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J Environ Sci (China) ; 149: 585-597, 2025 Mar.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39181670


Urban areas' performance in water, energy, infrastructure, and socio-economic sectors is intertwined and measurable through Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 6-13. Effective synergy among these is critical for sustainability. This study constructs an indicator framework that reflects progress towards these urban SDGs in China. Findings indicate underperformance in SDGs 8-11, suggesting the need for transformative actions. Through network analysis, the research reveals complementarities among these SDGs. Notably, the SDG space divides into socio-economic and ecological clusters, with SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation) central to both. Additionally, SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) act as bridges, while greater synergies exist between SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and SDG 13 (Climate Action). An in-depth view at the indicator-level shows a core-periphery structure, emphasizing indicators like SDG 6.2 (Wastewater Treatment Rate) and SDG 6.6 (Recycled Water Production Capacity per capita) as pivotal. This study confirms the urban SDG space's stability and predictiveness, underscoring its value in steering well-aligned policy decisions for sustainable growth.

Développement durable , Alimentation en eau , Chine , Villes , Conservation des ressources naturelles/méthodes
J Environ Sci (China) ; 150: 254-266, 2025 Apr.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39306401


Formaldehyde (HCHO) is a high-yield product of the oxidation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released by anthropogenic activities, fires, and vegetations. Hence, we examined the spatiotemporal variation trends in HCHO columns observed using the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) during 2005-2021 across the Fenwei Plain (FWP) and analysed the source and variability of HCHO using multi-source data, such as thermal anomalies. The spatial distribution of the annual mean HCHO in the FWP increased from northwest to southeast during 2005-2021, and the high-value aggregation areas contracted and gradually clustered, forming a belt-shaped distribution area from Xi'an to Baoji, north of the Qinling Mountains. The annual mean HCHO concentration generally showed a two-step increase over the 17 years. Fires showed a single-peak trend in March and a double-peak M-shaped trend in March and October, whereas urban thermal anomalies (UTAs) showed an inverted U-shaped trend over 17 years, with peaks occurring in May. The HCHO peaks are mainly caused by the alternating contributions of fires and UTAs. The fires and UTAs (predominantly industrial heat sources) played a role in controlling the background level of HCHO in the FWP. Precipitation and temperature were also important influencing variables for seasonal variations, and the influence of plant sources on HCHO concentrations had significant regional characteristics and contributions. In addition, the FWP has poor dispersion conditions and is an aggregated area for the long-range transport of air pollutants.

Polluants atmosphériques , Surveillance de l'environnement , Formaldéhyde , Formaldéhyde/analyse , Polluants atmosphériques/analyse , Surveillance de l'environnement/méthodes , Chine , Composés organiques volatils/analyse , Pollution de l'air/statistiques et données numériques
Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 45(2): 223-236, jul./dez. 2024. ilus; tab.
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554861


Urban growth and human impacts on the environment have forced animals to adjust to habitat fragmentation and reduced home ranges. Capuchin monkeys are known for their great social and behavioral flexibility, occupying even highly urbanized environments in a way that the time budget of this primate in synanthropic situation may be affected by the area they inhabit. This study aims to analyze the activity budget of a group of Sapajus nigritus living in an anthropized area, 1) comparing the behavioral frequencies in urbanized areas and forest fragments; 2) comparing behavioral frequencies in different sex-age classes. During the study, the number of individuals ranged from 35 to 40 individuals identified based on sex-age classes. Behavioral data were collected using the instantaneous scan sampling method, for two minutes with eight-minute intervals. We obtained 319 scans over 28 days, distributed between November 2021 and June 2022, with eight hours per day. We compared the behaviors different areas and between sex-age classes using the Kruskal-Wallis's test. Overall, the group performed a higher frequency of traveling (21.22%), followed by foraging (18.07%), feeding (16.57%) and vigilance (15.61%). The frequency of behaviors varied between areas, with vigilance, social, resting, interaction with humans and self-activity more frequent in urbanized areas compared to forest fragments. We also found variation between the sex-age classes, primarily with juveniles foraging more and adults performing more vigilance. The differences in the behaviors performed by the group express the behavioral flexibility of S. nigritus, adapting its activity pattern according to the area occupied.

O crescimento urbano e os impactos humanos no ambiente forçaram os animais a se adaptarem à fragmentação de hábitat e à redução da área de vida. Os macacos-prego são conhecidos por sua flexibilidade social e comportamental, ocupando até mesmo ambientes altamente urbanizados, sendo que seu padrão de atividades pode ser afetado pela área que habitam. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o padrão de atividades de um grupo de Sapajus nigritus vivendo em área antropizada, com base em: 1) comparação das frequências comportamentais em áreas urbanizadas e fragmentos florestais; e 2) comparação das frequências comportamentais em diferentes classes sexo-etárias. Durante o estudo, o número de indivíduos variou entre 35 e 40 indivíduos, identificados a partir de classes sexo-etárias. Os dados comportamentais foram coletados pelo método scan sampling, durante dois minutos com intervalo de oito minutos. Foram obtidos 319 scans ao longo de 28 dias (entre novembro de 2021 e junho de 2022), por oito horas diárias. Comparamos os comportamentos em diferentes áreas e entre classes sexo-etárias através do teste de Kruskal-Wallis. Em geral, o grupo apresentou frequência maior de deslocamento (21,22%), seguido de forrageio (18,07%), alimentação (16,57%) e vigilância (15,61%). A frequência dos comportamentos variou entre áreas (vigilância, social, descanso, interação com humanos e autoatividade foram mais frequentes em áreas urbanizadas) e classes sexo--etárias (principalmente com os juvenis forrageando mais e os adultos realizando mais vigilância). As diferenças nos comportamentos realizados pelo grupo expressam a flexibilidade comportamental de S. nigritus, adaptando seu padrão de atividade conforme a área ocupada.

Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 45(2): 121-132, jul./dez. 2024. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568654


Myocastor coypus (coypu or nutria) is considered one of the 100 worst invasive species in the world due to its risk to local wildlife, such as waterfowl, zoonotic risks, and environmental damage, such as riverbank erosion, arising from its habit of constructing burrows along the edge of water bodies. The presence of M. coypus is already known locally in the municipality of Londrina based on records at Igapó Lake. This paper presents the first record of M. coypus in Arthur Thomas Municipal Park, a Conservation Unit of Integral Protection located in the urban area of Londrina. The records were obtained through direct observation of one live individual and one carcass during campaigns to monitor medium and large mammals. Subsequently, ten records were obtained using camera traps, of unknown gender, located near waterbodies. We emphasize the need for continuous fauna monitoring in conservation units to detect and verify potential increases in invasive alien species populations that can result in environmental damage.

A espécie Myocastor coypus (ratão-do-banhado) é considerada uma das 100 piores espécies invasoras do mundo por representar risco para a fauna local, como aves aquáticas, e risco de zoonoses, além de causar danos ambientais, como desbarrancamento de encostas de rios, devido ao seu hábito de construção de tocas nas margens de corpos d'água. A presença de M. coypus já é conhecida localmente no município de Londrina a partir de registros no Lago Igapó. Assim, este estudo apresenta o primeiro registro de M. coypus no Parque Municipal Arthur Thomas, uma Unidade de Conservação de Proteção Integral localizada na zona urbana de Londrina. Os registros foram obtidos através da observação direta de um indivíduo vivo e uma carcaça durante campanhas de monitoramento de mamíferos de médio e grande porte. Posteriormente foram obtidos dez registros por armadilha fotográfica de indivíduos de sexo desconhecido, próximos a corpos d'água. Enfatiza-se a necessidade do monitoramento contínuo da fauna em áreas de conservação para a detecção do potencial aumento na população de espécies exóticas e invasoras que podem causar severos danos ambientais.

Hous Policy Debate ; 34(2): 180-206, 2024.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39247151


Local regulations that restrict residential growth are a key driver of California's affordable housing crisis. Scholars have argued these growth controls were implemented in the late 20th century by cities intending to exclude Black households. However, growth controls may also have plausibly been driven by a desire to exclude growing Hispanic, Asian, and foreign-born populations; by increased concern about the negative environmental consequences of population growth; or by homeowners' or cities' fiscal motivations. I jointly test these competing explanations using time-varying data on the adoption of a variety of residential growth controls covering California cities from 1970-1992. I find that, all else equal, cities with a lower share of Black residents-both in absolute terms, and relative to their metropolitan area-were more likely to pass residential growth controls. I also find some evidence that growth controls were more likely to be passed in areas experiencing greater Black population growth and in cities more supportive of White-Black segregation. Finally, I find strong evidence that, net of other factors, cities in areas more supportive of policies to protect the environment were more likely to pass residential growth controls.

Waste Manag Res ; : 734242X241271025, 2024 Sep 11.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39258395


Proper household organic waste management practices are crucial to limit the negative environmental and health impacts that can result from inappropriate municipal waste treatment. The environmental impacts of organic waste have previously been described in the literature, and the main treatment strategy for managing such waste relies on technical facilities such as biodigesters. However, such technologies require significant financial investments, which could hinder their application in areas with lower economic power. Among the several available organic waste treatment strategies, composting for urban agricultural (UA) use has become increasingly popular. Although the literature suggests that UA can contribute to organic waste management by encouraging self-treatment practices, investigations into how practising UA can influence household waste management behaviours have been limited thus far. To this end, we analyse the role of practising UA along with other demographic variables, such as age, gender, education, income and housing conditions, in influencing citizens' household organic waste management behaviours. The city of Florianópolis, Brazil was selected as a case study since that municipality recently passed a new organic waste regulation law that supports the use of organic compost in UA. We surveyed 206 individuals regarding their household organic waste management habits in four behavioural areas: (i) separation, (ii) use of public services, (iii) self-treatment and (iv) reduction. The dataset comprises 102 individuals who were actively engaged in UA activities and 104 who were not involved in UA to compare habits of the two groups. The results show that UA practitioners are more likely to separate and self-treat their organic waste and use the derived compost for gardening activities. The use of public facilities for organic waste management is influenced by people's housing conditions. Respondents who lived in an apartment with no access to a garden logically had a lower willingness than did those with garden access to self-treat the organic waste produced. On the other hand, the results show that UA practitioners compost their own organic waste regardless of their housing conditions. The results show a strong, positive influence of practising UA on self-composting and thereby highlight the role of such practices in sensitizing urban residents to waste management issues and supporting local organic waste management strategies. Although the debate over the role of UA in organic waste management is still open, we reveal that highlighting this role could support a shift towards a circular approach to organic waste treatment.

J Family Med Prim Care ; 13(8): 2952-2957, 2024 Aug.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39228557


Introduction: Waist-based indicators of obesity are being used to detect central obesity and are predictive for metabolic syndrome (MS). The aim of the study is to assess the basic anthropometric indices in children, to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity, and to determine the association between various waist-based measurements and body mass index (BMI). Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted among children aged 10 to 15 years attending government corporation schools in Chennai. Basic anthropometric measurements were taken. BMI, waist circumference/height ratio (WHtR), and waist circumference/hip circumference ratio (WHR) were calculated. The percentiles (Indian reference cutoffs) were determined for waist circumference (WC) and BMI. The prevalence of overweight and obesity was determined and compared to waist-based parameters. Results: Of 820 children, males constituted 47.1%. Stunting was seen in 9.8% and 7.8% were underweight. 8.2% had BMI less than the 3rd percentile. The prevalence of overweight and obese children was 9% and 3.2%, respectively, with female predominance. The majority had WC less than the 5th percentile. The prevalence of children under risk for MS based on WC >70th percentile was 4.5% and based on WHtR >0.5 was 8.2%. A significant association was identified between all waist-based anthropometric measurements to detect children at risk for MS and overweight/obese children as per BMI category. WHtR >0.5 was an indicator of overweight/obese children in logistic regression analysis. Conclusion: Early identification of children at risk of MS would require a combination of BMI to detect general obesity and waist-based anthropometric measurements to identify central obesity.

J Family Med Prim Care ; 13(8): 2999-3004, 2024 Aug.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39228636


Background: A community-based study on childhood injuries would provide valuable information on the epidemiology of injuries to undertake appropriate preventive measures. Therefore, the current study was conducted in urban poor resettlements of Rishikesh to estimate the prevalence of unintentional injuries and to document the sociodemographic risk factors associated with unintentional injuries among under-five children. Aims and Objectives: Estimation of the prevalence of unintentional injuries and their risk factors among under-five children of urban poor resettlements in Rishikesh. Materials and Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted in urban poor resettlement areas of Rishikesh for a period of 1 year. It included 300 children selected using a simple random sampling technique to collect data on injury status. Results: The prevalence of unintentional injury among study participants was 16%. Falls were (64.6%) the major cause of injury, followed by dog bites (12.5%). The major sites of the injury were the head (25%), face (22.9%), upper limb (27.1%), and lower limb (18.8%).75% of the injuries happened at home. 66% of injuries happened when the child was playing alone or playing with peers. About 20.8% of injuries were bruises or superficial injuries. 39.6% of children had cut/bite/open wound injuries. Fractures happened in 14.6% of injured children. More than half (54.2%) of children did not develop any physical disability due to injury. Among children who developed a disability, more than 90% are able to recover completely. The majority of study participants were taken to nearby hospitals (66.6%) or health centers (10.4%). Only one of them went to a traditional bone setter, rest all visited either a general practitioner or pharmacy. The median expenditure for the treatment of the injured child was INR 425 (175-2750). The age of the child and unintentional injury showed a statistically significant association. Conclusion: The prevalence of the injury was 16% (12-20.7%) similar to a number of similar studies. Although the majority of the injuries were mild in severity, injuries have also contributed to temporary disability among children and have led to loss of school days.

Health SA ; 29: 2611, 2024.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39229312


Background: Low levels of physical activity in high- to low-income countries, including South Africa, pose a great risk of cardiovascular-related diseases. Aim: This study aimed to assess and compare the physical fitness profile among children. Setting: The study setting comprised rural and urban primary school learners in the Eastern Cape province, South Africa. Methods: A cross-sectional study was adopted utilising a randomly selected sample of boys and girls aged 9-14 years. Physical fitness measures were assessed using the Euro-fit test battery. Some parametric tests were used for mean comparisons of the various anthropometric measurements and physical fitness characteristics across demographics. Results: The sample consisted of 870 primary school learners. The average weight and height of the sample were 39.29 ± 10.34 kg and 144.06 ± 10.81 cm, respectively, with a mean body mass index (BMI) of 18.80 ± 4.11 kg/m2. The results showed that boys reported significantly high levels of physical fitness. Sit-ups (p ≤ 0.001) and VO2 max (p ≤ 0.001) significantly increase with age, while all the physical fitness measures were significantly higher among rural-based learners. Conclusion: Rural-based learners and boys generally had better physical fitness performance than their peers. The effect of gender and place of residence should be considered when designing physical fitness interventions. Contribution: This study adds to the existing body of knowledge about the effect of demographic factors on the physical fitness profile of children, where boys and rural-based learners are reported to be more physically fit than their counterparts.

Jamba ; 16(1): 1668, 2024.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39229602


Cities in Malawi have long been outside the focus of disaster risk reduction. As a result, urban risks remain poorly understood, and urban governments and disaster risk reduction (DRR) practitioners working in cities struggle to adequately support vulnerable urban populations. This is evidenced by recent disasters such as Cyclone Freddy, which devastated the city of Blantyre in 2023, and increasingly common small-scale events in urban areas. This article analyses the Malawian city as a distinct riskscape, shaped by national-level policies of neglect that create an institutional void that DRR practitioners working at the city level struggle to fill. This process is complicated by a multitude of challenges at different levels of governance, especially leaving small-scale events prevalent in urban areas largely unaddressed. This process of risk accumulation is increasingly affecting urban residents. Methodologically, we demonstrate this through a comprehensive policy analysis and by drawing on expert and civil society interviews and questionnaires conducted in Lilongwe City. Contribution: By outlining the interlocking challenges at multiple levels and grounding them in empirical data, we highlight the specificities of urban DRR efforts in Malawi and provide opportunities to improve them.

Contemp Jew ; 44(2): 281-298, 2024.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39239527


In October 2017, Vienna's Leopoldstadt community succeeded in reinstalling a Hebrew street sign in a public space of the second district. This achievement became possible in large part due to the efforts of an active online community that encouraged many people to share their wish to have visible signs of the former historic Jewish quarter in the present urban space. Through vigorous Facebook and other social media activities, the interest that the group generated put pressure on the city, leading to the support of an art project. The placement of the Hebrew street sign marked a hybrid way of constructing Jewish urban spaces. The dialogue between virtual and physical spaces added new layers to the historic Jewish quarter of Vienna; this way of relational space making is, I wish to argue, paradigmatic for today's Europe as it witnesses the heyday of Holocaust tourism and klezmer revivals. In this article, I investigate this space-making process in Jewish public history in present Vienna and examine how the virtual community frames the way urban Jewish spaces are constructed.

Cureus ; 16(8): e66440, 2024 Aug.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39246910


Background Obese patients are at an increased risk of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery is an important therapeutic measure in obese patients for the management of weight and comorbidities. Data are scarce in inner-city Hispanic and Black patients who undergo bariatric surgery, which eventually leads to health disparity in this minority population. Differences between patients with and without OSA have not been assessed in this population. This study aims to answer these questions. Methodology The study was conducted in a high-volume hospital in the Bronx, New York. Before bariatric surgery, patients underwent a preoperative evaluation that included a variety of blood tests, a sleep study, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, and echocardiography. They also underwent basic anthropometric measurements, such as weight, height, and body mass index (BMI), before surgery and 6 months and 12 months postoperatively. Additional calculations were made using these anthropometric measures, namely, total weight loss, excess weight loss, and delta BMI. Results Most patients were Hispanic (85.2%), with a mean age of 41.9 ± 10.8 years. We found that of the 108 patients included in the study, 69.4% (70/108) had OSA. Preoperative BMI in the study was 43.9 ± 13 kg/m2. Postoperatively, the mean decrease in BMI was 12.3 ± 14.5 kg/m2. Total weight loss and excess weight loss were 30.2 ± 14.3 and 52.6 ± 16.6, respectively. Conclusions In this study, no significant difference was noted in patients with or without OSA in either the laboratory or anthropometric parameters.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 121(38): e2311496121, 2024 Sep 17.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39250669


Urbanization has accelerated dramatically across the world over the past decades. Urban influence on surface temperatures is now being considered as a correction term in climatological datasets. Although prior research has investigated urban influences on precipitation for specific cities or selected thunderstorm cases, a comprehensive examination of urban precipitation anomalies on a global scale remains limited. This research is a global analysis of urban precipitation anomalies for over one thousand cities worldwide. We find that more than 60% of the global cities and their downwind regions are receiving more precipitation than the surrounding rural areas. Moreover, the magnitude of these urban wet islands has nearly doubled in the past 20 y. Urban precipitation anomalies exhibit variations across different continents and climates, with cities in Africa, for example, exhibiting the largest urban annual and extreme precipitation anomalies. Cities are more prone to substantial urban precipitation anomalies under warm and humid climates compared to cold and dry climates. Cities with larger populations, pronounced urban heat island effects, and higher aerosol loads also show noticeable precipitation enhancements. This research maps global urban rainfall hotspots, establishing a foundation for the consideration of urban rainfall corrections in climatology datasets. This advancement holds promise for projecting extreme precipitation and fostering the development of more resilient cities in the future.

Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39251413


PURPOSE: The influence of rurality on the duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) in first-episode psychosis (FEP) is poorly understood. We investigated factors associated with FEP in rural/urban settings and whether there are rural/urban differences in DUP and the mode (speed) of onset of psychosis. METHODS: We used the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust Research Database (CPFTRD) to identify all persons presenting to an early intervention for psychosis service with FEP between 2013 and 2015. We performed descriptive statistics and multivariable linear and multinomial regression to assess the relationships between the study outcomes and the independent variables. RESULTS: One hundred and fifty-five FEP patients were identified, with a mean age of 23.4 (SD, 5.3) years. The median DUP was 129.0 (IQR: 27.5-524.0) days. In rural areas, FEP patients were more likely to be employed and live with family than those in urban areas. A longer DUP was observed among patients with an insidious onset of psychosis compared with an acute onset (619.5 (IQR: 333.5-945.0)) vs. (17.0 (IQR: 8.0-30.5)) days respectively, p < 0.0001. We found evidence that the mode of onset of psychosis differed by employment status and living circumstances. There was insufficient evidence of rural/urban differences in DUP and mode of onset of psychosis. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the mode of onset of psychosis is an important indicator of treatment delay and could provide vital information for service planning and delivery. Sociodemographic variations in FEP exist in rural populations, and our findings are similar to those observed in urban settings.

Arch Microbiol ; 206(10): 399, 2024 Sep 10.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39254720


Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is global health concern escalating rapidly in both clinical settings and environment. The effluent from pharmaceuticals and hospitals may contain diverse antibiotics, exerting selective pressure to develop AMR. To study the aquatic prevalence of drug-resistant staphylococci, sampling was done from river Yamuna (3 sites) and wastewater (7 sites) near pharmaceutical industries in Delhi-NCR, India. 59.25% (224/378) were considered presumptive staphylococci while, methicillin resistance was noted in 25% (56/224) isolates. Further, 23 methicillin-resistant coagulase negative staphylococci (MR-CoNS) of 8 different species were identified via 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Multidrug resistance (MDR) was noted in 60.87% (14/23) isolates. PCR based detection of antibiotic resistance genes revealed the number of isolates containing mecA (7/23), blaZ (6/23), msrA (10/23), aac(6')aph (2") (2/23), aph(3')-IIIa (2/23), ant(4')-Ia (1/23), dfrG (4/23), dfrA(drfS1) (3/23), tetK (1/23) and tetM (1/23). The current research highlights the concerning prevalence of MDR-CoNS in aquatic environment in Delhi.

Antibactériens , Coagulase , Multirésistance bactérienne aux médicaments , ARN ribosomique 16S , Staphylococcus , Eaux usées , Inde/épidémiologie , Eaux usées/microbiologie , Staphylococcus/génétique , Staphylococcus/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Staphylococcus/isolement et purification , Staphylococcus/classification , Multirésistance bactérienne aux médicaments/génétique , Coagulase/métabolisme , Coagulase/génétique , ARN ribosomique 16S/génétique , Antibactériens/pharmacologie , Prévalence , Tests de sensibilité microbienne
Sci Total Environ ; 953: 175925, 2024 Sep 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39226970


Outdoor environments extend living spaces as venues for various activities. Comfortable open public spaces can positively impact citizens' health and well-being, thereby improving the livability and resilience of cities. Considering the visitors' perception of these environments in comfort studies is crucial for ensuring their well-being and promoting the use of these spaces. However, traditional survey methods may be time- and resource-consuming to gather significant sample sizes, usually focusing on selected homogeneous samples. Crowdsourced data, then, has emerged as an alternative for assessing human perception, as it eases the collection of subjective feedback and potentially amplifies impact and inclusivity. This study presents a strategic approach for analyzing publicly available and willingly reported crowdsourced data from a digital mapping platform in outdoor comfort evaluations, aiming to verify whether these data are informative regarding environmental quality perception and to identify the environmental factors that people are most sensitive to. Urban parks located in New York City served as a case study. A multi-source, interdisciplinary information framework combined crowdsourced reviews with environmental data used to determine prevailing thermal conditions. Overall perception of parks was well-rated, revealing that their attractions and activities are probably the most appealing characteristics for park attendance. Regarding environmental perception, acoustic and thermal factors are clearly the most influential. Acoustics were well-rated, while the main aspect regarding the thermal domain is the recognition of shading as a mitigator for hot conditions. Environmental data provided complementary insights, particularly concerning the range of thermal sensations experienced in urban parks. The findings confirm that willingly reported crowdsourced data can provide valuable insights into urban crowd environmental perception, presenting a potentially suitable and effective method to include the human perspective in environmental quality assessments, as well as to evaluate and predict environmental-related risks.

Front Public Health ; 12: 1416214, 2024.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39253284


Background: Falls frequently occur among the older adult population. In this study, we examined the variations in fall incidence across different regions over time, focusing on the disparities between urban and rural areas among older adult Chinese individuals, Healthy aging is comprised of five dimensions: (1) absence of chronic diseases, (2) good physical functioning, (3) normal cognitive function, (4) active social participation, and (5) absence of depression. Additionally, we explored the relationship between healthy aging and the occurrence of falls in middle-aged and older adults. Falls are defined as events that occurred within the past two years. Results: Among 9,918 participants, 33.8% lived in urban areas and 23.0% achieved healthy aging. In contrast, 66.2% resided in rural areas with 16.5% achieving healthy aging. In 2011, rural residents had a higher fall incidence rate (17% in rural vs. 13.5% in urban); by 2020, the fall rate remained higher in rural areas (19.5% in rural vs. 17.3% in urban). Unhealthy aging (HR = 1.08, 95%CI: 1.00-1.16) were risk factors for falls. Subgroup analysis revealed that in rural areas, unhealthy aging increased the risk of falls. In urban areas, the increased risk of falls associated with unhealthy aging was not significant (Rural HR = 1.11, 95%CI:1.01-1.22; Urban HR = 1.05, 95%CI: 0.93-1.18). Conclusion: Healthy aging may be more strongly associated with a lower risk of falls in rural areas, while this association might be less pronounced in urban areas due to different environmental and social factors. This highlights the need for environment-specific fall prevention strategies and targeted measures for the older adult.

Chutes accidentelles , Vieillissement en bonne santé , Population rurale , Population urbaine , Humains , Chutes accidentelles/statistiques et données numériques , Chine/épidémiologie , Mâle , Sujet âgé , Femelle , Incidence , Études longitudinales , Population rurale/statistiques et données numériques , Adulte d'âge moyen , Population urbaine/statistiques et données numériques , Facteurs de risque , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus
Implement Res Pract ; 5: 26334895241279503, 2024.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39257916


Background: Shifting organizational priorities can negatively affect the sustainment of innovations in community settings. Shifting priorities can present barriers to conducting clinical research in schools if a misalignment occurs between school district priorities and the aims of the study. Often this misalignment occurs due to a shift during the period between when the study is submitted for funding and when research activities begin. Participatory research approaches can be employed to restore alignment between study processes and school district priorities. The purpose of the study is to describe data from a shared process with district partners. The shared process resulted in modifications to the main study's implementation processes and strategies in order to restore alignment with evolving school priorities while remaining faithful to the aims of the study. Method: Data originated from qualitative interviews conducted with 20 school district and school personnel in a large urban school district. Qualitative themes were organized into categories based on a social-ecological school implementation framework. Data from team meetings, meetings with school district administrators, and emails served to supplement and verify findings from interview analyses. Results: Themes included barriers and facilitators at the macro-, school-, individual-, team-, and implementation quality levels. Adaptations were made to address barriers and facilitators and restore alignment with school district priorities. Most adaptations to study processes and implementation strategies focused on re-training and providing more information to school district coaches and school-based staff. New procedures were created, and resources were re-allocated for the larger study. Conclusions: Findings were discussed in relation to the implementation literature in schools. Recommendations for sustaining strong collaboration among researchers and school partners are provided.

Preparation for Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices in Urban Schools: A Shared Process with Implementing Partners Plain Language Summary School-based implementation research requires a strong partnership between schools and researchers to ensure that the processes and implementation strategies of the study align with evolving school district priorities and processes. The article describes a stakeholder engagement process conducted during the preparation phase of implementation. The process resulted in the re-alignment of study processes and implementation strategies, and goals and priorities of the school district.

Water Res ; 266: 122410, 2024 Sep 07.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39260196


Rapid urbanization brought lots of serious environmental contamination, including the accumulation of heavy metals, acid rain, and the emission of tire wear particles (TWPs), with detrimental effects for terrestrial ecosystems. Nevertheless, how naturally aged TWPs affect the mobilization of heavy metals in soils under acid rain is still unclear. Here, we investigate the adsorption and transport mechanisms of Pb(II) co-existing with acid rainwater in soil-TWP mixtures via batch experiments, column experiments and modeling. Results showed that photoaged TWP significantly prolonged the Pb(II) adsorption equilibrium time (1 to 16 h) and enhanced the Pb(II) adsorption capacity of soils. Soil column profiles confirmed that TWP effectively boosted the initial accumulation of lead in the topsoil and thus impeded the downward transport of lead. The retardation factor (R) estimated by the linear two-site sorption model (TSM) fitting the Pb(II) breakthrough curves gradually increased from 1.098 to 16.38 in soils with TWP (0-10 %). Comparative results of linear or nonlinear TSM suggested nonlinear sorption replacing linear sorption as the main Pb(II) sorption mechanism under 1 % and 10 % TWP. This research provides significant insights into the implications of TWP on the Pb(II) retention behaviors and highlights the severer potential remobilization risks of Pb(II) in urban soils under different acid rain environments.