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Rev Saude Publica ; 57Suppl 3(Suppl 3): 6s, 2024.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38629670


OBJECTIVE: Describe the implementation of a digital diagnostic and territorial monitoring tool in primary healthcare. METHODS: Quantitative and qualitative study, developed in 14 basic healthcare units in São Paulo, with community health workers, coordinators, nurses, and physicians. Data collection occurred in four phases: analysis of the instruments used by the team for territory management; development of the digital tool; training and implementation; and evaluation after 90 days using focus groups. Descriptive analyses were conducted by calculating absolute and relative frequencies to treat quantitative data. Qualitative data were subjected to content analysis. RESULTS: Three hundred thirty-four professionals participated in the study. In the first step, territory management's main challenges were filling out various instruments, system failures, data inconsistency, internet infrastructure/network, and lack of time. Therefore, a digital tool was developed consisting of 1) a spreadsheet recording the number of family members and markers of health conditions, date of visit, and number of return visits; 2) a spreadsheet with a summary of families visited, not visited, and refusals; and 3) a panel with a summary of the data generated instantly. In the evaluation, after the initial use of the tool, the themes that emerged were integration of the tool into daily work, evaluation of the digital tool implementation process, and improvement and opportunities for improvement. CONCLUSIONS: Faced with the challenges faced by family healthcare teams when filling out systems and managing the territory, the tool developed provided greater reliability and agility in data visualization, reduced the volume of instruments, and optimized the work process.

Delivery of Health Care , Primary Health Care , Humans , Reproducibility of Results , Brazil , Focus Groups
São Paulo; s.n; 2023. 91 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1443809


Introdução: Entre as doenças emergentes do século XXI, a infecção pelo Zika vírus (ZIKV) foi umas das maiores preocupações e desafios para a saúde pública em todo o mundo, em razão da sua magnitude, dada sua rápida disseminação global e seu grave impacto, decorrente da epidemia de microcefalia e demais alterações fetais associadas a ela. Objetivos: Descrever a transmissão do ZIKV no estado de São Paulo, segundo pessoa, tempo e lugar, identificar, descrever e quantificar o espectro de anormalidades e / ou resultados da gestação, incluindo microcefalia, nos fetos e recém-nascidos e analisar a associação entre essas complicações e a infecção pelo ZIKV, bem como outros fatores de risco. Método: Estudo de coorte retrospectiva cuja população foi composta por gestantes sintomáticas com suspeita de exposição ao ZIKV. Foram utilizados os dados do Sistema de Vigilância às Emergências em Saúde Pública (CeVeSP) e do Sistema de Informação sobre Nascidos Vivos do Centro de Informações Estratégicas em Vigilância em Saúde da Secretaria da Saúde do Estado de São Paulo (SINASC/CIVS/SES). Foram consideradas gestantes expostas aquelas com resultado positivo para ZIKV no RT-PCR e não expostas aquelas com resultado negativo. Foram incluídas todas as gestantes sintomáticas notificadas, no período de 2015 a 2018 no CeVeSP. Utilizamos o modelo teórico hierárquico com a finalidade de analisar e interpretar os resultados à luz do conhecimento existente e lidar com o grande número de variáveis conceitualmente relacionadas. Na análise múltipla foi utilizada a análise de regressão de Poisson robusta, calculando o RR como medida de associação e seu intervalo de confiança (IC 95%). A modificação do efeito da exposição ao ZIKV pelo trimestre de gestação foi avaliada nas escalas aditiva (RERI) e multiplicativa (razão de RR) e seus respectivos intervalos de confiança (IC 95%), estimando o excesso de risco atribuível e relativo, respectivamente. O nível de significância de todos os testes foi de 5%. Resultados: Das 2.299 gestantes notificadas, 29% foram confirmadas com a infecção pelo ZIKV, sendo quase metade solteiras (45%), a maioria de raça/cor da pele branca (74%), com ensino médio completo (54%), e concentradas no nordeste do estado. A proporção de recém-nascidos com anomalias do sistema nervoso central foi de aproximadamente 4%. As gestantes com maior escolaridade apresentaram risco menor de ter uma criança com microcefalia e/ou alteração do SNC. Já as gestantes que tiveram gravidez dupla e o parto foi antes de 37 semanas (pré-termo) ou após 42 semanas (pós-termo) tiveram risco maior de alterações fetais. O risco de uma gestante que teve infecção pelo ZIKV ter um feto com alguma alteração foi de 3,9 (IC 95% 1,835 - 8,411) quando comparado a uma gestante negativa. O trimestre de gestação teve efeito modificador positivo na escala aditiva (RERI: 18,86 - IC 95% 3,52 - 34,19), ou seja, a infecção pelo ZIKV no primeiro trimestre de gestação aumenta o risco da ocorrência de alterações congênitas. Conclusão: Os resultados encontrados neste estudo caracterizam a transmissão do ZIKV em um estado da região sudeste do país e corroboram as evidências de associação entre a infecção pelo ZIKV e ocorrência de microcefalia e/ou alteração do SNC. Assim pode subsidiar o direcionamento de ações da Saúde Pública para regiões e locais com maior risco de transmissão da infecção e, consequentemente, contribuir para a prevenção de recrudescimento da doença e malformações resultantes da transmissão vertical do vírus.

Introduction: Among the diseases of the 21st century, Zika virus (ZIKV) infection was one of the epidemics of concern and challenges for public health around the world, due to its magnitude, given its rapid global spread and its serious impact on microcephaly and other changes fetuses associated with it. Aims: To describe the transmission of ZIKV in the state of São Paulo, according to person, time and place, to identify, describe and quantify the spectrum of abnormalities and/or pregnancy outcomes, including microcephaly, in fetuses and newborns, and to assess the association between these complications and ZIKV infection, as well as other risk factors. Method: Retrospective cohort study whose population consisted of symptomatic pregnant women with suspected exposure to ZIKV. Data from the Public Health Emergency Surveillance System (CeVeSP) and the Information System on Live Births of the Center for Strategic Information on Health Surveillance of the São Paulo State Health Department (SINASC/CIVS/SES) were used. Exposed pregnant women were those with a positive result for ZIKV in the RT-PCR and those with a negative result as non-exposed. All symptomatic pregnant women reported in the period from 2015 to 2018 in CeVeSP were included. We used the hierarchical theoretical model in order to analyze and interpret the results in the light of existing knowledge and deal with the large number of conceptually related variables. In the multiple analysis, a robust Poisson regression analysis was used, calculating the RR as a measure of association and its confidence interval (95% CI). The modification of the effect of exposure to ZIKV by the trimester of pregnancy was evaluated in the additive (RERI) and multiplicative (RR ratio) scales and their respective confidence intervals (95% CI), estimating the attributable and relative excess risk, respectively. The significance level of all tests was 5%. Results: Of the 2,299 pregnant women reported, 29% were confirmed to have ZIKV infection, with almost half being single (45%), the majority of white race/skin color (74%), with complete high school (54%), and concentrated in the northeast of the state. The proportion of newborns with central nervous system abnormalities was approximately 4%. Pregnant women with higher education had a lower risk of having a child with microcephaly and/or CNS alterations. Pregnant women who had a double pregnancy and delivery was before 37 weeks (preterm) or after 42 weeks (postterm) had a higher risk of fetal changes. The risk of a pregnant woman who had ZIKV infection to have a fetus with any alteration was 3.9 (95% CI 1.835 - 8.411) when compared to a negative pregnant woman. The trimester of pregnancy had a positive modifying effect on the additive scale (RERI: 18.86 - 95% CI 3.52 - 34.19), that is, ZIKV infection in the first trimester of pregnancy increases the risk of congenital alterations. Conclusion: This study characterizes the transmission of the ZIKV in a state in the southeastern region of the country and corroborate the evidence of an association between ZIKV infection and the occurrence of microcephaly and/or CNS alteration. Thus, it can support the direction of Public Health actions to regions and places with greater risk of transmission of the infection and, consequently, contribute to the prevention of resurgence of the disease and malformations resulting from the vertical transmission of the virus.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Congenital Abnormalities , Pregnant Women , Zika Virus , Microcephaly , Communicable Diseases, Emerging , Epidemiological Monitoring
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 57(supl.3): 6s, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560436


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE Describe the implementation of a digital diagnostic and territorial monitoring tool in primary healthcare. METHODS Quantitative and qualitative study, developed in 14 basic healthcare units in São Paulo, with community health workers, coordinators, nurses, and physicians. Data collection occurred in four phases: analysis of the instruments used by the team for territory management; development of the digital tool; training and implementation; and evaluation after 90 days using focus groups. Descriptive analyses were conducted by calculating absolute and relative frequencies to treat quantitative data. Qualitative data were subjected to content analysis. RESULTS Three hundred thirty-four professionals participated in the study. In the first step, territory management's main challenges were filling out various instruments, system failures, data inconsistency, internet infrastructure/network, and lack of time. Therefore, a digital tool was developed consisting of 1) a spreadsheet recording the number of family members and markers of health conditions, date of visit, and number of return visits; 2) a spreadsheet with a summary of families visited, not visited, and refusals; and 3) a panel with a summary of the data generated instantly. In the evaluation, after the initial use of the tool, the themes that emerged were integration of the tool into daily work, evaluation of the digital tool implementation process, and improvement and opportunities for improvement. CONCLUSIONS Faced with the challenges faced by family healthcare teams when filling out systems and managing the territory, the tool developed provided greater reliability and agility in data visualization, reduced the volume of instruments, and optimized the work process.

RESUMO OBJETIVO Descrever a implementação de uma ferramenta digital de diagnóstico e monitoramento territorial na atenção primária à saúde. MÉTODOS Estudo quanti-qualitativo, desenvolvido em 14 Unidades Básicas de Saúde do município de São Paulo, com agentes comunitários de saúde, coordenadores, enfermeiros e médicos. A coleta de dados ocorreu em quatro fases: análise dos instrumentos utilizados pela equipe para gestão do território; desenvolvimento da ferramenta digital; treinamento e implantação; avaliação após 90 dias por meio de grupos focais. Foram realizadas análises descritivas por meio do cálculo de frequências absolutas e relativas para tratamento dos dados quantitativos. Os dados qualitativos foram tratados pela análise de conteúdo. RESULTADOS 334 profissionais participaram do estudo. Na primeira etapa foram identificados como principais desafios para gestão do território o preenchimento de diversos instrumentos, falhas no sistema, inconsistência dos dados, infraestrutura/rede de internet e falta de tempo. Assim, foi desenvolvida uma ferramenta digital composta por: i) planilha com registro do número de membros familiares e marcadores de condições de saúde, data da visita e quantidade de revisitas; ii) planilha com resumo de famílias visitadas, não visitadas e recusas; e iii) um painel com resumo dos dados gerados instantaneamente. Na avaliação, após uso inicial da ferramenta, as temáticas que emergiram foram: integração da ferramenta no cotidiano de trabalho; avaliação do processo de implementação da ferramenta digital; aperfeiçoamento e oportunidades de melhoria. CONCLUSÃO Frente aos desafios encontrados por parte das equipes de saúde da família para preenchimento dos sistemas e gestão do território, a ferramenta desenvolvida proporcionou maior fidedignidade e agilidade na visualização dos dados, redução no volume de instrumentos e otimização do processo de trabalho.

Humans , Male , Female , Primary Health Care , Community Health Workers , Electronic Health Records , Population Health Management , Territorialization in Primary Health Care
Epidemiol Serv Saude ; 30(3): e2020827, 2021.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34287556


OBJECTIVE: To describe the epidemiological profile of pregnant women with suspected Zika virus infection, reported on the Center for Strategic Information for Health Surveillance System, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, its range of abnormalities and/or pregnancy outcomes. METHODS: Descriptive epidemiological study of a cohort of symptomatic pregnant women with suspected Zika virus infection and their pregnancy outcomes, living in the state of São Paulo, reported between 2015-2018. RESULTS: Of the 2,329 pregnant women studied, 29.3% were confirmed to have the infection, almost half of them were single (44.8%), the majority of them were white woman (74.2%), with complete high school education (53.6%), and concentrated in the northeast region of the state. The proportion of newborns with central nervous system abnormalities was approximately 4.0%. CONCLUSION: The results found characterize Zika virus transmission in the state of São Paulo and may support public health actions in places with higher risk of disease transmission.

Pregnancy Complications, Infectious , Zika Virus Infection , Zika Virus , Brazil/epidemiology , Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/epidemiology , Pregnant Women , Zika Virus Infection/epidemiology
SciELO Preprints; abr. 2021.
Preprint in Portuguese | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-2110


Objective: To describe the epidemiological profile of pregnant with suspected Zika virus infection reported in the Public Health Emergency Surveillance System and the spectrum of abnormalities and/or pregnancy outcomes, Brazil. Methods: Descriptive epidemiological study of a cohort of symptomatic pregnant suspected of Zika virus infection and the outcome of their pregnancy, living in the state of São Paulo and notified in the period from 2015 to 2018. Results: Of the 2,329 studied pregnant women, 29.3% were confirmed. The most part were single (44.8%), race white (74.2%), with high school (53.6%) and were concentrated in the northeastern region of the state. The proportion of newborns with malformations in these pregnant was 4,0%. Conclusion: The results found characterize the transmission of the Zika virus in the state of São Paulo and may subsidize public health actions in places with a higher risk of disease transmission.

Objetivo: Descrever o perfil epidemiológico de gestantes com suspeita de infeção pelo vírus Zika, notificadas no Sistema de Vigilância às Emergências em Saúde Pública, do estado de São Paulo, Brasil, seu espectro de anormalidades e/ou resultados da gestação. Métodos: Estudo epidemiológico descritivo de uma coorte de gestantes sintomáticas com suspeita de infecção pelo vírus Zika e o resultado de sua gestação, residentes no estado de São Paulo, notificadas no período 2015-2018. Resultados: Das 2.329 gestantes estudadas, 29,3% foram confirmadas com a infeção, na quase metade solteiras (44,8%), a maioria de raça/cor da pele branca (74,2%), com ensino médio completo (53,6%), e concentradas no nordeste do estado. A proporção de recém-nascidos com anomalias do sistema nervoso central foi de aproximados 4,0%. Conclusão: Os resultados encontrados caracterizam a transmissão do vírus Zika em São Paulo e podem subsidiar ações de Saúde Pública nos locais com maior risco de transmissão da doença.

Rev Soc Bras Med Trop ; 52: e20180351, 2019 Mar 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30892549


INTRODUCTION: The state of São Paulo has been monitoring cases of microcephaly and pregnant women presenting with acute rash, through CeVeSP. METHODS: This was a descriptive study focusing on pregnant women with rash and the outcome of their pregnancy, based on the notifications through the CeVeSP. RESULTS: During 2016, 2,209 cases of pregnant women with rash were reported and investigated. Of these, 36.6% were confirmed. Of the pregnant women who tested positive for ZIKV, 6.4% did not have a favorable outcome. CONCLUSIONS: Our results allowed the characterization of pregnant women exposed to ZIKV and the outcome of pregnancy.

Exanthema/diagnosis , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/diagnosis , Sentinel Surveillance , Zika Virus Infection/diagnosis , Adolescent , Adult , Brazil/epidemiology , Exanthema/epidemiology , Exanthema/virology , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/epidemiology , Young Adult , Zika Virus Infection/epidemiology
Rev Soc Bras Med Trop ; 52(e20180351): 1-6, 2019.
Article in English | LILACS, CONASS, Coleciona SUS, Sec. Est. Saúde SP, SESSP-CVEPROD, Sec. Est. Saúde SP | ID: biblio-1426147


INTRODUCTION: The state of São Paulo has been monitoring cases of microcephaly and pregnant women presenting with acute rash, through CeVeSP. METHODS: This was a descriptive study focusing on pregnant women with rash and the outcome of their pregnancy, based on the notifications through the CeVeSP. RESULTS: During 2016, 2,209 cases of pregnant women with rash were reported and investigated. Of these, 36.6% were confirmed. Of the pregnant women who tested positive for ZIKV, 6.4% did not have a favorable outcome. CONCLUSIONS Our results allowed the characterization of pregnant women exposed to ZIKV and the outcome of pregnancy.

World Health Organization , Environmental Monitoring , State , Pregnant Women , Zika Virus
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 52: e20180351, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041516


Abstract INTRODUCTION: The state of São Paulo has been monitoring cases of microcephaly and pregnant women presenting with acute rash, through CeVeSP. METHODS: This was a descriptive study focusing on pregnant women with rash and the outcome of their pregnancy, based on the notifications through the CeVeSP. RESULTS: During 2016, 2,209 cases of pregnant women with rash were reported and investigated. Of these, 36.6% were confirmed. Of the pregnant women who tested positive for ZIKV, 6.4% did not have a favorable outcome. CONCLUSIONS Our results allowed the characterization of pregnant women exposed to ZIKV and the outcome of pregnancy.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/diagnosis , Sentinel Surveillance , Exanthema/diagnosis , Zika Virus Infection/diagnosis , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Exanthema/epidemiology , Exanthema/virology , Zika Virus Infection/epidemiology
Epidemiol Serv Saude ; 27(3): e2017382, 2018 10 22.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30365699


OBJECTIVE: to characterize cases of congenital syndrome associated with Zika virus infection (CZS) and other infectious etiologies, resident in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, from October 30, 2015, to June 30, 2017. METHODS: this was a descriptive study of suspected cases of CZS and other infectious etiologies notified on the Public Health Events Registry. RESULTS: 960 cases were investigated up to epidemiological week 26/2017, and 146 were confirmed for congenital infection; of these, 59 (40.4%) were confirmed for congenital infection without etiological identification and 87 (59.6%) with laboratory confirmation, of which 55 were congenital syndrome associated with Zika virus and 32 were congenital syndrome associated with other infectious agents. CONCLUSION: this study enabled the detection of 23.9% CZS cases among suspected cases of infectious etiology.

Congenital Abnormalities/epidemiology , Microcephaly/epidemiology , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/epidemiology , Zika Virus Infection/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Congenital Abnormalities/virology , Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Male , Microcephaly/virology , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/virology , Registries , Syndrome , Zika Virus Infection/complications , Zika Virus Infection/congenital
Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 27(3): e2017382, 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-975182


Objetivo: caracterizar os casos de síndrome congênita associada à infecção pelo ZIKV (SCZ) e outras etiologias infeciosas, residentes no estado de São Paulo, Brasil, no período de 30 de outubro de 2015 a 30 de junho de 2017. Métodos: estudo descritivo dos casos suspeitos de SCZ e outras etiologias infecciosas notificados no Registro de Eventos em Saúde Pública. Resultados: foram investigados 960 casos até a semana epidemiológica 26/2017, sendo confirmados 146 para infecção congênita; destes, 59 (40,4%) foram confirmados para infecção congênita sem identificação etiológica e 87 (59,6%) com confirmação laboratorial, sendo 55 com SCZ e 32 com síndrome congênita associada a outros agentes infecciosos. Conclusão: este estudo permitiu detectar 23,9% de casos de SCZ entre os casos suspeitos de etiologia infecciosa.

Objetivo: caracterizar los casos sospechosos de síndrome congénita asociada a la infección por virus Zika (SCZ) y otras etiologías infecciosas residentes en el estado de São Paulo, Brasil, en el período de 30 de octubre de 2015 a 30 de junio de 2017. Métodos: estudio descriptivo de los casos sospechosos de síndrome congénita asociada a la infección por el virus Zika y otras etiologías infecciosas notificadas en el Registro de Eventos en Salud Pública. Resultados: se han investigado 960 casos hasta la semana epidemiológica 26/2017, siendo confirmados 146 para la infección congénita; de estos, 59 fueron confirmados para infección congénita sin identificación etiológica y 87 con identificación etiológica, siendo 55 síndrome congénita asociados al virus Zika y 32 síndrome congénita asociado a otros agentes infecciosos. Conclusión: este estudio permitió detectar una tasa del 23,9% de casos de SCZ entre los casos sospechosos de etiología infecciosa.

Objective: to characterize cases of congenital syndrome associated with Zika virus infection (CZS) and other infectious etiologies, resident in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, from October 30, 2015, to June 30, 2017. Methods: this was a descriptive study of suspected cases of CZS and other infectious etiologies notified on the Public Health Events Registry. Results: 960 cases were investigated up to epidemiological week 26/2017, and 146 were confirmed for congenital infection; of these, 59 (40.4%) were confirmed for congenital infection without etiological identification and 87 (59.6%) with laboratory confirmation, of which 55 were congenital syndrome associated with Zika virus and 32 were congenital syndrome associated with other infectious agents. Conclusion: this study enabled the detection of 23.9% CZS cases among suspected cases of infectious etiology.

Humans , Male , Female , Congenital Abnormalities , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Zika Virus , Microcephaly/epidemiology
Epidemiol Serv Saude ; 25(3): 541-552, 2016.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27869925


OBJECTIVE: to analyze time trends in mortality owing to intestinal infectious diseases (IID) among children under five years of age in São Paulo State and its Regional Health Care Networks (RRAS), from 2000 to 2012. METHODS: this was a time series study of deaths having IID as their underlying, antecedent or contributory cause, using Mortality Information System data. RESULTS: there were 2,886 deaths from IID in the state; the IID mortality rate went down by 10.5% per year (95%CI 4.8;15.8%); there was a significant decrease in the mortality rate in 13 of the 17 RRAS, with annual decrease in the range 16.6% - 8.3%. CONCLUSION: The IID mortality rate went down significantly in most RRAS, at different speeds, possibly reflecting inequalities in socio-economic conditions and health care network organization.

Infections/mortality , Intestinal Diseases/mortality , Brazil/epidemiology , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Male , Mortality/trends , Sex Distribution , Socioeconomic Factors , Space-Time Clustering
Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 25(3): 541-552, jul.-set. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-795351


OBJETIVO: analisar a tendência temporal da mortalidade por doenças infecciosas intestinais (DII) em crianças menores de cinco anos de idade no estado de São Paulo e suas Redes Regionais de Atenção à Saúde (RRAS), no período 2000-2012. MÉTODOS: estudo de série temporal sobre os óbitos com causa básica, antecedente ou contribuinte de morte por DII, obtidos a partir do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM). RESULTADOS: ocorreram 2.886 óbitos por DII no estado; a taxa de mortalidade por DII apresentou diminuição de 10,5% ao ano (intervalo de confiança de 95% 4,8; 15,8%); em 13 das 17 RRAS ocorreu diminuição significativa da taxa de mortalidade, com decréscimo anual variável entre 16,6 e 8,3% ao ano. CONCLUSÃO: a taxa de mortalidade por DII apresentou decréscimo significativo na maioria das RRAS, com diferentes velocidades, possível reflexo das desigualdades das condições socioeconômicas e de organização das redes de atenção à saúde.

OBJETIVO: analizar la tendencia de mortalidad por enfermedades infecciosas intestinales (EII) en niños menores de cinco años en el estado de São Paulo y sus Redes Regionales de Atención de Salud (RRAS), entre 2000 y 2012. MÉTODOS: estudio de series temporales sobre las muertes por causa subyacente, antecedente o contribuyente por EII, obtenidos del Sistema de Información sobre Mortalidad (SIM). RESULTADOS: ocurrieron 2.886 muertes por EII en el estado; la tasa de mortalidad para EII mostró diminución de 10,5% por año (IC del 95% - 4,8 a 15,8% -; p=0,002); en 13 de 17 RRAS hubo disminución significativa en la tasa de mortalidad, con diminución anual variable entre 16,6 y 8,3% por año. CONCLUSIÓN: la tasa de mortalidad por EII se redujo significativamente en la mayoría de RRAS, con diferentes velocidades, posiblemente reflejando desigualdades de condiciones socio-económicas y de organización de las redes de atención en salud.

OBJECTIVE: to analyze time trends in mortality owing to intestinal infectious diseases (IID) among children under five years of age in São Paulo State and its Regional Health Care Networks (RRAS), from 2000 to 2012. METHODS: this was a time series study of deaths having IID as their underlying, antecedent or contributory cause, using Mortality Information System data. RESULTS: there were 2,886 deaths from IID in the state; the IID mortality rate went down by 10.5% per year (95%CI 4.8;15.8%); there was a significant decrease in the mortality rate in 13 of the 17 RRAS, with annual decrease in the range 16.6% - 8.3%. CONCLUSION: The IID mortality rate went down significantly in most RRAS, at different speeds, possibly reflecting inequalities in socio-economic conditions and health care network organization.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child Mortality/trends , Diarrhea, Infantile/mortality , Infant Mortality/trends , Cause of Death , Time Series Studies
DST j. bras. doenças sex. transm ; 27(1-2): 48-53, 2015. ilus
Article in English | Sec. Est. Saúde SP, LILACS | ID: lil-768559


O condiloma acuminado gigante, variante rara do condiloma acuminado anogenital, apresenta crescimento rápido associado a estados de imunodeficiência.Relatamos os resultados com os cuidados com a ferida operatória. Trata-se de homem de etnia negra, 55 anos, portador do vírus da imunodeficiência humana com condiloma acuminado acometendo desde as regiões inguinais até o sulco interglúteo, que foi ressecado permanecendo a ferida aberta para posterior enxertia. Os cuidados com essa ferida incluíram solução de polihexametileno biguanida/betaína, solução de ácidos graxos essenciais, hidrofibra/prata e película. Evoluiu com infecção secundária sendo a hidrofibra substituída por espuma de poliuretano/prata/ibuprofeno. Houve melhora da infecção e da dor, contração das bordas e presença de tecido de granulação em toda a lesão. Naquelas condições, o enxerto de pele foi realizado no 41º dia. A despeito dos possíveis vieses de confusão, pode-se inferir que esses cuidados prepararam o leito da ferida para receber o enxerto de pele.

Giant condyloma acuminatum, a rare variant of anogenital condyloma, shows rapid growth associated with immunodeficiency. Wound care after resection andoutcomes were reported. NGS, black, 55 years, HIV positive, with giant condyloma acuminatum affecting from the groin to the intergluteal groove, which wasresected, remaining the wound opened for later skin graft. Topical care included polihexametilene biguanide/betaine solution, essencial fatty acids solution,hydrofiber/silver, and poliuretane film. The wound developed secondary infection, so hidrofiber was replaced by polyurethane foam/silver/ibuprofen. Therewas improvement in infection and pain, contraction of the edges and the presence of granulation tissue across the lesion. In those conditions the skin graft was performed after 41 days. Despite possible confusion bias, it can be inferred that the care adopted prepared the wound bed to receive the skin graft.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Wound Healing , Wound Infection , Condylomata Acuminata , Skin Transplantation , Buschke-Lowenstein Tumor , Silver , Betaine , Fatty Acids, Essential , Ibuprofen , HIV , Pelvic Pain
Intensive Crit Care Nurs ; 29(2): 112-6, 2013 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22999497


BACKGROUND: Nursing workload has been associated with quality of patient care. Thus, it is important to measure nursing workload in neurological intensive care units (neuro-ICUs). OBJECTIVE: The aims of the study were to assess nursing workload in neuro-ICUs and identify independent factors associated with nursing workload. METHOD: This descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted in two neuro-ICUs with 11 beds each (for a total of 22 beds) of a private general hospital in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Data from the first 24 hours of admission to the neuro-ICUs from 100 consecutive patients were collected from the hospital database. The Nursing Activities Score (NAS) was used to assess nursing workload in the neuro-ICUs. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics and multiple linear regression analysis. Statistical significance was set at α=0.05. RESULTS: Patients were mostly men (52.00%), had a mean age of 55.10 years, median length of ICU stay of 2 days, and survival rate of 94.00%. Fifty-nine percent of patients were transferred from the surgical ward. Mean NAS was 65.18% (standard deviation=6.63%) and the risk of mortality according to the Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS II) and the Logistic Organ Dysfunction System (LODS) was 17.79% and 16.30%, respectively. CONCLUSION: The present results are important for the effective planning and use of nursing resources according to the care needs of patients in neuro-ICUs.

Critical Care Nursing/organization & administration , Nursing Staff, Hospital , Workload , Aged , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Needs Assessment , Nursing Administration Research
São Paulo; s.n; 2013. 55 p. graf, ilus. (BR).
Thesis in Portuguese | Sec. Est. Saúde SP, SESSP-IIERPROD, Sec. Est. Saúde SP, SESSP-ESPECIALIZACAOSESPROD, Sec. Est. Saúde SP | ID: biblio-1104446


Objetivos: Avaliar a adequação do uso dos equipamentos de proteção individual (EPIs) pelos profissionais de saúde do Pronto Socorro de acordo com a classificação TSN (classificação feita no hospital estudado, em que T refere-se ao paciente com Tuberculose, S com suspeita e N não Tuberculose) no cuidado a pacientes suspeitos ou confirmados de tuberculose, bem como a adequação das medidas de isolamento prescritas e praticadas. Método: Estudo observacional, realizado na Unidade de Pronto Socorro do Instituto de Infectologia Emílio Ribas. Os profissionais foram avaliados segundo três critérios ao adentrarem aos quartos dos pacientes suspeitos ou confirmados de tuberculose: uso correto do EPI; ajuste correto do EPI na face ("Seal check"); e condicionamento da máscara. Foi realizado também avaliação da adequação nos isolamentos, por meio da comparação do que se estava prescrito e praticado em porta/beira leito. Resultados: Foram avaliadas 82 prescrições, tendo prevalecido a precaução padrão(47,5%), isolamento 4N95 (respiratório por aerossol) (28,0%) e as classificações N(58,5%) e S+(13,4%). De 73 observações realizadas, houve não adesão a máscara N95 de 15,1%. Já no isolamento 3N95 (respiratório por aerossol + contato), a não adesão a este EPI foi de 26,67%. Quanto ao uso do avental e luvas no isolamento 3N95, a não adesão foi de 66,6% e 50%, respectivamente. Quanto às categorias profissionais, os médicos e os auxiliares de enfermagem foram os que tiveram maior valor de não adesão da máscara N95 (100% e 23,1%,respectivamente). E no isolamento 3N95, quanto a máscara os médicos e auxiliares tiveram não adesão de 100% e 35,2%, respectivamente. No uso de avental e luvas, estágiários de enfermagem, médicos e auxiliares tiveram uma não adesão de mais de 50%. De 15 observações quanto a realização do "Seal check", 40% o realizaram. E de 30 observações frente ao condicionamento da máscara N95, 86% a condicionavam adequadamente. Discussão: A amostra de profissionais médicos e de estágiarios de enfermagem não é representativo, visto que apenas uma observação foi realizada, dessa forma não se pode afirmar que 100% não aderiu ao uso dos EPIs propostos. Conclusões: Houve adequação das medidas de isolamento TSN; observou-se maior frequência de uso da máscara N95 no isolamento 4N95 que no 3N95; a máscara N95 foi o EPI mais utilizado;os auxiliares de enfermagem apresentaram menor adesão aos EPIs; menos de 50% realizaram o "seal check" e mais de 80% condicionaram a máscara N95 adequadamente

Patient Isolation , Protective Devices , Tuberculosis , Occupational Risks , Occupational Exposure , Occupational Health , Health Personnel , Equipment and Supplies Utilization