Objective: To analyze hand hygiene (HH) adherence indicators among healthcare professionals in a medical day care (MDC) and present strategies used to encourage this practice. Method: A cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted in an MDC located in Salvador, Bahia. Data collection consisted of document analysis and internal audit data on HH practice from 2016 to 2023. Results: HH adherence rates ranged from 39.4 to 81.4%, with an average of 63.9%. Among the evaluated healthcare professionals, nurses showed the highest HH adherence (74.3%), followed by nursing technicians (71.1%) and physicians (50%). Multimodal strategies to encourage HH in this service included HH training, with systematic evaluation con-ducted by nursing coordinators. Conclusion: The HH adherence rates presented are higher than those reported in the literature but below the standar-dized goal of 70% in the MDC studied, confirming that the implementation of this apparently simple practice is a complex, multi-causal issue that requi-res coordination between management policies as well as scientific knowledge in building a culture in favor of this practice in healthcare organizations. (AU)
Objetivo: Analizar los indicadores de adherencia a la higiene de las manos (HM) entre profesionales de la salud de un hospital de día (HD) y pre-sentar las estrategias utilizadas para incentivar esa práctica. Método: Investigación transversal y descriptiva, realizada en un HD ubicado en Salvador, Bahía. La recolección de datos consistió en el análisis documental y de los datos de las auditorías internas de la práctica de HM entre 2016 y 2023. Resultados:Se identificaron porcentajes de adherencia a la HM que oscilaron entre el 39,4% y el 81,4%, con un promedio de 63,9%. De los profesionales de la salud evaluados, los enfermeros presentaron la mayor adherencia a la HM (74,3%), seguidos de los técnicos de enfermería (71,1%) y los médicos (50%). Las estrategias multimodales para estimular la HM adoptadas en este servicio incluyeron la capacitación en HM, con evaluación sistemática realizada por los coordinadores de enfermería. Conclusión: Los porcentajes de adherencia a la HM presentados aquí son superiores a los reportados en la literatura, pero están por debajo del objetivo del 70% estandarizado en el HD estudiado, lo que confirma que la implementación de esta práctica, aparentemente simple, es un tema complejo, multicausal y que requiere articulación entre las políticas de gestión, así como conocimiento científico en la construcción de una cultura a favor de esta práctica en las organizaciones de salud. (AU)
Objetivo: Analisar indicadores de adesão à higienização das mãos (HM) dos profissionais de saúde de um hospital dia (HD) e apresentar estra-tégias utilizadas para incentivo dessa prática. Método: Pesquisa transversal e descritiva realizada em um HD localizado em Salvador, Bahia. A coleta de dados constou de análise documental e dos dados das auditorias internas da prática de HM entre 2016 e 2023. Resultados: Identificaram-se percentuais de adesão à HM de 39,4 a 81,4% e média de 63,9%. Dos profissionais de saúde avaliados, os enfermeiros apresentaram a maior adesão à HM (74,3%), seguidos dos técnicos de Enfermagem (71,1%) e dos médicos (50%). As estratégias multimodais para incentivo à HM adotadas nesse serviço incluíram habilitação em HM, com avaliação sistematizada realizada pelas coordenações de Enfermagem. Conclusão: Os percentuais de adesão à HM apresenta-dos são maiores do que os reportados na literatura, mas abaixo da meta de 70% padronizada no HD estudado, ratificando que a implementação dessa prática, aparentemente simples, é tema complexo, multicausal e que requer articulação entre as políticas de gestão, bem como conhecimento científico na construção de uma cultura em prol dessa prática nas organizações de saúde. (AU)
Humains , Sécurité des patients , Hygiène des mains/statistiques et données numériques , Infection croisée , Soins de jourRÉSUMÉ
Fe-deficiency anaemia is a major public health concern in children under 5 years of age. TMPRSS6 gene, encoding matriptase-2 protein, is implicated in Fe homoeostasis and has been associated with anaemia and Fe status in various populations. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the associations between the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) TMPRSS6 rs855791 and biomarkers of anaemia and Fe deficiency in Brazilian children attending day care centres. A total of 163 children aged 6-42 months were evaluated. Socio-economic, demographic, biochemical, haematological, immunological and genotype data were collected. Multiple logistic and linear regressions with hierarchical selection were used to assess the effects of independent variables on categorised outcomes and blood marker concentrations. Minor allele (T) frequency of rs855791 was 0·399. Each copy of the T allele was associated with a 4·49-fold increased risk of developing anaemia (P = 0·005) and a 4·23-fold increased risk of Fe deficiency assessed by serum soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) (P < 0·001). The dose of the T allele was associated with an increase of 0·18 mg/l in sTfR concentrations and reductions of 1·41 fl and 0·52 pg in mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), respectively. In conclusion, the T allele of SNP TMPRSS6 rs855791 was significantly associated with anaemia and Fe deficiency assessed by sTfR in Brazilian children attending day care centres. The effect was dose dependent, with each copy of the T allele being associated with lower MCV and MCH and higher concentrations of sTfR.
Anémie par carence en fer , Anémie , Carences en fer , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Humains , Anémie/épidémiologie , Anémie/génétique , Anémie par carence en fer/épidémiologie , Anémie par carence en fer/génétique , Brésil/épidémiologie , Études transversales , Soins de jour , Protéines membranaires/génétique , Polymorphisme de nucléotide simple , Récepteurs à la transferrine , Serine endopeptidases/génétique , Serine endopeptidases/métabolismeRÉSUMÉ
Este estudo tem o objetivo de conhecer e compreender a experiência da internação psiquiátrica parcial em Hospital-Dia sob a perspectiva de pacientes em momento que antecedeu a alta, com foco nas expectativas e no planejamento sobre esse evento. Participaram do estudo oito pessoas internadas em um Hospital-Dia que tinham a alta programada. Cada participante respondeu individualmente a uma entrevista aberta. Os dados foram analisados pelo método de Análise de Conteúdo Temática. Os participantes expressaram sentimentos ambíguos despertados pela proximidade da alta, como a insegurança de perder o apoio do serviço e a satisfação pelo fim do tratamento hospitalar. Observou-se a valorização de práticas e posturas que consideraram o paciente enquanto pessoa situada em uma história, abarcando relações afetivas, expectativas, frustrações e planos futuros. Conhecer como os pacientes vivenciam a alta contribui para que tal evento seja considerado um processo imbricado em uma experiência histórica e social, sinalizando a relevância do cuidado ampliado, longitudinal e integral.(AU)
This study aimed to know and understand patients' perspectives of their experiences of partial psychiatric hospitalization in a daycare hospital preceding discharge and focused on expectations and on planning about this event. In total, eight people hospitalized in a daycare hospital who were scheduled to be discharged participated in this study. Each participant answered an open interview. The data were analyzed by thematic content analysis. Participants expressed ambiguous feelings by the proximity of their discharge, such as insecurity of losing service support and satisfaction with the end of the hospital treatment. Patients appreciated the practices and postures that considered them a person situated in a story, encompassing affective relationships, expectations, frustrations, and future plans. Understanding how patients experience discharge contributes to considering this event as a process intertwined in a historical and social experience, signaling the relevance of extended, longitudinal, and comprehensive care.(AU)
Este estudio tiene como objetivo conocer y comprender la experiencia de la internación psiquiátrica parcial en Hospital de Día desde la perspectiva de los pacientes al momento en que antecedió el alta, con enfoque en las expectativas y en la planificación sobre este evento. Participaron en el estudio ocho personas internadas en un Hospital de Día que iban a recibir el alta. Cada participante respondió individualmente a una entrevista abierta. Se utilizó el método de análisis de contenido temático. Los participantes expresaron sentimientos ambiguos despertados por la proximidad del alta, como la inseguridad de perder el apoyo del servicio y la satisfacción por el fin del tratamiento hospitalario. Se observó la valorización de prácticas y posturas que comprenden al paciente como persona con una historia, que abarca relaciones afectivas, expectativas, frustraciones y planes futuros. Conocer cómo los pacientes perciben el alta permite ubicar el evento en un proceso que involucra una experiencia histórica y social, señalando la relevancia del cuidado ampliado, longitudinal e integral.(AU)
Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Sortie du patient , 60365 , Hospitalisation , Services de santé mentale , Équipe soignante , Patients , Psychiatrie , Psychologie , Autosoins , Isolement social , Thérapeutique , Deuil (perte) , Processus de maladie-santé , Santé mentale , Maladie , Soins de jour , Humanisation de l'Assistance , Adoption par l'Utilisateur , Établissements, main d'oeuvre et services de soins de santé , Réadaptation psychiatrique , Travailleurs sociaux , Déclaration d'Alma Ata , Détresse psychologique , Soins aux patients , Modèles biopsychosociaux , Parcours de vie , Citoyenneté , Prévention du suicide , Promotion de la santé , Droits de l'homme , Institutionnalisation , Troubles mentauxRÉSUMÉ
Background: Being overweight affects millions of infants and preschoolers in the world, affecting their quality and life expectancy. Exposure to day care centers may play an important role in preventing unhealthy weight (UW). Objective: To point out the prevalence and association of day care exposure and other factors associated with UW in infants and preschoolers. Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was carried out. Infant population aged 6-47 months without comorbidities that compromised their nutritional status were included, and those with formal childcare different from the selected day care were excluded. Exposure to day care, and other factors (perinatal, physical activity, nutritional, and familiar) were evaluated. A z score > 1 SD was considered UW. Prevalence, odds ratios (OR), 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) and adjusted RM by low birth weight, initiation of complementary feeding, consumption of sugary drinks, daytime naps, maternal nutritional status, and family income quintile through logistic regression. Results: The overall prevalence of UW was 17.84% (95%CI: 14.93-21.16), 11.84 (95%CI: 8.54-16.14) for children exposed to day care, and 23.78% (95%CI: 19.21-29.02) in unexposed infant population, showing significant differences between both prevalences (p < 0.001). The adjusted OR for UW presentation was 0.39 (95% CI: 0.23-0.66). Conclusions: Exposure to IMSS day care has shown to be a possible protective environment against the development of a UW.
Introducción: el sobrepeso afecta a millones de lactantes y preescolares en el mundo afectando su calidad y esperanza de vida. La exposición a guarderías puede jugar un papel importante para prevenir un peso no saludable (PNS). Objetivo: indicar la prevalencia y la asociación de la exposición a guarderías y otros factores asociados con el PNS en lactantes y preescolares. Métodos: se realizó un estudio transversal analítico. Se incluyó población infantil de 6-47 meses sin comorbilidades que comprometieran su estado nutricional y se excluyeron a aquellos con un cuidado infantil formal diferente al de las guarderías seleccionadas. Se evaluó la exposición a guardería, y otros factores (perinatales, actividad física, nutricionales, y familiares). Se consideró PNS una puntuación z > 1 DE. Se obtuvieron prevalencias, razones de momios (RM), intervalos de confianza del 95% (IC95%) y RM ajustadas por edad, bajo peso al nacer, inicio de la alimentación complementaria, consumo de bebidas azucaradas, siestas diurnas, estado nutricional materno y quintil de ingreso familiar a través de regresión logística. Resultados: la prevalencia general de PNS fue de 17.84% (IC95%:14.93-21.16), 11.84 (IC95%: 8.54-16.14) para la población infantil expuesta a guarderías, y 23.78% (IC95%: 19.21-29.02) en no expuestos, mostrando diferencias significativas entre ambas prevalencias (p < 0.001). La RM ajustada para la presentación de PNS fue de 0.39 (IC95%: 0.23-0.66) para exposición a guardería. Conclusiones: la exposición a guarderías IMSS mostró ser un posible ambiente protector contra el desarrollo de un PNS.
Garderies d'enfants , Soins de jour , Enfant , Grossesse , Femelle , Humains , Nourrisson , Études transversales , État nutritionnel , Surpoids/épidémiologieRÉSUMÉ
Resumen: El cambio de la distribución demográfica en Costa Rica establece a las personas adultas mayores (PAM) como una prioridad de salud pública. La salud oral es un indicador multidimensional, que incluye dimensiones biológicas, sociales y psicológicas. En este campo de investigación, además de utilizar las medidas de morbi-mortalidad, se ha dado una importancia a distintos indicadores que pretenden aproximar otras dimensiones subjetivas. Dentro de estas, la calidad de vida toma cada vez más importancia. Este estudio pretende identificar los principales determinantes de la Calidad de Vida Relacionada con la Salud Oral (CVRSO) en PAM de un centro diurno del cantón de Desamparados en San José, Costa Rica. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo transversal de tipo observacional realizado entre 2018 y 2019. La CVRSO, se midió a través del instrumento GOHAI (General/Geriatric Oral Health Assesment Index). Como variables independientes se incluyeron las sociodemográficas, socioeconómicas, de morbilidad, comportamientos de salud y consumo de medicamentos. Se realizaron análisis bivariados con las pruebas no paramétricas de Wilcoxon, Kruskall-Wallis y Spearman, utilizando el paquete estadístico STATA 14. Este estudio revela que existen diferencias de promedio al comparar la CVRSO y los determinantes demográficos, socioeconómicos, de morbilidad, toma de medicamentos y comportamientos de salud. Los mayores de 80 años, las mujeres, aquellos con niveles superiores de escolaridad, de ingresos altos, sin edentulismo, con niveles bajos de xerostomía, sin enfermedades, que no toman medicamentos, que no fuman, hacen deporte, que no meriendan y que consumen moderadamente azúcares, son aquellos que reportan una mejor CVRSO comparados a sus contrapartes.
Abstract: The change in the demographic distribution of Costa Rica establishes the elderly as a public health priority. Oral health is a multidimensional indicator, which includes biological, social, and psychological dimensions. Besides using measures of morbidity and mortality, different indicators seek to approximate other subjective dimensions. There is an increasing interest in analyzing the role of quality of life on health. This study aims to identify the main determinants of Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQL) in the elderly attending a day center in the city of Desamparados (San José, Costa Rica). This is a descriptive cross-sectional study ran between 2018 and 2019. OHRQL was measured via the General / Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI). As independent variables, sociodemographic, socioeconomic, morbidity, health behaviors, and drug consumption were included. Bivariate analyzes were performed using the Wilcoxon, Kruskall-Wallis, and Spearman non-parametric tests, using STATA 14. This study revealed differences in GOHAI scores according to demographic, socioeconomic, morbidity, medication, and health behaviors. Those over 80 years old, women, with higher levels of education, high income, without edentulism, with low levels of xerostomia, people without diseases, who do not take medication, who do not smoke, play sports, do not snack and who consume moderately sugars, are those that report a better OHRQL compared to their counterparts.
Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Santé buccodentaire , Soins de jour , Costa RicaRÉSUMÉ
Objetivo: estimar parámetros de calidad y de costos en el procedimiento de inserción de Catéter Venoso Central y el Catéter Venoso Central de inserción periférica. Metodología: Se evaluaron las historias de niños (edad 31 días -15 años ), que ingresaron al Hospital Universitario del Valle, entre enero de 2011 y diciembre de 2014, que requirieron canalización de una vena central. Se evaluaron variables demográficas, de calidad y se estimaron costos de ambos procedimientos. Resultados: Se evaluaron 100 procedimientos de inserción Central y 100 de inserción periférica, los últimos tuvieron menor tiempo de espera, se realizaron en la habitación, no requirieron ayuno, ni traslado al quirófano, a un menor costo, lo cual impactó la oportunidad de administración de tratamiento farmacológico, la evolución y la estancia hospitalaria. Conclusiones: Se recomienda que el procedimiento de inserción periférica sea la primera elección en niños que requieran tratamientos endovenosos mayores a cinco días, para esto es necesario conformar un grupo que supervise el funcionamiento de los catéteres y brinde educación continua al personal de salud de los servicios de hospitalización y a familiares, contar con una sala de procedimiento para la inserción del PICC que brinde seguridad y adecuado manejo del dolor.
Aim: to estimate quality and cost parameters of central venous catheter insertion peripheral and central venous catheter procedures. Methods: we reviewed records of 200 children (31 days - years old), hospitalised at a University Hospital between January 2011 and December 2014 who required central vein access. We assessed demographic, quality variables and cost of both procedures. Results: we reviewed records of 100 central insertion and 100 peripheral insertion procedures. Peripheral insertions had less waiting time, were conducted next to the child's bed, without need for fasting or transfering to the operating room, at a lower cost, all of these ensured timely administration of medicaments and nutrition, which resulted in lower stance time. The peripheral insertion also freed surgeon and operating room time to perform other interventions. Conclusions: We recommend that peripheral insertion procedure should be the first choice in children requiring intravenous treatments longer than five days. In order to establish a periferal insertion procedure in a hospital, a team is required to follow-up the patients and provide continuing education to health personnel in services and to family members, there is also a need for an appropiate space for insertion procedures and pain management.
Humains , Nouveau-né , Nourrisson , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Adolescent , Coûts des soins de santé , Colombie , Soins de jour/économie , Cathéters , Cathéters/statistiques et données numériques , Voies veineuses centralesRÉSUMÉ
Abstract Introduction Day care centers play an important social role in children's early education and development. The objective of this study was to investigate the frequency of intestinal parasitic infections and infection with Toxocara spp. in children from a day care center in the city of Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Methods: The study was conducted using fecal samples from 50 children, ages three to six years, using Ritchie, Faust, Rugai, and Kinyoun's techniques. A closed and structured epidemiological questionnaire was used to collect data from the parents/guardians of the children. Serological studies for detection of antibodies to Toxocara spp. by immunoenzymatic assays using Toxocara excretion and secretion antigen (TES) were conducted on sera collected from 41 children. Results: The frequency of enteroparasites was 18%, with 43.9% of the children testing seropositive for Toxocara spp. Low family income and low literacy levels of parents/guardians were common factors between the families of the parasite-positive children. For the children who tested positive for Toxocara spp., most of the parents/guardians reported using only water for sanitizing raw vegetables and fruits. Conclusions: The high seropositivity rates for Toxocara spp. indicate that children were exposed to this parasite, and it is important to reduce the risk of infection. In addition, the seropositivity for enteroparasites and the interviews with the parents/guardians indicate the need to educate the studied population regarding the modes of intestinal parasite transmission and the prophylactic measures needed to prevent their dissemination.
Resumo Introdução As creches desempenham um importante papel social na educação e desenvolvimento inicial das crianças. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a frequência de infecções parasitárias intestinais, além de infecção por Toxocara spp. em crianças de uma creche na cidade do Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Métodos: Para o estudo, foram coletadas amostras fecais de 50 crianças de três a seis anos, analisadas pelas técnicas de Ritchie, Faust, Rugai e Kinyoun, sendo aplicado um questionário epidemiológico fechado e estruturado aos pais/responsáveis das crianças. Também foi realizada uma pesquisa sorológica de anticorpos para Toxocara spp. em 41 crianças, pelo ensaio imunoenzimático, associado ao antígeno de excreção e secreção (ES), com soros pré-adsorvidos com antígeno somático de Ascaris lumbricoides. Resultados: A frequência de enteroparasitos foi de 18%, enquanto que 43.9% das crianças foram soropositivas para Toxocara spp.. Baixa renda familiar e baixo nível de alfabetização dos pais/responsáveis foram fatores comuns entre as famílias das crianças parasitadas. A maioria dos pais ou responsáveis das crianças, com diagnóstico positivo para enteroparasitos ou para Toxocara spp., relatou utilizar apenas água para a higienização de verduras e frutas. Conclusões: As altas taxas de soropositividade para Toxocara spp. indicam que as crianças foram expostas a esse parasito, sendo importante minimizar o risco de infecção. Além disso, a positividade de 18% para enteroparasitos e os dados obtidos com as entrevistas realizadas com os pais ou responsáveis demonstram a necessidade da realização de trabalhos com a população estudada que visem a divulgação sobre as parasitoses intestinais, especialmente sobre medidas profiláticas especificas.
Humains , Animaux , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Toxocara , Toxocarose , Brésil , Anticorps antihelminthe , Études séroépidémiologiques , Soins de jourRÉSUMÉ
INTRODUCTION: Routine outcome assessment is helpful to inform decision-making, resource allocation, and health policy design. Routine outcome assessment in the hospital setting for children and adolescents with psychiatric disorders remains limited. The clinical instrument HoNOSCA (Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents), which has recently become available in Spanish and Catalan, allows outcome assessment in this population from the perspective of patients, their parents or legal guardians, and clinicians. HoNOSCA measures 13 areas of health and psychosocial functioning. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to assess mental health outcomes in psychiatric day hospital pediatric patients from three perspectives (patient, par-ent/legal guardian, clinician), using the Spanish and Catalan versions of HoNOSCA. METHODS: We recruited patients up to 18 years old with any psychiatric disorder at the day unit of the Salut Mental Parc Taulí Hospital Universitari (Sabadell, Catalonia, Spain). We obtained admission and discharge HoNOSCA scores for the patients, their parents or legal guardians, and their clinicians. RESULTS: We recruited 99 patients over the study period (January 2015 to December 2017), 11 of which were lost to follow-up. Among the remaining 88, we found significant improvement in HoNOSCA scores from admission to discharge. Agreement between the HoNOSCA scores for the three different groups of evaluators (patients, parents/legal guardians, and clinicians) was weak at admission but better at discharge. In general, evaluations from patients and their parents or legal guardians had lower HoNOSCA scores (indicating a better mental health status) at admis-sion compared to those from clinicians. At discharge, however, the scores were more homogenous across the three groups of stakeholders. CONCLUSIONS: Use of HoNOSCA allows for routine evaluation of mental health outcomes in the psychiatric day hospital setting from the perspective of pa-tients, their parents or legal guardians, and clinicians.
INTRODUCCIÓN: La evaluación rutinaria de variables de resultado ayuda en la toma de decisiones, la asignación de recursos y el diseño de políticas en salud. La evaluación rutinaria de variables de resultado en el entorno hospitalario para niños y adolescentes con trastornos psiquiátricos sigue siendo limitada. La Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents, HoNOSCA, que recientemente se ha traducido al español y al catalán, permite la evaluación de resultados en esta población desde la perspectiva de pacientes, padres o tutores legales y clínicos. Este instrumento mide 13 áreas de salud y funcionamiento psicosocial. OBJETIVOS: Evaluar variables de resultado en salud mental entre pacientes jóvenes de hospital de día de psiquiatría desde estas tres perspectivas usando Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents. MÉTODOS: Reclutamos pacientes pediátricos (18 años o menos) con cualquier trastorno psiquiátrico en el hospital de día de la unidad de psiquiatría y psicología juvenil del Hospital Salut Mental Parc Taulí (Sabadell, Cataluña, España). Obtuvimos puntuaciones de Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents desde la perspectiva de pacientes, sus padres o tutores legales y clínicos, al ingreso y al alta. RESULTADOS: Reclutamos 99 pacientes entre enero de 2015 y diciembre de 2017; once se perdieron durante el seguimiento. Entre los 88 restantes, encontramos una mejora significativa en las puntuaciones de Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents desde el ingreso hasta el alta. El acuerdo en las puntuaciones de esta escala entre los diferentes evaluadores fue débil al inicio, pero mejor al alta. En general, los pacientes y los padres o tutores legales reportaron puntuaciones más bajas de Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents (mejor estado de salud) al ingreso en comparación con los profesionales de la salud. Al alta, las puntuaciones fueron homogéneas desde las tres perspectivas. CONCLUSIONES: La Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents permite la evaluación rutinaria de variables de resultado en salud mental en el entorno de hospital de día de psiquiatría desde la perspectiva de los pacientes, sus padres o tutores legales y los profesionales de la salud.
Troubles mentaux/thérapie , Santé mentale , 29918 , Adolescent , Enfant , Soins de jour , Femelle , État de santé , Humains , Tuteurs légaux , Études longitudinales , Mâle , Troubles mentaux/diagnostic , Parents , EspagneRÉSUMÉ
INTRODUCTION: Day care centers play an important social role in children's early education and development. The objective of this study was to investigate the frequency of intestinal parasitic infections and infection with Toxocara spp. in children from a day care center in the city of Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Methods: The study was conducted using fecal samples from 50 children, ages three to six years, using Ritchie, Faust, Rugai, and Kinyoun's techniques. A closed and structured epidemiological questionnaire was used to collect data from the parents/guardians of the children. Serological studies for detection of antibodies to Toxocara spp. by immunoenzymatic assays using Toxocara excretion and secretion antigen (TES) were conducted on sera collected from 41 children. Results: The frequency of enteroparasites was 18%, with 43.9% of the children testing seropositive for Toxocara spp. Low family income and low literacy levels of parents/guardians were common factors between the families of the parasite-positive children. For the children who tested positive for Toxocara spp., most of the parents/guardians reported using only water for sanitizing raw vegetables and fruits. Conclusions: The high seropositivity rates for Toxocara spp. indicate that children were exposed to this parasite, and it is important to reduce the risk of infection. In addition, the seropositivity for enteroparasites and the interviews with the parents/guardians indicate the need to educate the studied population regarding the modes of intestinal parasite transmission and the prophylactic measures needed to prevent their dissemination.
Toxocara , Toxocarose , Animaux , Anticorps antihelminthe , Brésil , Enfant , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Soins de jour , Humains , Études séroépidémiologiquesRÉSUMÉ
INTRODUCCIÓN La evaluación rutinaria de variables de resultado ayuda en la toma de decisiones, la asignación de recursos y el diseño de políticas en salud. La evaluación rutinaria de variables de resultado en el entorno hospitalario para niños y adolescentes con trastornos psiquiátricos sigue siendo limitada. La Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents, HoNOSCA, que recientemente se ha traducido al español y al catalán, permite la evaluación de resultados en esta población desde la perspectiva de pacientes, padres o tutores legales y clínicos. Este instrumento mide 13 áreas de salud y funcionamiento psicosocial. OBJETIVOS Evaluar variables de resultado en salud mental entre pacientes jóvenes de hospital de día de psiquiatría desde estas tres perspectivas usando Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents. MÉTODOS Reclutamos pacientes pediátricos (18 años o menos) con cualquier trastorno psiquiátrico en el hospital de día de la unidad de psiquiatría y psicología juvenil del Hospital Salut Mental Parc Taulí (Sabadell, Cataluña, España). Obtuvimos puntuaciones de Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents desde la perspectiva de pacientes, sus padres o tutores legales y clínicos, al ingreso y al alta. RESULTADOS Reclutamos 99 pacientes entre enero de 2015 y diciembre de 2017; once se perdieron durante el seguimiento. Entre los 88 restantes, encontramos una mejora significativa en las puntuaciones de Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents desde el ingreso hasta el alta. El acuerdo en las puntuaciones de esta escala entre los diferentes evaluadores fue débil al inicio, pero mejor al alta. En general, los pacientes y los padres o tutores legales reportaron puntuaciones más bajas de Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents (mejor estado de salud) al ingreso en comparación con los profesionales de la salud. Al alta, las puntuaciones fueron homogéneas desde las tres perspectivas. CONCLUSIONES La Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents permite la evaluación rutinaria de variables de resultado en salud mental en el entorno de hospital de día de psiquiatría desde la perspectiva de los pacientes, sus padres o tutores legales y los profesionales de la salud.
INTRODUCTION Routine outcome assessment is helpful to inform decision-making, resource allocation, and health policy design. Routine outcome assessment in the hospital setting for children and adolescents with psychiatric disorders remains limited. The clinical instrument HoNOSCA (Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents), which has recently become available in Spanish and Catalan, allows outcome assessment in this population from the perspective of patients, their parents or legal guardians, and clinicians. HoNOSCA measures 13 areas of health and psychosocial functioning. OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to assess mental health outcomes in psychiatric day hospital pediatric patients from three perspectives (patient, par-ent/legal guardian, clinician), using the Spanish and Catalan versions of HoNOSCA. METHODS We recruited patients up to 18 years old with any psychiatric disorder at the day unit of the Salut Mental Parc Taulí Hospital Universitari (Sabadell, Catalonia, Spain). We obtained admission and discharge HoNOSCA scores for the patients, their parents or legal guardians, and their clinicians. RESULTS We recruited 99 patients over the study period (January 2015 to December 2017), 11 of which were lost to follow-up. Among the remaining 88, we found significant improvement in HoNOSCA scores from admission to discharge. Agreement between the HoNOSCA scores for the three different groups of evaluators (patients, parents/legal guardians, and clinicians) was weak at admission but better at discharge. In general, evaluations from patients and their parents or legal guardians had lower HoNOSCA scores (indicating a better mental health status) at admis-sion compared to those from clinicians. At discharge, however, the scores were more homogenous across the three groups of stakeholders. CONCLUSIONS Use of HoNOSCA allows for routine evaluation of mental health outcomes in the psychiatric day hospital setting from the perspective of pa-tients, their parents or legal guardians, and clinicians.
Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant , Adolescent , Santé mentale , 29918 , Troubles mentaux/thérapie , Parents , Espagne , État de santé , Études longitudinales , Soins de jour , Tuteurs légaux , Troubles mentaux/diagnosticRÉSUMÉ
BACKGROUND: Older people attending day care centers improve their social activities, perception of quality of life and reduce their institutionalization rate and risk of mortality in the medium term. AIM: To evaluate the changes in the integral geriatric assessment and frailty of a group of older people attending a day care center in Santiago. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Health self-perception, integral geriatric assessment, Barthel scale, frailty indicators, mini-mental state scale, Yesavage depression score and a scale about solitude perception were evaluated in 35 participants aged 73 ± 6 years on admission and at discharge from a day care center for older people. RESULTS: At discharge, significant improvements were observed for depression, perception of social support and physical frailty. However, no changes in functional status, cognitive function and perception of solitude were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Older people attending improve their perception of social support and decrease their frailty and depression scores.
Cognition , Personne âgée fragile/psychologie , Évaluation gériatrique/méthodes , Activités de la vie quotidienne , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Chili , Soins de jour , Dépression/diagnostic , Femelle , Humains , Études longitudinales , Mâle , Qualité de vie , Facteurs socioéconomiques , Enquêtes et questionnairesRÉSUMÉ
The aim of this study was to compare the QOL of the elderly living in nursing homes and those who attend the Day Center (Centro Dia) at the the Asilo Vila Vicentina in the city of Bauru/SP. The sample consisted of 48 subjects, 21 men, 5 from the Day Center and 16 nursing home residents, and 27 women, 16 from the Day Center and 11 nursing homes residents, who answered the following questionnaires: socio-demographic characteristics, WHOQOL-Old, and WHOQOL-Bref. The responses were submitted to descriptive and inferential statistics to compare the QOL scores of the nursing home residents with the elderly who attend the Day Center using the Mann Whitney test. The results showed better QOL scores for the elderly who attend the Day Center, in which women stood out. Among the institutionalized elderly, women presented the worst QOL values, particularly in the Physical and Psychological domains. The domains with the lowest scores were Environment (42.6 ± 10.7 for women in nursing homes and 44.4 ± 9.7 for men at the Day Center) and Intimacy (13.1 ± 17.3 for women in nursing homes and 9.4 ± 22.7 for men in nursing homes). The domains with the highest scores were Social Affairs (74.0 ± 13.6 for women at the Day Center and 68.3 ± 10.9 for men at the Day Center) and Death/Dying (83.6 ± 22.0 for women at the Day Center and 80.0 ± 32.6 for men at the Day Center).
Objetivou-se comparar a QV de idosos asilados e frequentadores do Centro Dia do Asilo Vila Vicentina, no município de Bauru/SP. A amostra contou com 48 sujeitos, sendo 21 homens, 5 do Centro Dia e 16 asilados, e 27 mulheres, 16 do Centro Dia e 11 asiladas, que responderaim aos questionários: caracterização sociodemográfica, WHOQOL-Old e WHOQOL-Bref. As respostas, submetidas à estatística descritiva e inferencial, permitiram comparar os escores de QV dos asilados aos dos frequentadores do Centro Dia, por meio do Teste de Mann Whitney. Os resultados apontaram melhores escores de QV para os idosos do Centro Dia, destacando-se as mulheres. As institucionalizadas tiveram os piores valores de QV, sobressaindo-se os domínios Físico e Psicológico. Os domínios com escores mais baixos foram: Meio Ambiente (42,6 ± 10,7 para as asiladas e 44,4 ± 9,7 para os homens do Centro Dia) e Intimidade (13,1 ± 17,3 para as asiladas e 9,4 ± 22,7 para os asilados). Os mais altos foram: Relações Sociais (74,0 ± 13,6 para as mulheres do Centro Dia e 68,3 ± 10,9 para os homens do Centro Dia) e Morte/Morrer (83,6 ± 22,0 para as mulheres do Centro Dia e 80,0 ± 32,6 para os homens do Centro Dia).
Soins de jour/statistiques et données numériques , Maisons de retraite médicalisées/statistiques et données numériques , Maisons de repos/statistiques et données numériques , Qualité de vie , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Études transversales , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Facteurs sexuels , Statistique non paramétrique , Enquêtes et questionnairesRÉSUMÉ
Background: Older people attending day care centers improve their social activities, perception of quality of life and reduce their institutionalization rate and risk of mortality in the medium term. Aim: To evaluate the changes in the integral geriatric assessment and frailty of a group of older people attending a day care center in Santiago. Material and Methods: Health self-perception, integral geriatric assessment, Barthel scale, frailty indicators, mini-mental state scale, Yesavage depression score and a scale about solitude perception were evaluated in 35 participants aged 73 ± 6 years on admission and at discharge from a day care center for older people. Results: At discharge, significant improvements were observed for depression, perception of social support and physical frailty. However, no changes in functional status, cognitive function and perception of solitude were observed. Conclusions: Older people attending improve their perception of social support and decrease their frailty and depression scores.
Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Évaluation gériatrique/méthodes , Personne âgée fragile/psychologie , Cognition , Qualité de vie , Facteurs socioéconomiques , Activités de la vie quotidienne , Chili , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Études longitudinales , Soins de jour , Dépression/diagnosticRÉSUMÉ
Objetivo: analizar vivencias espirituales del adulto mayor en un Hospital de Día de la Red Almenara, en Lima. Introducción: las vivencias son experiencias que viven los adultos mayores, surgen de su interior y forman parte de su carácter, la espiritualidad basada en creencias y valores se caracteriza por la relación con el yo, con el otro, con la naturaleza y con la vida. Material y métodos: investigación cualitativa, descriptiva comprensiva, realizada con 10 adultos mayores, el muestreo fue definido por saturación de discursos. La técnica fue la entrevista a profundidad con una guía de entrevista semi estructurada, aplicada en dos sesiones, respetándose los principios bioéticos. Resultados: se identificaron tres categorías generales: re-creando las concepciones de la espiritualidad; la espiritualidad en la práctica de valores y la espiritualidad desde la religio-sidad del adulto mayor. Discusión: la primera categoría define el acercamiento a Dios a través de la oración y la religión, considerada una necesidad básica y humana para promover la calidad de vida. La segunda categoría, se refiere a la práctica de valores que es trascendente y se refleja principalmente en el amor y la solidaridad. La tercera categoría, señala que la espiritualidad brinda la oportunidad de estar en paz con uno mismo y con los demás. Conclusiones: las vivencias espirituales de los adultos mayores indican que ellos desean vivir mejor, usando lo que le resta de vida de la mejor manera posible. Por ello, se apoyan en la religiosidad y la práctica de valores para conservar la paz espiritual logrando así, un envejecimiento favorable.
Humains , Sujet âgé , Valeurs sociales , Thérapies spirituelles , Soins de jourRÉSUMÉ
Resumo Objetivou-se comparar a QV de idosos asilados e frequentadores do Centro Dia do Asilo Vila Vicentina, no município de Bauru/SP. A amostra contou com 48 sujeitos, sendo 21 homens, 5 do Centro Dia e 16 asilados, e 27 mulheres, 16 do Centro Dia e 11 asiladas, que responderaim aos questionários: caracterização sociodemográfica, WHOQOL-Old e WHOQOL-Bref. As respostas, submetidas à estatística descritiva e inferencial, permitiram comparar os escores de QV dos asilados aos dos frequentadores do Centro Dia, por meio do Teste de Mann Whitney. Os resultados apontaram melhores escores de QV para os idosos do Centro Dia, destacando-se as mulheres. As institucionalizadas tiveram os piores valores de QV, sobressaindo-se os domínios Físico e Psicológico. Os domínios com escores mais baixos foram: Meio Ambiente (42,6 ± 10,7 para as asiladas e 44,4 ± 9,7 para os homens do Centro Dia) e Intimidade (13,1 ± 17,3 para as asiladas e 9,4 ± 22,7 para os asilados). Os mais altos foram: Relações Sociais (74,0 ± 13,6 para as mulheres do Centro Dia e 68,3 ± 10,9 para os homens do Centro Dia) e Morte/Morrer (83,6 ± 22,0 para as mulheres do Centro Dia e 80,0 ± 32,6 para os homens do Centro Dia).
Abstract The aim of this study was to compare the QOL of the elderly living in nursing homes and those who attend the Day Center (Centro Dia) at the the Asilo Vila Vicentina in the city of Bauru/SP. The sample consisted of 48 subjects, 21 men, 5 from the Day Center and 16 nursing home residents, and 27 women, 16 from the Day Center and 11 nursing homes residents, who answered the following questionnaires: socio-demographic characteristics, WHOQOL-Old, and WHOQOL-Bref. The responses were submitted to descriptive and inferential statistics to compare the QOL scores of the nursing home residents with the elderly who attend the Day Center using the Mann Whitney test. The results showed better QOL scores for the elderly who attend the Day Center, in which women stood out. Among the institutionalized elderly, women presented the worst QOL values, particularly in the Physical and Psychological domains. The domains with the lowest scores were Environment (42.6 ± 10.7 for women in nursing homes and 44.4 ± 9.7 for men at the Day Center) and Intimacy (13.1 ± 17.3 for women in nursing homes and 9.4 ± 22.7 for men in nursing homes). The domains with the highest scores were Social Affairs (74.0 ± 13.6 for women at the Day Center and 68.3 ± 10.9 for men at the Day Center) and Death/Dying (83.6 ± 22.0 for women at the Day Center and 80.0 ± 32.6 for men at the Day Center).