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Mar Pollut Bull ; 207: 116908, 2024 Sep 03.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39232413


The increase in climate-related extreme events and ecosystem degradation demands consistent and sustainable climate mitigation efforts. Seagrass playing a key role in nature-based carbon sequestration mitigation strategy. Here, we investigated the role of coral reef connectivity in blue carbon dynamics with seagrass meadows with coral reef connectivity (SC areas) and without coral reef connectivity (SG areas) in Palk Bay, India. The high sediment organic carbon was recorded in SC areas (90.26 ± 25.68 Mg org.C/ha) and lower in SG areas (66.96 ± 12.6 Mg org.C/ha). The maximum above-ground biomass (AGB) was recorded in Syringodium isoetifolium (35.43 ± 8.50) in SC areas and the minimum in Halophila ovalis (7.59 ± 0.90) in SG areas, with a similar trend observed in below-ground biomass (BGB). Our findings highlight the importance of coral reefs in enhancing the blue carbon potential of seagrass ecosystems and underscore the need for integrated conservation and restoration strategies for coral reefs and seagrasses.

Mar Environ Res ; 202: 106739, 2024 Sep 05.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39255630


Octocorals are showing resilience to local and global stressors, while the decline in zooxanthellate corals continues. One of the processes that helps explain this ecological succession is the vertical growth of octocorals, which allows colonies to avoid stressors occurring at the substrate level. However, the growth and survival of octocorals could be affected by eutrophication, similar to what has happened with zooxanthellate corals. For this reason, the growth rate, mortality and survival of two octocoral species were determined along a eutrophication gradient in Cuba. A permanent band transect (250 × 2 m) was established on seven frontal reefs, and marked colonies were monitored for one year. The growth rates in height, width and colony area of Eunicea flexuosa and Plexaura kükenthali were significantly greater in the reefs near the polluted river basins. The eutrophication gradient, water visibility, and sediment accumulation on the bottom explained 36-78% of the variability in the growth of both species. The positive and significant correlations between the growth rate and stable nitrogen isotopes in both species and the microbiological variables, suggest that the contributions of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and organic matter from sewage discharge favor the growth of colonies. The eutrophication gradient did not explain the variability in mortality of either species in the short term, while hydrodynamic stress did. The results of this research highlight the resilience of both species and their ability to grow more rapidly in areas with eutrophic conditions, low water visibility, and greater sediment accumulation on the bottom, which may help explain the abundance of octocorals in the western tropical Atlantic.

Proc Biol Sci ; 291(2030): 20240587, 2024 Jan.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39257340


Adaptation of reef-building corals to global warming depends upon standing heritable variation in tolerance traits upon which selection can act. Yet limited knowledge exists on heat-tolerance variation among conspecific individuals separated by metres to hundreds of kilometres. Here, we performed standardized acute heat-stress assays to quantify the thermal tolerance traits of 709 colonies of Acropora spathulata from 13 reefs spanning 1060 km (9.5° latitude) of the Great Barrier Reef. Thermal thresholds for photochemical efficiency and chlorophyll retention varied considerably among individual colonies both among reefs (approximately 6°C) and within reefs (approximately 3°C). Although tolerance rankings of colonies varied between traits, the most heat-tolerant corals (i.e. top 25% of each trait) were found at virtually all reefs, indicating widespread phenotypic variation. Reef-scale environmental predictors explained 12-62% of trait variation. Corals exposed to high thermal averages and recent thermal stress exhibited the greatest photochemical performance, probably reflecting local adaptation and stress pre-acclimatization, and the lowest chlorophyll retention suggesting stress pre-sensitization. Importantly, heat tolerance relative to local summer temperatures was the greatest on higher latitude reefs suggestive of higher adaptive potential. These results can be used to identify naturally tolerant coral populations and individuals for conservation and restoration applications.

Anthozoa , Récifs de corail , Animaux , Anthozoa/physiologie , Chlorophylle/métabolisme , Acclimatation , Température élevée , Thermotolérance , Réchauffement de la planète , Adaptation physiologique , Australie
Glob Chang Biol ; 30(8): e17469, 2024 Aug.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39155748


Marine heatwaves (MHWs), increasing in duration and intensity because of climate change, are now a major threat to marine life and can have lasting effects on the structure and function of ecosystems. However, the responses of marine taxa and ecosystems to MHWs can be highly variable, making predicting and interpreting biological outcomes a challenge. Here, we review how biological responses to MHWs, from individuals to ecosystems, are mediated by fine-scale spatial variability in the coastal marine environment (hereafter, local gradients). Viewing observed responses through a lens of ecological theory, we present a simple framework of three 'resilience processes' (RPs) by which local gradients can influence the responses of marine taxa to MHWs. Local gradients (1) influence the amount of stress directly experienced by individuals, (2) facilitate local adaptation and acclimatization of individuals and populations, and (3) shape community composition which then influences responses to MHWs. We then synthesize known examples of fine-scale gradients that have affected responses of benthic foundation species to MHWs, including kelp forests, coral reefs, and seagrass meadows and link these varying responses to the RPs. We present a series of case studies from various marine ecosystems to illustrate the differential impacts of MHWs mediated by gradients in both temperature and other co-occurring drivers. In many cases, these gradients had large effect sizes with several examples of local gradients causing a 10-fold difference in impacts or more (e.g., survival, coverage). This review highlights the need for high-resolution environmental data to accurately predict and manage the consequences of MHWs in the context of ongoing climate change. While current tools may capture some of these gradients already, we advocate for enhanced monitoring and finer scale integration of local environmental heterogeneity into climate models. This will be essential for developing effective conservation strategies and mitigating future marine biodiversity loss.

Changement climatique , Écosystème , Organismes aquatiques/physiologie , Récifs de corail , Animaux , Température élevée , Acclimatation
Mar Pollut Bull ; 207: 116867, 2024 Aug 24.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39182405


Chemical pollution is a threat to coral reefs. To preserve them, it is crucial to monitor novel contaminants and assess the related risks. The occurrence of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in coral reefs has been poorly investigated until now. Under this light, we tested the use of the marine sponge Cf. Hyrtios as bio-monitors and conducted a pilot study in the Faafu Atoll (Maldives). Analyses were carried out by in vivo solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and liquid chromatography (LC) electrospray ionization (ESI) tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). Twelve APIs were selected for method optimization. Limits of quantitation (LOQs) were in the 0.6 and 2.5 ng/g range, accuracy between 86.5 % and 104.7 %, and precision between 3.0 % and 14.9 %. All the sponges located in the inner reefs resulted contaminated with at least one API. Gabapentin and Carbamazepine displayed the highest detection rates, while Ketoprofen had the highest concentration (up to 15.7 ng/g).

Biodivers Data J ; 12: e126744, 2024.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39184369


Accurate species identification, based on DNA barcoding, can be achieved when sufficient sequence variations are present amongst species in the sampled marker. In general, the ability to discriminate species decreases with shorter sequences; however, shorter regions have a merit in amplification success by the polymerase chain reaction. In either case, it is important to investigate sequence variations amongst species before barcoding to understand its reliability and limitations. In this study, we investigate how accurately short, but hypervariable portion of the mitochondrial 12S ribosomal RNA (12S) gene (MiFish region with approximately 180 bp) is used to identify each species in diversified pomacentrid fishes compared with the longer region of the same gene (approximately 750 bp). We prepared three datasets with 301 sequences of the MiFish region for 150 species, the same 301 of sequences of the longer 12S region and 476 sequences of the MiFish region for 183 species. Neighbour-joining (NJ) analyses and genetic distance analyses revealed several indistinguishable pairs of species in these DNA regions. Although the number of such pairs was larger in the MiFish region, 83.6% (153 of 183) of species possessed respective unique sequences even in the MiFish region (versus 96.0% [144 of 150 species] in the longer 12S region). A part of indistinguishable pairs of species might have caused by mitochondrial DNA introgressions and taxonomically unresolved problems. Our analysis clarified the effectiveness and limitations of species identification using DNA barcoding for Pomacentridae and the sequences we provided here contribute to the expansion of references for pomacentrid mitochondrial 12S sequences.

Microb Ecol ; 87(1): 110, 2024 Aug 31.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39215820


Coral reefs rely heavily on reef fish for their health, yet overfishing has resulted in their decline, leading to an increase in fast-growing algae and changes in reef ecosystems, a phenomenon described as the phase-shift. A clearer understanding of the intricate interplay between herbivorous, their food, and their gut microbiomes could enhance reef health. This study examines the gut microbiome and isotopic markers (δ13C and δ15N) of four key nominally herbivorous reef fish species (Acanthurus chirurgus, Kyphosus sp., Scarus trispinosus, and Sparisoma axillare) in the Southwestern Atlantic's Abrolhos Reef systems. Approximately 16.8 million 16S rRNA sequences were produced for the four fish species, with an average of 317,047 ± 57,007 per species. Bacteria such as Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Cyanobacteria were prevalent in their microbiomes. These fish show unique microbiomes that result from co-diversification, diet, and restricted movement. Coral-associated bacteria (Endozoicomonas, Rhizobia, and Ruegeria) were found in abundance in the gut contents of the parrotfish species Sc. trispinosus and Sp. axillare. These parrotfishes could aid coral health by disseminating such beneficial bacteria across the reef. Meanwhile, Kyphosus sp. predominantly had Pirellulaceae and Rhodobacteraceae. Four fish species had a diet composed of turf components (filamentous Cyanobacteria) and brown algae (Dictyopteris). They also had similar isotopic niches, suggesting they shared food sources. A significant difference was observed between the isotopic signature of fish muscular gut tissue and gut contents, pointing to the role that host genetics and gut microbes play in differentiating fish tissues.

Bactéries , Récifs de corail , Poissons , Microbiome gastro-intestinal , ARN ribosomique 16S , Animaux , ARN ribosomique 16S/génétique , Poissons/microbiologie , Bactéries/classification , Bactéries/génétique , Bactéries/isolement et purification , Herbivorie , Spécificité d'espèce , Isotopes du carbone/analyse , Isotopes de l'azote/analyse , Perciformes/microbiologie , Régime alimentaire/médecine vétérinaire
Mol Ecol ; : e17520, 2024 Aug 28.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39205506


Animal gut microbiomes are critical to host physiology and fitness. The gut microbiomes of fishes-the most abundant and diverse vertebrate clade-have received little attention relative to other clades. Coral reef fishes, in particular, make up a wide range of evolutionary histories and feeding ecologies that are likely associated with gut microbiome diversity. The repeated evolution of herbivory in fishes and mammals also allows us to examine microbiome similarity in relationship to diet across the entire vertebrate tree of life. Here, we generate a large coral reef fish gut microbiome dataset (n = 499 samples, 19 species) and combine it with a diverse aggregation of public microbiome data (n = 447) to show that host diet drives significant convergence between coral reef fish and mammalian gut microbiomes. We demonstrate that this similarity is largely driven by carnivory and herbivory and that herbivorous and carnivorous hosts exhibit distinct microbial compositions across fish and mammals. We also show that fish and mammal gut microbiomes share prominent microbial taxa, including Ruminoccocus spp. and Akkermansia spp., and predicted metabolic pathways. Despite the major evolutionary and ecological differences between fishes and mammals, our results reveal that their gut microbiomes undergo similar dietary selective pressures. Thus, diet, in addition to phylosymbiosis must be considered even when comparing the gut microbiomes of distantly related hosts.

J Environ Manage ; 368: 121953, 2024 Sep.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39168002


Coral reefs are highly important ecosystems providing habitat for biodiverse marine life and numerous benefits for humans. However they face immense risks from climate change. To date, Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) climate models have aided global discussions on possible policy responses to adapt to change, but tailored climate projections at a useful scale for environmental managers are often prohibitively expensive to produce. Our research addresses this problem by presenting a novel type of collaborative, participatory research that integrates 1) site specific climate metrics from the Community Earth System Model version 2 large ensemble (CESM2-LE), 2) ecosystem response models to determine Degree Heating Months and coral bleaching impacts, and 3) collaborative social science data from environmental manager engagement to see how managers in one of the most visited marine sanctuaries in the world are enacting adaptive governance, stewarding reefs through climate impacts of the future. Our research is valuable to decision-makers seeking opportunities for innovative policy responses to climate impacts focused on experimentation and dialogue.

Changement climatique , Modèles climatiques , Récifs de corail , Écosystème , Conservation des ressources naturelles , Humains
Theor Popul Biol ; 160: 1-13, 2024 Aug 23.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39182695


Settlement is a critical transition in the life history of reef fish, and the timing of this event can have a strong effect on fitness. Key factors that influence settlement timing are predictable lunar cyclic variation in tidal currents, moonlight, and nocturnal predation risk as larvae transition from pelagic to benthic environments. However, populations typically display wide variation in the arrival of settlers over the lunar cycle. This variation is often hypothesized to result from unpredictable conditions in the pelagic environment and bet-hedging by spawning adults. Here, we consider the hypothesis that the timing of spawning and settlement is a strategic response to post-settlement competition. We use a game theoretic model to predict spawning and settlement distributions when fish face a tradeoff between minimizing density-independent predation risk while crossing the reef crest vs. avoiding high competitor density on settlement habitat. In general, we expect competition to spread spawning over time such that settlement is distributed around the lunar phase with the lowest predation risk, similar to an ideal free distribution in which competition spreads competitors across space. We examine the effects of overcompensating density dependence, age-dependent competition, and competition among daily settler cohorts. Our model predicts that even in the absence of stochastic variation in the larval environment, competition can result in qualitative divergence between spawning and settlement distributions. Furthermore, we show that if competitive strength increases with settler age, competition results in covariation between settler age and settlement date, with older larvae settling when predation risk is minimal. We predict that competition between daily cohorts delays peak settlement, with priority effects potentially selecting for a multimodal settlement distribution.

R Soc Open Sci ; 11(7): 240187, 2024 Jul.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39050726


The persistence of reef-building corals is threatened by macroalgal competitors leading to a major demographic bottleneck in coral recruitment. Whether parental effects exist under coral-algal competition and whether they influence offspring performance via microbiome alterations represent major gaps in our understanding of the mechanisms by which macroalgae may hinder coral recovery. We investigated the diversity, variability and composition of the microbiome of adults and larvae of the coral Pocillopora acuta and surrounding benthic substrate on algal-removed and algal-dominated bommies. We then assessed the relative influence of parental and offspring environmental effects on coral recruitment processes by reciprocally exposing coral larvae from two parental origins (algal-removed and algal-dominated bommies) to algal-removed and algal-dominated environmental conditions. Dense macroalgal assemblages impacted the microbiome composition of coral larvae. Larvae produced by parents from algal-dominated bommies were depleted in putative beneficial bacteria and enriched in opportunistic taxa. These larvae had a significantly lower survival compared to larvae from algal-removed bommies regardless of environmental conditions. In contrast, algal-induced parental and offspring environmental effects interacted to reduce the survival of coral recruits. Together our results demonstrate negative algal-induced parental and offspring environmental effects on coral recruitment that could be mediated by alterations in the offspring microbiome.

PeerJ ; 12: e17640, 2024.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39071125


Anthropogenic stressors like overfishing, land based runoff, and increasing temperatures cause the degradation of coral reefs, leading to the loss of corals and other calcifiers, increases in competitive fleshy algae, and increases in microbial pathogen abundance and hypoxia. To test the hypothesis that corals would be healthier by moving them off the benthos, a common garden experiment was conducted in which corals were translocated to midwater geodesic spheres (hereafter called Coral Reef Arks or Arks). Coral fragments translocated to the Arks survived significantly longer than equivalent coral fragments translocated to Control sites (i.e., benthos at the same depth). Over time, average living coral surface area and volume were higher on the Arks than the Control sites. The abundance and biomass of fish were also generally higher on the Arks compared to the Control sites, with more piscivorous fish on the Arks. The addition of Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS), which served as habitat for sessile and motile reef-associated organisms, also generally significantly increased fish associated with the Arks. Overall, the Arks increased translocated coral survivorship and growth, and exhibited knock-on effects such as higher fish abundance.

Anthozoa , Biomasse , Récifs de corail , Poissons , Animaux , Anthozoa/microbiologie , Anthozoa/physiologie
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci ; 379(1909): 20230176, 2024 Sep 09.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39034701


The local stability and resilience of 13 eco-social keystone species complexes (eco-social KSCs)-considered as conservation and monitoring units-were quantified in coastal marine ecosystems located in the Caribbean and eastern Pacific. Based on Routh-Hurwitz's criterion and Levins' criteria, the eco-social KSCs corresponding to Islas Marietas National Park (Mexico) emerged as the most locally stable and resilient ecosystem. To the contrary, the eco-social KSCs determined for Guala Guala Bay (Chile) and Xcalak Reef National Park (Caribbean) were the least stable and resilient, respectively. In terms of sensitivity, the eco-social KSCs corresponding to El Cobre Bay (Chile) presented the greatest number of sensitive components. The ecological section of the KSCs is formed by a tri-trophic network, dominating self-negative feedbacks. In the case of the socio-economic section, the fisher could exhibit the three types of self-feedbacks, and instead, the demand should be controlled. The identification of eco-social KSCs and the quantification of their stabilities and resiliences allow us to approach ecosystem-based fisheries management under a climate change context. Therefore, we suggest assessing and monitoring the persistence of the eco-social KSCs herein analysed over time, as a way to conserve the fundamental network structure of these ecosystems intervened by fishing.This article is part of the theme issue 'Connected interactions: enriching food web research by spatial and social interactions'.

Conservation des ressources naturelles , Écosystème , Conservation des ressources naturelles/méthodes , Caraïbe , Océan Pacifique , Animaux , Pêcheries , Mexique , Surveillance de l'environnement/méthodes
Biodivers Data J ; 12: e120128, 2024.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39050045


Background: During the 2022 Nekton Maldives Mission, we deployed a variety of platforms (snorkelling, remotely-operated vehicles and manned submersibles) to conduct video surveys of the biodiversity and composition of shallow (< 30 m), mesophotic (30-150 m) and deep-sea (> 150 m) benthos found in the Maldives' central and southern atolls. In total, ~ 80 hrs of stereo-video footage were collected during the benthic transect surveys, which were subsequently processed using annotation software in order to evaluate benthic biodiversity and community composition. Here, we present a photographic guide for the visual, in situ identification of reef benthos encountered, including corals, sponges and other invertebrates that inhabit Maldives' nearshore habitats. We hope that this identification guide will aid future imagery-based surveys or observations of organisms during fieldwork. New information: A total of 283 morphotypes were identified, including those belonging to Octocorallia (61), Scleractinia (57), Porifera (38), Asteroidea (22), Antipatharia (15), Decapoda (13), Hydrozoa (12), Holothuroidea (10), Actiniaria (9), Echinoidea (8), Annelida (6), Chlorophyta (5), Gastropoda (4), Bivalvia (4), Ascidiacea (3), Crinoidea (3), Bryozoa (2), Cyanobacteria (2), Zoantharia (2), Cephalopoda (1), Ceriantharia (1), Corallimorpharia (1), Ctenophora (1), Ophiuroidea (1), Rhodophyta (1) and to an unknown category (1). Out of these, we identified 40 to species level, 120 to genus, 47 to family, 14 to order and suborder, 58 to class and subclass, two to phylum and one was of unknown phylum. This represents the first attempt to catalogue the mesophotic and deep-sea benthic megafaunal diversity in the Maldives using underwater imagery.

Environ Microbiome ; 19(1): 54, 2024 Jul 30.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39080706


BACKGROUND: Marine benthic prokaryotic communities play crucial roles in material recycling within coastal environments, including coral reefs. Coastal sedimentary microbiomes are particularly important as potential reservoirs of symbiotic, beneficial, and pathogenic bacteria in coral reef environments, and therefore presumably play a core role in local ecosystem functioning. However, there is a lack of studies comparing different environments with multiple sites on the island scale, particularly studies focusing on prokaryotic communities, as previous investigations have focused mainly on a single site or on specific environmental conditions. In our study, we collected coastal sediments from seven sites around Okinawa Island, Japan, including three different benthic types; sandy bottoms, seagrass meadows, and hard substratum with living scleractinian corals. We then used metabarcoding to identify prokaryotic compositions and estimate enzymes encoded by genes to infer their functions. RESULTS: The results showed that the three substrata had significantly different prokaryotic compositions. Seagrass meadow sites exhibited significantly higher prokaryotic alpha-diversity compared to sandy bottom sites. ANCOM analysis revealed that multiple bacterial orders were differentially abundant within each substratum. At coral reef sites, putative disease- and thermal stress-related opportunistic bacteria such as Rhodobacterales, Verrucomicrobiales, and Cytophagales were comparatively abundant, while seagrass meadow sites abundantly harbored Desulfobacterales, Steroidobacterales and Chromatiales, which are common bacterial orders in seagrass meadows. According to our gene-coded enzyme analyses the numbers of differentially abundant enzymes were highest in coral reef sites. Notably, superoxide dismutase, an important enzyme for anti-oxidative stress in coral tissue, was abundant at coral sites. Our results provide a list of prokaryotes to look into in each substrate, and further emphasize the importance of considering the microbiome, especially when focusing on environmental conservation. CONCLUSION: Our findings prove that prokaryotic metabarcoding is capable of capturing compositional differences and the diversity of microbial communities in three different environments. Furthermore, several taxa were suggested to be differentially more abundant in specific environments, and gene-coded enzymic compositions also showed possible differences in ecological functions. Further study, in combination with field observations and temporal sampling, is key to achieving a better understanding of the interactions between the local microbiome and the surrounding benthic community.

Ecol Soc ; 29(2): 1-25, 2024.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38993652


Coral reef resilience is eroding at multiple spatial scales globally, with broad implications for coastal communities, and is thus a critical challenge for managing marine social-ecological systems (SESs). Many researchers believe that external stressors will cause key coral reefs to die by the end of the 21st century, virtually eliminating essential ecological and societal benefits. Here, we propose the use of resilience-based approaches to understand the dynamics of coral reef SESs and subsequent drivers of coral reef decline. Previous research has demonstrated the effectiveness of these methods, not only for tracking environmental change, but also for providing warning in advance of transitions, possibly allowing time for management interventions. The flexibility and utility of these methods make them ideal for assessing complex systems; however, they have not been used to study aquatic ecosystem dynamics at the global scale. Here, we evaluate these methods for examining spatiotemporal change in coral reef SESs across the global seascape and assess the subsequent impacts on coral reef resilience. We found that while univariate indicators failed to provide clear signals, multivariate resilience-based approaches effectively captured coral reef SES dynamics, unveiling distinctive patterns of variation throughout the global coral reef seascape. Additionally, our findings highlight global spatiotemporal variation, indicating patterns of degraded resilience. This degradation was reflected regionally, particularly in the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean SESs. These results underscore the utility of resilience-based approaches in assessing environmental change in SESs, detecting spatiotemporal variation at the global and regional scales, and facilitating more effective monitoring and management of coral reef SESs.

ISME J ; 2024 Jul 11.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38988135


Cellular mechanisms responsible for the regulation of nutrient exchange, immune responses, and symbiont population growth in the cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis are poorly resolved, particularly with respect to the dinoflagellate symbiont. Here, we characterised proteomic changes in the native symbiont Breviolum minutum during colonisation of its host sea anemone Exaiptasia diaphana ("Aiptasia"). We also compared the proteome of this native symbiont in the established symbiotic state with that of a non-native symbiont, Durusdinium trenchii. The onset of symbiosis between Aiptasia and Branchioglossum minutum increased accumulation of symbiont proteins associated with acquisition of inorganic carbon and photosynthesis, nitrogen metabolism, micro- and macronutrient starvation, suppression of host immune responses, tolerance to low pH, and management of oxidative stress. Such responses are consistent with a functional, persistent symbiosis. In contrast, D. trenchii predominantly showed elevated levels of immunosuppressive proteins, consistent with the view that this symbiont is an opportunist that forms a less beneficial, less well-integrated symbiosis with this model anemone. By adding symbiont analysis to the already known responses of the host proteome, our results provide a more holistic view of cellular processes that determine host-symbiont specificity and how differences in symbiont partners (i.e., native versus non-native symbionts) may impact the fitness of the cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis.

Ecol Evol ; 14(6): e11326, 2024 Jun.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38895579


Feeding habits of herbivorous fishes play an important role in shaping the form and function of coastal marine ecosystems. Rabbitfishes (Siganidae) are important consumers of macroalgae on Indo-West Pacific coral reefs. However, it is unclear how their diet varies among and within species at biogeographical scales, casting doubt on their precise functional roles across different regions. The present study assessed the inter- and intra-specific diet variation of four rabbitfishes (Siganus trispilos, Siganus corallinus, Siganus virgatus and Siganus doliatus) factored by morphological relatedness among populations from Ningaloo Reef (western Australia), the Great Barrier Reef (GBR, eastern Australia) and the Yaeyama Islands (Okinawa Prefecture, Japan). Results showed that the region had a strong effect on diet, effectively reducing the expected effect of morphologic similitude. While intra-specific differences were only significant when populations inhabited different regions; interspecific differences were not as predicted, with different morphotypes having similar diets when populations inhabited the same regions. Rabbitfishes consumed more corticated and filamentous macroalgae on the GBR, more foliose and membranous macroalgae at the Yaeyama Islands, and more leathery macroalgae at Ningaloo Reef. The findings indicate that rabbitfishes have high diet plasticity, and hence their functional role as mediators of competition between macroalgae and corals can change across biogeographic regions. Local context is therefore important when assessing the diet and functional role of herbivorous fishes. As climate change unfolds, shifts in the distribution, trophic behaviour and function of species are expected, making the study of trophic plasticity more important.

Mar Environ Res ; 199: 106607, 2024 Jul.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38879902


The extent to which juvenile abundance can predict future populations of lethrinids at Ningaloo Reef was assessed using size frequency data collected over 13 consecutive years. Annual abundance of juvenile lethrinids (<5 cm TL) was highest in northern Ningaloo during La Niña years, when seawater is warmer and oceanic currents stronger. Juvenile lethrinid abundance explained 35% of the variance in 1-2 year-old Lethrinus nebulosus abundance the following year, a steeper relationship in the north suggesting greater survival of juveniles. Juvenile lethrinid abundance was also positively correlated to abundance of 1-2 year-old L. atkinsoni in the southern region of Ningaloo. Abundance of juvenile lethrinids were however poor predictors of L. nebulosus and L. atkinsoni older than 2 years of age. Post settlement processes likely weaken the link between juvenile supply and abundance of lethrinids >2 years old making it difficult to accurately quantify the overall size of future lethrinid populations.

Récifs de corail , Animaux , Poissons/physiologie , Poissons/croissance et développement , Dynamique des populations , Surveillance de l'environnement , Densité de population , El Nino-oscillation australe
Data Brief ; 54: 110470, 2024 Jun.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38725556


This dataset comes from a multi-institution compilation of monitoring information for 13 marine herbivorous fishes belonging to six genera of five families: Acanthuridae, Girellidae, Kyphosidae, Pomacentridae and Scaridae, gathered from 2005 to 2020 in the Gulf of California. The database presents a total of 884 records of biomass and density got from 15,542 visual censuses performed using scuba diving in 34 localities comprising 268 rocky and coral reef sites. The censuses consisted of belt transects (250 m2, 100 m2, and 60 m2) laid parallel to the coastline, where expert monitors recorded the abundance of all observed adult individuals of the 13 target herbivorous species, and visually estimated the total length (cm) of each fish. In the database, the information for each transect is presented in the form of average fish density (individuals/m2) and biomass (g/m2), the latter was estimated based on the abundance and size per individual and the published weight-length relationship for each species. Also, we present the latitude and longitude of each locality, type of management, localities in the Gulf of California, institutions, the initial and final year of data, total number of years, as well as the mean, standard deviation, sample size, slope (annual rate of change), probability value, standard error and minimum and maximum value calculated for each species within each locality. This dataset represents an historical baseline of the status of the 13 species in the Gulf of California and can be used to conduct analyses of temporal and spatial trends in herbivorous fish assemblages, considering tropicalization of the interest region due to global change. Moreover, this data will provide key information to stakeholders and managers of protected areas along the gulf and the eastern tropical Pacific region.