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Med. U.P.B ; 43(1): 11-21, ene.-jun. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1531448


Objetivo: identificar el efecto del programa de ejercicio físico del proyecto institucionalUSCO saludable con enfoque sanológico en 40 jóvenes universitarios con sobrepeso. Metodología: se plantea un estudio mixto el cual utiliza metodología cuantitativa y cualitativa. En específico, se desarrolló un estudio cuasiexperimental de un solo grupo con valoración antes y después, los datos se tomaron de la revisión de historias clínicosanológicas del programa de ejercicio físico, de la dimensión actividad física. Del proyecto USCO Saludable, se seleccionaron 40 estudiantes con un índice de masa muscular (IMC) entre los rangos de 25 a 30 kg/m2. Se utilizó un instrumento denominado historia clínico-sanológica, esta fue diseñada, ajustada y estandarizada por los investigadores Pedro Reyes Gaspar y Dolly Arias Torres. Los datos se trabajaron a través de entrevista semiestructurada, mediante la creación de códigos y categorías con el programa ATLAS. ti 6.0. Para la comparación del IMC se empleó la prueba de Wilcoxon y el tamaño del efecto por medio de la g de Hedges en el programa SPSS versión 24. Resultados: después de la intervención, en el grupo de estudiantes universitarios con sobrepeso se observaron cambios importantes en la comprensión del concepto de salud, salud actual y del ejercicio físico como herramienta de cuidado de la salud y la vejez. Además, se identificó un cambio significativo en el IMC de la población. Conclusiones: la estrategia de ejercicio físico desde un enfoque sanológico es factible y eficaz, debido a los cambios significativos en el pensamiento y comportamiento en la salud de estudiantes universitarios con sobrepeso.

Objective: to identify the effect of the physical exercise program, of the healthy USCO institutional project with a sanological approach, on 40 overweight university students. Methodolgy: a mixed study is proposed using quantitative and qualitative methodology. Specifically, a quasiexperimental study of a single group was developed with evaluation before and after, the data was taken from the review of clinical-sanological histories of the physical exercise program, of the physical activity dimension, of the Healthy USCO project, 40 students with BMI (body mass index) between the ranges of 25 to 30 kg/ m2 were selected. An instrument called clinical-sanological history was used, it was designed, adjusted, and standardized by researchers Pedro Reyes Gaspar and Dolly Arias Torres. The data was processed through a semi-structured interview through the creation of codes, and categories with the ATLAS.ti 6.0 software, for the comparison of the BMI the Wilcoxon test was used and the effect size through Hedges' G in the SPSS program version 24. Results: after the intervention, important changes were observed in the understanding of the concept of health, current health, and physical exercise as a tool for health care and old age in a group of overweight university students. Furthermore, a significant change in the BMI of the population was identified. Conclusions: the strategy of physical exercise from a sanological approach is feasible and effective due to the significant changes in the thinking and behavior in the health of overweight university students.

Objetivo: identificar o efeito do programa de exercícios físicos do projeto institucional USCO saudável com enfoque saudável em 40 universitários com excesso de peso. Metodologia: propõe-se um estudo misto que utiliza metodologia quantitativa e qualitativa. Especificamente, foi desenvolvido um estudo quase-experimental de grupo único com avaliação antes e depois, os dados foram retirados da revisão dos registros clínico-saúde do programa de exercício físico, da dimensão atividade física. Do projeto USCO Healthy, foram selecionados 40 alunos com índice de massa muscular (IMC) entre 25 e 30 kg/m2. Foi utilizado um instrumento denominado histórico clínico-saúde, desenhado, ajustado e padronizado pelos pesquisadores Pedro Reyes Gaspar e Dolly Arias Torres. Os dados foram trabalhados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, mediante criação de códigos e categorias com o programa ATLAS.ti 6.0. Para a comparação do IMC foi utilizado o teste de Wilcoxon e o tamanho do efeito por meio do g de Hedges no programa SPSS versão 24. Resultados: após a intervenção, no grupo de universitários com excesso de peso, foram observadas mudanças importantes na compreensão do conceito de saúde, saúde atual e exercício físico como ferramenta de cuidado à saúde e à velhice. Além disso, foi identificada uma alteração significativa no IMC da população. Conclusões: a estratégia de exercício físico sob uma abordagem de saúde é viável e eficaz, devido às mudanças significativas no pensamento e no comportamento de saúde de estudantes universitários com excesso de peso

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult
Rev. cienc. cuidad ; 20(1): 81-93, 20230101.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1435215


Objetivo: Determinar los comportamientos del estilo de vida en docentes y administrativos de una universidad pública de Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Investigación cuantitativa descriptiva de corte trasversal. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 178 docentes y administrativos, mediante un muestreo aleatorio simple. Se aplicó un cuestionario auto diligenciado compuesto por una ficha sociodemográfica y el instrumento fantástico, diseñado por el Departamento de Medicina Familiar de la Universidad McMaster de Canadá, ajustado por el investigador Pedro Reyes Gaspar, obteniendo un Alfa de Cronbach, de 0,706, y un coeficiente de Spearman Brown r=0,616 y la correlación dos mitades de Guttman r=0,615. Los datos se trabajaron a través del programa SPSS versión 24, mediante análisis estadístico descriptivo univariado de frecuencias y tablas de contingencia. Resultados: El 40% de la población no es activa físicamente, más de la mitad de los docentes y administrativos aseguran que no ingieren una dieta adecuada, el 26% casi nunca duermen bien y se sienten descansados, el 29% algunas veces duerme bien y descansa. El 50% algunas veces es capaz de hacer frente al estrés en sus vidas y 10% casi nunca puede manejar el estrés. Se identificó riesgo en salud en los docentes en las dimensiones de actividad física, nutrición, sueño y estrés (p.000) en comparación con los administrativos. Conclusiones: Se halló que el perfil de estilo de vida en docentes y administrativos de una universidad pública de Colombia se caracteriza por la inactividad física, una mala alimentación, un mal manejo del estrés y trastornos del sueño.

Objective: To determine the behaviors of the lifestyle in teachers and administrators of a public university in Colombia. Materials and methods: cross-sectional descriptive quantitative research. The sample size was 178 teachers and administrators, using simple random sampling. A self-completed questionnaire was applied, consisting of a sociodemographic record and the fantastic instrument, designed by the Department of Family Medicine of the McMaster University of Canada, adjusted by the researcher Pedro Reyes Gaspar, obtaining a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.706, and a coefficient Spearman Brown r=0.616 and Guttman's twohalf correlation r=0.615. The data was worked through the SPSS version 24 program, through univariate descriptive statistical analysis of frequencies and contingency tables. Results: 40% of the population is not physically active, more than half of teachers and administrators say they do not eat a proper diet, 26% almost never sleep well and feel rested, 29% sometimes sleep well and rest. 50% are sometimes able to cope with stress in their lives and 10% can hardly ever handle stress. Health risk was identified in teachers in the dimensions of physical activity, nutrition, sleep and stress (p.000) compared to administrative staff. Conclusions:it was found that the lifestyle profile of teachers and administrators at a public university in Colombia is characterized by physical inactivity, poor nutrition, poor stress management and sleep disorders.

Life Style , Chronic Disease , Administrative Personnel , Faculty , Health Promotion
Rev. cienc. cuidad. (En línea) ; 20(3): 62-73, 2023.
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1524968


El objetivo del presente estudio fue adaptar culturalmente y desarrollar la versión colombiana del test Adverse Childhood Experiences y explorar sus propiedades psicométricas. Metodología: participaron cinco jueces expertos para validar el contenido de la versión adaptada y 100 estudiantes universitarios para realizar la confiabilidad y validez del constructo. Resultados: El instrumento Adverse Childhood Experiences versión Colombia es autoaplicable de 16 ítems y mide cuatro factores o Subsescalas: violencia sociopolítica y desastres naturales, abusos, desafíos domésticos, y negligencia física y emocional. Esta versión mostro una muy buena validez de contenido (k=0,83-1,00), una consistencia interna fuerte y perfecta (0,95) y una validez de constructo que muestra un contenido discriminante importante de las cuatro Subsescalas o factores con el 57% de la varianza. Conclusiones: el Adverse Childhood Experiences versión colombiana es confiable para medir experiencias traumáticas en la infancia y eventos traumáticos por violencia sociopolítica y desastres naturales en población universitaria colombiana.

Objective: The objective of the present study was to culturally adapt and develop the colombi-an version of the Adverse Childhood Experiences test and explore its psychometric properties. Methodology: five expert judges participated to validate the content of the adapted version and 100 university students to perform the reliability and validity of the construct. Results: The Adverse Childhood Experiences instrument, colombia version, is self-applied with 16 items and measures four factors or Subscales: sociopolitical violence and natural disasters, abuse, domestic challenges, and physical and emotional neglect. This version showed a very good content validity (k = 0.83-1.00), a strong and perfect internal consistency (0.95) and a construct validity that shows an important discriminant content of the four subscales or factors with 57% of the variance. Conclusions: The Adverse Childhood Experiences Colombian version is reli-able to measure traumatic experiences in childhood and traumatic events due to socio-political violence and natural disasters in Colombian university population

Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi adaptar culturalmente e desenvolver a versão colombiana do teste Adverse Childhood Experiences e explorar suas propriedades psicométricas. Metodolo-gia: participaram cinco juízes especialistas para validar o conteúdo da versão adaptada e 100 uni-versitários para realizar a confiabilidade e validade do construto. Resultados: A versão colombi-ana do instrumento Adverse Childhood Experiences é autoaplicável com 16 itens e mede quatro fatores ou subescalas: violência sociopolítica e desastres naturais, abuso, desafios domésticos e negligência física e emocional. Esta versão apresentou uma validade de conteúdo muito boa (k=0,83-1,00), uma consistência interna forte e perfeita (0,95) e uma validade de construto que mostra um conteúdo discriminante importante das quatro subescalas ou fatores com 57% da variância. Conclusões: a versão colombiana das Experiências Adversas da Infância é confiável para medir experiências traumáticas na infância e eventos traumáticos devido à violência socio-política e desastres naturais na população universitária colombiana

Poverty , Psychometrics , Violence , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions
Rev. cienc. cuidad ; 19(1): 95-106, 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1362549


Objetivo: Realizar el análisis de concordancia mediante el juicio de expertos de un instrumento de medición para detectar factores protectores de enfermedades no transmisibles en jóvenes universitarios. Materiales y método: Estudio psicométrico de validez de contenido, en el que participaron cuatro expertos que evaluaron cada ítem, se determinó el nivel de concordancia entre jueces con el coeficiente Kappa de Fleiss. Resultados: se observa fuerza de concordancia para el total de los ítems del instrumento, como muy buena, en cuanto a los criterios para todos la significancia estadísticas fue de p: 0,000, se ajustaron algunos ítems en redacción, contenido y se incorporaron algunos teniendo en cuenta las observaciones cualitativas de los expertos. Conclusión: El instrumento representa un avance en la medición del autocuidado de la salud en estudiantes Universitarios, que permitirá definir acciones para mejorar el estilo de vida en esta población.

Objetivo: realizar a analise de concordância entre expertos de um instrumento de medição para detectar fatores protetores de doenças no transmissíveis em jovens universitários. Materiais e métodos: estudo psicométrico de validez de conteúdo com a participação de quatro expertos que avaliaram cada item. Determinou-se o nível de concordância entre expertos empregando o Kappa de Fleiss. Resultados: houve força de concordância para o total dos itens do instrumento como muito boa. Os critérios para significância estatística foi de p=0,000. Foram ajustados itens em redação e conteúdo, posteriormente se incorporaram alguns tendo em consideração as observações qualitativas dos expertos. Conclusão: o instrumento representa o avanço na medição do autocuidado da saúde de jovens estudantes universitários, que permitirá definir ações para o melhoramento do estilo de vida dessa população.

Health Promotion , Psychometrics , Chronic Disease , Life Style
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; Braz. arch. biol. technol;63: e20200335, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132212


Abstract The spread of Coronavirus is causing in the society all around the world a considerable degree of fear, worry and concern and particularly among healthcare workers that are at increased risk for infection. This paper gathers the strategy/guidelines to reduce the contamination in Intensive care unit (ICU) and in all the hospital environment. The ASHRAE and REHVA guidelines applied the UV-C Lamps, Pressure control filtration, Restroom actions and Humidity control to reduce the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) in ICU. The role of infection control in the design of hospitals is increasing every day. This paper highlights the role of heating, ventilating and air-conditioning minimizing the risk of infection from airborne transmission within the built environment through the application of best practices.

Humans , Pneumonia, Viral/prevention & control , Decontamination/methods , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Pandemics , Intensive Care Units/standards
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; Braz. arch. biol. technol;62(spe): e19190021, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055443


Abstract Data Centers are growing steadily worldwide, and they are expected to continue growing up to 53% in 2020. Energy efficiency, in high power consumption, is a key venue. There are methodologies to measure this efficiency, one example is using the PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) index. In this paper is proposed a new index for measuring efficiency at the design stage, the EUED (Energy Usage Effectiveness Design). This index allows to evaluate systems using "free cooling" and adiabatic system. A comparison is performed considering the equipment in the worst situation. The thermodynamics parameter enthalpy is used to calculate the results. This new methodology allows to determine differences between the cities of São Paulo and Curitiba (1.21%) and between Rio de Janeiro and Curitiba (10.61%). The values for the EUED index were 1.245 kW/kW for Curitiba, 1.260 kW/kW for São Paulo and 1.377 kW/kW for Rio de Janeiro, respectively, reaching a difference of 16.86% for Curitiba, 16.19% for São Paulo and 10.31% for Rio de Janeiro in relation to PUE COA (Power Usage Effectiveness Constant Outdoor Air). The advantage of the EUED is that it works with the 8,760 hours in the design phase, using psychometric elements to determine when to use free cooling and evaporative system, and more importantly varying the COP according to environmental characteristics.

Efficiency , Energy Consumption , Hot Temperature , Thermodynamics
Cad Saude Publica ; 33(1): e00171815, 2017 Jan 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28125128


Overweight is an extra burden for adolescent development and can trigger severe physical and psychosocial problems. This cross-sectional correlational study aimed to analyze the association between treatment adherence and obesity-related quality of life among overweight adolescents. The sample consisted of 94 adolescents attending a specialized Pediatric Obesity Clinic in Portugal, 48.94% of whom were boys and 51.06% girls, with a median age of 14.17 years (SD = 1.51). A positive correlation was found between obesity-related quality of life and adherence to weight control. The influence of parents and caregivers on the adherence to weight control is significantly associated with increased physical comfort, better social life and family relations. These results highlight the importance of behavioral change and adherence to weight control as pillars of a better quality of life among overweight adolescents. Obesity management programs need to focus on multiple criteria of treatment effectiveness, such as obesity-related quality of life.

Caregivers/psychology , Overweight/psychology , Overweight/therapy , Parents/psychology , Patient Compliance/psychology , Quality of Life/psychology , Adolescent , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Male
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 33(1): e00171815, 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-839629


Overweight is an extra burden for adolescent development and can trigger severe physical and psychosocial problems. This cross-sectional correlational study aimed to analyze the association between treatment adherence and obesity-related quality of life among overweight adolescents. The sample consisted of 94 adolescents attending a specialized Pediatric Obesity Clinic in Portugal, 48.94% of whom were boys and 51.06% girls, with a median age of 14.17 years (SD = 1.51). A positive correlation was found between obesity-related quality of life and adherence to weight control. The influence of parents and caregivers on the adherence to weight control is significantly associated with increased physical comfort, better social life and family relations. These results highlight the importance of behavioral change and adherence to weight control as pillars of a better quality of life among overweight adolescents. Obesity management programs need to focus on multiple criteria of treatment effectiveness, such as obesity-related quality of life.

O sobrepeso representa um ônus adicional para o desenvolvimento do adolescente e pode provocar problemas físicos de psicossociais. Este estudo correlacional transversal teve como objetivo analisar a associação entre adesão terapêutica e qualidade de vida associada à obesidade entre adolescentes com sobrepeso. A amostra consistia em 94 adolescentes que frequentavam uma clínica pediátrica especializada em obesidade em Portugal (48,94% meninos; 51,06% meninas), com mediana de idade de 14,17 anos (DP = 1,51). Foi demonstrada uma correlação positiva entre qualidade de vida relacionada à obesidade e adesão ao controle de peso. O estudo mostra uma associação positiva entre a influência dos pais e cuidadores sobre a adesão ao controle de peso e o aumento do conforto físico e a vida social e relações familiares. Os resultados destacam a importância de mudanças comportamentais e adesão ao controle de peso como pilares para uma melhor qualidade de vida entre adolescentes com sobrepeso. Os programas para o manejo da obesidade devem priorizar múltiplos critérios de efetividade terapêutica, tais como qualidade de vida relacionada à obesidade.

El sobrepeso representa una carga adicional para el desarrollo del adolescente y puede provocar problemas físicos y psicosociales. Este estudio correlacional transversal tuvo como objetivo analizar la asociación entre adhesión terapéutica y calidad de vida, asociada a la obesidad entre adolescentes con sobrepeso. La muestra consistía en 94 adolescentes que frecuentaban una clínica pediátrica, especializada en obesidad en Portugal (48,94% niños; 51,06% niñas), con una media de edad de 14,17 años (DP = 1,51). Se demostró una correlación positiva entre calidad de vida relacionada con la obesidad y adhesión al control de peso. El estudio muestra una asociación positiva entre la influencia de los padres y cuidadores sobre la adhesión al control de peso y el aumento de confort físico, la vida social y relaciones familiares. Los resultados destacan la importancia de cambios comportamentales y de adhesión al control de peso como pilares para una mejor calidad de vida entre adolescentes con sobrepeso. Los programas para el manejo de la obesidad deben priorizar múltiples criterios de efectividad terapéutica, tales como calidad de vida relacionada con la obesidad.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Parents/psychology , Quality of Life/psychology , Patient Compliance/psychology , Caregivers/psychology , Overweight/psychology , Overweight/therapy , Cross-Sectional Studies
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; J. pediatr. (Rio J.);91(4): 358-365, July-Aug. 2015. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-759353


OBJECTIVE: Reliable and valid instruments are essential for understanding health-promoting behaviors in adolescents. This study analyzed the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Adolescent Lifestyle Profile (ALP).METHODS: A linguistic and cultural translation of the ALP was conducted with 236 adolescents from two different settings: a community (n = 141) and a clinical setting (n = 95). Internal consistency reliability and confirmatory factor analysis were performed.RESULTS: Results showed an adequate fit to data, yielding a 36-item, seven-factor structure (CMIN/DF = 1.667, CFI = 0.807, GFI = 0.822, RMR = 0.051, RMSEA = 0.053, PNFI = 0.575, PCFI = 0.731). The ALP presented a high internal consistency (a = 0.866), with the subscales presenting moderate reliability values (from 0.492 to 0.747). The highest values were in Interpersonal Relations (3.059 ± 0.523) and Positive Life Perspective (2.985 ± 0.588). Some gender differences were found. Findings showed that adolescents from the clinic reported an overall healthier lifestyle than those from the community setting (2.598 ± 0.379 vs. 2.504 ± 0.346; t = 1.976, p = 0.049).CONCLUSION: The ALP Portuguese version is a psychometrically reliable, valid, and useful measurement instrument for assessing health-promoting lifestyles in adolescence. The ALP is cross-culturally validated and can decisively contribute to a better understanding of adolescent health promotion needs. Additional research is needed to evaluate the instrument's predictive validity, as well as its clinical relevance for practice and research.

OBJETIVO: Os instrumentos confiáveis e válidos são fundamentais para entender os estilos de vida de promoção da saúde de adolescentes. Este estudo analisa as propriedades psicométricas da versão em português do Perfil do Estilo de Vida Adolescente (ALP).MÉTODOS: Foi feita uma tradução linguística e cultural do ALP com 236 adolescentes de duas configurações diferentes: uma de comunidade (n = 141) e uma clínica (n = 95). Foram feitas uma análise da confiabilidade da coerência interna e uma análise fatorial confirmatória.RESULTADOS: Os resultados mostraram-se adequados aos dados e geraram uma estrutura de sete fatores com 36 itens (CMIN/DF = 1,667, IAC = 0,807, GFI = 0,822, RMR = 0,051, RMSEA = 0,053, PNFI = 0,575, PCFI = 0,731). O ALP apresentou grande coerência interna (a = 0,866). As subescalas apresentaram valores de confiabilidade moderados (de 0,492 a 0,747). Os maiores valores foram de Relações Interpessoais (3,059 ± 0,523) e Perspectiva de Vida Positiva (2,985 ± 0,588). Foram encontradas algumas diferenças entre os sexos. Os achados mostraram que os adolescentes da clínica relataram um estilo de vida mais saudável em geral do que os da configuração da comunidade (2,598 ± 0,379 em comparação com 2,504 ± 0,346; t = 1,976, p = 0,049).CONCLUSÃO: A versão em português do ALP é um instrumento de mensuração psicometricamente confiável, válido e útil para avaliar os estilos de vida de promoção da saúde na adolescência. O ALP é validado em diferentes culturas e pode contribuir de forma decisiva para um melhor entendimento das necessidades de promoção da saúde na adolescência. É necessária uma pesquisa adicional para avaliar a validade preditiva do instrumento, bem como sua relevância clínica para a prática e pesquisa.

Adolescent , Female , Humans , Male , Adolescent Behavior/psychology , Health Promotion , Life Style , Surveys and Questionnaires , Translations , Cross-Cultural Comparison , Cross-Sectional Studies , Language , Psychometrics , Reproducibility of Results , Sex Factors
J Pediatr (Rio J) ; 91(4): 358-65, 2015.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25727027


OBJECTIVE: Reliable and valid instruments are essential for understanding health-promoting behaviors in adolescents. This study analyzed the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Adolescent Lifestyle Profile (ALP). METHODS: A linguistic and cultural translation of the ALP was conducted with 236 adolescents from two different settings: a community (n=141) and a clinical setting (n=95). Internal consistency reliability and confirmatory factor analysis were performed. RESULTS: Results showed an adequate fit to data, yielding a 36-item, seven-factor structure (CMIN/DF=1.667, CFI=0.807, GFI=0.822, RMR=0.051, RMSEA=0.053, PNFI=0.575, PCFI=0.731). The ALP presented a high internal consistency (α=0.866), with the subscales presenting moderate reliability values (from 0.492 to 0.747). The highest values were in Interpersonal Relations (3.059±0.523) and Positive Life Perspective (2.985±0.588). Some gender differences were found. Findings showed that adolescents from the clinic reported an overall healthier lifestyle than those from the community setting (2.598±0.379 vs. 2.504±0.346; t=1.976, p=0.049). CONCLUSION: The ALP Portuguese version is a psychometrically reliable, valid, and useful measurement instrument for assessing health-promoting lifestyles in adolescence. The ALP is cross-culturally validated and can decisively contribute to a better understanding of adolescent health promotion needs. Additional research is needed to evaluate the instrument's predictive validity, as well as its clinical relevance for practice and research.

Adolescent Behavior/psychology , Health Promotion , Life Style , Surveys and Questionnaires , Translations , Adolescent , Cross-Cultural Comparison , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Language , Male , Psychometrics , Reproducibility of Results , Sex Factors
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; J. pediatr. (Rio J.);91(1): 68-74, Jan-Feb/2015. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-741584


OBJECTIVE: The current study evaluates the usability perception of an e-therapeutic platform (supported by electronic processes and communication), aiming to promote the behavior change and to improve the adolescent health status through increased and interactive contact between the adolescent and the clinical staff. METHODS: This was a correlational study with a sample of 48 adolescents (12-18 years) who attended a Pediatric Obesity Clinic between January and August of 2012. Participants were invited to access, during 24 weeks, the e-therapeutic multidisciplinary platform (Next.Step) in addition to the standard treatment program. A usability questionnaire was administered and the platform performance and utilization indicators were analyzed. RESULTS: The users' perception of satisfaction, efficiency, and effectiveness regarding the Next.Step platform was clearly positive. However, only 54.17% of the enrolled adolescents accessed the platform, with a mean task-completion rate of 14.55% (SD = 18.853). The higher the number of the platform consulted resources, the greater the tendency to enjoy the platform, to consider it exciting and quick, to consider that the time spent in it was useful, to consider the access to information easy, and to login easier. Post-intervention assessment revealed a significant reduction in anthropometric and behavioral variables, including body mass index z-score, waist circumference percentile, hip circumference, and weekly screen time. CONCLUSION: These results highlight the importance of information and communication technologies in the health information access and the healthcare provision. Despite the limited adherence rate, platform users expressed a positive overall perception of its usability and presented a positive anthropometric and behavioral progress. .

OBJETIVO: O estudo atual avalia a percepção de usabilidade de uma plataforma e-terapêutica (apoiada por processos e comunicação eletrônicos), com vistas a promover a mudança comportamental e melhorar o estado de saúde dos adolescentes por meio do contato aumentado e interativo entre o adolescente e a equipe clínica. MÉTODOS: Estudo correlacional com uma amostra de 48 adolescentes (12-18 anos) que frequentaram uma clínica de obesidade infantil entre janeiro e agosto de 2012. Os participantes foram convidados a aceder, durante 24 semanas, à plataforma multidisciplinar e-terapêutica (Next.Step) e, além disso, a participar do programa de tratamento padrão. Um questionário de usabilidade foi administrado e foram analisados os indicadores de desempenho e uso da plataforma. RESULTADOS: A percepção de satisfação, eficiência e eficácia dos usuários com relação à plataforma Next.Step foi claramente positiva. Contudo, apenas 54,17% dos adolescentes inscritos acederam à plataforma, com uma taxa média de conclusão das tarefas de 14,55% (DP = 18,853). Quando maior o número de recursos consultados na plataforma, maior a tendência de gostar da plataforma e considerá-la excitante e rápida, pois o tempo gasto nela é útil e o acesso a informações e ao registro é mais fácil. A avaliação pós-intervenção mostrou uma redução significativa nas variáveis antropométricas e comportamentais, inclusive no z-score do Índice de Massa Corporal, no percentil de circunferência da cintura, na circunferência do quadril e no tempo de tela semanal. CONCLUSÃO: Esses resultados destacam a importância das tecnologias de informação e comunicação no acesso a informações sobre saúde e prestação de cuidados. Apesar da limitada taxa de adesão, os usuários da plataforma expressaram uma percepção geral positiva de sua usabilidade e apresentaram um progresso antropométrico e comportamental positivo. .

Adolescent , Humans , Adolescent Behavior/psychology , Internet , Obesity/therapy , Body Mass Index , Life Style , Motivation , Obesity/psychology , Patient Satisfaction , Statistics, Nonparametric , Surveys and Questionnaires , Waist Circumference
J Pediatr (Rio J) ; 91(1): 68-74, 2015.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25245364


OBJECTIVE: The current study evaluates the usability perception of an e-therapeutic platform (supported by electronic processes and communication), aiming to promote the behavior change and to improve the adolescent health status through increased and interactive contact between the adolescent and the clinical staff. METHODS: This was a correlational study with a sample of 48 adolescents (12-18 years) who attended a Pediatric Obesity Clinic between January and August of 2012. Participants were invited to access, during 24 weeks, the e-therapeutic multidisciplinary platform (Next.Step) in addition to the standard treatment program. A usability questionnaire was administered and the platform performance and utilization indicators were analyzed. RESULTS: The users' perception of satisfaction, efficiency, and effectiveness regarding the Next.Step platform was clearly positive. However, only 54.17% of the enrolled adolescents accessed the platform, with a mean task-completion rate of 14.55% (SD=18.853). The higher the number of the platform consulted resources, the greater the tendency to enjoy the platform, to consider it exciting and quick, to consider that the time spent in it was useful, to consider the access to information easy, and to login easier. Post-intervention assessment revealed a significant reduction in anthropometric and behavioral variables, including body mass index z-score, waist circumference percentile, hip circumference, and weekly screen time. CONCLUSION: These results highlight the importance of information and communication technologies in the health information access and the healthcare provision. Despite the limited adherence rate, platform users expressed a positive overall perception of its usability and presented a positive anthropometric and behavioral progress.

Adolescent Behavior/psychology , Internet , Obesity/therapy , Adolescent , Body Mass Index , Humans , Life Style , Motivation , Obesity/psychology , Patient Satisfaction , Statistics, Nonparametric , Surveys and Questionnaires , Waist Circumference
Neurol Sci ; 33(5): 1137-44, 2012 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22231471


Astrocytic changes have been demonstrated in several neurodegenerative diseases, showing that these cells play an important role in functional recovery/maintenance against brain damage. Physical exercise is known to contribute to this process; however, the cellular mechanisms involved are not fully understood. This study investigated the effects of physical exercise on motor deficits and the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in a model of Parkinson's disease (PD). Rats were divided into four groups: sham sedentary (SS) and sham trained (ST); lesioned sedentary (LS) and lesioned trained (LT). 6-OHDA was infused unilaterally into the medial forebrain bundle. Behavioral tasks were applied to evaluate motor abilities. Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH-in substantia nigra) and GFAP (in striatum) immunoreactivities (ir) were semi-quantified using optical density. The animals submitted to treadmill training completed fewer pharmacological-induced rotations when compared with sedentary animals and they also showed ameliorated motor impairments. Interestingly, although no change in TH-ir, the exercise led to restored striatal GFAP expression in the LT group while there was no effect in the ST group. This study is the first study to show data indicating the recovery of GFAP expression post-exercise in this model and further research is necessary to determine the precise action mechanisms of exercise on astrocytes in the PD.

Corpus Striatum/metabolism , Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein/biosynthesis , Motor Activity/physiology , Physical Conditioning, Animal , Adrenergic Agents/toxicity , Animals , Corpus Striatum/physiopathology , Immunohistochemistry , Male , Oxidopamine/toxicity , Parkinsonian Disorders/metabolism , Parkinsonian Disorders/physiopathology , Rats , Rats, Wistar
Brain Res ; 1426: 54-72, 2011 Dec 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22041228


Spinal cord injury (SCI) has very poor clinical prospects, resulting in irreversible loss of function below the injury site. Although applied in clinical trials, olfactory ensheathing cells transplantation (OEC) derived from lamina propria (OLP) is still a controversial repair strategy. The present study explored the efficacy of OLP or respiratory lamina propria (RLP) transplantation and the optimum period after SCI for application of this potential therapy. Adult male rats were submitted to spinal cord transection and underwent acute, 2-week or 4-week post-injury transplantation with pieces of OLP (containing OECs) or RLP (without OECs). After grafting, animals with OLP and RLP showed discrete and similar hindlimb motor improvement, with comparable spinal cord tissue sparing and sprouting in the lesion area. Acute transplantation of OLP and RLP seems to foster limited supraspinal axonal regeneration as shown by the presence of neurons stained by retrograde tracing in the brainstem nuclei. A larger number of 5-HT positive fibers were found in the cranial stump of the OLP and RLP groups compared to the lesion and caudal regions. Calcitonin gene-related peptide fibers were present in considerable numbers at the SCI site in both types of transplantation. Our results failed to verify differences between acute, 2-week and 4-week delayed transplantation of OLP and RLP, suggesting that the limited functional and axon reparative effects observed could not be exclusively related to OECs. A greater understanding of the effects of these tissue grafts is necessary to strengthen the rationale for application of this treatment in humans.

Nerve Regeneration/physiology , Neuroglia/transplantation , Respiratory Mucosa/transplantation , Spinal Cord Injuries/surgery , Spinal Cord Regeneration , Analysis of Variance , Animals , Axons , Guided Tissue Regeneration , Male , Neuroglia/cytology , Olfactory Mucosa/cytology , Olfactory Mucosa/transplantation , Random Allocation , Rats , Rats, Wistar , Recovery of Function , Respiratory Mucosa/cytology , Spinal Cord/surgery , Spinal Cord Injuries/rehabilitation , Time Factors
Histol Histopathol ; 25(6): 719-32, 2010 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20376778


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of physical training on the L5 dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells in streptozotocin diabetic rats. Male adult rats were divided into 3 groups: (control, diabetic and trained diabetic). Treadmill training was performed for 10 weeks (5 days/week, twice a day). Blood glucose concentrations and body weight were evaluated 48h after diabetes induction and every 30 days thereafter. Then, animals were killed and the right L5 DRG removed. Histological and morphometric analysis consisted of evaluating nuclear and cellular volumes and areas in A and B cells at light and ultrastructural levels. Blood glucose concentrations were higher in both diabetic groups vs controls at all periods. Body weights were lower in all diabetics vs controls at all periods after diabetes induction, with a significant time vs group interaction. In A cells, the cellular and nuclear volumes were lower than control animals only in the diabetic group; control and trained diabetic animals did not differ; in B cells the cellular and nuclear volumes were lower in diabetic and trained diabetic rats. The cellular areas of A cells were smaller in diabetic rats than in control and trained diabetic rats, while the cellular areas of B cells were smaller in the diabetic and trained groups. In conclusion, treadmill training was able to increase the size of A cells from the DRG in diabetic rats and improved the morphological features of these cells.

Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental/pathology , Exercise Test , Ganglia, Spinal/pathology , Physical Conditioning, Animal , Sensory Receptor Cells/pathology , Adaptation, Physiological/physiology , Animals , Blood Glucose/analysis , Body Weight , Cell Nucleus/pathology , Cell Nucleus/ultrastructure , Cell Size , Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental/blood , Ganglia, Spinal/ultrastructure , Lumbar Vertebrae , Male , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission , Rats , Rats, Wistar , Sensory Receptor Cells/ultrastructure , Streptozocin
Brain Dev ; 32(4): 323-31, 2010 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19467580


Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of movement and posture disorders attributed to insults in the developing brain. In rats, CP-like motor deficits can be induced by early hind-limb sensorimotor restriction (SR; from postnatal days P2 to P28), associated or otherwise with perinatal anoxia (PA; on P0 and P1). In this study, we address the question of whether PA, early SR or a combination of both produces alterations to sensorimotor development. Developmental milestones (surface righting, cliff aversion, stability on an inclined surface, proprioceptive placing, auditory startle, eye opening) were assessed daily from P3 to P14. Motor skills (horizontal ladder and beam walking) were evaluated weekly (from P31 to P52). In addition, on P52, the thickness of the somatosensory (S1) and cerebellar cortices, and corpus callosum were measured, and the neuronal and glial cell numbers in S1 were counted. SR (with or without PA) significantly delayed the stability on an inclined surface and hastened the appearance of the placing reflex and impaired motor skills. No significant differences were found in the thickness measurements between the groups. Quantitative histology of S1 showed that PA, either alone or associated with SR, increased the number of glial cells, while SR alone reduced neuronal cell numbers. Finally, the combination of PA and SR increased the size of neuronal somata. We conclude that SR impairs the achievement of developmental milestones and motor skills. Moreover, both SR and PA induce histological alterations in the S1 cortex, which may contribute to sensorimotor deficits.

Hindlimb Suspension , Hypoxia/metabolism , Somatosensory Cortex , Animals , Behavior, Animal/physiology , Body Weight , Cell Count , Cerebral Palsy/pathology , Cerebral Palsy/physiopathology , Female , Male , Motor Activity/physiology , Pregnancy , Random Allocation , Rats , Rats, Wistar , Somatosensory Cortex/cytology , Somatosensory Cortex/growth & development
Brain Res ; 1222: 129-40, 2008 Jul 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18586228


The aim of the present study was to investigate whether treadmill locomotor training could have beneficial effects on deficits consequent to perinatal anoxia, sensorimotor restriction or a combination of both. Fifty-six newborn male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control, anoxic, sensorimotor-restricted and anoxic-sensorimotor-restricted. Rats were exposed to anoxia in the first two postnatal days (P0 and P1) and/or hind-limb sensorimotor restriction from P2 to P28 for 16 h/day. Control and experimental rats underwent treadmill training for three weeks (from P31 to P52). Body weight and walking patterns (stride length and foot angle) were measured weekly during treadmill locomotor training. Soleus muscle cross-sectional mean area and fiber density were measured using planar morphometry. Anoxia per se did not cause gait or muscle deficits. Body weight, stride length and soleus fiber cross-sectional mean area, however, were increased in trained anoxic rats. Sensorimotor-restricted animals, either with or without perinatal anoxia, showed deficits in body weight gain, decreased stride length, wider foot angle and soleus fiber atrophy. In the sensorimotor-restricted group, treadmill training improved body weight gain and stride length, and decreased the percentage of the atrophic fibers. However, in the anoxic-sensorimotor-restricted group, training improved stride length only. Three weeks of treadmill training were able to improve stride length in restricted and anoxic-restricted animals, although body weight deficit and the degree of degradation in muscle histology were reduced only in the restricted group.

Cerebral Palsy , Muscle, Skeletal/pathology , Physical Conditioning, Animal/methods , Walking/physiology , Age Factors , Analysis of Variance , Animals , Animals, Newborn , Behavior, Animal , Body Weight , Cerebral Palsy/etiology , Cerebral Palsy/pathology , Cerebral Palsy/rehabilitation , Disease Models, Animal , Exercise Test , Female , Male , Pregnancy , Rats , Rats, Wistar , Restraint, Physical/methods
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17553716


The aim of this study was to measure the nociceptive response (avoidance latency) of the land snail Megalobulimus abbreviatus (N=8 in each group) after topical capsaicin exposure (0.1% and 0.5% in 20% ethanol) and to compare it to a well-studied stressful (50 degrees C) thermal stimulus model. We also tested if ruthenium red, and capsazepine, respectively nonselective and selective TRPV1 receptor antagonists, could modify both capsaicin- and thermal-evoked responses. Finally, animals were pretreated with morphine, naloxone or morphine plus naloxone prior to capsaicin stimuli. Latencies were measured when the animal lifted its head-foot complex 1 cm from the substrate. Data were compared using ANOVA and LSD post hoc, and the Student T Test (p<0.05). Capsaicin elicited dose-dependent withdrawal behavior. The capsaicin vehicle (20% ethanol) also evoked a less intense but significant avoidance reaction. Capsazepine and ruthenium red attenuated both capsaicin and heat withdrawal responses, when compared to vehicles. Morphine increased, and naloxone, either alone or in combination with morphine, reduced capsaicin-evoked latencies when compared to morphine or saline. These results indicate that the TRPV1 receptor plays a role in the nociceptive circuits of M. abbreviatus.

Behavior, Animal/drug effects , Capsaicin/pharmacology , Hot Temperature , Pain Threshold/drug effects , Receptors, Opioid/drug effects , Signal Transduction/drug effects , Snails/drug effects , TRPV Cation Channels/drug effects , Administration, Topical , Analgesics, Opioid/pharmacology , Animals , Capsaicin/administration & dosage , Capsaicin/analogs & derivatives , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Morphine/pharmacology , Naloxone/pharmacology , Narcotic Antagonists/pharmacology , Pain Measurement , Reaction Time , Receptors, Opioid/metabolism , Ruthenium Red/pharmacology , Snails/metabolism , TRPV Cation Channels/metabolism
Genet. mol. biol ; Genet. mol. biol;29(4): 613-616, 2006. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-450480


Gene polymorphisms involved in the metabolism of drugs and chemical carcinogens seem to be responsible for differences in the susceptibility of individuals to cancer, but genetic population studies are needed to characterize these polymorphisms in different ethnic populations. We investigated polymorphisms of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) gene CYP1A1 and the glutathione S-transferase (GSTs) genes GSTM1, GSTT1 and GSTP1 in a sample of Afro-Brazilians from the southern Brazilian city of Porto Alegre to verify if there were ethnic differences compared to the polymorphisms of the same genes in a previously described sample of Brazilians of European descent from the same city. The allele frequencies detected in the Afro-Brazilian population investigated in this study were CYP1A1*2A (30 percent) and GSTP1*Val (42 percent) while the frequency of the GSTM1 null genotype was 34 percent and that of the GSTT1 null genotype was 28 percent. Significant differences in genotype distribution and allelic frequencies were detected between Brazilians of African and of European descent from Porto Alegre in terms of the polymorphisms CYP1A1*2A (p = 0.003), GSTP1-Ile105Val (p = 0.002) and the GSTM1 null genotype (p = 0.01) but there was no detectable significant difference in respect to GSTT1 null genotype frequencies.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , /genetics , Glutathione Transferase , Polymorphism, Genetic , Black People , Carcinogens , Ethnicity , Gene Frequency , Genetic Markers , Genotype
Genet. mol. biol ; Genet. mol. biol;27(2): 133-138, Jun. 2004. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-362892


Gene polymorphisms of phase I (CYP1A1 and CYP2E of cytochrome P,) and phase II (GSTM1, GSTT1 and GSTP1 of glutathione-S-transferase,) enzymes and the TP53 tumor suppressor gene were studied as markers in a sample of 262 Brazilians of European descent, the sample consisting of 97 patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), 75 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and 90 control individuals. For NSCLC, we found no significant relationship between any of the markers studied and susceptibility to this disease. With respect to COPD, although the distribution of the CYP1A1, GSTM1, GSTP1, GSTT1 and TP53 genotypes was similar to that of the controls the frequency of the CYP2E1*1A/*5B heterozygote was about 6 times higher in COPD patients than in controls (OR= 6.3; CI = 1.1-35.5 for p = 0.04). Individuals who presented the GSTT1 null phenotype and GSTP1 Ile/Val genotype had a risk about four times higher (OR= 4.0; CI = 1.2-14.6 for p = 0.02) of having COPD than individuals without these genotypes, the same being true for individuals having the GSTT1 null phenotype and CYP1A1*1A/*2A genotype (OR= 3.7; 1.1-14.6 for p = 0.04).These results suggest that the CYP2E1 and GSTT1 + GSTP or GSTT1 + CYP1A1 polymorphisms may be predictive of susceptibility to COPD, at least in this population of European ancestry.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung , Genetic Predisposition to Disease , Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive , Genes, p53 , Lung Neoplasms , Polymorphism, Genetic , Risk Factors , Nicotiana