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J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 33: e3330, 2022. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386001


ABSTRACT Physical education teacher training programs in Chile have a high demand for enrollment and is recognized as one of the attractive professions for young people. The purpouse of this study is to know the reasons that lead young Chileans to choose the physical education teacher training program at a regional university, in the Maule region, Chile. The research was a mixed sequential one, since it was characterized by a first stage, where quantitative data were collected and analyzed, followed by another, where qualitative data were collected and interpreted. At the quantitative part of the study 146 students (54 female and 89 male) answered a questionnaire, and at the qualitative part 6 students (3 men and 3 women) participated in a focus group interview. Previous participation in sport, interest related to a physically active lifestile, and the pleasure of teaching are shown in the results. As conclusions, the students choose to enroll in a physical education teaching program motivated by previous sports and physical activity experiences, and the desire to teach values through sport.

RESUMO Os programas de formação de professores de educação física no Chile têm uma grande demanda por matrículas, e a profissão é reconhecida como uma das mais atrativas para os jovens. A proposta deste estudo é conhecer os motivos que levam jovens chilenos a escolherem o programa de formação de professores de educação física em uma universidade regional, na região de Maule, Chile. A pesquisa foi sequencial mista, pois se caracterizou por uma primeira etapa, onde foram coletados e analisados dados quantitativos, seguida de outra, onde os dados qualitativos foram coletados e interpretados. Na etapa quantitativa do estudo 146 alunos (54 mulheres e 89 homens) responderam a um questionário e na etapa qualitativa 6 alunos (3 homens e 3 mulheres) participaram de uma entrevista de grupo focal. A participação anterior em esportes, o interesse relacionado ao estilo de vida fisicamente ativo e o prazer de ensinar são mostrados nos resultados. Como conclusões, os alunos optam por se matricular em um programa de ensino de educação física motivados por experiências anteriores de esportes e atividades físicas, e o desejo de ensinar valores por meio do esporte..

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Éducation physique et entraînement physique/méthodes , Étudiants/psychologie , Formation des enseignants/éthique , Motivation/éthique , Sports/enseignement et éducation , Enseignement/enseignement et éducation , Universités/éthique , Exercice physique , Groupes de discussion/méthodes , Programme d'études , Corps enseignant/enseignement et éducation , Mentorat , Mode de vie
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 25: e200621, 2021. ilus, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286883


A trajetória do ensino superior no Brasil é marcada pela restrição ao grupo privilegiado da população, com exclusão de pessoas indígenas. Nas últimas duas décadas, ações afirmativas foram desenvolvidas e possibilitaram o acesso de alguns indígenas às graduações de Medicina. Objetivando-se mapear e conhecer as experiências desses estudantes nas universidades federais brasileiras, desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa exploratória, quanti-qualitativa. Foram identificados 192 estudantes indígenas em 43 escolas médicas no ano de 2019. Dessas, 14 foram visitadas, realizando-se entrevistas narrativas com 24 indígenas estudantes de Medicina. Na análise temática de conteúdo emergiram experiências narradas pelos estudantes com foco em duas categorias: acesso à escola médica e políticas de permanência nas instituições. Ao conhecer as experiências desses estudantes no meio universitário, torna-se possível contribuir para sua permanência nos cursos, superando a invisibilidade e oportunizando trajetórias que correspondam às expectativas dos povos indígenas na formação médica. (AU)

La trayectoria de la enseñanza superior en Brasil está marcada por su restricción al grupo privilegiado de la población, con exclusión de personas indígenas. En las últimas dos décadas se desarrollaron acciones afirmativas que posibilitaron el acceso de algunos indígenas a los cursos de graduación de medicina. Con el objetivo de mapear y conocer las experiencias de esos estudiantes en las universidades federales brasileñas, se desarrolló una investigación exploratoria cuanti-cualitativa. Se identificaron 192 estudiantes indígenas en 43 escuelas médicas, en el año 2019. Entre ellas, se visitaron 14, realizándose entrevistas narrativas con 24 indígenas estudiantes de Medicina. En el análisis temático de contenido surgieron experiencias narradas por los estudiantes, enfocadas en dos categorías: Acceso a la escuela médica; Políticas de permanencia en las instituciones. Al conocer las experiencias de estos estudiantes en el medio universitario resulta posible contribuir a su permanencia en los cursos, superando la invisibilidad y dando oportunidad a trayectorias que correspondan a las expectativas de los pueblos indígenas en la formación médica. (AU)

Higher education in Brazil is known by being restricted to a privileged group, excluding the indigenous people. In the two last decades, affirmative action policies were developed to allow members of indigenous peoples access to Medical courses. In order to scan the students' experience at Federal Universities, the study developed a quantitative and qualitative exploratory research. A group of 192 indigenous students were identified in 43 medical schools during 2019. Fourteen schools were visited, and 24 indigenous medical students held narrative interviews. The thematic subject analyses, showed two categories: Access to medical school; Policies of retention in the institutions. The students' experiences at the campuses may contribute to their permanence in the courses, overcoming the invisibility and providing opportunities to reach the indigenous people expectations regarding the medical career. (AU)

Humains , Politique publique , Universités/éthique , Enseignement médical premier cycle , Peuples autochtones , Brésil , Politique de l'Enseignement Supérieur
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1222370


La comprensión de la discapacidad como un fenómeno social interpela a los grupos sociales para revisar su responsabilidad frente a la inclusión de las personas en esta condición. Objetivo. Identificar las representaciones sociales de la discapacidad en una comunidad universitaria. Método. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo con análisis complementarios cuantitativos y cualitativos, implementando las redes de asociaciones en dos grupos de actores, uno configurado por directivos, profesores y administrativos, y el otro, por estudiantes de todos los programas, en una universidad de Ibagué (Colombia). Resultados. La principal diferencia entre los dos grupos de participantes radicó en que, mientras los estudiantes manifestaron representaciones más positivas hacia las personas con discapacidad, los directivos, los profesores y los administrativos mostraron ciertos rasgos de resistencia a aceptar y a aportar a la inclusión de este colectivo. Conclusiones. Todos los participantes comprenden la discapacidad como el resultado de la interacción entre las variables personales y del medio ambiente, por lo tanto, están dispuestos a trabajar por la inclusión de las personas en esta condición en el ámbito universitario.

The understanding of disability as a social phenomenon challenges social groups to review their responsibility for the inclusion of people in this condition. Objective. To identify the social representations of disability in a university community. Method. A descriptive study was carried out with complementary quantitative and qualitative analyzes, implementing networks of associations in two groups of actors, one made up of coordinators, professors and administrators and, the other, by students of all programs, in a university in Ibagué (Colombia). Results. The main difference between the two groups of participants was that, while students showed more positive representations towards people with disabilities, the coordinators, teachers and administrators, showed certain traits of resistance to accept and contribute to the inclusion of this group. Conclusions. All participants understand disability as the result of the interaction between personal and environmental variables, therefore, they are willing to work for the inclusion of people with this condition in the university environment.

Humains , Personnes handicapées/psychologie , Universités/éthique , Populations vulnérables/psychologie , Corps enseignant/psychologie , Marginalisation sociale/psychologie
Licere (Online) ; 23(4): 589-610, dez.2020. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS, Coleciona SUS | ID: biblio-1151955


No presente trabalho nos propomos a refletir sobre a necessidade da existência de uma estrutura ministerial para os esportes. Para isso, apresentamos um levantamento sobre a localização do tema na estrutura governamental de outros países, bem como buscamos comentar e responder às considerações e críticas formuladas por Dias (2020). A partir da análise dos fundamentos da dinâmica capitalista, concluímos que o mercado não é capaz de garantir o acesso igualitário e universal ao esporte, e afirmamos a presença estatal como necessária para o processo de superação do sistema vigente. Por fim, indicamos o risco que representa as narrativas conservadoras e a-históricas, que em nome de um mal menor, e de uma suposta temperança política, nos convidam a abandonar projetos de transformação radical e aceitar a dura realidade como a melhor ou a única possível.

In this paper we propose to reflect on the existence of a ministerial structure for sports. For this, we present data on this theme in the governmental structure of other countries, as well as seeking to comment and respond to the considerations and formulated by Dias (2020). From the analysis of the fundamentals of capitalist dynamics, we conclude that the market is not able to guarantee equal and universal access to sport, and we affirm the state presence as necessary for the process of overcoming the current system. Finally, we indicate the risk posed by conservative and unhistorical narratives, which in the name of one of supposed political temperance, invite us to abandon projects of radical transformation and accept the harsh reality as the best or the only possible one.

Humains , Histoire du 21ème siècle , Sports , Universités/éthique , Commentaire , Valeur de la vie/économie , État
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 39(4): e567, oct.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1156454


Introducción: El baloncesto es objeto de múltiples estudios que incluye la valoración mediante tecnologías actuales como la bioimpedancia. Objetivo: Comparar los índices de asimetría (IA) de las extremidades superiores e inferiores en jugadores de baloncesto universitario por nivel deportivo. Método: Se evaluaron 24 jugadores de baloncesto de diferente nivel competitivo, representativo 1) universitario (n = 12) y 2) facultad (n = 12). Se determinó la circunferencia de brazos y piernas, además de masa magra y grasa por bioimpedancia. Se determinó el índice de asimetría de los miembros inferiores y superiores y se compararon por nivel deportivo. Resultados: La comparación de los índices de asimetría entre brazos y piernas en el grupo total identificó diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p < 0,05) en lo referente a la masa grasa, con mayor adiposidad en extremidades superiores, y un índice de asimetría de -10,8. Cuando se compararon las mismas variables en función del nivel deportivo, los jugadores representantes de la universidad mostraron mayores valores (p < 0,05) en el índice de asimetría de la masa total, circunferencias, masa magra y masa grasa. Las comparaciones intergrupales señalan diferencias en los índices de asimetría del brazo vs. la pierna en masa magra para ambos grupos (p < 0,05) mientras que los de la facultad mostraron diferencia también para grasa con índice de asimetría de 18,3 (p < 0,05). Conclusiones: Indistintamente del nivel deportivo, existen diferentes niveles del índice de asimetría entre extremidades superiores e inferiores en el componente de masa grasa, aunque menores valores del índice de asimetría fueron característicos de los individuos de mayor nivel deportivo(AU)

Introduction: Basketball has been the object of many studies, including assessments based on current technologies such as bioimpedance. Objective: Compare the asymmetry indices (AI) for upper and lower limbs in university basketball players. Methods: An evaluation was conducted of 24 basketball players from different competitive levels, representing 1) the university (n = 12) and 2) the school (n = 12). Determination was made of arm and leg circumference, as well as lean mass and fat by bioimpedance. The lower and upper limb asymmetry index was estimated and compared between the competitive levels. Results: Comparison of the arms and legs asymmetry indices in the total group revealed statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) as to fat mass, with greater adiposity in the upper limbs and an asymmetry index of 10.8. Comparison of the same variables between the sports levels found that players representing the university displayed higher values (p < 0.05) in the asymmetry index for total mass, circumferences, lean mass and fat mass. Comparison between the groups found differences in the arm vs. leg asymmetry indices for lean mass in both groups (p < 0.05), whereas the school players also showed differences for fat, with an asymmetry index of 18.3 (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Regardless of the sports level, different asymmetry indices are found between upper and lower limbs as to fat mass, though smaller asymmetry index values were characteristic of individuals from a higher sports level(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Basketball/physiologie , Impédance électrique , Membre inférieur/physiologie , Membre supérieur/physiologie , Universités/éthique
Rev. Soc. Bras. Ciênc. Anim. Lab ; 8(1): 74-85, jan. 2020.
Article de Portugais | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1489796


O uso de animais para fins científicos no Brasil segue normativas emitidas pelo Conselho Nacional de Controle de Experimentação Animal (CONCEA) que visam garantir a utilização humanitária dos animais. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar o uso de animais nas universidades brasileiras, bem como a preocupação com o bem-estar animal pelos indivíduos responsáveis pelo seu uso e manutenção. Foi aplicado à discentes, docentes e técnicos de laboratório de todas as regiões do país um questionário semi-estruturado com questões abrangendo o uso de animais em laboratórios. Os resultados sugerem que as instituições pesquisadas buscam manter as condições ideais de bem-estar animal e atendem, em sua maioria, às resoluções normativas do CONCEA. Entretanto, foi observado que, especialmente em atividades de ensino, o uso de animais, em muitos casos, ainda é feito sem aprovação prévia pelos Comitês de Éticas na Utilização de Animais (CEUAs) institucionais. Além disso, foi observado que, embora a maior parte das instituições com biotérios para a manutenção de animais, muitos reconhecem que estes biotérios não atendem às demandas, demonstrando que a falta de investimentos em infra-estrutura cria um viés que impede que a legislação nacional seja completamente cumprida.

The animals use for scientific purposes in Brazil follows regulations issued by the National Council for the Control of Animal Experimentation (CONCEA) that aim to guarantee the humanitarian use of animals. The present study aimed to evaluate the use of animals in Brazilian universities, as well as the concern for animal welfare by the individuals responsible for their use and maintenance. A semi-structured questionnaire with questions covering the use of animals in laboratories was applied to students, teachers and laboratory technicians from all regions of the country. The results suggest that the researched institutions seek to maintain the ideal conditions of animal welfare and attend, in the majority, to the normative resolutions of CONCEA. However, it was observed that, especially in teaching activities, the use of animals, in many cases, is still done without prior approval by the Institutional Comitees of Ethics in the Use of Animals (CEUAs). In addition, it was observed that, although most institutions have animal bioterium for animals maintenance, many recognize that these bioterium do not meet the demands, demonstrating that the lack of investments in infrastructure creates a bias that prevents the legislation national legislation from being completely fulfilled.

Animaux , Bien-être animal , Expérimentation animale , Universités/éthique , Bioéthique
R. Soc. bras. Ci. Anim. Lab. ; 8(1): 74-85, jan. 2020.
Article de Portugais | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29306


O uso de animais para fins científicos no Brasil segue normativas emitidas pelo Conselho Nacional de Controle de Experimentação Animal (CONCEA) que visam garantir a utilização humanitária dos animais. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar o uso de animais nas universidades brasileiras, bem como a preocupação com o bem-estar animal pelos indivíduos responsáveis pelo seu uso e manutenção. Foi aplicado à discentes, docentes e técnicos de laboratório de todas as regiões do país um questionário semi-estruturado com questões abrangendo o uso de animais em laboratórios. Os resultados sugerem que as instituições pesquisadas buscam manter as condições ideais de bem-estar animal e atendem, em sua maioria, às resoluções normativas do CONCEA. Entretanto, foi observado que, especialmente em atividades de ensino, o uso de animais, em muitos casos, ainda é feito sem aprovação prévia pelos Comitês de Éticas na Utilização de Animais (CEUAs) institucionais. Além disso, foi observado que, embora a maior parte das instituições com biotérios para a manutenção de animais, muitos reconhecem que estes biotérios não atendem às demandas, demonstrando que a falta de investimentos em infra-estrutura cria um viés que impede que a legislação nacional seja completamente cumprida.(AU)

The animals use for scientific purposes in Brazil follows regulations issued by the National Council for the Control of Animal Experimentation (CONCEA) that aim to guarantee the humanitarian use of animals. The present study aimed to evaluate the use of animals in Brazilian universities, as well as the concern for animal welfare by the individuals responsible for their use and maintenance. A semi-structured questionnaire with questions covering the use of animals in laboratories was applied to students, teachers and laboratory technicians from all regions of the country. The results suggest that the researched institutions seek to maintain the ideal conditions of animal welfare and attend, in the majority, to the normative resolutions of CONCEA. However, it was observed that, especially in teaching activities, the use of animals, in many cases, is still done without prior approval by the Institutional Comitees of Ethics in the Use of Animals (CEUAs). In addition, it was observed that, although most institutions have animal bioterium for animals maintenance, many recognize that these bioterium do not meet the demands, demonstrating that the lack of investments in infrastructure creates a bias that prevents the legislation national legislation from being completely fulfilled.(AU)

Animaux , Expérimentation animale , Bien-être animal , Universités/éthique , Bioéthique
Cien Saude Colet ; 24(9): 3583-3594, 2019 Sep 09.
Article de Portugais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31508775


The paper introduces and discusses the new players that now have a growing presence on the research scene, namely the entrepreneurial researcher and the entrepreneurial university. It also discusses the current scenario of the diffusion of scientific knowledge that presents increasing problems, with difficulty in publishing results and difficulties in accessing the results of published research. It also discusses the implications of the strategy of translational research and presents and discusses some relevant ethical challenges that result from the reorganization of the relationship between science and business. In particular, it deals with conflicts of interest and the results of excessive competition between scientists and institutions in a scenario of diminished public financial support for science.

O texto apresenta e discute os novos personagens que têm crescente presença no ambiente de pesquisa, quais sejam o pesquisador empreendedor e a universidade empreendedora. Discute ainda o cenário atual da difusão de conhecimento científico que apresenta crescentes problemas, com dificuldade de publicação de resultados e dificuldades de acesso a resultados de pesquisa publicados. Discute também o significado da estratégia da pesquisa translacional e apresenta e discute alguns desafios éticos relevantes que resultam da reorganização das relações entre ciência e negócio. Em particular trata dos conflitos de interesse e dos resultados da supercompetição entre cientistas e instituições em um cenário de encurtamento de apoio financeiro público à ciência.

Entrepreneuriat/éthique , Personnel de recherche/organisation et administration , 53784/organisation et administration , Universités/organisation et administration , Conflit d'intérêts , Éthique de la recherche , Humains , Logique , Édition , Personnel de recherche/éthique , Soutien financier à la recherche comme sujet , 53784/éthique , Universités/éthique
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);24(9): 3583-3594, set. 2019.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019657


Resumo O texto apresenta e discute os novos personagens que têm crescente presença no ambiente de pesquisa, quais sejam o pesquisador empreendedor e a universidade empreendedora. Discute ainda o cenário atual da difusão de conhecimento científico que apresenta crescentes problemas, com dificuldade de publicação de resultados e dificuldades de acesso a resultados de pesquisa publicados. Discute também o significado da estratégia da pesquisa translacional e apresenta e discute alguns desafios éticos relevantes que resultam da reorganização das relações entre ciência e negócio. Em particular trata dos conflitos de interesse e dos resultados da supercompetição entre cientistas e instituições em um cenário de encurtamento de apoio financeiro público à ciência.

Abstract The paper introduces and discusses the new players that now have a growing presence on the research scene, namely the entrepreneurial researcher and the entrepreneurial university. It also discusses the current scenario of the diffusion of scientific knowledge that presents increasing problems, with difficulty in publishing results and difficulties in accessing the results of published research. It also discusses the implications of the strategy of translational research and presents and discusses some relevant ethical challenges that result from the reorganization of the relationship between science and business. In particular, it deals with conflicts of interest and the results of excessive competition between scientists and institutions in a scenario of diminished public financial support for science.

Humains , Personnel de recherche/organisation et administration , Universités/organisation et administration , Entrepreneuriat/éthique , 53784/organisation et administration , Édition , Personnel de recherche/éthique , Soutien financier à la recherche comme sujet , Universités/éthique , Conflit d'intérêts , Éthique de la recherche , 53784/éthique , Logique
Sci Eng Ethics ; 25(3): 693-705, 2019 06.
Article de Anglais | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29411296


Ethics regulation for human-subject research (HSR) has been established for about 20 years in Brazil. However, compliance with this regulation is controversial for non-biomedical sciences, particularly for human and social sciences (HSS), the source of a recent debate at the National Commission for Research Ethics. We hypothesized that for these fields, formal requirements for compliance with HSR regulation in graduate programs, responsible for the greatest share of Brazilian science, would be small in number. We analyzed institutional documents (collected from June 2014 to May 2015) from 171 graduate programs at six prestigious Brazilian universities in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, the states that fund most of the science conducted in Brazil. Among these programs, 149 were in HSS. The results suggest that non-compliance with standard regulation seems to be the rule in most of these programs. The data may reflect not only a resistance from scientists in these fields to comply with standard regulations for ethics in HSR but also a disciplinary tradition that seems prevalent when it comes to research ethics in HSR. However, recent encounters between Brazilian biomedical and non-biomedical scientists for debates over ethics in HSR point to a changing culture in the approach to research ethics in the country.

Enseignement supérieur/éthique , Enseignement supérieur/législation et jurisprudence , Éthique de la recherche , Adhésion aux directives , Personnes se prêtant à la recherche/législation et jurisprudence , Brésil , Humains , Sciences sociales/éthique , Universités/éthique
rev. psicogente ; 21(40): 422-439, jul.-dic. 2018. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-979581


Resumen Objetivo: Se presentan los resultados de una investigación correlacional que estableció la relación entre autoconocimiento y autorregulación emocional en universitarios colombianos. Método: La muestra estuvo compuesta por 356 sujetos entre 15 y 22 años, que cursaban carreras profesionales en tres universidades de Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). La información fue recolectada a través de la escala CARE, con una consistencia interna de 0.722 para autoconocimiento y 0.750 para autorregulación. Resultados: Los hallazgos revelan una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre los niveles de autoconocimiento emocional y los de autorregulación emocional de los participantes, encontrándose que a mayor percepción e identificación de las emociones, mayor es la probabilidad de desarrollar tolerancia a la frustración. De igual manera, se halló que la capacidad de hablar abiertamente de las emociones y de reconocer señales emocionales internas aumenta la probabilidad de regular los impulsos emocionales, de generar estrategias de afrontamiento y de desarrollar tolerancia a la frustración. Conclusión: La comunicación y el reconocimiento de las emociones son aspectos determinantes para que estos jóvenes puedan regular sus emociones y enfrentar o manejar adecuadamente los problemas cotidianos.

Abstract Objective: This paper aims to submit a correlational research in order to establish a relationship between emotional self-awareness and emotional self-regulation in Colombian university students. Method: 356 university students aged between 15 and 22 from Cartagena (Colombia) were sampled. CARE scale was used to collect the information, giving an internal consistency of 0.722 to 0.750 for self-knowledge and self-regulation. Results: The findings reveal a statistically significant association between participants' levels of emotional self-awareness and emotional self-regulation. A higher perception and identification of emotions was found, also the greater the likelihood of developing tolerance to the frustration. Similarly, the capability to talk openly about emotions and inner emotional signals increases the likelihood of regulating emotional impulsiveness, to generate coping strategies and to have greater tolerance to frustration, was established Conclusions: Emotions communication and recognition are determining factors so that these young people can regulate their emotions and face or handle better the daily problems.

Humains , Adolescent , Adulte , Adaptation psychologique , Communication , Émotions , Intelligence émotionnelle , Régulation émotionnelle , Perception , Permissivité , Conscience immédiate , Universités/éthique , Savoir , Sang-froid , Frustration , Méthodes
Rev. medica electron ; 39(4): 906-915, jul.-ago. 2017.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-902212


Introducción: la Educación Médica Superior en Cuba tiene como misión la educación integral de los estudiantes de las Ciencias Médicas que implica conocimientos teóricos, habilidades profesionales, éticas, formación y desarrollo de valores, por lo que deben estar motivados y los profesores lograr un proceso de estimulación que les permita alcanzar su meta deseada. Objetivo: se caracteriza la motivación profesional de los estudiantes de primer año de la carrera de Medicina del curso 2015-2016. Materiales y Métodos: se caracterizó los aspectos relacionados con la motivación y los intereses asociados a la profesión elegida en los estudiantes de primer año, a través de la encuesta diseñada para la investigación. Resultados: menos del 50% de los estudiantes encuestados siempre quisieron estudiar Medicina, el 61% deseaba otras profesiones. Las razones que influyeron en la selección fueron: permitirle acercarse a otras personas, hacerle bien a los demás, amor y respeto a esta profesión, comprender la necesidad e importancia social de la misma y consejos de los padres y familiares. El 87% de los encuestados disfrutan de estudiar las asignaturas, a ninguno le es indiferente, el 13% le resulta estresante, no lo disfruta o no sabe qué decir. Conclusiones: la motivación constituye un pilar importante en la formación de los estudiantes en la nueva universidad. No todos tenían como primera opción la carrera en curso, se fueron motivando en la medida que se desarrollaron las asignaturas. Aplicar en las diferentes formas de organización de la enseñanza vías y métodos, para incrementar la orientación profesional (AU).

Introduction: high Medical Education in Cuba has the mission of the integral education of the Medical Sciences students, involving theoretical knowledge, professional skills, ethics and values formation and development; therefore, they should be motivated and the teachers should develop a stimulation process allowing them to reach the desired aim. Aim: it is analyzed the professional motivation of the first-year students of Medicine degree in the school year 2015-2016. Materials and Methods: the aspects related with motivation and the interests associated to the chosen profession in first year students are characterized through the survey designed for the research. Results: less than 50 % of the surveyed students always wanted to study Medicine. 61 % wanted to study other professions. The reasons influencing the choice were: allowing them to be near to other persons, doing well to other persons, love and respect to the profession, understanding the necessity and social importance of this specialty, and the advises of their parents and relatives. 87 % of the students enjoy studying the matters; they are not indifferent to none of them; 13 % of them think the matters are stressful, they do not enjoy them or they do not know what to say. Conclusions: motivation is an important milestone in the students´ training in the new university. Not all of the students chose the specialty they study now as their first choice; they became motivated as they were studying the matters. Ways and methods to increase professional orientation should be applied in the different forms of teaching organization (AU).

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Jeune adulte , Étudiant médecine/psychologie , Motivation/éthique , Universités/éthique , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Enseignement médical/normes , Enseignement médical/éthique , Enseignement médical premier cycle/normes , Enseignement médical premier cycle/éthique , Études observationnelles comme sujet
Psicol. inf ; 20(Esp): 5-18, jan.-dez. 2016.
Article de Portugais | Index Psychologie - Revues | ID: psi-70762


Em comemoração aos 45 anos do Curso de Graduação em Psicologia da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, o presente texto tem por objetivo retomar um recorte de sua história, desde seu início em 1972 até 1975, quando de fato o curso se instalou. Para isso, são abordados aspectos da importância da Psicologia como profissão no Brasil, iniciada nos anos de 1960, e traz ainda um pouco da trajetória do autor,que figura entre os primeiros psicólogos brasileiros e que participa e auxilia na instalação da graduação em psicologia nesta universidade. O texto mostra ainda, como a proposta da Universidade Metodista fora inovadora naquela ocasião. (AU)

In commemoration of the 45th year of the Psychology Undergraduate Program at Methodist University of São Paulo, the present text aims at resuming its history, from its beginning in 1972 until 1975, when infact the course was installed. To that end, aspects of the importance of Psychology as a profession in Brazil, that began in the 1960s, are discussed, as well as some of the trajectory of the author, who is one of the first Brazilian psychologists to participate in and assist in the installation of a Psychology degree at the university . The text also shows how the Metodista proposal was innovative at that time. (AU)

Psychologie , Psychologie/histoire , Universités , Brésil , Universités/éthique
Educ. med. super ; 26(3): 434-449, jul.-sep. 2012.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-645530


Se realiza un recuento histórico de la evolución de la Bioética desde el surgimiento de esta disciplina en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, por Van Rensselaer Potter, médico oncólogo de la Universidad de Wisconsin, y su ulterior desarrollo en la América Latina así como su desarrollo en Cuba. Se destaca la labor del profesor José Alberto Mainetti, pionero en esta tarea en Argentina. Se hace referencia al Instituto Colombiano de Estudios Bioéticos, a la Asociación Colombiana de Facultades de Medicina y al Boletín de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) dedicado íntegramente a la bioética. Entre las naciones que también han contribuido al desarrollo de la bioética se encuentran Chile, México, Perú, Brasil y Cuba, se destaca la larga tradición de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana, como formadora de profesionales con altas competencias. Se hace énfasis en la necesidad de contribuir, decisivamente, al reforzamiento de la identidad nacional, el compromiso social, el amor a la universidad, y el fortalecimiento de valores éticos sociales, la construcción de valores éticos profesionales que se evidencien en un desempeño con mayor responsabilidad ciudadana y profesional. Se exponen algunas reflexiones acerca de la situación actual de la formación bioética entre el educador y el educando de la universidad médica en Cuba, cuya misión es la preparación de profesionales capaces de asegurar la continuidad histórica del sistema de salud cubano. Se realiza una caracterización de las diferentes dimensiones de la ética pedagógica del profesor en la educación médica superior cubana

A historical account of the evolution of bioethics from the emergence of this discipline in the USA, devised by Van Rensselaer Potter- an oncologist at Wisconsin University-, through its further development in Latin America and in Cuba. The work of Professor Jose Alberto Mainetti, pioneer of this discipline in Argentina, was underlined. Reference was made to the Colombian Institute of Bioethical Studies, to the Colombian Association of Medical Faculties and to the Bulletin of the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) entirely devoted to bioethics. Among the nations that have contributed to the bioethics development are Chile, Mexico, Peru, Brazil and Cuba, the great tradition of the Medical Sciences University of Havana as former of highly competent professionals was stressed. Emphasis was made on the need of decisively supporting the strengthening of the national identity, the social commitment, love for the university, the strengthening of social ethical values and the construction of professional ethical values that manifest in a more responsible professional and citizen performance. Some reflections were presented on the present situation of the bioethical formation of the educator and the student in the medical university of Cuba. Its mission is to prepare professionals capable of guaranteeing the historical continuity of the Cuban health system. Additionally, the various dimensions of the pedagogic ethics of the professor in the Cuban higher medical education were characterized

Bioéthique/enseignement et éducation , Corps enseignant , Étudiants , Universités/éthique
Rev Med Chil ; 140(9): 1201-6, 2012 Sep.
Article de Espagnol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23354644


BACKGROUND: In contemporary democracies, rules of conduct, in public places, are established by law and in private places, by morality. Between both, there is a middle area or interface given by community consensus. In the Community area, rules are consensual among its members. Institutions are an example of such situation. The University, as an institution, without contradicting the law, regulates and requires a behavior that is consistent with its purpose, beyond the private sphere, especially in the Schools of Medicine. We analyze what happens and the underlying purposes that represent the concept of University and Medicine. Special importance is given to ethical, social and cultural analyses.

Codes de déontologie , Écoles de médecine/éthique , Universités/éthique , Éthique institutionnelle , Humains , Contrôle social formel
Article de Portugais | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1485446


Buscou-se um diagnóstico atual quanto aos instrumentos didáticos utilizados nas aulas práticas noensino da Medicina Veterinária, abordando o uso de animais, de métodos substitutivos e dos Comitêsde Ética. A pesquisa foi realizada em cinco universidades que ofertam o curso de Medicina Veterinária,no Estado do Paraná, com a colaboração de 21 professores e 554 alunos, nas disciplinas deFarmacologia, Fisiologia, Anestesiologia e Técnica Cirúrgica. O instrumento de coleta de informaçõesutilizado foi um questionário semi-aberto, sendo um específico para os professores e outro para osalunos. As análises quantitativas e qualitativas dos elementos e evidências resultantes da pesquisapermitiram relatar que a participação de animais no ensino da Medicina Veterinária ocorre em todasas disciplinas pesquisadas e foi considerada essencial para a adequada formação profissional,pela maioria dos participantes da pesquisa – 79,1% dos alunos e 61,9% dos professores. As formasde participação dos animais no ensino de Medicina Veterinária carecem de definições claras para oestabelecimento de objetivos e recomendações éticas quanto ao seu emprego didático, sugerindo-seo uso dos termos “participação prejudicial” e “participação não prejudicial” dos animais. Dentre asdisciplinas pesquisadas, 83,3% utilizam algum método substitutivo em aula eem 33,3% não há maisa participação prejudicial de animais. Apesar do uso prejudicial de animais ter se mostrado predominantena Medicina Veterinária, essa investigação revela sinais de mudança na postura dos professoresem relação a uma maior consideração moral para com os animais, indicando a possibilidade de seestabelecer um ensino sem uso prejudicial de animais.

This work pursued a current diagnostic in what regards to the didactic-methodological tools usedto teach Veterinary Medicine. This research was performed in five universities from theParanáState,which offer the course of Veterinary Medicine, counting with the collaboration of 21 professorsand 554 students, from the disciplines of Pharmacology, Physiology, Anesthesiology and SurgicalTechnique. The instrument used to collect information was the semi-open survey, one specificallyfor teachers and another for students. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of the elements and evidences resulting from the empiric research enable to affirm that the use of animals in the teachingof Veterinarian Medicine is considered essential for a proper professional formation, by the majorityof participants in the research – 79.1% of students and 61.9% of teachers. The ways of animal usagein teaching Veterinary Medicine require definitions to the establishment of ethical objectives and recommendationsin what regards to their didactical use, suggesting then the use of terms “prejudicialparticipation” and “non-prejudicial participation” of animals in teaching. Among the analyzed disciplinesin thecollaborating universities, 83.3% use some substitutive method in some classes, and33.3% of these disciplines not involving anymore the prejudicial participation of animals in teaching.This result can be considered a positive aspect in the investigation, since it points a change in teachers’perspective in what regards to a larger moral consideration for animals, being indicative of the possibilitiesof a Veterinarian Medicine teaching based on approaches that not use prejudicial participationof animals.

Universités , Universités/éthique , Médecine vétérinaire/méthodes