conclusões: O município de Vilagarcía de Arousa apresenta algumas características topográficas favoráveis para ser um serviço rentável que promova hábitos saudáveis como meio de transporte ativo no meio urbano, bem como uma melhoria da mobilidade urbana e um meio ambiente menos poluído.

Humains , Cyclisme/tendances , Exercice physique , Réseaux de transports , Espagne
Urol Case Rep ; 48: 102414, 2023 May.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37215056


Partial and segmental thrombosis of the corpus cavernosum is a rare pathology not entirely understood, however, there are some triggers that have been associated in its appearance. We present a case of a 36-year-old patient with bilateral partial thrombosis of the corpus cavernosum, without priapism, after use of a stationary exercise bike. Ultrasound and magnetic resonance findings are shown, in which bilateral involvement stands out. The patient received conservative management with good response. This pathology is idiopathic and multiple factors have been associated to its origin, one of them being repetitive trauma due to sports activity.

Rev. mex. ing. bioméd ; 44(1): 1297, Jan.-Apr. 2023. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450148


ABSTRACT Older adults should perform physical activity to improve cardiorespiratory functions. Aerobic exercises improve cardiovascular function, decrease basal heart rate and blood pressure, and improve mood and energy. To facilitate the execution of aerobic physical activity in older adults, the objective of this research was to design an exercise device for older adults. Starting from design specifications such as comfort, size, weight, resistance, and cost, we developed the detailed design of a horizontal bicycle. The designed device, thanks to its horizontally disposed structure, its adequate resistance to pedaling, its dimensioning based on anthropometric measurements of the Chilean population, and the disposition of sensors for heart rate and oxygen saturation, is suitable for older adults. Its weight and size also make it convenient for use inside the home, and the use of materials, components, and manufacturing processes available nationally and within the cheapest options, increases the possibility of access by older adults.

RESUMEN Es fundamental que los adultos mayores realicen actividad física para mejorar las funciones cardiorrespiratorias, particularmente los ejercicios aeróbicos mejoran la función cardiovascular, disminuyen la frecuencia cardíaca basal y la tensión arterial, además de mejorar su estado de ánimo y energía. Con la finalidad de facilitar la ejecución de actividad física del tipo aeróbica en adultos mayores, se planteó el objetivo de este trabajo, centrado en diseñar un dispositivo para su ejercitación. Partiendo de especificaciones de diseño como comodidad, tamaño, peso, resistencia y costo, se desarrolló el diseño de detalle de una bicicleta horizontal. El dispositivo diseñado, gracias a la disposición horizontal de la estructura, la resistencia adecuada al pedaleo, su dimensionamiento con base a medidas antropométricas de población chilena, y la disposición de sensores para heart rate and oxygen saturation, es adecuado para adultos mayores. Además, su peso y tamaño lo hacen conveniente para el uso dentro de las viviendas, del mismo modo, el uso de los materiales, componentes y proceso de manufactura disponibles nacionalmente y dentro de las opciones más económicas, aumentan la posibilidad de acceso por parte de los adultos mayores.

J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 34: e3428, 2023. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528875


ABSTRACT Bicycle paths are important infrastructures in the cities to promote active commuting. Thus, understanding the information inherent to their quality might help to understand their effects on human behavior. This study aimed at assessing the quality of the bike paths in the city of Florianopolisl by using the QualiCicle instrument. SOPARC tool was used to verify the use profile. A total of 38 cycling axes with a length of 54 km were selected. The qualitative analysis was classified as sufficient, with an overall average of 1.61 points. A total of 6,113 cyclists were observed; the majority was adult men who used to cycle in moderate intensity. Better-quality bike paths had a greater number of cyclists (50.5%). The logistic regression analyzes showed that young people are less likely to use cycle paths classified as 'good' ones (OR: 0.40; 95% CI: 0.24-0.67). Considering per category, there is a greater chance of women to use bike paths with a 'good/excellent' infrastructure quality, and a 'sufficient' and 'good/excellent' signalization. It is concluded that Florianopolis has an adequate bikeway network; however, the infrastructure distribution and the cycle path connections are irregular along the city regions. A better quality of the cycling infrastructures can promote greater use by women and the elderly, groups that perform less physical activity.

RESUMO Ciclovias são estruturas importantes nas cidades para promover o deslocamento ativo. Assim, compreender as informações inerentes à sua qualidade pode auxiliar na compreensão de seus efeitos sobre o comportamento humano. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade das ciclovias de Florianópolis por meio do instrumento QualiCiclo. O instrumento SOPARC foi utilizado para verificar o perfil de uso. Foram selecionados ao todo 38 eixos de ciclovias com 54 km de extensão, sendo a análise qualitativa classificada como suficiente, com média geral de 1,61 pontos. Foram observados 6.113 ciclistas dos quais a Mayria eram homens, adultos e em intensidade moderada. As ciclovias de melhor qualidade possuem Mayr número de ciclistas (50,5%). As análises de regressão logística mostraram que, usualmente, jovens possuem menos chance de utilizarem as ciclovias classificadas como "boa" (OR:0,40; IC95%: 0,24-0,67). Quando observado por categoria, há uma Mayr chance de mulheres utilizarem os eixos de ciclovia que possuem "boa/ótima" qualidade de infraestrutura e "suficiente" e "boa/ótima" qualidade de sinalização. Conclui-se que Florianópolis possui uma rede de ciclovias adequada, contudo, a distribuição das estruturas e conexão de ciclovia é irregular entre as regiões da cidade. Uma Mayr qualidade da infraestrutura cicloviária pode promover Mayr uso por mulheres e idosos, grupos que menos realizam atividade física.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Transports , Villes , Sécurité du trafic , Éclairage , Études d'évaluation comme sujet
Sensors (Basel) ; 21(13)2021 Jun 30.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34208808


BACKGROUND: Kinematic analysis aimed toward scientific investigation or professional purposes is commonly unaffordable and complex to use. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to verify concurrent validation between a cycling-specific 3D camera and the gold-standard 3D general camera systems. METHODS: Overall, 11 healthy amateur male triathletes were filmed riding their bicycles with Vicon 3D cameras and the Retul 3D cameras for bike fitting analysis simultaneously. All 18 kinematic measurements given by the bike fitting system were compared with the same data given by Vicon cameras through Pearson correlation (r), intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), standard error measurements (SEM), and Bland-Altman (BA) analysis. Confidence intervals of 95% are given. RESULTS: A very high correlation between cameras was found on six of 18 measurements. All other presented a high correlation between cameras (between 0.7 and 0.9). In total, six variables indicate a SEM of less than one degree between systems. Only two variables indicate a SEM higher than two degrees between camera systems. Overall, four measures indicate bias tendency according to BA. CONCLUSIONS: The cycling-specific led-emitting 3D camera system tested revealed a high or very high degree of correlation with the gold-standard 3D camera system used in laboratory motion capture. In total, 14 measurements of this equipment could be used in sports medicine clinical practice and even by researchers of cycling studies.

Cyclisme , Sports , Phénomènes biomécaniques , Humains , Mâle , Déplacement
J Transp Geogr ; 94: None, 2021 Jun.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34305337


There is limited evidence on the gender differences and location-specific built-environment factors associated with bicycling in Latin American cities. This study aimed to assess commuting in Bogotá by (1) analyzing the gender-specific trend of the standardized number of bicycle commuters during 2005-2017; and (2) assessing the socio-demographic, community, built-environment and natural factors associated with bicycle commuting stratified by gender. This secondary-data analysis included data from the Household Travel Surveys and Multipurpose Surveys to calculate the number of bicycle commuters per habitant from 2005 to 2017 by gender. We assessed the socio-demographic and built-environment factors fitting generalized additive models stratified by gender using the 2015 Household Travel Survey. Although both women and men increased the standardized number of bicycle commuters, male commuters show a steeper trend than women, evidencing the widening gender gap in bicycle commuting over time. Bicycle commuting was negatively associated with household motor vehicle ownership, steeper terrain slope, longer commute distance, and scarce low-stress roads at trip origin and route. Among women, the availability of bike paths at the trip destination was positively associated with bicycling, while age and being a student were negatively associated with bicycling. Among men, living in areas with the lowest socio-economic status was positively associated with bicycling, while having a driver's license and living close to bus rapid transit stations were negatively associated with bicycling. In conclusion, bicycle and transport infrastructure play different roles in commuting by bicycle by gender and trip stages (origin - route - destination).

Accid Anal Prev ; 154: 106077, 2021 May.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33721730


Bicyclists are vulnerable road users who risk incurring severe injuries from traffic incidents involving motorists. However, the prevalence of severe bicycle injuries varies across countries and is not well-documented in Latin American countries. Studies from developed countries outside of Latin America have shown that individual and contextual factors are associated with severe injuries incurred by bicyclists in road traffic incidents with motorists, but it is not clear whether these factors are the same as those incurred by Latin American bicyclists. Moreover, most studies on bicyclist-motorist traffic incidents have treated injury severity as a binary variable for analysis although injuries range widely in severity. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of bicycle injuries from incidents between motorists and bicyclists in Chile and examine the associations between individual and contextual factors and bicyclist injury severity, treated as an ordinal outcome variable, in these incidents. Data on road traffic incidents between bicyclists and motorists from the 2016 Traffic Accident of Bicycle Riders and Consequences database of the Chilean Transport Ministry were analysed. Multilevel mixed-effects ordinal regression models were used to examine associations. In total, 81.2 % of 4093 traffic incidents between bicyclists and motorists resulted in nonfatal injuries to bicyclists and another 2.3 % resulted in fatalities. Most incidents involved collisions (84.3 %), and most were due to a motorist being distracted while driving (50.4 %). Severe bicyclist injuries were more likely when the incident involved a stationary cyclist who was struck, a collision between a moving bicycle and a moving motor vehicle, or an overturning motor vehicle striking a bicyclist (p < 0.001). Other factors included the motorist driving under the influence of alcohol (p = 0.05), the incident taking place in a mid-size community (p = 0.04), the incident occurring between 7:00 pm and 4:59 am (p < 0.01), and the injured bicyclist being under 18 years or 45+ years of age (p < 0.05). These findings suggest the need for educational programs that promote safe driving behaviour in the presence of bicyclists, better enforcement of laws and higher penalties for distracted or drunk driving, and provision of high-quality exclusive bicyclist infrastructure to address the vulnerability of the youngest and oldest bicyclists on shared roads, particularly in mid-size communities, and to provide better lighting on bikeways for evening bicycling, to reduce the high incidence of severe bicyclist injuries in motorist-bicyclist incidents.

Accidents de la route , Conduite automobile , Adolescent , Cyclisme , Chili/épidémiologie , Humains , Véhicules motorisés
Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 26: 1-9, mar. 2021. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1282607


Analisar o padrão do deslocamento ativo da Região Metropolitana Campinas, levando em conside-ração particularidades dos residentes e suas viagens. Utilizando as bases de dados obtidas através da Pesquisa Origem e Destino da Região Metropolitana de Campinas dos anos de 2003 e 2011, foram realizadas estatísticas descritivas e temporais a partir das características dos sujeitos, municípios e via-gens. Para identificarmos diferenças adotamos o intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC 95%). Utilizamos a regressão de Poisson para verificação da correlação entre características individuais e o desfecho ser ciclista ou caminhante, adotando o valor de p < 0,05. Todos os dados foram analisados levando-se em consideração os procedimentos de amostragem para que a amostra fosse representativa. Cons-tatou-se que a frequência de ciclistas e caminhantes e suas respectivas viagens caíram. Encontramos associação positiva para ciclista ser homem e classes econômicas mais baixas, para os caminhantes houve associação positiva ser mulher e crianças/adolescentes. Quanto ao tempo de viagem, notou-se aumento na mediana para os ciclistas e queda para os caminhantes. Não encontramos nenhuma via-gem de bicicleta que faça integração com outro modo de transporte. Quanto ao porte do município, observou-se uma queda em viagens de bicicleta tanto nos municípios pequenos, médios e grandes, e os residentes de Campinas apresentaram as menores frequências

This study analyzes the active commuting pattern of the Metropolitan Region of the City of Campinas, Brazil, by considering its commuters and their features. By using the database of Pesquisa Origem e Destino (a Brazilian instrument for transportation planning) of Campinas Metropolitan Region 2003-2011, we present descriptive and temporal statistics concerning the characteristics of the region's commuters, cities, and journeys. To assess those, we adopted a confidence interval of 95% (CI 95%). We used the Poisson regression to check the correlation between individual characteristics and outcomes of being a cyclist or a pedestrian, adopting the value of p < 0.05. We took into consideration the procedures for datum obtaining to present representative samples, verifying that the number of both cyclists and pedestrians has dropped. We found pos-itive associations regarding low-income males and being a cyclist; as well as females and children/teenagers and being pedestrians. The mean length of commuting time has increased for cycling journeys and decreased for pedestrian ones. We could not find a bicycle journey that integrates with another mean of transportation. Regarding the size of a city, we observed that the number of cycling journeys has dropped in small, medium, and large municipalities; Campinas presents the lowest index

Cyclisme , Véhicules à moteur hors route , Marche à pied
Sports Biomech ; : 1-19, 2021 Jan 12.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33433293


The estimation of aerodynamic drag in cycling through road tests has the advantage of considering actual cycling conditions. The main drawback is that its accuracy depends on factors of the testing scenario as the wind speed vw and the road grade θ. For that reason, the effect of vw and θ on the estimation of drag area (CDA) was studied. Numerical and experimental approaches were combined. The numerical approach investigated the sensitivity of CDA to vw and θ perturbations. The experimental approach analysed the effect of including or not vw and θ on the identification of CDA by comparing the changes in the prediction of power delivered. It was found that disregarding small values of vw (e.g. 0.5 m/s) and θ (e.g. gradient of 0.05%) leads to errors in the estimation of CDA of around 10%, referred to the actual value. It was also obtained that the average error of the power prediction when considering vw and θ for the identification of the parameters is about 4.4% and about 25.5% when vw and θ are neglected. It is concluded that including vw and θ data reduces the error on the identification of CDA through outdoor road experiments.

J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 32: e3217, 2021. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250180


ABSTRACT This study investigated the effect of an intervention on perceptions of barriers for the bicycle use in commuting to work by industrialists. 876 men (mean age = 35.4 ± 9.5 years) from a metallo-mechanical company participated. The sample was randomized into a control and intervention group (438 participants in each group) considering the use or not of the bicycle when commuting to work. The intervention had 23 meetings of approximately 30 minutes each, spread over six months, based on the Transteoric Model of Behavior Change (TMBC). The perception of barriers to bicycle use was assessed using the "scale to assess the perception of barriers to bicycle use". Descriptive statistics, chi-square, Wilcoxon test, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney were applied for analysis, adopting p < 0.05. There was a statistical decline in perception of barriers to bicycle use in the intervention group (Z = -2.218; p = 0.027). When stratified by age group, greater effectiveness of the intervention was observed in reducing in the perception of barriers in individuals aged 30-39 years (Z = -2.637; p = .008). For the other age groups, there were no significant differences. It is concluded that interventions based on TMBC are effective to decrease the perception of barriers for bycicle use in the commuting to work.

RESUMO Esse estudo investigou o efeito de uma intervenção na percepção de barreiras para o uso de bicicleta no deslocamento ao trabalho de industriários. Participaram 876 homens (idade média = 35,4 ± 9,5 anos) de uma empresa metalomecânica. A amostra foi randomizada em grupo controle e intervenção (438 participantes em cada grupo), considerando o uso ou não da bicicleta ao trabalho. A intervenção contou com 23 encontros de 30 minutos cada ao longo de seis meses, baseados no Modelo Transteórico de Mudança de Comportamento (MTMC). A percepção de barreira para uso de bicicleta foi avaliada por meio da "escala de percepção de barreiras para o uso de bicicleta". Para análise foi aplicada estatística descritiva, qui-quadrado, teste de Wilcoxon, Kruskal-Wallis e Mann-Whitney adotando p < 0,05. Houve redução estatística na média da percepção de barreiras para uso de bicicleta no grupo intervenção (Z=-2,218; p=0,027). Quando estratificado por faixa etária, observou-se maior eficácia da intervenção na redução da percepção de barreiras em indivíduos na faixa etária de 30-39 anos (Z=-2,637; p=0,008). Para as demais faixas etárias, não houveram diferenças significativas. Conclui-se que intervenções baseadas no MTMC são eficazes na redução da percepção de barreiras para o uso da bicicleta para o deslocamento ao trabalho.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Transports , Travail/statistiques et données numériques , Travail , Comportement , Santé/statistiques et données numériques , Lieu de travail , Adulte
Rev. chil. pediatr ; 91(5): 754-760, oct. 2020. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144275


INTRODUCCIÓN: Los accidentes en bicicleta son una causa frecuente de trauma abdominal contuso en pediatría. En Chile no existen publicaciones científicas que traten sobre las lesiones abdominales por manubrio de bicicleta, su presentación y manejo. OBJETIVO: Describir tres casos clínicos de trauma abdominal contuso provocados por manubrio de bicicleta en niños, ilustrar las distintas lesiones observadas, sus formas de presentación y manejo. CASOS CLÍNICOS: 1) Paciente masculino, 11 años, consulta tras golpe con manubrio de bicicleta en epigastrio; en la Tomografía Computada (TC) de abdomen y pelvis se describió neumoretroperitoneo. Se realizó laparotomía exploradora, reparándose una perforación duodenal. 2) Paciente masculino, 14 años, consulta tras golpe en el hipocondrio izquierdo con el manubrio de la bicicleta; en la TC se evidenció fractura esplénica con múltiples laceraciones. Por la presencia de sangrado activo se trató con angioembolización, lográndose resolución de la lesión y viabilidad del órgano luego de 6 semanas de seguimiento. 3) Paciente masculino, 9 años, ingresó tras sufrir golpe con manubrio de bicicleta en el hipocondrio derecho. En TC se observó una laceración hepática, que fue manejada de forma expectante, con resolución de la lesión luego de 8 semanas de seguimiento. Todos los pacientes tuvieron una evolución favorable. CONCLUSIÓN: El trauma abdominal contuso por golpe con manubrio de bicicleta puede ser potencialmente grave en pacientes pediátricos, pudiendo afectar órganos sólidos y vísceras huecas. El manejo no quirúrgico cada vez es más utilizado, logrando altas tasas de éxito en pacientes estables. Los pacientes inestables o en los que se sospeche perforación de víscera hueca, requerirán cirugía como primera aproximación.

INTRODUCTION: Bicycle accidents are a frequent cause of blunt abdominal trauma in children. In Chile, there are no scientific articles about such accidents, their presentation and management. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to describe three cases of blunt abdominal trauma due to handlebar injury in children, in order to illustrate the different kinds of lesions, their presentation, and management. CLINICAL CASES: 1) 11-year-old boy presented to Emergency Department (ED) after falling on a bi cycle handlebar, hitting his epigastric region. A CT scan showed signs of duodenal perforation. A la parotomy was performed and the duodenal perforation repaired. 2) 14-year-old boy seen at ED after a bicycle accident in which the handlebar hit him in the abdomen area. A CT scan showed a splenic injury with multiple lacerations and active bleeding that was treated with angioembolization. After 6 weeks of follow-up, he presented resolution of the lesion and viability of the spleen. 3) 9-year-old boy admitted due to a hit with the bicycle handlebar on the abdomen area. A CT scan showed a he patic injury that was managed with non-surgical procedures, achieving resolution of the lesion after 8 weeks of follow-up. CONCLUSION: Blunt abdominal trauma caused by handlebar can be potentially serious in pediatric patients, since it may affect solid and hollow abdominal viscera. Non-surgical ma nagement is becoming more used for stable patients, achieving high success rates. Unstable patients or those with suspicion of hollow viscera perforation will require surgery as first approach.

Humains , Mâle , Enfant , Adolescent , Plaies non pénétrantes/diagnostic , Plaies non pénétrantes/thérapie , Cyclisme/traumatismes , Traumatismes de l'abdomen/diagnostic , Traumatismes de l'abdomen/thérapie , Plaies non pénétrantes/étiologie , Tomodensitométrie , Service hospitalier d'urgences , Traumatismes de l'abdomen/étiologie
Front Neurol ; 11: 656, 2020.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32793096


Rationale: The optimal modality, intensity, duration, frequency, and dose-response of exercise as a therapy for Parkinson's Disease (PD) are insufficiently understood. Objective: To assess the impact of a high-intensity tandem bicycle program on clinical severity, biomarkers, and functional MRI (fMRI) in PD. Methods: A single-center, parallel-group clinical trial was conducted. Thirteen PD patients aged 65 or younger were divided in two groups: a control group and an intervention group that incorporated a cycling program at 80% of each individual's maximum heart rate (HR) (≥80 rpm), three times a week, for 16 weeks. Both groups continued their conventional medications for PD. At baseline and at the end of follow-up, we determined in all participants the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, anthropometry, VO2max, PD biomarkers, and fMRI. Results: VO2max improved in the intervention group (IG) (+5.7 ml/kg/min), while it slightly deteriorated in the control group (CG) (-1.6 ml/kg/min) (p = 0.041). Mean Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) went down by 5.7 points in the IG and showed a small 0.9-point increase in the CG (p = 0.11). fMRI showed activation of the right fusiform gyrus during the motor task and functional connectivity between the cingulum and areas of the frontal cortex, and between the cerebellar vermis and the thalamus and posterior temporal gyrus. Plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels increased more than 10-fold in the IG and decreased in the CG (p = 0.028). Larger increases in plasma BDNF correlated with greater decreases in UPDRS (r = -0.58, p = 0.04). Conclusions: Our findings suggest that high-intensity tandem bicycle improves motor function and biochemical and functional neuroimaging variables in PD patients. Trial registration number: ISRCTN 13047118, Registered on February 8, 2018.

Environ Pollut ; 242(Pt A): 539-543, 2018 Nov.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30005266


In 2015, a controversial bicycle lane was installed on Paulista Avenue -a thoroughfare in the heart of the megacity of São Paulo with a high rate of motorised vehicles. For the first time, on-bicycle air pollution concentrations were assessed along this lane using black carbon (BC) as an indicator of fossil fuel combustion. We measured BC concentrations with a hand-held microaethalometer at a high temporal resolution, enabling the capture of fine spatial gradients along the route. Although this new link expanded the city's cycling network, our pioneering study showed that BC concentrations were large (mean 8.5 µg m-3) with extreme values reaching 24.0 µg m-3, comparable to concentrations found in many megacities. In agreement with other studies, we observed that concentrations decreased about 1.6 times on a section of the bicycle lane running through a calmer neighbourhood, which could indicate the potential to safeguard the health of cyclists by installing lanes with greater separation from main roads, such as Paulista Avenue. This pilot work paves the way to more detailed studies aiming to map out the spatial distribution of other traffic-related pollutants across the city's 458-km long bicycle network.

Polluants atmosphériques/analyse , Cyclisme , Surveillance de l'environnement , Suie/analyse , Pollution de l'air/analyse , Brésil , Carbone , Villes/statistiques et données numériques , Exposition environnementale/analyse , Humains , Véhicules motorisés , Projets pilotes , Emissions des véhicules/analyse
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29271873


México is a developing nation and, in the city of Morelia, the concept of the bicyclist as a road user appeared only recently in the Municipal Traffic Regulations. Perhaps the right bicycle infrastructure could address safety, crime, and economic development. To identify the best infrastructure, six groups in Morelia ranked and commented on pictures of bicycle environments that exist in bicycle-friendly nations. Perceptions about bike paths, but only those with impossible-to-be-driven-over solid barriers, were associated with safety from crashes, lowering crime, and contributing to economic development. Shared use paths were associated with lowering the probability of car/bike crashes but lacked the potential to deter crime and foster the local economy. Joint bus and bike lanes were associated with lower safety because of the unwillingness by Mexican bus drivers to be courteous to bicyclists. Gender differences about crash risk biking in the road with the cars (6 best/0 worst scenario) were statistically significant (1.4 for male versus 0.69 for female; p < 0.001). For crashes, crime, and economic development, perceptions about bicycle infrastructure were different in this developing nation perhaps because policy, institutional context, and policing (ticketing for unlawful parking) are not the same as in a developed nation. Countries such as Mexico should consider building cycle tracks with solid barriers to address safety, crime, and economic development.

Accidents de la route/prévention et contrôle , Accidents de la route/statistiques et données numériques , Cyclisme/normes , Crime/prévention et contrôle , Développement économique , Conception de l'environnement , Gestion de la sécurité/méthodes , Adulte , Villes , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Mexique , Adulte d'âge moyen , Facteurs sexuels , Jeune adulte
J Sports Sci ; 35(14): 1336-1341, 2017 Jul.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27476549


Previous studies have been limited to describe asymmetries during pedalling and suggest possible repercussion on performance and/or injury risks. However, few studies have presented strategies to mitigate asymmetries. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a pedalling retraining intervention to reduce bilateral pedal force asymmetries. Twenty cyclists were assessed and 10 enrolled in a pedalling retraining method receiving visual and verbal feedback of pedal forces. The asymmetry index was computed for comparison of bilateral peak pedal forces and used during retraining (12 trials at 70% of peak power). Significantly larger asymmetry was observed for asymmetrical cyclists at the first three trials (P < 0.01 and ES = 1.39), which was reduced when post-retraining was compared to measures from symmetrical cyclists (P = 0.69 and ES = 0.18). Cyclists with larger asymmetry (>20%) in bilateral pedal forces reduce their asymmetries using sessions of pedalling retraining and achieve asymmetry indices similar to symmetrical cyclists.

Performance sportive/physiologie , Cyclisme/physiologie , Membre inférieur/physiologie , Mise en condition physique de l'homme/méthodes , Phénomènes biomécaniques , Rétroaction , Humains , Mâle
Atas saúde ambient. ; 5(supl): 107-118, 2017.
Article de Portugais | VETINDEX | ID: vti-22140


Você já se perguntou se precisamos utilizar todo o material plástico em nosso dia-a-dia? Atualmente o descarte inadequado do plástico nos faz pensar se a abundante utilização deste composto em quase tudo o que consumimos é realmente necessária. O Descarte inapropriado deste é responsável por diversos danos à população, afetando consideravelmente a saúde humana e tudo que a envolve, impactando consideravelmente nosso meio ambiente, cujo os custos são difíceis de quantificar devido a dificuldade deste composto em se degradar, e tamanha sua facilidade em poluir. Neste artigo iremos apresentar uma das diversas soluções para o descarte inadequado deste composto. Uma bicicleta com quadro produzido a partir da reutilização de garrafas PET. As garrafas PET antes sem destinação, agora sob a forma de um objeto benéfico ao homem e ao meio onde vive. Será abordado também o cálculo de Valoração Econômica de Recursos Ambientais com base na substituição de uma bicicleta comum para a MuzziCycle, além de demonstrar o quanto significa manter uma frota de bicicletas na cidade de São Paulo em termos de benefícios a partir dos princípios do VERA.(AU)

Have you ever wondered if we need to use all the plastic material in our day-to-day life? Currently the inappropriate disposal of plastic makes us wonder if the abundant use of this compound in almost everything we consume is really necessary. The inappropriate disposal of this is responsible for several damages to the population, considerably affecting human health and all that surrounds it, considerably impacting our environment, whose costs are difficult to quantify due to the difficulty of this compound in degrading, and its ease in to pollute. In this paper we will present one of several solutions for the inappropriate disposal of this compound. A bicycle with frame produced from the reuse of PET bottles. The PET bottles before without destination, now in the form of an object beneficial to the man and the environment where he lives. It will also be approached the calculation of Economic Valuation of Environmental Resources based on the replacement of a common bicycle for MuzziCycle, in addition to demonstrating how much it means to maintain a fleet of bicycles in the city of São Paulo in terms of benefits from the principles of the VERA.(AU)

Réutilisation de matériel , Équipement sportif/économie , Matières plastiques , Téréphtalate polyéthylène/analyse
Atas Saúde Ambient ; 5(supl): 107-118, 2017.
Article de Portugais | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1463722


Você já se perguntou se precisamos utilizar todo o material plástico em nosso dia-a-dia? Atualmente o descarte inadequado do plástico nos faz pensar se a abundante utilização deste composto em quase tudo o que consumimos é realmente necessária. O Descarte inapropriado deste é responsável por diversos danos à população, afetando consideravelmente a saúde humana e tudo que a envolve, impactando consideravelmente nosso meio ambiente, cujo os custos são difíceis de quantificar devido a dificuldade deste composto em se degradar, e tamanha sua facilidade em poluir. Neste artigo iremos apresentar uma das diversas soluções para o descarte inadequado deste composto. Uma bicicleta com quadro produzido a partir da reutilização de garrafas PET. As garrafas PET antes sem destinação, agora sob a forma de um objeto benéfico ao homem e ao meio onde vive. Será abordado também o cálculo de Valoração Econômica de Recursos Ambientais com base na substituição de uma bicicleta comum para a MuzziCycle, além de demonstrar o quanto significa manter uma frota de bicicletas na cidade de São Paulo em termos de benefícios a partir dos princípios do VERA.

Have you ever wondered if we need to use all the plastic material in our day-to-day life? Currently the inappropriate disposal of plastic makes us wonder if the abundant use of this compound in almost everything we consume is really necessary. The inappropriate disposal of this is responsible for several damages to the population, considerably affecting human health and all that surrounds it, considerably impacting our environment, whose costs are difficult to quantify due to the difficulty of this compound in degrading, and its ease in to pollute. In this paper we will present one of several solutions for the inappropriate disposal of this compound. A bicycle with frame produced from the reuse of PET bottles. The PET bottles before without destination, now in the form of an object beneficial to the man and the environment where he lives. It will also be approached the calculation of Economic Valuation of Environmental Resources based on the replacement of a common bicycle for MuzziCycle, in addition to demonstrating how much it means to maintain a fleet of bicycles in the city of São Paulo in terms of benefits from the principles of the VERA.

Équipement sportif/économie , Matières plastiques , Téréphtalate polyéthylène/analyse , Réutilisation de matériel