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Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 8(3): e165, 2019. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1049952


La inserción del catéter venoso central (CVC) ha significado un gran avance en la medicina moderna y su uso generalizado ha permitido el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas diagnósticas y tratamientos especializados. En este estudio se dan a conocer las indicaciones presentes al momento de colocar el catéter venoso central y el tiempo de colocación en los pacientes. Métodos: La investigación fue de tipo retrospectivo, descriptivo y de corte transversal, con un diseño de investigación no experimental y tuvo la finalidad de conocer, en forma directa, la realidad de la problemática. Las unidades de observación fueron(188) historias clínicas de los pacientes que ingresaron en el servicio de medicina interna en el hospital Miguel Pérez Carreño en el periodo comprendido entre enero y abril de 2017. Resultados: El 68% de la indicación del catéter venoso central es para la medición de la presión venosa central (PVC) y control de líquidos, mientras que en el 32% la indicación fue por administración de fármacos. El tiempo de colocación tuvo un predominio del 61% de los pacientes que utilizaron el catéter venoso central durante 1 a 3 semanas, en segundo lugar, el 36% utilizo el catéter por unos días, solo un 3% amerito el uso del catéter venoso central durante 1 mes. Conclusiones: La mayoría de los pacientes estudiados tuvieron como principal indicación de CVC para control de líquido y medición de presión venosa central. Con una duración de 1 a 3 semanas(AU)

The insertion of the central venous catheter (CVC) has meant a great advance in modern medicine and its widespread use has allowed the development of new diagnostic techniques and specialized treatments. In this study we present the indications present at the moment of placing the central venous catheter and the time of use in patients. Methods: The research was of a retrospective, descriptive and cross-sectional type, with a non-experimental research design and aimed to know, in a direct way, the reality of the problem. The units of observation were (188) clinical records of patients admitted to the internal medicine service in the hospital Miguel Pérez Carreño in the period between January and April 2017. Results: 68% of the indication of the central venous catheter is for the measurement of central venous pressure (CVP) and fluid control, while in 32% the indication was for drug administration. The time of use had a predominance of 61% of patients who used the central venous catheter for 1 to 3 weeks, secondly, 36% used the catheter for a few days, only 3% required the use of the central venous catheter for 1 month. Conclusions: The majority of patients studied had CVC as main indication for fluid control and central venous pressure measurement. With a duration of 1 to 3 weeks(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Cathétérisme veineux central/méthodes , Pression veineuse centrale , Gestion du temps/méthodes , Infections sur cathéters/microbiologie , Voies veineuses centrales/effets indésirables , Dossiers médicaux/statistiques et données numériques , Études rétrospectives , Dispositifs d'accès vasculaires , Hospitalisation
São Paulo; s.n; 2018. 106 p.
Thèse de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-909084


Introdução: A formação médica é um processo complexo que envolve a aquisição de diversas competências. Este processo desenvolve-se durante a graduação e tende a consolidarse na residência médica. Embora seja uma forma reconhecida de capacitação profissional, críticas são feitas em relação à sobrecarga de trabalho, carga horária excessiva e privação de sono. Objetivo: Descrever e analisar estratégias de gestão do tempo no cotidiano de médicos residentes de Clínica Médica em um hospital universitário de São Paulo, Brasil. Métodos: Na 1° fase foram realizadas 8 entrevistas com médicos residentes abordando aspectos de vida pessoal, familiar, empregos, estudo teórico e atividades práticas. Realizada análise de conteúdo com auxílio do programa MaxQDA. Na 2° fase foram preenchidos protocolos de atividades diárias por 7 residentes, 5 no estágio de avaliação pré-operatória e 2 no estágio do pronto-socorro de clínica médica. Calculadas médias individuais e em grupo destes dados. Resultados: Após análise de conteúdo 5 categorias foram selecionadas: a) Organização do trabalho durante as atividades práticas da residência; b) Atividade para aprendizado ou atividade profissional?; c) Moradia, planejamento financeiro e atividades domésticas; d) Tempo para lazer e relacionamentos interpessoais; e) Planejamento familiar / filhos; f) Repouso / Sono. Há relatos de atividades remuneradas não vinculadas a residência, diminuindo o tempo previsto para repouso, estudo ou lazer. Nos períodos de plantões noturnos há uma piora do convívio social e familiar devido ao deslocamento do repouso para o período diurno. O grupo no estágio de avaliação pré-operatório, em dias de atividade na residência, apresentou mediana de tempo diário em atividade de 7,5h; em repouso noturno 6,7h; em estudo teórico 2,2h e no repouso diurno 0h. Para o grupo no estágio do prontosocorro de clínica médica, nos dias de atividades diurnas esses tempos foram 13,0h; 7,0h; 0h e 0h, respectivamente. Para os dias de atividades noturnas, foram 12,5h; 0h; 0h e 7,1h, respectivamente. Discussão: Há diferenças entre trabalho prescrito e real pois a duração da jornada é superior ao previsto em alguns estágios, devido a intercorrências e visitas em enfermarias. O aumento do período da residência permitiria diminuição da carga horária diária, mas impactaria no planejamento pessoal destes médicos. Há uma privação parcial de sono que piora em estágios com plantões, interferindo inclusive em relacionamentos sociais, principalmente fora do ambiente de trabalho. Durante plantões noturnos há um pior desempenho das atividades, incluindo incidentes como interpretação errônea de exames e erros de prescrição médica. Conclusões: Os residentes vivenciam um período de aprendizado intenso, mas que exige uma carga horária elevada e trabalho complexo, com períodos de plantões noturnos e em fins de semana. Optam por adiar o momento da maternidade /paternidade para centrar a atenção nos estudos, seja para a prova de título da especialidade, quanto para um novo concurso de residência. Há diversas estratégias adotadas para gestão do tempo: residir próximo ao hospital; auxílio das atividades domésticas por diaristas; realizar refeições nos restaurantes do hospital; adiamento da maternidade / paternidade; apoio social centrado no convívio com outros residentes e supervisores

Introduction: Medical education concerns in a complex process which involves acquisition of a wide range of skills. This process develops from undergraduate education to medical residency, when it consolidates. As long as it is a recognized way of training, criticisms are made due to work overload, excessive working hours, and sleep deprivation. Objective: To describe and analyze strategies of time management in the daily life of Internal Medicine residents in a university hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: In the first phase, 8 interviews were conducted with resident physicians addressing aspects of personal and family life, jobs, theoretical study and practical activities. Data analysis was carried out using the MaxQDA program. In the second phase, protocols of daily activities were filled by 7 residents, 5 in the preoperative evaluation internship and 2 in the adult emergency room internship. Individual and group averages of the time spent with residency activities, rest, leisure, study and other jobs were performed. Results: After data analysis, 5 categories were selected: a) Organization of work during the practical activities of the residence; b) Activity for learning or professional activity?; c) Housing, financial planning and domestic activities; d) Time for leisure and interpersonal relationships; e) Family planning / children; f) Rest / Sleep. Paid activities beside the residency program were reported and responsible for decreasing the rest, study and leisure time. During the night shifts was noticed a decrease of social and family ties due to the change of resting hours towards the daytime. For the group in the preoperative evaluation internship, were identified the median daily time in activity of 7,5h of working time, 6,7h of night rest, 2,2h of internal medicine theory study and 0h of daytime rest. For the adult emergency room internship group, the activities hours were 13,0h; 7,0h; 0h and 0h, respectively. Lastly, for night shifts routines, the activities hours were 12,5h; 0h; 0h and 7,1h respectively. Discussion: There are differences between described and factual work since the working shift length is higher than anticipated in some internships, due to intercurrences and medical visits in wards. Increasing the duration of residency programs would let a decrease of daily working hours, but would impact in the personal planning of resident doctors. Sleep deprivation gets worse in internships composed by shift hours, impacting in social relationships outside work. During working shifts is notable a worse performance, being reported incidents such as lab tests misreading and prescription mistakes. Conclusions: Resident physicians experience a period of intense learning that requires a high and complex workload with night and weekend shifts. For that, maternity/paternity is postponed to aim studies for board or fellowship exams. There are various strategies used to improve time management: housing around hospital, support of maid services at home, oncampus feeding and social support centered on other residents and medical staff

Activités de la vie quotidienne , Internat et résidence/organisation et administration , Horaire de travail posté , Gestion du temps/méthodes , Entretiens comme sujet/méthodes , Santé au travail
Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 14(2): 1313-1329, July-Dec. 2016. tab, ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-836142


En este artículo expongo los resultados de una investigación sobre la construcción social del tiempo, en el contexto del conflicto armado colombiano, de jóvenes que participan en un festival de cine y video comunitario en Ciudad Bolívar (Bogotá). Partiendo del presupuesto de que el tiempo es un regulador que permite a los individuos y grupos sintetizar, integrar y coordinar el mundo social, este estudio lo apoyé metodológicamente en el análisis cultural de los productos visuales que han circulado en las siete versiones del festival -videos, documentales y películas-, asumiendo que a partir de su puesta en escena se conjugan modos de temporización sociales, éticos y estéticos en los mundos de vida juveniles. En los hallazgos se destacan tres grupos de temporalidades juveniles: las temporalidades carnavalescas y polifónicas en la diversidad; los tiempos del duelo, el miedo y la condena; y la anamnesis y las memorias subalternas.

The article presents the results of a study that analyzed the social construction of time in the context of the Colombian armed conflict with young people participating in a community film and video festival in Ciudad Bolívar (Bogota). Based on the idea that time is a regulator that allows individuals and groups to synthesize, integrate and coordinate with the social world, the methodology used for the study was to engage in the cultural analysis of visual products circulating in the festival (videos, documentaries and films), based on the assumption that these products highlighted the social, ethical and aesthetic temporalities of young people’s life worlds. The results of the study show that three groups of youth temporalities are highlighted in the analysis: the carnival and polyphonic temporalities in diversity; the temporalities of grief, fear and condemnation; and subaltern history and memories.

Objetivo e âmbito: O artigo apresenta os resultados de um estudo que analisou a construção social do tempo, no contexto do conflito armado colombiano, dos jovens que participaram de um festival de cinema e vídeo comunitário na Ciudad Bolivar (Bogotá). Metodologia: Partindo do pressuposto de que o tempo é um controlador que permite a indivíduos e grupos sintetizarem, integrarem e coordenarem o mundo social, o estudo foi metodologicamente embasado na análise cultural de produtos visuais que tenham circulado nas sete versões do festival (vídeos, documentários e filmes), assumindo que por meio de sua encenação são combinados modos sociais, éticos e estéticos de temporização nos mundos da vida juvenil. Resultados: Três grupos de temporalidades juvenis são destacados nos resultados: o carnaval e temporalidades polifônicas na diversidade; o momento de dor, medo e condenação; e a história subalterna e as memórias.

Humains , Adolescent , Jeune adulte , Conflits armés , Mémoire , Organisation Sociale , Colombie , Gestion du temps/méthodes , Événements de vie , Groupes de population
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-691021


Se describe la práctica, existente en centros de salud del sector público, de pedir a los médicos que firmen la prescripción para continuar entregando determinados medicamentos –en el caso benzodiacepinas– a pacientes crónicos, aún en ausencia de éstos. La causa es la carencia de suficiente tiempo de médicos. Se describen los posibles riesgos asociados a esta práctica y se proponen conductas adecuadas para diversos casos. Se debería investigar la prevalencia del problema y sus características específicas en el universo de la atención primaria.

In health clinics of Santiago, doctors are sometimes requested to sign prescriptions for the continuation of therapy, even in the absence of the patients. This is due to the lack of doctors’ time. Possible risks associated to this situation are described, as well as appropriate measures. The prevalence of such “prescription sessions” in primary health care should be investigated.

Gestion du temps/méthodes , Benzodiazépines , Ordonnances médicamenteuses , Soins de santé primaires , Types de pratiques des médecins
J Med Internet Res ; 3(2): E16, 2001.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11720958


BACKGROUND: Strict work timetables, personal and professional duties or an inability to be absent from home or work can all represent major constraints for those wishing to improve their professional skills. Within this context, the World Wide Web can allow people to conveniently follow distance courses from their homes. OBJECTIVE: To present an experience in the use of the Web in the continuing education of healthcare professionals in Brazil. METHODS: A Web-based distance education course in nutrition in public health was developed. The methodology was an adaptation of both problem-based and task-based learning. At the end of the course an evaluation questionnaire which covered the course s contents, the educational methodology and resources, the duration and schedule, and the use of the Web as a tool for distance education was given to the students. RESULTS: There were 83 on line registrations from 13 states, 73 of the applicants were female, 62 had a degree in nutrition and 18 were physicians. From these; eleven students from ten states were chosen: nine female nutritionists, two female physicians, and one male physician. Seven students completed the course, took and passed the final exam. Of the other four students, two failed to follow the schedule, one had health problems, and one did not obtain the minimal score for sitting the final exam. The students had a mean age of 35, and a mean of ten years in practice. They all stated that they were unable to attend a regular course, even though they felt that they needed to improve their professional skills. Most of them studied seven days a week for between two and four hours a day. The students also felt that their professional skills had improved and each reported having made changes in their practice as a result of their participation. The students approved of the course s contents, methodology and resources, however they were divided about its duration. The Web as a tool in distance education was approved by the students. If it was not for the Web they could not have taken part in a continuing education program. All students said they would attend another virtual course, if available. Even though most of them did not have difficulty adapting to the virtual environment, they did feel that an adaptation period would be of value. CONCLUSIONS: A Web-based course may be more effective than other distance education methodologies because it is more interactive and dynamic. On-line material can be constantly reviewed and updated, and the students can have the opportunity to submit commentaries or questions directly to the teaching staff. A Web-based course also allows the students to go beyond the course content as they learn how to search and take advantage of the huge resources of information available on the Internet.

Enseignement à distance/tendances , Formation médicale continue comme sujet/tendances , Internet/tendances , Sciences de la nutrition/enseignement et éducation , Administration de la santé publique/enseignement et éducation , Santé publique/enseignement et éducation , Adulte , Brésil , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Médecins , Évaluation de programme , Gestion du temps/méthodes
Belo Horizonte; Desenvolvimento humano; 7. ed; 1998. 276 p.
Monographie de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-760732
Belo Horizonte; Desenvolvimento humano; 7. ed; 1998. 276 p.
Monographie de Portugais | LILACS, Coleciona SUS | ID: biblio-941090
Rio de Janeiro; Campus; 1995. 103 p. ilus, tab.(Trabalho Eficaz).
Monographie de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-407123


Dá uma visão geral do processo de fixação de metas. Examina o impactos de uma comunicação eficiente com pessoas, a fim de atingir metas. Examina o relacionamento entre fixação de metas e as clássicas aptidões gerenciais de fixação de prioridades, planejamento, delegação e administração do tempo

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Objectifs , Organisation et administration , Objectifs de fonctionnement , Gestion du personnel/méthodes , Contrôle du comportement , Gestion du temps/méthodes , Gestion du personnel , Planification
Rio de Janeiro; Campus; 1995. 103 p. ilus, tab.(Trabalho Eficaz).
Monographie de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-407138


Dá uma visão geral do processo de fixação de metas. Examina o impactos de uma comunicação eficiente com pessoas, a fim de atingir metas. Examina o relacionamento entre fixação de metas e as clássicas aptidões gerenciais de fixação de prioridades, planejamento, delegação e administração do tempo

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Objectifs , Organisation et administration , Objectifs de fonctionnement , Gestion du personnel/méthodes , Contrôle du comportement , Gestion du temps/méthodes , Gestion du personnel , Planification