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Nutrients ; 16(13)2024 Jun 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38999845


BACKGROUND: Childhood overweight and obesity is a global concern and has increased in Spain over the last decades. Combinations of lifestyle behaviors (i.e., diet, sleep, and sedentarism) are highly related to weight status. Therefore, this study aimed to identify lifestyle patterns among children from Madrid City, and analyze associations with the prevalence of overweight, obesity, and abdominal obesity, considering socio-economic factors. METHODS: A cross-sectional analysis was conducted on 4545 children from the ENPIMAD study with data on diet, sleep, anthropometric, and socio-economic variables. K-means cluster analysis was used to identify lifestyle clusters, and logistic regressions were used to examine the associations between socio-economic indicators and cluster membership, and between clusters and weight status. RESULTS: Findings show three lifestyle clusters (healthy, mixed, and unhealthy), with boys and older children more represented in the unhealthy cluster. Food insecurity and low socio-economic status were associated with unhealthier clusters in boys and girls. Children in unhealthier clusters were more likely to have obesity and abdominal obesity. However, these associations disappeared in girls after controlling for food insecurity. CONCLUSION: These results provide insight into the combination of behaviors and socio-economic factors associated with childhood obesity that may aid in the design of future interventions.

Diet , Life Style , Pediatric Obesity , Screen Time , Sleep , Humans , Male , Female , Spain/epidemiology , Child , Pediatric Obesity/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Diet/statistics & numerical data , Socioeconomic Factors , Cluster Analysis , Body Weight , Obesity, Abdominal/epidemiology , Prevalence , Food Insecurity , Overweight/epidemiology
Nutrients ; 16(11)2024 May 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38892630


Proteins are macronutrients with multiple health benefits, but excessive consumption can negatively affect health. This study aimed to evaluate the characteristics of a sample of high-protein processed foods (HPPFs), describe how their consumption affects dietary balance, and acquire knowledge of the consumption patterns of these products in a Spanish population. A sample of HPPFs available in supermarkets and on websites was collected. The contribution to recommended protein intakes was calculated using national and international references and considering the single consumption of the HPPFs and the product plus 150 g of meat. Furthermore, an online survey was conducted among a convenience sample. A total of 36 enriched protein products were evaluated. The percentage of proteins in these products ranges from 10 to 88%. The contribution of the protein recommended intake was within a range of 87.4-306.6% and 66.4-232.8% (women and men, respectively), only considering the additional proteins from 150 g of meat. One hundred thirty-nine participants completed the survey; 67.6% affirmed that they had consumed HPPFs, and half consumed them without following any consumption control. Since these products are accessible to everyone in supermarkets and protein intake is generally higher than the recommended limits, regulating the mass sale of HPPFs is essential to ensure they do not lead to protein overconsumption.

Dietary Proteins , Nutritional Status , Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Dietary Proteins/administration & dosage , Dietary Proteins/analysis , Spain , Young Adult , Diet, High-Protein , Fast Foods/statistics & numerical data , Nutritive Value , Aged , Adolescent , Diet/statistics & numerical data , Recommended Dietary Allowances , Food, Processed
Nutr Hosp ; 40(Spec No2): 24-28, 2023 Nov 22.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37929887


Introduction: Young adults move from adolescence into adulthood, and they face physical, social and personal changes that can affect their health. Regarding their nutritional needs, their energy requirements are lower than during adolescence, but they may need the same or higher amounts of other essential nutrients, such as folate, vitamin C, vitamin D, calcium, and iron. Furthermore, their increasingly sedentary lifestyle has led to a high prevalence of overweight and obesity in this group. However, despite being a vulnerable stage to nutritional problems, not enough attention has been paid to it from this point of view. In this context, eggs stand out as a food of great nutritional value for young adults, as they are an excellent source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. In addition, eggs are a nutritionally dense food, which makes them particularly useful in weight control and in situations with low energy requirements but high demands for other nutrients. Moderate egg consumption as part of a balanced diet helps to follow a healthy diet in this population group, contributing to improve their current and future health.

Introducción: Los adultos jóvenes, en su paso desde la adolescencia hacia la vida adulta, deben afrontar cambios físicos, sociales y personales que pueden afectar a su salud. Sus requerimientos energéticos son menores que durante la adolescencia, pero pueden necesitar la misma cantidad o mayor de otros nutrientes esenciales, como folatos, vitamina C, vitamina D, calcio y hierro. Además, su estilo de vida cada vez más sedentario ha llevado a una alta prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en este grupo. Sin embargo, a pesar de ser una etapa sensible a los problemas nutricionales, no se le ha prestado suficiente atención desde este punto de vista. En este contexto, el huevo destaca como un alimento de gran valor nutricional para los adultos jóvenes, dado que es una excelente fuente de proteínas, vitaminas y minerales. Además, el huevo es un alimento de alta densidad nutricional, lo que lo hace especialmente útil en el control de peso y en situaciones de bajas necesidades energéticas pero altas con respecto a otros nutrientes. El consumo de huevo en cantidades moderadas y como parte de una dieta equilibrada ayuda a seguir una dieta saludable en este grupo de población, lo que contribuye a mejorar su salud actual y futura.

Nutritional Status , Vitamins , Adolescent , Humans , Young Adult , Nutritive Value , Minerals , Nutrients , Nutritional Requirements , Diet
Nutr Hosp ; 40(Spec No2): 70-76, 2023 Nov 22.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37929896


Introduction: To meet the food and nutritional needs of a growing population and, at the same time, guarantee natural and productive resources, food systems must undergo changes in production models and consumption patterns, adopting more sustainable diets. The recommendations of different organizations and institutions are aimed at adopting a varied and balanced dietary pattern, with a greater predominance of plant-based food and a lower presence of animal food, to improve the state of health and well-being, while reducing the environmental impact. These types of diets have important health benefits, especially if diets are well planned and foods are properly combined. However, in some stages of life (schoolchildren, adolescents, elders) and in some special physiological situations (pregnancy, athletes), special attention should be paid to the increase of certain nutritional requirements that could compromise the health status if a correct dietary planning is not carried out. Therefore, well-designed strategies should be put in place to facilitate the transition to a sustainable diet, including nutrition education programs for consumers with specific instructions on the most appropriate food choices to increase the nutritional value of the diet. In addition, in specific physiological situations, where meeting nutritional requirements may be compromised, the consumption of fortified foods and/or supplementation could be considered.

Introducción: Para atender las necesidades alimentarias y nutricionales de una población creciente y garantizar los recursos naturales y productivos, los sistemas alimentarios deben experimentar cambios adoptando dietas más sostenibles. Diferentes organismos e instituciones recomiendan patrones de dieta variada y equilibrada, con predominio de alimentos de origen vegetal y menor presencia de alimentos de origen animal, para mejorar el estado de salud y bienestar y reducir el impacto medioambiental. Este tipo de dietas presentan beneficios en la salud, sobre todo si están bien planificadas y los alimentos se combinan adecuadamente. Sin embargo, en algunas etapas de la vida (escolares, adolescentes, ancianos) y en situaciones fisiológicas especiales (embarazadas, deportistas) se debe prestar atención a los requerimientos nutricionales, que podrían verse comprometidos en caso de no llevar a cabo una correcta planificación dietética, lo que podría derivar en problemas para la salud. Por ello, para facilitar la transición de los consumidores a una dieta sostenible, se deben promover estrategias bien diseñadas que incluyan programas de educación nutricional con instrucciones específicas acerca de las elecciones y combinaciones de alimentos más adecuadas para aumentar el valor nutricional de la dieta. Además, en situaciones fisiológicas específicas en las que alcanzar los requerimientos nutricionales pudiera estar comprometido, podría considerarse el consumo de alimentos enriquecidos y/o la administración de suplementos.

Diet , Food , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Humans , Child , Aged , Nutritive Value , Food Preferences , Nutritional Requirements , Food, Fortified
Nutr Hosp ; 40(Spec No2): 29-32, 2023 Nov 22.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37929900


Introduction: Intermittent fasting is a dietary pattern characterized by alternating periods of total or partial fasting and ad libitum food consumption. During prolonged fasting, the body uses the ketone bodies formed from lipolysis of body fat, which also leads to some metabolic modifications with positive effects on health. In this sense, nocturnal intermittent fasting could contribute to properly synchronize the circadian system making the physiological, hormonal, energetic and metabolic processes work correctly and keeping to the individual in homeostasis. Thus, according to the results of different studies, intermittent fasting, in the short-medium term, seems to improve body composition, as well as the values of several cardiometabolic parameters such as insulin and HOMA-IR index, among others. These effects have been observed in both pre- and postmenopausal women (no differences have been found between both states) and are similar to those found in interventions with caloric restriction diets.

Introducción: El ayuno intermitente es un patrón dietético caracterizado por la alternancia de periodos de ayuno, totales o parciales, y de consumo de alimentos ad libitum. Durante el ayuno prolongado, el organismo utiliza los cuerpos cetónicos que se forman a partir de la lipolisis de la grasa del organismo, lo que también da lugar a algunas modificaciones metabólicas con efectos positivos para la salud. En este sentido, el ayuno intermitente nocturno podría contribuir a sincronizar adecuadamente el sistema circadiano, haciendo que los procesos fisiológicos, hormonales, energéticos y metabólicos funcionen correctamente y mantengan al individuo en homeostasis. Así, de acuerdo con los resultados de diferentes estudios, el ayuno intermitente, a corto-medio plazo, parece mejorar la composición corporal, así como los valores de diversos parámetros cardiometabólicos como la insulina y el índice HOMA-IR, entre otros. Estos efectos se han observado tanto en mujeres premenopáusicas como postmenopáusicas, sin hallar diferencias entre ambos estados y son similares a los encontrados con intervenciones con dietas con restricción calórica.

Cardiovascular Diseases , Obesity , Humans , Female , Intermittent Fasting , Fasting , Diet , Caloric Restriction
Nutr Hosp ; 40(Spec No2): 46-50, 2023 Nov 22.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37929904


Introduction: Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a psychiatric disease with a high prevalence and comorbidities, characterized by a low response rate to treatment. It is considered as a multifactorial disease. In recent years, the focus has been placed on the presence of intestinal dysbiosis and its possible involvement as a causal factor as well as an alternative treatment. The objective of this work has been to review the current state of knowledge of alterations in the intestinal microbiota identified in patients with AN and the possibility of using probiotics as a therapeutic alternative. Significant changes in the diversity of species associated with weight loss have been described that could favor the perpetuation of the disorder, and that would explain many of the nutritional, gastrointestinal, psychological, and cognitive alterations present in these patients. The use of probiotics, still little studied in patients with AN, sheds some light on this matter to improve the treatment response, always hand in hand with conventional treatments.

Introducción: La anorexia nerviosa (AN) es una enfermedad psiquiátrica, con elevada prevalencia y comorbilidades, caracterizada por una baja tasa de respuesta al tratamiento. Se considera una enfermedad multifactorial. En los últimos años se ha puesto el foco en la presencia de disbiosis intestinal y su posible implicación como factor causal, así como alternativa de tratamiento. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido revisar el estado actual del conocimiento de las alteraciones en la microbiota intestinal identificadas en pacientes con AN y la posibilidad del uso de probióticos como alternativa terapéutica. Se han descrito importantes cambios en la diversidad de las especies asociadas a la pérdida de peso que podrían contribuir a perpetuar el trastorno y que explicarían muchas de las alteraciones nutricionales, gastrointestinales, psicológicas y cognitivas presentes en estos pacientes. El uso de probióticos, poco estudiado aún en pacientes con AN, abre una nueva ventana para mejorar la respuesta, siempre de la mano de los tratamientos convencionales.

Anorexia Nervosa , Gastrointestinal Microbiome , Microbiota , Humans , Anorexia Nervosa/therapy , Anorexia Nervosa/psychology , Brain , Gastrointestinal Microbiome/physiology , Gastrointestinal Tract
Nutrients ; 15(21)2023 Oct 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37960158


BACKGROUND: Mineral intake may protect against cognitive impairment (CI) and all-cause dementia, which affects a large number of adults worldwide. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between mineral intake and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), which is a sensitive and specific test. METHODS: In total, 201 adults were included in a cross-sectional study. They completed a three-day dietary record to estimate their average daily intake of minerals. Contributions to dietary reference intakes (DRIs) were also calculated. The participants were divided into tertiles according to their mineral intake. CI classifications were determined via the MoCA (score < 26). Apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotyping was carried out, and the patients' anthropometric measurements and physical activity, health and personal data were collected. RESULTS: The prevalence of CI in this selective sample was 54.2% (34.3% females and 19.9% males). In women, being in the third tertiles of iron and manganese intake was associated with lower odds of having CI (OR [95% CI]: 0.32 [0.11 ± 0.93]; 0.33 [0.12 ± 0.93], p < 0.05). No significant differences were observed for any of the nutrients studied in men. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that a low mineral intake, especially low iron and manganese intake in women, is associated with a worse cognition as assessed by MoCA.

Cognitive Dysfunction , Manganese , Male , Adult , Humans , Female , Cross-Sectional Studies , Mental Status and Dementia Tests , Cognition , Cognitive Dysfunction/epidemiology , Iron , Minerals , Neuropsychological Tests
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36673935


Background: Breakfast has traditionally been considered one of the most important meals of the day; however, there is little evidence for the influence of breakfast quality and insulin resistance (IR). This study aimed to assess the quality of breakfast in a group of schoolchildren, and its association with IR. Methods: A cross-sectional study with 852 children (8−13 years) was carried out. Fasting plasma glucose, insulin and anthropometric parameters were measured. A three-day dietary record was used to assess their diet and to calculate the Breakfast Quality Index (BQI). The sample was divided into tertiles according to the BQI (tertile 3: better breakfast quality). The homeostatic model was used to assess insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), and IR was defined as HOMA-IR > 3.16. Results: The prevalence of IR was 5.2%. The mean BQI score was 4.50 ± 1.25, and boys had lower scores than girls. Children in the BQI tertile 3 had a better global diet quality. In boys, being in the BQI tertile 3 was associated with a lower risk of IR (OR [95% CI]: 0.10 [0.01−0.77], p < 0.05). Conclusions: A higher-quality breakfast was associated with better overall diet quality and a lower risk of IR, especially in boys.

Insulin Resistance , Male , Child , Female , Humans , Breakfast , Cross-Sectional Studies , Diet , Insulin , Blood Glucose , Body Mass Index
Nutr. hosp., Supl ; 40(SUP. 2): 24-28, 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-228690


Los adultos jóvenes, en su paso desde la adolescencia hacia la vida adulta, deben afrontar cambios físicos, sociales y personales que pueden afectar a su salud. Sus requerimientos energéticos son menores que durante la adolescencia, pero pueden necesitar la misma cantidad o mayor de otros nutrientes esenciales, como folatos, vitamina C, vitamina D, calcio y hierro. Además, su estilo de vida cada vez más sedentario ha llevado a una alta prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en este grupo. Sin embargo, a pesar de ser una etapa sensible a los problemas nutricionales, no se le ha prestado suficiente atención desde este punto de vista. En este contexto, el huevo destaca como un alimento de gran valor nutricional para los adultos jóvenes, dado que es una excelente fuente de proteínas, vitaminas y minerales. Además, el huevo es un alimento de alta densidad nutricional, lo que lo hace especialmente útil en el control de peso y en situaciones de bajas necesidades energéticas pero altas con respecto a otros nutrientes. El consumo de huevo en cantidades moderadas y como parte de una dieta equilibrada ayuda a seguir una dieta saludable en este grupo de población, lo que contribuye a mejorar su salud actual y futura. (AU)

Young adults move from adolescence into adulthood, and they face physical, social and personal changes that can affect their health. Regarding their nutritional needs, their energy requirements are lower than during adolescence, but they may need the same or higher amounts of other essential nutrients, such as folate, vitamin C, vitamin D, calcium, and iron. Furthermore, their increasingly sedentary lifestyle has led to a high prevalence of overweight and obesity in this group. However, despite being a vulnerable stage to nutritional problems, not enough attention has been paid to it from this point of view. In this context, eggs stand out as a food of great nutritional value for young adults, as they are an excellent source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. In addition, eggs are a nutritionally dense food, which makes them particularly useful in weight control and in situations with low energy requirements but high demands for other nutrients. Moderate egg consumption as part of a balanced diet helps to follow a healthy diet in this population group, contributing to improve their current and future health. (AU)

Humans , Adult , Diet , Minerals , Nutrients , Nutritive Value , Nutritional Requirements , Vitamins
Nutr. hosp., Supl ; 40(SUP. 2): 29-32, 2023. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-228691


El ayuno intermitente es un patrón dietético caracterizado por la alternancia de periodos de ayuno, totales o parciales, y de consumo de alimentosad libitum. Durante el ayuno prolongado, el organismo utiliza los cuerpos cetónicos que se forman a partir de la lipolisis de la grasa del organismo, lo que también da lugar a algunas modificaciones metabólicas con efectos positivos para la salud. En este sentido, el ayuno intermitentenocturno podría contribuir a sincronizar adecuadamente el sistema circadiano, haciendo que los procesos fisiológicos, hormonales, energéticosy metabólicos funcionen correctamente y mantengan al individuo en homeostasis. Así, de acuerdo con los resultados de diferentes estudios, elayuno intermitente, a corto-medio plazo, parece mejorar la composición corporal, así como los valores de diversos parámetros cardiometabólicoscomo la insulina y el índice HOMA-IR, entre otros. Estos efectos se han observado tanto en mujeres premenopáusicas como postmenopáusicas,sin hallar diferencias entre ambos estados y son similares a los encontrados con intervenciones con dietas con restricción calórica. (AU)

Intermittent fasting is a dietary pattern characterized by alternating periods of total or partial fasting and ad libitum food consumption. Duringprolonged fasting, the body uses the ketone bodies formed from lipolysis of body fat, which also leads to some metabolic modifications withpositive effects on health. In this sense, nocturnal intermittent fasting could contribute to properly synchronize the circadian system making the physiological, hormonal, energetic and metabolic processes work correctly and keeping to the individual in homeostasis. Thus, according to the results of different studies, intermittent fasting, in the short-medium term, seems to improve body composition, as well as the values of several cardiometabolic parameters such as insulin and HOMA-IR index, among others. These effects have been observed in both pre- and postmenopausal women (no differences have been found between both states) and are similar to those found in interventions with caloric restriction diets. (AU)

Humans , Caloric Restriction , Cardiovascular Diseases , Diet , Fasting , Fasting , Obesity
Nutr. hosp., Supl ; 40(SUP. 2): 46-50, 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-228695


La anorexia nerviosa (AN) es una enfermedad psiquiátrica, con elevada prevalencia y comorbilidades, caracterizada por una baja tasa de respuestaal tratamiento. Se considera una enfermedad multifactorial. En los últimos años se ha puesto el foco en la presencia de disbiosis intestinal ysu posible implicación como factor causal, así como alternativa de tratamiento. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido revisar el estado actual delconocimiento de las alteraciones en la microbiota intestinal identificadas en pacientes con AN y la posibilidad del uso de probióticos como alternativa terapéutica. Se han descrito importantes cambios en la diversidad de las especies asociadas a la pérdida de peso que podrían contribuira perpetuar el trastorno y que explicarían muchas de las alteraciones nutricionales, gastrointestinales, psicológicas y cognitivas presentes enestos pacientes. El uso de probióticos, poco estudiado aún en pacientes con AN, abre una nueva ventana para mejorar la respuesta, siempre dela mano de los tratamientos convencionales. (AU)

Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a psychiatric disease with a high prevalence and comorbidities, characterized by a low response rate to treatment.It is considered as a multifactorial disease. In recent years, the focus has been placed on the presence of intestinal dysbiosis and its possibleinvolvement as a causal factor as well as an alternative treatment. The objective of this work has been to review the current state of knowledge ofalterations in the intestinal microbiota identified in patients with AN and the possibility of using probiotics as a therapeutic alternative. Significantchanges in the diversity of species associated with weight loss have been described that could favor the perpetuation of the disorder, and that wouldexplain many of the nutritional, gastrointestinal, psychological, and cognitive alterations present in these patients. The use of probiotics, still littlestudied in patients with AN, sheds some light on this matter to improve the treatment response, always hand in hand with conventional treatments. (AU)

Humans , Anorexia Nervosa/psychology , Anorexia Nervosa/therapy , Gastrointestinal Microbiome/physiology , Gastrointestinal Tract , Cerebrum , Microbiota
Nutr. hosp., Supl ; 40(SUP. 2): 70-76, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-228700


Para atender las necesidades alimentarias y nutricionales de una población creciente y garantizar los recursos naturales y productivos, lossistemas alimentarios deben experimentar cambios adoptando dietas más sostenibles. Diferentes organismos e instituciones recomiendanpatrones de dieta variada y equilibrada, con predominio de alimentos de origen vegetal y menor presencia de alimentos de origen animal, paramejorar el estado de salud y bienestar y reducir el impacto medioambiental. Este tipo de dietas presentan beneficios en la salud, sobre todosi están bien planificadas y los alimentos se combinan adecuadamente. Sin embargo, en algunas etapas de la vida (escolares, adolescentes,ancianos) y en situaciones fisiológicas especiales (embarazadas, deportistas) se debe prestar atención a los requerimientos nutricionales, quepodrían verse comprometidos en caso de no llevar a cabo una correcta planificación dietética, lo que podría derivar en problemas para la salud.Por ello, para facilitar la transición de los consumidores a una dieta sostenible, se deben promover estrategias bien diseñadas que incluyanprogramas de educación nutricional con instrucciones específicas acerca de las elecciones y combinaciones de alimentos más adecuadas paraaumentar el valor nutricional de la dieta. Además, en situaciones fisiológicas específicas en las que alcanzar los requerimientos nutricionalespudiera estar comprometido, podría considerarse el consumo de alimentos enriquecidos y/o la administración de suplementos. (AU)

To meet the food and nutritional needs of a growing population and, at the same time, guarantee natural and productive resources, food systemsmust undergo changes in production models and consumption patterns, adopting more sustainable diets. The recommendations of differentorganizations and institutions are aimed at adopting a varied and balanced dietary pattern, with a greater predominance of plant-based food anda lower presence of animal food, to improve the state of health and well-being, while reducing the environmental impact. These types of diets haveimportant health benefits, especially if diets are well planned and foods are properly combined. However, in some stages of life (schoolchildren,adolescents, elders) and in some special physiological situations (pregnancy, athletes), special attention should be paid to the increase of certainnutritional requirements that could compromise the health status if a correct dietary planning is not carried out. Therefore, well-designed strategies should be put in place to facilitate the transition to a sustainable diet, including nutrition education programs for consumers with specificinstructions on the most appropriate food choices to increase the nutritional value of the diet. In addition, in specific physiological situations,where meeting nutritional requirements may be compromised, the consumption of fortified foods and/or supplementation could be considered. (AU)

Humans , Diet , Food , Nutritional Requirements , Nutritive Value , Pregnancy
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36497531


Loneliness is considered a prognostic factor for poorer health status in the elderly. It is proposed to analyze the role of loneliness in health status in terms of various factors. A total of 1747 individuals from the pilot survey of the Aging in Spain Longitudinal Study (ELES-PS) were reviewed. ELES is a cross-sectional study for collecting health variables, food habits, socioeconomic data, and cognitive and functional capacities, which was carried out on a Spanish representative sample of noninstitutionalized persons of 50 years of age or older. Moreover, since telomere shortening is associated with cellular senescence, 35 telomere-related SNPs and cognitive impairments were analyzed. The results characterize the "solos" as males of 50-60 years, who were overweight and had lower levels of hemoglobin and neutrophils. There is also an association between five SNPs related to telomere length and BDNF. A group of people with loneliness and depression was identified with poorer health and cognitive status, poorer perception of their quality of life, poorer quality of sleep, and lower physical activity. Therefore, it follows that telomeres and BDNF play a role as intermediaries between loneliness and depression and their relationship with a worse state of health.

Loneliness , Quality of Life , Aged , Humans , Male , Cross-Sectional Studies , Depression/epidemiology , Depression/genetics , Depression/psychology , Loneliness/psychology , Longitudinal Studies , Prognosis , Quality of Life/psychology , Middle Aged , Spain
Nutrients ; 14(20)2022 Oct 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36296916


Background: Diet quality patterns are associated with a lower incidence of insulin resistance (IR) in adults. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between two diet quality indices and IR in schoolchildren and to identify the best diet quality index associated with a lower risk of IR. Methods: A total of 854 schoolchildren (8−13 years) were included in a cross-sectional study, who completed a three-day dietary record to assess their diet. Fasting plasma glucose and insulin were also measured, and anthropometric data were collected. Healthy Eating Index-2015 (HEI-2015), Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH), and adjusted DASH (aDASH) were calculated as diet quality indices. The homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) was used, and IR was defined as HOMA-IR > 3.16. Results: The prevalence of IR was 5.5%, and it was higher in girls. The mean HEI-2015 and DASH scores were 59.3 and 23.4, respectively, and boys scored lower in both indices. In girls, having a HEI-2015 score above the 33rd percentile was associated with a lower risk of IR (odds ratio [95% CI]: 0.43 [0.19−0.96], p = 0.020). Conclusion: Greater adherence to a healthy dietary pattern, as assessed by a higher HEI-2015 score, was associated with a lower risk of IR in schoolchildren, especially in girls.

Dietary Approaches To Stop Hypertension , Insulin Resistance , Adult , Male , Female , Humans , Child , Blood Glucose , Diet, Healthy , Cross-Sectional Studies , Diet , Insulin
Nutr Hosp ; 39(Spec No3): 3-7, 2022 Sep 01.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36039986


Introduction: Due to their composition, whole grain cereals allow to achieve the recommended intakes of numerous nutrients that are usually ingested in insufficient amounts according to various studies. On the other hand, scientific evidence indicates that the consumption of whole grain cereals is associated with positive effects on health against the suffering of some chronic non-communicable diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes or cancer. These effects may be due to their high content of vitamins, minerals, fiber and bioactive compounds. The consumption of whole grain cereals is low, which could be due to the lack of knowledge of its beneficial effects by the population. The consumption of 3 or more servings a day of whole grain cereals contributes to achieve a better nutritional and health status of individuals from early ages.

Introducción: Por su composición los cereales de grano entero permiten alcanzar las ingestas recomendadas de numerosos nutrientes que habitualmente se ingieren en cantidades insuficientes, según diversos estudios. Por otro lado, la evidencia científica señala que el consumo de cereales de grano entero se asocia a efectos positivos para la salud frente al padecimiento de algunas enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles como la obesidad, la enfermedad cardiovascular, la diabetes o el cáncer. Estos efectos pueden deberse al elevado contenido en vitaminas, minerales, fibra y compuestos bioactivos que contienen. El consumo de cereales de grano entero es escaso, lo que podría deberse al desconocimiento de sus efectos beneficiosos por parte de la población. El consumo de 3 o más raciones al día de cereales de grano entero contribuye a conseguir una mejor situación nutricional y sanitaria de los individuos desde edades tempranas.

Edible Grain , Whole Grains , Dietary Fiber , Humans , Minerals , Vitamins
Nutr Hosp ; 39(Spec No3): 44-51, 2022 Sep 01.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36039991


Introduction: The consumption of high nutritional quality foods is a key for proper growth and development during childhood. This work aimed to review and analyse the current recommended egg intake in children by different national organisations. Likewise, it intended to standardise a procedure to propose new recommendations for this food. A search of available national online guidelines or recommendations was performed. The Healthy Eating Guide of the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition (SENC), 2018 and the energy requirements of the European Food Safety Authority (2017) for children and adolescents were contemplated, considering a contribution of 15 % of energy as proteins to propose the new recommended egg intake. Two scenarios according to the level of physical activity and three age groups were considered. Based on the current data and evidence, we believe that egg intake recommendations should be reassessed, proposing broader recommendations, especially for children over 13 years old with average energy requirements as well as children over seven years old who perform high physical activity or are in a brief period of growth. It will contribute to breaking down old myths associated with egg consumption and promote the development of coordinated and updated recommendations.

Introducción: Durante la edad infantil, el consumo de alimentos de alta calidad nutricional es clave para un adecuado crecimiento y desarrollo. Este trabajo se desarrolló con el objetivo de revisar y de analizar la frecuencia y la cantidad de consumo de huevo actualmente aconsejado por diferentes organismos en el ámbito nacional. Asimismo, se buscó estandarizar un procedimiento para proponer unas nuevas recomendaciones de consumo de este alimento. Para ello, se realizó una búsqueda digital de las guías o recomendaciones nacionales disponibles. Para proponer la nueva recomendación se trabajó con las frecuencias y con las raciones de los alimentos clasificados por grupos de la Guía de la alimentación saludable de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Comunitaria (SENC), 2018, y con los requerimientos de energía para niños y niñas y adolescentes propuestos por la European Food Safety Authority de 2017, considerando un aporte del 15 % de la energía en forma de proteínas. Se contemplaron dos escenarios de acuerdo al nivel de actividad física y se hizo una clasificación en tres grupos de edad. Con base en los datos y en la evidencia actual, consideramos que las recomendaciones de consumo de huevo deben ser reevaluadas para proponer unas recomendaciones más amplias, especialmente para niños mayores de 13 años con requerimientos medios de energía y niños mayores de 7 años que realicen una actividad física elevada o que se encuentren en un periodo de rápido empuje puberal. Esto contribuirá a derribar viejos mitos asociados a este alimento con tanto potencial para la población infantil y adolescente y al desarrollo de unas recomendaciones más coordinadas y revisadas.

Diet, Healthy , Nutritional Status , Adolescent , Child , Diet , Energy Intake , Exercise , Humans , Nutritional Requirements , Nutritive Value
Nutr Hosp ; 39(Spec No3): 30-34, 2022 Sep 01.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36040009


Introduction: Vitamin D is a key nutrient for health. Recent research has shown that it is not only necessary for the maintenance of bone health, but also for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, insulin resistance, respiratory diseases, infections, and cancer, among others. Solar synthesis of vitamin D is usually insufficient, so it is necessary to provide enough vitamin D through the diet in order to maintain an adequate nutritional status. Studies carried out in Spain and other countries have shown that serum levels of the vitamin were usually insufficient and that average dietary intakes were well below those marked as recommended, while the main food sources of vitamin D were fatty fish, breakfast cereals, eggs, and dairy. Food sources of vitamin D are scarce, and it is naturally located in the fatty part of foods of animal origin, and in the liver and viscera. Fortifying foods that are not natural food sources of vitamin D but are regularly consumed by a significant percentage of the population, is a strategy that could help to increase vitamin D intake. In this regard, dairy products and breakfast cereals are two of the most widely used food matrices for vitamin D fortification, and their incorporation into the usual diet has proven to be an effective strategy to improve the nutritional situation of the population in vitamin D.

Introducción: La vitamina D es clave en la salud y sus funciones se relacionan con el mantenimiento de la salud ósea, cardiovascular, la resistencia a la insulina, enfermedades respiratorias, infecciones y cáncer, entre otras. La síntesis solar de la vitamina D es con frecuencia insuficiente, por lo que para mantener un estatus adecuado de la vitamina es necesario que se aporten cantidades suficientes con la dieta. Los estudios realizados en España y en otros países muestran que los niveles séricos de la vitamina son con frecuencia insuficientes y que las ingestas dietéticas medias se encuentran muy por debajo de las marcadas como recomendadas. Las principales fuentes alimentarias de la vitamina D son los pescados grasos, los cereales de desayuno, los huevos y los lácteos. Las fuentes alimentarias de vitamina D son escasas y se encuentra especialmente en la parte grasa de alimentos de origen animal, en hígados y en vísceras. El enriquecimiento de alimentos que de forma natural no tienen un elevado contenido en vitamina D, pero que son consumidos habitualmente por un porcentaje significativo de la población, es una estrategia que ayuda a aumentar su ingesta. En este sentido, los lácteos y los cereales de desayuno son dos de las matrices alimentarias más utilizadas y su incorporación en la dieta habitual ha demostrado ser una estrategia eficaz para mejorar la situación nutricional de la población respecto a la vitamina D.

Food, Fortified , Vitamin D , Animals , Diet , Nutritional Status , Vitamins
Nutr. hosp ; 39(Esp. 3): 3-7, 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-212530


Por su composición los cereales de grano entero permiten alcanzar las ingestas recomendadas de numerosos nutrientes que habitualmente se ingieren en cantidades insuficientes, según diversos estudios. Por otro lado, la evidencia científica señala que el consumo de cereales de grano entero se asocia a efectos positivos para la salud frente al padecimiento de algunas enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles como la obesidad, la enfermedad cardiovascular, la diabetes o el cáncer. Estos efectos pueden deberse al elevado contenido en vitaminas, minerales, fibra y compuestos bioactivos que contienen.El consumo de cereales de grano entero es escaso, lo que podría deberse al desconocimiento de sus efectos beneficiosos por parte de la población. El consumo de 3 o más raciones al día de cereales de grano entero contribuye a conseguir una mejor situación nutricional y sanitaria de los individuos desde edades tempranas. (AU)

Due to their composition, whole grain cereals allow to achieve the recommended intakes of numerous nutrients that are usually ingested in insufficient amounts according to various studies. On the other hand, scientific evidence indicates that the consumption of whole grain cereals is associated with positive effects on health against the suffering of some chronic non-communicable diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes or cancer. These effects may be due to their high content of vitamins, minerals, fiber and bioactive compounds.The consumption of whole grain cereals is low, which could be due to the lack of knowledge of its beneficial effects by the population. The consumption of 3 or more servings a day of whole grain cereals contributes to achieve a better nutritional and health status of individuals from early ages. (AU)

Humans , 52503 , Edible Grain , Insurance Benefits , 24457 , Nutrients
Nutr. hosp ; 39(Esp. 3): 30-34, 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-212536


La vitamina D es clave en la salud y sus funciones se relacionan con el mantenimiento de la salud ósea, cardiovascular, la resistencia a la insulina, enfermedades respiratorias, infecciones y cáncer, entre otras. La síntesis solar de la vitamina D es con frecuencia insuficiente, por lo que para mantener un estatus adecuado de la vitamina es necesario que se aporten cantidades suficientes con la dieta. Los estudios realizados en España y en otros países muestran que los niveles séricos de la vitamina son con frecuencia insuficientes y que las ingestas dietéticas medias se encuentran muy por debajo de las marcadas como recomendadas. Las principales fuentes alimentarias de la vitamina D son los pescados grasos, los cereales de desayuno, los huevos y los lácteos. Las fuentes alimentarias de vitamina D son escasas y se encuentra especialmente en la parte grasa de alimentos de origen animal, en hígados y en vísceras. El enriquecimiento de alimentos que de forma natural no tienen un elevado contenido en vitamina D, pero que son consumidos habitualmente por un porcentaje significativo de la población, es una estrategia que ayuda a aumentar su ingesta. En este sentido, los lácteos y los cereales de desayuno son dos de las matrices alimentarias más utilizadas y su incorporación en la dieta habitual ha demostrado ser una estrategia eficaz para mejorar la situación nutricional de la población respecto a la vitamina D. (AU)

Vitamin D is a key nutrient for health. Recent research has shown that it is not only necessary for the maintenance of bone health, but also for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, insulin resistance, respiratory diseases, infections, and cancer, among others. Solar synthesis of vitamin D is usually insufficient, so it is necessary to provide enough vitamin D through the diet in order to maintain an adequate nutritional status. Studies carried out in Spain and other countries have shown that serum levels of the vitamin were usually insufficient and that average dietary intakes were well below those marked as recommended, while the main food sources of vitamin D were fatty fish, breakfast cereals, eggs, and dairy. Food sources of vitamin D are scarce, and it is naturally located in the fatty part of foods of animal origin, and in the liver and viscera. Fortifying foods that are not natural food sources of vitamin D but are regularly consumed by a significant percentage of the population, is a strategy that could help to increase vitamin D intake. In this regard, dairy products and breakfast cereals are two of the most widely used food matrices for vitamin D fortification, and their incorporation into the usual diet has proven to be an effective strategy to improve the nutritional situation of the population in vitamin D. (AU)

Humans , Vitamin D , Diet , 52503 , Dairy Products , Spain , Dietary Fats