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Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 461-477, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448505


Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer si la temporalidad subjetiva -perspectiva y foco temporales- y la capacidad de autocontrol e impulsividad repercuten en el malestar psicológico, en particular durante la pandemia por COVID-19. La conjetura teórica es que el tiempo psicológico está estrechamente vinculado a la autorregulación, que influye en el desarrollo de la impulsividad y el autocontrol e impacta en el malestar psicológico. Se diseñó un modelo y se realizó un estudio empírico cuantitativo, no experimental y transversal (. = 279; 78 % mujeres; ME = 30.14 años; DE = 11.21). Los resultados del análisis de correlación mostraron relaciones significativas entre las variables de interés. Para determinar las variables predictoras del malestar psicológico se realizó un análisis de regresión lineal múltiple. El 48 % de la varianza del malestar psicológico fue explicado por el pasado negativo, autocontrol e impulsividad, y focos temporales futuro y presente. Finalmente, se probó el modelo teórico diseñado para analizar los efectos directos e indirectos del malestar psicológico a través de un análisis de senderos que presentó un buen ajuste a los datos, ya que explicó el 50 % de la varianza de aquel. La perspectiva y el foco temporal explicaron el 53 % de la variabilidad del autocontrol, y presentaron efectos indirectos sobre el malestar psicológico a través del autocontrol. El autocontrol influyó de manera inversa en el malestar. Los hallazgos indican que el tiempo subjetivo y el autocontrol sirven para explicar estados psicológicos, incluso en pandemia, lo cual confirma estudios previos que muestran la importancia de las variables de personalidad -además de las biológicas y contextuales- en la aparición de malestar psicológico.

Abstract Psychological time is an essential aspect of humans. Two of the most important notions of subjective temporality are time perspective and temporal focus. Time perspective is a process by which the flow of personal and social experiences are framed in five different temporal categories: past negative, past positive, present hedonistic, present fatalistic and future. Temporal focus refers to the attention people devote to thinking about the past, present, and future. Previous research shows there is a strong relation between psychological time and self-regulatory processes, specifically self-control and impulsivity. Self-control is the ability to inhibit impulsive behaviors or reactions that can keep the person from pursuing the proposed goals. On the other hand, impulsivity refers to a short attention span and a tendency to engage in risky behaviors, and to prefer immediate rewards. Both subjective temporality and self-regulatory processes influence behaviors and psychological states such as psychological distress. In particular, the objective of this study was to find out if subjective temporality -time perspective and temporal focus-- and self-control and impulsivity have repercussions on psychological distress, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, in an Argentinian sample. The theoretical conjecture is that subjective temporality is closely linked to self-regulation, which influences the development of impulsivity and self-control, and impacts psychological distress. A quantitative, non-experimental, and cross-sectional empirical study was carried out (. = 279; 78 % women; ME = 30.14 years old; SD = 11.21). Firstly, the results of the correlational analysis showed significant relations between the variables. Then, to facilitate further analyses, an index variable of self-control was created, which included the scores of self-control and three dimensions of impulsivity. An optimal parallel analysis was performed. It indicated the existence of a single dimension. Then a semi-confirmatory factor analysis was ran, which showed acceptable results (KMO = .68; X. (6) = 198.8, . < .001; GFI = .99; RMSR = 0.03). Thirdly, to determine the predictive variables of psychological distress, a multiple linear regression analysis was performed. It was found that 48 % of the variance of psychological distress was explained by negative past, self-control index, and future and present temporal focuses (. (4, 266) = 64.66, . < .001, R. = .49, R. adjusted = .48). The best predictor variable was past negative. Afterwards, a theoretical model was tested to explain the direct and indirect causes of psychological distress. It presented a good fit (X./gl = 1.63; GFI = .99; RMSEA = .04). Time perspective and temporal focus explained 53 % of the variability of self-control and presented indirect effects on psychological distress through self-control. Self-control inversely influenced psychological distress; more self-control generates less psychological distress. The model explained half of the variance of psychological distress (R. = .50). The findings indicate that subjective temporality and self-control explain psychological states, even during a pandemic, which confirms previous studies that show the importance of personality variables -in addition to biological and contextual variables- in the manifestation of psychological distress. The results support the theory that psychological time can be considered as a personality trait underlying self-control and psychological distress. A theoretical and practical discussion of the results is presented.

Av. psicol. latinoam ; 41(1): 1-20, ene.-abr. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1428064


The first aim of this study was to adapt the mdmq to Argentinian Spanish and to collect evidence of its va-lidity and reliability; the second was to determine if time perspectives were adequate predictors of decision-making styles. A first sample of 536 participants served in the validation process; a second sample of 209 individuals who completed the mdmq and the Brief Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ztpi) was used to conduct descriptive-correlational and regression analyses. Confirmatory factor analysis corroborated a fourfactor model with adequate internal consistency for each subscale. Regression analyses showed that future time perspective positively predicted the display of higher vigilant coping patterns ­adaptive and ratio-nal decision-making style­. Meanwhile, less future- time-oriented people were more likely to engage in defensive avoidance mechanisms to reach a decision. Past-negative and present-fatalistic time perspectives were positive predictors of non-vigilant decision-making style. It indicates that individuals with an aversive vision over their past experiences and present situation are more likely to engage in emotionally based and avoidant decision-making patterns. These findings support the reliability and construct-related validity of the mdmq for assessing decision-making styles among Argentinian individuals and set a step for con-ducting more in-depth research in the field of decision-making and time perspective.

El primer objetivo de este estudio fue adaptar el mdmq al español argentino y recolectar evidencia de su validez y confiabilidad; el segundo fue determinar si las perspectivas temporales eran predictores adecuados de los estilos de toma de decisiones. Una primera muestra de 536 participantes sirvió para el proceso de validación y una segunda muestra de 209 individuos completó el mdmq y el Brief Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ztpi), para un análisis descriptivo-correlacional y de regresión. El análisis factorial confirmatorio corroboró un modelo de cuatro factores con adecuada consistencia interna para cada subescala. Los análisis de regresión mostraron que la perspectiva del tiempo futuro predijo positivamente la aparición de patrones de afrontamiento más vigilantes ­estilo de toma de decisiones adaptativo y racional­, mientras que las personas que estaban menos orientadas al tiempo futuro tenían más probabilidades de involucrarse en mecanismos de evitación defensiva para tomar una decisión. Las perspectivas temporales negativas del pasado y fatalistas del presente fueron predictores positivos del estilo de toma de decisiones no vigilante, lo que indicaría que las personas con una visión aversiva sobre sus experiencias pasadas y la situación presente, son más propensas a involucrarse en tipos de toma de decisiones basadas en emociones y evasivas. Estos hallazgos respaldan la confiabilidad y la validez relacionada con el constructo del mdmq para evaluar los estilos de toma de decisiones entre los argentinos y marcan un paso para realizar investigaciones más profundas en el campo de la toma de decisiones y la perspectiva temporal.

O primeiro objetivo deste estudo foi adaptar o mdmqpara o espanhol argentino e coletar evidências de sua validade e confiabilidade; a segunda foi determinar se as perspectivas de tempo eram preditores adequados dos estilos de tomada de decisão. Uma primeira amostra de 536 participantes foi usada para o processo de va-lidação e uma segunda amostra de 209 indivíduos completarou o mdmq e o Brief Zimbardo Time Perspec-tive Inventory (ztpi) e foi usada para realizar análises descritivas-correlacionais e de regressão. A análise fatorial confirmatória corroborou um modelo de quatro fatores com consistência interna adequada para cada subescala. As análises de regressão mostraram que a perspectiva do tempo futuro previu positivamente o surgimento de padrões de enfrentamento mais vigilantes ­estilos de tomada de decisão racionais e adaptativos­ enquanto as pessoas menos orientadas para o futuro eram mais propensas a se envolver em mecanismos de enfrentamento de evasão defensiva para tomar uma decisão. Perspectivas temporais negativas do passado e fatalistas do presente foram preditores positivos do estilo de tomada de decisão não vigilante, indicando que pessoas com uma visão aversiva de suas experiências passadas e da situação presente são mais propensas a se envolver em tipos de tomada de decisão baseadas em emoções e padrões evasivos. Essas descobertas apoiam a confiabilidade e a validade relacionada ao construto do mdmq para avaliar os estilos de tomada de decisão entre os argentinos e marcam um importante passo para realizar pesquisas mais profundas no campo da tomada de decisão e perspectiva de tempo.

Humans , Reference Standards , Research , Unified Health System , Adaptation, Psychological , Persons
PLoS One ; 17(3): e0266261, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35358294


The Coronavirus-19 global pandemic has forced many governments around the world to enforce "lockdowns" to curtail the spread of the virus. Studies conducted in the UK, France, Italy and Brazil have demonstrated that one consequence of these lockdowns is significant distortion to the speed of the passage of time. The current study sought to establish how the passage of time was experienced during the Argentinian lockdown. An online questionnaire was used to measure passage of time judgments for the day and the week, physical activity, satisfaction with social interaction, the extent to which daily routines had changed due to covid and demographic data. The results show that distortions to the passage of time were widely experienced during the lockdown in Argentina. There was a tendency for participants to report time passing more quickly than normal. A faster passage of time was associated with being a woman, of younger age and more physically active. A slower passage of time was therefore associated with being a man, of older age and less physically active. The results indicate that whilst distortions to the passage of time during the covid-19 crisis appear to be a global phenomenon, cross-cultural differences are apparent in the factors which influence temporal experience.

COVID-19 , Pandemics , COVID-19/epidemiology , Communicable Disease Control/methods , Exercise , Female , Humans , Male , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387006
Interdisciplinaria ; 36(2): 111-127, dic. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056544


Resumen La perspectiva temporal es un término psicológico que refiere al modo en que las personas ordenan sus experiencias en categorías temporales. Se asocia con la salud mental, las conductas de riesgo y los proyectos a futuro. El Inventario de Perspectiva Temporal de Zimbardo (ZTPI; Zimbardo y Boyd, 1999) es un cuestionario autoadministrable que evalúa la perspectiva temporal. En este artículo se informan los resultados del estudio psicométrico del ZTPI, realizado en Buenos Aires, sobre la base de la adaptación española del inventario. En este sentido, un propósito fundamental fue analizar si la adaptación española del ZTPI es igualmente válida para su uso en Argentina. Para ello, se llevó a cabo una adaptación lingüística del instrumento que redundó en cambios en la redacción y contenido en la presente versión para adecuarlas a las particularidades del habla en Argentina. Con esta versión, se realizó un estudio piloto con una muestra de 323 personas adultas cuyos datos permitieron el análisis básico de sus propiedades psicométricas. Las evidencias de validez interna corroboran la estructura de cinco componentes del estudio original. La fiabilidad de los ítems en cada factor fue satisfactoria (valores α entre .59 y .78). Los resultados de validez externa muestran asociaciones significativas entre pasado negativo y malestar psicológico (r = .43; p < .005), presente fatalista y locus de control (r = .45; p < .005), presente hedonista y autoeficacia generalizada (r = .31; p < .005). Respecto a la variabilidad obtenida en las puntuaciones del ZTPI se sugiere que, en parte, se debe al nivel educativo y, secundariamente, al sexo. Conforme aumenta la edad, el patrón de orientación al presente hedonista decrece. Lo contrario sucede con el predominio de la orientación futura.

Abstract Time perspective is a psychological term that refers to the process by which a person sorts out personal experiences into temporal categories. It is associated with mental health, risk behaviors, cognitive and emotional empathy, and future goals. The Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) from Zimbardo & Boyd (1999) is a self-administered questionnaire consisting in 56 items with 5 answer options. It examines time perspective in a quantifiable way. The questionnaire was translated and adapted to many languages and cultures, most of which reported satisfactory psychometric evidences. The Spanish version of the ZTPI was first made in Spain by Diaz-Morales (2006). Based on this version, two other Spanish speaking countries, Chile and Mexico, made their own version of the questionnaire. In Argentina, there is a version of the ZTPI valid only for teenagers. In the present work the original ZTPI was translated by 3 experts and a linguistic adaptation was done in order to adequate the items to Argentinean speech. A pilot test using the Diaz-Morales version was carried out. Based on the independent and blinded translations, and on the results of the pilot test, an analysis was made. Many items of the Spanish versions were kept, but 34 of the 56 items were changed so as to be compressible for Argentinians. This work resulted in an Argentinian version of the ZTPI, specially done for that culture. Using this version, a pilot study was done with a sample of 323 adults from Buenos Aires. The analysis shows that the reliability of items was satisfactory (values between a = .59 to a = .78). Internal validity evidences confirm the 5 factors structure shown by the authors. External validity was analyzed showing significant associations among negative past and psychological distress (r = .43; p < .005), present fatalistic and locus of control (r = .45; p < .005) and present hedonistic and Self-efficacy (r = .31; p < .005). To study the error variance due to passing of time, test-retest was carried out, showing high and positive correlations. This means that scores of time perspective show time stability. In conclusion, the results of the psychometric analysis are satisfactory. This indicates that the ZTPI is a reliable and valid instrument that can be used to evaluate time perspective in adults from Buenos Aires. An analysis of the variability of ZTPI punctuations was done. It suggests that they are due to two main reasons: educational level and sex. Regarding educational level, significant variations were shown in four of the five factors. The only factor that showed no difference was the positive past. Considering sex, significative differences were shown in four of the five factors of the test, in which medias were higher in women than in men. No differences were shown in hedonistic present factor. With respect to the age, present hedonistic orientation decrease as age grows. On the other hand, as age grows future orientation grows too. These three variables (educational level, sex and age) explain the variability, but it is a partial significance. This implies that time orientation can be understood as a personality characteristic. Consequently, the different punctuations people get in the ZTPI are due to individual differences. Suggestions are made in order to make a definitive adaptation of the ZTPI for Argentina. The most important are increasing the sample with people from other regions of the country and increase the sample to make test-retest. Finally, future research could be oriented to make a short version of the ZTPI and use the questionnaire for evaluation in clinical samples to understand how time perspective works in psychopathologies and then use time orientation as a valid variable for diagnosis and treatment.

Investig. psicol ; 24(1): 17-25, jun. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368975


El vocabulario es el conocimiento acerca de las palabras que maneja y conoce una persona. Juega un rol preponderante en el desarrollo y la ejecución de gran cantidad de habilidades cognitivas. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en mostrar las propiedades psicométricas de un instrumento para la evaluación de la amplitud y profundidad del vocabulario (¿Qué palabras conozco? [QPC]), y su desempeño en niños y niñas de 3ro a 7mo grado de escuela primaria, de distinto nivel socioeconómico. Con este propósito se administró la prueba a 1327 niños y niñas de nivel socioeconómico medio y bajo. Las puntuaciones obtenidas mostraron evidencias muy satisfactorias de consistencia interna de los ítems y estabilidad temporal. Con respecto a las de validez, se obtuvo una correlación significativa con la tarea de vocabulario del WISC IV. Asimismo se observó que los niños y niñas de nivel socioeconómico medio presentaron un desempeño significativamente mayor que los niños y niñas de nivel socioeconómico bajo.

Vocabulary is the knowledge about words that a person uses and understands. It plays a preponderated role in the development and execution of a large number of cognitive abilities. The aim of this study was to show the psychometric properties of an instrument for the assessment of vocabulary breadth and depth (¿Qué Palabras Conozco? [QPC]), and its performance in children from 3rd to 7th grade in primary school, from different socioeconomic status. For this purpose, the test was administered to 1327 children of medium and low socioeconomic status. The scores obtained showed a very satisfactory evidence of internal consistency of the items as well as temporal stability. Regarding its validity, a significant correlation was obtained with the vocabulary task of the WISC IV. Likewise it was observed that the children from medium socioeconomic status showed a significantly higher performance than the children from low socioeconomic status.

Humans , Child , Education, Primary and Secondary , Psychometrics , Vocabulary
Psychol. av. discip ; 12(1): 13-23, ene.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-976711


Resumen En este artículo se presentan dos índices alternativos para la evaluación e interpretación de las habilidades cristalizadas a partir del WISC-IV versión argentina: el índice conocimiento léxico (Gc-VL) y el índice información general (Gc-K0). Para ello se trabajó con una muestra de 1036 casos. El análisis factorial confirmatorio revela altos índices que validan las nuevas puntuaciones. El análisis de fiabilidad resultó satisfactorio. A su vez, los resultados revelan correlaciones entre el índice comprensión verbal (ICV) del WISC-IV y los nuevos índices alternativos. Por último, se encontraron diferencias en las puntuaciones Gc-VL y Gc-K0 y el clima educativo del hogar. Si bien el WISC-IV propone cuatro índices compuestos y una medida global de la inteligencia (ICV, IRP, IMO, IVP y CIT), siguiendo los aportes de la teoría de Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC), se recomienda implementar estas puntuaciones alternativas en un contexto normativo e ipsativo, que favorezcan y enriquezcan el estudio de las capacidades cristalizadas del examinado.

Abstract This article presents two alternative indices for the evaluation and interpretation of crystallized abilities derived from the WISC-IV- Argentine version, the lexical knowledge index (Gc-VL) and the general information index (Gc-K0). To this end, we worked with a sample of 1,036 cases. The confirmatory factor analysis revealed high indices that validated the new scores, and the reliability analysis was satisfactory. In turn, the results revealed correlations between the verbal comprehension index (VCI) of the WISC-IV and the new alternative indexes. Finally, differences were found in the Gc-VL and Gc-K0 scores, and the educational climate of the home. Although the WISC-IV proposes four composite indices and a global measurement of intelligence (VCI, RPI, WMI, PSI and QI), following the contributions of the Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory (CHC), it is recommended to implement these alternative scores in a normative and ipsative context that favor and enrich the study of the crystallized capacities of the examinee.

Wechsler Scales , Knowledge , Intelligence , Intelligence/classification , Aptitude , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Comprehension
Investig. psicol ; 22(1): 45-56, jun. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-913795


El presente trabajo se desprende del Proyecto de Tesis Doctoral: "Posibilidades y límites en el aprendizaje: el WISC-IV desde la evaluación dinámica", que se encuadra en la perspectiva de la Evaluación Dinámica (ED) de las capacidades intelectuales en función de reconocer las potencialidades de los sujetos con dificultades de aprendizaje y las intervenciones más apropiadas para potenciarlas. En este artículo se plantean los fundamentos teóricos y los principales modelos de la ED, y se desarrolla una categorización de los estudios en función de los aspectos metodológicos. Por último, se examinan las ventajas de este enfoque y las críticas que recibe, reconociendo que se ha difundido ampliamente en las últimas décadas y que numerosos estudios han puesto de manifiesto su validez y utilidad, en particular para abordar las problemáticas en el aprendizaje.

This work stems from the doctoral thesis project "Possibilities and limits on learning: the WISC-IV in the dynamic assessment perspective". It adopts the framework of Dynamic Assessment of intellectual ability to recognize the potential of subjects with learning difficulties and the most appropriate interventions to maximize that potential. This article sets out to review the theoretical bases and the main models of Dynamic Assessment. Studies in this field are categorized in terms of methodological aspects. Finally, the advantages of this approach and the criticism it has received are reviewed, acknowledging the fact that it has gained growing prestige over the last few decades, and a large number of studies have proved its validity and usefulness, in particular to approach learning difficulties.

Humans , Educational Measurement , Intelligence Tests , Learning Disabilities
Interdisciplinaria ; 32(2): 261-274, dic. 2015. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-841031


Este artículo informa la adaptación lingüística y el análisis de las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Intolerancia a la Incertidumbre (EII) en población de Buenos Aires. La EII evalúa la intolerancia a la incertidumbre (II) que es uno de los componentes principales del trastorno de ansiedad generalizada (TAG) según el modelo teórico de Dugas. La intolerancia a la incertidumbre se define como una disposición característica que resulta de un conjunto de pensamientos negativos sobre la incertidumbre. La Escala de Intolerancia a la Incertidumbre (EII) está compuesta por 27 ítemes que se responden con un formato tipo Likert de cinco opciones de respuesta. Se analizaron los datos obtenidos de una muestra de 320 participantes, residentes de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y el Gran Buenos Aires (República Argentina). Se obtuvieron correlaciones significativas con medidas criterio de preocupación (r = .44; p = .000) y ansiedad como estado (r = .36; p = .000) y como rasgo (r = .58; p = .000). Se estudió la estructura de la escala con el análisis de componentes principales y se obtuvieron dos factores que explican el 41.07% de la variancia total. Con respecto a la fiabilidad, los resultados indican una excelente consistencia interna de los ítemes igual a .93 y una estabilidad test-retest luego de cinco semanas, igual a .47. No se registraron diferencias significativas en las puntuaciones de la escala según la edad y el sexo. En su conjunto, los resultados obtenidos en la investigación realizada son concordantes con los hallazgos de investigaciones anteriores. Dado que la II constituye un factor de vulnerabilidad para el TAG, es de utilidad contar con un cuestionario adaptado a la población local.

The purpose of this paper is to report as regards the linguistic and cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale (IUS, for its acronyms in English) in the adult population of Buenos Aires (Republica Argentina). The IUS assesses the intolerance of uncertainty (IU), which is one of the principal components of the generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) according to the theoretical model of Dugas. IU has been defined as a dispositional characteristic that results from a set of negative beliefs about uncertainty and it has been proposed as a cognitive vulnerability factor for worry and GAD. Furthermore it may be defined more specifically as the excessive tendency of an individual to consider it unacceptable that a negative event may occur, however small the probability of its occurrence. In general, intolerance of uncertainty may be conceptualized as the way an individual perceives information in uncertain situations and responds to said information with a set of emotional, cognitive and behavioral responses. The IUS is composed of 27 items related to the idea that uncertainty is unacceptable, leads to frustration and the inability to take action and it reflected badly on a person. Participants rate items on a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1: not at all characteristic of me to 5: entirely characteristic of me. Higher scores on the IUS indicate greater intolerance of uncertainty. The original French version of the IUS was developed in 1994 to assess emotional, cognitive, and behavioral reactions to ambiguous situations, implications of being uncertain, and attempts to control the future. In 2002, the IUS was translated from French to English. Similar to the original French measure, the English translation had shown excellent internal consistency and temporal stability. It has demonstrated convergent, criterial, and discriminant validity. On this study, the IUS translated into Spanish by three independent translators. The content validity was assessed through the use of three independent judges who had broad knowledge of anxiety disorder. The preliminary version was tested with a sample of 90 participants. The research was a descriptive and correlational study, with a transversal design The participants completed the following questionnaires: the Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II), the Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Data obtained from a sample of 320 participants (168 females and 152 males) of the Ciudad and Provincia de Buenos Aires has been analyzed. Data analysis was conducted using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) - Version 22 software. In relation to the evidence of validity, significant correlations were obtained with worry (r = .44; p = .000) and anxiety as a state (r = .36; p = .000) and trait (r = .58; p = .000). The exploratory data analysis regarding the factor structure of the scale and dimensions of the construct indicated two factors that explain 41.07 % of the total variance. On the one hand, concerning the consistency of this scale, the results show an excellent internal consistency (.93) and a fairly strong test-retest reliability over a five-week period of .47. On the other hand, significant differences were not registered in the punctuations of the scale according to age and sex, and these findings are consistent with previous research. As a whole, the results obtained from the present investigation are consistent with the findings of previous investigations. Given that the IU constitutes a factor of vulnerability for the TAG, it is useful to rely on a questionnaire adapted to the local population. To conclude, the present study has demonstrated the sound psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the IUS.

rev. psicogente ; 18(34): 293-302, jul.-dic. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-963500


A efectos de explorar la relación entre rendimiento intelectual y nivel educativo materno, en el presente estudio piloto se analizan 50 díadas madre-hijo. El rendimiento cognitivo de los menores se evaluó a través de la Escala de Inteligencia para Niños de Wechsler -cuarta edición (WISCIV) en su adaptación argentina, y los años de educación materna a partir de un cuestionario sociodemográfico. Los resultados indicaron correlaciones significativas entre las dos variables evaluadas. De este modo, se constata la relevancia de la educación materna como predictor del rendimiento en el WISC-IV. Las conclusiones ratifican la necesidad de reconocer los factores socio-ambientales que rodean al sujeto para desarrollar una interpretación más completa de la producción registrada en el test.

This research paper aims to explore the relationship between intellectual performance and maternal educational level. 50 mother-child couples were sampled. To assess the children's cognitive performance, the Wechsler (4th edition (WISC-IV) scale and a demographic questionnaire of maternal education were used. The results showed significant correlations between the two variables. Consequently, maternal education as relevant performance predictor in WISC-IV scale is confirmed. The conclusions also prove the need to recognize socio-environmental factors around this subject to develop a more comprehensive interpretation related to the test results.

Interdisciplinaria ; 30(1): 65-84, ene.-jul. 2013. tab
Article in Spanish | BINACIS | ID: bin-130331


El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar la adaptación ling³ística y estudiar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Orientaciones Generales de Causalidad (General Causality Orientations Scale- GCOS) de Deci y Ryan (1985). Las orientaciones causales se refieren a la fuente de iniciación y regulación de las conductas, son relativamente estables y se relacionan con el grado de autodeterminación de las personas. Deci y Ryan postularon tres orientaciones (Autónoma, Control e Impersonal) que son medidas a través de sendas subescalas en la GCOS. Esta incluye 17 viñetas con tres ítemes cada una que se responden con una escala de 7 puntos. Participaron 184 sujetos residentes en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y alrededores. Se solicitó el juicio de expertos para analizar el contenido de la escala y sus valoraciones coincidieron en identificar a la motivación como el constructo principal. Las evidencias de fiabilidad sugieren una apropiada consistencia interna para las tres subescalas (.76 para Autonomía, .74 para Control y .81 para Impersonal). Con respecto a la validez externa, se encontró que las medidas de síntomas psicopatológicos y de depresión variaron significativamente de acuerdo a la orientación motivacional con que se los vinculó. Además se analizaron respuestas de pares en las que se constató una concordancia importante entre la autoevaluación y la heteroevaluación en función de la profundidad del vínculo. Por último, se encontró que a medida que el nivel educativo aumentaba, disminuían las puntuaciones en Control e Impersonal.(AU)

The main objective of this work was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the GCOS in Argentinean adult population. The GCOS was originally designed in order to obtain an appropriate instrument for measuring causality orientations, that is, several aspects of people which take part in the initiation and regulation of the behavior (Deci & Ryan, 1985). It is composed by 17 vignettes which describe a situation and are followed by three responses, each one characterizes the three orientations: Autonomy, Control and Impersonal. Every item is answered on a 7-point Likert Scale, ranging from very unlikely to very likely. The GCOS was translated by three independent translators who had knowledge on Psychology to ensure the scale content validity. The content validity was assessed through the use of four independent judges who have wide knowledge on the human motivation field. Two of them suggested that the GCOS evaluated human motivation and the others recognized aspects related to power, achievement and relatedness, decision making, attribution theory. The preliminary version was tested in a small group. Some minor revisions were made on the participants and judges recommendations. The sample included 184 participants (106 females; 78 males). Reliability analysis showed a good internal consistency for each subscale: .76 for Autonomy, .74 for Control, and .81 for Impersonal. The item-total correlations ranged between .15 and .61 for Autonomy, .20 and .47 for Control, .15 and .54 for Impersonal. Moreover, five interviews were conducted for analyzing content validity. Five participants who obtained higher scores indifferent subscales were selected. The results showed a good consistency between the scale scores and the interview responses. Following the original study done by Deci and Ryan (1985) different scales were selected to evaluate the GCOS construct validity in our environment. The measures selected were: Autonomy - Connectedness Scale (ACS-30 - Bekker & van Assen, 1986) (Argentinean version, Brenlla & Traviganti, 2009), Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II - Beck, Steer & Brown, 1996) (Argentinean version by Brenlla & Rodríguez, 2006) and, Symptom Checklist 90 Revised (SCL-90-R - Derogatis, 1994 - Argentinean version, Casullo, 2004). Significant correlations were found between the Autonomy Subscale and the SCL-90R. Particularly, it was found significant negative correlations with Depression (r = -.172; p < .05) and Psychoticism (r =- .241; p < .01). In the Control Subscale, the results showed significant correlation with BDI-II (r = .250; p < .01) and with the following factors of the SCL-R-90: Somatization (r = .249; p < .01), Obsessive-compulsive (r = .223; p < .01), Interpersonal sensitivity (r = .218; p < .05), Anxiety (r = .239; p < .01), Hostility (r = .222; p < .01), and Paranoid ideation (r = .312; p < .01). Also, negative correlations between this subscale and Factor I of the ACS-30-sensitivity to others- (r = -.207; p < .05). As regards the correlations of the Impersonal Subscale with other measures, were the clearest ones. This subscale showed significant correlations with all dimensions of SCL-R-90 (total score SCL-R-90: r = .472; p < .01) and with BDI-II (r = .389; p < .01). As well, negative correlations were found with Factor II of the ACS-30 - Capacity for managing new situations - of the ACS-30 (r = -.276; p < .01) and positive correlations with Factor III -Self-awareness (r = .238; p < .01). The samples status characteristics influences were analyzed. No difference in scores by age and gender were found. Lastly educational biases were assessed. No influence of educational level was found in the Autonomy Subscale [F(2, 181) = .802; p = .450]. Nevertheless, as educational level decreases an increase in control and impersonal scores was found [Control: F(2, 181) = 13.748; p = .000; Impersonal: F(2, 181) = 19.767; p = .000].(AU)

Interdisciplinaria ; 30(1): 65-84, ene.-jul. 2013. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-708512


El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar la adaptación lingüística y estudiar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Orientaciones Generales de Causalidad (General Causality Orientations Scale- GCOS) de Deci y Ryan (1985). Las orientaciones causales se refieren a la fuente de iniciación y regulación de las conductas, son relativamente estables y se relacionan con el grado de autodeterminación de las personas. Deci y Ryan postularon tres orientaciones (Autónoma, Control e Impersonal) que son medidas a través de sendas subescalas en la GCOS. Esta incluye 17 viñetas con tres ítemes cada una que se responden con una escala de 7 puntos. Participaron 184 sujetos residentes en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y alrededores. Se solicitó el juicio de expertos para analizar el contenido de la escala y sus valoraciones coincidieron en identificar a la motivación como el constructo principal. Las evidencias de fiabilidad sugieren una apropiada consistencia interna para las tres subescalas (.76 para Autonomía, .74 para Control y .81 para Impersonal). Con respecto a la validez externa, se encontró que las medidas de síntomas psicopatológicos y de depresión variaron significativamente de acuerdo a la orientación motivacional con que se los vinculó. Además se analizaron respuestas de pares en las que se constató una concordancia importante entre la autoevaluación y la heteroevaluación en función de la profundidad del vínculo. Por último, se encontró que a medida que el nivel educativo aumentaba, disminuían las puntuaciones en Control e Impersonal.

The main objective of this work was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the GCOS in Argentinean adult population. The GCOS was originally designed in order to obtain an appropriate instrument for measuring causality orientations, that is, several aspects of people which take part in the initiation and regulation of the behavior (Deci & Ryan, 1985). It is composed by 17 vignettes which describe a situation and are followed by three responses, each one characterizes the three orientations: Autonomy, Control and Impersonal. Every item is answered on a 7-point Likert Scale, ranging from very unlikely to very likely. The GCOS was translated by three independent translators who had knowledge on Psychology to ensure the scale content validity. The content validity was assessed through the use of four independent judges who have wide knowledge on the human motivation field. Two of them suggested that the GCOS evaluated human motivation and the others recognized aspects related to power, achievement and relatedness, decision making, attribution theory. The preliminary version was tested in a small group. Some minor revisions were made on the participants' and judges' recommendations. The sample included 184 participants (106 females; 78 males). Reliability analysis showed a good internal consistency for each subscale: .76 for Autonomy, .74 for Control, and .81 for Impersonal. The item-total correlations ranged between .15 and .61 for Autonomy, .20 and .47 for Control, .15 and .54 for Impersonal. Moreover, five interviews were conducted for analyzing content validity. Five participants who obtained higher scores indifferent subscales were selected. The results showed a good consistency between the scale scores and the interview responses. Following the original study done by Deci and Ryan (1985) different scales were selected to evaluate the GCOS construct validity in our environment. The measures selected were: Autonomy - Connectedness Scale (ACS-30 - Bekker & van Assen, 1986) (Argentinean version, Brenlla & Traviganti, 2009), Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II - Beck, Steer & Brown, 1996) (Argentinean version by Brenlla & Rodríguez, 2006) and, Symptom Checklist 90 Revised (SCL-90-R - Derogatis, 1994 - Argentinean version, Casullo, 2004). Significant correlations were found between the Autonomy Subscale and the SCL-90R. Particularly, it was found significant negative correlations with Depression (r = -.172; p < .05) and Psychoticism (r =- .241; p < .01). In the Control Subscale, the results showed significant correlation with BDI-II (r = .250; p < .01) and with the following factors of the SCL-R-90: Somatization (r = .249; p < .01), Obsessive-compulsive (r = .223; p < .01), Interpersonal sensitivity (r = .218; p < .05), Anxiety (r = .239; p < .01), Hostility (r = .222; p < .01), and Paranoid ideation (r = .312; p < .01). Also, negative correlations between this subscale and Factor I of the ACS-30-sensitivity to others- (r = -.207; p < .05). As regards the correlations of the Impersonal Subscale with other measures, were the clearest ones. This subscale showed significant correlations with all dimensions of SCL-R-90 (total score SCL-R-90: r = .472; p < .01) and with BDI-II (r = .389; p < .01). As well, negative correlations were found with Factor II of the ACS-30 - Capacity for managing new situations - of the ACS-30 (r = -.276; p < .01) and positive correlations with Factor III -Self-awareness (r = .238; p < .01). The sample's status characteristics influences were analyzed. No difference in scores by age and gender were found. Lastly educational biases were assessed. No influence of educational level was found in the Autonomy Subscale [F(2, 181) = .802; p = .450]. Nevertheless, as educational level decreases an increase in control and impersonal scores was found [Control: F(2, 181) = 13.748; p = .000; Impersonal: F(2, 181) = 19.767; p = .000].

Interdisciplinaria ; 27(1): 77-94, jul. 2010. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-633462


El presente artículo tiene como objetivo principal informar acerca de las características psicométricas y los datos normativos de la Adaptación Argentina de la Escala de Autoeficacia General (EAG) de Jerusalem y Schwarzer (1992) a fin de poder contar con evidencias de validez y fiabilidad que permitan su uso idóneo en tareas de investigación. Incluye 10 ítemes con escalamiento tipo Likert de 4 puntos. La autoeficacia refiere a la percepción de los individuos para manejar adecuadamente una amplia gama de estresores de la vida cotidiana. Se analizaron los datos obtenidos de 292 sujetos, residentes en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y alrededores (República Argentina). Se llevó a cabo un Análisis de Componentes Principales y se observó que, si bien emergen dos factores que explican el 44% de la variancia, el mayor porcentaje lo explica el primer factor con un 33%. En cuanto a la fiabilidad, los resultados indican una apropiada consistencia interna de los ítemes (α = .76) y, en relación a otras evidencias de validez, se obtuvieron correlaciones significativas con estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés de planeamiento (r= .459; p< .001) y actividad (r= .393; p< .001) y con medidas de locus de control externo (r= -.293; p< .001). Asimismo, se registraron diferencias en cuanto al sexo y la edad. En resumen, los resultados obtenidos indican evidencias de fiabilidad en términos de consistencia interna y de la validez de las puntuaciones obtenidas mediante la administración de la versión local de la EAG a residentes de Buenos Aires.

Self-efficacy is grounded in a larger theoretical framework known as social cognitive theory, which postulates that human achievement depends on interactions between one's behaviors, personal factors and environmental conditions (Bandura, 1986, 1997). Self-efficacy is understood as a construct that includes a stable feature or believing that a person has about his own ability to deal with a wide range of stressor of daily life. Moreover, self-efficacy beliefs work as an important set of proximal determinants of human motivation, affect, and action (Bandura,1989). The perception of self-efficacy has big impact on human adaptation and development. The General Self-Efficacy Scale was originally developed in Germany by Jerusalem and Schwarzer. At first they constructed a 20-item version and later as a reduced 10-item version (Jerusalem & Schwarzer, 1992; Schwarzer,1993). The GSES is a 10-item, 4-point Likert type scale. It was developed to assess a general sense of perceived self-efficacy in order to predict how people manage coping with daily difficulties and stressful events. The GSES, developed to measure this construct at the broadest level, has been adapted to many languages. The psychometric properties of this instrument areexamined among participants from 25 countries. Cronbach's alphas ranged from .73 to .91 and the findings suggest the global of the underlying construct. The goal of this article is to report psychometric properties (reliability, validity and normative data) of the Argentinean adaptation of the Jerusalem and Schwarzer General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES). In the present study, the scale was applied to a sample of 292 participants of Buenos Aires (Ar gentina). We carried out a Principal Components Analysis. The first Eigen value was clearly higher than the others but the second Eigen value was a slight higher than unity (3.25; 1.16; .98; .86 y .75). One third (33%) of the variance is accounted for by first component, where as a second component would only account for 11% of the variance. The results show an appropriate internal consistency (.76) and significant correlations with planning (r= .417; p< .001) and activity strategies (r= .357; p< .001) of coping stress and a negative correlation with external locus of control (r = -.274; p< .001). In order to determine whether there were differences in scores by sex, age and educational level, we used the t Student and ANOVA tests. It was found a significant difference by sex (males: M = 33.6, SD = 3.24, and females: M = 32.6, SD = 3.43; t (287) = 2.814, p< .05), with similar average scores. Also, it was found a significant difference by age range (18 to 25: M = 32.4, SD = 2.9; 26 to 44: M = 32.9, DE = 3.2, and 45 to 65: M = 33.9, SD = 3.6; F (2, 286) = 5.142, p< .05) and education (Elementary school: M = 32.2, SD = 4.5; High School: M = 32.6, SD = 3.4; College Graduates: M = 33.9, SD = 3.0; F (2, 286) = 3.392, p < .035). But post hoc comparisons showed not significant differences between groups. According to this, differences found are not relevant and the perception of self-efficacy is similar for both sexes, age range or education level. Finally, all the results indicate evidences of reliability and validity of the Argentinean adaptation of the scale and guarantee it's usefulness in future studies.

Investig. psicol ; 6(2): 19-36, 20010000. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-733618


Los objetivos principales de este estudio fueron, por una parte, analizar la asociación entre diagnósticos psicopatológicos severos y la presencia de orientación suicida y, por otra, estudiar la relación entre orientación suicida y percepción de sucesos vitales indeseables en un grupo de pacientes psiquiátricos. Para ello, se apeló a un diseño descriptivo - correlacional y se utilizaron distintas técnicas de recolección de datos (Inventario de Orientaciones Suicidas y Escala de Sucesos de Vida). Se registró el diagnóstico que constaba en historia clínica (criterios DSM-IV). En una primera etapa, las puntuaciones del ISO-30 permitieron seleccionar dos grupos con diferencias estadísticamente significativas: una proporción importante (N = 28, 43%) fue incluida dentro de la categoría "alta orientación suicida" (AOS) y otra (N =25, 38,6%) en la categoría "baja orientación suicida" (BOS). Los pacientes con AOS habían recibido, con mayor frecuencia, diagnósticos pertenecientes al EJE I del DSM-IV. En cambio, en los pacientes con BOS predominó notoriamente el diagnóstico de "Trastornos de la Personalidad", perteneciente al EJE II de la citada clasificación. Se observó la presencia de una asociación significativa entre "orientación suicida" y autopercepción de "eventos vitales indeseables". Los pacientes con AOS reconocieron mayor cantidad de eventos indeseables que los de BOS y señalaron a esos sucesos como fuente de tensión emocional.

Adult , Mentally Ill Persons/psychology , Suicide/psychology , Psychotic Disorders/psychology , Personality Disorders/psychology
Investig. psicol ; 2(1): 21-39, 1997. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-755276


En este artículo, se presentan los datos obtenidos a partir de la administración del Inventario Multifásico de la Personalidad de Minnesota 2 (MMPI-2) a cien sujetos de una muestra de población general (MPG) y a cien de otra de población psiquiátrica (MPP).Se informa acerca de los medidas de tendencia central, de dispersión y cálculos de significación estadística obtenidos para las escalas básicas del MMPI-2 en ambas muestras.Se analizan y comparan las escalas básicas del MMPI-2 en la MPG y en la MPP, considerando ambos sexos; también, se informa acerca de las diferencias halladas entre la MPG y la MPP según se trate de mujeres o varones. Se reportan datos acerca del análisis de dichas escalas intragrupo según sexo (MPG y MPP). Asimismo, se brinda información acerca de covariaciones significativas según sexo en ambas muestras.Por último, se presenta un estudio de las respuestas al MMPI-2 otorgadas por pacientes psiquiátricos esquizofrénicos con predominio de sintomatología positiva (MPPE I) y negativa (MPPE II).

Humans , Mentally Ill Persons/psychology , Personality Tests , Sex , Argentina
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-764226


En este artículo, se realiza un sucinto recorrido acerca de la noción de suicidio y de la evaluación del riesgo de suicidio. Se presentan los resultados parciales de un estudio de naturaleza correlacional descriptiva, con diseño intersujetos por grupos contrastados, cuyo objetivo es discriminar sujetos adultos en riesgo de suicidio, para luego evaluar las características afectivas, cognitivas y psicosociales en aquellos que presenten alto riesgo. También, datos preliminares acerca de diferencias halladas en una muestra de población general respecto de una de población psiquiátrica, así como medidas descriptivas y de significación estadísticas.

Humans , Psychological Tests , Suicide/psychology , Risk Factors
Buenos Aires; Psicoteca Editorial; 1a. ed; 1992. 132 p. 27 cm.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS-Express | BINACIS | ID: biblio-1195283