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Rev. salud pública (Córdoba) ; 20(1): 25-37, 2016.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-788713


Uno de los problemas del sector de la salud es su conceptualización. Se presenta al sector como fragmentado y falto de coordinación. El ciclo del dinero en la circulación del capital permite entender que existe integración de capitales operando bajo la ley de valorización. Las obras sociales aparecen como una forma de pago indirecta que realiza el valor agregado incorporado por los servicios de atención médica. Los hospitales públicos están integrados al capital privado en la fase de compra de los medios de producción, transfi eren valor agregado como subsidios implícitos al dar atención a la población que tiene cobertura y confi guran un ciclo trunco del dinero que impide su recuperación provocando deterioro y subutilización del capital público. En el trabajo se buscan levantar dudas sobre la perspectiva de la fragmentación que es la que plantea falta de articulación entre sub-sectores. Los autores argumentan una integración entre salud pública y privada en condiciones de subordinación de lo público a la lógica de valoración del capital. No se plantea dicotomía, sino integración orientada a la realización del valor agregado de las empresas constructoras y fármaco-químicas, entre otros.

One of the problems of the health area is its conceptualization. The sector is presented as fragmented and lacking coordination. The money cycle in the circulation of capital lets us understand that there is integration of capitals taking place under the valorization law. Health care schemes appear as an indirect method of payment making the added value incorporated by health care services. Public hospitals are integrated to private capital in the stage of buying production means, they transfer added value as implicit subsidies when seeing patients with medical insurance and form and incomplete cycle of money which hinders recovery causing deterioration and under-usage of public capital. In this work we try to create doubts about the perspective of fragmentation which sets out the lack of articulation among the sub-sectors. The authors state there is integration between public and private health in conditions of subordination of the public to the logic of the valuation of capital. They do not set out a dichotomy, but integration oriented towards the achievement of added value of building, drug and chemical companies among others.

Um dos problemas do sector da saúde é a sua conceituação. Ele apresenta-se como fragmentado e descoordenado. O ciclo do dinheiro na circulação do capital permite-nos compreender que existe uma integração entre o capital operando sob a lei de valorização. Os Planos de Saúde aparecem como uma forma de pagamento indireto feito pelo valor acrescentado incorporado por serviços de saúde. Os hospitais públicos são integrados ao capital privado no processo de compra de meios de produção, transferem valor acrescentado como subsídios implícitos ao dar cuidados médicos à população que tem esta cobertura e defi nem um ciclo truncado de dinheiro que impede a sua recuperação causando deterioração e subutilização do capital público. Neste trabalho procura-se gerar dúvidas sobre a perspectiva de fragmentação que é representada pela falta de coordenação entre os subsectores. Os autores argumentam uma integração entre a saúde pública e a privativa em condições de subordinação do público à lógica de valorização do capital. Dicotomias não são apresentadas mas uma integração visando a realização do valor acrescentado das empresas da construção e fármaco químicas entre outras.

Humans , Male , Female , Capitalism , Public-Private Sector Partnerships/statistics & numerical data , Public-Private Sector Partnerships/trends , Public Health
Rev. salud pública (Córdoba) ; 19(1): 22-37, 2015.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-768544


Las fuerzas productivas y las relaciones de produccióncapitalistas se han expandido a nivel mundial. Esto semanifiesta en la acumulación de capital e industrializaciónen Asia y Latinoamérica, lo cual, conlleva un proceso deurbanización, caída de la población rural y proletarizaciónde la fuerza laboral. Esta acumulación de capital, haproducido una acumulación de dióxido de carbono quesupera el mínimo tolerable para la sustentabilidad de lavida. También influye sobre la distribución de la riqueza,cuya desigualdad permanece estable en las últimas décadas.Los efectos del daño ambiental y la desigualdad impactansobre la salud poblacional. Este trabajo, indaga por un lado,sobre la dicotomía riqueza y desarrollo, que refleja el gradode inequidad en las sociedades contemporáneas y analizalos efectos de la contaminación del aire y el agua sobre lasalud humana.

Productive forces and capitalist production relationships have expanded worldly. This isseen in the accumulation of capital and industrialization in Asia and Latin America, whichinvolves a process of urbanization, a fall of rural population and proletarianization of thework force. This accumulation of capital has produced an accumulation of carbon dioxideexceeding the bearable minimum for life sustainability. It also has an influence on wealthdistribution; inequality which has remained stable over the last decades. The effects of thisenvironmental damage and inequality have an impact on the population´s health. Thiswork investigates about the dichotomy wealth - development which reflects the degree ofinequality in contemporary societies and, on the other side, analyzes the effects of air andwater pollution on human health.

Humans , Animals , Environment , Capitalism , Public Health
Rev. salud pública (Córdoba) ; 18(2): 29-41, 2014. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | BINACIS | ID: bin-131728


El presente trabajo plantea que más allá de las crisis cíclicas del capitalismo, existe una crisis del sistema en sí, ya que la lógica de crear mayor riqueza ha sobrepasado las condiciones de tolerancia de la capacidad reproductiva del medio ambiente, a límites ya no permitidos para el bienestar humano. Por otro lado, este sistema económico que determina las relaciones entre los factores de la producción, arreglado a la maximización de ganancias y minimización de costos, no soluciona las inequidades en el mundo, respecto a la distribución de la riqueza. En efecto el 80% de la población más pobre no alcanza a la distribución del 20% de la renta y el 0,2% más rico se adjudica el 20% de la misma. Los resultados también indican que la inequidad genera mayor mortalidad infantil y mortalidad por enfermedades transmisibles(AU)

This work states that beyond the cyclic crisis of capitalism, the system itself is in crisis, since the logic of creating greater wealth has exceeded the conditions of tolerance of the reproductive capacity of the environment, to limits not permitted for human welfare. On the other hand, this economic system that determines the relationships among production factors, settling the maximization of earnings and the minimization of costs, does not solve the worldÆs inequalities as regards wealth distribution. In fact, 80% of the poorest population does not reach the 20% distribution of incomes and the richest 0.02% keep 20% of it. Results also show that inequality also generates greater child mortality and mortality due to communicable diseases(AU)

Female , Environmental Pollution/adverse effects , Environmental Health , Capitalism
Rev. salud pública (Córdoba) ; 18(2): 29-41, 2014. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-726540


El presente trabajo plantea que más allá de las crisis cíclicas del capitalismo, existe una crisis del sistema en sí, ya que la lógica de crear mayor riqueza ha sobrepasado las condiciones de tolerancia de la capacidad reproductiva del medio ambiente, a límites ya no permitidos para el bienestar humano. Por otro lado, este sistema económico que determina las relaciones entre los factores de la producción, arreglado a la maximización de ganancias y minimización de costos, no soluciona las inequidades en el mundo, respecto a la distribución de la riqueza. En efecto el 80% de la población más pobre no alcanza a la distribución del 20% de la renta y el 0,2% más rico se adjudica el 20% de la misma. Los resultados también indican que la inequidad genera mayor mortalidad infantil y mortalidad por enfermedades transmisibles

This work states that beyond the cyclic crisis of capitalism, the system itself is in crisis, since the logic of creating greater wealth has exceeded the conditions of tolerance of the reproductive capacity of the environment, to limits not permitted for human welfare. On the other hand, this economic system that determines the relationships among production factors, settling the maximization of earnings and the minimization of costs, does not solve the world’s inequalities as regards wealth distribution. In fact, 80% of the poorest population does not reach the 20% distribution of incomes and the richest 0.02% keep 20% of it. Results also show that inequality also generates greater child mortality and mortality due to communicable diseases

Female , Capitalism , Environmental Pollution/adverse effects , Environmental Health
Rev. salud pública (Córdoba) ; 17(4): 53-68, 2013. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | BINACIS | ID: bin-129853


Este trabajo examina, el grado de relación existente entre indicadores de riesgo y sociodemográficos de los distritos políticos de Argentina y su variabilidad entre 2005 y 2009. Alcance descriptivo y correlacional. Diseño retrospectivo longitudinal. Se encontraron correlaciones múltiples entre indicadores de cobertura, controles médicos, urbanización, PGB y hábitos no saludables como consumo de riesgo de sal, tabaco y alcohol. Por otro lado una población con NBI, analfabetismo y autopercepción de salud regular/mala, aún con establecimientos públicos de salud sin internación. Argentina presenta tres tipologías de provincias, las centrales y patagónicas, con buena cobertura y hábitos no saludables, las norteñas con alta vulnerabilidad social y un grupo intermedio. Entre 2005 y 2009, si bien aumentó la cobertura de salud, y los controles de la misma, disminuyendo la autopercepción de salud/regular mala, no se evidencian mejoras en los parámetros fisiológicos poblacionales, aumentó la inactividad física, el consumo de sal y la obesidad(AU)

This work examines the extent of existing relationship between risk and socio-demographic indicators in the different political districts in Argentna and its variability from 2005 to 2009. Descriptive and correlational research with retrospective longitudinal design. Multiple correlations were found among indicators of coverage, medical controls, urbanization, GGP and unhealthy habits such as risky consumption of salt, tobacco and alcohol. On one side, a population with unsatisfied basic needs (UBN), illiteracy and health self-perception as regular/poor, still with public health facilities without possible hospitalization. Argentina presents three province typologies: the central and Patagonian provinces with good coverage and unhealthy habits; the northern ones with high social vulnerability and an intermediate group. Although health coverage and controls increased and health self-perception as regular/poor decreased, between 2005 and 2009 we did not observe improvements in population physiological parameters; besides, physical inactivity, salt consumption and obesity increased(AU)

Female , Risk Factors , Impacts of Polution on Health , Impacts of Polution on Health/statistics & numerical data , Demography , Argentina/epidemiology
Rev. salud pública (Córdoba) ; 17(4): 53-68, 2013. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-726435


Este trabajo examina, el grado de relación existente entre indicadores de riesgo y sociodemográficos de los distritos políticos de Argentina y su variabilidad entre 2005 y 2009. Alcance descriptivo y correlacional. Diseño retrospectivo longitudinal. Se encontraron correlaciones múltiples entre indicadores de cobertura, controles médicos, urbanización, PGB y hábitos no saludables como consumo de riesgo de sal, tabaco y alcohol. Por otro lado una población con NBI, analfabetismo y autopercepción de salud regular/mala, aún con establecimientos públicos de salud sin internación. Argentina presenta tres tipologías de provincias, las centrales y patagónicas, con buena cobertura y hábitos no saludables, las norteñas con alta vulnerabilidad social y un grupo intermedio. Entre 2005 y 2009, si bien aumentó la cobertura de salud, y los controles de la misma, disminuyendo la autopercepción de salud/regular mala, no se evidencian mejoras en los parámetros fisiológicos poblacionales, aumentó la inactividad física, el consumo de sal y la obesidad

This work examines the extent of existing relationship between risk and socio-demographic indicators in the different political districts in Argentna and its variability from 2005 to 2009. Descriptive and correlational research with retrospective longitudinal design. Multiple correlations were found among indicators of coverage, medical controls, urbanization, GGP and unhealthy habits such as risky consumption of salt, tobacco and alcohol. On one side, a population with unsatisfied basic needs (UBN), illiteracy and health self-perception as regular/poor, still with public health facilities without possible hospitalization. Argentina presents three province typologies: the central and Patagonian provinces with good coverage and unhealthy habits; the northern ones with high social vulnerability and an intermediate group. Although health coverage and controls increased and health self-perception as regular/poor decreased, between 2005 and 2009 we did not observe improvements in population physiological parameters; besides, physical inactivity, salt consumption and obesity increased

Female , Demography , Argentina/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Impacts of Polution on Health , Impacts of Polution on Health/statistics & numerical data
Rev. salud pública (Córdoba) ; 15(1): 65-75, 2011. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-618619


Este trabajo busca establecer asociaciones entre atributossociodemográficos de alumnos universitarios con su rendimiento académico. El alcance del estudio es descriptivo y correlacional y el diseño retrospectivo, transversal. Los resultados sugieren que la regularización de asignaturaspor parte del alumno, la eficiencia académica (asignaturas aprobadas / asignaturas rendidas), el nivel educativo del padre y de la madre, son colineales entre sí. En un planofactorial muy cercano se presentan la gestión de la escuela secundaria (privada), no habiendo tanta cercanía con el plan de estudios, mientras que juegan en contra del buen rendimiento del alumno la edad del ingresante (mayor de 18años), la presencia de pareja o hijos y si trabaja.

The aim of this study is to establish associations between sociodemographic attributes and academic performance. This is a descriptive correlational study with retrospective transversal design. Results suggest that taking subjects,academic efficiency (passed subjects/subjects sat for) andeducational level of mother and father appear on the same line. In a factorial plane we find high school administration (private) very close, the syllabus a little further and against the student’s good performance we find age of entrance (over 18), presence of couple or children and job.

Humans , Male , Female , Statistical Data , Education , Education, Medical , Health Education , Efficiency, Organizational , Students, Medical
Plant Dis ; 89(9): 1014, 2005 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30786650


Three ornamental species, Osteospermum sp. (L.), Felicia amelloides (L.) Voss, and Ranunculus asiaticus L., cultivated in greenhouses on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, showed sudden wilt and death during October 2002. These species are new ornamentals in Argentina. The diseased plants were cultivated in plastic containers filled with commercial potting mix. Soft rot was observed at the base of the plants. Stem lesions became covered with whitish mycelium that produced large, black sclerotia (5 to 7 mm in diameter) characteristic of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary (1). The fungus was consistently recovered from infected stem pieces that were disinfested for 1 min in 0.2% NaOCl and plated on potato dextrose agar (PDA), pH 7. Pathogenicity of the three isolates obtained from infected plants was confirmed by inoculating 10 3-month-old healthy plants of each species in 14-cm-diameter plastic pots. Each isolate was inoculated on the host from which it had been isolated. Inoculum consisted of three mycelial plugs from 7-day-old PDA cultures that were placed on the substrate at the base of the plants. Control plants were treated with sterile agar plugs. Inoculated and noninoculated plants were covered with transparent plastic bags for 2 days and incubated in a growth chamber at 20 to 24°C with a 12-h photoperiod. All inoculated plants developed symptoms of leaf yellowing and wilt. Soft and watery tissues were observed at the base of the plants, soon followed by the appearance of white mycelium. Disease symptoms were similar to those observed on the original infected plants and appeared 6, 5, and 3 days after inoculation on Osteospermum sp., F. amelloides, and R. asiaticus, respectively. All inoculated plants died within 3 weeks, and control plants remained healthy. S. sclerotiorum was reisolated from inoculated plants of each species, fulfilling Koch's postulates. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the occurrence of Sclerotinia stem rot on these three plant species in Argentina. Reference: (1) J. E. M. Mordue and P. Holliday. No. 513 in: Descriptions of Pathogenic Fungi and Bacteria. CMI, Kew, Surrey, UK. 1976.