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Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10 (1) 2024;10(1): 34798, 2024 abr. 30. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BBO - Ondontologie | ID: biblio-1553615


Introdução: A saúde bucal é um aspecto que não deve ser subestimado pelos pacientes, principalmente se considerar que as infecções odontogênicas podem levar a quadros graves, incluindo complicações cervicotorácicas, como Mediastinite e cervicofaciais, como Angina de Ludwig. Para tanto, é imprescindível que os profissionais da odontologia saibam reconhecer os principais sinais e sintomas dessas infecções, sua evolução, conhecer as complicações associadas e qual o manejo adequado. Objetivo: Assim, é objetivo deste trabalho, relatar, discutir um caso clínico de uma infecção odontogênica grave que acarretou em complicação cervical, com trajeto em direção ao mediastino, necessitando manejo multidisciplinar, e explorar os principais aspectos desse quadro e a conduta necessária, que exige, no mínimo, intervenção cirúrgica, antibioticoterapia e manutenção das vias aéreas. Relato de caso: O caso trata de um paciente com infecção odontogênica, iniciada como uma pericoronarite do dente 38 semieruptado, que evoluiu para a área cervical, demandando imediata drenagem nesta região pois encaminhava-se para uma mediastinite. Após a drenagem cervical e antibioticoterapia e, assim que houve redução do trismo, foi removido o dente 38, evoluindo para a cura.Conclusões:As infecções odontogênicas, principalmente as que acometem os espaços fasciais e cervicais profundos, são potencialmente graves e devem ter suas principais manifestações clínicas entre os domínios de conhecimento dos profissionais Bucomaxilofaciais, pois necessitam de diagnóstico preciso, manejo rápido e tratamento adequado e precoce, considerando a velocidade com que podem evoluir (AU).

Introduction: Oral healthis an aspect that should not be underestimated by patients, especially considering that dental infections can lead to serious symptoms, including cervicothoracic complications, such as Mediastinitis and cervicofacial complications, such as Ludwig's Angina. Therefore, it is essential that dental professionals know how to recognize the main signs and symptoms of these infections, their evolution, know the associated complications and appropriate management.Objective: Thus, this work aims to report and discuss a clinical case of a serious odontogenic infection that resulted in a cervical complication, with a path towards the mediastinum, requiring multidisciplinary management, and to explore the main aspects of this condition and the necessary conduct, which requires, at least, surgical intervention, antibiotic therapy and airway maintenance.Case report: The case concerns a patient with odontogenic infection, which began as pericoronitis of semi-erupted tooth 38, which progressed to the cervical area, requiring immediate drainage in this region as it was heading towards mediastinitis. After cervical drainage and antibiotic therapy and, as soon as the trismus was reduced, tooth 38 was removed, progressing towards healing.Conclusions: Odontogenic infections, especially those that affect the fascial and deep cervical spaces, are potentially serious and should have their main clinical manifestations among the domains of knowledge ofOral and Maxillofacial professionals, as they require accurate diagnosis, rapid management and adequate and early treatment, considering the speed at which they can evolve (AU).

Introducción: La salud bucal es un aspecto que los pacientes no deben subestimar, especialmente considerando que las infecciones odontógenas pueden derivar en afecciones graves, incluidas complicaciones cervicotorácicas, como la mediastinitis, y complicaciones cervicofaciales, como la angina de Ludwig.Para ello, es fundamental que los profesionales odontológicos sepan reconocer las principales señalesy síntomas de estas infecciones, su evolución, conocer las complicaciones asociadas y el manejo adecuado.Objetivo: Así,el objetivo de este trabajo es reportar y discutir un caso clínico de infección odontogénica grave que resultó en una complicación cervical, con trayecto hacia el mediastino, que requirió manejo multidisciplinario, y explorar los principales aspectos de esta condicióny las medidas necesarias, que requiere, como mínimo, intervención quirúrgica, terapia con antibióticos y mantenimiento de las vías respiratorias.Reporte de caso: El caso se trata de un paciente con una infección odontogénica, que comenzó como pericoronaritis del diente 38 semi-erupcionado, la cual progresó hacia la zona cervical, requiriendo drenaje inmediato en esta región ya que se encaminaba para una mediastinitis.Después del drenaje cervical y la terapia antibiótica y, una vez reducido el trismo, se extrajo el diente 38, evolucijjonando hacia la cura.Conclusiones: Las infecciones odontogénicas, especialmente aquellas que afectan los espacios fasciales y cervicales profundos, son potencialmente graves y deben tener sus principales manifestaciones clínicas entre los dominios del conocimiento de los profesionales Orales y Maxilofaciales, pues requieren de un diagnóstico certero, un manejo rápido y un tratamiento adecuado y temprano, considerando la velocidad a la que pueden evolucionar (AU).

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Drainage/instrumentation , Contrôle de l'infection dentaire , Angine de Ludwig/anatomopathologie , Médiastinite , Ostéomyélite , Radiographie dentaire/instrumentation , Tomodensitométrie/instrumentation , Chirurgiens buccaux et maxillo-faciaux
São Paulo; s.n; 20231211. 102 p.
Thèse de Portugais | LILACS, BBO - Ondontologie | ID: biblio-1519641


Infecções odontogênicas são quadros clínicos que podem se agravar quando não tratados no tempo e da forma adequada. A disseminação do processo infeccioso para os tecidos e espaços fasciais adjacentes leva a internação hospitalar e pode provocar com frequência grande morbidade, mas raramente óbitos. Propusemo-nos a analisar por um estudo retrospectivo dados de prontuários de pacientes com infecções odontogênicas no período de janeiro de 2010 a janeiro de 2021 em um hospital universitário público para verificar possíveis associações de fatores clínicos e laboratoriais no aumento do tempo de internação. Uma amostra aleatória de 220 prontuários conforme a Classificação Internacional de Doenças (CID-10) em K-047 (abscesso periapical) e K-122 (celulite e abscesso da boca) foi selecionada para coleta de dados. 43% dos prontuários (n=99) continham a maioria das informações para coleta das variáveis como: sexo, idade, regiões anatômicas envolvidas, comorbidades, resultados de exames laboratoriais quando presentes (contagem de leucócitos, proteína C-reativa e hemoglobina), origem da infecção, tratamento, período de internação, antibióticos administrados, relato ou outras medicações quando descritas. Os dados foram distribuídos quanto a média e desvio padrão, medidas de frequência e foram submetidos a teste de associação (qui-quadrado ou exato de Fisher) para algumas variáveis relacionadas a gravidade e alongamento do tempo de hospitalização. A maioria dos casos foi de celulite e abscessos da boca (K-122)sendo os mais graves em homens com idade entre os 27 a 32 anos. Não foramreportados óbitos. Os casos de menor gravidade foram abscesso periapical (K-047) envolveram igualmente homens e mulheres na sua maioria crianças entre 12 e 13 anos. A região mais acometida em toda a amostra foi o espaço submandibular. Houve evolução para mediastinite em cinco casos e em 14 para angina de Ludwig. O período de internação para os casos de menor gravidade foi de 3 dias em média enquanto para os casos de maior gravidade ultrapassaram 7 dias. Encontramos associação significativa na amostra total vinculando alongamento da permanência hospitalar por mais do que 3 dias (72h) com os casos de maior gravidade incluindo 6 os registros de celulite e abscesso da boca (K-122), (p=0.003) e quando múltiplos espaços estivessem acometidos (p<0.001). Não foi possível verificar associação significativa entre os resultados dos exames laboratoriais e o alongamento da permanência hospitalar (>72h) porém nos casos de maior gravidade os níveis de PCR se confirmaram significativamente mais elevados. Para os de menor gravidade, periapical (K-047), a penicilina e derivados foram os antibióticos de escolha. Para os casos de maior gravidade a associação de ceftriaxona e clindamicina foi a mais utilizada. Concluímos que os dados corroboram com os dados da literatura internacional. Um estudo prospectivo com maior amostra deve ser conduzido para sugerir fatores preditores clínicos e laboratoriais de gravidade e alongamento de permanência hospitalar.

Angine de Ludwig , Médiastinite
Respirar (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 15(2): [128-133], jun2023.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437565


Introducción: la mayoría de los pacientes que se someten a cirugía torácica pueden ser clasificados en el grupo de alto riesgo para hipoxia, especialmente cuando se decide por una ventilación unipulmonar, debido al desequilibrio V/Q; por lo tanto, se han desa-rrollado nuevas estrategias ventilatorias y maniobras de rescate para hipoxia. Curso clínico: presentamos una paciente de 85 años de edad sin comorbilidades programada para toracotomía abierta y manejada con ventilación unipulmonar. Durante el mane-jo anestésico, se presenta hipoxia secundaria a desequilibrio V/Q y choque hipovolémi-co hemorrágico, con respuesta positiva a las maniobras de rescate para hipoxia. Con-clusión: es importante prevenir en la medida de lo posible la hipoxia en la ventilación unipulmonar, siguiendo las nuevas estrategias ventilatorias. Sin embargo, cuando se presenta una crisis, no debemos retrasar las maniobras de rescate de forma moderna. (AU)

Introduction: most of the patients undergoing thoracic surgery fit in the high risk group for hypoxia, especially when deciding to use one-lung ventilation due to the V/Q mis-match; therefore, new ventilation strategies and hypoxia rescue manoeuvres have been developed. Clinical course: we present an 85-year old female with no major co-morbidities scheduled for open thoracotomy and managed with one-lung ventilation. During the course of the anaesthetic management, hypoxia presents secondary to V/Q mismatch and haemorrhagic hypovolemic shock, with a positive response to hypoxia rescue manoeuvres. Conclusion: it is important to prevent as much as we can the hy-poxia in a one-lung ventilation following the new ventilation strategies. Although when facing a crisis, proper hypoxia management with a modern approach should not be de-layed. (AU)

Humains , Femelle , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Abcès/chirurgie , Ventilation sur poumon unique/instrumentation , Médiastinite/anatomopathologie , Hypoxie/chirurgie , Thoracotomie , Oxygénation , Anesthésie
Gac Med Mex ; 159(1): 17-23, 2023.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36930565


INTRODUCTION: Mediastinitis after cardiovascular surgery gives rise to prolonged hospital stay and increased medical care costs, and is associated with high in-hospital mortality. OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical characteristics of patients with post-surgical mediastinitis, including the isolated microorganisms, resistance profile, and in-hospital survival. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of patients with bacteriologically-confirmed post-surgical mediastinitis cared for at a cardiology hospital in Mexico City between January 2017 and March 2019. RESULTS: Fifty-eight cases of mediastinitis were included. Median age was 67 years. Most subjects were males who underwent myocardial revascularization. During in-hospital follow-up, all-cause and mediastinitis-related mortality were 27.6% and 20.7%, respectively. Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Escherichia coli were the most commonly isolated microorganisms. High resistance to methicillin was found in coagulase-negative staphylococci, as well as high expression of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae strains. CONCLUSIONS: High mortality and significant antimicrobial resistance were found in patients with post-cardiac surgery mediastinitis.

INTRODUCCIÓN: La mediastinitis posterior a cirugía cardiovascular deriva en estancia hospitalaria prolongada e incremento de los costos de la atención médica, y se asocia a elevada letalidad hospitalaria. OBJETIVO: Describir las características clínicas de los pacientes con mediastinitis posquirúrgica, incluyendo los microorganismos aislados, perfil de resistencia y supervivencia hospitalaria. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal de pacientes con mediastinitis posquirúrgica bacteriológicamente confirmada, atendidos en un hospital de cardiología de la Ciudad de México entre enero de 2017 y marzo de 2019. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 58 casos de mediastinitis. La mediana de edad fue de 67 años. La mayoría de los sujetos fueron varones sometidos a revascularización miocárdica. Durante el seguimiento hospitalario, la letalidad por todas las causas y la secundaria a la mediastinitis fueron de 27.6 y 20.7 %, respectivamente. Los microorganismos más frecuentemente aislados fueron Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis y Escherichia coli. Se encontró alta resistencia a meticilina en los estafilococos coagulasa negativos y alta expresión de betalactamasas de espectro extendido en cepas de Escherichia coli y Klebsiella pneumoniae. CONCLUSIONES: En los pacientes con mediastinitis posquirúrgica analizados se observó alta letalidad e importante resistencia antimicrobiana.

Procédures de chirurgie cardiaque , Cardiologie , Médiastinite , Mâle , Humains , Sujet âgé , Femelle , Médiastinite/étiologie , Mexique , Études transversales , Procédures de chirurgie cardiaque/effets indésirables , Hôpitaux , Études rétrospectives
Braz J Cardiovasc Surg ; 38(3): 353-359, 2023 05 04.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36692043


INTRODUCTION: Median sternotomy is the most preferred approach in heart surgery. Post-sternotomy mediastinitis is a catastrophic and potentially life-threatening complication with an incidence rate of 0.15% to 5%, and its overall mortality rate reaches 47%. In this study, we aimed to compare the results of vacuum-assisted closure technique and the conventional methods on the management of mediastinitis following isolated coronary artery bypass graft surgery. METHODS: Between February 2001 and July 2013, 32,106 patients who underwent cardiac operations were evaluated retrospectively. One hundred and fourteen patients who developed post-sternotomy mediastinitis were included in this study. The patients were divided into two groups and compared - vacuum-assisted closure group (n=52, 45.6%) and conventional treatment group (n=62, 54.4%). RESULTS: There were no differences between the two groups according to the patients' characteristics, surgical data, and mediastinal cultures. However, we found that total treatment duration for post-sternotomy mediastinitis, time interval from diagnosis to negative culture, hospitalization time, and in-hospital mortality were statistically significantly lower in the vacuum-assisted closure group than in the conventional treatment group (P<0.001, P<0.001, P<0.001, and P=0.03, respectively). CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that the vacuum-assisted closure technique improves the medical outcome of patients with post-sternotomy mediastinitis compared with the conventional treatment. The vacuum-assisted closure is a safe and more effective treatment modality for patients with post-sternotomy mediastinitis after cardiac surgery with reasonable morbidity and mortality.

Pontage aortocoronarien , Médiastinite , Traitement des plaies par pression négative , Humains , Médiastinite/étiologie , Traitement des plaies par pression négative/méthodes , Pontage aortocoronarien/méthodes , Sternotomie , Études rétrospectives
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal ; 28(1): e25-e31, 2023 Jan 01.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36173714


BACKGROUND: Odontogenic deep neck infections remain a common condition that presents a challenging issue due to the complex involvement of the neck and adjacent structures and its potential life-threatening risk. Periapical infection of the second or third molar with spread to the submandibular and parapharyngeal spaces is the most commonly observed scenario. However, the time of dental extraction of the infection focus remains controversial. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the epidemiology, clinical and radiological features, and management in patients diagnosed with ODNI and to identify the role of early dental extraction on patient outcomes and recovery. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This retrospective study included patients over 18 years old with a diagnosis of ODNI who were admitted to the University Hospital "Dr Jose Eleuterio Gonzalez" from January 2017 to January 2022. ODNI diagnosis was based on clinical and radiological evidence of the disease supplemented by dental and maxillofacial evaluation for an odontogenic aetiology. RESULTS: A total of 68 patients were included in the study. The patients' mean age was 40.96 ± 14.9. Diabetes mellitus was the most common comorbidity. The submandibular space was the most common deep neck space involved (n=59, 86.8%). Mediastinitis, marginal nerve injury and orocervical fistula were observed in 7.5% of patients, with no fatality in this series. A delay of >3 days for dental extraction of the involved tooth was associated with an increased rate of mediastinitis (n=3, 100%, p= 0.022), number of surgical interventions (1.45 ± 0.61, p= 0.006), ICU stay (n=8, 40%, p= 0.019), and ICU length of stay (0.85 ± 0.8, p= 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Expedited management with surgical drainage and intravenous antibiotic treatment, along with early extraction of the involved tooth, is mandatory.

Médiastinite , Humains , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Adolescent , Études rétrospectives , Médiastinite/diagnostic , Médiastinite/traitement médicamenteux , Médiastinite/étiologie , Cou , Hospitalisation , Antibactériens/usage thérapeutique
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35431178


OBJECTIVE: This study is a case report of a severe odontogenic infection treated at Huambo Provincial Hospital, Angola. The case was made worse by local mysticism. CASE REPORT: A pregnant woman was treated for a severe odontogenic infection that caused descending mediastinitis and even a lumbar abscess. The patient died of this infection. A delay in attendance was crucial in this death. DISCUSSION: Patients from the African continent commonly experience life-threatening head and neck infections. These critical infections are rarely found in Europe or North America. The clinical situation is aggravated by local mysticism, along with poverty, lack of access to health facilities, and a shortage of skilled workers. Religious habits and the use of local herbs without scientific evidence can create difficult-to-manage situations. CONCLUSIONS: The authors believe this is the first report of an association between life-threatening odontogenic infection and mysticism. International collaboration, including teledentistry and continuing education, are critical to transforming this scene.

Médiastinite , Mysticisme , Afrique , Europe , Femelle , Humains , Médiastinite/étiologie , Cou , Grossesse
Article de Anglais, Portugais | BDENF - Infirmière, LILACS | ID: biblio-1361338


Objetivo: classificar os pacientes segundo o risco de desenvolvimento de mediastinite no pós-operatório de cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio. Método: estudo observacional, transversal, realizado na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Pós-Operatória de um hospital universitário no interior paulista. Amostra consecutiva e não probabilística foi constituída por pacientes adultos, submetidos à revascularização do miocárdio. A coleta de dados foi realizada na alta da Terapia Intensiva, utilizando o Escore de Risco Multivariável para Mediastinite. Para a obtenção do escore foram realizadas análises estatística descritivas. Resultados: participaram do estudo 50 pacientes, 68% do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 62,7 anos. Nenhum paciente foi reoperado ou apresentava doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica; 26,0% eram obesos; 12,0% apresentaram angina instável e 4,0% foram politransfundidos no pós-operatório. Segundo o escore, 58,0% apresentaram baixo e 42,0% médio risco de desenvolvimento de mediastinite. Conclusão: a maior parte dos pacientes apresentava baixo risco de desenvolvimento de mediastinite

Objective: to classify patients according to the risk of developing mediastinitis in the postoperative period of myocardial revascularization surgery. Method: observational, cross-sectional study, carried out in the Post-Operative Intensive Care Unit of a university hospital in the interior of São Paulo. Consecutive and non-probabilistic sample consisted of adult patients who underwent myocardial revascularization. Data collection was performed at discharge from the Intensive Care, using the Multivariable Risk Score for Mediastinitis. To obtain the score, descriptive statistical analyzes were performed. Results: the50 patients participated in the study, 68% were male, with a mean age of 62.7 years. No patient was reoperated or had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; 26.0% were obese; 12.0% had unstable angina and 4.0% were transfused in the postoperative period. According to the score, 58.0% had a low and 42.0% medium risk of developing mediastinitis. Conclusion: most patients were at low risk of developing mediastinitis

Objetivo: clasificar a los pacientes según el riesgo de desarrollar mediastinitis en el postoperatorio de cirugía de revascularización miocárdica. Método: estudio observacional, transversal, realizado en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Posoperatorios de un hospital universitario del interior de São Paulo. La muestra consecutiva y no probabilística estuvo constituida por pacientes adultos sometidos a revascularización miocárdica. La recolección de datos se realizó al alta de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos, utilizando el Multivariable Risk Score para Mediastinitis. Para obtener la puntuación se realizaron análisis estadísticos descriptivos. Resultados: participaron en el estudio 50 pacientes, el 68% eran varones, con una edad media de 62,7 años. Ningún paciente fue reintervenido ni presentó enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica; El 26,0% eran obesos; El 12,0% presentó angina inestable y el 4,0% recibió transfusión en el postoperatorio. Según el puntaje, el 58.0% tenía un riesgo bajo y el 42.0% medio de desarrollar mediastinitis. Conclusión: la mayoría de los pacientes tenían un riesgo bajo de desarrollar mediastinitis

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Facteurs de risque , Médiastinite , Revascularisation myocardique , Période postopératoire , Soins infirmiers périopératoires , Soins de réanimation , Broncho-pneumopathie chronique obstructive , Angor instable
Acta otorrinolaringol. cir. cuello (En línea) ; 50(2): 151-158, 20220000. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1382352


Introducción: la mediastinitis se define como el proceso inflamatorio usualmente infeccioso del tejido conectivo mediastinal y los órganos que este rodea. Específicamente, la mediastinitis descendente corresponde a una complicación rara por infección de los espacios profundos del cuello, la orofaringe o la cavidad oral, que se extiende a través de los espacios fasciales del cuello y los diseca. De forma infrecuente, esta patología puede originarse a partir de la parotiditis, las infecciones de la piel del cuello o la epiglotitis. También, de manera menos frecuente, puede generarse en el contexto de un traumatismo del cuello o la cavidad oral. En este estudio se pretende llamar la atención, en particular, sobre los aspectos que involucran al especialista otorrinolaringólogo en el manejo de los pacientes con infecciones profundas del cuello y su rol en el diagnóstico y tratamiento eficaz de la mediastinitis descendente, como la principal causa de mortalidad en estos casos. Metodología: se llevó a cabo una búsqueda con las palabras clave "Airway" "Ludwig's angina" en PubMed, no se efectuó filtración por fecha ni tipo de estudio. Se encontró un total de 147 artículos. Se realizó lectura de los resúmenes por los autores y se seleccionaron 50. Se realizó lectura crítica del texto completo de los 50 artículos resultantes de la búsqueda y se extrajo la información relevante. Conclusión: esta patología de marcada severidad conlleva a un aumento significativo de la mortalidad. Su tratamiento, aunque permanece controversial en ciertas circunstancias, debe ser agresivo y oportuno, con un enfoque en el rol del otorrinolaringólogo en 4 pilares de tratamiento: el drenaje quirúrgico, la antibioticoterapia de amplio espectro, el soporte hemodinámico y la seguridad de la vía aérea.

Introduction: Mediastinitis is defined as the usually infectious inflammatory process of the mediastinal connective tissue and the organs it surrounds. Specifically, descending mediastinitis corresponds to a rare complication, an infection of deep spaces of the neck, oropharynx, or oral cavity, which extends through the facial spaces of the neck, dissecting. Less frequent, this pathology can originate from parotiditis, skin infections of the neck or epiglottitis. Also, less frequent it can be generated in the context of trauma to the neck or oral cavity. This study intends to draw attention to the aspects that involve the ENT specialist in the management of patients with deep neck infections and their role in the diagnosis and effective treatment of descending mediastinitis as the main cause of mortality in these patients. Methodology: A search was carried out with the keywords "Airway" "Ludwig's angina" in PubMed, no filtering was performed by date or type of study, finding a total of 147 articles, abstracts were read by the authors, selecting 50. A critical reading of the 50 articles full texts is carried out and the relevant information is extracted. Conclusion: This pathology of marked severity, carries a significant increase in mortality and its treatment, although it remains controversial in certain circumstances, it must be aggressive and timely, focusing the role of the otorhinolaryngologist on 4 pillars of treatment: surgical drainage, antibiotic therapy, hemodynamic support, and airway safety.

Humains , Angine de Ludwig , Remodelage des voies aériennes , Médiastinite
Am J Case Rep ; 22: e933193, 2021 Dec 15.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34907149


BACKGROUND Mediastinitis is a serious complication after cardiac surgery; it is a deep sternal wound infection following sternotomy, with clinical evidence and/or microbiological involvement and sternal osteomyelitis. The most common pathogens are Staphylococcus spp (S. aureus), followed by gram-negative organisms. Establishing an etiological diagnosis of fungal mediastinitis is often a challenging issue, given the nonspecific clinical presentation. CASE REPORT A 74-year-old man was diagnosed with a three-vessel coronary artery disease in a university hospital. The patient had as clinical background hypertension, a body mass index (BMI) of 29.78 kg/m², and no diabetes mellitus. After an uneventful coronary artery bypass surgery, he presented clinical and radiological mediastinitis manifestations on the 9th postoperative day. He was treated with a range of antibiotics, with no clinical improvement until the 33rd postoperative day. Then, mediastinal fluid and biopsied tissue were collected and he was started on voriconazole due to growing Aspergillus spp. On the 93rd postoperative day, he had clinical improvement and, after several exams, was released from the hospital. We present the first report of Aspergillus fumigatus mediastinitis after cardiac surgery in Brazil, successfully treated with voriconazole. CONCLUSIONS Aspergillus infection should be considered in the differential diagnosis of mediastinitis after coronary surgery, especially in a clinical case of unexplained sepsis, negative blood culture, and no clinical improvement despite antibiotic therapy. This case report highlights that the mediastinal fluid and biopsy tissue culture can be useful for the diagnosis of fungal mediastinitis.

Médiastinite , Sujet âgé , Aspergillus fumigatus , Pontage aortocoronarien/effets indésirables , Humains , Mâle , Médiastinite/diagnostic , Médiastinite/étiologie , Staphylococcus aureus , Infection de plaie opératoire/diagnostic , Infection de plaie opératoire/étiologie
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc;36(4): 565-570, July-Aug. 2021. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347146


Abstract This study presents the method used for chest reconstruction and treatment of mediastinitis following cardiac surgery at the Heart Institute of the University of São Paulo Medical School. After infection control with antibiotic therapy associated with aggressive surgical debridement and negative pressure wound therapy, chest reconstruction is performed using flaps. The advantages and disadvantages of negative pressure wound therapy are discussed, as well as options for flap-based chest reconstruction according to the characteristics of the patient and sternum. Further studies are needed to provide evidence to support the decisions when facing this great challenge.

Humains , Procédures de chirurgie cardiaque/effets indésirables , Médiastinite/étiologie , Écoles de médecine , Sternum/chirurgie , Infection de plaie opératoire/étiologie , Résultat thérapeutique , Débridement , Sternotomie/effets indésirables
Am J Case Rep ; 22: e928394, 2021 Jun 28.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34181635


BACKGROUND Esophageal necrosis is a rare entity characterized by the presence of extensive circumferential necrosis of the esophagus. It generally affects older adults who have associated chronic pathologies and has a reported mortality rate of approximately 32%. Most patients with esophageal necrosis have a complex clinical course. CASE REPORT We present the case of a 37-year-old man with idiopathic chronic renal failure who presented to the Emergency Department with sudden esophageal necrosis and mediastinitis, associated with invasive candidiasis. Diagnosis was challenging owing to the rarity of the condition. The patient required intensive care management and multiple surgical procedures. CONCLUSIONS Esophageal necrosis is an uncommon pathology that can be fatal because of associated complications. Its pathophysiology is unclear, and its treatment is based on the control of local injury and signs and symptoms. Acute esophageal necrosis associated with invasive Candida sp. infection is even more infrequent, with only a few cases reported in the literature.

Candidose invasive , Médiastinite , Adulte , Candidose invasive/complications , Candidose invasive/diagnostic , Oesophage , Humains , Mâle , Médiastinite/diagnostic , Nécrose
Braz J Cardiovasc Surg ; 36(4): 565-570, 2021 08 06.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33577255


This study presents the method used for chest reconstruction and treatment of mediastinitis following cardiac surgery at the Heart Institute of the University of São Paulo Medical School. After infection control with antibiotic therapy associated with aggressive surgical debridement and negative pressure wound therapy, chest reconstruction is performed using flaps. The advantages and disadvantages of negative pressure wound therapy are discussed, as well as options for flap-based chest reconstruction according to the characteristics of the patient and sternum. Further studies are needed to provide evidence to support the decisions when facing this great challenge.

Procédures de chirurgie cardiaque , Médiastinite , Procédures de chirurgie cardiaque/effets indésirables , Débridement , Humains , Médiastinite/étiologie , Écoles de médecine , Sternotomie/effets indésirables , Sternum/chirurgie , Infection de plaie opératoire/étiologie , Résultat thérapeutique
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 73(1): 95-99, feb. 2021. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388794


Resumen Introducción: El tratamiento inoportuno e ineficaz de las infecciones odontogénicas puede causar complicaciones potencialmente mortales como la mediastinitis necrotizante descendente (MND). La MDN es una infección grave que afecta al cuello-tórax, con una alta tasa de mortalidad por sepsis e insuficiencia orgánica si no se trata de manera rápida y efectiva. Objetivo: Describir un caso de MND de origen odontogénico y su manejo médico-quirúrgico. Caso clínico: Presentamos un paciente de sexo masculino de 34 años que ingresa con un cuadro infeccioso agudo de origen odontogénico, que compromete espacios de la cabeza, cuello y tórax (mediastino superior), el cual se trata exitosamente. Discusión: Las infecciones odontogénicas son generalmente localizadas y que se pueden tratar mediante terapias convencionales. A pesar de esto, si estas infecciones no pueden controlarse, ya sea por no realización de tratamientos oportunos o por estados inmunosuprimidos del paciente, se pueden desarrollar diferentes complicaciones como la MND. Conclusión: Un diagnóstico rápido, el tratamiento quirúrgico agresivo, la terapia antibiótica adecuada y la atención de apoyo son los pilares fundamentales para el manejo de la MND.

Introduction: Inappropriate and ineffective treatment of odontogenic infections can cause life-threatening complications such as Descending Necrotizing Mediastinitis (MND). MDN is a serious infection that affects the neck-thorax, with a high mortality rate from sepsis and organ failure if it is not treated quickly and effectively. Aim: To describe a case of MND of odontogenic origin and its medical-surgical management. Case report: We present a 34-year-old male patient who is admitted with an acute infectious condition of odontogenic origin, which compromises spaces of the head, neck and thorax (upper mediastinum), which is treated successfully. Discussion: Odontogenic infections are generally localized and can be treated by conventional therapies. In spite of this, if these infections cannot be controlled, either by not carrying out appropriate treatments or by immunosuppressed states of the patient, different complications such as MND can develop. Conclusion: A rapid diagnosis, aggressive surgical treatment, adequate antibiotic therapy and supportive care are the fundamental pillars for the management of MND.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Foyer infectieux dentaire/chirurgie , Foyer infectieux dentaire/complications , Médiastinite/chirurgie , Médiastinite/étiologie , Nécrose/thérapie , Radiographie thoracique , Tomodensitométrie , Résultat thérapeutique , Foyer infectieux dentaire/imagerie diagnostique , Médiastinite/imagerie diagnostique , Cou/chirurgie
Rev. enferm. Cent.-Oeste Min ; 11: 3873, 20210000.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BDENF - Infirmière | ID: biblio-1290517


Objetivo: analisar as evidências disponíveis na literatura sobre as intervenções a pacientes com mediastinite pós-esternotomia. Método: Revisão integrativa com busca dos estudos primários nas bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE (via PUBMED), CINAHL e BDENF, publicados em inglês, português e espanhol. Resultados: Os oito artigos analisados mostram que, na maioria deles, a intervenção mais utilizada foi terapia por pressão negativa, associada ou não a antibioticoterapia e cirurgia reconstrutora. Conclusão: As evidências científicas geradas fornecem subsídios para a tomada de decisão quanto às intervenções para pacientes pós-cirurgia cardíaca com mediastinite, bem como a identificação de lacunas do conhecimento, para a condução de novas pesquisas com o propósito de implementar intervenções de enfermagem a esses pacientesa(AU)

Objective: To analyze information available in the literature on interventions for patients with mediastinitis after a cardiac surgery. Method: an integrative review of primary studies in the databases LILACS, MEDLINE (via PUBMED), CINAHL and BDENF, published in English, Portuguese, and Spanish. Results: Most of the eight analyzed articles show that the most used intervention was negative pressure therapy, whether or not associated with antibiotic therapy and reconstructive surgery. Conclusion: the scientific evidence analyzed supports decision-making processes regarding interventions for patients with mediastinitis after cardiac surgery. It also allows the identification of knowledge gaps to conduct new research and implement nursing interventions for these patients(AU)

Objetivo: Analizar las evidencias disponibles en la literatura sobre intervenciones en pacientes con mediastinitis después de la cirugía cardíaca. Método: Revisión integradora con búsqueda de estudios primarios en las bases de datos LILACS, MEDLINE (vía PUBMED), CINAHL y BDENF, publicados en inglés, portugués y español. Resultados: Los ocho artículos analizados muestran que en la mayoría de ellos la intervención más utilizada fue la terapia de presión negativa, asociada o no con la terapia con antibióticos y la cirugía reconstructiva. Conclusión: La evidencia científica generada respalda la toma de decisiones con respecto a las intervenciones en pacientes después de una cirugía cardíaca con mediastinitis, así como la identificación de lagunas de conocimiento para realizar nuevas investigaciones con el propósito de implementar intervenciones de enfermería para estos pacientes(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Thérapeutique , Chirurgie thoracique , Revue de la littérature , Médiastinite
Acta otorrinolaringol. cir. cuello (En línea) ; 49(3): 230-236, 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1292719


Introducción: las infecciones odontogénicas afectan al 80 %-90 % de la población y pueden dar lugar a complicaciones potencialmente mortales como la mediastinitis necrotizante descendente, una infección polimicrobiana aguda en el mediastino con una tasa de mortalidad entre el 11 % y 40 %. Su detección precoz y el tratamiento adecuado con manejo antibiótico y drenaje quirúrgico a cargo de un equipo multidisciplinario representan factores influyentes en el pronóstico de la enfermedad. Objetivo: en este artículo presentamos un caso de mediastinitis necrotizante descendente en un paciente masculino de 34 años, que se originó por una infección odontogénica que requirió un procedimiento dental. El paciente fue hospitalizado por el empeoramiento del estado clínico a pesar de la profilaxis antibiótica. La tomografía axial computarizada (TAC) confirmó la extensión de la infección al mediastino, y el paciente fue tratado con éxito con antibioterapia intravenosa y múltiples drenajes quirúrgicos intraorales, cervicotomía y toracoscopia. Materiales y métodos: se realizó una búsqueda en bases de datos globales y se seleccionaron los artículos por los siguientes términos MeSH y DeCS: "mediastinitis necrotizante descendente", "angina de Ludwig", "absceso", "toracoscopia" y sus respectivos en inglés, priorizando los referentes a la mediastinitis necrotizante descendente de origen odontogénico. Conclusiones: en la mediastinitis necrotizante descendente, la combinación de diagnóstico precoz, tratamiento antibiótico de amplio espectro, mantenimiento de la vía aérea y drenaje quirúrgico amplio y a cargo de un equipo multidisciplinario mejora de manera importante el pronóstico de la enfermedad.

Introduction: Odontogenic infections affect 80%-90% of the population and can lead to life-threatening complications such as descending necrotizing mediastinitis. Is an acute polymicrobial infection in the mediastinum with a mortality rate of 11%-40%. Its early detection and adequate treatment with antibiotic management and surgical drainage by a multidisciplinary team represent influential factors in the prognosis of the disease. Objective: In this article, we present a case of descending necrotizing mediastinitis in a 34-year-old male patient that originated from an odontogenic infection that required a dental procedure. The patient was hospitalized for worsening clinical status despite antibiotic prophylaxis. Computed axial tomography confirmed the extension of the infection to the mediastinum and the patient was successfully treated with intravenous antibiotherapy and multiple intraoral, cervicotomy, and thoracoscopic surgical drains. Materials and methods: A search was made in global databases, articles were selected by the following MeSH and DeCS terms: "descending necrotizing mediastinitis", "Ludwig's angina", "abscess", "thoracoscopy", and their respective English terms, prioritizing those referring to descending necrotizing mediastinitis of odontogenic origin. Conclusions: In descending necrotizing mediastinitis, the combination of early diagnosis, broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment, airway maintenance, and extensive surgical drainage by a multidisciplinary team significantly improves the prognosis of the disease.

Humains , Médiastinite , Thoracoscopie , Abcès , Angine de Ludwig
Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 31: 31407, 2021.
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1291382


Objetivo: relatar e descrever a evolução satisfatória de uma Angina de Ludwig decorrente de uma infecção amigdaliana, que evoluiu para mediastinite e choque séptico. O trabalho visa detalhar os aspectos clínicos e diagnósticos desta grave doença, além da terapêutica empregada neste caso. Método: as informações foram obtidas do prontuário do paciente, bem como dos laudos dos exames de imagem realizados. A revisão da literatura foi feita na base de dados PUBMED. Considerações finais: o caso estudado relata um raro desfecho favorável de uma Angina de Ludwig que evoluiu para mediastinite, cuja taxa de mortalidade é de até 50% dos casos. A abordagem cirúrgica combinada com antibioticoterapia precoce se mostra ser a melhor conduta para estes casos.

Objective: report and describe the satisfactory evolution of Ludwig's Angina due to a tonsillary infection, which evolved to mediastinitis and sept shock. The work aims to detail the clinical and diagnostic aspects of this serious illness, in addition to the therapy used in this case. Method: the information was obtained from the patient's medical record, as well as from the reports of the imaging tests performed. The literature review was carried out in the PUBMED database. Final considerations: the case studied has great importance for the medical community, since it reports a rare favorable outcome for a case of Ludwig's Angina complicated with an mediastinitis, whose mortality is described up to 50% of the cases. The surgical approach combined with early antibiotic therapy is shown to be the best approach for these cases.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Angine de Ludwig , Médiastinite , Ostéomyélite , Amygdalite , Obstruction des voies aériennes , Infections , Antibactériens/usage thérapeutique
CorSalud ; 12(4): 392-401, tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1278953


RESUMEN Introducción: La predicción de fenómenos en las ciencias médicas mediante escalas pronósticas constituye una herramienta valiosa en la actualidad y deben incluirse en el proceso de toma de decisiones. Pronosticar la mediastinitis postoperatoria permite disponer de recursos para su prevención. Objetivo: Construir una escala pronóstica para estratificar el riesgo de padecer mediastinitis postoperatoria. Método: Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles para los factores de riesgo de mediastinitis postoperatoria en el Cardiocentro Ernesto Guevara de Santa Clara, Cuba. Luego de la regresión logística se obtuvo el modelo y, a partir de este, se incluyeron y ponderaron los predictores para obtener la escala cubana pronóstica de mediastinitis postoperatoria: PREDICMED, que se validó por diversos métodos. Resultados: Esta escala se obtuvo con seis predictores y dos estratos de riesgo. Se analizó su rendimiento mediante ajuste, calibración y determinación de su poder discriminante, con buenos resultados. Se realizó validación interna por el método de división de datos y se comparó su capacidad en ambos subconjuntos (desarrollo y validación) sin diferencias. Se probó su buena validez de constructo, al no existir diferencias entre las probabilidades predichas y las observadas. También se analizó su validez de contenido mediante expertos. Por último, se determinó su validez de criterio al comparar con otra escala similar (MEDSCORE). PREDICMED presentó muy buena capacidad discriminatoria (área bajo la curva 0,962) y elevados valores de sensibilidad (84,62%) y especificidad (92,31%). Conclusiones: La escala pronóstica cubana PREDICMED, para estratificar el riesgo de mediastinitis postoperatoria, mostró buenos parámetros de validación y logró estratificar el riesgo en no alto y alto.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Phenomena prediction through prognostic scales is a valuable tool in medical sciences nowadays and it should be included in the decision-making process. Predicting postoperative mediastinitis allows to count on resources for its prevention. Objective: To build a prognostic scale to stratify the risk of suffering from postoperative mediastinitis. Method: A case-control study for the risk factors of postoperative mediastinitis was carried out at the Cardiocentro Ernesto Guevara from Santa Clara, Cuba. After the logistic regression, the model was obtained and from it, the predictors to obtain the Cuban prognostic scale of postoperative mediastinitis PREDICMED were included and weighted, which was validated through several methods. Results: This scale was obtained, counting on six predictors and two risk strata. Its performance was analyzed through adjustment, calibration and determination of its discriminating capacity, showing good results. Internal validation was carried out through the data division method and its capacity was compared in both subsets (development and validation) showing no differences. Its good construct validity was demonstrated, since there were no differences between the predicted and the observed probabilities. Its contents validity was also analyzed by experts. Finally, its criteria validity was determined when compared with another similar scale (Medscore). PREDICMED showed a very good discriminatory capacity (area under the curve 0.962) as well as high values of sensitivity (84.62%) and specificity (92.31%). Conclusions: The Cuban prognostic scale PREDICMED, to stratify the risk of postoperative mediastinitis showed good validation parameters and it was able to stratify the risk in not high and high.

Chirurgie thoracique , Études de validation , Prévision , Médiastinite
Rev. ADM ; 77(6): 329-336, nov.-dic. 2020. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1151749


La mediastinitis se define como una inflamación aguda severa de los tejidos conectivos ubicados en la cavidad torácica media, en la que 20% de los casos puede implicar una infección difusa y polimicrobiana del mediastino denominada mediastinitis necrotizante descendente (MND), secundaria a la propagación de una infección grave desde los tejidos bucofaríngeos o cervicales tales como infecciones odontogénicas (de 36 a 47%), faríngeas (de 33 a 45%), cervicales (15%) y otras infecciones de cabeza y cuello (5%). Clínicamente, los pacientes presentan aumento de volumen, temblores, trismus, odinofagia con disnea, disfagia, hipotensión, dolor de cuerpo y del ángulo de la mandíbula. Puede observarse signo de Hamman (crepitación mediastinal con el latido cardiaco) y enfisema subcutáneo. El manejo quirúrgico de las infecciones odontogénicas, sin importar su severidad, consta de dos principios: eliminar el foco etiológico y el vaciamiento quirúrgico de los espacios anatómicos comprometidos con la instalación de un drenaje adecuado. Se presenta el caso de un masculino de 60 años con diagnóstico de mediastinitis necrotizante descendente de origen dental (AU)

Mediastinitis is defined as a severe acute inflammation of the connective tissues affected in the middle thoracic cavity, in which 20% of cases may involve a diffuse and polymicrobial infection of the mediastinum, descending necrotizing mediastinitis (MND), secondary to the spread of a serious infection from the oropharyngeal or cervical tissues, stories such as odontogenic infections (36 to 47%), pharyngeal (33 to 45%), cervical (15%) and other head and neck infections (5%). Clinically, patients present with increased volume, tremors, trismus, odynophagia with dyspnea, dysphagia, hypotension, pain in the body and in the angle of the jaw. Hamman sign (mediastinal crepitus with heartbeat) and subcutaneous emphysema may be observed. The surgical management of odontogenic infections, regardless of their severity, consists of two principles: eliminate the etiological focus and the surgical emptying of the anatomical spaces compromised with the installation of adequate drainage. We present the case of a 60-year-old man diagnosed with descending necrotizing (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Foyer infectieux dentaire/complications , Médiastinite , Complications postopératoires , Emphysème sous-cutané , Extraction dentaire , Cavité thoracique , Mandibule , Mexique , Molaire/anatomopathologie