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Rev. esp. anestesiol. reanim ; 71(3): 261-265, Mar. 2024. ilus
Article de Espagnol | IBECS | ID: ibc-230934


La histeroscopia es un procedimiento endoscópico que estudia el interior de la cavidad uterina y del canal endocervical con objetivo diagnóstico-terapéutico. Para obtener una visualización óptima de las estructuras se utilizan diversos fluidos como el suero salino fisiológico. Una complicación poco frecuente es la sobredosificación de volumen, lo cual puede asociarse a un síndrome de absorción intravascular tras histeroscopia, normalmente tras procedimientos largos o disección de tejidos. Respecto de este síndrome, no se disponen datos de incidencia y prevalencia, existiendo pocos casos reportados en relación a solución salina fisiológica. Se presenta el caso de una paciente sometida a resección miomatosa, que, como consecuencia del síndrome de absorción vascular, dio lugar a edema agudo de pulmón que requirió ingreso en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos.(AU)

Hysteroscopy is an exploratory endoscopic technique that studies the interior of the uterine cavity and the endocervical canal. Various fluids, such as physiological saline, are used to optimise visualisation of the internal structures during this procedure. A rare complication of hysteroscopy is fluid overload, which can be associated with intravascular absorption syndrome, usually after lengthy procedures or tissue dissection. There are no data on the incidence and prevalence of this syndrome, and few cases involving physiological saline solution have been reported. We present a case of hysteroscopic myomectomy complicated by vascular absorption syndrome, which gave rise to acute pulmonary oedema that required admission to the intensive care unit.(AU)

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Hystéroscopie/méthodes , Oedème pulmonaire/chirurgie , Absorption , Sérum , Anesthésie générale , Patients hospitalisés , Examen physique , Anesthésiologie
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 92(3): 105-113, ene. 2024. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557862


Resumen OBJETIVO: Determinar, mediante histeroscopia de evaluación y biopsia de endometrio, con análisis histológico endometrial e identificación de células plasmáticas con inmunohisdtoquímica con CD138 positiva, la prevalencia de endometritis crónica en pacientes infértiles. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional, retrospectivo, efectuado de marzo de 2016 a noviembre del 2021 en el Centro de Reproducción Asistida de Saltillo (CREAS), Coahuila, México, en pacientes que consultaron por infertilidad. El diagnóstico de endometritis crónica se estableció mediante histeroscopia y biopsia de endometrio con inmunohistoquímica CD138. Se analizaron la prevalencia y precisión diagnóstica de la histeroscopia y la biopsia de endometrio. Además, la relación entre las características histeroscópicas específicas y la endometritis crónica confirmada por biopsia con CD138 positiva. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de endometritis crónica por biopsia de endometrio CD138 positiva en las 170 pacientes estudiadas fue de 36% (n = 62) y por histeroscopia del 48.8% (n = 83), esta última con una sensibilidad del 48.3%, especificidad del 50.9%, valor predictivo positivo y negativo del 36.1 y 63.2%, respectivamente. En relación con las características histeroscópicas, la hiperemia endometrial tuvo una relación estadísticamente significativa con la prevalencia de endometritis crónica (p-value = 0.008; RM = 0.357; IC95%: 0.14-0.81) y con ≥ 2 características sugerentes de endometritis crónica (p-value = 0.015; RM = 3.63; IC95%: 1.15-12.69). CONCLUSIONES: En el procedimiento diagnóstico de la paciente infértil es importante descartar la endometritis crónica. Para ello es decisivo recurrir a herramientas diagnósticas, como la histeroscopia y confirmar el diagnóstico con una biopsia de endometrio con inmunohistoquímica CD138 positiva para que de esta manera pueda dirigirse el tratamiento.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of chronic endometritis in infertile patients by evaluating hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy with endometrial histologic analysis and identification of plasma cells by CD138-positive immunohistochemistry. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Observational, retrospective study performed from March 2016 to November 2021 at the Center for Assisted Reproduction of Saltillo (CREAS), Coahuila, Mexico, in patients who consulted for infertility. Chronic endometritis was diagnosed by hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy with CD138 immunohistochemistry. The prevalence and diagnostic accuracy of hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy were analysed. The association between specific hysteroscopic features and chronic endometritis confirmed by CD138-positive endometrial biopsy was also investigated. RESULTS: The prevalence of chronic endometritis by CD138-positive endometrial biopsy in the 170 patients studied was 36% (n = 62) and by hysteroscopy 48.8% (n = 83), the latter with a sensitivity of 48.3%, specificity of 50.9%, positive and negative predictive values of 36.1 and 63.2%, respectively. In relation to hysteroscopic features, endometrial hyperemia had a statistically significant relationship with the prevalence of chronic endometritis (p-value = 0.008; RM = 0.357; 95%CI: 0.14-0.81) and with ≥ 2 features suggestive of chronic endometritis (p-value = 0.015; RM = 3.63; 95%CI: 1.15-12.69). CONCLUSIONS: In the diagnostic process of infertile patients, it is important to exclude chronic endometritis. It is crucial to use diagnostic tools such as hysteroscopy and to confirm the diagnosis by endometrial biopsy with positive CD138 immunohistochemistry in order to guide treatment.

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 88(6): 389-393, dic. 2023. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530038


El síndrome de absorción intravascular en histeroscopia se origina por la rápida absorción vascular de soluciones isotónicas e hipotónicas utilizadas en irrigación intrauterina, ocasionando hipervolemia y dilución de electrolitos, especialmente hiponatremia. Cuando este síndrome es debido a intoxicación por glicina al 1,5% causa acidosis severa y neurotoxicidad. La incidencia de este síndrome es baja pero puede aumentar por factores como: falta de control de altura de bolsas de irrigación, ausencia de equilibrio de fluidos de soluciones de irrigación, tejidos altamente vascularizados como miomas uterinos y uso de sistema de electrocirugía monopolar. Se reporta el caso de una paciente con miomas uterinos, programada para resección mediante histeroscopia que cursa con síndrome de absorción intravascular por glicina, el temprano diagnóstico y rápido tratamiento intraoperatorio y postoperatorio permitió una evolución favorable. El manejo se basó en el uso de diuréticos, restricción de fluidos y soluciones hipertónicas de sodio.

Intravascular absorption syndrome in hysteroscopy is caused by rapid vascular absorption of isotonic and hypotonic solutions used in intrauterine irrigation, causing hypervolemia and electrolyte dilution, especially hyponatremia. When this syndrome is due to 1.5% glycine toxicity, it causes severe acidosis and neurotoxicity. The incidence of this syndrome is low but may increase due to factors such as: lack of control of the height of irrigation bags, lack of fluid balance in irrigation solutions, highly vascularized tissues such as uterine myomas and use of a monopolar electrosurgery system. The case of a patient with uterine myomas, scheduled for resection by hysteroscopy, who presents with intravascular glycine absorption syndrome, is reported. Early diagnosis and rapid intraoperative and postoperative treatment allowed a favorable evolution. Management was based on the use of diuretics, fluid restriction, and hypertonic sodium solutions.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Hystéroscopie/effets indésirables , Glycine/effets indésirables , Hyponatrémie/étiologie , Hyponatrémie/thérapie , Syndrome , Troubles de l'équilibre hydroélectrolytique/étiologie , Troubles de l'équilibre hydroélectrolytique/thérapie , Diurétiques/usage thérapeutique , Myomectomie de l'utérus , Solution hypertonique/usage thérapeutique , Irrigation thérapeutique/effets indésirables
Clín. investig. ginecol. obstet. (Ed. impr.) ; 50(3): [100853], Jul-Sep. 2023. tab, ilus
Article de Espagnol | IBECS | ID: ibc-223316


Dentro de la patología intracavitaria estructural, los miomas submucosos plantean una mayor dificultad de manejo frente a los pólipos. Dentro de los miomas submucosos los miomas tipo0 y1 son más fáciles de tratar, dado que su separación del miometrio subyacente es técnicamente más fácil. Así, las cirugías histeroscópicas más complicadas son actualmente las miomectomías de miomas submucosos tipo2.Se ha empezado a describir también el manejo histeroscópico de miomas tipo3 por histeroscopia.Con este artículo planteamos hacer una revisión de los puntos más relevantes para llevar a cabo un tratamiento adecuado de este tipo de miomas, revisando su diagnóstico, las técnicas quirúrgicas, la preparación de la paciente y la forma de evitar complicaciones quirúrgicas.(AU)

Within structural intracavitary pathology, submucosal myomas are more difficult to manage than polyps. Of the submucosal myomas, type0 and type1 are easier to treat because their separation from the underlying myometrium is technically easier. Therefore, the most complicated hysteroscopic surgeries are currently type2 submucosal myomectomies.We have also begun to describe the hysteroscopic management of type3 myomas.With this article we propose to make a review of the most relevant points for the correct treatment of this type of myoma, reviewing its diagnosis, surgical techniques, patient preparation, and how to avoid surgical complications.(AU)

Humains , Femelle , Myome , Hystéroscopie/instrumentation , Hystéroscopie/méthodes , Hystéroscopie/tendances , Lasers , Vasopressines , Maladies de l'utérus , Gynécologie
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37683974


Hysteroscopy is an exploratory endoscopic technique that studies the interior of the uterine cavity and the endocervical canal. Various fluids, such as physiological saline, are used to optimise visualisation of the internal structures during this procedure. A rare complication of hysteroscopy is fluid overload, which can be associated with intravascular absorption syndrome, usually after lengthy procedures or tissue dissection. There are no data on the incidence and prevalence of this syndrome, and few cases involving physiological saline solution have been reported. We present a case of hysteroscopic myomectomy complicated by vascular absorption syndrome, which gave rise to acute pulmonary oedema that required admission to the intensive care unit.

J. health sci. (Londrina) ; 25(3): 178-182, 202309229.
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563035


Endometrial ablation (EA) is a minimally invasive surgical procedure to reduce abnormal uterine bleeding contemplated for women who have achieved their reproductive goals. EA consists of the destruction of the endometrial layer with preservation of the uterus, although EA has lower complication rates than hysterectomy, it may be associated with metrorrhagia recurrence. One of the major causes of treatment failure is incomplete ablation of the endometrium. Thanks to techniques that have been developed in recent years, endometrial ablation can be performed on an outpatient basis, including by radiofrequency ablation. The main objective of this case series was to report four cases in which Radiofrequency Endometrial Ablation (RFEA) was used to treat abnormal uterine bleeding at a single ambulatory surgical center in Brazil. Hysteroscopic evaluation of the uterine cavity was performed immediately prior to the RFEA to diagnose possible endometrial pathologies and again at the conclusion of the procedure to assess the aspect of the newly treated endometrium. Verification of the completeness of the ablation was assessed by a third hysteroscopy 30 or 60 days after the ablation. In this case series RFEA was efficacious and safe for outpatient use. Although radiofrequency endometrial ablation can be performed without the use of the hysteroscope, we believe it is an important tool for the timely verification of the completeness of the endometrial ablation. (AU)

A ablação endometrial (AE) é um procedimento cirúrgico minimamente invasivo destinado a mulheres com prole estabelecida visando redução do sangramento uterino anormal. A AE consiste na destruição da camada endometrial com a preservação do útero, apesar da AE possuir menores índices de complicação do que a histerectomia, pode estar associada a recorrência do sangramento. Uma das causas da falha de tratamento é a ablação incompleta do endométrio. Atualmente, a ablação endometrial pode ser realizada ambulatorialmente graças às técnicas que vêm sendo desenvolvidas nos últimos anos, as quais incluem o uso de radiofrequência. O objetivo dessa série de casos é descrever 4 casos de Ablação Endometrial por Radiofrequência (AERF) para o tratamento de sangramento uterino anormal realizados em um mesmo ambulatório especializado no Brasil. Uma avaliação histeroscópica da cavidade uterina foi realizada imediatamente antes da AERF para diagnosticar possíveis patologias endometriais e imediatamente ao final do procedimento, para avaliar o aspecto do endométrio recém tratado e a necessidade de nova aplicação de radiofrequência. A integralidade da ablação foi verificada por uma terceira histeroscopia após 30 ou 60 dias depois da ablaçao. A técnica mostrou-se adequada para uso ambulatorial. Embora a ablação endometrial por radiofrequência possa ser realizada sem o uso do histeroscópio, acreditamos que seja uma ferramenta importante para a verificação oportuna da integralidade da ablação endometrial. (AU)

Clín. investig. ginecol. obstet. (Ed. impr.) ; 50(1): 100821-100821, Ene-Mar. 2023. tab, ilus
Article de Espagnol | IBECS | ID: ibc-214999


La histeroscopia se considera actualmente la prueba que posibilita no solo el diagnóstico, sino también el tratamiento de enfermedad intrauterina en paciente con clínica de sangrado uterino anormal causado por anomalías estructurales, como pólipos, adenomiosis, miomas submucosos, hiperplasia endometrial o cáncer de endometrio. La miniaturización del diámetro de los histeroscopios con canal de trabajo, del minirresector bipolar y de los sistemas de morcelación histeroscópica han permitido el tratamiento en régimen ambulatorio, en ocasiones en el mismo tiempo que el diagnóstico histeroscópico, aportando mayor satisfacción, reducción riesgos quirúrgicos o derivados de la anestesia y posibilitando una rápida resolución coste-efectiva de los síntomas. En este artículo se revisa la utilidad de la histeroscopia para el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la enfermedad estructural intrauterina causante de sangrado uterino anormal.(AU)

Hysteroscopy is currently considered the test that enables not only the diagnosis but also the treatment of intrauterine pathology in patients with symptoms of abnormal uterine bleeding caused by structural abnormalities such as polyps, adenomyosis, submucosal fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia, or endometrial cancer. The miniaturization of the diameter of hysteroscopes with working channels, the bipolar mini-resector, and the hysteroscopic morcellation systems have allowed outpatient treatment, sometimes at the same time as hysteroscopic diagnosis, providing greater satisfaction, reducing surgical and/or anaesthesia risks and enabling rapid cost-effective resolution of symptoms. This article reviews the usefulness of hysteroscopy for the diagnosis and treatment of intrauterine structural pathology causing abnormal uterine bleeding.(AU)

Humains , Femelle , Hystéroscopie , Hémorragie utérine , Myome , Endométriose intra-utérine , Hyperplasie endométriale , Gynécologie , Complications de la grossesse , Endomètre/traumatismes
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 44(12): 1102-1109, Dec. 2022. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431601


Abstract Objective To evaluate the use of misoprostol prior to hysteroscopy procedures regarding technical ease, the presence of side effects, and the occurrence of complications. Methods This is a retrospective, observational, analytical, case-control study, with the review of medical records of 266 patients followed-up at the Gynecological Videoendoscopy Sector of the Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto of the Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMRP - USP, in the Portuguese acronym) from 2014 to 2019, comparing 133 patients who used the drug before the procedure with 133 patients who did not. Results The occurrence of postmenopausal uterine bleeding was the main indication for hysteroscopy and revealed a statistical difference between groups (p < 0.001), being present in 93.23% of the patients in the study group and in 69.7% of the patients in the control group. Only 2 patients (1.5%) in the study group reported adverse effects. Although no statistical differences were observed regarding the occurrence of complications during the procedure (p = 0.0662), a higher total number of complications was noted in the group that used misoprostol (n = 7; 5.26%) compared with the group that did not use the drug (n = 1; 0.75%), a fact that is clinically relevant. When evaluating the ease of the technique (measured by the complete performance of all steps of the hysteroscopy procedure), it was verified that although there was no difference between groups (p = 0.0586), the control group had more than twice as many incompletely performed procedures (n = 17) when compared with the group that used misoprostol previously (n = 8), which is also clinically relevant. Conclusion The use of misoprostol prior to hysteroscopy in our service indicated that the drug can facilitate the performance of the procedure, but not without side effects and presenting higher complication rates.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliação do misoprostol prévio à histeroscopia quanto à facilidade técnica, efeitos colaterais e a ocorrência de complicações durante o procedimento. Métodos Estudo analítico observacional retrospectivo tipo caso controle com revisão de prontuários de 266 pacientes do Setor de Videoendoscopia Ginecológica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMRP - USP), de 2014 a 2019, sendo comparadas 133 pacientes que utilizaram o medicamento prévio ao procedimento com 133 pacientes que não o utilizaram. Resultados Sangramento uterino após a menopausa foi a principal indicação de histeroscopia, apresentando diferença estatística (p < 0,001), estando presente em 93,23% das pacientes do grupo de estudo e em 69,17% das pacientes do grupo controle. Apenas 2 pacientes (1,5%) do grupo de estudo relataram efeitos adversos. Não foram observadas diferenças quanto à presença de complicações durante o procedimento (p = 0,0662), mas observamos um número total de complicações maior no grupo de estudo (n = 7; 5,26%) do que no grupo controle (n = 1; 0,75%), o que é clinicamente relevante. Não houve diferença entre os grupos quanto à facilidade técnica (p = 0,0586), mas o grupo controle apresentou mais do que o dobro de procedimentos não completamente realizados (n = 17) quando comparado com o grupo de estudo (n = 8), o que é clinicamente relevante. Conclusão O uso de misoprostol prévio à histeroscopia no nosso serviço demonstrou que ele pode facilitar a realização do procedimento, mas não é isento de efeitos colaterais e apresenta maiores taxas de complicações.

Humains , Femelle , Hystéroscopie , Études rétrospectives , Misoprostol/effets indésirables , Misoprostol/usage thérapeutique
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 87(2): 145-151, abr. 2022. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388720


INTRODUCCIÓN: El istmocele es un defecto en la cicatrización del sitio de una histerotomía, que puede cursar con sangrado posmenstrual, dolor pélvico, dismenorrea, dispareunia e infertilidad secundaria. Esta patología ha ido incrementando su prevalencia dado el aumento de la tasa de cesáreas en todo el mundo. OBJETIVO: Se realizó una revisión sobre el istmocele y su manejo, presentando sus indicaciones específicas y las complicaciones asociadas a esta patología. MÉTODO: Se llevó a cabo una búsqueda en PubMed, Embase, Scopus y Google Scholar, en la que se encontraron 868 artículos, de los cuales se revisaron 30 al aplicar los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. DISCUSIÓN: El istmocele es cada vez más frecuente. Tiene una prevalencia cercana al 60% posterior a la realización de una cesárea y aumenta hasta valores del 100% con tres de ellas. Los métodos diagnósticos más utilizados son la ecografía transvaginal y la histerosonografía. Su abordaje es habitualmente quirúrgico, aunque existe la posibilidad de intentar tratamiento médico en algunos casos. CONCLUSIONES: Es necesario determinar el grosor miometrial para poder establecer un plan de manejo adecuado. Además, se ameritan estudios que realicen un seguimiento a largo plazo y que aporten mayor evidencia para la realización de cada procedimiento. Después de clasificar el tipo de defecto, el tratamiento quirúrgico del istmocele se debe ofrecer a pacientes sintomáticas y a aquellas con defectos grandes y que desean mantener la fertilidad.

INTRODUCTION: The isthmocele is a defect in the healing of the site of a hysterotomy, which can present with post-menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia and secondary infertility. This pathology has been increasing its prevalence given the increase in the rate of cesarean sections worldwide. OBJECTIVE: A review will be carried out of the isthmocele and its management, presenting its specific indications and the complications associated with this pathology. METHOD: A search was carried out in databases such as PubMed, Embase, Scopus and Google Scholar, finding a total of 868 articles, of which 30 of them were reviewed when applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. DISCUSSION: Isthmocele is an increasingly frequent pathology, having a prevalence of 60% after performing a cesarean section and increasing to 100% with 3 of them. There are multiple diagnostic methods, mainly transvaginal ultrasound and sono-hysterosonography. The approach to this pathology is usually surgical, although there is the possibility of trying medical treatment in some cases. CONCLUSIONS: It is necessary to determine the myometrial thickness in order to establish an adequate management plan. Additionally, long-term follow-up studies are warranted and provide more evidence for the performance of each procedure. After classifying the type of defect, surgical treatment of the isthmocele should be offered to symptomatic patients or those with large defects and who desire future fertility.

Humains , Femelle , Grossesse , Césarienne/effets indésirables , Cicatrice/étiologie , Cicatrice/thérapie , Hystérotomie/effets indésirables , Hystéroscopie , Facteurs de risque , Contraceptifs oraux/usage thérapeutique
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 90(11): 886-892, ene. 2022. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430415


Resumen OBJETIVO: Plantear un procedimiento para pacientes con retención de restos corioplacentarios y riesgo de formación de fístulas arteriovenosas que sea efectivo, seguro y ambulatorio. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio de serie de casos, retrospectivo, de pacientes atendidas en el Hospital Gea González de enero a mayo de 2022. Se empleó un equipo de Bettocchi, de flujo continuo de 5 mm, lente cilíndrico de 2.9 mm y 30°. En casos específicos se programó un procedimiento quirúrgico con resectoscopio Richard Wolf Princess, con diámetro exterior de 7 mm, sistema óptico de 2.7 mm, dirección visual de 30°. RESULTADOS: Se revisaron 642 expedientes de los que se obtuvo una serie de 31 casos que se incluyeron conforme a la clasificación de Gutenberg, con biopsia por protocolo posaborto y resección con Grasper para los tipos 0 y 1; dos pacientes se enviaron a Urgencias por sangrado abundante para aspiración mecánica endouterina inmediata; dos pacientes se catalogaron con tipo 3; en la primera se optó por el tratamiento médico con metotrexato con lo que se consiguió la resolución completa y la segunda finalizó el embarazo con histerectomía laparoscópica. CONCLUSIONES: En pacientes con imágenes ecográficas sugerentes de retención de restos corioplacentarios o malformación arteriovenosa, los procedimientos con visión directa evitan las complicaciones inmediatas y futuras. El diagnóstico mediante la clasificación de Gutenberg permite definir el tipo de acceso con extracción en frío con pinza Grasper para los tipos 0 y 1, o la aplicación de una prueba farmacológica con metotrexato y resección histeroscópica para los tipos 2 y 3 en pacientes hemodinámicamente estables.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To propose an effective, safe and outpatient procedure for patients with retained chorioplacental remnants and risk of arteriovenous fistula formation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective case series study of patients attended at the Gea González Hospital from January to May 2022. A Bettocchi equipment was used, 5 mm continuous flow, 2.9 mm cylindrical lens and 30°. In specific cases a surgical procedure was scheduled with a Richard Wolf Princess resectoscope, 7 mm outer diameter, 2.7 mm optical system, 30° visual direction. RESULTS: We reviewed 642 files from which we obtained a series of 31 cases that were included according to the Gutenberg classification, with biopsy by postabortion protocol and resection with Grasper for types 0 and 1; two patients were sent to the ER for heavy bleeding for immediate MVA; two patients were categorized as type 3; in the first one we opted for medical treatment with methotrexate with which we achieved complete resolution and the second one ended the pregnancy with laparoscopic hysterectomy. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with ultrasound images suggestive of retained chorioplacental debris or arteriovenous malformation, direct vision procedures avoid immediate and future complications. Diagnosis by Gutenberg classification allows to define the type of access with cold extraction with Grasper forceps for types 0 and 1, or the application of a pharmacological test with methotrexate and hysteroscopic resection for types 2 and 3 in hemodynamically stable patients.

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 86(4): 368-373, ago. 2021.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388672


OBJETIVO: Analizar la efectividad de las miomectomías histeroscópicas en consulta realizadas con minirresector y conocer si hay factores relacionados con el grado de satisfacción de las pacientes. MÉTODO: Estudio observacional, transversal y prospectivo, de mujeres sometidas a miomectomía histeroscópica en consulta durante el año 2018. Las pacientes recibieron medicación para la preparación cervical, analgesia oral y anestesia paracervical. La miomectomía se realizó con un minirresector de 5.8 mm. Se registraron el tiempo y el dolor en una escala visual analógica (EVA) durante la entrada y la resección, así como la satisfacción de las pacientes a los 3 meses con el cuestionario validado CSQ-8. RESULTADOS: El estudio incluyó 59 pacientes. El tiempo medio de entrada fue menor de 1 minuto (47,93 segundos) y el de resección fue de 13,51 minutos. El dolor referido por las pacientes en la EVA durante la entrada y la resección puntuó en torno a 3 y 4, respectivamente. Se consiguió un 74.6% de resecciones completas de los miomas y la puntuación media de satisfacción de las pacientes fue de 27.17. La resección completa del mioma se asoció con una mayor satisfacción total de las pacientes. CONCLUSIONES: La miomectomía histeroscópica en consulta llevada a cabo con un minirresector de 5.8 mm con analgesia paracervical obtiene buenos resultados clínicos, con buena satisfacción de las pacientes. Esta última se relaciona con una resección completa del mioma, sin que influyan el tiempo necesario para su exéresis ni el dolor.

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effectiveness of hysteroscopic myomectomy in office performed with mini-resectoscope, and to know if there is any variable related with patient satisfaction. METHOD: Observational and prospective transversal study, which included all women who underwent a hysteroscopic myomectomy in office in 2018. Patients received drugs for cervical preparation and pain management, as well as paracervical block. We used the 5.8 mm mini-resectoscope. We kept record of time and AVS pain during entrance and resection, as well as patient satisfaction 3 months after the procedure using the CSQ-8. RESULTS: The study included 59 patients. Mean entrance time was less than 1 minute (47.93 seconds), while mean resection time was 13.51 minutes. AVS pain during entrance and resection was around 3 and 4, respectively. We achieved 74.6% rate of complete resection. Mean patient satisfaction rate was 27.17 points. We found that a complete myoma resection is related to higher patient satisfaction. CONCLUSIONS: Hysteroscopic myomectomy in office performed with the 5.8 mm mini-resectoscope, using cervical block, achieves good clinical results and a good patient satisfaction. Patient satisfaction is associated with a complete resection of the myoma, without any influence of pain experienced or time required.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Hystéroscopie/méthodes , Hystéroscopie/psychologie , Satisfaction des patients , Myomectomie de l'utérus/méthodes , Myomectomie de l'utérus/psychologie , Études transversales , Analyse multifactorielle , Études prospectives , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Analyse de régression , Résultat thérapeutique , Hystéroscopes , Échelle visuelle analogique , Myome/chirurgie
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 43(7): 530-534, July 2021. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347245


Abstract Objective To evaluate the accuracy of transvaginal ultrasound in the diagnosis of intrauterine lesions, using hysteroscopy as the gold standard. Methods This was a prospective observational study with 307 patients. All patients underwent hysteroscopy after a previous transvaginal ultrasound to compare the results. The hysteroscopy was performed by experienced examiners, and transvaginal ultrasounds were performed in various public and private services, which is reflective of routine healthcare practices in obstetrics and gynecology. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of the transvaginal ultrasound were calculated using hysteroscopy as the gold standard. The level of agreement between the two exams was calculated using the Kappa test. Results Themean age was 56.55±12.3 years. For endometrial polyps, we observed a sensitivity of 39.8%, specificity of 72.7%, accuracy of 52.8%, and Kappa index of 0.11 (p=0.025). For fibroids, the sensitivity was 46.7%, specificity was 95.0%, accuracy was 87.9%, and Kappa index was 0.46 (p<0.001). For endometrial thickening, the sensitivity was 68.7%, specificity was 41.7%, accuracy was 47.6%, and Kappa index was 0.06 (p=0.126). For endometrial atrophy, we found a sensitivity of 6.7%, specificity of 99.3%, accuracy of 90.2%, and Kappa index of 0.10 (p=0.006). For the other findings, the sensitivity was 15.6%, specificity was 99.6%, accuracy was 87.3%, and Kappa index was 0.23 (P<0.001). Conclusion Our study demonstrated a low level of accuracy of transvaginal ultrasound for the diagnosis of endometrial lesions, when performed by a non-experienced professional. Thus, it is important to consider the use of hysteroscopy to avoid unnecessary and inappropriate treatments.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a acurácia do ultrassom transvaginal para o diagnóstico de lesões intrauterinas, tendo a histeroscopia como padrão de referência. Métodos Foi realizado um estudo observacional prospectivo em 307 pacientes, submetidas à histeroscopia após ultrassonografia prévia para comparação dos resultados. A histeroscopia foi realizada por duas médicas com experiência, e os exames de ultrassom foram realizados em diversas fontes, públicas ou privadas, como ocorre no cotidiano da assistência à saúde em nosso meio. Foram avaliados sensibilidade, especificidade e acurácia, tendo a histeroscopia como padrão-ouro. O nível de concordância foi avaliado pelo teste de Kappa. Resultados A idade média foi de 56,55±12,3 anos. Os resultados para pólipo endometrial foram: sensibilidade 39.8%, especificidade 72,7%, acurácia de 52,8%, e índice Kappa 0,11 (p=0,025). Para mioma, sensibilidade 46,7%, especificidade 95,0%, acurácia 87,9%, e índice Kappa 0,46 (p<0,001). Para espessamento endometrial, sensibilidade 68,7%, especificidade 41,7%, acurácia 47,6%, e índice Kappa de 0,06 (p=0,126). Para atrofia, sensibilidade 6,7%, especificidade 99,3%, acurácia 90,2%, e índice Kappa 0,10 (p=0,006). Para outros achados, sensibilidade 15,6%, especificidade 99,6%, acurácia 87,3%, e índice Kappa 0,23 (p<0,001). Conclusão Nosso estudo demonstrou baixo nível de acurácia da ultrassonografia transvaginal para o diagnóstico de lesões endometriais, quando realizada por profissional não experiente. Assim, é importante considerar o uso da histeroscopia para evitar tratamentos desnecessários e inadequados.

Humains , Femelle , Grossesse , Adulte , Sujet âgé , Polypes , Maladies de l'utérus/anatomopathologie , Maladies de l'utérus/imagerie diagnostique , Tumeurs de l'utérus/anatomopathologie , Léiomyome/anatomopathologie , Hystéroscopie , Échographie , Sensibilité et spécificité , Endomètre/anatomopathologie , Adulte d'âge moyen
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1508981


El embarazo ectópico cervical es una patología de baja frecuencia, que presenta alto riesgo de hemorragia y pérdida de la fertilidad debido a la necesidad de histerectomía. Presentamos un caso de embarazo ectópico cervical después de fecundación in vitro tratada con éxito con resección histeroscópica.

Cervical ectopic pregnancy is a low frequency pathology, which presents a high risk of hemorrhage and loss of fertility due to the need for hysterectomy. We present a case of cervical ectopic pregnancy after in vitro fertilization successfully treated with hysteroscopic resection.

Rev. peru. ginecol. obstet. (En línea) ; 67(1): 00005, ene.-mar 2021. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1280529


RESUMEN En los últimos años se han visto avances tecnológicos importantes, muchos aplicados al ámbito médico, permitiendo la evolución de numerosos procedimientos. Un ejemplo es la histeroscopia, donde la miniaturización de su instrumental y la mejora en la resolución de las imágenes han permitido su evolución de un procedimiento exclusivo de sala de operaciones al uso en consultorio. La vaginohisteroscopia permite diagnosticar y tratar la mayoría de las patologías endometriales sin anestesia, espéculo, pinzamiento ni dilatación del cuello uterino. Presenta una serie de ventajas como buena tolerancia por parte de la paciente, disminución de los costos, menos tiempo de espera para resolver las patologías y reposo laboral más corto, haciendo a este procedimiento el estándar para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de las patologías endometriales y endocervicales.

ABSTRACT In recent years there have been important technological advances, many applied to the medical field, allowing the evolution of numerous procedures. An example is hysteroscopy, where the miniaturization of its instruments and the improvement in the resolution of the images have allowed its evolution from an exclusive procedure in the operating room to use in the office. Vaginohysteroscopy allows the diagnosis of most endometrial pathologies without anesthesia, speculum, clamping or dilation of the cervix. It presents a series of advantages such as good tolerance by the patient, lower costs, less waiting time to resolve the pathologies and shorter work rest, making this procedure the standard for the diagnosis and treatment of endometrial and endocervical pathologies.

Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 43(1): 35-40, Jan. 2021. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156073


Abstract Objective To evaluate the presence of residual disease in the uterine specimen after hysteroscopic polypectomy or polyp biopsy in patients with endometrioid endometrial cancer (EC). Methods We analyzed a series of 104 patients (92 cases from the Hospital AC Camargo and 12 from the Hospital do Servidor Público Estadual de São Paulo) with polyps that were diagnosed by hysteroscopy, showing endometrioid EC associated with the polyp or in the final pathological specimen. Patients underwent a surgical approach for endometrial cancer from January 2002 to January 2017. Their clinical and pathological data were retrospectively retrieved from the medical records. Results In78cases (75%), thepolyphad EC, and in 40(38.5%), itwas restricted tothe polyp, without endometrial involvement. The pathologic stage was IA in 96 cases (92.3%) and 90 (86.5%) had histologic grade 1 or 2. In 18 cases (17.3%), there was no residual disease in the final uterine specimen, but only in 9 of them the hysteroscopy suggested that the tumor was restricted to the polyp. In 5 cases (4.8%) from the group without outside of the polyp during hysteroscopy, myometrial invasion was noted in the final uterine specimen. This finding suggests the possibility of disease extrapolation through the base of the polyp. Conclusion Patients with endometrioid EC associated with polyps may have the tumor completely removed during hysteroscopy, but the variables shown in the present study could not safely predict which patient would have no residual disease.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a presença de doença residual no exame anatomopatológico definitivo de pacientes com câncer de endométrio endometrioide após polipectomia ou biópsia de pólipo histeroscópica. Métodos Analisamos 104 pacientes (92 casos do Hospital AC Camargo e 12 casos do Hospital do Servidor Público Estadual de São Paulo) com pólipos diagnosticados durante histeroscopia e cuja biópsia histeroscópica ou exame patológico final do útero acusaram câncer de endométrio endometrioide. As pacientes foram submetidas a cirurgia para câncer de endométrio de janeiro de 2002 a janeiro de 2017. Os dados clínicos e anatomopatológicos de cada paciente foram retirados dos prontuários médicos Resultados Em 78 casos (75%), o pólipo continha a neoplasia, e em 40 (38.5%), ela estava restrita ao tecido do pólipo, sem envolvimento endometrial adjacente. O estadio final foi IA em 96 casos (92.3%) e em 90 (86.5%) tratava-se de grau 1 ou 2. Em 18 casos (17.3%), não havia doença residual no espécime uterino, mas emapenas 9 deles a histeroscopia sugeriu doença restrita ao pólipo. Em 5 casos (4.8%), não havia doença aparente extrapólipo na histeroscopia, mas havia invasão miometrial, sugerindo extravasamento do tumor pela base do pólipo. Conclusão Pacientes com câncer de endométrio associado a pólipos podem ter o tumor completamente removido durante a histeroscopia, mas, com as variáveis avaliadas, é difícil predizer com segurança qual paciente ficará sem tumor residual.

Humains , Femelle , Polypes/chirurgie , Tumeurs de l'endomètre/chirurgie , Carcinome endométrioïde/chirurgie , Maladie résiduelle/chirurgie , Récidive tumorale locale/chirurgie , Polypes/anatomopathologie , Hystéroscopie , Tumeurs de l'endomètre/anatomopathologie , Carcinome endométrioïde/anatomopathologie , Maladie résiduelle/anatomopathologie , Adulte d'âge moyen , Récidive tumorale locale/anatomopathologie
Rev. méd. Paraná ; 79(1): 46-51, 2021.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1282398


Objetivo: analisar lesões endometriais de pacientes com câncer de mama em tratamento com Tamoxifeno® presentes nas histeroscopias e relacioná-las com a dose de medicamento utilizada, tempo de terapêutica, presença de lesões endometriais prévias e estado de pré ou pós menopausa. Método: estudo retrospectivo, transversal e analítico. Dados analisados pelo teste qui quadrado, p<0,05. Resultados: dentre as 75 histeroscopias analisadas, 12 eram normais (16%) e 63 apresentaram alteração endometrial (84%). Dentre os achados das histeroscopias, 49 foram pólipos endometriais (67.12%), 7 foram pólipos endocervicais (9.58%), 11 foram hiperplasia simples sem atipias (15.06%), 1 foi hiperplasia complexa sem atipias (1.36%), 1 foi hiperplasia complexa com atipias (1.36%), 2 foram leiomiomas (2.73%) e 2 foram adenocarcinoma endometrioide (2.73%). Conclusão: O Tamoxifeno® predispõe o aparecimento de lesões endometriais, que podem ser malignas. Nesse estudo, a incidência dessas lesões foi expressivamente maior do que os valores encontrados na literatura

Objective: To analyze the endometrial lesions in hysteroscopies of patients with breast cancer undergoing treatment with Tamoxifeno® and to relate them to the dose of medication used, time of therapy, presence of previous endometrial lesions and pre or postmenopausal status. Method: retrospective, cross-sectional and analytical study. Data were statistically analyzed using the chi-square test, p <0.05. Results: Among the 75 hysteroscopies analyzed, 12 were normal (16%) and 63 presented endometrial alteration (84%). Among the hysteroscopic findings, 49 were endometrial polyps (67.12%), 7 were endocervical polyps (9.58%), 11 were simple hyperplasia without atypias (15.06%), 1 was complex hyperplasia without atypias (1.36%), 1 was complex hyperplasia with atypia (1.36%), 2 were leiomyomas (2.73%) and 2 were endometrioid adenocarcinoma (2.73%). Conclusion: Tamoxifen predisposes the appearance of endometrial lesions, which may be malignant. In this study, the incidence of these lesions was significantly higher than the values found in the literature

Humains , Femelle , Tamoxifène , Thérapeutique , Tumeurs du sein , Hystéroscopie , Carcinome endométrioïde
Femina ; 49(2): 109-114, 2021. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1224067


A endometrite crônica (EC) é uma doença que, apesar de ainda pouco investigada, tem sido associada a resultados reprodutivos desfavoráveis. Estudos têm mostrado que a EC pode prejudicar a receptividade endometrial, levando a falhas de implantação e perdas gestacionais recorrentes. Os métodos padronizados para diagnóstico incluem histeroscopia, histologia para pesquisa de plasmócitos e cultura endometrial para identificação de agentes bacterianos. O tratamento com antibióticos para EC parece melhorar as taxas de gestação e nascidos vivos em pacientes com falhas de implantação e perdas gestacionais recorrentes sem causa conhecida. Esta publicação tem por objetivo fazer uma revisão da etiologia, fisiopatologia, diagnóstico e tratamento da EC, seu impacto no microambiente endometrial e sua associação com infertilidade. Esta revisão narrativa da literatura atualizada sintetiza os achados encontrados em bases de dados computadorizadas.(AU)

Chronic endometritis (CE) is a poorly investigated disease, which has been related to adverse reproductive outcomes. Published studies have shown that CE can impair endometrial receptivity, which is associated with implantation failure and recurrent pregnancy loss. The standard tools for diagnosis include hysteroscopy, histology to identification of plasma cells and endometrial culture for identification of bacterial pathogens. Effective antibiotic treatment for CE seems to improve the pregnancy and live birth rates in patients with implantation failure and unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss. This paper intends to provide an overview of etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of CE, its impact on endometrial microenvironment and its association with infertility. This narrative review of the current literature synthesizes the findings retrieved from searches in computerized databases.(AU)

Humains , Femelle , Endométrite/diagnostic , Endométrite/étiologie , Endométrite/physiopathologie , Endométrite/traitement médicamenteux , Ceftriaxone/usage thérapeutique , Ciprofloxacine/usage thérapeutique , Hystéroscopie , Doxycycline/usage thérapeutique , Azithromycine/usage thérapeutique , Infertilité féminine/complications , Métronidazole/usage thérapeutique
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 66(12): 1633-1637, Dec. 2020. tab
Article de Anglais | Sec. Est. Saúde SP, LILACS | ID: biblio-1143665


SUMMARY BACKGROUND: Anxiety is almost always present before medical interventions and may play a role in pain perception. We aim to evaluate factors associated with pain intensity reported by patients submitted to Office Hysteroscopy (OH). METHODS: Cross-sectional observational study, with data from April to November 2015. It included patients attended at the Assis Chateaubriand Maternity School (MEAC/UFC) with an indication of office hysteroscopy. Before the examination, the patients answered a validated questionnaire about anxiety (STAI). After the examination, women answered the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 15.0, with Spearman correlation, Mann-Whitney U-test, and analyses of variance. RESULTS: 252 patients were included, with a mean age of 45.7 years, of whom 29% were postmenopausal (mean pain 5.5) and 71% were in menacme (mean pain 5.1) (p = 0.258). The anxiety trait and state showed a significant influence on the pain scale (p <0.001 and p=0.001), but age or endometrial sample did not. 27% of the patients were nulliparous. Less pain was associated with the number (p=0.01) and vaginal (p=0.005) of deliveries. The main indication for the procedure was abnormal uterine bleeding (54.4%). CONCLUSION: OH may be associated with moderate but tolerable discomfort. There was a significant correlation between higher scores on the pain scale and anxiety. There was evidence of reduced pain with parity and type of delivery, but not with reproductive age or endometrial biopsy.

RESUMO INTRODUÇÃO: A ansiedade está quase sempre presente antes de intervenções médicas e pode desempenhar um papel importante na percepção da dor. Buscou-se avaliar os fatores associados à intensidade da dor relatados pelos pacientes submetidos a histeroscopia ambulatorial (HA). MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional transversal, com dados de abril a novembro de 2015. Foram incluídas pacientes atendidas na Maternidade Escola Assis Chateaubriand (Meac/UFC) com indicação de HA. Antes do exame, as pacientes responderam a um questionário validado sobre ansiedade (IAM). Após o exame, as mulheres responderam à Escala Visual Analógica (EVA). Os dados foram analisados no Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 15.0, com correlação de Spearman, teste U de Mann-Whitney e Anova. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídas 252 pacientes, com idade média de 45,7 anos, das quais 29% estavam na pós-menopausa (dor média 5,5) e 71% eram menacme (dor média 5,1) (p = 0,258). O traço e o estado de ansiedade mostraram influência significativa na escala de dor (p<0,001 e p=0,001). Vinte e sete por cento das pacientes eram nulíparas. Menor dor foi associada ao número (p=0,01) e tipo vaginal (p=0,005) de partos. A principal indicação para o procedimento foi sangramento uterino anormal (54,4%); 66,1% necessitaram de amostra endometrial. CONCLUSÕES: A HA pode estar associada a um desconforto moderado, mas tolerável. Houve correlação significativa entre escores mais altos na escala de dor e ansiedade, menor paridade, mas não com idade reprodutiva ou procedimento de biópsia endometrial.

Humains , Femelle , Grossesse , Douleur/étiologie , Hystéroscopie , Anxiété , Études transversales , Perception de la douleur , Adulte d'âge moyen