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Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 32: e3605, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1534102


Resumo Introdução Desde 2005, as cidades brasileiras estão se adequando para organizar equipes e serviços do Sistema Único de Assistência Social (SUAS) e, a partir de 2011, a terapia ocupacional passou a ser reconhecida como uma das profissões que compõem tais equipes e a gestão do SUAS. Este estudo aborda como a categoria tem participado dessa política no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Objetivo Mapear as terapeutas ocupacionais que atuam no SUAS nesse estado e delinear as características dessa inserção. Metodologia Estudo de mapeamento, descritivo e transversal, utilizando informações oficiais do Censo SUAS. Os dados foram analisados a partir de uma perspectiva descritiva, em diálogo com a Política Nacional de Assistência Social, a literatura do campo da terapia ocupacional na assistência social e sob o referencial da terapia ocupacional social. Resultados No estado do Rio de Janeiro, 142 terapeutas ocupacionais atuam no SUAS, o equivalente a 8,9% das profissionais desse estado. Como retrato, obtivemos imagem formada por mulheres (89,4%) entre 41-50 anos de idade (34,5%), contratadas por Organizações da Sociedade Civil (93%), celetistas (50%), com carga horária semanal de 11-20 horas (40,9%), inseridas majoritariamente nos Centros-dia (71%), atuando com pessoas com deficiências e idosas. Conclusão A inserção de terapeutas ocupacionais no SUAS fluminense acontece de forma precarizada, com baixa inserção nos equipamentos estatais. Sinaliza-se a necessidade de as entidades representativas da classe atuarem nessa política pública enquanto promotora de ampliação de vagas/concursos/emprego, bem como investirem em debates sobre as composições das equipes e o reconhecimento dos diferentes campos de saber.

Abstract Introduction Since 2005, Brazilian cities have been adapting to organize teams and services of the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS), and since 2011, occupational therapy has been recognized as one of the professions that compose these teams and the management of SUAS. This study addresses how the category has been involved in this policy in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Objective To map the occupational therapists working at SUAS in this state and outline the characteristics of this inclusion. Methodology A descriptive, cross-sectional mapping study, using official data from the SUAS Census. Data were analyzed from a descriptive perspective, in dialogue with the National Social Assistance/Welfare Policy, the literature in the field of occupational therapy in social assistance, and under the framework of social occupational therapy. Results In the State of Rio de Janeiro, 142 occupational therapists work at SUAS, which is equivalent to 8.9% of the professionals in this state. This workforce is composed of women (89.4%) aged 41-50 years (34.5%), hired by Civil Society Organizations (93%), under the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) regime (50%), with a weekly workload of 11-20 hours (40.9%), mainly inserted in Day Centers (71%), working with people with disabilities and older people. Conclusion The inclusion of occupational therapists in SUAS of Rio de Janeiro state occurs precariously, with low insertion in this state's devices. It highlights the need for representative entities of the class to act in this public policy as a promoter of expanding job opportunities/public contests/employment, as well as to invest in debates about team compositions and the recognition of different fields of knowledge.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37973190


When an initial marketing authorization of a pharmaceutical product is granted, a substantial number of chemistry, manufacturing and control (CMC) post approval changes (PACs) have to be managed by the manufacturers. Despite efforts undertaken over the years by multiple regulatory jurisdictions, there is still heterogeneity in terms of regulatory requirements and timelines across national regulatory authorities (NRAs). This creates complexity in managing global CMC PACs, putting the supply of medical products at risk. Regulators have developed regulatory mechanisms which aim at accelerating the reviews and approvals of PACs by NRAs. The World Health Organization (WHO) is supporting the concept of 'reliance' amongst NRAs which are encouraged to rely on the assessment completed by a ″high-performing authority″. The objective is to accelerate the overall process for PACs, ultimately fostering more equitable and timely access of medical products to populations who need them. With the support of Health Canada, WHO, Pan American Health Organization, and the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Sanofi has launched a pilot using the principles of reliance for a CMC PAC for a vaccine, with 21 NRAs who accepted to participate in the pilot. The objective of this pilot was to apply these principles to reduce the approval timeline to a maximum of 6 months, in all countries after an initial approval is granted by a reference authority. We discussed the opportunities and challenges of implementing reliance principles for CMC PACs. We also described the pilot experience, by sharing initial lessons learned from the Step 1 of this pilot, which consist of engaging the reference authority and the NRAs.

Sci Data ; 10(1): 518, 2023 08 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37542053


Pulmonary embolism has a high incidence and mortality, especially if undiagnosed. The examination of choice for diagnosing the disease is computed tomography pulmonary angiography. As many factors can lead to misinterpretations and diagnostic errors, different groups are utilizing deep learning methods to help improve this process. The diagnostic accuracy of these methods tends to increase by augmenting the training dataset. Deep learning methods can potentially benefit from the use of images acquired with devices from different vendors. To the best of our knowledge, we have developed the first public dataset annotated at the pixel and image levels and the first pixel-level annotated dataset to contain examinations performed with equipment from Toshiba and GE. This dataset includes 40 examinations, half performed with each piece of equipment, representing samples from two medical services. We also included measurements related to the cardiac and circulatory consequences of pulmonary embolism. We encourage the use of this dataset to develop, evaluate and compare the performance of new AI algorithms designed to diagnose PE.

Computed Tomography Angiography , Pulmonary Embolism , Humans , Acute Disease , Algorithms , Angiography/methods , Pulmonary Embolism/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods
Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 31(spe): e3387, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1447752


Resumo Terapeutas ocupacionais compõem as equipes técnicas da assistência social anteriormente à formalização de sua inserção no Sistema Único de Assistência Social (SUAS), ocorrida em 2011. Com isso, a discussão sobre o trabalho nesse setor e sobre a questão social ganhou relevância na profissão do ponto de vista interventivo e teórico-acadêmico. Neste estudo, refletimos, a partir da perspectiva marxista, sobre a forma como a questão social determina as demandas que requisitam o trabalho na assistência social. Em seguida, apresentamos as concepções de projetos societários - entendidos como projetos coletivos que expressam intencionalidades de classe para a sociedade, e de projetos profissionais - definidos como projetos coletivos relacionados às profissões, constituídos de princípios éticos e políticos, que são referenciais teórico-metodológicos para o exercício profissional e que estabelecem bases para suas relações com os usuários dos serviços, com outras profissões e com organizações e instituições. Finalizamos propondo que a terapia ocupacional social é um referencial teórico-metodológico que pode ser adotado para construir um projeto profissional crítico-transformador: crítico à estrutura e à dinâmica da sociedade capitalista que repõem continuamente as expressões da questão social, tangenciando os cotidianos dos sujeitos; ao modelo neoliberal de gestão do Estado que fragiliza os direitos e precariza a vida das pessoas; às tendências conservadoras do trabalho na assistência social que individualizam, medicalizam, psicologizam e moralizam a leitura das problemáticas que se apresentam como demandas profissionais; e ao papel e função social da terapia ocupacional na sua relação com a sociedade, rompendo com uma visão tecnicista e pretensamente neutra da profissão.

Abstract Occupational therapists compose technical teams in social assistance services before the formalization of their insertion in the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS), which occurred in 2011. As a result, the discussion about the work in this sector and the social question has gained relevance in the profession from an interventional and theoretical-academic point of view. In this study, from a Marxist perspective, we reflect on how the social question determines the demands observed in social assistance work. Next, we present the concepts of societal projects - understood as collective projects that express class intentions for society, and of professional projects - defined as collective projects related to professions composed of ethical and political principles, which are theoretical and methodological references for professional practice, and that establish bases for their relationships with service users, other professions, and organizations and institutions. We conclude by proposing that social occupational therapy is a theoretical and methodological framework that can be adopted to construct a critical-transformative professional project: critical of the structure and dynamics of capitalist society that continually replace the expressions of the social question, touching the everyday life of subjects; critical of the neoliberal model of State management that weakens rights and makes people's lives precarious; critical of the conservative trends of work in social assistance that individualize, medicalize, psychologize, and moralize the reading of problems presented as professional demands; critical of the role and social function of occupational therapy in its relationship with society, breaking with a technical and supposedly neutral view of the profession.

Revisbrato ; 6(4): 1450-1461, 20220000.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1418970


Objetivo: Debater a questão social a partir de suas dimensões ontológico-materiais, política e da intervenção do Estado, apresentando seus fundamentos e recolocando o debate crítico sobre esta categoria, a partir do marxismo, para a Terapia Ocupacional. Síntese dos elementos do estudo: Diversas são as perspectivas de análise da questão social e, dependendo do modo como esta é apreendida, estabelecem-se determinadas formas de enfrentamento ou ocultam-se os processos envolvidos na sua gênese e reprodução. Conclusão: Na Terapia Ocupacional, o debate sobre questão social tem se tornado mais presente nas últimas décadas, uma vez reconhecida a estreita relação que a profissão estabelece com tal categoria.

Objective: To discuss the Social Issue from its ontological-material, political and State intervention dimensions, presenting its foundations and replacing the critical debate on this category, from Marxism, to Occupational Therapy. Synthesis of the study's elements: There are several perspectives for analyzing the Social Issue and, depending on how it is understood, certain forms of confrontation are established or the processes involved in its genesis and reproduction are hidden. Conclusion: In Occupational Therapy, the debate on Social Issues has become more present in recent decades, once the close relationship that the profession establishes with this category has been recognized.

Objetivo: Discutir la cuestión social desde sus dimensiones ontológico-material, política y de intervención del Estado, presentando sus fundamentos y desplazando el debate crítico sobre esta categoría, del marxismo, a la Terapia Ocupacional.. Síntesis de los elementos del estudio: Existen varias perspectivas para analizar la cuestión social y, según cómo se perciba, se establecen ciertas formas de confrontación o se ocultan los procesos involucrados en su génesis y reproducción.. Conclusión: En Terapia Ocupacional, el debate sobre cuestiones sociales se ha vuelto más presente en las últimas décadas, una vez reconocida la estrecha relación que la profesión establece con esta categoría.

Occupational Therapy
Rev. méd. Paraná ; 80(1): 1-2, jan. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1381052


Acute appendicitis is a common disease among children, with an incidence peak between 10-20 years of age and a higher prevalence in males. It often presents with periumbilical pain that migrates to the right iliac fossa, accompanied by symptoms. The diagnosis is clinical; however, some tests can be helpful, such as: blood count, PCR, partial urine, ultrasonography, X-ray, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The aim of this study was to verify the prevalence of appendicitis according to sex and age and the most prevalent clinical symptoms in the infancy. Retrospective study analyzing the medical records of patients who underwent appendectomy. Epidemiological characteristics, clinical aspects, physical examination and complementary exams of the patients were identified. In conclusion, acute appendicitis is suspected in a male, aged between 6-12 years, with abdominal pain, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia or positive Blumberg, aided by complementary tests, being ultrasonography and laboratory tests preferred

A apendicite aguda é doença comum entre as crianças, tendo pico de incidência entre os 10-20 anos e maior prevalência no sexo masculino. Frequentemente ela cursa com dor periumbilical que migra para a fossa ilíaca direita, acompanhada de sintomas. O diagnóstico é clínico; entretanto, alguns exames complementares podem ser de grande valia: hemograma, PCR, parcial de urina, ultrassonografia, raio-X simples, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética. O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar a prevalência de apendicite de acordo com o sexo e idade e os sintomas clínicos mais prevalentes na infância. Estudo retrospectivo analisando prontuários de pacientes que realizaram apendicectomia. Foram identificadas as características epidemiológicas, quadro clínico, exame físico e exames complementares tes. Em conclusão, é suspeitada apendicite aguda em paciente masculino, entre 6-12 anos, com dor abdominal, febre, náuseas, vômitos, diarreia, anorexia ou Blumberg positivo, auxiliados por exames complementares, sendo a ultrassonografia e os exames laboratoriais os preferenciais.

Appendicitis , Signs and Symptoms , Epidemiology , Prevalence , Medical Records , Retrospective Studies
Vaccine ; 40(9): 1215-1222, 2022 02 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35180993


The COVID-19 pandemic has shown itself to be an unprecedented challenge for vaccines which are widely recognized as the most important tool to exit this pandemic. We have witnessed vaccine scientists, developers, manufacturers, and stakeholders deliver several vaccines in just about a year. This is an unprecedented achievement in an environment that was not ready to manage such a global public health crisis. Indeed, the pandemic has highlighted some hurdles that need to be addressed in the system in order to streamline the regulatory processes and be in a situation where life-saving pharmaceutical solutions such as vaccines can be delivered quickly and equitably to people across the globe. More precisely, trade-offs had to be made between the need for regulatory flexibility in the requirements for manufacturing and controls to enable rapid availability of large volumes of vaccines vs the increased stringency and the lack of harmonization in the regulatory environment for vaccines globally. It is also characterized by a high heterogeneity in terms of review and approval processes, limiting equitable and timely access. We review and highlight the challenges relating to several topics, including process validation, comparability, stability, post-approval-changes, release testing, packaging, genetically modified organisms and variants. We see four areas for accelerating access to vaccines which provide solutions for the regulatory concerns, (1) science- and risk-based approaches, (2) global regulatory harmonization, (3) use of reliance, work-sharing, and recognition processes and (4) digitalization. These solutions are not new and have been previously highlighted. In recent months, we have seen some progress at the health authority level, but still much needs to be done. It is now time to reflect on the first lessons learnt from a devastating pandemic to ultimately ensure quick and wide access to medicines and vaccines for the citizens and patients.

COVID-19 , Vaccines , Humans , Pandemics/prevention & control , Public Health , SARS-CoV-2
Vaccine ; 40(9): 1223-1230, 2022 02 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35180994


Vaccine discovery and vaccination against preventable diseases are one of most important achievements of the human race. While medical, scientific & technological advancements have kept in pace and found their way into treatment options for a vast majority of diseases, vaccines as a prevention tool in the public health realm are found languishing in the gap between such innovations and their easy availability/accessibility to vulnerable populations. This paradox has been best highlighted during the unprecedented crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of a two series publication on the vaccine industry's view on how to accelerate the availability of vaccines worldwide, this paper offers a deep dive into detailed proposals to enable this objective. These first-of-its-kind technical proposals gleaned from challenges and learnings from the COVID-19 pandemic are applicable to vaccines that are already on the market for routine pathogens as well as for production of new(er) vaccines for emerging pathogens with a public health threat potential. The technical proposals offer feasible and sustainable solutions in pivotal areas such as process validation, comparability, stability, post-approval changes, release testing, packaging, genetically modified organisms and variants, which are linked to manufacturing and quality control of vaccines. Ultimately these proposals aim to ease high regulatory complexity and heterogeneity surrounding the manufacturing & distribution of vaccines, by advocating the use of (1) Science and Risk based approaches, (2) global regulatory harmonization, (3) use of reliance, work-sharing, and recognition processes and (4) digitalization. Capitalizing & collaborating on such new-world advancements into the science of vaccines will eventually benefit the world by turning vaccines into vaccination, ensuring the health of everyone.

COVID-19 , Vaccines , Humans , Pandemics , SARS-CoV-2 , Vaccination
Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 30: e3031, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1364617


Resumo Este ensaio objetiva refletir sobre o exercício profissional de terapeutas ocupacionais tomando como referencial teórico a concepção de cotidiano com base em Agnes Heller. Na terapia ocupacional, a discussão sobre cotidiano e vida cotidiana revela uma ênfase no seu uso como uma chave de leitura e de intervenção para pensar a vida das pessoas, grupos ou populações destinatárias das ações profissionais; assim, o foco tem sido sempre o cotidiano do outro. Propomos, neste artigo, um deslocamento reflexivo e problematizamos o cotidiano do profissional em si, entendendo que os limites e possibilidades no/do trabalho são tensionados no espaço da vida cotidiana em que o exercício profissional acontece e é atravessado pelas estruturas da cotidianidade. Discutimos o próprio cotidiano como locus de resistência à alienação e à possibilidade de suspensões temporárias da cotidianidade por meio de um trabalho crítico, capaz de articular as dimensões técnica, ética e política do exercício profissional, de transitar entre as esferas individual e coletiva na leitura e intervenção sobre as demandas profissionais, de superar a dicotomia teoria e prática e, assim, reafirmar o compromisso com a transformação da sociedade, em que lutas por redistribuição e reconhecimento produzam justiça e participação social.

Abstract This essay aims to reflect on the professional practice of occupational therapists taking as a theoretical reference the conception of everyday life by Agnes Heller. In occupational therapy, the discussion about everyday life and everyday life reveals an emphasis on its use as a key to reading and intervention to think about the lives of people, groups or populations that are recipients of professional actions; thus, the focus has always been the daily life of the other. We propose, in this article, a reflexive shift and we problematize the daily life of the professional themself, understanding that the limits and possibilities in/of work are tensioned in the space of everyday life in which professional practice takes place and is crossed by the structures of everyday life. We discuss daily life itself as a locus of resistance to alienation and the possibility of temporary suspensions of daily life through critical work, capable of articulating the technical, ethical and political dimensions of professional practice, of moving between the individual and collective spheres in reading and intervention on professional demands, to overcome the theory and practice dichotomy and, thus, reaffirm the commitment to the transformation of society, in which struggles for redistribution and recognition produce justice and social participation.

Clin Imaging ; 69: 158-168, 2021 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32853843


Tuberculosis is a worldwide pandemic. Estimated that about 25% humans are colonized by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and about 1% are believed to develop the infection in the central nervous system (CNS-TB). Given the importance of this disease and its high levels of morbidity and mortality, it is imperative that every radiologist must be reminded of the most common findings of CNS-TB as there are several related differential diagnoses for this disease. The most common form CNS-TB is tuberculous meningitis (TBM), characterized mostly by basal meningitis, but infarction, hydrocephalus and tuberculomas could be present. Intracerebral tuberculosis is characterized by tuberculomas that can have different imaging features according to their stage. Vascular and spinal complications of tuberculosis are also reported. This review compiles the classic and unusual findings regarding CNS-TB together with new diagnostic scores in which neuroimaging have an important role.

Spinal Cord , Tuberculosis, Meningeal , Central Nervous System , Humans , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Spinal Cord/diagnostic imaging , Spinal Cord/microbiology , Tuberculosis, Meningeal/diagnostic imaging
J Anat ; 236(5): 809-826, 2020 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31997377


The pink fairy armadillo Chlamyphorus truncatus is the smallest extant armadillo and one of the least-known fossorial mammals. The aim of this study was to establish if its middle ear is specially adapted to the subterranean environment, through comparison with more epigeic relatives of the groups Euphractinae (Chaetophractus villosus, Chaetophractus vellerosus, Zaedyus pichiy) and Dasypodinae (Dasypus hybridus). We examined the middle ears using micro-computed tomography and subsequent three-dimensional reconstructions. D. hybridus has a relatively small middle ear cavity, an incomplete bulla and 'ancestral' ossicular morphology. The other species, including Chlamyphorus, have fully ossified bullae and middle ear ossicles, with a morphology between 'transitional' and 'freely mobile', but in all armadillos the malleus retains a long anterior process. Unusual features of armadillo ears include the lack of a pedicellate lenticular apophysis and the presence, in some species, of an element of Paaw within the stapedius muscle. In common with many subterranean mammals, Chlamyphorus has a relatively flattened malleo-incudal articulation and appears to lack a functional tensor tympani muscle. Its middle ear cavity is not unusually enlarged, and its middle ear ossicles seem less robust than those of the other armadillos studied. In comparison with the euphractines, there is no reason to believe that the middle ear of this species is specially adapted to the subterranean environment; some aspects may even be indicative of degeneration. The screaming hairy armadillo, Chaetophractus vellerosus, has the most voluminous middle ear in both relative and absolute terms. Its hypertrophied middle ear cavity likely represents an adaptation to low-frequency hearing in arid rather than subterranean conditions.

Armadillos/anatomy & histology , Ear Ossicles/anatomy & histology , Ear, Middle/anatomy & histology , Animals , Ear Ossicles/diagnostic imaging , Ear, Middle/diagnostic imaging , X-Ray Microtomography
Urologia ; 86(4): 189-196, 2019 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31303145


OBJECTIVE: Prostate cancer has a high prevalence and mortality, being the most diagnosed urologic cancer. Prostatic magnetic resonance imaging showed high sensitivity in the detection of clinically significant neoplasia and agreement with the Gleason score. Therefore, we attempted to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of the prostate imaging reporting and data system, using biopsy and prostatectomy as the reference standard. The secondary goal of correlating prostatic magnetic resonance imaging findings and anatomopathological samples is obtained. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed seventy-nine 1.5 Tesla prostatic magnetic resonance imaging scans in patients aged 31 to 86 years, performed at the Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Paraná between January 2015 and February 2018. RESULTS: Considering all 79 patients, prostatic magnetic resonance imaging was able to diagnose tumor in 47 patients (59.4%). Considering the peripheral zone, the prostatic magnetic resonance imaging had a sensitivity of 75.0% (95% confidence interval: 52.1%-98.0%), specificity of 89.5% (95% confidence interval: 66.0%-100%), 94.4% positive predictive value (95% confidence interval: 71.0%-100%), 66.7% negative predictive value (95% confidence interval: 43.0%-69.0%), 83.8% Positive Likelihood Ratio (PVR) (95% confidence interval: 60.0%-100%), 27.9% Negative Likelihood Ratio (RVN) (95% confidence interval: 5.0%-50.0 %), and accuracy of 86.3% (95% confidence interval: 63.0%-100%). The receiver operating characteristic curve obtained demonstrated the sensitivity variation according to the prostate imaging reporting and data system score of the patients, obtaining an area under the curve of 84.8 for a prostate imaging reporting and data system cutoff of 3. CONCLUSION: The use of the prostate imaging reporting and data system score is useful for the screening and classification of prostate cancer, due to its easy reproducibility, even in a population with an unknown prostate cancer prevalence, which can be easily correlated with biopsy studies and/or radical prostatectomy.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Prostatic Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Prostatic Neoplasms/pathology , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Biopsy , Correlation of Data , Data Systems , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Neoplasm Grading , Prostatectomy , Prostatic Neoplasms/surgery , Reproducibility of Results , Research Design , Retrospective Studies
Elife ; 82019 01 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30624206


The integrated stress response (ISR) attenuates the rate of protein synthesis while inducing expression of stress proteins in cells. Various insults activate kinases that phosphorylate the GTPase eIF2 leading to inhibition of its exchange factor eIF2B. Vanishing White Matter (VWM) is a neurological disease caused by eIF2B mutations that, like phosphorylated eIF2, reduce its activity. We show that introduction of a human VWM mutation into mice leads to persistent ISR induction in the central nervous system. ISR activation precedes myelin loss and development of motor deficits. Remarkably, long-term treatment with a small molecule eIF2B activator, 2BAct, prevents all measures of pathology and normalizes the transcriptome and proteome of VWM mice. 2BAct stimulates the remaining activity of mutant eIF2B complex in vivo, abrogating the maladaptive stress response. Thus, 2BAct-like molecules may provide a promising therapeutic approach for VWM and provide relief from chronic ISR induction in a variety of disease contexts.

Brain Diseases/etiology , Eukaryotic Initiation Factor-2B/metabolism , Stress, Psychological/complications , White Matter/pathology , Animals , Astrocytes/pathology , Brain Diseases/pathology , Brain Diseases/prevention & control , Chronic Disease , Eukaryotic Initiation Factor-2B/genetics , Humans , Male , Mice , Mutation , Nerve Tissue Proteins/metabolism , Oligodendroglia/pathology , Phosphorylation , Protein Biosynthesis , Proteome , Weight Gain
Int. j. morphol ; 36(2): 413-418, jun. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-954130


Comparative Anatomy deals with the study of the ontogenetic and phylogenetic changes of the vertebrates, requiring complementing the theoretical aspects with the observation of structures in specimens belonging to different taxonomic groups. The aim of the present study was to test the injection of silicone at room temperature in organs and trunk sections of Mustelus schmitti as an alternative to the plastination technique. Samples consisted in brain, eyes, heart, proximal end of the ventral aorta, digestive tract, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, testis and cross body section at a pre-caudal level. Material was fixed with formalin (10-5 %), dehydrated with growing concentrations of isopropyl (30 % - 50 % - 70 % - 90 % - 100 % - 100 %), impregnated with diluted commercial silicone and cured at room temperature. The whole process took 66 days. The brain was the unique organ that could not undergo the complete procedure because it did not resist the injection of silicone. The other pieces resulted in materials that characterised by being off-colour, dry, semi-flexible, lightweight, odourless, and non-toxic. They showed no signs of fungal colonization or bacterial degradation after two years of being obtained. Shrinkage was observed, which ranged among 2-25 % for total length, and from 5-26 % for maximum width (mean values: 14 and 15 %, respectively), being testicle the organ that suffered greater shrinkage in both dimensions. The degree of contraction in length and width for each of the samples was generally similar (difference £ 3 %), indicating that not striking deformation occurred. Deformation was observed only for the trunk section, eye, stomach, pancreas and valvular intestine. The technique did not affect the morphology of the structures, allowing the correct visualization of all the basic features required to recognise them. We conclude that this simple and economic method is an adequate alternative to be implemented for the conservation of small-size materials with educational purposes in Comparative Anatomy courses.

La Anatomía Comparada abarca el estudio de los cambios ontogenéticos y filogenéticos sufridos por los vertebrados, requiriendo complementar los aspectos teóricos conla observación de estructuras en especímenes pertenecientes a los distintos grupos taxonómicos. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue testear la inyección de silicona a temperatura ambiente en órganos y secciones corporales de Mustelus schmitti como alternativa a la técnica de plastinación. Las estructuras seleccionadas fueron encéfalo, ojos, corazón, extremo proximal de aorta ventral, tracto digestivo, bazo, páncreas, riñón, testículo y sección transversal del cuerpo a nivel pre-caudal. El material se fijó con formaldehído (10-5 %), se deshidrató con concentraciones crecientes de alcohol isopropílico (30 % - 50 % - 70 % - 90 % - 100 % - 100 %), se impregnó con silicona comercial diluida y se curó a temperatura ambiente. El proceso completo duró 66 días. El encéfalo fue el único órgano que no resistió el tratamiento debido a su friabilidad. Las demás piezas dieron como resultado materiales incoloros, secos, semi-flexibles, livianos, inodoros y no-tóxicos. No se evidenciaron síntomas de colonización fúngica ni bacteriana luego de dos años de obtenidos. Se observó contracción del material que osciló entre 2-25 % para la longitud total, y entre 5-26 % para el ancho máximo (promedios: 14 y 15 %, respectivamente), siendo el testículo el órgano que mayor disminución registró en ambas dimensiones. El grado de contracción en longitud y en ancho fue generalmente similar para cada una de las muestras (diferencia £ 3 %), indicando que no ocurrió una deformación notoria. Solo se observó deformación en la sección corporal, ojo, estómago, páncreas e intestino valvular. La técnica no afectó la morfología de las estructuras, permitiendo la correcta visualización de todas las características diagnósticas requeridas para su reconocimiento. Concluimos que este método simple y económico representa una alternativa adecuada para ser implementada en la conservación de materiales de pequeño tamaño con fines educativos en los cursos de Anatomía Comparada.

Animals , Silicones/administration & dosage , Tissue Preservation/methods , Fishes , Anatomy, Comparative/education , Temperature , Dissection
Pharmacol Biochem Behav ; 158: 22-31, 2017 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28579351


ABT-126 is a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) agonist that is selective for the α7 subtype of the receptor. nAChRs are thought to play a role in a variety of neurocognitive processes and have been a pharmacologic target for disorders with cognitive impairment, including schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease. As part of the preclinical safety package for ABT-126, its potential for abuse was assessed. While the involvement of the α4ß2 subtype of the nicotinic receptor in the addictive properties of nicotine has been demonstrated, the role of the α7 receptor has been studied much less extensively. A number of preclinical assays of abuse potential including open-field, drug discrimination and self-administration were employed in male rats. ABT-126 had modest effects on locomotor activity in the open-field assay. In nicotine and d-amphetamine drug discrimination assays, ABT-126 administration failed to produce appreciable d-amphetamine-like or nicotine-like responding, suggesting that its interoceptive effects are distinct from those of these drugs of abuse. In rats trained to self-administer cocaine, substitution with ABT-126 was similar to substitution with saline, indicating that it lacks reinforcing effects. No evidence of physical dependence was noted following subchronic administration. Overall, these data suggest that ABT-126 has a low potential for abuse. Together with other literature on this drug class, it appears that drugs that selectively activate α7 nAChRs are not likely to result in abuse or dependence.

Nicotinic Agonists/pharmacology , Quinuclidines/pharmacology , Thiadiazoles/pharmacology , alpha7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor/agonists , Animals , Body Weight/drug effects , Dextroamphetamine/pharmacology , Feeding Behavior/drug effects , Locomotion/drug effects , Male , Nicotine/pharmacology , Nicotinic Agonists/blood , Quinuclidines/blood , Rats , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Self Administration , Thiadiazoles/blood
Chem Biodivers ; 14(8)2017 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28581196


Twelve Salpichroa taxa have been phytochemically analyzed. From the aerial parts of S. scandens, four known salpichrolides A, C, I, S, and an unreported withanolide named salpichrolide V (1), were isolated. In S. dependens, S. gayi, S. glandulosa subsp. glandulosa, S. glandulosa subps. weddellii, S. leucantha, S. micrantha, S. microloba, S. proboscidea, S. ramosissima, S. tristis var. tristis, and S. weberbauerii, no withanolides were found. The chemical content of ca. 85% of the Salpichroa taxa is in agreement with molecular studies, which suggest that Salpichroa and Jaborosa, a genus considered morphologically close to Salpichroa, are distant in the systematic of the Solanoideae subfamily. Moreover, the in vitro cytotoxic activity of a set of natural salpichrolides and derivatives was examined against two prostate carcinoma cell lines (PC3 and LNCaP) and two human breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7 and T47D). Several compounds showed moderate activity (IC50  = 64.91 - 29.97 µm).

Phytochemicals/chemistry , Phytochemicals/pharmacology , Solanaceae/chemistry , Breast Neoplasms/metabolism , Breast Neoplasms/pathology , Cell Line, Tumor , Cell Survival/drug effects , Chromatography, Thin Layer , Drug Screening Assays, Antitumor , Female , Humans , MCF-7 Cells , Male , Phytochemicals/isolation & purification , Prostatic Neoplasms/metabolism , Prostatic Neoplasms/pathology , Solanaceae/metabolism
Int. j. morphol ; 35(1): 128-132, Mar. 2017. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-840943


Two methods of measurement of bullar dimensions (callipers and scaling from digital images) and subsequent application of four volume formulae (rectangular prism, cylinder, ellipse and elliptical cone) were tested to find the most appropriate non-destructive method for estimating the bullar volume in Chaetophractus villosus. Material for the study consisted in clean adult skull (n=22). Real volume was obtained from latex casts of the tympanic bulla. Each estimation was corrected by a factor based on the differences between the estimated and the real volumes. Highest accuracy (5-7 % of underestimation) and precision (coefficient of variation: 13.27 %) were obtained from callipers and application of rectangular prism, cylinder and ellipse formulae. The corresponding correction factors were 0.31, 0.39 and 0.58, respectively.

Se evaluaron dos métodos para la obtención de medidas de la bula (calibre y escalado a partir de imágenes digitales), con posterior aplicación de cuatro fórmulas de volumen (prisma rectangular, cilindro, elipse y cono elíptico), a fin de hallar el método no destructivo más adecuado para el cálculo de volumen de bula en Chaetophractus villosus. El material de estudio consistió en cráneos limpios de individuos adultos (n=22). El volumen real fue obtenido a partir de moldes de látex de la bula timpánica. Cada estimación fue corregida mediante un factor basado en las diferencias entre los volúmenes reales y estimados. La mayor precisión (coeficiente de variación: 13,27 %) y exactitud (subestimaciones del 5-7 %) fueron obtenidas a partir de mediciones con calibre y aplicación de fórmulas de prisma rectangular, cilindro y elipse (factores de corrección: 0,31, 0,39 y 0,58, respectivamente).

Animals , Armadillos/anatomy & histology , Ear, Middle/anatomy & histology
J Nat Prod ; 79(6): 1658-67, 2016 06 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27285201


Incubation of salpichrolide A (1) with Rhizomucor miehei produced hydroxylation in rings B and C (C-7 and C-12) and led to C-5-C-6 epoxide opening, while incubation of salpichrolides C (2) and G (3) with R. miehei led to epoxide opening at the C-24-C-25 and C-5-C-6 positions, respectively. Biotransformation of salpichrolide A (1) with Cunninghamella elegans produced stereoselective hydroxylated, oxidized, and reduced derivatives in different positions of the A, B, and C rings and C-5-C-6 epoxide opening. In addition, selective epoxide opening at the C-5-C-6 or C-24-C-25 positions was obtained from the incubation of salpichrolide A (1) with Curvularia lunata.

Ergosterol/analogs & derivatives , Fungi/chemistry , Ascomycota , Biotransformation , Ergosterol/chemistry , Ergosterol/pharmacology , Hydroxylation , Mitosporic Fungi , Molecular Structure , Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Biomolecular , Oxidation-Reduction
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 57(6): 908-915, Nov-Dec/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-730395


Penicillium brasilianum was previously isolated from tea and identified by molecular biology technique. A Plackett-Burman design, followed by a complete second order design was used for the screening of most important factors and to maximize the pectin liase (PMGL) activity, respectively. The maximum PMGL activity by P. brasilianum achieved was 9.0 U/mL after 48 h of cultivation in a medium containing pectin (33.0 g/L), yeast extract (30.0 g/L) and potassium phosphate (2.0 g/L) at 30ºC, with a stirring rate of 180 rpm, initial pH 5.5 and 5x106 spores/mL inoculum size. The kinetic evaluation in terms of substrate consumption demonstrated that the maximum production of PMGL was at 72 h, and 40% of the total organic carbon, 25% of the nitrogen, 88% of the magnesium, 13% of the potassium and 66% of the iron were consumed. The pH remained almost stable during the whole period of production (5.33 to 4.9). The partial characterization of the crude PMGL enzyme extract showed optimal pH and temperature of 5.5 and 37°C, respectively.