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Sci Total Environ ; 540: 101-13, 2016 Jan 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26372613


Mediterranean climate is characterized by highly irregular rainfall patterns with marked differences between wet and dry seasons which lead to highly variable hydrological fluvial regimes. As a result, and in order to ensure water availability and reduce its temporal variability, a high number of large dams were built during the 20th century (more than 3500 located in Mediterranean rivers). Dams modify the flow regime but also interrupt the continuity of sediment transfer along the river network, thereby changing its functioning as an ecosystem. Within this context, the present paper aims to assess the suspended sediment loads and dynamics of two climatically contrasting Mediterranean regulated rivers (i.e. the Ésera and Siurana) during a 2-yr period. Key findings indicate that floods were responsible for 92% of the total suspended sediment load in the River Siurana, while this percentage falls to 70% for the Ésera, indicating the importance of baseflows on sediment transport in this river. This fact is related to the high sediment availability, with the Ésera acting as a non-supply-limited catchment due to the high productivity of the sources (i.e. badlands). In contrast, the Siurana can be considered a supply-limited system due to its low geomorphic activity and reduced sediment availability, with suspended sediment concentration remaining low even for high magnitude flood events. Reservoirs in both rivers reduce sediment load up to 90%, although total runoff is only reduced in the case of the River Ésera. A remarkable fact is the change of the hydrological character of the River Ésera downstream for the dam, shifting from a humid mountainous river regime to a quasi-invariable pattern, whereas the Siurana experiences the opposite effect, changing from a flashy Mediterranean river to a more constant flow regime below the dam.

Sci Total Environ ; 508: 101-14, 2015 Mar 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25474167


River regulation by dams modifies flow regimes, interrupts the transfer of sediment through channel networks, and alters downstream bed dynamics, altogether affecting channel form and processes. So far, most studies on the geomorphic impacts of dams are restricted to single rivers, or even single river stretches. In this paper we analyse the geomorphic status of 74 river sites distributed across four large basins in the Iberian Peninsula (i.e. 47 sites located downstream of dams). For this purpose, we combine field data with hydrological data available from water agencies, and analyse historical (1970) and current aerial photographs. In particular, we have developed a Geomorphic Status (GS) index that allows us to assess the physical structure of a given channel reach and its change through time. The GS encompasses a determination of changes in sedimentary units, sediment availability, bar stability and channel flow capacity. Sites are statistically grouped in four clusters based on contrasted physical and climate characteristics. Results emphasise that regulation changes river's flow regime with a generalized reduction of the magnitude and frequency of floods (thus flow competence). This, in addition to the decrease downstream sediment supply, results in the loss of active bars as they are encroached by vegetation, to the point that only reaches with little or no regulation maintain exposed sedimentary deposits. The GS of regulated river reaches is negatively correlated with magnitude of the impoundment (regulation). Heavily impacted reaches present channel stabilization and, in contrast to the hydrological response, the distance and number of tributaries do not reverse the geomorphic impact of the dams. Stabilization limits river dynamics and may contribute to the environmental degradation of the fluvial ecosystem. Overall, results describe the degree of geomorphological alteration experienced by representative Iberian rivers mostly because of regulation, challenging the successful long-term implementation of river basin management programmes.

Hydrology , Rivers/chemistry , Ecosystem , Floods , Spain , Water Movements
Sci Total Environ ; 402(2-3): 306-17, 2008 Sep 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18558422


We selected muscle tissue from nine commercial fish species, seven teleosts and two elasmobranchs, frequently caught in the NW Mediterranean trawling grounds in two different habitats (the continental shelf at 53 m and the slope at 660 m) for cholinesterases (ChEs) characterisation and activities determination, as well as the measure of lipid peroxidation (LP) levels. Acethyl- (AChE), butyryl- (BChE) and propionyl- (PrChE) cholinesterase were chosen as exposure markers of neurotoxic chemicals/molecules and LP as an effect marker of oxidative damage. The use of diagnose inhibitors: eserine sulphate, iso-OMPA and BW284c51 confirmed the measurement of true ChEs as well as the presence of pseudocholinesterases. The present study has evidenced the existence of interspecies differences, especially between teleosts and elasmobranchs but not in relation to depth. Moreover, the good correlation observed between all ChEs in most of the studied fish, supports the use of AChE as neurotoxic marker in field pollution monitoring. The non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis identified the commercial species hake Merluccius merluccius, among teleosts, and the shark, Galeus melastomus, as more adequate sentinel species in commercial fishing grounds. AChE activity showed a relationship with the fish trophic level, while all ChEs revealed a relationship with the feeding habits (benthic, suprabenthic, pelagic) and the stomach fullness. BChE activity and LP levels were the only markers to show a relationship with their swimming capacity.

Cholinesterases/metabolism , Lipid Peroxidation , Muscles/enzymology , Animals , Biomarkers/metabolism , Fishes