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Biomarkers ; 2(1): 17-24, 1997.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23899150


Several authors have reported the high hepatic incidence of γhexachlorocyclohexane (γHCH), pentachlorophenol (PCP) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) which are widely used as pesticides. Their genotoxicity status was not clearly known and no m utagenic effects, using the Salmonella assay, were reported. In the first part of this report, DNA-adduct form ation is evaluated in three types of cultured hepatic cells (rodent, bird and hum an) as a biomarker of exposure to genotoxic com pounds. γHCH-, PCP- and HCB-DNA adducts were analysed, using the sensitive (32)P-postlabelling assay in its nuclease P1 enrichm ent version. The genotoxicity of lindane and PCP is clearly established. Total DNA-adducts reached a m axim um in foetal rat hepatocytes (17 and 15 adducts per 10(9) nucleotides) after an exposure to pentachlorophenol and lindane respectively. After HCB treatm ent, lim ited am ounts of DNA-adducts were found in the different cells used. The finding that DNA adducts were not the sam e in all species tested m ight be due to m etabolic differences. Each type of cultured cells preferentially express different cytochrome P450 fam ilies. These P450s m etabolize a wide variety of xenobiotics and bioactivate carcinogens into reactive m etabolites able to form DNA-adducts. The objective of the present study was to exam ine the possible association between DNA-adduction and particular C YP450 induction. The induced cytochrom e P450s were m easured by northern blot analysis. In rat and hum an cells, lindane treatm ent strongly induces CYP2B and CYP3A m RNA levels, whereas pentachlorophenol treatm ent induces CYP1A, CYP2B and CYP3A.