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Bol. pediatr ; 63(265): 153-161, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-231596


La disfunción vesical o disfunción del tracto urinario inferior(DTUI), traducción literal del inglés de Lower urinary Tract Disfunction (LUTD) puede ser causa del 40% de las consultas en pediatría. Estos trastornos suponen una alteración en cualquiera de las fases del ciclo miccional y pueden responder a causas neurológicas, anatómicas o funcionales. Es muy importante realizar una adecuada historia clínica que nos permita conocer al paciente de manera global de manera que podamos lograr un correcto diagnóstico de la causa de la disfunción y así poder realizar un tratamiento dirigido. La evaluación de la mayoría de los niños con disfunción vesical puede limitarse a una anamnesis exhaustiva, un examen físico y pruebas no invasivas, como un análisis de orina y un urocultivo. En niños seleccionados, una evaluación más extensa incluye estudios de imagen urológicos, mediciones del flujo urinario y determinación del residuo postmiccional. En cuanto a las herramientas terapéuticas, partiremos de pautas higiénico-dietéticas básicas y de aplicación global a las que podremos asociar terapia conductual, farmacológica, fisioterápica o quirúrgica, siempre de manera individualizada.(AU)

Vesical disfunction or Lower urinary Tract Dysfunction (LUTD), can be the cause of 40% of pediatric consultations. Dysfunctions of the lower urinary tract involve an alteration in any of the phases of the voiding cycle and may respond to neurological, anatomical or functional causes. It is very important to take an adequate clinical history that allows us to know the patient globally so that we can achieve a correct diagnosis of the cause of the lower urinary tract dysfunction and thus be able to carry out targeted treatments. The evaluation for most children with bladder dysfunction can be limited to a thorough history, physical examination, and noninvasive testing, such as a urinalysis and urine culture. In selected children, more extensive evaluation includes urologic imaging studies, measurements of urinary flow, and post-void residual determination. As for therapeutic tools, we will start from basic hygienic-dietary guidelines of global application to which we can associate behavioral, pharmacological, physiotherapy or surgical therapy, always in an individualized manner.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Urinary Tract/physiopathology , Urinary Bladder, Overactive/diagnosis , Urinary Bladder, Overactive/drug therapy , Urination , Enuresis/diagnosis , Pediatrics , Child Health
Cir. pediátr ; 34(2): 90-94, Abr. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-216657


Introducción: El glomus carotídeo es un paraganglioma extraadre-nal, excepcional en la infancia, cuyo origen es el cuerpo carotídeo. Soloel 3% de los paragangliomas se presentan en cabeza y cuello. Existeun 10% de formas familiares asociadas a mutaciones en el gen de lasuccinato deshidrogenasa (SDH), porcentaje que es mayor en la infancia.Son tumores benignos en un 95% de los pacientes, pero pueden afectarpor extensión a ambas carótidas. Su tratamiento es quirúrgico con o sinembolización previa. Las metástasis son raras y están asociadas a losescasos casos de malignidad. Caso clínico: Paciente de 8 años de edad con masa cervical de 4meses de evolución, serologías normales. Como antecedente destacauna tía sometida a cirugía cervical. Ecográficamente se objetiva masahipoecoica muy vascularizada en probable relación con glomus ca-rotídeo. Se decide resección quirúrgica sin embolización que resultacompleta y sin incidencias. Estudio genético positivo para la mutaciónen el gen de la SDH. Conclusión: El glomus carotídeo en la infancia ha de ser tenido encuenta como diagnóstico diferencial en masas cervicales. El tratamientoquirúrgico sin embolización previa es una opción terapéutica segura encasos seleccionados.(AU)

Introduction: Carotid glomus is an exceptional extra-adrenal para-ganglioma in childhood originating at the carotid body. Only 3% ofparagangliomas occur in the head and the neck. Familial forms, associ-ated with Succinate Dehydrogenase (SDH) gene mutations, account for10% of cases, the proportion being higher in childhood. They are benignin 95% of patients, but they can extend to both carotids. Treatment issurgical with or without previous embolization. Metastasis is rare andassociated with malignant cases, which are limited. Clinical case. 8-year-old patient with a cervical mass originating4 months ago and normal serum levels. Regarding family history, shehad an aunt who underwent cervical surgery. Ultrasound examinationdemonstrated a greatly vascularized hypoechoic mass most likely relatedto carotid glomus. Full surgical resection without embolization wasdecided upon, which proved uneventful. The genetic study was positivefor SDH gene mutation.Conclusion: Carotid glomus in childhood should be considered as adifferential diagnosis in cervical masses. Surgical treatment without pre-vious embolization represents a safe therapeutic option in selected cases.(AU)

Humans , Male , Child , Carotid Body , Paraganglioma, Extra-Adrenal , Carotid Sinus , Neoplasms , Pediatrics , General Surgery
Cir Pediatr ; 34(2): 90-94, 2021 Apr 01.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33826262


INTRODUCTION: Carotid glomus is an exceptional extra-adrenal paraganglioma in childhood originating at the carotid body. Only 3% of paragangliomas occur in the head and the neck. Familial forms, associated with Succinate Dehydrogenase (SDH) gene mutations, account for 10% of cases, the proportion being higher in childhood. They are benign in 95% of patients, but they can extend to both carotids. Treatment is surgical with or without previous embolization. Metastasis is rare and associated with malignant cases, which are limited. CLINICAL CASE: 8-year-old patient with a cervical mass originating 4 months ago and normal serum levels. Regarding family history, she had an aunt who underwent cervical surgery. Ultrasound examination demonstrated a greatly vascularized hypoechoic mass most likely related to carotid glomus. Full surgical resection without embolization was decided upon, which proved uneventful. The genetic study was positive for SDH gene mutation. CONCLUSION: Carotid glomus in childhood should be considered as a differential diagnosis in cervical masses. Surgical treatment without previous embolization represents a safe therapeutic option in selected cases.

INTRODUCCION: El glomus carotídeo es un paraganglioma extraadrenal, excepcional en la infancia, cuyo origen es el cuerpo carotídeo. Solo el 3% de los paragangliomas se presentan en cabeza y cuello. Existe un 10% de formas familiares asociadas a mutaciones en el gen de la succinato deshidrogenasa (SDH), porcentaje que es mayor en la infancia. Son tumores benignos en un 95% de los pacientes, pero pueden afectar por extensión a ambas carótidas. Su tratamiento es quirúrgico con o sin embolización previa. Las metástasis son raras y están asociadas a los escasos casos de malignidad. CASO CLINICO: Paciente de 8 años de edad con masa cervical de 4 meses de evolución, serologías normales. Como antecedente destaca una tía sometida a cirugía cervical. Ecográficamente se objetiva masa hipoecoica muy vascularizada en probable relación con glomus carotídeo. Se decide resección quirúrgica sin embolización que resulta completa y sin incidencias. Estudio genético positivo para la mutación en el gen de la SDH. CONCLUSION: El glomus carotídeo en la infancia ha de ser tenido en cuenta como diagnóstico diferencial en masas cervicales. El tratamiento quirúrgico sin embolización previa es una opción terapéutica segura en casos seleccionados.

Carotid Body Tumor , Embolization, Therapeutic , Paraganglioma, Extra-Adrenal , Paraganglioma , Carotid Body Tumor/diagnosis , Carotid Body Tumor/surgery , Child , Female , Humans , Neck
Cir Pediatr ; 32(4): 207-211, 2019 Oct 01.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31626407


OBJECTIVE: Palatal fistula after the repair of cleft palate appears in 7.7-35% of patients. We present two cases of palatal fistula, detailing a multi-layer repair with an interpositional collagen graft. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Patient 1: girl with a cleft palate operated using a Furlow technique. A reintervention was performed due to a Pittsburgh type III fistula. Patient 2: male with cleft palate operated using a Furlow technique. A reintervention was performed due to a type V fistula. RESULTS: We used a multilayer repair with a local rotational flap and the interposition of a collagen matrix between the nasal and oral layers. The suture was reinforced with a fibrin hemostatic adhesive. No recurrence of the fistula after 2 years. CONCLUSIONS: The three-layer closure is simple, safe, effective and avoids refistulizations. Interpositional grafts of a resorbable collagen membrane provide a "scaffold" for tissue growth, revascularization and epithelialization of the mucosa.

OBJETIVO: La fístula palatina tras la reparación del paladar fisurado aparece en un 7,7-35% de pacientes. Presentamos dos casos de fístula palatina, detallando la técnica de reparación multicapa con injerto interposicional de colágeno. MATERIAL Y METODOS: Paciente 1: niña con fisura de paladar blando, operada mediante técnica de Furlow. Se programa reintervención por fístula secundaria tipo III de Pittsburgh. Paciente 2: varón con fisura de paladar blando, operado mediante técnica de Furlow. Se programa reintervención por fístula secundaria tipo V. RESULTADOS: Reparación multicapa mediante flap rotacional y matriz de colágeno entre las capas nasal y oral. Refuerzo con adhesivo hemostático de fibrina. Ausencia de recidiva tras 2 años de seguimiento. CONCLUSIONES: El cierre en tres capas es sencillo y efectivo a la hora de evitar refistulizaciones. Los injertos interposicionales de membrana reabsorbible de colágeno proporcionan un "andamio" para el crecimiento de los tejidos, revascularización y epitelialización de la mucosa.

Cleft Palate/surgery , Fistula/surgery , Mouth Diseases/surgery , Palate, Soft , Postoperative Complications/surgery , Child, Preschool , Collagen , Female , Follow-Up Studies , Humans , Infant , Male , Oral Surgical Procedures/methods , Surgical Flaps , Tissue Scaffolds
Bol. pediatr ; 59(247): 19-31, 2019. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-183164


La urología pediátrica comprende una extensa serie de patologías de complejidad variable, que afectan al sistema urogenital, y que suponen aproximadamente el 50% de las intervenciones quirúrgicas en cirugía pediátrica. describiremos aquellas de mayor impacto y repercusión clínica desde el punto de vista quirúrgico, destacando las denominadas CaKUt o anomalías congénitas del riñón y del tracto urinario. estas últimas tienen su origen en la alteración de alguno de los procesos que conforman el desarrollo renal: a) Malformación del parénquima renal: hipoplasia, displasia, agenesia renal y riñón multiquístico (drMQ). b) anomalías relacionadas con la migración de los riñones: ectopia renal y anomalías de fusión. c) anomalías en el desarrollo del sistema colector: estenosis pieloureteral (epU), duplicidades ureterales, megauréter primario, uréter ectópico, ureterocele y válvulas de uretra posterior (VUp). El objetivo de este artículo es determinar en qué casos es necesaria la cirugía para resolver un problema urológico en el niño y cuándo es el mejor momento para realizar la intervención

Pediatric Urology comprises an extensive series of pathologies of variable complexity, which affect the urogenital system, and account for approximately 50% of surgical interventions in pediatric surgery. We will describe those ones of greater impact and clinical repercussion from the surgical point of view, highlighting the so-called CaKUt or congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract. the latter have their origin in the alteration of some of the processes during the renal development: a) Malformation of the renal parenchyma: hypoplasia, dysplasia, renal agenesis and multicystic kidney (MCdK). b) abnormalities related to the migration of the kidneys: renal ectopia and fusion anomalies. c) abnormalities in the development of the collecting system: pyelo-ureteral stenosis, ureteral duplicities, primary megaureter, ectopic ureter, ureterocele and posterior uretral valves. R The objective of this article is to inform about the cases in which surgery is necessary to solve a urological problem in the child, and the best time to perform the intervention

Humans , Child , Kidney Diseases/classification , Urologic Diseases/classification , Kidney Diseases/congenital , Urologic Diseases/congenital , Severity of Illness Index , Urethral Stricture/diagnosis , Urethral Stricture/surgery , Vesico-Ureteral Reflux/diagnosis , Vesico-Ureteral Reflux/surgery , Kidney Diseases/diagnosis , Kidney Diseases/surgery , Urologic Diseases/diagnosis , Urologic Diseases/surgery , Hydronephrosis/diagnosis , Hydronephrosis/surgery , Ureter/abnormalities , Cysts/diagnosis , Cysts/surgery
Bol. pediatr ; 59(247): 41-53, 2019. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-183166


Las neoplasias suponen la primera causa de muerte en niños mayores de 1 año en países desarrollados. la cirugía pediátrica juega un importante papel terapéutico en el cáncer infantil a distintos niveles: extirpación tumoral, implantación de accesos vasculares, manejo de metástasis y complicaciones. La oncología pediátrica es una especialidad muy dinámica con actualizaciones y cambios en protocolos constantemente. el objetivo de este artículo es la revisión actualizada de los tumores sólidos más frecuentes y con características específicas en relación con la cirugía pediátrica: neuroblastoma, tumor de Wilms, hepatoblastoma, tumores ováricos, testiculares y de partes blandas. El neuroblastoma es el tumor sólido extracraneal más común en la infancia. tanto el neuroblastoma como el tumor de Wilms suelen presentarse como una masa abdominal asintomática. la combinación del grupo de riesgo, edad, factores biológicos y resultados histológicos permite asignar a cada paciente un estadio de riesgo con valor pronóstico, y establecer una estrategia terapéutica específica en cada caso de neuroblastoma. el nefroblastoma o tumor de Wilms es el tumor renal maligno más frecuente en niños. en nuestro medio el nuevo protocolo establecido por la Siop se conoce como UMBrella que se basa en la quimioterapia preoperatoria con el objetivo de reducir masa tumoral seguido de cirugía. En los casos de hepatoblastoma es importante la clasificación preteXt (Pretreatment Extent of Disease) porque define la extensión de parénquima hepático afectada y enfermedad extrahepática dando información sobre la resecabilidad del tumor y su respuesta a la quimioterapia. Ante una masa de tejido blando debe plantearse en primer lugar que se trate de procesos reactivos y tumores benignos, los tumores malignos de partes blandas son raros. dentro de estos, el rabdomiosarcoma se caracteriza por su buena respuesta a quimioterapia, por lo que está en desuso la cirugía con resecciones agresivas o mutilantes. Respecto a los tumores gonadales en la infancia, a diferencia de los adultos, predominan los germinales, en concreto el teratoma. la cirugia tiende a ser conservadora para respetar la fertilidad futura. en las últimas décadas, los avances en tratamientos oncológicos han logrado un aumento de la supervivencia en la mayoría de tumores infantiles, en parte gracias al enfoque multidisciplinar necesario desde el diagnóstico de cada caso

Malignant neoplasms constitute the first cause of death in children over 1 year of age in developed countries. Pediatric surgery plays an important therapeutic role in childhood cancer on different sides: removing tumors, placing vascular access devices, metastasis management and complications. Pediatric oncology is a dinamyc specialty with constant updates and changes in protocols. the principal aim of this report is an updated review of more common solid tumors and their specific surgical aspects: neuroblastoma, Wilms' tumor, hepatoblastoma, ovarian tumor, testicular tumor and rhabdomyosarcoma. Neuroblastoma is the most common extracranial solid tumor in chidhood. Wilms' tumor and neuroblastoma usually appears as an asyntomatic abdominal mass. the risk group, age, biological factors and histologic analysis allow to assign a risk stage to each patient, that has prognostic value and determines the specific treatment for each case of neuroblastoma. Nephroblastoma or Wilms' tumor is the most frequent malignant kidney tumor in children. UMBrella is the new protocol of Siop based on preoperative chemotherapy to reduce the size of the tumor and surgery after. The classification PRETEXT (Pretreatment Extent of Disease) is important in cases of hepatoblastoma because defines the extent of hepatic infiltrated parenchyma, so we can know about its resectability and the response to chemotherapy. A soft-tissue mass is probably a reactive process or a benign tumor, since malignant soft-tissue tumors are rare. rhabdomyosarcoma has a good response to chemotherapy, so wide resections and radical surgery are not current techniques. With regard to gonadal tumors in childhood, unlike adults, germ tumors predominate, in particular teratoma. Sparing surgery is the current treatment to preserve future fertility. over the last several decades, the advances in cancer treatment have achieved an increased survival in most of childhood tumors, thanks to multidisciplinary approach from diagnosis

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Neuroblastoma/diagnosis , Neuroblastoma/therapy , Wilms Tumor/diagnosis , Wilms Tumor/therapy , Rhabdomyosarcoma/diagnosis , Rhabdomyosarcoma/therapy , Neoplasms, Gonadal Tissue/diagnosis , Neoplasms, Gonadal Tissue/therapy , Testicular Neoplasms/diagnosis , Testicular Neoplasms/therapy , Neoplasm Staging , Prognosis
Bol. pediatr ; 58(246): 250-258, 2018. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-179857


La patología quirúrgica hepatobiliar en la infancia posee una gran relevancia debido a la repercusión que presenta en los niños afectados, razón por la que el correcto conocimiento de la misma se correlaciona con un diagnóstico temprano y un manejo oportuno que redunda en beneficio para nuestros pacientes. la presente revisión es una actualización centrada en las cuatro principales patologías hepatobiliares pediátricas. en primer lugar, se considera la atresia de vías biliares (aVB), que es la causa quirúrgica más común de enfermedad colestásica neonatal y la primera indicación de trasplante hepático infantil. es de resaltar la evolución en el concepto de la aVB en la última década, que recientemente se ha definido como un fenotipo caracterizado por la obliteración o ausencia de las vías biliares extrahepáticas, asociado a una alteración en la formación de los conductos biliares intrahepáticos, que puede deberse a múltiples etiologías. en segundo lugar, se revisa la dilatación de la vía biliar extrahepática y/o intrahepática, que afecta con mayor frecuencia al colédoco, conocida como quiste de colédoco. Se hace énfasis en su clasificación anatómica y etiológica, en el papel relevante de la colangiorresonancia en la evaluación preoperatoria de la lesión y en el tratamiento oportuno en función del tipo de dilatación y de la condición clínica del niño. en tercer lugar, se analiza el incremento de la presión del sistema venoso portal, denominado como hipertensión portal. dicho aumento de presión puede encontrar su origen en una obstrucción venosa a nivel prehepático, hepático y posthepático. Se destaca la singularidad de la hipertensión portal en la infancia que, a diferencia de los adultos, muestran una gran proporción de pacientes con una causa prehepática, los cuales desarrollan hiperesplenismo y hemorragia secundaria a várices esofagogástricas con mayor frecuencia, pero con una baja mortalidad atribuible a dicha hemorragia y ausencia de progresión a cirrosis hepática. Finalmente, se habla de la litiasis biliar en la infancia, destacando el amplio espectro clínico que presentan los niños afectados y la variedad en la composición de los cálculos biliares en pediatría, remarcando las estrategias terapéuticas a seguir en cada caso

Pediatric hepatobiliary surgery pathology is of great relevance due to its repercussion in the affected children. For this reason, correct knowledge about it is correlated with an early diagnosis and pertinent management that results in a benefit for our patients. This review is an update focused on the four main pediatric hepatobiliary pathologies. Bile duct atresia (BVA) is considered in the first place, this being the most common surgical cause of neonatal cholestatic disease and the first indication of child liver transplant. the evolution in the concept of BVa in the last decade should be emphasized, which has recently been defined as a phenotype characterized by the obliteration or absence of the extrahepatic bile ducts, associated to an alteration in the formation of the intrahepatic bile ducts, which can be due to multiple etiologies. in the second place, dilatation of the extrahepatic and/or intrahepatic bile ducts, that with greater frequency affects the choledoch, known as choledochal cyst, is reviewed. emphasis is placed on their anatomical and etiological classification, on the relevant role of the cholangioresonance in the pre-operative evaluation of the lesion and on the pertinent treatment based on the type of dilatation and on the clinical condition of the child. in the third place, an analysis is made of the increase of the pressure of the portal venous system, called portal hypertension. Said increase in pressure can originate in a venous obstruction on the prehepatic, hepatic or post-hepatic level. the singularity of portal hypertension in children stands out which, on the contrary to in adults, shows a large proportion of patients with a prehepatic cause, these developing hypersplenism and hemorrhaging secondary to esophagogastric varices more frequently. However, they have a low mortality attributable to said hemorrhaging and absence of progression to hepatic cirrhosis. Finally, mention is made of gallstones in children, stressing the wide clinical spectrum that the affected children have and the variety in the composition of the gallstones in pediatrics, emphasizing the therapeutic strategies to follow in each case

Humans , Child , Liver Diseases/diagnosis , Liver Diseases/therapy , Biliary Tract Diseases/diagnosis , Biliary Tract Diseases/therapy , Liver Diseases/etiology , Biliary Tract Diseases/etiology , Severity of Illness Index
Cir. pediátr ; 27(4): 157-164, oct. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-140542


Introducción. La seguridad del paciente constituye una prioridad en la gestión de la calidad de cualquier servicio sanitario. Todo paciente tiene derecho a una atención eficaz y segura. Objetivo. Diseñar un plan de seguridad del paciente en un Servicio de Cirugía Pediátrica. Material y método. Revisión bibliográfica, constitución de un grupo de trabajo compuesto por profesionales sanitarios de los Servicios de Cirugía Pediátrica, Calidad y Documentación Clínica. Identificación de los eventos adversos potenciales, sus fallos y causas y su ponderación mediante el Análisis Modal de Fallos y Efectos. Construcción del mapa de riesgos y elaboración del plan de acciones preventivas para la disminución del riesgo. Designación de responsables para la ejecución efectiva del plan. Resultado. El número de eventos adversos identificados para la totalidad del Servicio de Cirugía Pediátrica fue de 58. Se detectaron hasta 128 fallos, producidos por 211 causas. El grupo hizo una propuesta de 424 medidas concretas en forma de acciones preventivas y/o correctoras que, refinadas, hicieron un total de 322. Se planificó la aplicación efectiva del programa, actualmente en ejecución. Conclusiones. La metodología empleada ha permitido disponer de una información clave para la mejora de la seguridad del paciente y la elaboración de un plan de acciones preventivas y/o correctoras. Dichas medidas son aplicables en la práctica, ya que su diseño ha sido efectuado mediante propuestas y acuerdos de los profesionales que participan directamente en el proceso de asistencia a los niños con patología quirúrgica

Introduction. Patient safety is a key priority in quality management for healthcare services providers. Every patient is entitled to receive safe and effective healthcare. Aims. The aim of this study was to design a patient safety plan for a Paediatric Surgery Department. Methods. We carried out a literature review and we established a work group that included healthcare professionals from the Paediatric Surgery Department and the Quality and Medical Records Department. The group identified potential adverse events, failures and causes and established a rating using Failure Mode Effects Analysis. Potential risks were mapped out and a plan was designed establishing actions to reduce risks. We designated leaders to ensure the effective implementation of the plan. Results. A total of 58 adverse events were identified in the Paediatric Surgery Department. We detected 128 failures that were produced by 211 different causes. The group developed a proposal with 424 specific measures to carry out preventive and/or remedial actions that were then narrowed down to 322. The group designed a plan to apply the programme, which is currently being implemented. Conclusions. The methodology used enabled obtaining key information for improvement of patient safety and developing preventive and/or remedial actions. These measures are applicable in practice, as they were designed using proposals and agreements with professionals that take active part in the care of children with surgical conditions

Child , Humans , Safety Management/methods , /organization & administration , Patient Safety/statistics & numerical data , Hospitals, Pediatric/organization & administration , Quality Improvement/organization & administration , Evaluation of Results of Preventive Actions
Cir Pediatr ; 27(1): 6-10, 2014 Jan.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24783639


INTRODUCTION: Treatment of achalasia in children is in permanent discussion. It is a rare disorder without cure, which makes its management challenging. METHODS: Retrospective review of patients under 18 years old treated for achalasia in our Hospital between 2000 and 2012, by either pneumatic dilatation (PD) or Heller myotomy (HM). RESULTS: Thirteen children were treated during this time. Mean age was 12 years (4-18), interval time between the onset of symptoms and diagnosis was 15 months (2-48) and mean follow-up was 66,8 months (4-144). Dysphagia and vomits were the main symptoms (61%). A single PD was performed in 5 patients; four were the oldest children of the series (16-18). Three girls remain asymptomatic and 2 boys suffer from moderate dysphagia. Six patients required multiple PD and, after a mean of 3 dilatations, HM was needed in all of them. The last 2 children of the series received surgery as the first treatment. In total, eight patients underwent HM and fundoplication, with 6 laparoscopic procedures. Two boys suffer from low-moderate dysphagia, but additional treatments have not been required. The mean of total hospital stay was 12,7 days (2-45) for PD and 9 days (3-30) for HM. Two patients were reoperated because of oesophagic perforation, one after PD and one after open HM. CONCLUSION: Although PD and HM could be complementary, laparoscopic Heller myotomy should be considered the first therapeutic option, specially in young boys.

Dilatation/methods , Esophageal Achalasia/surgery , Fundoplication/methods , Laparoscopy/methods , Adolescent , Child , Child, Preschool , Deglutition Disorders/etiology , Esophageal Achalasia/diagnosis , Female , Follow-Up Studies , Humans , Length of Stay , Male , Reoperation , Retrospective Studies , Sex Factors , Time Factors , Treatment Outcome , Vomiting/etiology
Cir Pediatr ; 27(4): 157-64, 2014 Oct.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26065106


INTRODUCTION: Patient safety is a key priority in quality management for healthcare services providers. Every patient is entitled to receive safe and effective healthcare. AIMS: The aim of this study was to design a patient safety plan for a Paediatric Surgery Department. METHODS: We carried out a literature review and we established a work group that included healthcare professionals from the Paediatric Surgery Department and the Quality and Medical Records Department. The group identified potential adverse events, failures and causes and established a rating using Failure Mode Effects Analysis. Potential risks were mapped out and a plan was designed establishing actions to reduce risks. We designated leaders to ensure the effective implementation of the plan. RESULTS: A total of 58 adverse events were identified in the Paediatric Surgery Department. We detected 128 failures that were produced by 211 different causes. The group developed a proposal with 424 specific measures to carry out preventive and/or remedial actions that were then narrowed down to 322. The group designed a plan to apply the programme, which is currently being implemented. CONCLUSIONS: The methodology used enabled obtaining key information for improvement of patient safety and developing preventive and/or remedial actions. These measures are applicable in practice, as they were designed using proposals and agreements with professionals that take active part in the care of children with surgical conditions.

Patient Safety , Quality of Health Care , Surgical Procedures, Operative/methods , Child , Humans , Pediatrics/standards , Spain , Surgery Department, Hospital , Surgical Procedures, Operative/standards
Cir Pediatr ; 26(2): 98-101, 2013 Apr.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24228362


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the previous history of cryptorchidism in patients with testicular cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We carried out a study using 175 patients diagnosed with testicular cancer, in our hospital, from 1999 to 2010. We analyzed the previous history of cryptorchidism and its characteristics, testicular placing, histology and intervention age. RESULTS: 5 out of the 175 patients (2,8%) with testicular neoplasm presented a history of cryptorchidism, The average age was 31 years old, an orchidopexy was only carried out in 2 patients. The histology was different depending on the treatment chosen to battle cryptorchidism and in 2 cases it developed in the adjoining testicle. The average ratio was of 1,9. CONCLUSIONS: Our results reflect that the association of cryptorchidism with testicular neoplasm is in fact lower than in the past. A good and proper handling of cryptorchidism can prevent it from turning malignant, presenting these patients similar incidences to the rest of the population.

Cryptorchidism/complications , Testicular Neoplasms/etiology , Adult , Humans , Male
Acta pediatr. esp ; 71(8): 165-171, sept. 2013. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-116755


El empleo de apósitos antimicrobianos impregnados con plata constituye una alternativa segura en el tratamiento de las quemaduras. Sin embargo, el manejo de dichos apósitos es a veces complejo y molesto para el paciente y el profesional. Presentamos nuestros primeros resultados en el empleo de un apósito antimicrobiano con plata, carbón activo y tecnología Safetac®. Aplicamos el apósito en el tratamiento de 27 pacientes con quemaduras. Los cambios de apósito se efectuaron cada 5 días. La mayoría de los casos no precisaron anestesia y fueron tratados de forma ambulatoria. El uso de los apósitos antimicrobianos de plata y tecnología Safetac® permite una epitelización rápida de las quemaduras sin sobreinfección. El cambio de apósitos no genera traumatismo sobre la piel perilesional ni dolor para el paciente. Presenta una mayor comodidad de manejo, dada su capacidad autoadhe­siva, las buenas propiedades de control de exudado y la ventaja de mantener un ambiente húmedo. El requerimiento de menos estancia hospitalaria y de menos material y personal sanitario para sus curas hace que tenga una buena relación coste-efectividad (AU)

The use of antimicrobial dressings impregnated with silver is a safe alternative in the treatment of burns. However, the management of these dressings is often complex and uncomfortable for patient and professional. We present our first results in the use of an antimicrobial dressings with silver and Safetac® technology. We apply the dressing in the treatment of 27 patients with burns. Dressing changes were made every 5 days. The majority of the cases did not require anesthesia and were performed on an outpatient basis. The use of antimicrobial silver dressings with Safetac® technology allows a rapid epithelialization of burns without reinfection. The dressing change does not create trauma on surrounding skin or pain to the patient. It has a good handling management due to its adhesive capacity, good exudate control properties and the advantage of maintaining a moist environment. The requirement of less hospitalization, medical equipment and personnel for their cures, gives it a cost-effectiveness (AU)

Humans , Bandages , Burns/therapy , Charcoal/therapeutic use , Prospective Studies , Silver/therapeutic use , 50303
Cir Pediatr ; 26(1): 9-12, 2013 Jan.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23833920


OBJECTIVES: Our aim was to prove the outcomes in varicocele treatment during last 10 years in our institution regarding to the recurrence rate and reactive hydrocele in children and adolescents treated with open technique, laparoscopic approach or embolization. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Medical charts of patients with varicocele younger than 17 years old were reviewed. Age, weight, surgery indications, treatment (open surgery, laparoscopic Palomo varicocelectomy or embolization), location, varicocele grade, hospital stays, recurrence, postoperative hydrocele, genitofemoral nerve damage, infection, bleeding, postoperative incisional hernia and re-do varicocelectomy were collected. RESULTS: From 2000 to 2010, 98 boys with varicocele diagnosis were treated in our institution. Mean age of patients was 12 years. The varicocele location in all cases was on the left side. Grade III varicocele was found in 94 boys and grade II in 4 patients. Indications for surgery were high grade in 81, chronic pain in 16 and testicular hypotrophy in 1. Treatment approach was as follows: 12 patients underwent open surgery (Palomo or Ivanissevich technique), 32 underwent embolization and laparoscopic Palomo varicocelectomy was performed in 54. We found a global recurrence rate of 14.3% and an overall postoperative hydrocele of 24.5% Recurrence rate was higher in the embolization group than the open surgery and laparoscopic group. Three patients presented intraoperative bleeding in the laparoscopic group and there was one conversion to open surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Our retrospective review proves that laparoscopic Palomo varicocelectomy is a safe and efficient approach to treat varicocele in pediatric population, because of its low recurrence rate without any major adverse outcome. Due to our high secondary hydrocele formation, lymphatic sparing laparoscopic procedure should be taken into account in order to decrease this complication.

Embolization, Therapeutic , Laparoscopy , Varicocele/therapy , Adolescent , Child , Humans , Laparoscopy/methods , Male , Urologic Surgical Procedures, Male/methods
Cir Pediatr ; 26(1): 21-4, 2013 Jan.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23833923


INTRODUCTION: Lately, there has been an increase in incidence of acute pancreatitis in childhood. Fortunately, 80% of cases are mild and do not require surgical approach. Several etiologic factors have been implicated, such as infections, trauma, congenital anomalies, drugs, biliary diseases. The aim of this study was to assess etiology, clinical features and outcomes of children with acute pancreatitis treated at our center. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective chart review of our cases of acute pancreatitis in patients younger than 16 years old was performed. RESULTS: 24 cases of acute pancreatitis were found from 1998 to 2010. Mean age was 8.75 years. There were 7 boys and 17 girls. The main clinical manifestations were abdominal pain, vomiting and abdominal distention. Mean amylase level was 1565 UI/L. There was one patient with normal serum amylase levels. Serum lipase was required in two patients (239 UI/L and 5,980 UI/L). Ultrasound showed pancreatic lesion in 79.2% of cases. Severe pancreatitis was presented in two cases, due to renal failure and pancreatic necrosis. Surgery was performed in 6 cases (3 cholecystectomies, 1 choledocal cyst resection, 1 percutaneous pseudocyst drainage and 1 necrosectomy) Pancreatic complications were found in 20.8% of cases (4 pseudocysts y 1 pancretic necrosis) Several causes were found: idiophatic, secondary to ERCP, congenital anomalies, drugs, infections, biliary disease and trauma. Mean hospital stay was 25.65 days. There were no deaths due to acute pancreatitis. CONCLUSIONS: There are several causes of acute pancreatitis in children. Some cases may present normoamilasemia, situation, in which serum lipase and clinical and radiological criteria are pivotal. Prospective studies evaluating etiological factors and incidence are required.

Pancreatitis , Acute Disease , Adolescent , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Pancreatitis/diagnosis , Pancreatitis/therapy , Retrospective Studies
Cir. pediátr ; 26(1): 9-12, ene. 2013. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-113870


Objetivos. El objetivo del presente estudio es examinar los resultados en el tratamiento del varicocele en nuestro hospital durante los últimos 10 años, valorando la de tasa de recurrencia y de hidrocele reactivo en los niños y adolescentes tratados mediante cirugía abierta, embolización o varicocelectomía laparoscópica. Pacientes y métodos. Se revisaron las historias clínicas de los pacientes menores de 17 años intervenidos de varicocelectomía. Las variables recogidas fueron peso, edad, localización, grado de varicocele, indicación de cirugía, tratamiento, estancia hospitalaria, recurrencia, hidrocele postoperatorio, lesión de nervio genitofemoral, infección, sangrado, hernia incisional y necesidad de nueva varicocelectomía. Resultados. 98 pacientes con diagnóstico de varicocele fueron tratados en nuestra institución entre los años 2000 a 2010. La edad media fue de 12 años. Todos los casos fueron de localización izquierda. 94 pacientes tenían varicocele grado III y 4 varicocele grado II. Las indicaciones de cirugía fueron varicocele de alto grado (grado III) en 81 pacientes, dolor crónico en 16 e hipotrofia testicular en 1. Se realizó cirugía abierta en 12 pacientes, embolización en 32 casos y varicocelectomía laparoscópica en 54 pacientes. La tasa global de recurrencia fue de 14,3% y el porcentaje de hidrocele reactivo fue del 24,5% La tasa de recurrencia fue mayor en el grupo tratado con embolización, que en el de cirugía abierta y en el de laparoscopia. En el grupo de tratamiento laparoscópico, tres pacientes presentaron sangrado postquirúrgico y hubo una conversión a cirugía abierta. Conclusiones. Nuestra revisión retrospectiva indica que la varicocelectomía laparoscópica es un tratamiento seguro y eficaz en el manejo del varicocele en los (..) (AU)

Objectives. Our aim was to prove the outcomes in varicocele treatment during last 10 years in our institution regarding to the recurrence rate and reactive hydrocele in children and adolescents treated with open technique, laparoscopic approach or embolization. Patients and Methods. Medical charts of patients with varicocele younger than 17 years old were reviewed. Age, weight, surgery indications, treatment (open surgery, laparoscopic Palomo varicocelectomy or embolization), location, varicocele grade, hospital stays, recurrence, postoperative hydrocele, genitofemoral nerve damage, infection, bleeding, postoperative incisional hernia and re-do varicocelectomy were collected. Results. From 2000 to 2010, 98 boys with varicocele diagnosis were treated in our institution. Mean age of patients was 12 years. The varicocele location in all cases was on the left side. Grade III varicocele was found in 94 boys and grade II in 4 patients. Indications for surgery were high grade in 81, chronic pain in 16 and testicular hypotrophy in 1. Treatment approach was as follows: 12 patients underwent open surgery (Palomo or Ivanissevich technique), 32 underwent embolization and laparoscopic Palomo varicocelectomy was performed in 54. We found a global recurrence rate of 14.3% and an overall postoperative hydrocele of 24.5% Recurrence rate was higher in the embolization group than the open surgery and laparoscopic group. Three patients presented intraoperative bleeding in the laparoscopic group and there was one conversion to open surgery. Conclusions. Our retrospective review proves that laparoscopic Palomo varicocelectomy is a safe and efficient approach to treat varicocele in pediatric population, because of its low recurrence rate without any major adverse outcome. Due to our high secondary hydrocele formation, lymphatic sparing laparoscopic procedure should be taken into account in order to decrease this complication (AU)

Humans , Male , Child , Adolescent , Laparoscopy/methods , Varicocele/surgery , Embolization, Therapeutic/methods , Retrospective Studies , Recurrence , Postoperative Hemorrhage/epidemiology
Cir. pediátr ; 26(1): 21-24, ene. 2013. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-113872


Introducción. La pancreatitis aguda en la infancia ha presentado un incremento en su incidencia. El 80% de los casos es leve y no requiere cirugía. Su etiología es diversa, destacándose los casos secundarios a traumatismos, infecciones, anomalías estructurales y medicamentos. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la distribución etiológica, las características clínicas y los resultados de los casos de pancreatitis aguda en los niños tratados en nuestro centro. Materiales y métodos. Se efectuó una revisión retrospectiva de los casos de pancreatitis aguda en pacientes menores de 16 años atendidos en nuestro hospital entre los años 1998 a 2010. Resultados. Se presentaron 24 casos de pancreatitis aguda durante un período de 12 años. La edad media fue de 8,75 años. El síntoma principal fue dolor abdominal, seguido de vómitos y distensión abdominal. El valor medio de amilasa al inicio del episodio fue de 1.565 UI/L. Una paciente presentó pancreatitis aguda con normoamilasemia. El 79,2% de los casos tuvieron hallazgos ecográficos compatibles con pancreatitis aguda y seis casos requirieron intervención quirúrgica. El porcentaje de complicaciones pancreáticas fue del 20,8%. La distribución etiológica fue múltiple, siendo la idiopática la más común, seguida de secundaria a colangiopancreatografía, a malformaciones congénitas y de origen medicamentoso. No hubo mortalidad atribuible a la pancreatitis aguda. Conclusiones. La pancreatitis aguda en la infancia presenta una etiología muy variada. Algunos casos pueden debutar con normoamilasemia, situación en la que la determinación de la lipasa sérica es fundamental. Se requieren estudios prospectivos para evaluar la distribución etiológica y la incidencia de la pancreatitis aguda en la infancia (AU)

Introduction. Lately, there has been an increase in incidence of acute pancreatitis in childhood. Fortunately, 80% of cases are mild and do not require surgical approach. Several etiologic factors have been implicated, such as infections, trauma, congenital anomalies, drugs, biliary diseases. The aim of this study was to assess etiology, clinical features and outcomes of children with acute pancreatitis treated at our center. Materials and methods. A retrospective chart review of our cases of acute pancreatitis in patients younger than 16 years old was performed. Results. 24 cases of acute pancreatitis were found from 1998 to 2010. Mean age was 8.75 years. There were 7 boys and 17 girls. The main clinical manifestations were abdominal pain, vomiting and abdominal distention. Mean amylase level was 1565 UI/L. There was one patient with normal serum amylase levels. Serum lipase was required in two patients (239 UI/L and 5,980 UI/L). Ultrasound showed pancreatic lesion in 79.2% of cases. Severe pancreatitis was presented in two cases, due to renal failure and pancreatic necrosis. Surgery was performed in 6 cases (3 cholecystectomies, 1 choledocal cyst resection, 1 percutaneous pseudocyst drainage and 1 necrosectomy) Pancreatic complications were found in 20.8% of cases (4 pseudocysts y 1 pancretic necrosis) Several causes were found: idiophatic, secondary to ERCP, congenital anomalies, drugs, infections, biliary disease and trauma. Mean hospital stay was 25.65 days. There were no deaths due to acute pancreatitis. Conclusions. There are several causes of acute pancreatitis in children. Some cases may present normoamilasemia, situation, in which serum lipase and clinical and radiological criteria are pivotal. Prospective studies evaluating etiological factors and incidence are required (AU)

Humans , Pancreatitis/epidemiology , Lipase/blood , Amylases/blood , Pancreatitis/surgery , Abdominal Pain/etiology , Biomarkers/analysis , Retrospective Studies , Cholangiopancreatography, Endoscopic Retrograde/adverse effects , Iatrogenic Disease/epidemiology
Cir. pediátr ; 24(3): 184-187, ago. 2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-107351


La miofibromatosis infantil es una patología rara que suele afectar a niños menores de 2 años. Más de la mitad son congénitos, localizándose en cabeza-cuello (..) (AU)

The infantile myofibromatosis is a rare pathology usually affecting children under 2 years. More than half are congenital, located in head and neck in a 30% of the (..) (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Myofibroma/congenital , Head and Neck Neoplasms/congenital , Diagnosis, Differential , Encephalocele/diagnosis