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Phys Rev Lett ; 127(14): 147001, 2021 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34652173


We propose and experimentally demonstrate a self-calibrating detector of Cooper pair depairing in a superconductor based on a mesoscopic superconducting island coupled to normal metal leads. On average, exactly one electron passes through the device per broken Cooper pair, independent of the absorber volume, device, or material parameters. The device operation is explained by a simple analytical model and verified with numerical simulations in quantitative agreement with experiment. In a proof-of-concept experiment, we use such a detector to measure the high-frequency phonons generated by another, electrically decoupled superconducting island, with a measurable signal resulting from less than 10 fW of dissipated power.

Phys Rev E ; 102(3-1): 030102, 2020 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33075879


Heat flow management at the nanoscale is of great importance for emergent quantum technologies. For instance, a thermal sink that can be activated on-demand is a highly desirable tool that may accommodate the need to evacuate excess heat at chosen times, e.g., to maintain cryogenic temperatures or reset a quantum system to ground, and the possibility of controlled unitary evolution otherwise. Here we propose a design of such heat switch based on a single coherently driven qubit. We show that the heat flow provided by a hot source to the qubit can be switched on and off by varying external parameters, the frequency and the intensity of the driving. The complete suppression of the heat flow is a quantum effect occurring for specific driving parameters that we express and we analyze the role of the coherences in the free-qubit energy eigenbasis. We finally study the feasibility of this quantum heat switch in a circuit QED setup involving a charge qubit coupled to thermal resistances. We demonstrate robustness to experimental imperfections such as additional decoherence, paving the road towards experimental verification of this effect.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(7): 077701, 2017 Aug 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28949696


We report on combined measurements of heat and charge transport through a single-electron transistor. The device acts as a heat switch actuated by the voltage applied on the gate. The Wiedemann-Franz law for the ratio of heat and charge conductances is found to be systematically violated away from the charge degeneracy points. The observed deviation agrees well with the theoretical expectation. With a large temperature drop between the source and drain, the heat current away from degeneracy deviates from the standard quadratic dependence in the two temperatures.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 8011, 2017 08 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28808333


We demonstrate simultaneous measurements of DC transport properties and flux noise of a hybrid superconducting magnetometer based on the proximity effect (superconducting quantum interference proximity transistor, SQUIPT). The noise is probed by a cryogenic amplifier operating in the frequency range of a few MHz. In our non-optimized device, we achieve minimum flux noise ~4 µΦ0/Hz1/2, set by the shot noise of the probe tunnel junction. The flux noise performance can be improved by further optimization of the SQUIPT parameters, primarily minimization of the proximity junction length and cross section. Furthermore, the experiment demonstrates that the setup can be used to investigate shot noise in other nonlinear devices with high impedance. This technique opens the opportunity to measure sensitive magnetometers including SQUIPT devices with very low dissipation.

Sci Rep ; 7: 41728, 2017 02 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28155895


We determine the thermal conductance of thin niobium (Nb) wires on a silica substrate in the temperature range of 0.1-0.6 K using electron thermometry based on normal metal-insulator-superconductor tunnel junctions. We find that at 0.6 K, the thermal conductance of Nb is two orders of magnitude lower than that of Al in the superconducting state, and two orders of magnitude below the Wiedemann-Franz conductance calculated with the normal state resistance of the wire. The measured thermal conductance exceeds the prediction of the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory, and demonstrates a power law dependence on temperature as T4.5, instead of an exponential one. At the same time, we monitor the temperature profile of the substrate along the Nb wire to observe possible overheating of the phonon bath. We show that Nb can be successfully used for thermal insulation in a nanoscale circuit while simultaneously providing an electrical connection.

J Low Temp Phys ; 189(1): 60-75, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32025044


We report on a device that integrates eight superconducting transmon qubits in λ / 4 superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators fed from a common feedline. Using this multiplexing architecture, each resonator and qubit can be addressed individually, thus reducing the required hardware resources and allowing their individual characterisation by spectroscopic methods. The measured device parameters agree with the designed values, and the resonators and qubits exhibit excellent coherence properties and strong coupling, with the qubit relaxation rate dominated by the Purcell effect when brought in resonance with the resonator. Our analysis shows that the circuit is suitable for generation of single microwave photons on demand with an efficiency exceeding 80%.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(16): 166801, 2016 Apr 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27152817


We report on the realization of a single-electron source, where current is transported through a single-level quantum dot (Q) tunnel coupled to two superconducting leads (S). When driven with an ac gate voltage, the experiment demonstrates electron turnstile operation. Compared to the more conventional superconductor-normal-metal-superconductor turnstile, our superconductor-quantum-dot-superconductor device presents a number of novel properties, including higher immunity to the unavoidable presence of nonequilibrium quasiparticles in superconducting leads. Moreover, we demonstrate its ability to deliver electrons with a very narrow energy distribution.

Nat Commun ; 7: 10977, 2016 Mar 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26980225


Nowadays, superconductors serve in numerous applications, from high-field magnets to ultrasensitive detectors of radiation. Mesoscopic superconducting devices, referring to those with nanoscale dimensions, are in a special position as they are easily driven out of equilibrium under typical operating conditions. The out-of-equilibrium superconductors are characterized by non-equilibrium quasiparticles. These extra excitations can compromise the performance of mesoscopic devices by introducing, for example, leakage currents or decreased coherence time in quantum devices. By applying an external magnetic field, one can conveniently suppress or redistribute the population of excess quasiparticles. In this article, we present an experimental demonstration and a theoretical analysis of such effective control of quasiparticles, resulting in electron cooling both in the Meissner and vortex states of a mesoscopic superconductor. We introduce a theoretical model of quasiparticle dynamics, which is in quantitative agreement with the experimental data.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 374(2064): 20150052, 2016 Mar 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26903107


We demonstrate experimentally a precise realization of Coulomb blockade thermometry working at temperatures up to 60 K. Advances in nano-fabrication methods using electron beam lithography allow us to fabricate uniform arrays of sufficiently small tunnel junctions to guarantee an overall temperature reading precision of about 1%.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26172663


We analyze the stochastic evolution and dephasing of a qubit within the quantum jump approach. It allows one to treat individual realizations of inelastic processes, and in this way it provides solutions, for instance, to problems in quantum thermodynamics and distributions in statistical mechanics. We demonstrate that dephasing and relaxation of the qubit render the Jarzynski and Crooks fluctuation relations (FRs) of nonequilibrium thermodynamics intact. On the contrary, the standard two-measurement protocol, taking into account only the fluctuations of the internal energy U, leads to deviations in FRs under the same conditions. We relate the average 〈e(-ßU)〉 (where ß is the inverse temperature) with the qubit's relaxation and dephasing rates in the weak dissipation limit and discuss this relationship for different mechanisms of decoherence.

Nat Commun ; 6: 7010, 2015 Apr 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25912652


Systems driven out of equilibrium experience large fluctuations of the dissipated work. The same is true for wavefunction amplitudes in disordered systems close to the Anderson localization transition. In both cases, the probability distribution function is given by the large-deviation ansatz. Here we exploit the analogy between the statistics of work dissipated in a driven single-electron box and that of random multifractal wavefunction amplitudes, and uncover new relations that generalize the Jarzynski equality. We checked the new relations theoretically using the rate equations for sequential tunnelling of electrons and experimentally by measuring the dissipated work in a driven single-electron box and found a remarkable correspondence. The results represent an important universal feature of the work statistics in systems out of equilibrium and help to understand the nature of the symmetry of multifractal exponents in the theory of Anderson localization.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(26): 260602, 2015 Dec 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26764980


We present an experimental realization of an autonomous Maxwell's demon, which extracts microscopic information from a system and reduces its entropy by applying feedback. It is based on two capacitively coupled single-electron devices, both integrated on the same electronic circuit. This setup allows a detailed analysis of the thermodynamics of both the demon and the system as well as their mutual information exchange. The operation of the demon is directly observed as a temperature drop in the system. We also observe a simultaneous temperature rise in the demon arising from the thermodynamic cost of generating the mutual information.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(3): 030601, 2014 Jul 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25083623


We validate experimentally a fluctuation relation known as generalized Jarzynski equality governing the work distribution in a feedback-controlled system. The feedback control is performed on a single electron box analogously to the original Szilard engine. In the generalized Jarzynski equality, mutual information is treated on an equal footing with the thermodynamic work. Our measurements provide the first evidence of the role of mutual information in the fluctuation theorem and thermodynamics of irreversible processes.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(14): 147001, 2013 Oct 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24138265


We investigate the dynamics of individual quasiparticle excitations on a small superconducting aluminum island connected to normal metallic leads by tunnel junctions. We find the island to be free of excitations within the measurement resolution. This allows us to show that the residual heating, which typically limits experiments on superconductors, has an ultralow value of less than 0.1 aW. By injecting electrons with a periodic gate voltage, we probe electron-phonon interaction and relaxation down to a single quasiparticle excitation pair, with a measured recombination rate of 16 kHz. Our experiment yields a strong test of BCS theory in aluminum as the results are consistent with it without free parameters.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(9): 093602, 2013 Aug 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24033034


We apply the quantum jump approach to address the statistics of work in a driven two-level system coupled to a heat bath. We demonstrate how this question can be analyzed by counting photons absorbed and emitted by the environment in repeated experiments. We find that the common nonequilibrium fluctuation relations are satisfied identically. The usual fluctuation-dissipation theorem for linear response applies for weak dissipation and/or weak drive. We point out qualitative differences between the classical and quantum regimes.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(15): 150403, 2013 Apr 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25167233


We show that the dynamics of a driven quantum system weakly coupled to the environment can exhibit two distinct regimes. While the relaxation basis is usually determined by the system+drive Hamiltonian (system-governed dynamics), we find that under certain conditions it is determined by specific features of the environment, such as, the form of the coupling operator (environment-governed dynamics). We provide an effective coupling parameter describing the transition between the two regimes and discuss how to observe the transition in a superconducting charge pump.

Phys Rev Lett ; 109(18): 180601, 2012 Nov 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23215263


Recent progress on micro- and nanometer-scale manipulation has opened the possibility to probe systems small enough that thermal fluctuations of energy and coordinate variables can be significant compared with their mean behavior. We present an experimental study of nonequilibrium thermodynamics in a classical two-state system, namely, a metallic single-electron box. We have measured with high statistical accuracy the distribution of dissipated energy as single electrons are transferred between the box electrodes. The obtained distributions obey Jarzynski and Crooks fluctuation relations. A comprehensive microscopic theory exists for the system, enabling the experimental distributions to be reproduced without fitting parameters.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 83(8): 083903, 2012 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22938310


We present an improved nuclear refrigerator reaching 0.3 mK, aimed at microkelvin nanoelectronic experiments, and use it to investigate metallic Coulomb blockade thermometers (CBTs) with various resistances R. The high-R devices cool to slightly lower T, consistent with better isolation from the noise environment, and exhibit electron-phonon cooling [proportional] T(5) and a residual heat-leak of 40 aW. In contrast, the low-R CBTs display cooling with a clearly weaker T-dependence, deviating from the electron-phonon mechanism. The CBTs agree excellently with the refrigerator temperature above 20 mK and reach a minimum-T of 7.5 ± 0.2 mK.

Phys Rev Lett ; 107(20): 207002, 2011 Nov 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22181761


We propose a new type of interferometry, based on geometric phases accumulated by a periodically driven two-level system undergoing multiple Landau-Zener transitions. As a specific example, we study its implementation in a superconducting charge pump. We find that interference patterns appear as a function of the pumping frequency and the phase bias, and clearly manifest themselves in the pumped charge. We also show that the effects described should persist in the presence of realistic decoherence.

Phys Rev Lett ; 106(21): 217003, 2011 May 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21699331


We provide a direct proof of two-electron Andreev transitions in a superconductor-normal-metal tunnel junction by detecting them in a real-time electron counting experiment. Our results are consistent with ballistic Andreev transport with an order of magnitude higher rate than expected for a uniform barrier, suggesting that only part of the interface is effectively contributing to the transport. These findings are quantitatively supported by our direct current measurements in single-electron transistors with similar tunnel barriers.