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Behav Sci Law ; 42(5): 525-542, 2024.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38863119


Few studies have examined victim participation in parole processes, particularly in countries that have specific procedures for hearing victims' statements in post-conviction proceedings. This study, through in-depth interviews, explores the experiences of seven indirect victims of child sexual homicide, identifying their needs and expectations in a justice system lacking formal mechanisms for their involvement. Results emphasize the necessity for official information for families and the consequent frustration from the absence of formal participation. Parole application becomes a new challenge to the ongoing grieving process, leading to distress responses that may require specialized care. Recommendations about formal mechanisms for victim notification, participation and support during the parole process are noted to acknowledge their experience and emotional impact.

Victimes de crimes , Homicide , Humains , Mâle , Enfant , Femelle , Victimes de crimes/psychologie , Adulte , Homicide/psychologie , Violence sexuelle chez l'enfant/psychologie , Entretiens comme sujet , Adulte d'âge moyen
J Am Acad Psychiatry Law ; 51(3): 390-400, 2023 09.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37268304


The concept of suicide by cop (SbC) is of interest to psychiatrists, law enforcement professionals, lawyers, and citizens. It is a form of provoked homicide arising from a wish to die. Those who attempt SbC experience more mental illness, substance use, and recent trauma than the general population. This article examines those who attempt SbC and survive the encounters. SbC survivors who threaten or harm police or others may be charged with crimes such as weapons possession, aggravated assault, murder or attempted murder of an officer. The formulation of a provocative act, however, frustrates attempts at defenses based on mental state, resulting in few requests for expert testimony. Few data exist on how these individuals fare in court. Appellate cases in which defendants attempted to introduce evidence of SbC illustrate great variability in adjudication. Psychiatric defenses, such as diminished capacity and insanity, are usually inapplicable or unsuccessful because intent and knowledge of wrongfulness are implied in the provocative act. Diversion of SbC defendants into mental health courts is rare because of firearms use against police. The author argues that criminal justice ignores SbC survivors' mental health and recommends application of therapeutic jurisprudence to give full expression of SbC dynamics.

Troubles psychotiques , Troubles liés à une substance , Suicide , Humains , Droit pénal , Suicide/psychologie , Homicide/psychologie
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 28: e54686, 2023. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS, Index Psychologie - Revues | ID: biblio-1514629


RESUMO. Este trabalho se insere no campo teórico da psicanálise e tem por objetivo discutir, a partir do conceito de perversão, a relação entre o ato perverso e os assassinatos em série, através das comunicações que certos autores desse tipo de crime realizaram com a mídia e com as forças da lei. Para a realização desse objetivo foi feita uma análise de conteúdo, segundo Bardin (2011), em 35 cartas enviadas por sete assassinos em série diferentes para a grande mídia ou para a polícia. Como resultado, encontra-se o fato de que a estrutura desses documentos é bastante similar e apresentam descrições de seus crimes, seus estados mentais, além de ameaças à população e um deboche direcionado às autoridades e forças policiais. Por fim, nota-se que a estrutura do ato perverso, conforme pensada por Freud e Lacan, está presente nas cartas estudadas, que pertencem a épocas e lugares distintos, e cujos autores não tiveram contato direto entre si.

RESUMEN. Este trabajo es parte del campo teórico del psicoanálisis y tiene como objetivo identificar los comportamientos comunes que están presentes en diferentes actos perversos, más específicamente en las comunicaciones que los asesinos en serie llevan a cabo con los medios de comunicación y las fuerzas de la ley. Para lograr este objetivo, se realizó un análisis de contenido, según Bardin (2011) sobre 35 cartas enviadas por siete asesinos en serie diferentes a los principales medios de comunicación o la policía. Como resultado, existe el hecho de que la estructura de estos documentos es bastante similar y presenta descripciones de sus crímenes, sus estados mentales, además de las amenazas a la población y un libertinaje dirigido a las autoridades y las fuerzas policiales. Finalmente, se observa que la estructura del acto perverso, como lo piensan las teorías de Freud y Lacan, tiende a repetirse en los sujetos estudiados, que pertenecen a diferentes tiempos y lugares y que no tuvieron contacto directo entre sí.

ABSTRACT This work is part of the theoretical field of psychoanalysis and aims to discuss, from the concept of perversion, the relationship between the perverse act and serial murders, through the communications that certain authors of this type of crime made with the media and with the forces of the law. To achieve this objective, a content analysis was carried out, according to Bardin (2011), on thirty-five letters sent by seven different serial killers to the mainstream media or the police. As a result, there is the fact that the structure of these documents is quite similar and presents descriptions of their crimes, their mental states, in addition to threats to the population and a debauchery directed at the authorities and police forces. Finally, it is noted that the structure of the perverse act, as thought by the theories of Freud and Lacan, is present in the studied letters, which belong to different times and places, and whose authors had no direct contact with each other.

Humains , Lettre , Crime/psychologie , Homicide/psychologie , Psychanalyse , Violence/psychologie , Criminels/psychologie
Aval. psicol ; 21(2): 187-196, abr.-jun. 2022. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS, Index Psychologie - Revues | ID: biblio-1447463


O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a incidência de psicopatia dentre os homicidas encarcerados, com a hipótese de que há maior incidência média de psicopatas em relação a toda população carcerária. Além disso, buscou-se avaliar se há uma correlação positiva e significativa entre o índice de psicopatia demonstrado por meio do Psychopathy Checklist - Revised (PCL-R) e a quantidade de qualificadores do homicídio pelo qual os sujeitos estão encarcerados. Participaram do estudo 45 detentos, do sexo masculino, acima de 20 anos, que estavam cumprindo pena pelo crime de homicídio. Foram utilizadas três fontes para a coleta de dados: Questionário Sociodemográfico e Criminal, o PCL-R e Fichas Criminais dos detentos. Os resultados demonstraram que poucos homicidas atingem altos escores e podem ser considerados como psicopatas (F = 7, 15,6%). Ademais, foi verificado uma tendência para o aumento na quantidade de qualificadores do homicídio à medida que os indivíduos marcam uma maior pontuação geral no PCL-R.(AU)

The present study aimed to evaluate the rate of psychopathy among incarcerated murderers, following the hypothesis that murderers are more likely to be psychopaths when compared to the general prison population. Furthermore, we sought to assess whether there is a positive and significant correlation between the psychopathy index, demonstrated through the Psychopathy Checklist - Revised (PCL-R), and the number of homicide qualifiers for which the subjects were incarcerated. The study included 45 male inmates, over 20 years of age, who were incarcerated for murder. Three data sources were used: Sociodemographic and Criminal Questionnaire, PCL-R and the criminal records of the detainees. The results showed that only a few murderers achieved scores high enough to be considered psychopaths (F= 7, 15.6%). Furthermore, there was a trend towards an increase in the number of homicide qualifiers as individuals scored a higher overall score in the PCL-R.(AU)

El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la incidencia de psicopatía entre los asesinos encarcelados, con la hipótesis de que hay una mayor incidencia media de psicópatas con relación a toda la población carcelaria. Además, se buscó evaluar si hay una correlación positiva y significativa entre el índice de psicopatía demostrado a través del Psychopathy Checklinst - Revised (PCL-R) y la cantidad de calificadores de homicidio por los que los sujetos están encarcelados. En el estudio participaron 45 reclusos varones, mayores de 20 años, que cumplían condena por el delito de homicidio. Fueron utilizadas tres fuentes para la colecta de datos: Cuestionario Sociodemográfico y Delictivo, el PCL-R y los Antecedentes Penales de los internos. Los resultados mostraron que pocos asesinos alcanzan puntuaciones elevadas y pueden ser considerados psicópatas (F=7, 15,6%). Además, hubo una tendencia a que la cantidad de calificadores de homicidio aumentara a medida que los individuos puntuaban más alto en la PCL-R.(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Jeune adulte , Homicide/psychologie , Trouble de la personnalité de type antisocial/psychologie , Entretiens comme sujet , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Corrélation de données , Facteurs sociodémographiques
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 27: e49027, 2022.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, Index Psychologie - Revues | ID: biblio-1376061


RESUMO. Este artigo visa discutir a produção da personagem 'envolvido' pela narrativa midiática e seus efeitos na legitimação da necropolítica brasileira. Para tanto, faz uso das contribuições teóricas de Cecília Coimbra, Achille Mbembe e Judith Butler para analisar as repercussões das fake News nas redes sociais direcionadas ao jovem Marcos Vinícius da Silva, morto na favela da Maré, no Rio de Janeiro, quando ia para a escola. A maneira como esse assassinato foi tratado nas redes sociais oferece elementos para a compreensão da produção e ratificação da personagem 'envolvido' na justificação de mortes de pessoas que participaram (ou não) de situações ilícitas, colocando-os como sujeitos matáveis na atual política de gestão da morte. As considerações finais do trabalho assinalam a urgência de uma postura crítica por parte da mídia e um engajamento teórico-prático que desnaturalize a necropolítica e as relações de poder cada vez mais recrudescidas pela atual conjuntura política no Brasil.

RESUMEN. Este artículo analiza la producción del personaje 'involucrado' en la narrativa de los medios y sus efectos sobre la legitimación de la necropolítica brasileña. Para ello, utilizo las contribuciones teóricas de Cecilia Coimbra, Achille Mbembe y Judith Butler para analizar las repercusiones de las noticias falsas en las redes sociales dirigidas al joven Marcos Vinícius da Silva, quien murió en la favela Maré en Río de Janeiro mientras se dirigía a la escuela. La forma en que se trató este asesinato en las redes sociales, ofrece elementos para comprender la producción y la ratificación del personaje 'involucrado' en la justificación de la muerte de personas que participaron (o no) en situaciones ilícitas, ubicándolas como sujetos matables en la política actual de manejo de la muerte. Las consideraciones finales del trabajo apuntan a la urgencia de una actitud crítica por parte de los medios y un compromiso teórico-práctico que desnaturalice las relaciones cada vez más necropolíticas y de poder en Brasil.

ABSTRACT. This article discusses the production of the character 'involved' by the media narrative and its effects on the legitimation of the Brazilian necropolitics. To this end, we used the theoretical contributions by Cecília Coimbra, Achille Mbembe and Judith Butler to analyze the repercussions of fake news on social media directed against the young boy Marcos Vinícius da Silva, who was killed in the favela of Maré in Rio de Janeiro while on his way to school. The way this murder was addressed on social networks offers elements for understanding the production and ratification of the character 'involved' in justifying the deaths of people who participated or not in illicit situations, placing them as killable subjects in the current death management policy. The final considerations of the work point to the urgency of a critical approach by the media and a theoretical-practical engagement that denaturalizes necropolitics and the power relations increasingly intensified by the current political situation in Brazil.

Humains , Politique , Deuil (perte) , Réseautage social , Désinformation , Prejugé , Psychologie sociale/éthique , Pouvoir psychologique , Police/éthique , Médias sociaux/ressources et distribution , Racisme/psychologie , Homicide/psychologie
J Forensic Sci ; 66(5): 2048-2053, 2021 Sep.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33963540


Violence committed by individuals with severe mental disorders has become a growing focus of interest among physicians, law enforcement officials, and the general population. Homicide involving relatives, specially parricide, matricide, and filicide, despite the relatively low incidence of these crimes, may be enigmatic, so forensic psychiatrist are frequently called on the courts to answer questions about insanity and criminal responsibility. The current study aims to describe Brazilian cases of parricide, matricide, and filicide associated with presence of major mental disorders and personality disorders, discussing the assessment of criminal responsibility in each case. The case series described were specifically related to people with mental illness, as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and borderline personality with comorbidity of drug abuse. Two of them were considered not guilty by reason of insanity, and the other one was considered partially criminally responsible, according to Brazilian Law and Forensic Psychiatric Reports of the cases. The justice determined compulsory psychiatric treatment for all of them. The question of criminal responsibility of individuals with mental disorders is challenging for criminal justice, psychiatry, and society. Adequate treatment is mandatory to prevent crimes involving mental disorders, as shown in literature. The verification of criminal responsibility is essential for persons' adequate referral in any system of criminal law, thus protecting human rights and referring those who need psychiatric treatment.

Homicide/législation et jurisprudence , Homicide/psychologie , Troubles mentaux/psychologie , Famille nucléaire , Troubles de la personnalité/psychologie , Adulte , Brésil , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Femelle , Humains , Mâle
Public Health ; 187: 103-108, 2020 Oct.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32942169


OBJECTIVES: In high-income countries, there is a positive relationship between neighborhood-level crime and cardiovascular risk factors (CRFs) in adolescence. A few studies that examined this association in low- and middle-income countries yielded inconsistent results. The aim of our study was to analyze the associations between homicide rates and prevalence rates of CRFs in adolescents living in Brazilian municipalities. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional ecologic study. METHODS: An ecologic study was conducted to evaluate associations between homicide rates and CRFs in 122 municipalities included in the Study of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Adolescents (Portuguese acronym, ERICA). The following CRFs were evaluated: adiposity (overweight/obese), sedentary behavior (screen time ≥3 h per day), high waist circumference (between 10 and 16 years, percentile ≥90; 16-17 years, ≥90 cm for men and ≥80 cm for women), low high-density lipoproteins (HDL) levels (<45 mg/dl), alcohol use (≥1 drink in the last 30 days) and hypertension (≥percentile 95th). In addition to these risk factors, we also evaluated the association of homicides with physical inactivity. Neighborhood homicide data were obtained from the Ministry of Health Mortality Information System (Portuguese acronym, SIM). RESULTS: The 3-year homicide (115 per 100,000; interquartile range (IQR): 66.1, 150.5.) and CRFs prevalence rates were high (eg, obesity = 7.7%; IQR:6.2,9.5, overweight = 24.7%; IQR:21.6,27.9, sedentary behavior = 54.4%; IQR:47.9,58.9). Crude and adjusted Spearman correlation coefficients between 3-year homicide rate and CRFs were weak, and with the exception of HDL level, in directions contrary to expectation. Prevalence rate ratios (PR) tended toward the null value, even after multiple adjustments. Although the upper limit of the PR expressing the association between the highest homicide category (65-95% percentile range) and physical inactivity in boys barely overlapped the null hypothesis, the point estimate was also very close to one (boys, PR = 0.98, 95% confidence interval 0.95, 1.0). CONCLUSIONS: In ERICA municipalities, although high prevalence rates of homicides and CRFs are important public health concerns, no significant associations were found between these variables.

Maladies cardiovasculaires/épidémiologie , Comportement en matière de santé , Homicide/statistiques et données numériques , Obésité/épidémiologie , Caractéristiques de l'habitat , Mode de vie sédentaire , Violence/statistiques et données numériques , Adolescent , Brésil/épidémiologie , Études transversales , Femelle , Facteurs de risque de maladie cardiaque , Homicide/psychologie , Humains , Hypertension artérielle/épidémiologie , Revenu , Mâle , Surpoids , Prévalence , Facteurs de risque , Population urbaine , Tour de taille , Jeune adulte
J Pediatr ; 219: 216-222, 2020 04.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32014280


OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence and behavioral, sociodemographic, and psychiatric/psychological correlates of homicidal ideation among a sample of children and adolescents. STUDY DESIGN: We employed descriptive and multivariate logit models of homicidal ideation using data from the 2012-2016 Nationwide Emergency Department Sample from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project. This study was conducted with data from emergency departments in the US, and we used a sample of (N = 17 041 346) children and adolescents between the ages of 5 and 17 years. RESULTS: Pediatric homicidal ideation is rare with a prevalence estimate of 0.09%; however, its prevalence increases substantially from age 5 years to age 15 years when it peaks, and then declines through the end of adolescence. Conduct disorders conferred 1483% increased odds, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder conferred 616% increased odds, and other behavioral and emotional disorders increased a 2-fold to nearly 4-fold increased liability for homicidal ideation net the effects of sex, age, urban residence, insurance status, and zip code median household income. CONCLUSION: In the wake of homicide tragedies, it is often the case that numerous behavioral and clinical red flags were present in the developmental history of the perpetrator, but these were overlooked. Identifying children and adolescents who present with homicidal ideation is a crucial pediatric and public health matter that can inform prevention and behavioral interventions that forestall lethal violence.

Homicide/psychologie , Processus mentaux , Adolescent , Enfant , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Études transversales , Bases de données factuelles , Service hospitalier d'urgences/statistiques et données numériques , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Facteurs temps , États-Unis
Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 41(3): 292-296, July-Sept. 2019. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1043529


Abstract Objectives To assess the sociodemographic, psychiatric and criminal profile of adolescent offenders complying with temporary custody for homicide/homicide attempt and to compare it to that of the population of adolescents in custody for other crimes. Methods This cross-sectional study was based on the review of the medical records of 74 juvenile offenders in temporary custody at socioeducational agency Fundação de Atendimento Sócio-Educativo do Rio Grande do Sul. For the analysis, variables that presented p < 0.2 were included in multivariate adjustment through logistic regression. Results The sample comprised males only, mostly with white skin color (55.6 vs. 57.9% for homicidal and non-homicidal, respectively) and with a high prevalence of school failure (77.8 vs. 91.2%). There was a high prevalence of family history of delinquency (88 vs. 81%). Only years of study and belonging or not to a criminal organization remained statistically significant in the multivariate model. Conclusion The results show that having fewer years of study and denying belonging to a criminal organization are predictive factors of homicidal behavior in adolescent offenders (both with statistical relevance). The other variables were not statistically significant for this outcome. The present study may serve as a basis for further research, which may improve our understanding of risk factors for juvenile homicide.

Resumo Objetivos Avaliar o perfil sociodemográfico, psiquiátrico e criminal de adolescentes infratores que cumprem internação provisória por homicídio ou tentativa de homicídio e compará-los aos adolescentes privados de liberdade por outros atos infracionais. Métodos Este estudo transversal baseou-se na revisão dos prontuários médicos de 74 adolescentes infratores em internação provisória na Fundação de Atendimento Sócio-Educativo do Rio Grande do Sul. Para a análise, variáveis que apresentaram p <0,2 foram incluídas no ajuste multivariado por meio de regressão logística. Resultados A amostra foi composta apenas por homens, a maioria de pele branca (55,6 versus 57,9% para homicidas e não-homicidas, respectivamente) e com alta prevalência de reprovações escolares (77,8 vs. 91,2%). Houve alta prevalência de antecedentes familiares de delinquência (88 versus 81%). Apenas anos de estudo e pertencimento ou não a uma organização criminosa permaneceram estatisticamente significantes no modelo multivariado. Conclusão Os resultados mostram que ter menos anos de estudo e negar pertencer a uma organização criminosa foram fatores preditivos de comportamento homicida em adolescentes infratores (ambos com relevância estatística). As demais variáveis não foram estatisticamente significativas para esse desfecho. O presente estudo pode servir como base para futuras pesquisas, o que pode melhorar nossa compreensão dos fatores de risco para o homicídio juvenil.

Humains , Mâle , Adolescent , Criminels/psychologie , Homicide/psychologie , Contrôle social formel , Brésil , Études transversales , Âge de début , Trouble de la conduite/psychologie , Trouble de la conduite/épidémiologie , Criminels/législation et jurisprudence , Criminels/statistiques et données numériques , Homicide/législation et jurisprudence , Homicide/statistiques et données numériques , Délinquance juvénile/législation et jurisprudence , Délinquance juvénile/psychologie , Délinquance juvénile/statistiques et données numériques
Salud Colect ; 15: e1707, 2019 04 16.
Article de Anglais, Espagnol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31269117


Many sources of secondary data and some previous studies highlight the magnitude of homicides among young people in marginalized populations of the southern part of the City of Buenos Aires. With an approach that incorporates the perspectives of the sociology of individuation, the anthropology of moralities, and the psychic processes involved in subjectivation, an in-depth cases study was conducted between the years 2014 and 2016. A set of biographies of young people who died in front of other young people were reconstructed through the testimonies of families and friends of dead youth. The work aims to delve into the different contexts and conditions of possibility of the experiences of these actors, in which the process of biographical reconstruction linked to youth sociabilities, along with pain and vulnerabilities after a death, can lead to a social critique of the naturalization of the violence among young people in the everyday life of marginalized neighborhoods.

Varias fuentes de datos secundarios y algunos estudios previos destacan la magnitud de los homicidios entre jóvenes en las poblaciones marginalizadas de la zona sur de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Con un enfoque que incorpora las perspectivas de la sociología de la individuación, la antropología de las moralidades y de los procesos psíquicos involucrados en la subjetivación, se realizó un estudio de casos en profundidad, entre los años 2014 y 2016. Se reconstruyó un conjunto de biografías de jóvenes muertos frente a otros jóvenes, con testimonios de familiares, y de jóvenes amigos, de pares muertos. El trabajo se propone profundizar en los diferentes contextos y condiciones de posibilidad de las experiencias de estos actores, en que el proceso de reconstrucción biográfica vinculado a las sociabilidades juveniles, junto al dolor y las vulnerabilidades, tras una muerte, podrían conducir a una crítica social de la naturalización de la violencia entre jóvenes, en la vida cotidiana de los barrios marginalizados.

Famille/psychologie , Amis/psychologie , Homicide/psychologie , Pauvreté/psychologie , Marginalisation sociale/psychologie , Violence/psychologie , Adolescent , Adulte , Argentine , Femelle , Humains , Entretiens comme sujet , Mâle , Recherche qualitative , Caractéristiques de l'habitat , Jeune adulte
Trends Psychiatry Psychother ; 41(3): 292-296, 2019.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31343653


OBJECTIVES: To assess the sociodemographic, psychiatric and criminal profile of adolescent offenders complying with temporary custody for homicide/homicide attempt and to compare it to that of the population of adolescents in custody for other crimes. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was based on the review of the medical records of 74 juvenile offenders in temporary custody at socioeducational agency Fundação de Atendimento Sócio-Educativo do Rio Grande do Sul. For the analysis, variables that presented p < 0.2 were included in multivariate adjustment through logistic regression. RESULTS: The sample comprised males only, mostly with white skin color (55.6 vs. 57.9% for homicidal and non-homicidal, respectively) and with a high prevalence of school failure (77.8 vs. 91.2%). There was a high prevalence of family history of delinquency (88 vs. 81%). Only years of study and belonging or not to a criminal organization remained statistically significant in the multivariate model. CONCLUSION: The results show that having fewer years of study and denying belonging to a criminal organization are predictive factors of homicidal behavior in adolescent offenders (both with statistical relevance). The other variables were not statistically significant for this outcome. The present study may serve as a basis for further research, which may improve our understanding of risk factors for juvenile homicide.

Criminels/psychologie , Homicide/psychologie , Adolescent , Âge de début , Brésil , Trouble de la conduite/épidémiologie , Trouble de la conduite/psychologie , Criminels/législation et jurisprudence , Criminels/statistiques et données numériques , Études transversales , Homicide/législation et jurisprudence , Homicide/statistiques et données numériques , Humains , Délinquance juvénile/législation et jurisprudence , Délinquance juvénile/psychologie , Délinquance juvénile/statistiques et données numériques , Mâle , Contrôle social formel
Am J Community Psychol ; 64(1-2): 218-230, 2019 09.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31087369


This study examines the relation between adolescents' indirect exposure to local homicides and mental health disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. We employ a sample of 300 adolescents ( Mage=14.52,range=12-17) representative for Bogotá, Colombia, and geocoded data on violent crimes recorded by the national police. Findings show that one SD increment in local homicides is associated with increments by 0.17 SD in the mental health disorder index and a 0.14 SD increase in the PTSD score index, even after accounting for adolescents' direct exposure to violence. The estimated effect for PTSD was larger for adolescents' who were directly exposed to violence and for those living in multidimensionally poor households, whereas no detectable effects were found for adolescents who perceived their residential neighborhood as relatively safe.

Exposition à la violence/psychologie , Homicide/psychologie , Troubles de stress post-traumatique/épidémiologie , Troubles de stress post-traumatique/psychologie , Adolescent , Enfant , Colombie/épidémiologie , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Troubles mentaux , Santé mentale , Pauvreté , Facteurs de risque , Enquêtes et questionnaires
Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol ; 63(10): 1952-1966, 2019 08.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30913938


Although knowledge on and prevention of juvenile homicide are crucial for social welfare and have been approached through different methodological instruments, this behavior is still quite difficult to be addressed. In this study, we have analyzed several psychological and social factors that could be theoretically related to juvenile homicidal behavior. Our case-control study included young (M = 16.8 years) males institutionalized in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, under judicial order for crime. Out of 195 cases, 130 had committed homicide, 15 had repeated homicide, and 50 had attempted homicide. The control group comprised 305 young males who had committed other types of crimes. Self-reported and informant-reported instruments and professional assessment were used: Consideration of Future Consequences (CFC) Scale, Weinberger Adjustment Inventory (WAI), Resistance to Peer Influence (RPI), Psychopathy Checklist-Youth Version (PCL-YV), and Inventory of Callous Unemotional Traits (ICU). Differences between indicators of the psychological and social dimensions were not statistically significant. Only Factor 4 of the PCL-YV showed statistically significant difference. However, the relevance of this result is under discussion.

Homicide/psychologie , Échelles d'évaluation en psychiatrie , Adolescent , Argentine , Études cas-témoins , Humains , Mâle
Salud colect ; 15: e1707, 2019.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014559


RESUMEN Varias fuentes de datos secundarios y algunos estudios previos destacan la magnitud de los homicidios entre jóvenes en las poblaciones marginalizadas de la zona sur de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Con un enfoque que incorpora las perspectivas de la sociología de la individuación, la antropología de las moralidades y de los procesos psíquicos involucrados en la subjetivación, se realizó un estudio de casos en profundidad, entre los años 2014 y 2016. Se reconstruyó un conjunto de biografías de jóvenes muertos frente a otros jóvenes, con testimonios de familiares, y de jóvenes amigos, de pares muertos. El trabajo se propone profundizar en los diferentes contextos y condiciones de posibilidad de las experiencias de estos actores, en que el proceso de reconstrucción biográfica vinculado a las sociabilidades juveniles, junto al dolor y las vulnerabilidades, tras una muerte, podrían conducir a una crítica social de la naturalización de la violencia entre jóvenes, en la vida cotidiana de los barrios marginalizados.

ABSTRACT Many sources of secondary data and some previous studies highlight the magnitude of homicides among young people in marginalized populations of the southern part of the City of Buenos Aires. With an approach that incorporates the perspectives of the sociology of individuation, the anthropology of moralities, and the psychic processes involved in subjectivation, an in-depth cases study was conducted between the years 2014 and 2016. A set of biographies of young people who died in front of other young people were reconstructed through the testimonies of families and friends of dead youth. The work aims to delve into the different contexts and conditions of possibility of the experiences of these actors, in which the process of biographical reconstruction linked to youth sociabilities, along with pain and vulnerabilities after a death, can lead to a social critique of the naturalization of the violence among young people in the everyday life of marginalized neighborhoods.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Jeune adulte , Pauvreté/psychologie , Violence/psychologie , Famille/psychologie , Amis/psychologie , Marginalisation sociale/psychologie , Homicide/psychologie , Argentine , Caractéristiques de l'habitat , Entretiens comme sujet , Recherche qualitative
J Youth Adolesc ; 47(10): 2060-2072, 2018 Oct.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29948860


Exposure to neighborhood violence is an important risk factor for the social and emotional development of children and youth. Previous work recognizes that violence may affect children indirectly via secondhand exposure; yet, few studies have aimed to identify and quantify these effects, especially in settings like Colombia where youth is chronically exposed to violence. To address this gap in the literature, this article implements an empirical strategy where geographically specific and time-stamped data are leveraged to identify the effect of indirect exposure to homicides on fifth grade children's social and emotional outcomes. Sample participants (N = 5801) represent the fifth-grade population of boys and girls (50.7%) in two major urban areas in the country (Mage = 11.01, SD = 0.75). We hypothesize that the effects of exposure to neighborhood violence on children's social and emotional skills will be consistent and negative. The findings indicate a consistent negative effect of indirect exposure to homicides on children's emotional functioning (i.e., emotional regulation and empathy), as well as on the prevalence of avoidance behaviors. However, contrary to theoretical expectations, the results do not support effects on children's levels of aggressive behavior, nor on the beliefs and attitudes that justify the use of aggression in interpersonal relationships. The findings are discussed in light of predictions from social cognitive models and their implications for developmentally and trauma-informed interventions for youth.

Homicide/psychologie , Santé mentale/statistiques et données numériques , Troubles du développement neurologique/épidémiologie , Violence/psychologie , Agressivité/psychologie , Enfant , Développement de l'enfant , Colombie/épidémiologie , Émotions , Empathie , Femelle , Humains , Relations interpersonnelles , Mâle , Troubles du développement neurologique/étiologie , Prévalence , Caractéristiques de l'habitat/statistiques et données numériques , Facteurs de risque , Environnement social , Compétences sociales , Population urbaine/statistiques et données numériques
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 17(1): 73-79, ene.-feb. 2018. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-901800


Introducción: El trastorno esquizotípico se manifiesta desde edades tempranas como un patrón general de déficit social e interpersonal, comportamiento excéntrico, capacidad reducida para las relaciones personales y distorsiones cognoscitivas, incomprensibles psicológicamente. Objetivo: Fundamentar la responsabilidad médico-legal de un caso de trastorno esquizotípico que cometió homicidio. Presentación de caso: Individuo de 22 años, soltero, sin hijos, técnico medio, sin historia de trastornos mentales que es peritado por psiquiatría forense debido a que agredió a su abuelo materno con un arma blanca, y causó la muerte. Se le realizó examen psiquiátrico, se aplicó la Escala de Valoración de Impulsividad, se realizó electroencefalograma y valoración psicológica, que incluyó la aplicación de las pruebas proyectivas Bender, Machover y Rorschach. El diagnóstico propuesto por el equipo evaluador fue trastorno esquizotípico, sin enajenación mental. Conclusiones: El trastorno esquizotípico no es un diagnóstico frecuente en Psiquiatría. Cuando se involucra en conductas delictivas, estas ocurren en solitario y suelen estar relacionadas con agresiones hacia otras personas. Es determinante de semi-imputatibilidad o imputabilidad y no se recomienda su permanencia en régimen penitenciario(AU)

Introduction: Schizotypical disorder appears at very early ages as a general pattern of social and interpersonal deficit; eccentric behavior; reduced capacity to maintain personal relations; and cognitive distortions, which are psychologically inexplicable. Objective: To establish the medico-legal implications in a case of schizotypical personality disorder that committed homicide. Case presentation: A 22 years old individual, single, without children, technician, without history of mental disorders who is studied by Forensic Psychiatry because he attacked his maternal grandfather with a knife, which caused his death. Psychiatric examination was done; the Impulsiveness Scale was applied; and an enlectroencephalogram (EEG) and a psychological evaluation were carried out, which included Bender, Machover, and Rorschach tests. The evaluating staff made the diagnosis of Schizotypical disorder, without mental derangement. Conclusions: Schizotypical disorder is not a frequent diagnosis in Psychiatry. When it is involved in criminal behaviors, they occur in isolation and they are usually related to attacks to other persons. It is a determinant condition of semi-imputability or imputability. Prison system is not recommended(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Trouble de la personnalité schizotypique/complications , Trouble de la personnalité schizotypique/diagnostic , Psychiatrie légale/éthique , Imputabilité , Comportement criminel/éthique , Homicide/psychologie
Cien Saude Colet ; 22(9): 3087-3097, 2017 Sep.
Article de Portugais, Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28954159


This study aimed to perform a integrative literature review on the repercussion of homicide on victims' families from 1990 to June 2015. It was noted that the majority of studies on the subject has been conducted in the United States. Fewer studies carried out in Brazil and in other countries have been located. Four main themes have been identified: impact on health, the family system in the post-homicide period, re-victimization factors and post-homicide facilitating aspects. Findings of this study point to the importance of interdisciplinary care focused on this public, considering their health, social, financial and legal needs.

Victimes de crimes/psychologie , Famille/psychologie , Homicide/psychologie , Brésil , Besoins et demandes de services de santé , Humains , Communication interdisciplinaire , États-Unis
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);22(9): 3087-3097, Set. 2017. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-890466


Resumo O presente estudo empreendeu uma revisão integrativa da literatura sobre as repercussões da morte por homicídio nas famílias das vítimas, analisando o período de 1990 a junho de 2015. Constatou-se que a maioria dos estudos sobre o tema concentra-se nos Estados Unidos. Em menor número foram localizados estudos conduzidos no Brasil e em outros países. Quatro principais temas foram identificados: Impactos na saúde, O sistema familiar no pós-homicídio, Fatores de revitimização e Aspectos facilitadores do pós-homicídio. Os achados da pesquisa apontam para a necessidade de uma atenção interdisciplinar voltada para esse público, considerando suas demandas de saúde, social, financeira e jurídica.

Abstract This study aimed to perform a integrative literature review on the repercussion of homicide on victims' families from 1990 to June 2015. It was noted that the majority of studies on the subject has been conducted in the United States. Fewer studies carried out in Brazil and in other countries have been located. Four main themes have been identified: impact on health, the family system in the post-homicide period, re-victimization factors and post-homicide facilitating aspects. Findings of this study point to the importance of interdisciplinary care focused on this public, considering their health, social, financial and legal needs.

Humains , Famille/psychologie , Victimes de crimes/psychologie , Homicide/psychologie , États-Unis , Brésil , Communication interdisciplinaire , Besoins et demandes de services de santé
Rev Colomb Psiquiatr ; 46(2): 82-87, 2017.
Article de Espagnol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28483177


INTRODUCTION: Mental illness has been associated with violent behaviour. Criminal behavior in the mentally ill population in Colombia has not been well studied. METHODS: This is a retrospective, descriptive study, from a secondary source. An analysis was made of the sociodemographic, clinical, and legal variables of 127 unfit to plead patients. A descriptive analysis of quantitative variables was performed by measures of central tendency, and frequencies and percentages were calculated for the qualitative variables. The software SPSS® version 21.0 was used to analyse the data, and the study was approved by the Research Committee of the CES University. RESULTS: The median age was 34 years, interquartile range 19 years, and 92.1% were men. The primary diagnosis was schizophrenia in 63%, 66.9% consumed alcohol, and 58.3% other drugs at the time they committed the crime. Almost one/third (29.1%) had a criminal record, and the most common type of crime was murder in 44.1% of cases. Around half (50.3%) of the victims had some degree of consanguinity with the patient. DISCUSSION: The study subjects had higher illiteracy and lower educational levels than the Colombian prison population. Schizophrenia was the main diagnosis, and homicide the most prevalent crime, which agrees with the literature where non-indictable patients are responsible for 5%-20% of murder cases worldwide. CONCLUSIONS: To reduce the gap between the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders, especially schizophrenia, should be within the specific actions to prevent violence and criminal behavior associated with mental illness.

Crime/statistiques et données numériques , Troubles mentaux/épidémiologie , Schizophrénie/épidémiologie , Violence/statistiques et données numériques , Adolescent , Adulte , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Consommation d'alcool/épidémiologie , Colombie , Crime/psychologie , Niveau d'instruction , Femelle , Homicide/législation et jurisprudence , Homicide/psychologie , Homicide/statistiques et données numériques , Humains , Irresponsabilité pénale , Lettrisme/statistiques et données numériques , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Études rétrospectives , Violence/législation et jurisprudence , Violence/psychologie , Jeune adulte
Vertex ; 28(136): 424-429, 2017 Nov.
Article de Espagnol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29522603


This study addresses the epidemiology of risk factors and personality traits in adolescents of 16 and 17 years of age, charged with homicide, with a focus on analyzing psychic functioning, socio-demographic variables and family constitution. This is a longitudinal, retrospective and inferential study of the psychiatric assessments of several subjects who were interviewed in the Family Courts of the province of Mendoza. The hypothesis states that adolescents who have violent behavior, impulsivity and diffculty in complying with rules, do so as a result of having been victims of violence in an inadequate family environment. The statistical method employed was ANOVA 2 and sign test for a statically signifcant p<0.05. The study of different variables shows low self-criticism and behavioral disorders in childhood among the subjects.

Homicide/statistiques et données numériques , Comportement déviant , Adolescent , Femelle , Homicide/psychologie , Humains , Mâle , Facteurs de risque