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Nutrients ; 14(17)2022 Aug 30.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36079825


Maternal vitamin A (VA) supplementation in risk areas for Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) was launched to improve the level of this nutrient in nursing mothers and in their breast milk. This longitudinal and randomized study aimed to evaluate the levels of retinol in breast milk after supplementation with VA in varying amounts (200,000 IU or 400,000 IU) and different postpartum intervals. Women were distributed into four intervention groups and given a single 200,000 IU postnatal dosage of VA at time 0 h (postnatal morning) (G200 0H); a single 200,000 IU dosage of VA in week four (G200 4W); 200,000 IU of VA at time 0 h + 200,000 IU of VA 24 h after the first supplementation (G400 24H); and 200,000 IU of VA at time 0 h + 200,000 IU of VA one week after the first supplementation (G400 1W). Breast milk samples were collected over a 12-week period (0 h, 24 h and 1, 4, 12 weeks post-natal). Retinol levels were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. The Generalized Estimated Equation (GEE) assessed the different retinol levels. The G200 (0H), G400 (24H), and G400 (1W) groups presented higher retinol levels at 24 h than the G200 (4W) group (p < 0.001). The retinol levels of all groups were similar at times 1, 4 and 12 weeks after delivery (p > 0.05). Maternal VA supplementation increased retinol levels in the colostrum. Different supplementation dosages or postpartum administration times did not result in added benefit to retinol levels in mature breast milk.

Lait humain , Carence en vitamine A , Compléments alimentaires/analyse , Femelle , Humains , Lait humain/composition chimique , Période du postpartum , Rétinol , Carence en vitamine A/prévention et contrôle
J. health sci. (Londrina) ; 24(1): 17-22, 20220322.
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362831


Abstract Introduction: Various methods of analysis for the assay of chemotherapeutic agent 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) in human and animal biological fluids have previously been reported. However, there is no standardization for detecting 5-FU in the hamsters' saliva that received the chemotherapeutic agent. Objective: Considering that the administration of 5-FU in some way changes the morphology and function of the salivary glands, and that the presence of the chemotherapeutic agents in the oral mucosa may lead to some oral complications, the aim of this study was to determine the presence of 5-FU in the hamsters' saliva that received the chemotherapeutic agent, by means of the High Performance Liquid Chromatography technique (HPCL) since this animal model is used in studies of 5-FU induced oral mucositis and glandular hypofunction. Methods: Twelve animals were divided into 4 groups: CP and CPI, in which the animals received pilocarpine (CP) or pilocarpine + isoproterenol (CPI) and the chemotherapy vehicle intraperitoneally; and Groups QP and QPI, in which the animals received the same secretagogues listed above, and the chemotherapeutic agent 5-FU, respectively. After the secretagogue administration, saliva was collected from all the animals for a period of 60 mins. Subsequently, the saliva was frozen at -80 ˚C for later determination of the chemotherapeutic agent by HPLC. After the the chromatograms analysis, and based on the results obtained, it was possible to identify the presence of 5-FU in the saliva samples from hamsters that received the chemotherapeutic agent intraperitonally, by the HPLC technique. (AU)

Resumo Vários métodos de análise para o ensaio do quimioterápico 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) em fluidos biológicos de humanos e animais, foram previamente relatados. No entanto, não há uma padronização para detecção de 5-FU na saliva de hamsters que receberam o quimioterápico. Considerando que a administração do 5-FU altera de alguma maneira a morfologia e função das glândulas salivares, e que a presença do quimioterápico na mucosa oral pode levar a algumas complicações orais, este trabalho teve como objetivo de determinar a presença de 5-FU na saliva de hamsters que receberam o quimioterápico pela técnica de Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE), uma vez que este modelo animal é usado nos estudos com mucosite oral e hipofunção glandular, induzidas por 5-FU. Doze animais foram divididos em 4 grupos: CP e CPI, onde os animais receberam intraperitonealmente pilocarpina (CP) ou pilocarpina + isoproterenol (CPI) e o veículo do quimioterápico, e os grupos QP e QPI, onde os animais receberam, respectivamente, os mesmos secretagogos listados acima e o quimioterápico 5-FU. Após a administração do secretagogo, foi coletada a saliva de todos os animais, por um período de 60 min. Em seguida, a saliva foi congelada a -80 ˚C para posterior determinação do quimioterápico por CLAE. Após análise dos cromatogramas, e com base nos resultados obtidos, foi possível identificar a presença do 5-FU nas amostras de saliva de hamsters que receberam o quimioterápico via intraperitoneal pela técnica da CLAE. (AU)

J. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. (Online) ; 57: e3052021, 2021. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279274


ABSTRACT Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) measurement is commonly performed in diabetes mellitus patients to monitor glycemic control over the last three to four months. Carbamylated hemoglobin, which is the hemoglobin that binds to isocyanic acid derived from urea, is one of the possible analytical interference in the uremic patient. When measured by ion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), carbamylated hemoglobin forms a peak that overlaps the peak of HbA1c, causing a falsely elevated HbA1c result. We report a case of a 60-years-old man who had a spurious increase in HbA1c, with a high carbamylated hemoglobin peak disproportionate to the urea value. Subsequent hemoglobin analysis using hemoglobin electrophoresis and HPLC hemoglobin testing system suggested hemoglobin J (Hb J) variant. Our case highlighted the possibility of misleading HbA1c interpretation in the presence of a high carbamylated hemoglobin peak, but not proportionate to urea value. In this study, Hb J was detected. A method free from hemoglobin variant interference should be used ideally, and monitoring glycemic control should be performed using alternative methods, such as serum fructosamine or continuous glucose monitoring.

RESUMEN La prueba de la hemoglobina glicosilada A1c (HbA1c) se realiza comúnmente en pacientes con diabetes mellitus para monitorear el control glucémico durante los últimos tres o cuatro meses. La hemoglobina carbamilada, que es la hemoglobina que se une al ácido isociánico derivado de la urea, es una de las posibles interferencias analíticas en el paciente urémico. Cuando se mide mediante cromatografía líquida de alta eficacia (HPLC) de intercambio iónico, la hemoglobina carbamilada forma un pico que se superpone al pico de HbA1c, lo que provoca un resultado de HbA1c falsamente elevado. Presentamos el caso de un hombre de 60 años que tuvo un aumento espurio de HbA1c, con un pico de hemoglobina carbamilada alto desproporcionado al valor de urea. El análisis de hemoglobina posterior mediante electroforesis de hemoglobina y el sistema de prueba de hemoglobina HPLC sugirió una variante de hemoglobina J (Hb J). Nuestro caso destacó la posibilidad de una interpretación engañosa de la HbA1c en presencia de un pico de hemoglobina carbamilada alto, pero no proporcional al valor de urea. En este estudio, se detectó Hb J. Lo ideal sería utilizar un método libre de interferencia de variantes de hemoglobina, y la monitorización del control glucémico debería realizarse mediante métodos alternativos, como la fructosamina sérica o la monitorización continua de la glucosa.

RESUMO A dosagem de hemoglobina A1c (HbA1c) é comumente realizada em pacientes com diabetes mellitus para monitorar o controle glicêmico nos últimos três a quatro meses. A hemoglobina carbamilada - hemoglobina que se liga ao ácido isociânico derivado da ureia - é uma das possíveis interferências analíticas no paciente urêmico. Quando medida por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC) por troca iônica, a hemoglobina carbamilada forma um pico que se sobrepõe ao pico da HbA1c, causando um resultado falsamente elevado da HbA1c. Relatamos o caso de um homem de 60 anos de idade que apresentava um aumento espúrio de HbA1c, com alto pico de hemoglobina carbamilada desproporcional ao valor de ureia. A análise subsequente da hemoglobina usando eletroforese de hemoglobina e sistema de teste de hemoglobina por HPLC sugeriu a variante de hemoglobina J (Hb J). Nosso caso destacou a possibilidade de interpretação enganosa da HbA1c na presença de um pico alto de hemoglobina carbamilada, mas não proporcional ao valor da ureia. Neste estudo, foi detectada a Hb J. Um método isento de interferência de variantes da hemoglobina deve ser idealmente usado, e o monitoramento do controle glicêmico deve ser feito usando métodos alternativos, como frutosamina sérica ou monitoramento contínuo da glicose.

Acta méd. costarric ; 61(4): 160-165, oct.-dic. 2019. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1054725


Resumen Justificación: La genética en las variantes de hemoglobina en Costa Rica es resultado del cruce de caracteres autóctonos indígenas con poblaciones inmigrantes de europeos, africanos y otros, desde el periodo de la Conquista, que contribuyeron a la mezcla genética presente en la población de Costa Rica. Las hemoglobinopatías mayormente distribuidas en la población humana son: hemoglobina S, C, D y E, siendo la hemoglobina S la más frecuente y la que presenta consecuencias más graves. Objetivo: Detectar variantes de hemoglobina en pacientes examinados por hemoglobina A1c, en la sección de Química Clínica del laboratorio de la Clínica de Filadelfia de la Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social, en el Cantón de Carrillo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, durante el período de enero a octubre de 2018. Métodos: Se analizaron 2775 muestras sanguíneas de pacientes de los nueve equipos básicos de salud que conforman el Área de Salud de Carrillo, y que además requieren estudio por hemoglobina glicosilada en el período de enero a octubre de 2018. El análisis se realizó en el Laboratorio del Área de Salud de Carrillo. Las muestras fueron recolectadas en tubos vacutainer con EDTA y analizadas en el equipo automatizado TOSOH HLC-723GX, utilizando la metodología HPLC cromatografía de intercambio catiónico con la separación y cuantificación de las diferentes fracciones de hemoglobina. Los datos se analizaron en plantilla de Microsoft Excel. Resultados: En 2775 pacientes examinados por hemoglobina A1c, 167 (6,0 %) fueron portadores de variantes de hemoglobina, con una frecuencia de 1/17, en donde el 97 % correspondió a heterocigotos para hemoglobina un 3% a heterocigotos para hemoglobina C y ninguno para la variante D. La presencia de variantes se observó en los 9 equipos básicos de atención integral en salud del área. La distribución de portadores por equipo básico de atención en el Área de Salud de Carrillo varió de un 4,0 % a un 9,3 %. Conclusiones: Un 6 % de las muestras analizadas presentó variantes de hemoglobina, siendo la hemoglobina S la predominante. Esta característica presente en la población del cantón de Carrillo merece atención a nivel de salud pública; la metodología existente a nivel de área permite estudiar a un grupo de población (costo efectivo) en riesgo que precisa vigilancia y asesoramiento genético, con el fin de concienciar a la población respecto al problema, reducir la incidencia de la enfermedad y prolongar la supervivencia de los afectados.

Abstract Background: The genetics in hemoglobin variants in Costa Rica are a result of the crossing of autochthonous indigenous characters with European, African and other immigrant populations. All of these contributed to the genetic mixture that is currently present in Costa Rica's population. The most distributed hemoglobinopathies in the human population are: hemoglobin S, C, D, and E, with hemoglobin S being the most frequent and having the most serious consequences. Objective: Detection of hemoglobin variants in patients who were examined for hemoglobin A1c in the Clinical Chemistry section of the Filadelfia Clinic Laboratory, from January to October 2018. The clinic is in Canton of Carrillo, Guanacaste (Costa Rica), and it is part of the social security system. Methods: 2775 blood samples and their respective data were analyzed from patients of the nine basic health teams that make up the Carrillo Health Area and required a study for glycosylated hemoglobin from January to October 2018. The analysis was performed in the Carrillo Health Area Laboratory. The samples were collected in vacutainer tubes containing EDTA and analyzed in the TOSOH HLC-723GX automated equipment, using the HPLC cation exchange chromatography methodology with the separation and quantification of the different hemoglobin fractions. The data was then analyzed in a Microsoft Excel template. Results: In the 2775 patients examined for hemoglobin A1c, 167 (6.0%) were found to be carriers of hemoglobin variants, with a frequency of 1/17, where 97% corresponded to heterozygotes for hemoglobin S, 3% heterozygous for hemoglobin C, and none for variant D. The presence of variants was observed in the 9 basic teams of integral health care of the area, and the distribution varied from 4% to 9,3% between them. Conclusions: A total of 6% of the samples analyzed showed a hemoglobin variant, being hemoglobin S the most predominant. This characteristic present in the population of Canton of Carrillo deserves attention at the public health level. The existing methodology at the level area allows professionals to study a population group at risk that deserves surveillance and genetic counseling, in order to raise awareness about the problem, reduce the incidence of the disease, and prolong the survival of those affected by it.

Humains , Hémoglobines/génétique , Costa Rica , Hémoglobinopathies , Drépanocytose
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 55: e18129, 2019. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1039036


A simple, sensitive, precise, accurate and robust high performance liquid chromatographic method has been developed for simultaneous estimation of saxagliptin (SAXA) and dapagliflozin (DAPA) in pharmaceutical formulation. Design of experiments (DoE) was applied for multivariate optimization of the experimental conditions of RP-HPLC method. Risk assessment was performed to identify the critical method parameters. Three independent factors; mobile phase composition, flow rate and column temperature were used to design mathematical models. Central composite design (CCD) was used to study the response surface methodology and to study in depth the effects of these independent factors. Desirability function was used to simultaneously optimize the retention time and resolution of SAXA and DAPA. The optimized and predicted data from contour diagram consisted of acetonitrile and ortho phosphoric acid (0.1%) in the ratio of 50:50 respectively, at a flow rate of 0.98 ml/min and column temperature 31.4 °C. Using these optimum conditions baseline separation of both drugs with good resolution and run time of less than 6 min were achieved. The optimized assay conditions were validated according to ICH guidelines. Hence, the results clearly showed that Quality by design approach could be successfully applied to optimize RP-HPLC method for simultaneous estimation of SAXA and DAPA.

Préparations pharmaceutiques/classification , Chromatographie en phase liquide à haute performance/méthodes , Diabète de type 2/classification , Comprimés/administration et posologie , Formes posologiques , Optimisation du Processus/méthodes
REVISA (Online) ; 8(2): 160-169, 2019.
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1095692


Objetivo: Avaliar a capacidade de remediação do DEET em meio líquido, pelo fungo de decomposição branca Pleurotus ostreatus usando como indutor enzimático os resíduos sólidos do cacau e realizar bioensaios de toxicidade com as amostras pós-tratamento, para aplicações em tratamentos de águas. Método: Foi realizada a produção enzimática com resíduos do Cacau. A biorremediação com o caldo enzimático foi realizada em erlenmeyers de 250mL, contendo a solução do composto, tampão acetato de sódio pH 5 e o caldo batata, incubados à 28°C, com rotação de 120 rpm, por 48 horas. Já com o fungo ativo, o mesmo foi incubado a 28 ºC e teve em seu meio a adição do composto. As amostras foram quantificados em Cromatografia líquida de alta performance (CLAE). O teste de adsorção foi feito com o fungo autoclavado e analisado após 14 dias. Resultado: O composto se apresentou possivelmente tóxico e a remediação mostrou uma tendência linear de degradação com o fungo de 39%. Conclusão: Pleurotus ostreatus é um candidato promissor para o tratamento de contimanações geradas por DEET.

Objective: We evaluated the remediation capacity of DEET in liquid medium by the white decomposition fungus Pleurotus ostreatus using the solid residues of cocoa as an enzymatic inducer and performed toxicity bioassays with the post-treatment samples, for water treatment applications. Method: Enzymatic production with cocoa residues was performed. Bioremediation with the enzyme broth was performed in a 250mL erlenmeyer flasks, containing the solution of the compound, sodium acetate buffer pH 5 and the potato broth, incubated at 28 °C, with rotation of 120 rpm, for 48 hours. With the active fungus, the same was incubated at 28 ºC and had in its culture medium the addition of the compound. The samples were quantified in high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The adsorption test was performed with the autoclaved fungus and analyzed after 14 days. Results: The compound was possibly toxic and the remediation showed a linear tendency of degradation of 39% with the fungus. Conclusion: Pleurotus ostreatus is a promising candidate for the treatment of contaminants generated by DEET.

Chromatographie en phase liquide à haute performance
Acta cir. bras ; Acta cir. bras;30(3): 222-238, 03/2015. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-741035


PURPOSE: To investigate cardiorespiratory effects and serum concentration of ropivacaine combined with morphine at different doses. METHODS: Sixteen healthy adult female dogs weighting 9.8±4.1 kg were included in the study. Twenty minutes after being premedicated with acepromazine and midazolam, the animals were randomly assigned to receive an epidural injection according to each group: RM0.15 = ropivacaine + morphine (0.15 mg kg-1) and RM0.2 = ropivacaine + morphine (0.2 mg kg-1). Variables recorded consisted of: heart rate and cardiac rhythm, respiratory rate, oxyhemoglobin saturation, inspired oxygen fraction, end-tidal carbon dioxide tension, systolic, mean and diastolic arterial pressures, serum cortisol, plasma ropivacaine and morphine. RESULTS: SAP, MAP and DAP were significantly increased at TPR in RM0.15 but returned to normal values at the end of the procedure. Arterial pH was decreased in T30 and TESu in both groups and also returned to acceptable ranges at TR. Both PaO2 and PaCO2 were increased along the duration period of the epidural blockade (T30 and TESu) and returned to acceptable values at TR. Serum cortisol was lower at TB, T30 and TR when compared to TESu. CONCLUSION: The procedures were performed safely and minimal changes in cardiovascular and respiratory variables. .

Adulte , Sujet âgé , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Jeune adulte , Encéphale/anatomopathologie , Vascularite lupique du système nerveux central/anatomopathologie , Évolution de la maladie , Imagerie par résonance magnétique , Biais de l'observateur , Pronostic , Reproductibilité des résultats , Appréciation des risques , Sensibilité et spécificité
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 31(1): 56-61, ene.-mar. 2014. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-705965


Objetivos: Validar un método de cromatografía líquida de alta resolución (HPLC) para la determinación de rifampicina (RFP) en plasma humano. Materiales y métodos. Se desarrolló un método HPLC para la determinación de RFP en plasma. La separación fue realizada por cromatografía de fase reversa con una columna C18 y una fase móvil compuesta por una mezcla de acetonitrilo y solución amortiguadora de fosfato de potasio monobásico 0,05 M (38:62 v/v) a 335 nm. En el cual se empleó como estándar interno rifampicina quinona (RFP-QN). Resultados. Los tiempos de retención de RFP y RFP-QN fueron 7,81 y 12,26 minutos, respectivamente. El ensayo fue lineal de 0,5 a 250 ug/mL Los parámetros evaluados de precisión, exactitud, selectividad, linealidad, recuperación cumplieron con lo establecido en las guías internacionales de validación de métodos bioanalíticos. Conclusiones. El método HPLC desarrollado es simple, específico, sensible, selectivo y lineal para un amplio rango de concentraciones de RFP en plasma.

Objectives: To validate the high-performance liquid chromatography method (HPLC) for rifampicin (RFP) determination in human plasma. Materials and methods. A HPLC method for RFP determination in plasma was developed. The separation was performed by reversed-phase chromatography with C18 column and a mobile phase composed of a mixture of acetonitrile and monobasic potassium phosphate buffer solution 0.05 M (38:62 v/v) at 335 nm in which standard rifampicin quinone (RFP-QN) was used. Results. The retention times of RFP and RFP-QN were 7.81 and 12.26 minutes, respectively. The trial was linear from 0.5 to 250 ug/mL. The evaluated parameters of precision, accuracy, selectivity, linearity, and recovery complied with the established international standards for validation of bioanalytical methods. Conclusions. The developed HPLC method is simple, specific, sensitive, selective and linear for a wide range of RFP concentrations in plasma.

Humains , Antibiotiques antituberculeux/sang , Chromatographie en phase liquide à haute performance , Surveillance des médicaments/méthodes , Rifampicine/sang
Rev Bras Hematol Hemoter ; 35(2): 103-8, 2013.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23741187


OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study was to monitor imatinib mesylate therapeutically in the Tumor Biology Laboratory, Department of Hematology and Hemotherapy, Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo (USP). A simple and sensitive method to quantify imatinib and its metabolite (CGP74588) in human serum was developed and fully validated in order to monitor treatment compliance. METHODS: The method used to quantify these compounds in serum included protein precipitation extraction followed by instrumental analysis using high performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. The method was validated for several parameters, including selectivity, precision, accuracy, recovery and linearity. RESULTS: The parameters evaluated during the validation stage exhibited satisfactory results based on the Food and Drug Administration and the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) guidelines for validating bioanalytical methods. These parameters also showed a linear correlation greater than 0.99 for the concentration range between 0.500 µg/mL and 10.0 µg/mL and a total analysis time of 13 minutes per sample. This study includes results (imatinib serum concentrations) for 308 samples from patients being treated with imatinib mesylate. CONCLUSION: The method developed in this study was successfully validated and is being efficiently used to measure imatinib concentrations in samples from chronic myeloid leukemia patients to check treatment compliance. The imatinib serum levels of patients achieving a major molecular response were significantly higher than those of patients who did not achieve this result. These results are thus consistent with published reports concerning other populations.

Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet;34(8): 362-368, ago. 2012. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-653684


OBJETIVOS: Diagnosticar bioquimicamente o estado nutricional de vitamina E de lactantes por meio da análise do alfa-tocoferol no soro e no colostro, verificar sua associação com variáveis maternas e determinar a prevalência de deficiência de vitamina E nessas mulheres. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 103 puérperas que foram classificadas quanto às seguintes variáveis maternas: idade, estado nutricional pré-gestacional, ganho de peso gestacional, paridade e tipo de parto. Amostras de soro e colostro foram coletadas em jejum no pós-parto imediato e o alfa-tocoferol foi analisado por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE). Para definir o estado nutricional de vitamina E, foi adotado ponto de corte sérico (697,7 μg/dL). A análise estatística foi realizada com o uso do teste t de Student para amostras independentes e correlação de Pearson. As diferenças foram consideradas significativas quando p<0,05. RESULTADOS: A concentração média de alfa-tocoferol foi 1.125,1±551,0 μg/dL no colostro e 1.138,6±346,0 μg/dL no soro, indicativo de estado nutricional bioquímico adequado. Entretanto, ao analisar as puérperas individualmente, constatamos que 16% apresentaram valores abaixo do esperado para esta vitamina. As mulheres submetidas à cesárea apresentaram níveis de alfa-tocoferol no colostro (1.280±591 μg/dL) significativamente maiores em relação àquelas cuja via de parto foi a normal (961,7±370 μg/dL) (p<0,05). Verificou-se que as parturientes com excesso de peso pré-gestacional tiveram concentração da vitamina no colostro maior (1.331,5±548 μg/dL) quando comparadas às mulheres com baixo peso (982,1±374 μg/dL) ou eutrofia (992,3±346 μg/dL) (p<0,05). Entretanto, as demais variáveis estudadas não apresentaram associação com o alfa-tocoferol do colostro. Além disso, nenhuma variável mostrou estar relacionada aos níveis da vitamina no soro materno e não foi demonstrada correlação entre os níveis de alfa-tocoferol no soro e no leite. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar do diagnóstico de satisfatório estado nutricional, as lactantes apresentaram risco importante de deficiência subclínica para vitamina E. Sugere-se que a concentração de alfa-tocoferol presente no colostro esteja associada ao tipo de parto e ao estado nutricional pré-gestacional da mulher.

PURPOSE: To determine the nutritional status of vitamin E in breastfeeding women through the analysis of alpha-tocopherol concentration in serum and colostrum, to analyze its relation with maternal variables and to determine the prevalence of vitamin E deficiency in these women. METHODS: The study included 103 mothers who were classified according to maternal variables: age, nutritional status before pregnancy, gestational weight gain, parity and mode of delivery. Colostrum and serum samples were collected under fasting conditions in the immediate postpartum period. Alpha-tocopherol was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). A serum cutoff of 697.7 μg/dL was adopted to define the nutritional status of vitamin E. Statistical analysis was performed with the Student's t test for independent samples and Pearson's correlation. Differences were significant when p<0.05. RESULTS: The average concentration of alpha-tocopherol was 1.125±551.0 μg/dL in colostrum and 1,138.6±346.0 μg/dL in serum, indicating adequate biochemical nutritional status. However, when analyzing the mothers individually, a 16% rate of subclinical vitamin E deficiency was detected. Women undergoing cesarean delivery had significantly higher alpha-tocopherol levels in colostrum (1.280±591 μg/dL) compared with those undergoing normal delivery (961.7±370 μg/dL) (p<0.05). It was found that mothers who were overweight before pregnancy had higher vitamin concentration in colostrum (1,331.5±548 μg/dL) when compared to underweight women (982.1±374 μg/dL) or women of normal weight (992.3±346 μg/dL) (p<0.05). However, the other variables were not associated with alpha-tocopherol in colostrum. Moreover, no variable showed association with vitamin E levels in maternal serum and no correlation was demonstrated between the alpha-tocopherol levels in serum and in milk. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the diagnosis of satisfactory nutritional status, breastfeeding women showed significant risk of subclinical vitamin E deficiency. We suggest that the concentration of alpha-tocopherol in colostrum be associated with type of delivery and pre-gestational nutritional status of women.

Adolescent , Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Jeune adulte , Allaitement naturel , Colostrum/composition chimique , Lactation/sang , État nutritionnel , alpha-Tocophérol/analyse , Études transversales , Études prospectives , Vitamine E/sang , alpha-Tocophérol/sang
Rev. bras. promoç. saúde (Impr.) ; 25(1)mar. 2012. graf, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-641475


Objetivo: Avaliar a bioequivalência de três diferentes formulações de captopril 25mg (Capoten® como formulação de referência e Captopril produzido pela FURP e Farmanguinhos como formulações testes) em 24 voluntários saudáveis de ambos os sexos. Métodos: Os voluntários selecionados eram livres de doenças, como confirmado pelo exame físico, psiquiátrico, ECG e exames laboratoriais. O estudo foi do tipo aberto, cruzado, em três períodos com 5 dias de intervalo entre eles. As amostras plasmáticas foram obtidas num intervalo de 24 horas e as concentrações de Captopril foram determinadas por cromatografia líquida de fase reversa acoplada à espectrometria de massa (LC-MS-MS). Resultados: A média geométrica para Capoten®/Captopril-FURP 25mg foi 96.9% para AUC0-24, 95.58 % para AUC0-?, e 98.17% for Cmax. O intervalo de confiança (IC) de 90% foi de 84.8-100.65%, 88.5-109.42% e 82.52 116.8%, respectivamente. A média geométrica para Capoten®/ Captopril-Farmanguinhos 25mg foi 99.63 % para AUClast, 98.52% para AUC0-?, e 95.52 para Cmax. O IC de 90% foi de 87.23-113.8%, 86.06-112.79% e 80.29-113.64%, respectivamente. Portanto, os IC de 90% para Cmax, AUClast, AUC0-? estavam dentro da variação de 80-125% proposta pelo Food and Drug Administration. Conclusão: Os comprimidos de 25mg Captopril-FURP e Captopril Farmanguinhos foram bioequivalentes ao Capoten® 25mg em sua taxa e extensão de absorção.

Objective: To assess three different captopril tablet formulations of 25mg for their bioavailability (Capoten® as the reference formulation and Captopril from FURP and Farmanguinhos as the test formulations) in 24 healthy volunteers of both sexes. Methods: The volunteers were free from serious disease, as assessed by physical and psychiatric examination, EKG, and laboratory tests. The study was open, with a three-period crossover design and a five-day washout period. Plasma samples were obtained over a 24-hour interval. Captopril concentrations were determined by reversed phase liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS). Results: The geometric mean for Capoten® /Captopril - FURP 25 mg was 96.9 % for AUC0-24, 95.58 % for AUC0-?, and 98.17% for Cmax. The 90% confidence intervals (CI) were 84.8-100.65%, 88.5-109.42% and 82.52-116.8%, respectively. The geometric mean for Capoten®/Captopril-Farmanguinhos 25 mg was 99.63 % for AUClast, 98.52% for AUC0-?, and 95.52 for Cmax. The 90% CI were 87.23-113.8%, 86.06-112.79% and 80.29-113.64%, respectively. Therefore, the 90% CI for Cmax, AUClast, AUC0-? were within the 80-125% interval proposed by the Food and Drug Administration. Conclusion: Captopril- FURP and Captopril-Farmanguinhos 25 mg tablets were bioequivalent to Capoten® 25 mg, according to both the rate and extent of absorption.

Captopril , Chromatographie en phase liquide à haute performance , Pharmacocinétique , Équivalence thérapeutique
São Paulo med. j ; São Paulo med. j;130(4): 248-251, 2012. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-647951


CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Hemoglobin (Hb) D hemoglobinopathies are widespread diseases in northwestern India and usually present with mild hemolytic anemia and mild to moderate splenomegaly. The heterozygous form of Hb D is clinically silent, but coinheritance of Hb D with Hb S or beta-thalassemia produces clinically significant conditions like thalassemia intermedia of moderate severity. Under heterozygous conditions with coinheritance of alpha and beta-thalassemia, patients show a degree of clinical variability. Thus, our aim was to molecularly characterize the Hb D trait among individuals who were clinically symptomatic because of co-inheritance of alpha deletions or any beta-globin gene mutations. DESIGN AND SETTING: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in an autonomous tertiary-care hospital. METHODS: Complete blood count and red cell indices were measured using an automated cell analyzer. Quantitative assessment of hemoglobin Hb F, Hb A, Hb A2 and Hb D was performed by means of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). DNA extraction was done using the phenol-chloroform method. Molecular analyses on common alpha deletions and common beta mutations were done using the Gap polymerase chain reaction and Amplification Refractory Mutation System, respectively. RESULTS: We evaluated 30 patients and found clinical variation in the behavior of Hb D traits. In six patients, the Hb D traits were clinically symptomatic and behaved like those of thalassemia intermedia. Molecular characterization showed that three out of these six were IVS-1-5 positive. CONCLUSIONS: HPLC may not be the gold standard for diagnosing symptomatic Hb D Punjab traits. Hence, standard confirmation should include molecular studies.

CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Hemoglobinopatias da hemoglobina (Hb) D são doenças amplamente disseminadas no noroeste da Índia e geralmente se apresentam com anemia hemolítica leve e esplenomegalia leve a moderada. A forma heterozigótica de Hb D é clinicamente silenciosa, mas co-herança de Hb D com Hb S ou beta-talassemia produzem condições clinicamente significativas, como talassemia intermediária de gravidade moderada. Em condição heterozigótica com co-herança de alfa e beta-talassemia, pacientes mostram variabilidade clínica. Assim, nosso objetivo foi a caracterização molecular dos traços da Hb D em individuos clinicamente sintomáticos, devido à co-herança de deleções de alfa ou quaisquer mutações gênicas de beta-globina. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo transversal; realizado em um hospital de cuidado terciário autônomo. MÉTODOS: Hemograma completo e índices de células vermelhas foram medidos pelo analisador automatizado de células. Avaliação quantitativa de hemoglobina Hb F, Hb A, Hb A2 e Hb D foi realizada por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. Extração de DNA foi feita pelo método de fenol-clorofórmio. Estudo molecular para deleções comuns de alfa e mutações comuns de beta foi feito por Gap-reação em cadeia da polimerase e amplificação refratária de mutação, respectivamente. RESULTADOS: Avaliamos 30 pacientes e verificamos variação clínica no comportamento dos traços da Hb D. Em seis pacientes, os traços da Hb D foram clinicamente sintomáticos e se comportavam como os de talassemia intermédia. A caracterização molecular mostrou que três desses seis pacientes eram IVS-1-5 positivos. CONCLUSÕES: HPLC pode não ser o padrão ouro para o diagnóstico de traços de Hb D Punjab sintomáticos. Assim, a confirmação padrão ouro deve incluir estudos moleculares.

Adolescent , Adulte , Enfant , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Femelle , Humains , Nourrisson , Mâle , Jeune adulte , Hémoglobinopathies/génétique , Hémoglobines anormales/génétique , Hémoglobines/génétique , Chromatographie en phase liquide , Études transversales , Hémoglobinopathies/sang , Hémoglobines anormales/analyse , Hémoglobines/analyse , Inde , Mutation/génétique , Réaction de polymérisation en chaîne
J. appl. oral sci ; J. appl. oral sci;19(4): 306-312, July-Aug. 2011. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-599752


OBJECTIVES: Residual methyl methacrylate (MMA) may leach from the acrylic resin denture bases and have adverse effects on the oral mucosa. This in vitro study evaluated and correlated the effect of the leaching residual MMA concentrations ([MMA]r) on in vitro cytotoxicity of L-929 fibroblasts. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 144 heat-polymerized acrylic resin specimens were fabricated using 4 different polymerization cycles: (1) at 74ºC for 9 h, (2) at 74ºC for 9 h and terminal boiling (at 100ºC) for 30 min, (3) at 74ºC for 9 h and terminal boiling for 3 h, (4) at 74ºC for 30 min and terminal boiling for 30 min. Specimens were eluted in a complete cell culture medium at 37ºC for 1, 2, 5 and 7 days. [MMA]r in eluates was measured using high-performance liquid chromatography. In vitro cytotoxicity of eluates on L-929 fibroblasts was evaluated by means of cell proliferation using a tetrazolium salt XTT (sodium 3´-[1-phenyl-aminocarbonyl)-3,4-tetrazolium]bis(4-methoxy-6-nitro)benzenesulphonic acid) assay. Differences in [MMA]r of eluates and cell proliferation values between polymerization cycles were statistically analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis, Friedman and Dunn's multiple comparison tests. The correlation between [MMA]r of eluates and cell proliferation was analyzed by Pearson's correlation test (p<0.05). RESULTS: [MMA]r was significantly (p<0.001) higher in eluates of specimens polymerized with cycle without terminal boiling after elution of 1 and 2 days. Cell proliferation values for all cycles were significantly (p<0.01) lower in eluates of 1 day than those of 2 days. The correlation between [MMA]r and cell proliferation values was negative after all elution periods, showing significance (p<0.05) for elution of 1 and 2 days. MMA continued to leach from acrylic resin throughout 7 days and leaching concentrations markedly reduced after elution of 1 and 2 days. CONCLUSION: Due to reduction of leaching residual MMA concentrations, use of terminal boiling in the polymerization process for at least 30 min and water storage of the heat-polymerized denture bases for at least 1 to 2 days before denture delivery is clinically recommended for minimizing the residual MMA and possible cytotoxic effects.

Résines acryliques/composition chimique , Bases d'appareil de prothèse dentaire/effets indésirables , Fibroblastes/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Méthacrylate de méthyle/toxicité , Polymérisation , Techniques de culture cellulaire , Chromatographie en phase liquide à haute performance , Prolifération cellulaire/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Température élevée , Test de matériaux , Facteurs temps
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 8(2)abr.-jun. 2010. graf, tab
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-550961


Objective: To compare the results for homocysteine concentration using chemiluminescence and HPLC methods in samples from school-age children. In addition, to determine the reference values for patients of this age group and assess the real prognostic value of homocysteine in healthy children. Methods: A prospective observational study was undertaken to determine plasma levels of homocysteine using two different assays, HPLC and chemiluminescence, in 185 samples from school-age children living in Santo Andre, with no chronic or inflammatory diseases, and absence of pubertal development. Results: The results were presented in percentiles and reference values were determined within this age group (7-9 years old). Homocysteine concentration ranged from 2.0 to 9.9 mumol/l (r = 0.821 and p < 0.001). Conclusions: It was verified that chemiluminescence is comparable to HPLC when both techniques are used to detect homocysteine in school-age children. There is an important correlation between both methods, which allows investigation of this amino acid as a risk factor for heart diseases.

Objetivo: Comparar os resultados da concentração de homocisteína usando os métodos de quimioluminescência e HPLC em amostras de crianças escolares. Determinar os valores de referência desse grupo etário e avaliar o valor prognóstico real da homocisteína em crianças saudáveis. Métodos: Um estudo prospectivo observacional foi executado para determinar os níveis de homocisteína usando dois ensaios diversos, o HPLC e a quimioluminescência, em 185 amostras de crianças em idade escolar moradoras da cidade de Santo André, que não apresentassem doenças crônicas ou inflamatórias, na ausência de desenvolvimento puberal. Resultados: Os resultados foram apresentados em percentis e os valores de referência foram determinados para esse grupo etário (7-9 anos). As concentrações de homocisteína variaram de 2,0 a 9,9 miumol/l (r = 0,821 e p < 0,001). Conclusões: Verificamos que o método da quimioluminescência é comparável ao método HPLC quando as técnicas são usadas para detectar a homocisteína em crianças em idade escolar. Houve importante correlação entre os dois métodos, o que permite a investigação desse aminoácido como um fator de risco para doenças cardíacas.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant , Chromatographie en phase liquide à haute performance , Homocystéine , Mesures de luminescence
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 18(2): 75-83, ago. 2005. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-420093


PROBLEMA: Se ha observado un aumento constante del índice de fracaso terapéutico de la combinación sulfadoxina-pirimetamina (SDX-PIR) en el tratamiento de la malaria por Plasmodium falciparum sin complicaciones. OBJETIVO: Cuantificar, mediante cromatografía de líquidos de alta resolución (HPLC), las concentraciones sanguíneas de SDX-PIR en pacientes con buena respuesta clínica y sin respuesta al tratamiento. MÉTODOS: En 2002 se llevó a cabo un estudio experimental con asignación aleatoria y sin anonimato para evaluar el tratamiento con la combinación SDX-PIR en una población de 79 pacientes de dos municipios del departamento de Antioquia en Colombia (Turbo: 45; Zaragoza: 34), de uno y otro sexo y de 1 a 60 años de edad, con malaria por Plasmodium falciparum sin complicaciones y una densidad de parasitemia de 500 a 50 000 anillos/æL. El tratamiento consistió en una sola dosis, administrada bajo supervisión médica, de SDX (25 mg/kg) y PIR (1,25 mg/kg) combinadas en comprimidos (500 mg y 25 mg de SDX y PIR, respectivamente) y se realizó seguimiento clínico y parasitológico por 21 días. Las concentraciones de SDX y PIR se midieron dos horas después de la administración del medicamento y el día del fracaso terapéutico en los casos en que se produjo. RESULTADOS: A las 2 horas de haberse administrado el medicamento la concentración sanguínea mediana de SDX fue de 136,6 æmol/L en los pacientes que mostraron respuesta clínica adecuada y de 103,4 æmol/L en quienes no respondieron al tratamiento (P = 0,13). La mediana de PIR fue 848,4 y 786,1 nmol/L en pacientes con respuesta clínica adecuada y fracaso terapéutico, respectivamente (P = 0,40). Las concentraciones tampoco mostraron diferencia significativa entre los casos de fracaso temprano y tardío. La correlación lineal entre las concentraciones de SDX y PIR fue cercana a cero (r = 0,13). DISCUSION Y CONCLUSIONES: Con respecto a 1998, el fracaso del tratamiento con la combinación SDX-PIR aumentó de 13 por ciento a 22 por ciento en Turbo y de 9 por ciento a 26 por ciento en Zaragoza. La falta de respuesta en 2002 no pudo explicarse por concentraciones (menores) de los medicamentos en sangre.

Problem. There has been a constant increase in the level of therapeutic failure of the sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) combination for treating uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Objective. To use high-performance liquid chromatography to quantify blood levels of SP in patients with good clinical response and in patients who did not respond to treatment. Methods. This experimental study was carried out in 2002 in Turbo and Zaragoza, two municipalities in the department of Antioquia in Colombia. There were 79 patients (45 in Turbo and 34 in Zaragoza), including both men and women, who ranged in age from 1 year to 60 years. All the patients had uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria, with a parasite density of 500 to 50 000 parasites/µL. The patients were each randomly assigned to a treatment group. The treatment groups were not blinded; the physician who provided the medication also evaluated the therapeutic response. The treatment consisted of a single combination dose of sulfadoxine (25 mg/kg) and pyrimethamine (1.25 mg/kg) in tablets (500 mg of sulfadoxine and 25 mg of pyrimethamine). Clinical-parasitological follow-up was carried out for 21 days. Blood levels of sulfadoxine and pyrimethamine were measured two hours after the treatment was given and also the day of treatment failure, if that occurred. Results. Two hours after the treatment was given, the median blood level of sulfadoxine was 136.6 µmol/L in the patients who later showed a good clinical response, and it was 103.4 µmol/L among those who did not respond to treatment (P = 0.13). The medians for pyrimethamine were 848.4 nmol/L in patients with a good clinical response and 786.1 nmol/L in patients with treatment failure (P = 0.40). There were no significant differences in drug levels between the early-failure cases and the latefailure cases. The linear correlation between the blood levels of sulfadoxine and pyrimethamine was close to zero (r = 0.13). Conclusions. Between 1998 and 2002, treatment failure with the SP combination increased from 13% to 22% in Turbo, and from 9% to 26% in Zaragoza. The lack of response in 2002 could not be explained by lower blood levels of the medications

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Nourrisson , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Adolescent , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Anti-infectieux/sang , Antipaludiques/sang , Paludisme/sang , Paludisme/traitement médicamenteux , Pyriméthamine/sang , Sulfadoxine/sang , 2435 , Colombie
Rev. cuba. farm ; 32(1): 45-51, ene.-abr. 1998.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-628419


Se desarrolló el estudio de estabilidad de las tabletas de ribofen 80 mg y se determinó su fecha de vencimiento. Este estudio se realizó por los métodos de vida de estante y de estabilidad acelerada, con la utilización de la cromatografía líquida de alta resolución. Se analizó también el efecto de la humedad sobre la estabilidad del producto, mediante la colocación de muestras en hidrostatos con humedades controladas. Este medicamento cumplió con los parámetros de calidad establecidos para dicho producto. Los resultados del estudio de estabilidad por vida de estante y los resultados del ensayo de disolución después de transcurridos 6, 12 y 24 meses infieren que el producto mantiene los parámetros que determinan su calidad. Además, no se observaron cambios en su aspecto organoléptico.

The stability study of the ribofen 80 mg tablets was developed and their expiration date was determined. This study was conducted by the shelf life and accelerated stability with the utilization of high pressure liquid chromatography. The humidity effect on the stability of the product was also analyzed by placing samples into hydrostats with controlled humidities. This drug met the parameters of quality established for this product. The results of the stability study by shelf life and of the dissolution assay after 6, 12 and 24 months showed that the product maintain the parameters determining its quality. Besides, no changes were observed in its organoleptic aspect.