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J Acoust Soc Am ; 155(3): 2075-2086, 2024 03 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38477611


Baleen whales use sounds of various characteristics for different tasks and interactions. This study focuses on recordings from the Costa Rica Rift, in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean, made by 25 ocean-bottom seismographs and a vertical array of 12 hydrophones between January and February 2015. The whale calls observed are of two kinds: more commonly, repetitive 4-5 s-long signals separated into two frequency bands centered at ∼20 and ∼36 Hz; less commonly, a series of ∼0.5 to 1.0 s-long, lower amplitude signals with frequencies between 80 and 160 Hz. These characteristics are similar to calls attributed to Bryde's whales which are occasionally sighted in this region. In this study, the repetitive calls are detected using both the short-term average/long-term average approach and a network empirical subspace detector. In total, 188 and 1891 calls are obtained for each method, demonstrating the value of the subspace detector for highly similar signals. These signals are first localized using a non-linear grid search algorithm and then further relocalized using the double-difference technique. The high-resolution localizations reveal the presence of at least seven whales during the recording period, often crossing the instrument network from southwest to northeast.

Balaenoptera , Animaux , Cetacea , Son (physique) , Océan Pacifique , Costa Rica , Vocalisation animale
Sci Rep ; 13(1): 8996, 2023 06 02.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37268677


Rorqual foraging behavior varies with species, prey type and foraging conditions, and can be a determining factor for their fitness. Little is known about the foraging ecology of Rice's whales (Balaenoptera ricei), an endangered species with a population of fewer than 100 individuals. Suction cup tags were attached to two Rice's whales to collect information on their diving kinematics and foraging behavior. The tagged whales primarily exhibited lunge-feeding near the sea bottom and to a lesser extent in the water-column and at the sea surface. During 6-10 min foraging dives, the whales typically circled their prey before executing one or two feeding lunges. Longer duration dives and dives with more feeding-lunges were followed by an increase in their breathing rate. The median lunge rate of one lunge per dive of both animals was much lower than expected based on comparative research on other lunge-feeding baleen whales, and may be associated with foraging on fish instead of krill or may be an indication of different foraging conditions. Both animals spent extended periods of the night near the sea surface, increasing the risk for ship strike. Furthermore, their circling before lunging may increase the risk for entanglement in bottom-longline fishing gear. Overall, these data show that Rice's whale foraging behavior differs from other lunge feeding rorqual species and may be a significant factor in shaping our understanding of their foraging ecology. Efforts to mitigate threats to Rice's whales will benefit from improved understanding of patterns in their habitat use and fine-scale ecology.

Balaenoptera , Oryza , Animaux , Comportement alimentaire , Phénomènes biomécaniques , Golfe du Mexique
Sci Rep ; 13(1): 6710, 2023 04 25.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37185970


Determining the drivers of prey selection in marine predators is critical when investigating ecosystem structure and function. The newly recognized Rice's whale (Balaenoptera ricei) is one of the most critically endangered large whales in the world and endemic to the industrialized Gulf of Mexico. Here, we investigated the drivers of resource selection by Rice's whales in relation to prey availability and energy density. Bayesian stable isotope (δ13C, δ15N) mixing models suggest that Rice's whales feed primarily on a schooling fish, Ariomma bondi (66.8% relative contribution). Prey selection using the Chesson's index revealed that active prey selection was found to be positive for three out of the four potential prey identified in the mixing model. A low degree of overlap between prey availability and diet inferred from the mixing model (Pianka Index: 0.333) suggests that prey abundance is not the primary driver of prey selection. Energy density data suggest that prey selection may be primarily driven by the energy content. Results from this study indicate that Rice's whales are selective predators consuming schooling prey with the highest energy content. Environmental changes in the region have the potential to influence prey species that would make them less available to Rice's whales.

Balaenoptera , Oryza , Animaux , Écosystème , Golfe du Mexique , Théorème de Bayes , Cetacea
Sci Rep ; 12(1): 10639, 2022 06 23.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35739207


The Humboldt Current Ecosystem (HCE) is one of the most productive marine ecosystems, sustaining one of the largest fishing industries in the world. Although several species of cetaceans are known to inhabit these productive waters, quantitative assessments of their abundance and distribution patterns are scarce and patchy. Here, we present the first abundance and distribution estimates for fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus), southeast Pacific blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus), sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), dusky dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obscurus), and common dolphin (Delphinus spp.) in the entire Chilean portion of the HCE. Line transect surveys were conducted during 2016-2021 between 18° S and 41° S and up to ~ 200 km offshore, and data were analyzed using distance sampling methods. Group counts were modelled as a function of environmental variables using single step Bayesian Binomial N-mixture model (BNMM), which allows full uncertainty propagation between model components. By using spatially explicit predictions of cetacean densities and observed vessel densities in the HCE, we provide quantitative assessments on the relative probability of cetaceans encountering vessels (RPCEV). Dusky dolphin and fin whale showed the largest distribution overlap with industrial and artisanal fishery fleets. Our results highlight areas where effort should be prioritized to address the extant but unquantified negative interactions between vessels and cetaceans in Chilean HCE.

Balaenoptera , Dauphins , Rorqual commun , Animaux , Théorème de Bayes , Cetacea , Chili , Écosystème , Cachalot macrocéphale
PeerJ ; 10: e13392, 2022.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35539009


Background: Along with the transition to the aquatic environment, cetaceans experienced profound changes in their skeletal anatomy, especially in the skull, including the posterodorsal migration of the external bony nares, the reorganization of skull bones (= telescoping) and the development of an extreme cranial asymmetry (in odontocetes). Telescoping represents an important anatomical shift in the topological organization of cranial bones and their sutural contacts; however, the impact of these changes in the connectivity pattern and integration of the skull has never been addressed. Methods: Here, we apply the novel framework provided by the Anatomical Network Analysis to quantify the organization and integration of cetacean skulls, and the impact of the telescoping process in the connectivity pattern of the skull. We built anatomical networks for 21 cetacean skulls (three stem cetaceans, three extinct and 10 extant mysticetes, and three extinct and two extant odontocetes) and estimated network parameters related to their anatomical integration, complexity, heterogeneity, and modularity. This dataset was analyzed in the context of a broader tetrapod skull sample as well (43 species of 13 taxonomic groups). Results: The skulls of crown cetaceans (Neoceti) occupy a new tetrapod skull morphospace, with better integrated, more heterogeneous and simpler skulls in comparison to other tetrapods. Telescoping adds connections and improves the integration of those bones involved in the telescoping process (e.g., maxilla, supraoccipital) as well as other ones (e.g., vomer) not directly affected by telescoping. Other underlying evolutionary processes (such as basicranial specializations linked with hearing/breathing adaptations) could also be responsible for the changes in the connectivity and integration of palatal bones. We also find prograde telescoped skulls of mysticetes distinct from odontocetes by an increased heterogeneity and modularity, whereas retrograde telescoped skulls of odontocetes are characterized by higher complexity. In mysticetes, as expected, the supraoccipital gains importance and centrality in comparison to odontocetes, increasing the heterogeneity of the skull network. In odontocetes, an increase in the number of connections and complexity is probably linked with the dominant movement of paired bones, such as the maxilla, in retrograde telescoping. Crown mysticetes (Eubalaena, Caperea, Piscobalaena, and Balaenoptera)are distinguished by having more integrated skulls in comparison to stem mysticetes (Aetiocetus and Yamatocetus), whereas crown odontocetes (Waipatia, Notocetus, Physeter, and Tursiops) have more complex skulls than stem forms (Albertocetus). Telescoping along with feeding, hearing and echolocation specializations could have driven the evolution of the different connectivity patterns of living lineages.

Balaenoptera , Dauphins , Animaux , Évolution biologique , Crâne/anatomie et histologie , Fosse nasale
FEMS Microbiol Ecol ; 97(5)2021 04 13.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33749784


Recent advances in high-throughput sequencing have enabled the large-scale interrogation of microbiota in the most diverse environments, including host-associated microbiota. This has led to the recognition that the skin microbiota of rorquals is specific and structurally different from that of the ocean. This study reveals the skin microbiome of 85 wild individuals along the Chilean coast belonging to Megaptera novaeangliae, Balaenoptera musculus and Balaenoptera physalus. Alpha diversity analysis revealed significant differences in richness and phylogenetic diversity, particularly among humpback whales from different locations and between blue and humpback whales. Beta diversity was partially explained by host and location but only accounting for up to 17% of microbiota variability (adjusted VPA). Overall, we found that microbiota composition was dominated by bacterial genera such as Cardiobacter, Moraxella, Tenacibaculum, Stenotrophomonas, Flavobacteria and Pseudomonas. We also found that no ASVs were associated with the three rorqual species. Up to four ASVs were specific of a location, indicating a great variability in the microbiota. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on the composition and structure of the skin microbiota of whales off the coast of Chile, providing a foundational dataset to understand the microbiota's role in rorquals.

Balaenoptera , Baleine à bosses , Microbiote , Animaux , Chili , Phylogenèse
Sci Rep ; 11(1): 2709, 2021 02 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33526800


Defining priority areas and risk evaluation is of utmost relevance for endangered species` conservation. For the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), we aim to assess environmental habitat selection drivers, priority areas for conservation and overlap with vessel traffic off northern Chilean Patagonia (NCP). For this, we implemented a single-step continuous-time correlated-random-walk model which accommodates observational error and movement parameters variation in relation to oceanographic variables. Spatially explicit predictions of whales' behavioral responses were combined with density predictions from previous species distribution models (SDM) and vessel tracking data to estimate the relative probability of vessels encountering whales and identifying areas where interaction is likely to occur. These estimations were conducted independently for the aquaculture, transport, artisanal fishery, and industrial fishery fleets operating in NCP. Blue whale movement patterns strongly agreed with SDM results, reinforcing our knowledge regarding oceanographic habitat selection drivers. By combining movement and density modeling approaches we provide a stronger support for purported priority areas for blue whale conservation and how they overlap with the main vessel traffic corridor in the NCP. The aquaculture fleet was one order of magnitude larger than any other fleet, indicating it could play a decisive role in modulating potential negative vessel-whale interactions within NCP.

Balaenoptera , Conservation des ressources naturelles/méthodes , Écosystème , Espèce en voie de disparition , Modèles théoriques , Navires , Animaux , Chili
Integr Zool ; 16(4): 594-611, 2021 Jul.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33166068


The northern Chilean Patagonia region is a key feeding ground and a nursing habitat in the southern hemisphere for blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus). From 2014 to 2019, during 6 separate research cruises, the dive behavior of 28 individual blue whales was investigated using bio-logging tags (DTAGs), generating ≈190 h of data. Whales dove to significantly greater depths during the day compared to nighttime (day: 32.6 ± 18.7 m; night: 6.2 ± 2.7 m; P < 0.01). During the night, most time was spent close to the surface (86% ± 9.4%; P < 0.01) and at depths of less than 12 m. From 2016 to 2019, active acoustics (scientific echosounders) were used to record prey (euphausiids) density and distribution simultaneously with whale diving data. Tagged whales appeared to perform dives relative to the vertical migration of prey during the day. The association between diurnal prey migration and shallow nighttime dive behavior suggests that blue whales are at increased risk of ship collisions during periods of darkness since the estimated maximum ship draft of vessels operating in the region is also ≈12 m. In recent decades, northern Chilean Patagonia has seen a large increase in marine traffic due to a boom in salmon aquaculture and the passenger ship industry. Vessel strike risks for large whales are likely underestimated in this region. Results reported in this study may be valuable for policy and mitigation decisions regarding conservation of the endangered blue whale.

Balaenoptera/physiologie , Plongée , Animaux , Comportement animal , Chili , Euphausiacea , Comportement alimentaire , Technologie de télédétection , Navires
PLoS One ; 14(10): e0222498, 2019.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31622348


We test the ability of Very High Resolution satellite (VHR) imagery to detect stranded whales using both manual and automated methods. We use the 2015 mass mortality event in the Gulf of Penas locality, central Patagonia, Chile, as an initial case study. This event was the largest known mass mortality of baleen whales, with at least 343 whales, mainly sei whales (Balaenoptera borealis), documented as stranding. However, even with such a large number of whales, due to the remote location of the gulf the strandings went unrecorded for several weeks. Aerial and boat surveys of the area were conducted two to four months after the mortality event. In this study we use 50cm resolution WorldView2 imagery to identify and count strandings from two archival images acquired just after the stranding event and two months before the aerial and ground surveys, and to test manual and automated methods of detecting stranded whales. Our findings show that whales are easily detected manually in the images but due to the heterogeneous colouration of decomposing whales, spectral indices are unsuitable for automatic detection. Our satellite counts suggest that, at the time the satellite images were taken, more whales were stranded than recorded in the aerial survey, possibly due to the non-comprehensive coverage of the aerial survey or movement of the carcases between survey acquisition. With even higher resolution imagery now available, satellite imagery may be a cost effective alternative to aerial surveys for future assessment of the extent of mass whale stranding events, especially in remote and inaccessible areas.

Balaenoptera/physiologie , Surveillance de l'environnement , Technologie de télédétection , Animaux , Chili , Humains , Mortalité , Imagerie satellitaire/méthodes
Acta Parasitol ; 64(3): 625-637, 2019 Sep.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31165986


INTRODUCTION: This is the first worldwide systematic and quantitative study to count and identify helminth parasites from 100 blue and 44 fin whale fecal samples collected in the Gulf of California during winter (1993-2014). RESULTS: Blue and fin whale feces had similar prevalence of adult acanthocephalans (Bolbosoma sp.) in feces (18.2% and 14.6%, respectively), but blue whales had significantly higher helminth egg prevalence in feces (100%) and mean intensity (443 ± 318 eggs/g) compared to fin whales (61%, 252 ± 327 eggs/g). Diphyllobothrium sp. eggs were identified in blue whale feces and Diphyllobothridae, Ogmogaster sp. and Crassicauda sp. eggs were identified in fin whale feces. We tested the hypothesis that egg intensity in blue whale's feces varies as a function of age class, reproductive status, sex, preservation and sampling years using a Generalized Linear Model. This model explained 61% of the variance in the helminth egg intensity, but it was not significant. Eighteen blue whale individuals were resampled over time without significant difference between consecutive samples. CONCLUSIONS: Thus, all individual blue whales that migrate to the Gulf of California during winter are permanently parasitized with helminths, while the resident fin whales showed lower prevalence and intensity. This helminth load difference is likely due to their different diets duringsummer-fall, when blue whales feed on other krill species in the California Current System and fin whales shift to school fish prey types in the Gulf of California.

Fèces/parasitologie , Rorqual commun/parasitologie , Helminthoses animales/parasitologie , Helminthes/isolement et purification , Migration animale , Animaux , Balaenoptera/parasitologie , Balaenoptera/physiologie , Femelle , Rorqual commun/physiologie , Helminthoses animales/physiopathologie , Helminthes/classification , Helminthes/génétique , Helminthes/physiologie , Mâle , Reproduction , Saisons
Sci Total Environ ; 650(Pt 1): 1521-1528, 2019 Feb 10.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30308837


Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) were assessed for the first time in blue whales from the South Pacific Ocean. Concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and its main metabolites (DDTs), were determined in 40 blubber samples from 36 free-ranging individuals and one stranded, dead animal along the coast of southern Chile between 2011 and 2013. PCBs were the most abundant pollutants (2.97-975 ng/g l.w.), followed by DDTs (3.50-537 ng/g l.w.), HCB (nd-77.5 ng/g l.w.) and PBDEs (nd-33.4 ng/g l.w). There was evidence of differences between sexes, with lower loads in females potentially due to pollutants passing to calves. POP concentrations were higher in specimens sampled in 2013; yet, between-year differences were only statistically significant for HCB and PBDEs. Lower chlorinated (penta > tetra > tri) and brominated (tetra > tri) congeners were the most prevalent among PCBs and PBDEs, respectively, mostly in agreement with findings previously reported in blue and other baleen whales. The present study provides evidence of lower levels of contamination by POPs in eastern South Pacific blue whales in comparison to those reported for the Northern Hemisphere.

Tissu adipeux/métabolisme , Balaenoptera/métabolisme , Surveillance de l'environnement , Polluants chimiques de l'eau/métabolisme , Animaux , Chili , DDT/métabolisme , Femelle , Éthers de polyhalogénophényle/métabolisme , Hexachloro-benzène/métabolisme , Hydrocarbures chlorés/métabolisme , Mâle , Océan Pacifique , Polychlorobiphényles/métabolisme
Dis Aquat Organ ; 128(1): 73-79, 2018 Mar 22.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29565255


We report the gross and microscopic findings and molecular identification of 2 cases of hyphate fungal infection in cetaceans from Brazil. The first case involved an adult male Atlantic spotted dolphin Stenella frontalis with localized pulmonary disease characterized by pyogranulomatous and necrotizing bronchopneumonia with intralesional hyphae. The second case involved an adult male Bryde's whale Balaenoptera edeni with orchitis, periorchitis, mesenteric lymphadenitis and pyogranulomatous bronchopneumonia with intralesional hyphae. PCR analysis from the dolphin's lung yielded Aspergillus fumigatus, and the fungus from the whale's mesenteric lymph node showed the greatest identity to Nanniziopsis obscura and Stagonosporopsis cucurbitacearum These cases represent the first reports of pulmonary aspergillosis by A. fumigatus in an Atlantic spotted dolphin and systemic mycosis by a possibly novel Onygenales in marine mammals.

Balaenoptera , Mycoses/médecine vétérinaire , Stenella , Animaux , Océan Atlantique/épidémiologie , Brésil/épidémiologie , Mâle , Mycoses/épidémiologie
Gen Comp Endocrinol ; 261: 127-135, 2018 05 15.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29476760


Steroid hormone assessment using non-invasive sample collection techniques can reveal the reproductive status of aquatic mammals and the physiological mechanisms by which they respond to changes in their environment. A portion of the eastern North Pacific blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) population that seasonally visits the Gulf of California, Mexico has been monitored using photo-identified individuals for over 30 years. The whales use the area in winter-early spring for nursing their calves and feeding and it therefore is well suited for fecal sample collection. Using radioimmunoassays in 25 fecal samples collected between 2009 and 2012 to determine reproductive state and stress, we validated three steroid hormones (progesterone, corticosterone and cortisol) in adult female blue whales. Females that were categorized as pregnant had higher mean fecal progesterone metabolite concentrations (1292.6 ±â€¯415.6 ng·g-1) than resting and lactating females (14.0 ±â€¯3.7 ng·g-1; 23.0 ±â€¯5.4 ng·g-1, respectively). Females classified as pregnant also had higher concentrations of corticosterone metabolites (37.5 ±â€¯9.9 ng·g-1) than resting and lactating females (17.4 ±â€¯2.0 ng·g-1; 16.8 ±â€¯2.8 ng·g-1, respectively). In contrast, cortisol metabolite concentrations showed high variability between groups and no significant relationship to reproductive state. We successfully determined preliminary baseline parameters of key steroid hormones by reproductive state in adult female blue whales. The presence of pregnant or with luteal activity and known lactating females confirms that the Gulf of California is an important winter-spring area for the reproductive phase of these blue whales. The baseline corticosterone levels we are developing will be useful for assessing the impact of the increasing coastal development and whale-watching activities on the whales in the Gulf of California.

Balaenoptera/physiologie , Fèces/composition chimique , Hormones sexuelles stéroïdiennes/analyse , Reproduction/physiologie , Animaux , Balaenoptera/métabolisme , Californie , Corticostérone/analyse , Corticostérone/métabolisme , Femelle , Hormones sexuelles stéroïdiennes/métabolisme , Grossesse , Progestérone/analyse , Progestérone/métabolisme , Dosage radioimmunologique , Manipulation d'échantillons
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29277452


In response to the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon and the massive release of oil that followed, we conducted three annual research voyages to investigate how the oil spill would impact the marine offshore environment. Most investigations into the ecological and toxicological impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil crisis have mainly focused on the fate of the oil and dispersants, but few have considered the release of metals into the environment. From studies of previous oil spills, other marine oil industries, and analyses of oil compositions, it is evident that metals are frequently encountered. Several metals have been reported in the MC252 oil from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, including the nonessential metals aluminum, arsenic, chromium, nickel, and lead; genotoxic metals, such as these are able to damage DNA and can bioaccumulate in organisms resulting in persistent exposure. In the Gulf of Mexico, whales are the apex species; hence we collected skin biopsies from sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus), short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus), and Bryde's whales (Balaenoptera edeni). The results from our three-year study of monitoring metal levels in whale skin show (1) genotoxic metals at concentrations higher than global averages previously reported and (2) patterns for MC252-relevant metal concentrations decreasing with time from the oil spill.

Balaenoptera/métabolisme , Métaux/métabolisme , Mutagènes/métabolisme , Pollution pétrolière , Peau/métabolisme , Cachalot macrocéphale/métabolisme , Globicéphales/métabolisme , Animaux , Dos , Balaenoptera/croissance et développement , Biopsie/médecine vétérinaire , Chrome/métabolisme , Chrome/toxicité , Surveillance de l'environnement , Femelle , Golfe du Mexique , Mâle , Métaux/toxicité , Mutagènes/toxicité , Nickel/métabolisme , Nickel/toxicité , Reproductibilité des résultats , Caractères sexuels , Peau/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Spectrophotométrie atomique , Cachalot macrocéphale/croissance et développement , Distribution tissulaire , Toxicocinétique , Polluants chimiques de l'eau/métabolisme , Polluants chimiques de l'eau/toxicité , Globicéphales/croissance et développement
J Exp Biol ; 220(Pt 22): 4119-4129, 2017 11 15.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28883086


Vocal behavior of blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) in the Gulf of Corcovado, Chile, was analysed using both audio and accelerometer data from digital acoustic recording tags (DTAGs). Over the course of three austral summers (2014, 2015 and 2016), seventeen tags were deployed, yielding 124 h of data. We report the occurrence of Southeast Pacific type 2 (SEP2) calls, which exhibit peak frequencies, durations and timing consistent with previous recordings made using towed and moored hydrophones. We also describe tonal downswept (D) calls, which have not been previously described for this population. As being able to accurately assign vocalizations to individual whales is fundamental for studying communication and for estimating population densities from call rates, we further examine the feasibility of using high-resolution DTAG accelerometers to identify low-frequency calls produced by tagged blue whales. We cross-correlated acoustic signals with simultaneous tri-axial accelerometer readings in order to analyse the phase match as well as the amplitude of accelerometer signals associated with low-frequency calls, which provides a quantitative method of determining if a call is associated with a detectable acceleration signal. Our results suggest that vocalizations from nearby individuals are also capable of registering accelerometer signals in the tagged whale's DTAG record. We cross-correlate acceleration vectors between calls to explore the possibility of using signature acceleration patterns associated with sounds produced within the tagged whale as a new method of identifying which accelerometer-detectable calls originate from the tagged animal.

Balaenoptera/physiologie , Son (physique) , Vocalisation animale , Accélérométrie , Acoustique , Animaux , Chili , Densité de population , Saisons
PLoS One ; 12(5): e0177880, 2017.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28562625


Stable isotope analysis in mysticete skin and baleen plates has been repeatedly used to assess diet and movement patterns. Accurate interpretation of isotope data depends on understanding isotopic incorporation rates for metabolically active tissues and growth rates for metabolically inert tissues. The aim of this research was to estimate isotopic incorporation rates in blue whale skin and baleen growth rates by using natural gradients in baseline isotope values between oceanic regions. Nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) isotope values of blue whale skin and potential prey were analyzed from three foraging zones (Gulf of California, California Current System, and Costa Rica Dome) in the northeast Pacific from 1996-2015. We also measured δ15N and δ13C values along the lengths of baleen plates collected from six blue whales stranded in the 1980s and 2000s. Skin was separated into three strata: basale, externum, and sloughed skin. A mean (±SD) skin isotopic incorporation rate of 163±91 days was estimated by fitting a generalized additive model of the seasonal trend in δ15N values of skin strata collected in the Gulf of California and the California Current System. A mean (±SD) baleen growth rate of 15.5±2.2 cm y-1 was estimated by using seasonal oscillations in δ15N values from three whales. These oscillations also showed that individual whales have a high fidelity to distinct foraging zones in the northeast Pacific across years. The absence of oscillations in δ15N values of baleen sub-samples from three male whales suggests these individuals remained within a specific zone for several years prior to death. δ13C values of both whale tissues (skin and baleen) and potential prey were not distinct among foraging zones. Our results highlight the importance of considering tissue isotopic incorporation and growth rates when studying migratory mysticetes and provide new insights into the individual movement strategies of blue whales.

Balaenoptera/métabolisme , Isotopes du carbone/métabolisme , Régime alimentaire , Mouvement , Isotopes de l'azote/métabolisme , Peau/métabolisme , Animaux , Balaenoptera/croissance et développement , Balaenoptera/physiologie , Saisons
PLoS One ; 12(1): e0168646, 2017.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28081160


Since 1970, blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) have been seen feeding in the waters off southern Chile during the summer and autumn (December to May). Investigation of the genetic, acoustic and morphological characteristics of these blue whales shows that they are a distinct but unnamed subspecies, called the Chilean blue whales. Photo-identification surveys have been conducted in the waters off northwestern Isla Grande de Chiloé, southern Chile from 2004-2012 and Isla Chañaral, central Chile in 2012. Over this time, 1,070 blue whales were encountered yielding, after photo-quality control, 318 and 267 unique photographs of the left and right side of the flank respectively. Using mark-recapture analysis of left and right side photographs collected from Isla Grande de Chiloé (2004-2012), open population models estimate that ~570-760 whales are feeding seasonally in this region. POPAN superpopulation abundance estimates for the same feeding ground in 2012 are 762 (95% confidence intervals, CI = 638-933) and 570 (95% CI 475-705) for left and right side datasets respectively, very similar to results from closed population models. Estimates of trend revealed strong variation in abundance, peaking in 2009 and [suggesting] fluctuating use in the survey area over time, likely related to the density of their prey. High inter-annual return rates suggest a degree of site-fidelity of individuals to Isla Grande de Chiloé and that the number of whales using this feeding ground is relatively small.

Balaenoptera/physiologie , Bases de données factuelles , Animaux , Chili , Femelle , Mâle , Dynamique des populations , Saisons
Mol Ecol ; 26(3): 740-751, 2017 Feb.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27891694


Many aspects of blue whale biology are poorly understood. Some of the gaps in our knowledge, such as those regarding their basic taxonomy and seasonal movements, directly affect our ability to monitor and manage blue whale populations. As a step towards filling in some of these gaps, microsatellite and mtDNA sequence analyses were conducted on blue whale samples from the Southern Hemisphere, the eastern tropical Pacific (ETP) and the northeast Pacific. The results indicate that the ETP is differentially used by blue whales from the northern and southern eastern Pacific, with the former showing stronger affinity to the region off Central America known as the Costa Rican Dome, and the latter favouring the waters of Peru and Ecuador. Although the pattern of genetic variation throughout the Southern Hemisphere is compatible with the recently proposed subspecies status of Chilean blue whales, some discrepancies remain between catch lengths and lengths from aerial photography, and not all blue whales in Chilean waters can be assumed to be of this type. Also, the range of the proposed Chilean subspecies, which extends to the Galapagos region of the ETP, at least seasonally, perhaps should include the Costa Rican Dome and the eastern North Pacific as well.

Balaenoptera/génétique , Variation génétique , Génétique des populations , Migration animale , Animaux , Amérique centrale , Chili , ADN mitochondrial/génétique , Équateur , Répétitions microsatellites , Océan Pacifique , Pérou
PLoS One ; 11(1): e0141296, 2016.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26761201


The genes of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) play an important role in the vertebrate immune response and are among the most polymorphic genes known in vertebrates. In some marine mammals, MHC genes have been shown to be characterized by low levels of polymorphism compared to terrestrial taxa; this reduction in variation is often explained as a result of lower pathogen pressures in marine habitats. To determine if this same reduction in variation applies to the migratory population of blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) that occurs in the Gulf of California, we genotyped a 172 bp fragment of exon 2 of the MHC Class II DQB locus for 80 members of this population. Twenty-two putatively functional DQB allotypes were identified, all of which were homologous with DQB sequences from other cetacean species. Up to 5 putative alleles per individual were identified, suggesting that gene duplication has occurred at this locus. Rates of non-synonymous to synonymous substitutions (ω) and maximum likelihood analyses of models of nucleotide variation provided potential evidence of ongoing positive selection at this exon. Phylogenetic analyses of DQB alleles from B. musculus and 16 other species of cetaceans revealed trans-specific conservation of MHC variants, suggesting that selection has acted on this locus over prolonged periods of time. Collectively our findings reveal that immunogenic variation in blue whales is comparable to that in terrestrial mammals, thereby providing no evidence that marine taxa are subject to reduced pathogen-induced selective pressures.

Balaenoptera/génétique , Exons/génétique , Locus génétiques , Variation génétique , Chaines bêta des antigènes HLA-DQ/génétique , Allèles , Séquence d'acides aminés , Animaux , Séquence nucléotidique , Californie , Fréquence d'allèle/génétique , Chaines bêta des antigènes HLA-DQ/composition chimique , Haplotypes/génétique , Antigènes d'histocompatibilité de classe II/génétique , Fonctions de vraisemblance , Données de séquences moléculaires , Phylogenèse , Sélection génétique , Alignement de séquences
J Acoust Soc Am ; 138(5): 2722-5, 2015 Nov.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26627748


A total of 109 recordings aiming to identify Bryde's whale calls were collected from the Gulf of California, Mexico, during field trips performed from January 2010 to June 2014. Vocalizations were recorded only when no calves were observed. Four types of calls were identified. Calls similar to the Be4 call type previously reported for the Eastern Tropical Pacific region and South of California were recorded. In addition, three calls, not reported in previous studies of the Bryde's whale, have also been identified. The identification of these calls, which were labeled Be10, Be11, and Be12, enables expansion of the known acoustic repertoire of this species, which is currently poorly documented. The identification of three previously unreported calls and the confidence given by careful visual confirmation of the whale species and number of individuals contribute to make this study a significant contribution toward the acoustic monitoring of Bryde's whale.

Balaenoptera/physiologie , Vocalisation animale/physiologie , Animaux , Comportement animal , Océan Pacifique , Spectrographie sonore , Spécificité d'espèce